(f(i> erniiieiH of [lulin Dcimfiinenl of EdiiiHliuii


nii7i SARVA SIKSHA ABHtYAN ORISSA PRIMARY EDUCATION PROGRRAME AUTHORITY IMI^AHY » UUCyrJittlAIKWI wen 1 »stitu»e of liducttkJOr ui /Vdmiuiitration. ^ i Auro^in^o Mit|» tJOC. No-...... •'’TiT'TT-'T'^D ^ . ------J-J— »-L' CONTENT


Chapter-1 District Profile 1-8

Chapter-II District Educational Profile 9-32

Chapfei-Iir Planning Process 33-3‘)

(hapJer-IV^ Problems & Issues 40-49

Chaptei-V Objectives & Tarj^ets 50-68

C'hapter-V'I Scheduling of Physical Targets to be achieved

( hapter-VU Year wise costing for physical Targets

Chapter-VIII Summery Table CHAPTER - I



HalasoR is a magnificent costal (iislnct in the north end oi Orissa It is a ren(m'iiecl district famous tor its ancient glory and pioneer in the field of art and culture, education and literature,

Ihr name Ralasore deriveii Irom ancient people. Some people opine that the place was named after “ Fiali Sahai” The Rntish took over its adminislration during first part of eighteenth ( 'entury I he Britishers used as the gate way of Orissa through Pipili port on the Hay of Bengal during seventeenth Century AD.

Mislory and Geography of Balasore district have made it unicjuc from ancient to modern age- I he district stands on 21 degrees East - 22 degrees East longitude and 87 degrees North - 88 degrees Noith latitude covering 1806 square KM area The district touches in North, Mayurbhanj and Keonjhar in the west, in the South and in the east

Baleshwar (ORISSA)


Rml—hwmr ^

M «p no» to ao»t»

------Olstflc< llownfla l«r • Taluk Haadquariar O Tow n Cqpyrlgtit (C) Maplanca IntMa LlmHacl 2001

Ceographical Features: - Geography of Balasore district has made it beautiful outstanding & enchanting. I'he east side of the district is enriched with a long sea coast which extends Irom Dhamara to Rivers like Suvarnaekha, liudha Balanga & Kans Bans eti flow througl) the district to liay of Bengal Most part of the district are plane land while some hilly areas are f

Forest; - The district has total forest area covering 107 79 Sq. Km. Major forest areas are Nihgiri, Oupada & Kiipan Sal Piasal are the major forest trees. 'I'he forests are adorned with therr llora A fauna. Minerals: - Source of minerals of tb(* district includes granite stone of Niligiri & laterife stone of Kiipari.

AgricuKurc: - Above 80% of people of the District depend upon agriculture. T he major agriculUiral products are rice, beetle & fisli. So the district in famous for “Dhana”, “Pana’ & “Mina” Other agricultural products arecocoanut, cashew nut, groundnut, mat, vegetable & prawn etc.

Industry: - The district is enriched with a number of industries Birla Tyres, Indane gas, Ispat Alloys, Polar Latex, Oriplast, Oncapetc. are the major industries. Coir, Mat, Snail, Sericulture etc. are among the cottage industries.

Transport & Cuminunications: - NM 5 passes across the district. The railways (S.l' ) link from Howrah to Chennai also passes through the district. Most of the villages, OP headquarters & towns are linked with (iP, Ri:) & PWE) roads respectively still a number of villages are yet to be linked with rural connectivity. Most of the villages have telecommunication facility. Another NM passes from Balasore to Kharagpur through . R ainfall & Climate: - Heavy rainfall is marked in the district from the month ol Junt' to September. 1 Ota! rainfall through out the year amounts to 2,232.3 nun (as per 1997 report). Maximum temperature in the month of May goes up to 43,1 degree C minimum marked in the month ot January i.e. 10 6 degree C (as per 1997 report)

Language: - Onya is major spoken language in the district. & Bengali are also spoken b> Muslims & Bengalies. Santali is spoken by the tribals of Niligiri, Oupada & Kupari region.

l oiirist spots: C h an d ip iir sea shore near Balasore and (Idaypur sea shore near Digha attracts thousands tourists from dif feretit parts of die country

Bliiisandeswar the greatest Siva Linga of 13’ high and 37’ circumference undei f^hograi Block ama/es the visitors.

Chandanesvvar the lamous Siva temple attracts thousands of devotees during C luidak Mela m the month ol'April every year

K liira ( ’hora Gopinath - At where l.ord Krishna had stolen milk (Khira for his devoteedevotee). The legend says thus attracts the visitors from all parts of 1 his Narasmgha Dev, King ofOrissa who defeated fughril Khan of Bengal in 1245 AD in the battle ol Katasiii, has built the temple as the symbol ol victory

I’anchalingasw ar Under Niligiri Block, a visiting spot where five Siva I ingas are under stream water flowing friHii the forest. Legend says it was (he southern most gate cd king .larasandha, the famous king of Magadha & the father in law of Kansa where Siva stood as watchman at the gale.

A nihika Tenipit* of K upari is famous for goddess Duiga Interim Test Ron^e at Chandipur has occupied an important place m International defense field. Missiles like Agni, Prithi A Nag were tested successfully which brings glory to our national defense. I rvKiJiiooi)- About 80% people ol the district live on agiiculture l ishing in the sea is also another means ot livelihood Cottage indiistiies help a lot to the peojile of this distiict 1 he people of each of family Makidia, a village under Jaleswar W(»ck make beautiful “Mathas” and sell il in National markets Sizable number of people work at biick factont's on the bank of river Subanarekha, Hudhabalanga and in the area of Amaida, I axmannaoth and Remuna Jfe Ralasote Ikeaking ol slone is a way of livelihood for peoj)le of Niligiri Kl< LFGION: - Hindus, Muslims and (''hristians live side by side m this district. ‘H)% of population belongs to Hinduism Muslims live in some patches of the district, I hiislians are in notable number i.e. urban areas oflialasore. “Satyapira” the (lod of Muslims is also worshiped by Hindus.

rF S T IV A l S: - Dasahara, Dipwali, Makar Sankranti Sivarairi, Holi, Chandan latra, Haja Sankranti, Muharrum, ID and X-Mas are observed with much pmiip & ceremony. V I rTEIMniRE; - 1 he district is pioneer m the field of lilerature, arl and culture Dinakrushna, bakirrmohan, Hadhanath are laurels of the soil who contributed a lot to the Oriya literature bakinnohan is the father of Oriya short story writings. He made tlie Oriya language alive by his writings Sri Manoj Das, Sri Hra)a Rath and Jadiinath Das Mohapaira arc also notable writers while Baghajatm is remembered is noted freedom fighter. Nanda Kishore 1 >as, the dr.st speaker of Onssa Assembly was from this district

I)emogrn|)!iy: - The ilistrict is thickly poj)ulated The comparative figures of total population, SC & SI population by sex and then percentage to total population of the district from l ‘>8l to 2001 census an stated below^ in table 1.1. Total ISo of popiilafion inciiniiiig S(’ & ST according to l‘>81 - census, 1991 - census and 2001- census Table 1.1 c/: C/)3 C 0> All Communities Scheduled caste Scheduled Tribe O

CO t/3 c/l cn 00 jy ■t5 a _0J Id cd 2 o o 5 o 2 O o o B 'k3 £ cd 6 (U ■,o o

r-- (N oo o> -r ON r o r- rn n r o P: oo ON r-l r- oo rO ON o r" (X> o oo O NO sO in O' r o Os os o NO O-N r-j ~T r^t o On NO r 1 oo OC' r NO in

'■n oo r-i r J sO sO O'. »n OO ‘/ 'I rN o sO O'- oo O 'T in ■o Os o oo to O 'T a- NO C'l o sO sO C'J oo '■t >n r~ oo oo oo m o ’ ON 0-- 1 oo *n

VO oo in ro oo r CNl 'O NO o ON NO o ■ oo- rn O , ON . ON' rO ■ a^ •n •n oo ro rf -JD S oo s ri r<~i n o^. (N NO -o o o o oo od O o IT) o r j rs| ON n ON (-N| >ri >ri Sources: Dist statistical Handboo : - 1997 an( census-2001 Literacy: -

Literacy rate in the district is 70 94%, It differs from Block to Block and in urban areas it is comparatively higher. In tribal areas of Niiigirir, Oupada and Basta the edn of the people is under developed llie minority inhabited village of Bhograi, Basta, laleswar, Balasore & Soro literacy rate is very low. However to make the people literate in the age group 15-^5 Total Lite racy Cnipaign was launched in the year 1990 iti all blocks of the district by Vyasa Kabi Sakshavatu Samiti, Balasore. A tremendous success has been achieved. Now Post Literacy Programme is gaining on in the district since April-2001.

The detailed breakup are stated below in table I 2. Comparative study of growth of literacy at National state and Distnct level in 1981, 1991 and 2001 census reveals the following.

