Motorists Cautioned Against Panic As Gas Supplies Expected to Return Soon by ALLEN MINCEY Ing for a Safe Restart of That Line
T U E S D A Y 162nd YEAR • No. 123 SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 CLEVELAND, TN 16 PAGES • 50¢ Motorists cautioned against panic as gas supplies expected to return soon By ALLEN MINCEY ing for a safe restart of that line. Based on Banner Staff Writer operational progress made to date and the See AP story anticipated schedule of work ahead, Colonial Gas prices have risen in the Cleveland and Pipeline now projects a Line 1 restart ... Bradley County area by as much as 10 cents on Page 3 Wednesday, Sept. 21.” or more, following a recent pipeline leak in Still, this morning before the most recent central Alabama, and some stations have normal soon. announcement from the company, motorists closed their pumps because they do not have “Construction, fabrication and positioning were wary of not having adequate gas sup- gasoline to sell. of the bypass segment around the leak site is plies. The company — Colonial Pipeline — is complete. Colonial is in the process of execut- “I just felt like I needed to fill up when I attempting to make repairs on the pipeline at ing a hydrostatic test of the segment, which is could,” said one driver who was pumping the site of the leak, but until then, motorists approximately 500 feet in length, to ensure gasoline into his vehicle at the Speedway on are dealing with higher prices and lower its structural integrity,” read the release from 25th Street this morning. In fact, the busi- availability. Colonial Pipeline. “Upon successful comple- ness’ multiple gasoline pumps were all taken Banner photo, ALLEN MINCEY This morning, the company said that the tion of the hydrostatic test, Colonial Pipeline by motorists around 7 a.m., with some in CLEVELAND MOTORISTS noticed bags on some of the gasoline bypass of the pipeline leak is complete, will begin the process of tying the bypass seg- pumps they would normally use, including these pumps at a local BP and gasoline operations should be back to ment into the main line (Line 1) and prepar- See GAS, Page 4 station/convenience store.
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