The Woman of and her Social Pursuit in the Amelioration of the Renewal Process

Dilorom B. Bobojonova1 1Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, , Uzbekistan.

Abstract This article is dedicated to the problems of soaring the activity of Uzbek women on the way of scientific development, socio-economic and inner development in Uzbekistan’s renewal processes, as well as in this procedure, the main purpose in this article is to familiarize adolescents with the scientific and ingenious innovations done by women, to urge them acquire knowledge from diligent women’s life and to direct them to deal with socially crucial work.

Key-words: Woman of Uzbekistan, Process of Amelioration, Socio-economic Development, Social Agility, Society, Literature, Art, Potential, Scientific Development, Women, Maturity, Self-Sacrificing, Intelligent Scientist, Scientific and Creative Pursuit.

1. Introduction

In today’s increasingly globalized Uzbekistan, it is becoming usual habit for women to participate in the field of science and education, also in the country’s economic improvement, safety of country, inner and international policy issues, this thing isn’t so surprising among the public. Much attention is given to the formation of their outlook, values and human behavior in our national spirituality. Mainly, the role of women in the development of society, guaranteeing gender equality has taken to the level of Public Policy. In this occasion, the president of the Republic Of Uzbekistan presented the same statement that “At present each woman is not just observer of democratic processes but they are encouraged to be an active and initiative participant in the state policy. Each nation has got its own characteristics in particular social activity, in the formation of its spirituality and also has got an incomparable power. Uzbekistan is a great country with natural

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resources, affluent economic and human potential. Science and development has presented a wide way for the development of our country due to the up to date requirements and it helped to ensure the enrichment of our national and motivational values. At the moment, large development in the country depends on the amount of women who are socially active in our updated globalized world. Respectful President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev sent petition to “” on December 24,2020 and mostly mentioned that” the greatest wealth is intelligence and knowledge, the greatest legacy is good upbringing, the greatest poverty is ignorance! Therefore, all of us should learn up to date knowledge, enlighten and possess a high culture”. Particularly, increasing the social activity of women and girls, who are one of the superior wealth of the people, with great spiritual potential, in the modern development of Uzbekistan is becoming more and more crucial. Undoubtedly, in the great history of Uzbekistan, hundreds of doctors of Sciences and academics who has a high role in field of education, ingenuity and created generation with its leader, sufficient knowledge, educated level, it is worth to be proud of the presence of women and girls who have assisted to the amelioration of Uzbekistan with their innate ability, knowledge who are currently actively taking part in. There is no doubt that Uzbekistan is a rich country in human potential and the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev said “ we realized and appreciate our respected intellectuals, figures of Science and Technology, respected academics, representatives of literature, art, sports, culture. It is universally accepted truth and worth to be proud of the fact that there are hundreds of Uzbek women among them, they play a vital role in ensuring the country’s local improvement due to their loyalty, social pursuit and potential in different fields, the incomparable role of women in the creation of human capital, their contribution to the improvement of science, their role in the preparation. We can’t neglect the fact that it is suitable to present feedback on the vital tasks as a result of recapitulating above-mentioned attributes of Uzbek women and girls.

2. Methods

It is true fact that in an updated Uzbekistan, women are currently actively participating in the field of Science and education and in many other areas. In accordance with the large-scale amendments carried out in free civil society in order to rise their political activity and their status in society, their attendance in the social renewal processes, ensuring the development of Science and technology and innovations for the purposes of strengthening the country’s economy, it is easy and suitable to define the degree of prominence, development and niches of this state depending on the pivotal outcomes and the work carried out, if there is an ambition to protect women from family