Table No L2

1981 Increase 1991 Increase 2001 Increase census 71 - 81 Census 81 -91 Census 91 -01 National J6.I7 6.2 52.21 16.04 65.38 13.1 (India) State 34 23 8.05 49.09 14.86 63.61 14.52 (Onssa) District 40 67 57.64 16.97 70.94 13.3 (Balasore]

Soiircc: Disl Statistical HamilM)ok and Census -1995 & /OOl. I he r)ist Literacy j)crcentage stands above that of the National and state percentage

1991censiis |2001Centus 1991c«ntut 2001 Census Total Literacy Female Literacy

□ Balasore 57.64 70 94 43 4 59.57 DECAiy^ GROWTH OF UJERACY RATE rastrid: BAL ESWWR

5 9 3 7


0 0 0 T d i a i M a l f ? f ^ T B l e

( 1 9 9 1 C t n s i s 5 7 . 6 4 7 1 2 3 4 .3 4 /) — ...... - 4 -- - — — ( 2 f X )1 Q n s i B 7 0 . 9 4 8 1 7 5 5 9 5 7

WonicMi: - The eilucalion ot u onien al fetts the socio economic slatus ot a particular area I he Society ha^■ing hi^’her literate woman is more developed The women population ot Balasorc district is 0851 18 out of total population 202 ^056

rhc women literacy in the district was 43.40 as per l ‘^91 census whereas it is 5‘).57 as per 2001 census. I'he uneducated women ot pt>or families most of the time remain engaged in various work to earn their livelihood I ribal women in Oupada, Niligiri, Basta & Hhaira Blocks collect forest products to maintain their livelihood I'he percentage ot educated women in Bhograi, Baliapal Sadar balasore & Jaleswar Blocks is comparatively higher than the other l^iocks i>f the district. The veil system is prevalent in Muslim I'amily In ct^astal area the women ot the poor family engage themsehes in collecting eggs of prawn Itom sea & rivers with their children. In urban areas the socio economic status of the women are better. They are cducatetl & some ot them serve in public & private sectors. Sex Ratio :

Coiisfraiiits: - I he major constraints for development of the district are. - 1- Poverty of people 2 I.ack of awareness among people 3 I.ack of proper communication facility in extreme rural areas 4 Inadequate investment in the field o f education, agriculture, health, irrigation, communication & a forestation etc 5 Language stands as a barrier in tribal area like N iligin & Oupada Adiriiiii.strative setup / slrucfiii e.

1 he district of Balasore is divided mto two subdivision, Right Tahasil, I welve ( I) Block, one Municipahty & three NAC ft has 256 (iram Panchayats 2971 villages out of which 2586 are habited I he details are shown below in fable No I 3

Admiiiistralive set up of Balasore District

l ahle No 1.3 SI. No 1 _No of Sub Di' 02 i) Balasore ^ d a r ji)J^Jila|^iri 2 No of Tahasil OR i) Balasore ii)Basta iii) Baliapal iv)Bhograi v) Soro vi) viijSimulia viii^ ______No of i blocks 12 i) Balasore sadar iilBasta iii) Bahapal iv)Bhograi v) Soro vi)Ndagiri vii)Simulia viii) Jaleswai ix) Oupada x) Hemuna xi) xii)Khana 4 i) N ooftJLB S 1)4 i) Municipality - 01 - Balasore, 2) ii) industrial 02 NAC’s 0,^ i) Nilagiri ii) Soro Instate (O G ) iii}Jaleswar. 5. No of Gram 257 Paiichayat fi. No of Villages 2971 ^ Revenue villages 2586 4 Hamlets 385 7. No of Assembly 07 ('onstituencies 8. No of Parliamentary 01 (onstituencies "9^ 7 No of NdiK:atioH ' ' •05* - • • ' i) Balaso^e■ii)■B^rst^^ iif)SDr0 * ' "* I )ists. iv)Nilagiri v) Jaleswar 10. No of Cl of Schools 01 fl." No ofpolice station 19 ------_ - . 12 No of hire station 09 ' “ Source; - District statistical Hand Book Balasore, 1997.

Blot'k Disparities - Balasore district consist of 12 blocks. Balasore being the Head quarters of the district. Northern six blocks like Balasore Sadar, Remuna, Basta, Baliapal, Jaleswar and Bhograi are well developed than the outhern six blocks like Nilgiri, Oupada, Bahanaga, Soro, Siniulia & Khaira, Bhogaiai Block, the thickly [)opiilated and biggest block has its own peculiarity. More than 50"/t) of it’s a coverage belongs to sandy areas with sand hills and resi belongs to muddy area

The socio economic status of noithem Balasore blocks is comparatively better than southern Blocks

In the field of agriculture Bhograi, Baliapal blocks are highly productive for betel, cocoanul, paddy and fishcr>'.

Nilagiri and Oupada, iChaira Block are tribal and Simulia is highly flood affected aiea I ’heir production is not adequate which brings hindrance in socio economic status o f the people. ITie percentage of literacy in Bhograi Block is highest and Jaleswar, Baliapal, Basta, Balasore, Soro are better than other F A M IL IE S U N D ER BPl. - The district has total no of I'ainilies i.e 320227 Out of which 200644 families came under below poverty line Hie details are shown below in Table - No 1,4

I he magnitude of growth, [’’aniilies under Helow Poveil\ 1 me is given below.

Table No. 1.4 SI. Block fotal Families SI f Block fotal Families ! No Families under No. I^'amilies under BIT. BPL T ~ Bahanaga 17936 12734 7 Kharia 22896 17176 2 Balasore 31902 19902 8 ' Nilagin 18872 13210 3 Basta 24383 15H48 9 I Oupada 11387 8198 4 Baliapal 27116 18981 10 Remuna 25240 17668 5 Bhograi 38026 25097 ' i f Simulia 14686 12069

Jaleswar 26642 15985 12 ' Soro 17075 12173

1 - Soro NA( ■ 4049 1862 2 ~ Bh Municipality 16330 6858 3 - Jaleswar NAC 3112 1275 4 - Nilgiri NAC 2575 1158

1 otal No of Families - 3,02,227 I otal No ol Families imder F3PI - 200644

Source: B IX ) and DRDA office, Balasore CM VP I I R - II


E^'dut ational anti society aie two sides nt u coin Hie relationship of the two is so close and deeji that Iht- existence oT one < annot he fell without the othei With the advancement of tinn* the ciiucation of the district has been develo|>ed t(» mark. A numher of factors are influencing in the fli'ld of education like poor socio econoinu status of the district

Long years, ago prtnmrs, education to the studi.nl;> wa:. inipaitcd undei the tree or in the verandah of head man (Muhkia) of the village. They were known as “C lIA I SALIS” “A B A D H A N ’ the niastei ofchatasali was all in all and administering in the field of education Guardians weie sharing the remunerations of ' Abadhan’ the teachei

Refore the advent of British, Piy Hdiication was not well organized Balasore came under the contiol of British in 1803. From 1803 to 18^6 there were skirmishes between the p(*ople of Balasore and British administration. After 1836 veniacular schools were upgraded to Middle Fnglish schools and in 1‘)'^ Century number of High schools were increased

After Independence during 1955 lo 1965 special finance allocation for F’rimary school gave birth to present set up of Pry schools, fill 1961 the Primary Education of the District was under the control of District Board and from 20.1 196 till date the District Inspector o f schools, became the sole authority of Piy Edn Primary Schools were established and managed by the by Cjovt. For education of out of school children and adults Total Liberated Campaign (TL(') has been lunched in the district It brought a spectiicular achievement in literacy of the district After completion of H C, Post literacy programme (PLP) has been launched and continuing through out the district since April 2001 Other schemes like Operation Black Board (OBB) Special Orientation for Pry Teachers (SOP l ) ha\e been conducted in the district for development of primary’ education in the district.

In the field of Secondary Lducation a numbei of High schools Both (Boys & (lirls) have been established in the district. In case of Higher Education, a large number of colleges (Men & Women) as well as Co-education colleges have been established Law college Engineering schools & college and vocational colleges, it is functioning in this district. Fakirmohan Univerity is established in the district m the year 1998

I he detailed panoramas of the district, i e. the habitation, the school, the teachers and the subsequent development of luhication have been reflected in the table 2.1 given on next page.

2.1 KnU('AT10NAL INS1I1H ITONS ()l THF DISTKIC I AT A AN( E Educational Institutions like \nganwadi ( entre -1533, Pre-Pry Schools -22, Sebasram-34, Piy-Schols 507; uppei Pry Schools -991, UGMF Schools-202; Urdu Schools 19; Sanskrit Tools- 25 High Schools -471, C olleges ^ 1 ; Law college - 01, leachers Tiaining Inst 6, Agriculture research ( entre - I and Universit) - 1, have been shown m Table 2.1 bicok wise. L I Educational Institutions of The district at a glance.

Vanous Eaucationai Institutions from Pre Primary to college including vocational institutions have been shown Block wise in this table.

1 SI.No. j Name of Block Angan |Pre ^ Pr\- school ' Upper 1 I ’G M E j Other i High ; College Lav. Teach i Techl. , 1 j j /MunicipahtV'''N.A.C !i wadi i Pr>' 1 Pr> ' schocls j schools I schools i colie ers Instns 1 i \ 1 o i Centre 1 i 1 ^i School school 1 ; i j ge Traini 1 1 Seva Pr>- Cfl I i ' (ME) i j ng ! I 1 U i ' I i 1 Shr- Sch- Instns OJ > 1 1 '1 i ! c/2 i 1 1 D ! i * ama ’lools i < i i ! ^I t~.------r ----- f------1------u Bahanaga Block 62 o; 1 1 105 158 17 ! 3 *^ 26 ' 3 1 1 i 1 i ^ i -1 Baiasore Block 227 i 5 1 149 i 103 16 '41 ' 3 : 1 1 1 1 Bahapal Block , 145 01 i 1 119 103 i 16 ' ? ■7 66 1 1 1 } 1 ^ ♦ ' t i 1 1 141 2 Basta Block i 162 02 ! 1 ■ 68 ! 16 , ^ 1 32 i 3 1 1 1 1 1 !1 i1 Bhograi Block I225 ' 00 i 6 * 201 132 ! 21 3 |46 1 1 1 I 5 1 1 _3 1 i i Jaleswar Block 135 ‘ 00 ! 6 ' 131 ^4 14 ; 3 55 2 i 1 ! i i 1 Kimira Block 78 120 S4 16 1 42 2 i 1 ...... 1--- i i ^ 1 ' 1 r...... !"■ I i 8 ' Nilgin Block 212 6 , 91 37 15 1 . 2 I 30 4 1 i 1 ------— 1 19 ' Otipada Block 20 66 40 10 1 3 i 16 2 1 ! ! i ^ h i 1 i " ™|----1 ' 10 Remuna Block j 2 124 62 1 16 ; 2 1 i 33 ! 1 1 1i ’ -5 r1^ '1 1 t ... 1 1 1 1 j ^ 2 0 1 21 * Simuiia Block 1 1 I 83 54 1 13 ' 3 1 1 ") 1 ^ T 7 Soro Block 91 68 ' * 35 I 1 ^ n ,3 !j *I 1 i ! I Rural Total 1533 ! i 34 S60 I 186 ' 13 ' ^4 ’ 443 ' 32 6 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 Baiasore M CY > ! 06 1 40 * 19 ' 08 1 ^ 1 1 4 1 13 ! i \ 1 ^ 1 ^5 i 1 8 1 ' I • ^ ; i 14 Jaleswar NAC j 1 02 ' 10 ' 18 i05 jL 1 I 11 1 ! I t i 1 1 15 ! Soro NAC ' 01 ' |03 1 H 1 6 2 i ' ... T'1 t , 7 ...... 1 t i 1 1 i r r ’ ' ' 16 ■ Niligiri NAC 1 1 I 1 4 T ' * ...... ' ...... "--- 1 l4 1 2 1 Urban Total t 1 86 51 16 i 6 i 1 ^ 28 1 1 * 0 i 8 ' 1 ' f" ■ — 1 i 1 i ° i 1533 ! 34 1 1507 911 202 ' IQ 1 25 1 4-71 41 1 1 i \ 1 ,i i6 |9 , 1 ,

