11.7.88 COMMENT

Work offc~e d in the list Alternatives possible agreeable not agreeable + phctocopief; /~ our side their side

FAUVE~, etc. 2 works Matisse 1. Marguerite Lisanti? 2. Nu Rose 1906 I No t shoY."'Tl Any one to be selected Pastorale Gitane -;? acceptable (St . Tropez)

5 . Le Nu Couche (~:cul pture) f No !. shown acceptable

Braque_ 1 iv ork 6. La Femrnr- Assis E 7. Le Golf de Lecques 8. one 9.

De r a in 1 wo r k

10. Le Vieil Arbre ? f ? not bad 1 1 Le s 3 Personnes Assises sur l'herbe/ not available worth considering (n °2) 12 . Portrait of Matisse 1' Not worthwhile ~ 13 . Vue de Collioure 1905)

Sonia Lelat~nay 1 \'ork. 16. JeLne Finlanda :: se Y.. 1// Agreeable

~ 2 wor ks 17. La Dame en Ros t: f . ? Okay , but a landscape would be a better choice

(can be put in expressionist Worth considering group) 2

~ I

Works 1n t he list Alternatives possible Connnent

our side their side

Vlaminck work

18. Les CoteauY de Rueil Poor photo. Have to see the original 19. House among the trees Les Arbres Rouges 1906 Agreeable Cubists

20. Les Pains 1909 Not agreeable, replace by 1909 painting 21. Nature Morte good ? ') ~ one of these Instrument de Musi~ue/Tete de mort good e· Braque 3 works

23 . Les Usines de Rio Tinto a l'Estaque Not acceptable 24 . Le Viaduc de l'EstLque Agreeable if these three (Leinis Call.) 1908 Compotier, Bouteille et Verre are available - showing (GK Photo) successive stages Fruits sur une nappe et compotier (1912 to 1925) (GK Photo) 1925 Compotier avec Grappe de Raisin et Verre (on display) 1919 Guitare et compotier 1919 (on display) R. Delaunay . hvork

27 . Hommage a B u~riot Agreeable 28 . ~u a la coi:feuse Not shown Leger wor!c

:. Fennne en Bl c~u Agreeable JO. Les Toits de Paris · 31 . Le 14 juillet Acrobats 42 44 Big- good, additionally (Pompidou - store) shown ' • Juan Gris " works •' • . 1-. • Le Livre 1915 or 1918 period are j:) • Ll! Papier a Musique preferable to these Verre et Journal 1916 (store) AM 1984525 very good Le Pe tit Dejeuner 1915 (on display) good

81eizes le t zinger Dr opped rj_ J.J.on

Juchamp Vi 11 on 1 work

J4. :,e Cheva l (Sculpturt!) Agreeable 3

Brancusi 1 'YOrk 35 . The Muse Agreeable

DADA etc. _Arp 1 work 36 . One out of four 37 . would be enough ) ; ' .

Duchamp 2 'YO r ks ·+U . In Advance Jf a Broken Arm Agreeable - add one more Hatrack (on display Bottlerack Picabia 1 ·•vork

~, Vail~ . .. 191 6-1917 One okay but later, more eccentric work of early Chapeau twenties preferable Man Ray 1 + 44-47 . Photographs (small) 48-49 . Rayogrammes All agreeable 50 . Cadeau (Sculpture) l Expressioni ~ m Rouault 3 vorks 50 . L_' Apprenti '}uvrier Agreeable (important) 5 1. Chri s t et P2cheurs (dropped) 52. La Fuite en Egypte 1946 Any three agreeable ~ Christian Nocturne Le Coucher du Soleil

Modigliani · ~ works 54 . La lotte Not agreeable 55 . Portrait de Dedie Agreeab Agreeable 56 . Maternite Not agreeable