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violence. The government officials are paying much attention to increase the social activity of women of Uzbekistan in the development of society and in the reform process, to study the issue of ensuring gender equality. A number of research works have been done in different fields of social sciences related to the efforts of the country's women in the development of science, their activities in social life, these studies are vital in the study of women's issues, in depth analysis of the reasons of the appearance of existing problems, development of a number of proposals. The rights and independence of women and girls of Uzbekistan are reflected in all laws adopted in our state, namely the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Family Code, the Civil Code, the Labor Code, the laws on education, protection of the health of citizens, employment of the population, elections to the Oliy Majlis, elections to regional, district and City Councils of people's. Furthermore, the tasks aimed at eliminating these issued play a pivotal role as a result of paying special attention to the problem of women and girls in these documents. Main directions of the comprehensive improvement of Uzbekistan in the strategy of movement for 2017-2021,decision of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev № PP-4235 of March 7, 2019 "on measures to further rise the guarantees of women's labor rights and support of entrepreneurial pursuits", and additional normative documents related to the field. The distribution of the Uzbek women's labor hired in social production in different fields of the national economy, the role of women and girls in the betterment of science, as well as the social activity in its development are reflected in the research. As well as, in the field of historical science research, problems encompassing women employment, their participation in different spheres, public administration and women's status in the family, gender equality are revealed on the basis of documentary materials. Lots of research works have been done on the role of women in the amendment of society, their socio-political activities, national and international aspects of their gender and reproductive rights, as well as the processes of formation of women as a socio-political force in the conditions of market economy. Multitude of human beings honestly reckon that it is also worth emphasizing that in studies aimed at increasing the social status of women in society and solving their problems, the social activity of women has not been analyzed from the point of view of historicity, only scientific and popular articles dedicated to some aspects of this problem have been published. Finally, taking into account of situation, hundreds of doctors of Sciences and academicians, who have a separate role in the history of each country in the education and developed generation with its unique, deep knowledge, level and ingenuity, and who have an independent worldview, philosophical observation, with their knowledge and ingenuity among thousands of members of science, have served for their country, it is important to realize that the role of women

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and girls is great and incomparable. It is due to the fact that have been given the chances to increase their social activity to show off the desires and talents of women. Actually, active women often achieve success and manifest themselves in different fields of life. Timely resolution of problems have been brought to serious attention in recent years, in order to ease their pain, effective work is being carried out to quickly find their solution in this sphere. The establishment of vocational training centers in different 136 neighborhoods with high unemployment and poverty rate and in other vacant places in the solution of these problems is within the same period of time the provision of "women's book" on targeted work with unemployed, lost breadwinners, single mothers and women with limited chances. The updated views of women are indicating in Uzbekistan, which are being updated today, as an active layer of society, their activity in all spheres of research, medical and educational institutions, industrial enterprises, farmer farms, small business centers, entrepreneurship, sports, their role in the management of the family, as a result of these factors state and society is developing. This is directly policy commenced by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, namely, is the opportunities created for women and girls to ensure their rights and independence for a truly happy life, to achieve growth, to fulfill professional and family engagements in harmony. The president has always stated that not every woman and girl should be an observer of democratic processes, but an active and constant participant, he does not overlook such characteristics as women's wisdom, patience and dedication, gratitude and dedication. Thus, being a suitable generation of our great ancestors, the goal of future development was to create the foundation of the third Renaissance, to achieve it as a strategic task for the Uzbek people and to raise the level of the national idea. In this priority direction, it was stated that making women more educated, more educated woman also would be the most crucial task. It is undeniable to take into account that an enlightened woman is a way of development of society, because exactly she, the nation, will remain, will rear young generation of Uzbekistan form their experience, talent, consciousness, worldview, level of knowledge. In short, the girl who has got a higher education, being educated and having a potential adult, in the future, will pass this on to her children, will approach them with accountability in all fields. American prominent scientist Mariana Kemp, who has been studying the stages of the surroundings and amelioration of Uzbek women from the very beginning to the present day, believes that "for the improvement of the life of women, it is crucial to provide them with excellent knowledge and create an environment for their free activity. Until, permit them to start their own small business, allow them to own their own income, let them speak for their children and for their family. These factors play the role of women in society."