10 2.2 BLOCK WISE PRIMARY SCHOOLS BY MANAGEMENT TYPES The educational institutions of Balasore district are managed by Education deprt. Welfare deptt and Private management. Pnmar>- Schools - 150"' UGME schools 198 and taken over UP havmg Pnamry section - 1 are functioning. Pnvate managed deals \vrth Primary Schools - 8, UP Schools 39 and NCLP Centres - 40. The detail of which is shown on the Table 2.2

2.2 BLOCK WISE PRIMARY SCHOOLS BY MANAGEMENT TYPF^ SI .Name of |No of pnmar\' sciioois & schools with 1 No of schcK'ils with Primary | No of School managed by private No Nthe Block / |primary' section. (School of ME Deptt) ! section (SC ^ ST Dev. people Tii;R ! ! Dcplt.) 1 1Pry ! UGM E 1 M.E, TOTAL j Pr>'. j ASH RA M I Total | PRIVATE NCLP i 1 i ^ r I 1 TO ! Aided 1 ME 1 HS 1 i Pry ME 1HS ! ’ ' 1 Bahanaga 105 1 ■ 1 122 1 , ! 1 i ' ' 01 ’ 1 2 2 ' — ^—r Balasore M9 j 15 160 15 ! 1 ! 5 12 f 3 . ^ 04 : ^ S3 1 Baliapal 119 1 16 1 138 1 1 ! n ! 2 2 ' 01 , i .Basiu 141 ! I 1 |2 ... ♦ i " 1 16 1^ 1 159 ! 1 ! 1 i 02 I i5 1 Bhograi , 201 , 21 14 i 226 6 ! 1 6 ' |3 : i 03 ; 1 ’’ ^ 1 Jaieswar j 131 1 14 1 1 1 146 ! 6 ! ' i6 ' 1 “ 1 103 1 1 ' 1 Khaira 120 1 1(3 1 j 136 ! 1 ! 1 ...... 1 2 ' I 1 ! 03 8 1 'Niiigin 91 1 15 1 107 I 6 ' : ! 6 ! , 8 1 103 Oupada 66 ! 1 111 ! 2 03 i 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 ! 1' i 10 ! Remuna 124 16 ’ 2 1 1 06 j 1 i i ‘ 1 1 1 I I ! Simulia 83 13 1 ! 97 ! 1 , : 1 L ' 03 ' ^ |7 12 i Soro 91 1 108 : 3 1 ! 1 3 ! 3 02 ' ^ r..^— • ..... 77 Total ! 1421 186 17 1 1624 1 J 1 1 i 1 32 16 p. ... ^ 34 ' !1 ' Balsore Mcy. 40 3 1 i i 51 1 2 1 8 03 i r 8 -.- ■■■■■ 1 51 ! t...... -ri To' 1 J ales war NAC 10 1 ‘ i 1 11 1 T F ! 11 1 j 101 , Niligiri NAC i ^ ! i 14 1 ‘ h 4 ' ' 1 01 * • r 1 1 r...... , , ■ .. 1 ‘t i■ 1 Soro NAC 22 1 3 1 I 1 26 ik 1' 1'2 6 i1 1 i 101 1 Toati 8 6 1 12 ! 4 i 102 i 1 't '1 102 1 2 ! 6 I 1507 1 198 21 ! P26 ' 31 • 1 : , 134 , 8 ,39 i 40 i Sourced - D.I Cs Ba asore 1. Soro, Basta. Niliiziri & Jaieswar,

l i 2.3. Pre - Priinarv Education :

Institution in Pre - Pnm an education like Anganwadi Centres -1533 no. wnere 87356 children of 3-5 yrs have been enrolled and 22 no of Nurse^’ schools with 61182 children have been enrolled. The block wise detail have been shown in Table 2 3


Table No 2.3 SI Name of the \io A w r L No of 3-^' Yrs children ' No of Nurser> , No of children enrolled I No Block. MunicipaiirvTs AC B G Total ' schools ^ B 1 G ; Total j Bahanaga Block 62 i 30^! 2640 5“’;! ' 01 ; 1425 ; 1207 2632 1 Baiasore Block 22"7 ! 80S0 "■"lo 15^96 1 , 6670 I 6402 1 13072 1 i 3 BaliaDal Block 1 145 1 ~094 -j4iy i j 513 1 01 i 6489 i 6019 1 12508 1 i 4 Basta Block r 162 i 6899 635"^ 13256 1 02 1 2386 2358 1 4744 > 1 5 Bho^ai Block 225 6953 6946 , 13899 1 1 Not started ftmctioning ' i 6 Jaleswar Block 3058 2135 , 5193 i 2904 1 1936 1 4840 '' I n Khaira Block 4036 4331 I 8367 i * 3035 • 2824 ! 5859 ' ' 8. Nilagiri Block i 212 , 4959 4596 i 9555 ^ 02 3975 S 8280 1 ' 9 Oupada Block 1 120 1 3850 2502 ( 6352 1 03 1258 ' 960 ' 2218 , 4'7'7'7 i ' 10 ^ Remuna Block ! 125 ! 2472 ^ 2305 ^ 02 2392 2208 ' 4600 , 1 11 1 i i ^ , Simuiia Block 1 0 1 1801 ' H63 ! 3564 ' 12 1 1 1 , Soro Block ! 42 t 246"" ! 2369 ' 4836 ' 01 i 12 { 539 '1 i 1043 1 1 Total 1533 * 54740 ' 50079 ’1 104819 1 31403 1 28393 j 59796 1 1r i 1 Balasoe N a,C 0 ' 1468 '1 127-7 , 2684 , 06 1 503 1 407 1 910 1 1 I Jaleswar 0 ’ 149 ; 140 1 289 02 i 175 1 139 1 314 i ,t ^ \1 1 ' Nilgiri 159 1 120 i 279 01 i 62 ! 20 ! 82 ' i 355 1 318 673 1 45 ! 35 1 80 ' Soro 1 0 ! i 01 Total 2131 i 1855 1 3925 I 10 ' "^85 ! 601 i 1306 ' I----- 1 ^ ! 1 Grand Total 0 1 56871 1 51934 1 108744 ' 22 1 32188 I 28994 1 61182 '

Source ICDS of respective Blocks.

