Sermons of a Buddhist Abbot Soyen Shaku without permission. For more information ortovolunteer, permission. Formoreinformation without visit distributed,ormodified andmaybereproduced, is inthepublicdomain This recording LA of Congress.CDcoverdesignby Library Walden. “ACover image: collectionof Shore,”Matsumoto print(woodcut), Fairy MoonandaLonely Totaltime:5:11:58 running csheeler, Gavula.William and inLibriVoxEnglish by Read volunteers sidhu177)(Summary by referenceLeo aby were asbook used this Tolstoyworks. inof onehis of Somethe in essays experiencing . the onjourney started of get you basic help principles can to that explain the tries book but Dharmathis Bodhi tosecond patriarch said Zen"the be isnot can the that explained Zen "The forworkisnicknamed"Zeniswhywhichthisas Audience, Americans." the weregiven that to werelecturesbook insectionsthis the American Buddhist Zen a of most inand 1905-6 United who States Abbottoured the wisdom listen to of isyour the here chance to then the haveopportunity not did youanything and regarding wantedto Zen youknow If Zen. No! of the meditating, it's science of it's thesitting, science No! it's Look! Translated Suzukuby Daisetz SermonsBuddhista of Abbot,Soyenby Shaku : : Jendia, Mike Pelton, Jacki Horn, Mike Jacki Pelton, Jendia,

u k a h S n e y o S t o b b A t s i h d d u B a f o s n o m r e S Sermons of a Buddhist Abbot, by Soyen Shaku Translated by Daisetz Suzuku

Look! it's the science of sitting, No! it's the science of meditating, No! it's Zen. If you wanted to know anything regarding Zen Buddhism and you did not have the opportunity then here is your chance to listen to the wisdom of a Zen Buddhist Abbot who toured the in 1905-6 and most of the sections in this book were lectures that were given to the American Audience, which is why this work is nicknamed as "Zen for Americans."

"The Zen that can be explained is not the Zen" said the second patriarch to Bodhi Dharma but this book tries to explain the basic principles that can help you get started on the journey of experiencing Zen. Some of the essays in this book were used as a reference by in one of his works. (Summary by sidhu177)

Read in English by LibriVox volunteers: Jendia, Mike Pelton, Jacki Horn, csheeler, and William Gavula. Total running time: 5:11:58

Cover image: “A Fairy Moon and a Lonely Shore,” Matsumoto print (woodcut), collection of Library of Congress. CD cover design by LA Walden. This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit