Annual Report




The Essence of Home-Start

Core belief

Home-Start believes that children need a happy and secure childhood and that parents play the key role in giving their children a good start in life and helping them achieve their full potential.

Our mission

Home-Start offers support, friendship and practical help to parents with young children, in local communities.

Home-Start offers a unique service. We recruit and train volunteers who are usually parents themselves to visit families at home who have at least one child under 5 and to offer them informal friendly and confidential support.

To help give children the best possible start in life, Home-Start supports parents as they grow in confidence, strengthen their relationships with their children and widen their links with the local community.

The Home-Start approach

To Home-Start every family is special and we respond to each family’s needs through a combination of home-visiting support and social events.

Home-Start schemes are rooted in the communities they serve. They are managed locally but supported by the national organisation. This offers direction, training, information and guidance to schemes and ensures consistent and quality support for parents and children wherever they are.

Our vision

Home-Start wants to see a society in which every parent has the support they need to give their children the best possible start in life.

Our Management Committee

Home-Start Spelthorne is an independent charity with Trustees being responsible for directing the management and administration of the charity. Trustees have a wide range of roles but are primarily responsible for making the charity effective, providing overall direction and maintaining sound management of funds.

Chairperson - Beth Scott

Vice Chairperson - Jenny Sice

Treasurer - Anne Damerell

Trustees - Carol Folly Vivian Williams Joan Ponton Pat Dowthwaite Sue Price Kevin Bulfin

Health Visitor Representative - Gemma Jackson

Social Care - Emma Derham, Senior Family Support worker North East Intervention Team

Volunteer Representatives - Wendy Webb & Geraldine Guite

Family Representative - Gemma Morgan

Our Staff

Mandy Groves Amanda Salmon Nicky Webster Hazel Want Scheme Manager Senior Co-ordinator Family Support Co-ordinator Administrator

Our Volunteers

Linda D Tracy Janet Di Geraldine

Liz Barbara O Hayley Wendy Denise Margaret

Jane Christine F Jackie Sasha Linda M Lisa T

Lysa Sue L Azah Sam Christine K Fiona

Barbara G Christina Eloho Sally J Sue F Barbara G

Emelia Nicky Nike Vicky Alex Carmel Caroline

Gillian Maria Pearl Ros Vilma Rebecca Jayne

Geeta Nikki Isobel Di S Janet S Lin Lisa L

Min Sam E Sue L Trina

Total of 54 Home-visiting Volunteers

We wish to express our warmest thanks and appreciation for everything our volunteers have done to support families in Spelthorne during this year.

Welcome and Goodbye


Jayne Geeta Nikki Rebecca Vilma Ros Trina Sam Sue Lisa Janet Lin Min, Di & Isobel (not in photo)

Goodbye & Thank you

Nicky Christine Azah Lysa Emelia Christina Jane Sally Sue Sasha

Chairperson’s report

It was a shock when Mandy announced that she and husband Dave were moving to Devon. Mandy represents all that is best in Home Start Spelthorne: caring, calm, kind, well organized, approachable, loving, wise. So, we were delighted she accepted trustee Kevin’s suggestion that she should become our Strategic and Development Manager, working from Devon, two days a week. Amanda has kindly agreed to become our Family Support Manager and will be responsible for the smooth daily running of the scheme in Spelthorne. We are now seeking a new Family Support Co-ordinator to work along side Nicky. Hazel continues as administrator, always ready to answer the phone, sort out statistics. The new regime started in June 2017.

So, to pastures new. Let us hope we can expand the much needed work of Home Start. Trustee Sue and husband Mick provided a new idea for fund raising. They held a very successful barbeque at their home despite the rain! Are there any other new ideas out there?