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Public unions encompassing "women of Law", "Science and woman", "women of creativity", "women of initiative", "women and health", "women of Honor" were established in the Republic for the purpose of increasing the level of woman in society. The fact that the" woman of the year"," educated family " competitions are held is a pivotal factor in the material and spiritual stimulation of active women. The address sent by Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the “OLIY MAJLIS” on December 29, 2020 is strategically vital. President described the optimal amendments of Uzbekistan for the foreseeable future. The issues related to the address are incredibly, socio-economically important. Issues including ameliorating the quality of education, ensuring employment, fighting against pandemics, reducing poverty, identifying growth points of regions, combating corruption, establishing the women's Community Council, the word land, the principle of "one court-one instance" are just some components of these standing lists. In addition to this, it is somehow difficult to determine which issue is primary or more important according to the load and health. Because the address of President raised the most right, painful, most current issues related to the future of our country. All these tables are equally relevant to women, who make up almost half of the population of the Uzbekistan. According to the latest information, it cannot be neglected that as a result of the reforms carried out in the field of higher public administration, the number of women has increased even more. A very good example here is that, the restoration of the updated Uzbekistan has brought the process of comprehensive support for women and girls as well as the provision of gender equality policies to a new level. During the past short period, 2 decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2 resolutions, 6 resolutions of the government and 4 decrees were adopted in this regard. While the number of women working in the ministries of the country amounted to 10.5 per cent in 1993, alternatively this figure was 12 per cent in 2005, 15.3 per cent in 2011, it can be seen that the number of women increased from year to year. The Senate of the Oliy Majlis established a committee on women's and gender equality issues. “Laws on protection from harassment and violence” and" guarantees of equal rights and chances for women and men" were adopted by government officials. In the field of the newly established neighborhood and the Ministry of family support, women took the first place in the positions of heads of ministers and regional departments. They were assigned the tasks of soaring the social activity of women and girls in the country, working with their issues, as well as organizing work in state and public organizations. The pattern of female participation in public administration has significantly increased encompassing T. Norboeva-Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, A. Shin-Minister of preschool

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education, Sh. Turdikulova-first place of the minister of innovation development, S. Ortikova-place of the Prosecutor General, G. Rixsieva-rector of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies and professor Ataniyazova is the rector of Karakalpakstan Medical Institute. Furthermore, women were selected to the positions of 6 district governors throughout the Republic. Women accounted for 49 (34.2%) of 143 employees appointed to the positions of the press secretary, equated to the position of the deputy in all state bodies. A surplus range of work is currently being carried out to protect the rights and interests of women, to attain their full participation in the socio-political surroundings of the country, to ensure gender equality and reproductive health. Also, a new field has been created to provide modern housing for women in need of social protection. Because of this system, 1564 women received not only housing, but also jobs. The advantages of women and girls who work with dedication in every field and attain high goals are also preferable. The Legislative Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan held 15 elections in 2014, 17 in the Senate, and more than 23 percent of the deputies of local councils were women, as well as 48 or 32 percent of 150 deputies elected to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis according to the results of 2019 elections which is held through the state. According to the fact that the figure exceeds 25 per cent in the Senate and local councils has indicated for the first time in the history of Uzbekistan that the number of women in the national parliament has reached the level corresponding to the recommendations set by the United Nations which is astonishing. Among the 190 national parliaments in the world in terms of the number of female deputies in the parliament of Uzbekistan rose to 37th place. Notwithstanding, in 2014 year in this regard the indicator was 128-th place. Everyone knows that for the first time in the history of our national parliament, a woman was elected president of the Senate. Up to 2020, about 1380 women work in the field of state organizations in leadership niches, 16 women took the prior award “hero of Uzbekistan”, many of them received the honor of professor Doctor of science, academician, “teacher of the nation”, “poet of the nation”, “artist of the nation”. The number of women in the state leadership positions is soaring including Ministers, Governors, associations, directors of banks and companies, law agencies, responsible tasks within Uzbekistan Armed Forces. 72 percent of women who work in the spheres of sciences, health, culture and art are active. Majority of neighborhood owners and activists are women. Many attempts to guarantee that our spiritual values are flourished with achievements of Science and education have created a wide way for the development of our state with the help of globe standards. If we think about future plans, these assignments depend on the degree of attendance of democratic changes. In addition to this, Shavkat Mirziyoyev stated, “ our prior wealth is gigantic

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spirit and potential of our people” . The academic and scientific eagerness of women plays more crucial role in this process. It is well known fact that it reflected and opened a new approach and opportunities for historical realities, as well as the chance to organize research in every section of Social Sciences, mostly, in order to restore of historical reality in connection with women and girls.