12 2.4 Habitation and Gross Access Rano tGAR) , As per survey conducted m different unserved habitation 920 is shown in Table 2.4 GAR IS caiculaied according to formula; GA R = No of schools X 100 = 17744 X 100 = Q3,3"'- No of habitation 1869 (TaKing into account the habitations more than 300 population) 93.3% of nabitations more than 300 population are getting school facility where as 67.3% of population are deprived of it. ' rhe G.ARs of Remuna. Basta, Simulia, Khaira, Nilagiri & Soro is less. INFORMATION ON HABITATION & NO OF SCHOOLS & GAR O F BALASORE DIST. Table No - 2.4 Name of the Block I Total No of ' No of Habitation ^ Total No ! i SI No ' G A R % No of Unserved Habitations Total / Urban local Body ! Habitation ! More than 300 |of schools 1 I i1 — ------'r 1 Asperl991 j i i Bananaga Block | 210 I 124 1 122 ! 98.38 1 11 26 3- __ ...... L 1 i 1 I i census ; Balasare Block 360 1 185 1 169 j 91.35 1------f 22 70 ; 92 ■...... :do- { 84 1 3 Baliapal Block j 359 i 128 1 138 ' 107.8 i 17 1 101 -do- 1 1 Basia BiocK , 43 i 1 I 158 84.9 1 45 i 84 129 -do- 1 1 5 Bhogarai BiocK | 459 1 222 1 228 ■ 102.70 ! 54 ' 66 ' ’ 7 ir ' -do- ■■■': ...... ^ 1 i 6 Jaleswar Block 296 !i, 154 ... 1 151 ■ 98.05 ^ 34 '1 15 !I 49 j -ao- 1 1 7 Khaira Block 493 ! 158 i 13'’ ^ 86."^0 1 106 -do- i j { 1 ^ 1 8 Nilagiri Block 187 ,' 1 .'(6 i ! 112 1 3 13 1 16 -do- ! 9 Oupada Block 150 83 1 78 i 94.00 29 -do- 1 '0 1 19 t 371 ' 10 Remuna Block 1 181 ; 140 , 77.34 L 4i I 75 116 -do- i Simulia Block .218 1 ^^3 % 1 84.95 1 14 1 39 53 ! -do- ^ ' 1 1 81.15 ! 26 ! 28 54 1 Soro Block 237 , 138 U 2 1 -do- ■ 1 1 Total 1 3771 1 1808 1641 i 90.76 i 299 1 610 Q02 ’ -do- ■ ! ...... t Balasore (M; 48 1 266.66 1 1 ’^3 r1 ' ...... 28' 1 ' -do- ; 1 i4 Jaleswar(NAC) 1 11 11 i 100 1 ■ -do- 1 1 1 , i[ —... T ...... ' ^ ! 1 ' NILGIRl(NHC) 1 13 ! 13 19 ' 146 i -do- ! 1 i 1 SORO(NAC) 25 , 131.57 1 06 1 i2 18 ' -do- it 1 1 1 Total 83 1 61 103 1 112.04 1 6 1 12 18 r i 85.5 i Grand Total 1 2711 1 1869 1 1744 1 305 1 615 920 ! Source, House i-loid Surv'ev DPEP 2001 2 5 Teachers Profiie : For Quahiar\ e impro\ ement -n eiemeniar> educanon a number oi leacners and S.S.S are engaged, the aetaii biocK wise figure of the teachers have been sho%vn in Table 2.5. Out of 5033 no. of sanctioned posts 4*^54 no of teachers and 515 no of S.S.S are in position and ]44 posts are laying vacant. It is also observed that the vacancy of teachers m Baiasore, Basta, Bhograi and Jaleswar block are more than other blocks. BLOCK WISE te a c h e r POSITION IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS & SCHOOL HAVING PRY. SECTION Table-2.5 1 Name of No of teachers in 1No of i Total No of Trained Trs. ' % to ! Total No of untrained Name of the % to : SI the position post ! 1Total 1 Trs. Total Block Urban 1 No sancTione vacant i 1Trs 1 Trs. ! local Bod> 1 d DOStS i ' position position 1 ------1 ! Trs SSS I Total ' Trs SSS ' Total * 1 Trs ' SSS ; Total i \ ■ 1 ! : Bahanaga Block 533 ; 334 140 ! 374 '315 26 1 ' 341 ! 94.5 ^ 19 19 ' 5,08 I : 4'^T ! "-"1...... f Baiasore Block 4-’5 29 ' 451 24 : 404 ' 433 196 ' 18 18 3.9 , +"•' i [ ! 3 i Baliapai Block 391 . 338 ^ 389 . 338 . 5' i 389 100 i I 1 ! ■ ♦ 1 ------—4 ' 4 1^ Basta...... Block 430 ' "«54 ' 396 34 I 354 i 1396 I 100 1 1 i 1 5 ; Bhogarai Block ' 630 : 522 ' -5 1597 i i 489 , 564 194.4 33 5.5 * I 1 I 75 i I i 1 i —, Jaiesuar Block 459 391 i ...... I 433 26 , 364 1 1406 93.7 l27 27 6.2 1--- 1 Khaira Block 358 328 , 46 , 374 . 314 46 360 96.2 1 i 1 14 i 3.7 ! 1 8 1 Niiagin Block . 343 299 j 41 340 3 . 282 i 41 1 323 95 ! n i i P ^5 ' i 1 9 1 Oupada Block ^ 235 19Q I 25 224 11 ■ 1 96 1 25 1 221 ! 98.6 13 1 f 3 1 1.3 1 1 41 1 ■■"t...... 1 10 1 Remuna Block ! 398 3^"^ i 41 ...... ' 418 ^ 3 6 6 40”^ 19"'.3 ' 10 ... „ ' 10 ^ 3 “ ' 1 11 TT 1 1 -> /I'« I 1 t Simulia Block ' 28? ■ 255 1 2"’"' ' 6 ■ j — — 265 95,6 ' 12 i 1 TQS 1 1 I i ' Soro Block -S3 i 341 ' 284 327 ' 95.8 * 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...... 1 1*^-' i ' * .16^8 i4 ir '49’’ 4614 483 i Total Rural 1 ' 139 ,3949 ^ 4432 I i 167 1 j 167 1 j 1 Baiasore (M) ;2 i9 ' 206 214 204 ' 13 8 i 5 , 196____ 1 8 i j95.3 i 10 1 i 10 ; 4.6 , Jaleswar(NAC) ■’T 29 27 93.1 i 2 : 1.30...... a. ' i ,j i i _...L^,5_____1 |2 1 , 6.8 , 15 , NILGIRI(NHC) 1 32 1 30 , 5 35 i 30 i 5 35 100 ! 1 1 1 It) I SORO(N a C) i 74 1 74 11 3 1 74 3 77 ! 100 I 1 1 ! 1 ! Total Urban ! 355 ! 337 1 18 355 1 6 ' 325 18 343 1 12 I ' 12 1 4 2 " ^ 4 I 9 1 I 1 Grand Total ^ 5033 1 4454 t 515 1 4969 1 145 : 50! 1 4-7-75 ' 179 1 p 1 Source - D ! Cs Baiasore Soro, N ilcin. Basta & Jaleswar

14 Graohical Representation of Block wise Teacher Position in Primary schools & school having Pry-. section Ref - TaDle 2.5

700 m o 600 -53^ 500 400 300 200 100 0

<& 2 > ■ i i 3 ■ 1 ...... 1 1 4 Basta Block 199 190 19 ; 199 1 188 ~T9 1 197 98 9 * 2 ' 1.0 1 ! ['" 1 ' 5 Bhogarai Block : 270 1 1 : 264 I 6 225 ! 21 1246 93,1 ' 1? ' 18 16.87 1 ' 6 ' Jates^^ar Block : 160 , 149 : 9 158 i 2 144 ' 9 1 153 ' 96.8 ' 5 5 3.1 , 7 Khaira Block .211 I 192 ^ 3 195 1 16 189 ’ 3 ’ 192 98.4 13 i 1 3 1.5 8 1 Niiagin Block ; 117 I 106 i 13 119 1 104 ' 13 117 98.3 2 i1 1 2 1-6 I i 9 Oupada Block 110 1 100 i 10 110 1 100 ! 10 110 100 i i ! 1 Remuna Block , 155 1 147 ! 10 10 152 96.8 5 1 \ 10 15’ 1 , 5 ' 3 i i i i i Simulia Block 1 135 112 14 ; 116 19 | iio 14 14 98.7 2 1 i 2 ‘ 1."' 2 2 ' 1 12 i Soro Block 1 174 1' ’' 64' I■ ; 166 l 8 j 162 164 98.7 2 i ' ; 1.2 i ^ Total Rural ' 2029 186i 101 i 1952 71 1 1819 101 1920 42 1 1 4^ ! ' I 1 ! ' 13 ] Balasore (M) |62 1 5 1 67 i 1 62 67 100 I l l i ■'T - ! ' 14 * Jaleswar(NAC) 1 1 8 j 120 ! 2 1 17 U 19 I 95 1 i l [ 5.0 IL I- 1 1 NILGIRI(NHC) ,32 I 30 15 i 35 1 ' 30 1 5 35 100 ill' r ...... ■' 28 * 2 l3 0 j 100 11 SORO(lsACi |28 1 28 2 1 30 1 1 1 1 i 149 ' 138 ! 14 ' 152 i 1 i 1 1 Total Urban 1 “ ' 13^ 1 i ^51 4 ... 1 1 1 1 1 i ! Grand Total ; 2 P 8 1 1900 ! 115 ' 2114 ^ 3 ' 1956 i 115 1 2071 1 43 ' 43 1 Source - D I Cs Balasore -1, Soro. N ilsin, Basta & Jaleswar.

16 2.5 (ij Teachers position in UP(ME) Schools and ha*ing upper primary (LP; scclion. i:iiocJv wise UP School teacher 1909 and SSS 115 are ;n position in LP section and 73 no. of sanciion post have ocen dismbuted in tabie 2.5(i) 2.5 (lijTeachei positioning Pnmary section (Primary ana UP scnools naving Primary section) 4985 no. of teachers are -n posiiion out of which 3898 and 1087; 1136 SC teachers, 195 ST teacners whose block wise position have been placed in the Table 2.5 fii ' Block wise teachers (Male, Female, SC, ST, with their percentage) PM and UP schools having PM Section)

1 Total No 1 Total No 1 % to total ' Total No i % to total 1 Total No % to totai Total No j ‘i'o to total i Name of the i of Trs in of Male 1 no of trs ! of female I no o f trs ! of SC no of trs of ST j no of trs SIS. Block ' Urban 1 Position Trs. I in 1 Trs ! in |Trs. in Trs. ! m local Body ' I 1 position 1 position posuion j position t ) 1 1 1 ' 1Bahanaga Block ' 363 262 ! . 1 . 1 101 2'?.83 . 81 22.3 i 12 ^ 3.3 1 2 ' 1Balasore Block ' 489 350 171.57 139 1 28.43 , 104 I 21.26 18 ' 3.68 i r 3 ' \ ■ 1 I Baliapal Block : 401 327 81.54 , 74 1 18.46 1 9i 22.69 16 1 3.99 ! 1 4 ! Basta Block 1 ' 1 1 407 |331 181.32 i 76 1 18.68 1 90 122.11 15 i 3.68 Bhogarai Block 1 16.2 24 ' 3.-'7 i \ ^ ' t 1 636 |53i i 83.8 i 103 1 147 123.11 1 A Jaieswar Block 1 409 1 333 I 81.41 i 76 1 18.59 1 93 ! 22.73 16 ' 3.Q; ' )I 0 ^ > ■' 1: Knaira BIock 1 374 276 1 73.79 1 1 26.21 ! 89 !1 23.79 14 ! 3.-4 1 ~ ' I 98 Niiagin Block 1 309 243 78.64 i 66 1 21.34 i -^6 ! 24.59 11 ;3.55 1 ^ ' 1 1 22.47 1 9 ' Oupada Block 1 227 176 77.53 51 ' 52 j' 22.90 9 I 3.96 10 ' Remuna Block 1 392 309 78.82 83 t 21.18 |86 21.93 14 ,3.57 n ' Simulia Block > 302 248 82.11 54 ' r .8 9 69 1 22.84 21 1 6.95 1 332 ! 12' Soro Block 1 251 1 ■^5,61 81 ] 24.39 ,76 , 22.89 17 j 5.12 ! ' Total Rural { 4641 [ 3639 78.4 1002 1 21.59 1 1054 , 22.71 187 1 4.02 13 ' Balasore (M) 1 219 181 82.64 38 1 17.36 i 52 23.74 3 i 1.36 14 Jaleswar(NAC) 1 30 1 63.33 11 1 36.67 i 7 23.33 0 1 6.66 ' 15 , NiLGIRI(NHCj 1 21 1 13 1 61.89 I 8 1 38.11 1 6 28.5^ 1 ' 9 ' ! 2 16 SORO(Tn a C) 1 74 1 46 i 62.16 1 28 1 37.84 1 17 22.97 i ’ .35 1 Total Urban 1 344 1 259 1 79.29 1 85 ! 24.7 ’ 82 123.83 ' 8 : 2.32 i ! Grand Total I 4985 1 3898 ! 78.19 ! 1087 i 21 8 1136 , 195 1 3.91 1 Source - D I Cs Balasore -1. Soro. Nilgiri, Basta & Jaleswar 2.5 (ih) Biock wise Male, Female, SC. ST. teachers with their percenrage in ME Section SC trained Teachers - 279 SC untrained teachers - 49; ST trained - 68 & ST unn-ained Teachers 12 in ME section are in position Block wise distnbution has been given Table 2.5(iii).