Our local profile continues to rise. Grateful thanks to Cllr Alfred Friday and his wife Kay for choosing us as one of the Mayor’s charities. Thanks to Cllr Vivienne Leighton, our current mayor, for inviting us on the Gloriana on Spelthorne River Day. Beth Scott

Scheme Manager’s report

“Volunteers are ordinary people with extraordinary hearts”

2016-2017 saw Home-Start Spelthorne complete its 20th year supporting families in our community. We started the year with a celebration of the work we have done over 20 years and with the fantastic news that the Mayor Cllr. Alfred Friday and the Mayoress Mrs Kaye Friday had chosen Home-Start Spelthorne as one of their charities they would be supporting throughout their mayoral year.

During the year we have supported 191 children and their families. Each year we continue to demonstrate the vital role we play in our community and the remarkable impact our support has on children and their families. You can see this from the positive feedback we receive (at the back of this report) how highly valued Home-Start is. All this would not have been possible without our wonderful team of Volunteers, staff and trustees, who I would like to thank for their continuing energies and support. They are after all our blood line and without them the work we do simply would not happen. Our Volunteers are ordinary people with extraordinary hearts.

Something we hold very close is quality and this year we received our Quality Assurance review from Home-Start UK, the scheme was delighted to obtain 97% at its initial review and with a couple of small amendments 100% at the final review.

Every year we make new friends, this year is no exception. Katie Sumner and her friends have been amazing, donating Christmas presents and Easter eggs for all our families, they have brightened up a lot of lives and made stressful times much easier for a lot families.

This year also saw with sadness the closure of our Toy Library and the retirement of Isobel Parr our Toy Library Manager. On behalf of Home-Start and members of the Toy Library I would like to thank Isobel. Anthea, Sue and Danni for all their support, care and friendliness to families in Spelthorne especially in . I know it/they will be missed.

Early Help is everyone’s responsibility, it requires everyone to work together to improve outcomes for children, strengthening the family. We cannot always build the future for our children, but we can build our children for the future, by giving them the possible start in life. This is what Home- Start strives to do. Mandy Groves

Treasurer’s report

It is my pleasure as ever to record our thanks to a long list of organisations and people who have enabled Home-Start Spelthorne to go on supporting children and families in Spelthorne. Our principal funders are Surrey Children’s Service, Spelthorne Borough Council, and North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group, and it is gratifying to feel that we are recognised by all three local powers, county, borough, and health.

Last year we had only begun to spend our grant from Children in Need, so £7K of it remained at year- end. Expenditure is now in line with the expected amounts, as you can see in the first column. The Community Foundation for Surrey gave us £5K in February 17 from their Parkes Fund, and the second column shows that one month’s instalment was spent in 16-17.

We are very grateful for donations from Parish Charity, Bretts Ltd, Resolution (the Surrey association of matrimonial lawyers), Southern Co-op, Shepperton Rotary Aurora, St Mary Magdalene Church, Sunbury Village WI, and from many individuals including our trustees Kevin Bulfin and Jenny Sice, and former trustee Neal Adolphus – see the complete list on the inside back cover. We also benefited from a marvellous offer made by the Four Acres Trust to high-performing Home- Start schemes (that’s us!) to double all qualifying donations received from October 16 to January 17. In addition our friends at Sunbury & Shepperton Rotary Club funded a party for children and families, and they and Staines Rotary Club both allowed us slots in their Christmas collecting.

On behalf of all the Home-Start staff, volunteers and families I would like to thank all our donors, and our active fundraising committee who organise such a variety of events, and all those who have held events, sold items, walked, helped at the summer fairs, filled loose change boxes, made cakes and given their time in so many ways.

Expenditure on salaries has risen, of course, with our new BBC CiN funded co-ordinator, but other costs have been well contained, and the generosity of donors and the energy of fundraisers have made up the shortfall despite the reduction in income from SCC.

Financial and other risks are reviewed regularly, and procedures agreed to manage them. We have complied with our reserves policy, which states that at least three months costs will be held in reserve for unpredicted expenses or opportunities, or in the worst case to fund closure. The charity has no debts secured by charges on its assets, and has given no guarantees leading to potential liabilities.