3. Results and Discussions

In the beginning years of independence, much attention has been given to the problem of women of Uzbekistan, namely in state policy reforms, soaring their attendance. By carrying out serious efforts to guarantee for the achievements of Science and Education, the social agility of women and girls of the state has created a wide range of ways for the amelioration with connected to the requirements of the globe. Mostly, severe solutions were proudly taken to create dwelling conditions for women, improve their health, guarantee gender equality and ameliorate of the rights of women in the family. Particularly, the benefits of the laws have become enormous in the activities of Uzbek women’s club on employment, colonization and professional orientation of their niches among family members. Furthermore, various types of decisions are set today, thus the future plans, science and its progress, largely depend on the amount to which scientists take part in, it is not hard to understand. Moreover, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized, “ If we tell about women who have sufficient knowledge and innate ability, leadership capabilities, the Golden fund of our nation, there will be no place. At this time, the role of women serves a more crucial factor in every scientific, social life. Because of the ameliorations, the number of female genders in the field of State management bodies soared. According to given information and statistics, the role of female ministers, heads of departments, assistants consultants accounted for 10.5% in 1993, this trend was 12% in 2005, 15.3% in 2011. The number of women among government officials reached 180 in 1996, 206 in 2000, 227 in 2005 and 310 in 2011. At present, economic amelioration, state security, national and international policy of country, generally, participation of female genders in the development process in the field of Science and education is becoming widespread. It is possible to define the progress and niches of country in question related to attendance of women in the process of state policy reforms, their support from the community. 310 (41.3%) of 750 candidates gave their votes in the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be women on December 22,2019.

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This figure was approximately 10%(31.8%) more than in the state elections held in December 2014, the Oliy Majlis made up 32% of legislative deputies, 25% of Senate members, 31.2% of Deputies of Regional Councils of women deputies. Due to statistics, the Parliament of Uzbekistan accounted for 37th among 190 countries, 57th around 188 states in the globe gender equality index. 210(24.7%) of 849 women were young in the 20 ministries of Uzbekistan according to March 1, 2020. We can see that highest gender equality in in the ministries of water economy (65.2%) and Justice (50%), the lowest figure is in the ministries of economy and art (6.7%) and agriculture (6.9%). According to this regard, we can discern that women as leaders in the project of the National Review increased from 27.7% (2015) to 33% (2019). Taking into account these factors, majority of female siblings, who have a separate role in the great history of our country with their unique leaders have been awarded the highest priority titles, orders and medals of our country, encompassing “the hero of Uzbekistan”, “Peoples teacher of Uzbekistan”, “National poet of Uzbekistan”. More than 500 doctors of Sciences and academicians, thousands of candidates of Sciences with their knowledge and innate ability serve the prosperity and bright future of our motherland. In the 21st century which is an area of science and industry, this problem has currently become widespread, because, separate and enormous alterations have been committed. Due to this fact, we are having such ideas: there is such a premise, which definitely indicates the spiritual reflection of any nation, as well as it is defined by the ideas of community to women. Taking into account all of this, the most prior and beneficial assignment in our today’s life is to make our lives more bright and prosperous, first and foremost, to increase the place and prestige of females in society, social activity, to sufficiently evaluate the work of women on different directions, it is directed to ease the pain of our sisters, who are housewives in. Above-mentioned words are not just dry it is connected not only with spirituality, but also to scientific and practical work. It is well known that the role of scientists who made an enormous contribution to improvement of science, prosperity of our country is incomparable. According to this regard, it is right to remember many women who have inherited a name in the history of country with their innate ability, knowledge, level and have a separate role in the upbringing of a highly educated generation with an independent outlook, philosophical observation. We cannot neglect fact that it is not impossible to present an example of the preference and importance of scientific research carried out by the Subjects Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, professor, winner of the State prize of the Republic of Uzbekistan named after Abu Rayhon Beruni, scientist Rahima Aminova.