57. Le Ga r ~on R.)UX OK but a good Nude From "Nude" series preferable 4

Dufy (Baigneuse en pleine mer on Additional picture display similar to this) Utrillo 1 wurk 58 . Rue d Mont Cenis Agreeable. Any one OK 59 . Eglise de Collioure (or deleted if necessary) 60 . Anvers _SoJ(tJ.ne""' . 2 110rks 6 1. Portr ai t du Scu l pteur (Pompidou) Agreeable 62 . Le Groom (Pumpidou) Agreeable

Chagall 3 uorks e. L I Acroba t e \ Pompidou) 64 . La Gu erre. (Pompidou) All three agreeable 65 . A rna Femme \ Pompidou) Lam de la Ville 43 Worth considering. May not be availabl e. To be lent to Canada . Rep r esen t a t :. on/Clas.c3 icism Laurens 1 work

66 . Ondine (scul pture) Agre~ab le


BONNARD -2 works

67 Reine Natanson et Marthe un corsage Rousge / X not shown

68 Le corsage Rouge (1925) 50x52 N0 . 67 a nd 68 : both are g o od pai nti ~: any one agreab le

69 Nu devant la Glace I Not shown

Coin de Salle a manger au Cannet,1932, (81x90) n o t a c cep t able

71. Interior Blanc (Le Cannet) (2) (Grenoble) - Important t o hav e o~~ of these for the s how 72. Studio with Mimosa (39-46) (3) (Pompidou) 73. Nude in the Bath (31) x (1) (Pompidou) Green Landscape (POmpidou) (Paysage au Remorqueur) 1930 OK e x amination

LEGER (3 works)

74. Le 2 Femmes debout I Not shown e ·s . Le D~jeuner (1921) -82x65) Ag r eeable 76. L'Homme au Chapeau Bleu Not agreeable

77. Lady with a Bouquet 1924 65x80 Agreeable

78. Mari the Acrobat Agreable i f avail ability i s (Leiris coll. )73x92 ensured (of any o ne )

79. The Acrobats 1942-44

79 A Giaconda 8 the key s can be sonsidered

80. La Lecture 1924 (Pompidou) 114x146 Most desirable Page NO.~ WORKS IN THE LIST ALTERNATIVES (~- Our side Their side

MATISSE (3) works Large tapestry at the entrance

81 . L'Odalisque a la culotte Rouge Agreable

82 . La sieste 1922 Not shown/ was lent Pompidou 83. La Danseuse Assise 42 No t agreable

84. Interior with an of fish x Any one of these or a 1914 major painting of the pe riod (from 1914 85. ' Painter and the model x 1917 onwards ) . 86 . A painting from Nice coll. / n o t shown t o be examined

PICASSO (2) or (3) works

87. Femme 1939 Not agreable

88. Tete de Femme 1922 65x54 (classical phase) Ag reable

89. Portrait (Dora Marr) de Femme 1938/98x77 (Pompidou) Available/ Agreable

90. Portrait of a woman No t good other Picassos from the Picasso A major Picasso impor ­ Museum ? tant for t h e show.


KANDINSKY ( 3) works •91. Le No cud Rougue De leted 92. Entassement Regle 38 X No t worth

9 3. Complex it Simp~e De leted 94. Blue du ciel 1940 100x73 (Pompidou) Preferable to others offered 95. .. Vers le Bleue (Post card) Go od Agreable 96. Smal l Red Round Ac ceptable I Tw o of cr: 9'7. L'Elan Tempere 44 Ac ceptable 98 . Accord Reciproque 42 x Ac ceptable (on display) ac ceptable . WORKS IN THE LIST Alternatives PAGE ] II I / ~- Our side their side

KUPKA (1) work

90. Constraste Optiques 25

100. Energique Gothique with cracks Any one of these

101. Le Rocksyncope x

') v~ \ --/ 102. Jazz hot~ x I lxl another one similar (any one) Bocksyncope x Agreeable (any one) ( any one out of thes<.