The SCC contract with Home-Start in Surrey is now confirmed until April 19, though Spelthorne’s share of it may vary. We began 17-18 with an amazing donation of over £6K from the Mayor’s Fund, including £1K match funding from Barclays. This will appear in the 17-18 accounts.

Home-Start Spelthorne has an excellent team of dedicated staff and volunteers, backed by a strong management committee. My thanks go to all of them and to our helpful auditor David Thomas.

Anne Damerell


Accounts for the year ending 31 March 2017

CiN CFS Unrestricted Total 15-16 Receipts SCC and CCG 41,000 41,000 44,356 Spelthorne BC 15,000 15,000 15,000 Com Found Surrey 5,000 5,000 3,900 SCC&SBC councillors 8,140 BBC Children in Need 6,831 6,831 8,349 Shepperton Charity 1,500 1,500 Donations 7,943 7,943 4,060 Fundraising 12,194 12,194 6,748 Bank interest 14 14 15 Total 6,831 5,000 77,651 89,482 90,568

Payments Salaries 13,085 404 61,593 75,082 67,496 Rent 2,289 2,289 2,970 Home-Start UK fee 1,630 1,630 1,441 Travel expenses 929 8 3,193 4,130 3,688 Stationery & post 4 2,563 2,567 3,450 Insurance 738 738 741 Training & support 425 1,050 1,475 1,627 Phones & IT 1,286 1,286 1,250 Equipment 133 133 3,931 Electricity 456 Advertising 235 Legal fees 240 Sundries 521 521 266 Total 14,439 416 74,996 89,851 87,791

Surplus/(deficit) (369) 2,777

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

Cash funds on 31 March 17: £44,930 after decrease of £369

Assets subject to depreciation : office equipment £1,055 after depreciation of £1,516.

Liabilities: electricity bill to come, expected to be about £500

Home-Start Spelthorne is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with a constitution as governing document. Trustees are appointed by the management committee. No remuneration has been paid to trustees. The trustees have considered the Charity Commission’s guidance on public benefit, and noted that any family in Spelthorne with a child under five is eligible to receive support from the scheme.

Annual Statistics 2016 - 2017

Total number of referrals received - 79 Who referred? 5 4 Health Visitor/Other health

Social Care & Early Help 12 Childrens' Centres 42 Self

Education/Early Support Team 10 Other


Distribution of referrals within the 12 20 Ashford

Shepperton 11 Staines/


15 Sunbury/Upper Haliford


Reasons why families were referred Managing Children's Behaviour 15 30 Being involved in children's development 20 Parents' physical health 14 20 Parents' mental health Feeling Isolated 19 Parents' self esteem

32 Childs physical health

Childs mental health 31 13 Managing household budget Day-to-day running the house 8 8 Stress caused by conflict 35 Multiple birth/children under 5 years 30 Use of services How we supported families


Home-visiting support

Occasional support

We supported a total of 77 families 62 a total of 191 children

Supporting Families

This year we supported 77 families, 191 children through home-visiting & occasional support. We also offered families in Spelthorne Fun days, Children’s Parties, Easter Hampers/Eggs, Christmas presents (our thanks go to the Rotary Club of Shepperton & Sunbury, the Staines Society of Model Engineers, Ashford Rotary, Eagle Radio & Katie Sumner and Friends) We also managed the Spelthorne Toy Library

Home-Start has made a huge difference to our whole family, as it has enabled me to spend quality time with my children and an opportunity to talk to someone about the ups and downs of parenting. Our volunteer was absolutely fantastic in the help and support she gave our family

Having Home-Start has helped make my life so much easier and has taken away so many pressures, they helped me recover from an operation, someone to talk to, to share my problems with, this has so helped with my mental health. I have now stopped taking any medication. I can’t fault the support I have received. Thank you

Our volunteer has been our rock our best friend, she has helped every step of the way when I was expecting my fourth child. She was such a big part of our family

We are so grateful for all your support and not sure how we’d have got through the last year without our volunteer. Thank you so much for the incredibly generous gifts we received for Christmas, which were so perfectly chosen.