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It is universally accepted truth accepted truth that the author of lots of studies on the history of Uzbekistan and Central Asia, a talented and clever, intellectual, unique person who has idled away precious hours of her life productive and meaningful, who familiarizes and recognizes that loyalty, initiative and dedication are the priority of her work process. Everyone knows that she is just a scientist who created her own scientific school in Uzbek historical science. She is so extrovert who published more than 300 titles, of which 15 are major monographic studies, which indicate the wealth of the scientific interest, the versatility of her creative talent. In 1978, Rahima Aminova made a speech on the issue of women and girls of Uzbekistan in English at Congress of sociologists which is held throughout the globe of countries in Upsala, Sweden. That lecture was mostly respected by attendants of the conference and it was also printed in the newspaper which was published in the city of Upsala, it was a great achievement of scientist. In addition to this, Rahima Hodievna actively took part in scientific conferences held in majority of countries with her lectures. It is irrefutable that young generation should enjoy the heritage left by such historian scientists as Roziya Muqminova and Ra’no Rajabova, the people of Science today. Their inherited noble work is great example for each of us. Currently, the most widespread problem was raised: “we must carry out everything to create suitable conditions for 17 million women encompassing mothers, sisters, grandmothers who are living in our motherland”. These great words were told by the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyiyev in the appeal to Oliy Majlis for the purpose of strengthening the role and niche of women in the administration of the state policy. We believe that there are many loyal scientists, the future of our country will be bright and prosperous, and its people will be rich, will dwell in a bright life in order to develop the motherland, science of Uzbekistan, actively take part in the process of ameliorations. If young generation utilize such conditions and forthcoming opportunities in a prosperous way and takes different lessons from the great scholars and mentors who resided in the past, they fully swot up the achievements of World Science and culture, become professional personnel for the bright future and growth of the state. The President also mentioned: “It is crucial for everyone to create a lot of chances for young generation in Uzbekistan to achieve their goals and to provide sufficient support.” We cannot neglect fact that much attention is given to young generation in Uzbekistan and a lot of possibilities which are created for teenagers are being evaluated highly by foreign specialists. It is unforgettable truth that at the moment the new idea of “from the national revival to the national rise” in Uzbekistan, which is enormously entering our lives for the purpose of putting foundation for the third Renaissance period in Uzbekistan, amendments are being carried out in order to have versatile bright future.

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4. Conclusion

Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the last recapitulation that, it is desirable to emphasize the following:

 In summary, it is mostly admitted that in the conditions of civil society in Uzbekistan aims at the fastest amelioration of the economy and creating a suitable lifestyle for citizens of the Republic and also government officials are implementing active investment projects. However, it should be said that the issue of women who work efficiently in all field of our surroundings, make up 49.7% of the population of Uzbekistan, will still stay a problematic issue;  A very good evaluation of the contributions of scientist to the amendments of Science, the development of innovative premises, the development of skills of community with further activity has raised to the level of Public Policy;  It is also mentioned that for the purpose of pursuing the great work commenced in our state and to take it to a new level, President of Republic of Uzbekistan called 2021 “the year of youth support and strengthening of public health”. The President of Uzbekistan is giving much attention to adolescents because they will become a great and powerful force for our bright future.  Young generation is a vital component of society, which plays a crucial role. Therefore, the issue of youth should be the problem of whole society and state  The prime motive why the issue of young generation stands at the center of attention, because, they are future of each country who make up more than half of state population. In addition to this, while teenagers are full of strength, they are more extrovert than any other groups. Therefore, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan mentioned, “The third renaissance in our country is great foundation for bright future. We must create the conditions that will educate the new Khorezmids, Berunids, Ibn Sina, Ulugbek, Navoi, and Babur. This great project serves for the development of education, science and innovation.

In present years, there is no doubt that much care and attention given to women and girls in every field of life by the Government officials are remarkable. Mostly, first and foremost, a woman has economic, political, social as well personal rights and their role in society are equated with the help of current laws. The most important factor worth mentioning is the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, namely, Article 46 of the Constitution states that women and men have got equal

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rights. At this time which is in the process of current political amendments, provided that all people dwelling in our country in harmony, we will achieve many things. But we still have actual problems that are bothering. If you pay attention in each of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s speeches and lectures, it is mainly emphasized that the solutions to hamper these problems is determined by the assignment of different organizations. Thus, there are some complex and responsible assignments such as averting them from the impact of carious destructive currents, issue of woman and girls and their role in society, their earning, the upbringing of children. In our increasingly globalized world, today's times are changing very fast, it is the best way to ameliorate the work of neighborhoods and women who are the main parts of society, relying on them, creating legal guarantees in guaranteeing their wide attendance in representation and other public authorities. There is no doubt that, dedication of our women plays an incredibly important role. The address of the President of Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis mentioned about 2020 was somehow difficult for all nations throughout the globe, the new plans and initiatives implemented in 2021 for the purpose of hampering the issues surrounding us and said “if we aim to totally change Uzbekistan into a developed country, we can achieve this only with intensive ameliorations, knowledge and innovations”.


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