1 1 1 SC trained SC untrained Teachers Tot No % Tot 1 ST trained ST untrained |No % to ; Total ^ Name of the 1 Si 1 Teachers SC Trs 1 Trs 1Teachers Teachers of Trs I No 1 Bk)ck Urban i No 1 i i ST , Tot of , ioca! Body ! 1 1 Trs I 1Trs. i MF Toi . M . F 1Tot 1 i M 1F 'i Tot M F i Tot j 1! 1 ■ i Bananaga Block 12 b . IS 12 1 1 ■ 21 > 14.78 I 1 3 1 t 1 2.81 1 t . 4 .... i i— __ 12 I I 4 1 142 i * Baiasore Block 13 6 t 19 : i ? ' 4 ' 23 ,14.64 j 1 4 i 1 1 1 5 ! 3.18 ' !57 i 1 - 4 I 1 3 i 1 T4 i ! 1 ' 4 1 1 1 1 1 : 3 Baliaoal Block 15 9 3 1 “ I 5 129 j 16.20 I 4 i 1 l5 ! 2.79 ' 179 * ! ^9 ! 1 , 1 j i 1 4 Basta Block 18 1 11 31 i 15.57 i 4 1 2 * 6 ' 3.01 , 199 1 ^ ■|i 1 ...... , L...... _1------L 1 " ' ^ i j ') i 1 ^ 'i Bhogaiai Biock ' 15 '3 6 ^ 1 3 I 39 i 14.77 5 1 3.03 . 264 1 I P 1 i ' j1l_-- t1 ; 1 1 8 1 I Jaleswar Biock 2 1 1 ^ 122 ' 13.90 ! 2 I 1 1 i ' i 1 3 1 1 j 1 i4 ! 2.53 i 158 1 i ^ 2 ' 19.82 j Khaira Biock t i5 i 7 i 22 ' 1 3 ' 25 -1______|3 1 4 1 11 i 5 1 2.56 i 195 ! 2 ' ^ ' i 8 1 Nilagir Block 1 9 1 5 1 14 ' 4 1 18 I 15.10 |7 i 13 1 1 1 11 i 14 ' 11 ■’6 ' 119 ' 1 I 1 ! ^ i 1 1 j [ I 1 r I i 16.34 i 4 1 ‘ 9 ' Oupada Block ! l i 1 , 15 1 , 2 13 1 18 8 2 1 10 19.09 i 110 , 1 O 1 t ! Remuna Block 1 2 1 26 i 16.50 1 2 4 ' 10 1 111 1 24 , i 1 i I i i 4 12.54 I 157 , ■ 11 SimuHa Biock 1 20 4 , 2 i 6 i 23 ! 19.82 ! 2 3 1 4 13.44 , 116 I i------i 10 i h 1 i 1 ; 12 . Soro Block i n 19 i 20 , 4 i 2 i 6 i 26 1 15.66 ! 3 1 1 1 |2 6 3.61 166 i I 1 ' j 160 j 97 1 257 26 i 20 46 301 1 40 163 |7 ! 5 i 12 75 3.84 19.5 \ ! Total Rural i i 1 1 ! 2 i i ! I i i I...... I. _ ) i T ! ^ 1 t i 13 1 Baiasore 1 5 1 1 1 ! 8 , 11.94 2 1 1 i 3 1 1 3 1 4.4"^ ' 67 T 1 ' 1 : 3 I 1 1 i 1 i 5 1 22.72 1 1 I 1 1 ' 4.54 ' 22 1 14 ' JaleswarfNAC) 1 1 I \ .. 1 T ' ------1 1 t i 25 • 1 1 1 1 ',3.12 1 15 ’ NILGIRl(NHC) !I 4 h i ' , 1 1 1 J---- i-- ..L. .. !> ; i i 1 1 I ; "> ! 1 4 ' 4 t 14,28 28 1 .6 1 SORO(NAC; 1 i 1 .,.1 ...... _L ...... _j.... 1___ . 4...... I------1 ^ 1 22 , 2 i 1 i 3 1 25 ' 16,'^'’ ' 4 1 , 3.35 149 1 1 Total I rban 1 14 I 8 i.. . , i 5 1 12 i 5 !------1 4Q Grand Total 1 174 j 105 1 279 ^ 28 ! 21 1 326 1 15.51 : 44 ;24 , 68 1 5 1 1 2 , 80 , 3.80 1 2101 I 1 , i..„ __ , , _L___ 1 ’ Source - All DI of schools Balasore -1, Soro. Nilein. Basta & Jaleswar

18 2.6 Enrolment : 2.6 (ii) Enrollment position in Primary section of age group 6 to 11 Years

As p>er the sun'ey report for DEEP in Baiasore Distncl, there are 297889 no of children of age group 6- i i years are available, out of which 2 ,74369 no of children have been enrolled in pnmary schools. It is also observed that 14^98 no :jf children nave oeen dropped out and 8222 no of children have never been enrolled in the schools. The details information have been placed in the Table -2.6(1) Table IMi) :-€HlLD POPULATION & ENROLM ENT OF AGE G R O l P 6-11 For The YEARS (W 2nni-fll

Total children in the agej Total children Enrolled in | Out of Schools iDrop Student Never enrolled Name of the Block group 6-1 i j the age group 6 to 11 SI No i out') __ ■ f T Vban local Bod\^^------1------i------1------1------^ ^ Boys 1 (Jirls j I'olal iioys C.iris I Total 1 Boys I Girls 1 Total Boys ^ Girls 1 Total i 1 Bahanaga I^iock I 8632 1 7822 1 16454 8039 7317 ■ ! 5?5(> 4 T 345 , 762 1 176 160 ! 33^^ 1 Baiasore Block ! 14782 I 13245 1 28027 13867 j 12241 "1 26108 685 633 ! 1318 > 230 37] 1 60; ! 1 ^ ' ■..... 1i ! 3 ' Baliapal Block !1 1^920 1 1300'’ 1 2792- 14083 1 11906 1 25989 ] 702 639 i 134] ' 135 59" 1 4 ' Basta Block 1 14882 ] 13489 28371 1 13983 1 12314 26297 669 720 i 1389 ■ 230 ! ^55 1 685 V i c ’ Bhogarai Block , 22430 21709 44i39 i 21193 20078 41271 Q89 1 1QQ9 ‘ 20S8 ,j 248 i 532 j 780 ; t h ,Jaleswar Block j 16664 12464 29128 1 15813 11489 2-302 685 1 ■ 1307 ■( 166 1 353 i 519 ' i ' i -t ! i jKnaira BiocK 1 10572 9783 20355 1 9860 8-^23 18583 509 1 590 1 i099 ! 203 470 i 6‘'3 1 8 jNilagin Block 1 6941 5894 12835 1 6306 ! 4994 11300 1 ! 504 I 905 1 234 396 1 ... 1 1 9 lOupada Block ! 6135 5622 1H5- 5473 4692 10io5 i 386 1 472 1 858 1 2-6 ! ; 1 ! 458 1 10 Remuna Block ] 12682 10717 23399 11610 9552 21162 ! 682 1 667 ! 1349 ; 390 498 j 888 1 i: jSimuIia Block [ 8937 7896 16833 8250 7159 15409 i 463 I 467 ! 930 ( 224 1 270 i 494 i jSoro Block 1 8670 8139 16809 8022 7460 15482 1 444 469 i 913 i 204 j 210 ! 414 i if jTotai Rural 1146247 129787 276034 136499 117925 254^124 j 7032 14259 i 2716 4635 ' 7351 ! 1 1 1 Baiasore fM) 1 7072 6190 13262 682-^ 12749 I iOl H3 1 214 1 144 i 155 ' 290 \ ! 5922 1 jjaleswarfNAC) * 1155 2134 1021 876 j 1897 22 i1 85 1 -1 ' 81 ! 979 1 63 1 1 i I 15 !n ILGIRJ(^4HC) j 1059 907 1966 914 767 1681 ! 87 ’ 8 ^ 105 ' 58 180 i 1 ‘ 2- 1 I 16 |bORO(N AC ) I 2271 2222 4493 2121 1997 4118 i 62 I 135 1 88 ! 152 i 240 1 r 1 jTotai Urban 1 11557 10298 21855 10883 9562 20445 j 226 1 539 1 361 1 510 i 871 ’ i jOrand Total 1157804 140085 297889 147382 127487 i 274869 1 7345 1 7453 1 14798 1 3077 ! 5145 ! 8222 ' Source - Survey for DEEP and school profile of Concerned Biock.