We were so grateful for the lovely volunteer who made such a difference to us this year, she was so helpful and friendly, she helped with appointments and to plan daily duties. She also gave me advice and strategies on dealing with my children. My son had special needs and my volunteer had a lot of knowledge that helped me get through

Home-Start is such a valuable service, it provided our family with an amazing volunteer visitor, who was a supportive friend, always ready to visit and care. She was also at hand to help with the numerous GP/hospital/hydro therapy appointments.

The help and support my family received has been amazing, I don’t know how I would have got through some of the tough times, the support offered from Home-Start always meant I had somewhere to turn. From the bottom of my heart a big THANK YOU

The weekly visits by my volunteer made me keep going when I was struggling, she treated me with respect and listened to me even when I was in such a low place.

Thank you for listening to me and understanding our family needs. I was matched with the perfect volunteer. I now enjoy time with my children and we have an open and caring relationship. I’m also off my meds and feeling so much better. An amazing organisation which I could not have done without.

Friends and supporters

Surrey County Council Children’s Services Spelthorne Borough Council North West Surrey CCG BBC Children in Need Community Foundation for Surrey - Parkes Fund Shepperton Parish Charity Neal Adolphus St Nicholas Church Shepperton Kevin Bulfin Cllr. Doran Anne Bulfin Southern Co-op Chris Fairhurst Four Acres Trust Catherine and Richard Black Bretts Ltd Brian & Margaret Hewes Resolution Liz Jones Rotary Club of Shepperton & Sunbury Vanessa Haughey-Rawlinson Shepperton Rotary Aurora Anna Cosgrove & BS11 Rotary Club of Ashford Samantha Ford St Michael’s Roman Catholic Primary School David Groves Rotary Club of Staines Gareth Williams St Mary Magdalene Church Diyanne Harding St Mary’s Church Staines & Charles Salkield Stuart Scott Sunbury Village WI Stephen Crooks Staines Society of Model Engineers Isobel Parr Brooklands Radio Susie Evans Red Lion - Thorpe Pat Fitzgerald Waitrose Alice Clay My Local Staines Jill Cox Eagle Radio Jenny Sice Hughmark Markets (Kempton Park) Sue Scott Notcutts Mrs Grieves Rosie Horide & Sunbury Cricket Club Margaret Seager Robert & Co Florists Lesley & Paul Underwood The Entertainer Staines Zahra Chisholm Nando’s Staines Pauline Newman Boots Ashford Brian Bulfin Chennestone School Sunbury Ethel Cox Linda Dagde & QMC Limited Pat Dowthwaite Fairfax Hair Salon Clare Forshaw The Group - The Encounter Di & Terry Lewis Eloho/Geoffrey/Beatrice/Jane/ Judy Mansbridge Afia/Megan/Shola Kate Allen

The Mayor and Mayoress of Spelthorne Cllr Alfred Friday & Mrs Kaye Friday

Thank you to all our volunteers who donated their expenses Home-Start UK, all our referrers

Thanks to all our guest speakers who gave their time freely and supported our preparation and training of our volunteers and To the many people who have given us their support this year

How you can help Home-Start Spelthorne

By becoming a Home-visiting volunteer

By joining our Management Committee

By joining our Friends of Home-Start Spelthorne

By making a donation

By helping to organise a fundraising event

By encouraging your Business/Company/School to nominate Home- Start as their Charity of the year

Home-Start Spelthorne The Resource Centre Staines Park Commercial Road Staines upon Thames TW18 2QW Telephone No. 01784 463200 E-mail: [email protected]

Reg. Charity No. 1160026