Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 107 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2001 No. 124 Senate The Senate met at 9 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF ACTING ask everyone’s cooperation, which we called to order by the Honorable JACK PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE usually get. REED, a Senator from the State of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f Rhode Island. clerk will please read a communication RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME to the Senate from the President pro PRAYER tempore (Mr. BYRD.) The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The legislative clerk read the fol- pore. Under the previous order, the The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John leadership time is reserved. Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: lowing letter: U.S. SENATE, f Sovereign of our beloved Nation, we PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, want to express our profound gratitude Washington, DC, September 21, 2001. EXECUTIVE SESSION for citizenship in the United States of To the Senate: America. Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, After September 11 we no longer take of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby NOMINATION OF SHARON PROST, appoint the Honorable JACK REED, a Senator OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, for granted the privileges of being citi- from the State of Rhode Island, to perform zens of this land You have blessed so TO BE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT the duties of the Chair. JUDGE FOR THE FEDERAL CIR- bountifully through the years. Now we ROBERT C. BYRD, gratefully think about our freedoms of President pro tempore. CUIT worship, speech, assembly, and the lib- Mr. REED thereupon assumed the erty to vote. Today, we praise You for chair as Acting President pro tempore. our representative democracy. Thank NOMINATION OF REGGIE B. WAL- f You for the privilege of serving in gov- TON, OF THE DISTRICT OF CO- ernment. Help the Senators and all of RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING LUMBIA, TO BE UNITED STATES us who labor with and for them to work MAJORITY LEADER DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE DIS- TRICT OF COLUMBIA today with a renewed sense of awe and The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- wonder that You have chosen them and pore. The acting majority leader is rec- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- us to be part of the political process to ognized. pore. Under the previous order, the continue to make this good Nation f Senate will now go into executive ses- great. sion to consider en bloc Executive Cal- SCHEDULE Thank You for the renewed spirit of endar Orders 360 and 361, which the patriotism sweeping across our land. Mr. REID. Mr. President, the major- clerk will report. Help the children to learn that an im- ity leader has asked me to remind ev- The legislative clerk read the nomi- portant aspect of love for You is loy- eryone we are going to have a vote at nations of Sharon Prost, of the District alty to our country. We dedicate our- approximately 9:25 this morning. of Columbia, to be United States Cir- selves to overcome terrorism and to as- There will now be 20 minutes of con- cuit Judge for the Federal Circuit, and sure opportunity and justice for all current debate on the nomination of Reggie B. Walton, of the District of Co- Americans and the world. So, today, as Sharon Prost to be United States Cir- lumbia, to be United States District we pledge allegiance to our Flag, our cuit Judge and Reggie Walton to be Judge for the District of Columbia. hearts express joy: This is our own, our United States District Judge. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- native land and You are our Lord and Following these votes, the Senate pore. Under the previous order, there Saviour. Amen. will stand in recess subject to the call will be a total of 20 minutes for debate of the Chair, as both parties are having on the two nominations, with the time f conferences. to be equally divided between the This is an extremely important day chairman and the ranking member. for us. We have the Defense Appropria- The Senator from Utah. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tions Committee bill which we believe Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, let me The Honorable JACK REED led the will be brought up and also some legis- first thank the distinguished majority Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: lation dealing with the airlines. leader, Senator DASCHLE, and my dear I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the So there will be rollcall votes today. friend the chairman of the Judiciary United States of America, and to the Repub- There will be rollcall votes on Monday, Committee, Senator LEAHY, for their lic for which it stands, one nation under God, earlier than usual—sometime probably support and efforts in moving this indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. midmorning or early afternoon. So we nomination and scheduling this vote ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S9561 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:44 Dec 20, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA425\1997-2008-FILES-4-SS-PROJECT\2001-SENATE-REC-FILES\RECFILES-NEW\S mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9562 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 21, 2001 today. The nominees before us are both direct relationship to the interest citi- a district court judge for the District great people, but I am going to first zens themselves display in the affairs of Columbia. Judge Walton is an excel- chat about the nominee Sharon Prost. of state.’’ Sharon has proved herself to lent nominee for this position who She is no ordinary nominee. She is an be a valuable asset to our Nation, hav- brings a wealth of talent and experi- extraordinary woman of integrity and ing devoted much of her life to public ence to the job. intellect who is the nominee to be an service. Judge Walton began his legal career appellate judge on the U.S. Court of I know that Sharon holds the other as a staff attorney in the Defender As- Appeals for the Federal Circuit. She Members of this body in the highest re- sociation of Philadelphia from 1974 to also happens to serve as the Republican gard, and that those who have worked 1976. There he served as defense counsel Chief Counsel to the Senate Judiciary with her have the utmost respect for for indigent criminal defendants. Next Committee, my chief counsel, Sharon her as well—a fact reflected by the he became an assistant U.S. attorney Prost. standing ovation that the Judiciary for the District of Columbia from 1976 Many of us who have worked with Committee members gave Sharon when to 1981, and he served as the executive Sharon either on the Judiciary or the they unanimously approved her nomi- assistant U.S. attorney for that office Labor Committees know her well. nation to be sent to the full Senate. from 1980 to 1981. Sharon grew up in an Orthodox Jewish Sharon has been the primary counsel In 1981, President Ronald Reagan ap- home, where the values of faith, fam- working for me on a number of bipar- pointed Judge Walton to the Superior ily, and country were instilled in her. tisan initiatives, including the Vio- Court of the District of Columbia. He Simply put, Sharon embodies the lence Against Women Act with Senator served as the deputy presiding judge of American dream. Her parents were con- BIDEN and his staff, as well as the reli- the Superior Court’s Criminal Division centration camp survivors who arrived gious liberty bill that was passed last from 1986 to 1989. In 1989, Judge Walton in this country from Poland in 1948. year. And Sharon has worked closely was appointed by President George The pursuit of their own educations with Senator KENNEDY’s staff over the H.W. Bush as the Associate Director of was derailed by the war, but they none- years on Labor Committee and immi- the Office of National Drug Control theless emphasized to Sharon the im- gration issues. Policy, Executive Office of the Presi- portance of education and hard work in I would be remiss in talking about dent. Judge Walton served in this posi- achieving success—advice Sharon has Sharon Prost and her many accom- tion until 1991, when he was named by followed throughout her life. And, as plishments without mentioning the President Bush as the Senior White Sharon noted at her hearing, her par- role she considers most important of House Advisor for Crime. Judge Walton ents instilled in her the love of commu- all: that of being the mother of her ter- was reappointed to the Superior Court nity, love of family, and love of God. bench by President Bush in 1991. Judge Tragically, Sharon’s father died when rific sons, Matthew and Jeffrey. She is Walton served as the presiding judge of she was only 13 years old. Upon his one of the most noble and fine people I the Superior Court’s Domestic Vio- death, she had to support herself, and have ever known. lence Unit in 2000. Since January 1, worked her way through high school Let me close by noting that Sharon 2001, Judge Walton has served as the and college. But despite the obstacles is not only an able counsel and wonder- presiding judge of the Superior Court’s life placed before her, Sharon per- ful mother, but she is a person with a severed.