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20 2.6 iii) Enrollment position tn I P section of age group 11-14 vrs ,Fron-i me receni sur\'ey it is found that 77424 of no of children are a- aiia- ! .. ’r the disinct of Baiasurt out f-1 vvnich 59815 children have Deen eniolieu in me uP scnools where as 6895 children have been dropped ' and U'~'.A of children have not never enrolled in the school. So due empnasis is lo oe given for the success of U.E.E. For these information " ahse Nc 2.6 (ii) is aiiachea nerewitn. Source; - Surv'ey -2001 Table 2.6fii) :-CHILD POPULATION., ENROLMENT & (UP, OF AGE GRQLP H-i4 For The YEARS OF 2001-02

Total children in the age Total children Enrolled ini ^ Student Never Name of the Biock / L It Out of Schools (Drop .lut) group 11-14 (IT ) the age group 11-14 (I jP) j enrolled I I rban local Body Bovs Girls Total Bovs Girls ; Total 1 Boys 1 Giris i Total f Bovs 1G irls! Total ! Bahanaga Block 1540 M94 3034 1192 1106 1 2298 157 152 1 309 1 191 ! 236 ^ .2- i Balasore Block 3365 1 6120 2678 2057 1 4735 305 i 2^0 ! 5'5 1 382 I 428 : 810 1 Baliapal Block 4230 3325 7555 3318 2526 1 5844 388 ! 327 ' 524 I 472 1 9% j Basia Block | 3495 1 2836 6331 2766 2129 1 4895 330 1 2-1 1 60-i j 399 I 436 j 835 i Bhogarai Block 4900 1 4127 902’’ 3820 3159 1 69”9 j 46: 395 I 85t) 619 i 573 ' 1192 I Jaleswar Block 1 3"^ 17 ' 2768 6485 2914 1 2042 j 495o 1 349 253 i 602 i 454 ' 473 ■ 92" ' ' ->71 Q Khaira Block I 2904 1 ^ 5623 1 2236 2065 I 430i 1 269 268 I 53-^ * 3 9 9 ! 386 ' 1 Nilagin Block 1704 1 1554 3258 1 1309 1 1171 j 2480 1 171 156 ! 22-i ^ -A. •• j 45: Oupada Biock |I 1713 1 1535 3248 1 1295 1157 2452 ' 161 !5! 1 257 , 227 1 484 ! -,^-7 Remuna Biock j1 2944 I 2627 5571 2250 1995 424^ ' 74A ! 523 1 417 386 j 803 1 1 “ 1 Simulia Block n i 4 i1 1544 3258 1305 i r o 2475 i ^59 1 1^4 1 323 250 210 ' 460 Soro Block 5703 ! 4350 j 10053 4467 3240 1 7707 j 536 I 405 1 941 700 705 ' 1405 Total Rural 37929 j 31634 69563 29550 23817 53367 1 3563 1 3058 1 6621 4816 4759’ 9575 Balasore (M) 2681 1 2467 5148 2239 2064 4303 ! 44 i 5-^ ! ’ 0! 398 346 j 744 t i jaieswar(NAC) 924 373 348 ■'21 * 45 j 63 68 1 131 481 1 443 1 j 533 ' NILGIRl(NHC) 347 1 322 669 282 1 1 “—’ 1 ' ^ 1 40 i 1 54 % 537 61 1 93 SORO(NAC) * 583 1120 416 475 I 891 1 1 33 1 1 ■'s 168 Total Urban 4046 j 3815 7861 3310 3138 I 0448 1 140 1 134 ! 274 1 596 543 1139 Grand Total j 41975 1 35449 77424 32860 26955 i 59815 1 3703 1 3192 ! 6895 1 5412 5302 10714 Source;- Survey for DEEP 2001 and DI of schools Balasore -1. Soro. Nilgiri, Basta & Jaleswar

21 2.7. BLOC k WISE ENROLMENT POSITION OF PRIMARY SECTION 2001-2002 OF BALASORE DISTRICT. 2 " (I) In priman. schools from class - I lo V of age group 6-11 years. 147382 no. of Boys and 127487 no. of Girls have been enrolled in the Pnmar> section. The Block wise enrollment position has been hown under the Table 2.7 (i) TABLE - 2.7 (i) ■■■■■" ■ .— I...... I ■■■ I ------, ------. . . — ...... Enrollment in t —------1 ! I ------t 1 j Name of the 1 j SI No Class - I Class - II 1 Class - III ' Class - IV • Class - V I Grand Total j Bbck 1 i i. I Bovs * Girls Total Boys I Girls Total [Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Bovs Girls Total Boys ! Girls Total i 1 Bahanaea ■ 1612! 1414 3026 i69i: 1563 3254 1689 1538 3227 1669 1459 3128 1378 13431 2"’21 8039 73171 153561 2 Balasore 1 3161! 2^721 5933 2963 2534 5497 2723!j 2373 5096 2665 2190 4855 2355 2372 4727 13867 1224l| 26108 3 IBaliaoal I 27741 2403 5 n ^ 2834 2441 5275 308911 2562 5651 2789 2289 5078 2597 2 2 11 ! 4808 14083 11906 259891 4 1 Basla 1 2770j 2306 50^6 2830 2442 52'’2 30121 2562 5574 2782 2414 5196 2589 2590| 5179 13983 12314 2629^ 5 iBhoearai 5064! 4735 9-790 4960 463^ 959" 4120 393"^ 8057 3884 3715 7599 3165 3054 6219 21193 20078| 41271 i 0 (jaieswar j 45891 3323 7912 .U18 24"’5 5893 2946 l%5| 49: 1 2546 1697 4243 2314 20291 4343 15813 11489| 27302j i 7 j Khaira j 1931j 1752 3683 2148 1869 4 0 P 2005 18041 3809 2023 1626 3649 1753 16721 3425 9860 8723| 18583| jNiiagin 1I 14151 1206 2621 1509 127Q 2^88 1268 98- 2255 1120 791 1911 994 731 1725 6306 49941 11300( jOupacta 1 13Uj 99(^ 2301 1182 969 2151 1122 I 990| 2112 1009 917 19261 849 826 1675 5473 4692| I0165j : 10 1 Rcmuna i 2871! 2300 5171 2436 2001 4437 22^1 !840 4111 2177 1773 39501 1855 1638 3493 11610 95521 21162J jSiTTTuiia 1 14061 1222 2628 1882 1556 3438 !8!4] ! 527!r 3341 1590 1489 307S' 1558 1365 2923 82501 7159i 15409j jSoro I 81.31 798 1608 2120J 1944 4064 1928: !9 ’ 9 3S4-’ 1250 114’ 2391 ! ;914 1658 3572 8022 7460j 15482j r'"“" ■ Totai 1 297141 25221 54935 29973 25710 556831 2798^\ 2400411 51991 25504 21501 47005! 23321 21489 44810 136499 11792a 254424j : 13 ISaiasore i 380| 1222 2602 1505 1268 2773 1 1447| 1201 1 2648 1281 1170 2451 ! ’.214 1061 2275 682^ 5922 12749S 14 jJaieswar (NaC) 20 ^ 161 364 207 198 405| 221 I 1721 393 205 182 3 8 i 185 163 348 1021 876 189"’ 15 NILGIRI (NHCj 193j 150 343 195 191 386t 200i 150 350 172 134 306 ! 54 142 296 914 76'^ 1681 16 ’SORO (NAC) 405 395 800 435 407 842:i 4781 465 943 418 319 737 385 354 ^39 2121 199^ 41is! 'Total1 2181 1928 4109► 2342 2064 440<►j 2346j 1988 4334 2076 1805 388l| 1938 H 20 3658 108831 9562 20445j GrsBd Tot i 318951 27149> 59044^ 32315 27774 600891 303331 259Q2 56325 2^580 23306 508861 25259 23209 484681 147382! 127487 2748691

22 2,7 {!i)'Block wise enrolment position in U P (M E .) Section of age group i l-i4 years in class VI to class VII in the vear 200^ - 20^'2 are 32860 in case o^boys and 26955 in case of Girls. The block wise enrolment position has been showTi in table no 2,'' -v)

BLOCK WISE ENROLMENT POSITION IN L. P. ( ME) SECTION OF BALASORE DISTRICT - 2001 ! 1 TO 14 YEARS TABLE - 2." (ii) Name of Block / | ! Class - VI i Class - V II ; Total SI No! N A C ' f ! 1 I ! 1 1 Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total B©ys j Girls j Total ---- Municipality | Bahanaga Block 605 587 ii9 2 587 519 1106 1192 !i 1106 ' 2298 2 Balasore Block 1418 1101 2519 1260 956 2216 2678 205:^ I 4735 3 Baiiapal Block 1767 1333 3100 1551 1193 2744 3318 2526 ( 5844 4 Basta Block 1290 1045 2335 1476 1084 2560 2766 2129 1 4895 5 Bhoearai Block 2065 1653 3718 1755 1506 3261 3820 i 3159 I 69^9 6 Jaleswar Block j 1568 1043 261 i 1346 999 2345 2914 ' 2042 ^ 4Q56 i Khaira Block j 1213 1083 2296 1023 ! 982 2005 2236 ': 2%5 ' 4:^0- ; 1174 1 8 jNiiagiri Block 699 607 1306 610 ! 564 1309 ', ^ ^ ^ 1 2480 j 1 9 jOupada Block 689 606 1295 606 [ 1 115- 1295 1 i ‘ 57 j 2452 ! 10 iRemuna Block 1175 1018 2193 10"5 977 i 2052 2250 11 1995 4245 > 11 Isimulia Block 6Q^ 607 :304 608 1 563 1 1171 ! 1305 ii 1170 1 2475 1 12 jsoro Block 2384 1685 I 4069 2083 1 1555 I 3638 1 4467 I 3240 ! 1 '(Total 15570 12368 1 27938 13980 1 11449 ! 25429 ! 29550 1 2381- 53367 1038 977 i |Baiasore (M) 1201 1087 2288 ' 2015 ' 2239 1 2064 i, 4303 1 i 14 jJaleswar (NAC) 198 191 389 ^ 15" : 332 1 721 1 1 i 1 15 iNilagiri (NAC) 145 131 276 1 1 120 i 257 1 282 i 251 1 533 ! 16 jSoro (NAC) 233 252 485 j 1B3 , 223 1 406 1 416 ! 475 i 891 ’Total 1777 1661 3438 j 1533 1 1477 1 3010 I 3310 3138 j 6448 jGrand Total 17347 14029 31376 ! 15513 12926 ! 28439 ' 32860 26955 I 59815

Source D I.Cs Balasore I, Soro, Nilagiri, Jalesw'ar & Basta 1.7(iii) Gross EnroUment Ratio and Net Enroiment Ratio. Gross Enrotment Ratio & Net Enrolment Ratio of Primary Students in 6-11 Years age Group. 29“^889 no. of Children are available where as 284769 no. of suidents have ^een enrolled in all group out of which 274869 no. of students have been enrolied in Pnmar\' section within age group 6-11 Years.