HERBIN (1) Work

103. Air , Feu 44x Acceptable Physical condition not g ood

CALDER (1) Work

104. Mobile ( (Sculpture) Agreable but a bigger mobile preferable

105. NICOLA de Stael (1) Work Asked for one One of the early 405 . Re sponse posit i ve.To b e seen.

Surealism et.c. - Brauner (1) Work 106. On retrouve Deleted •107. Stable Deleted

108. Conspiration 34 I One of the two agreab le 109. Mediteranean Landsape ~

ERNST .. ,( 2J Wo:r;~s 110. Fleur 28-29 Acceptable if avai l a b le 111. Le F.oret. 31 Not acceptable

112. L'Intarieur d~ 29 (Pompidou) To be seen

'. , -: PAGE 8 WORKS IN THE LIST ALTERNATIVES / / I COMMENT Our side their side

LAM ( 1) \

MASSON ( Wc•rk) 1 116; Chev<'lllX Not acceptable 117. ~a RP. sistance on display Acceptable Sieleine 32 Doubtful but bette: than 116

TANGUY 1 \•!ORK 118. Nid ~' Am)hio~us OFFER WITHDRAWN 119. Le Pi.lais au Rocher de to be decided Penecres 42 Another one from Grenoble ?

GIACOMETTI 2 Works sculptures 120 .. Le Cnuple 26 Not acceptable 121. Femm(; 27 Not acceptable 122. Le Couple 28-29 Not acceptable II 123 . Important for the show, any two of 124. Diego 54 bronze 39X33X19 (Pompidou) or Maeght these stretching Foundation upto 50¥. Standing figure

MIRO 3 Works 125. Peinture ee Acceptable 126. Sans Titre 38 not shown 127. Comp< •Sition 33 128. Peinture 30· La Sieste 25 both these or La Course de Taureaux 45 ( Pompidou) ·_.../" equivalent works P.9


1. DUBUFFET 1 Work 50s wor£h considering

2. MATTA 1 Work any one 3. NICOLAS DE STAEL 1 Work early 40s II .. p .10



1 La Maison au bord de la mer Acceptable

BONNARD 2 L'Indolente Agreeable

CEZANNE 3 Fruits, serviette et boite a lait Another on display at the same period (Pears, pickles,etc) Alternative preferable

DEGAS 4 Danseuse, sculpture Acceptable

5 AnYjbne painting Essential to or a monotype have a painting (one of the dark intings ) of Degas


6 Femme sur la terrasse Acceptable


7 La liseuse Acceptable


8 La Fille du Patron Not represe~tativ e A,., c,..!'U.:i;; .?--Lv ht\,~ MANET {?hJv t v) ~l {b'v, ~ ~d e )~ I$4Lh --" pk vL 9 Chapeau et Guitare 1862 Agreeable


10 La Vallee de la Creuse Not acceptab le

Water lilies Acceptable ," l't· ·· · p .11


.. ' ~ ' ... ' ' ' ... l . - ~ ~ . I \ OUR SIDE THEI R SIDE


11 Coteau de ! ' Hermitage, Pontoisa Ag reeab le t .


12 Portrait de Gauguin Agreeable 13 Vase de Fleprs, Le Pavot rouge Dropped


14 Jeune fille au p~ano 1890 Agreeable

ROUSSEAU 15 Le Navire dans l a Tempete Not acceptable 15 La Carriole du Per e J unier 1888 Agreeable if 17 La noce (family portrait ) o ffered i~ nyone of 18 Portrait of a woma n f ' t hese in this orde r 1895-97


19 La Bariere fleurie, Le Pouldu, 1889 Acceptable


20 La Banlieue Of fer withdrawn

Model from Behind One Seurat essenti a l 24. 5 xl5 . 5 C!.;.J) SIGNAC

21 Le pin parasol aux Caroubi ers Ac ceptab l e

SISLEY 22 L'Inondation a Port-Marly, 1876 Acc eptable

VALLOTON 23 Femme cousant dans un interieur Dropped

24 VAN GOGH (' O n ~ c ~ara ~ t eristi c I p a~n t ~ ng mos t essen­ 25 LAUTREC t ial of t hese a r tist~ L.

26 VUILLARD (Interior / mantlepi ece acceptab l e i f woman wi t h a shawl offer ed ,,