rattlesnake root Nabalus racemosa Kingdom: Plantae FEATURES Division: Magnoliophyta Rattlesnake root is a perennial herb. Its leaves are Class: Magnoliopsida arranged alternately along the stem. Each leaf is Order: simple, entire and oblong in shape. The upper leaves clasp the stem, while the lower leaves are stalked. Family: The pink, red or violet flowers are clustered, with STATUS nine to 16 flowers per head. The one-seeded fruit is dry and hard. Rattlesnake root may attain a height of common, native two to six feet.

BEHAVIORS Rattlesnake root may be found statewide in Illinois. It grows in moist prairies, wet meadows and old fields. Flowers are produced from August through September. This is pollinated by insects.


© Chris Young, SJ-R

© Illinois Department of Natural Resources. 2021. Biodiversity of Illinois. Unless otherwise noted, photos and images © Illinois Department of Natural Resources. flowers

© Illinois Department of Natural Resources. 2021. Biodiversity of Illinois. Unless otherwise noted, photos and images © Illinois Department of Natural Resources. leaves and stem

© Illinois Department of Natural Resources. 2021. Biodiversity of Illinois. Unless otherwise noted, photos and images © Illinois Department of Natural Resources. flowers

© Illinois Department of Natural Resources. 2021. Biodiversity of Illinois. Unless otherwise noted, photos and images © Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Aquatic Habitats wet prairies and fens

Woodland Habitats none

Prairie and Edge Habitats black soil prairie; edge

© Illinois Department of Natural Resources. 2021. Biodiversity of Illinois. Unless otherwise noted, photos and images © Illinois Department of Natural Resources.