GER =Enroiment in iCl I &. \ i of all ages NER = Enrolment in (Cl I & V ) of age 6 to 11 Total no. children of age 6 to 11 Total no. children of age 6 to 11

The u E R and NER have been calculated the formula and details information of GER and NER have been show'n in the table No. 2.7 (iii) Table 2.7(iii) Gross and Net Enrolment Ratio of Bovs & Girls Name of the Child Population 6- Enrolment Enrolment from 6- GER NER SI No Block NAC 11 11 Municrpalit\ B B B !B !T B

llBahanaca Block 8632 1 (v454 ^540| 15870 so.'iy 5356 % .50 % .3 ‘ 96.45 93.13 93.54 93.33 - i - 2| Balasore Block 14782 13245 28027 143^'H 12685 27055 13867 522411 26108 97.21 95. 96.53 93.811 92.43 93.15 ^Baliapal Bicxrk 14920 1300' 2792" 1459: 123: 26923 14083 ri9(X>{ 25989 97,80 94.8a 96 40 94 39i 9\ 54 93.06 4|Basla Block 14882] 13489 28371 27250 13983 :.2314 26297 97.36 94.60 96.05 93.96 91.29^ 92.69 iBhogarai Block 224301 21709 44139 21959^ 20'^9' 42756 21193 200' 4127! 97.90 95.80 96.87j 94.49j 92.4^)< 93.50 97 .07j 94.891 92.18| 93.73CHJaicswar Block 16664( 1246^ 2912S 16368 11906 282'^4 15813 ::!489^ 27302 98.22 95.52 97.07j 94.891 92.18| 93.73CHJaicswar ‘ Khaira Bloctc 105721 Q783 20355 10211 903 Q ’925^ Q860 8723 '8583 96.65 92.39 94.61 93.27 89.161 91.29 6iNiiagin Block 6941! 5894j 12835 65351 5! ^51 ’ n o 6306, ! I30C 94 15 87.80 91.23 90.85 84.73 88.04i i >?fOupaaa Block j 6135j 5622( 1I757| 567l{ 486l| 10532 54'’3 4692 10165 92 44 86.46 89.58 89.21 83.4t 86.461 iQ|R cmuna Block 12682j 107171 23399t 12030 9897 2192:^ 11610 95521 21162^ 94,86 92.35 93.71 91.55 89.13 90.44 1 ilSimuha BIock 893~ 7896) 16833j 8548 7418 15966 8250 1540(; 95 65 93.95 94.85 92.311 90.61 91.54 Soro BiocK 8670 8313 773( 16043 8022 746m 154821 95,88 94.9‘ 95.44 92.531 91.6« 92.11 T«t»i 146247 12978 141423 12214W 263563 13649ft ir92S^ 2544241 96.70 94.11 ^.48 93.33 90.J 92.17 13tBaiasore (M j 70^2 6897 6021 12918 682"^ 5 ^ 12^49 9''.53 97.2 9-^4; 96.54 95.67 %.B l4jajcswar (NAC) 1155 1231 891 2123 1021 87( 1897 106.58 91.01 99 44 89.48 88.8? i059 985 824 1809 914 76' 1681 93 01 90.85 9201 86.31' 84.5^ 85.50 16tSorD N.AC} :171 218(> 4357 2121 199' 4118 95.60 98.38 96.9'' 93.39 89.81 91.65 tsiiim Tox»f 1155^ 11284 9922 2120« 10883 9562 20445 97.64 96.35 9-^.03 94.17 92.83 93.55 !Gr»iid TottJ 1578641 14008 152707 132062 284769 147382 1274871 274869^ 96.77 94,27 95.60 93.40 91.01 92.27

24 Gross Enroiment Ratio & ISel Enroiment Ratio of Primary Students in 11-14 Years age Group. 7“’424 no. oi cnildren are availaoie out of which ()4662 no.of children of all age group have been enrolled bui 5 i-:. v cnndren are vViinin dge group 1 i-i4 yrs. So G tR and NER of the children are 83 52 and 7'7,26 which have been shown in the Table 7. (in; m deiaii.

1 Child population of * Child enrolled of all | Child enrolled of age j G E R I N ER 1 i Name of the 1 aee grouo - 11 to 14 ! affes in VI & VII I grouD - 11 to 14 SI No Block [ Bovs j Girls 1 Tot 1 Boys Girls j Tot 1 Boys 1 Giris j Tot Bovs Girls 1 Tot Boys Girls Tot Bahanaga j 1540 1494 I 3034 j 1298 i 204 2502 1192 j 1106 2298 84.30 80.601 82.48 '"'’.40! ^4,03 2 Baiasore j 33o5 2755 1 6120 2917 2240 5157 2678 1 205^ 4^35 86.*^0 8:,30| K4.2- '"9.58 j 74.66 77.37 3 Baiiapai j 4230 3325 ! 7555 3612 2*750 6362 3318 !1 2526 5844 85.40 82.70 1S4.21 1 / 8.44 j 75.97 7-’.35 4 Basta j ’ oq 3495 2836 ! 6331 3013 2320 5333 2~66 1 -- 4895 }86.20 8i.80i 84.23 79.i4i 75.07 ^7.32 5 Bhoearai ! 4900 412-^ 1 902^ 4160 3442 j 7602 3820 ,1 3159 6979 j 84.90 83.40 84.21 77 96 j 76.54 ■’7 31 6 -Jalesv.ar..... - 1 ' 3*^1- 2"68 i 6485 3174 2223 I 5397 2914 i1 2042 j1 4956 185.40 80.30 83.22 ^”"8.40 -3 -7 76.42 Khaira 2904 2719 5623 2428 2249 j 4676 2236 1j 2065 1 4301 183 60 82 ■’0 83.16 -^,00; ^ 5.95 ^6.49 8 Niiagin 1 i 7u4 1554 I 3258 1 1425 1276 1 2700 130^^ 1 117] i 2480 ! 83 60 82,10 82.88 ^6.s:| ~5.35 “'6.12 -’ ! 9 Oupaaa | 1713 1! 1535 1 3248 1 1410 1276 1 2685 ! 295 1 115 I 2452 82.30 ■ ' ]82.68 ~5.60 1"5.37 75.49 4617 1 iO Remuna 1 2944 2627 1 55'7] 1 2444 2173 1I i1 2250 * 1995 ! 4245 83.02 82.^0 i82.S7 76.43 75.94 76.20 11 Simulia 1' n i 4 1544 1 3258 142’ 12^4 ' 2695 ' 1305 , i n o I 2475 82.90 82.50 82.71 76.14 75.78 ■^5.97 12 Soro ^^ 5■’03 4350 ! 10053 4865 3528 8393 44o7 j j240 I 7707 85.30 81.10 83.48 78.33 1 74.48 ! " 6.66 Total luraP 1 37929 31634 j 69563 32167 25952 58119 29550 1 23817 1 53367 84.81 82.04 83.55 77.91175.29 76.72 Baiasore (M> I 2b8 i 2467 1 5148 2239 2062 4301 2239 1 2064 4303 83.50 83.60 83.55 83,5; 83.66 83.59 14 Jaleswar N a C) 1 481 443 924 404 361 764 3^3 1 348 721 83 90 81 40 82.70 77.55 78.56 78.03 15 Nilein (NHC^ 1 347 322 1 669 296 2^9 555 282 85.30 80.40 j 82.94 81.27 77.95 79.67 1 25 •' 1 16 Soro rN AC* * 53^ 583 ] 1120 431 j 491 922 416 , 475 1 891 j 80.20 84.30 182.33 77.47 81 44 79.53 Total J 4046 3815 j 7861 3369 j 3173 6542 3310 1 3138 I 6448 j 83.26 83.18 1 83.22 81.81 82.25 82.02 G rand Tot 1 41975 j 35449 177424 35536 i 29126 64662 32860 1 26955 59815 84.66 82.16 ! 83.52 78.28 ”6.04 1 - 2 6 Source:- Surv'ev for DEEP 2001 and DI of schools Balasore -1. Soro. Nilgiri. Basta & Jaleswar,

2.8 - Integrated Edn. For disabled. A number of disabled children ( Boys 4483 and girls 4439 total 8922) of different blocks are shown in Table-8. BLOCK WISE INFORMATION OF TED CHILDREN TABLE (Table-2.8)______I I No of children indentifted age - group 5-14

1 SI No i Block Vision Hearing Ortho ! Learning ! Mental Other disab. Total ! Grand i Bovs Girls IBovs (Girls Bovs iGirls Boys 'Girl« Boys Girls Boys iGirls Boys Girls j Total 65 53 15li 131 141 161 124j 127 131 105 108 99 1 (Bahanaga I 720 676| 1396 73 "1 102 95 791 92 39 i..*- jBalasore 93 81 46i 921 81 4’’ 8 466 9 ^ 1 66 67| 69 29 071 3 iBaliapal 7ii 71 73 431 31 36 38 318 303 621 4 58 51 6ll 39 55 61* 33 38 61 39 48 'Basta ^ -.. j 1 1 307 299 606 1 I i S jBhogarai 61 63 68! ^i! 39 42i 41 46; 39 35 38 41 298 ...... i i 1 286 584 iJaleswar ; 57i 52I 53j 56i1 61 63 62 60 61 38 31 300 i ^ TT\ 321 621 7 jKhaira i 43 28! 67i 38!I 63! 51 44 32 39 49 3d 48 292 246 538 ! 8 Nilaghi 53! 48 31 49 43 58 42 41 31 33 33 294 253 547 1 ! 9 Oirpada I 38 39| 48i 52 61 29 31i 66 29 38| 73 266 281 547 27| I IRemuna 1 41 1 44i 30I 51!1 52 38 41 ' 33l 61 262 285 547 I i 1 1 11 Isimulia ’ 58! 52l 31' 6l! 22* 821 38! 41 33 ^1 3 51 i 213 58 27li 1 j 1 { 61 61' 31' 191 661 88i 63 49 58! 3lj 55 1' 12 iSoro 32i 1 ! 309| 305 614! 1 Total Rural' 5861 605, 815j 717, 7041 835i 691! 6621 628 592,! 542 659 4066 3770 78361 i 2li i ^ T 'Balasore (M) 1 2^ 191 3ll 11' 26 24 11 44 12: 33 11 112 1 i i ! 11 158 270| 1 Jaleswar 19( 17 ■i 8i 21 I 9i 18 131 111i 16 1 82 j I " >■1 'i >5 ' 14 |!n a C) ! 1 i 1 1 98 1 i 1 1 180i Q7 i i5 iNilgin (NHC) , 19' 15i 13i iSj 17 18 14 31! 31 H 8i 6' 102 , 199i i 16 iSoro (N AC) 1 11! 141 11 i ^! ' 9 11* 33! 9' 11 8 3 591 78 1 i Total ! 75il 69! 54 141 56» 612 701 84; 102 45| 60 36II 4171 369 786j ! 1 : 761 869i 791 7601 896. 761 746| 7301 6371 602 695 1 4439 Grand Tot 1 ■i 674j i 4483 ' 8922i

Table 2.9 Pupil Teacher Ratio, (i) Prv IT schools Pupil Teacher ratio is Pr} school and UP schools are shown in Table 2.9 (i; and 2.9 (ii) resDectively. Table 2.9 (i) In Primary schools of Balasore, Baliapal, Basia, Bhograi, Jaieswar, Khaira. Remuna and Simulia Blocks are verv high at the norm of 1:40

! T Total Enrolmeni in I Total teacher in No of students per '

S I N o N am e of the Block | Cl. 1 to I position teacher (PTR) *

1 - iBahanaga ! 1 5 8 7 0 1 3 7 4 1 . 4 2 i

2' !Balasore 2 7 0 5 5 1 4 5 1 1 : 6 0 1

3 ' B a l i a p a l ^ 2 6 9 2 3 3 8 9 1 : 6 9 ------

B a s t a 2 7 2 5 0 H-.. 396 1:69 —|-

B h o g a r a i 4 2 7 5 6 5 9 7 1 . 7 1 i 6 J a l e s w a r 2 8 2 7 4 4 3 3 1 ; 6 5 i i Khaira 1 9 2 5 7 1 374 1 1:51 i 1 j |Niiagin 1 1 7 1 0 3 4 0 1 : 3 4 ' 1 1 9 . Oupada 1 0 5 3 2 2 2 4 1 : 4 7 1

1 1 0 R e m u n a 2 1 9 2 7 4 1 8 1 : 5 2 1

1 1 1 ' S i m u l i a 1 5 9 6 6 2 7 7 j 1 : 5 7 1 f '

1 1 2 ' I S o r o 1 6 0 4 3 3 4 1 !

! T o t a l 2 6 3 5 6 3 4614 j 1:57 i

' 13' [Balasore (M) 12918 214 j 1:59 ! 1 jJaieswar NAC) t _ _ .. 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 9 ! 1:65 ! 1 I 1 1 5 ' iNilgin (N H C) * 1 8 0 9 1 : 4 8 1 1 1 1 T - < i 1 6 ' ^Soro (N A C ) 1 4 3 5 7 1 1 : 5 3 1 1 1 T o t a l 1 2 1 2 0 6 1 3 5 5 1 1 : 5 8 I I Grand Totai i 2 8 4 7 6 9 1 4 9 6 9 ! 1 : 5 7 !

Table 2.9 (ii) in UP schools the PTR is very less in Bahanaga, Basta, Bhograi. Khaira, Oupada, Remuna & Simulia,

77 Tabk 2.9 (ii) Pupil Teacher ratio (PTR). I P(ME) section from Cl. M - M l iTotat Enrolment m Cl ■"otai teacner in j No of students per j SI No Name of the Block 1 Vi to Vil position teacher (PTR) | (1 2502 ; 1 Bahanaga 1 142 i 1:18 1 Balasore 515-7 i 1:35 ■ 1 6362 3 Baliapal 1 7 9 1;35 1 ...... f 4 Basta 5333 19S 1 1:26 1 1 1 5 jBhogarai -602 j 264 i 1:29 i 5397 I 1...6 jjaleswar 158 ’ 1 : 3 4 1 ...... ■! 4676 ! i '' IKhaira 1 9 5 1 : 2 4 1 *Nilagiri 2700 ' ! 8 j 1 1 9 1:22 ‘ 9 2685 lOupada I 1 110 1 : 2 4 4617 i 10 jRemuna 1 5 7 1 : 2 9 [ I 11 Simulia 2695 1 1 6 1—1 1 : 2 4 8393 1 12 jsoro 1 1 : 5 0 1 1 6 6

Total I 5 8 1 1 9 1962 i 1 : 2 9 ! \ ...... 1 13 IBaiasore (M) 4301 67 ..... 2 : 0 4 - 1 1 '764 14 ijaleswar NAC) 2 0 1 : 3 7 15 555 jNilgin (N H C i i i 3 5 1 : 3 7 jSoro (NAC) ; 922 ___ 1,6 1 3 0 1 : 3 0

Total 6 5 4 2 ! 152 1 : 4 8

Grand Total 1 6 4 6 6 2 f 2114 1 : 3 0 (2-10) Block wis€ Information of Single Teacher Schools. Table . 1 ' 1 No of Single | Si iNo 1 Name of the Block | Teacher School | 1 ' Bahanaga ! 1 7 ' 1 1 Balasore 3 1 ! L...... 3„,„. Baiiapal i 5 1 ^ ' Basta 8 ! 5 ' Bhogaiai 2 I --- L . „ 6 ; . Jaleswar 1 4 I 7 ' jKhaira 1 2 i 8 ' Nilagiri ! 3 I 1 9 ' Oupada , 2 1 i 10. RemuTia 1 3 ! 11 ' Simulia I 2 ^ 12' Soro 1 \ ’ t ■ ■ ' 1 Rural Total 1 38 1 1 13 ' iBalasore (M) 1 Nit * 14' Jaleswar NAC) 1 Nil ; '5 ; Nilgiri (NHC) I Nil 1 16. Soro (NAC) 1 Nil i I Urban Total 1 Nil 1 ! Grand Total 1 38

29 2.11 Ntttritional Status

The nutritional stams of age group 3-5 yrs have shown in Table 2.1 1 103663 no. of children are available in the Balasore Distnct and they have been weighted and 29883 m grade - I, 23116 in grade - II, 4993 m graae - III and 2112 in grade - I\’.

Tabte - 2.11 NL'TRITIOISAL STATUS (Age Group - 3 to 5 Yrs.) ------p ! 1 ] j Total Children 0-3 Total Children ! Normal \ Grade 1 { Grade II Grade III ! Grade IV 1 1 SI No 1 Name of the Block 1 Yrs. Weighted 1 i 1 1 ------1 j 1 jBahanaga 5 7 5 0 5070 i 1680 1 1 6 8 1 1 1 3 6 2 i 3 1 8 1 9 2 1

* 2 iBalasore 1 5 & 4 0 15050 1 5380 i 4491 1 4011 i 8 5 9 3 0 9 1 ! '

3 jBaliapal ! 1 2 6 0 8 1 1 9 0 2 I 4 3 1 8 ! 3 9 2 1 ' 2 8 6 2 ' 6 1 3 ; 1 8 8 ------i 1■ ...... ! 1 i 4 iBasta j 1 2 ^ 7 0 1 1 8 9 8 ■ 4 2 2 1 3 8 9 9 i 2 9 2 1 1 6 6 2 1 9 5

! 5 IBhogarai j ^ 8 4 ^ 6 j 1 2 5 1 8 j 4 5 6 1 3 8 6 2 i 2 9 3 6 1 8 3 9 3 2 0

* 6 iJaleswar I 2 6 2 7 1 2 1 7 8 1 9 7 8 7 6 1 i 3 1 8 1 3 5 3 6 ( i 1 1 jKnaira i 5 9 4 0 i 5 1 1 1 ! 1 ^ 8 1 j 1 5 7 1 i 1 3 5 9 ^ 2 0 8 9 2 1 , 8 iNiiagin 1 3741 ' ^ 9 - " 2 ' 3 1 8 3 I 2 8 3 1 ! 1 7 2 1 , 14, i 9 6 i 1' t------1

I 9 lOupada ■ 3 5 6 8 2 S 1 8 9 9 8 1 8 8 2 I 7 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 9 5 1 1 1 t '

* 10 iRemuna 1 5 5 6 8 1 5 0 3 1 1 1 ^ 2 8 ! 1 6 5 2 > 1 3 5 3 i 1 5 9 ' 1 3 9 1 ^ I i I . jSimuiia 1 4 5 3 6 1 3 9 9 8 1 2 3 6 ; 1 1 9 8 5 1 1 0 9 ! 2 9 8 1 1 T1 ■ ■ -H i i 2 iSoro i 7 4 2 2 6 5 9 3 2 1 3 9 9 1 7 8 5 j 1} 1 5.... 9 8 -—4 , 3 8 0 i 2 7 0 i ' Rural Total ! 103946 i 149578 , 31963 28634 i 22281 i 4774 ' 1999 ( 1 I

^ 13 jBalasore (M) i 1 8 0 6 1 1 7 5 6 ! 6 7 2 5 2 5 ' 4 2 5 * 9 8 ' 3 6 t"

1 14 ualeswar NAC) 1 9 0 8 3 4 8 ' 3 7 2 , 1 3 2 , 3 8 2 1 1 1 1 !1 1 ! 15 f N i l g i n 1 30^ 2 9 9 1 2 0 1 1 5 9 5 1 2 4 1 1 t1 * ^ - ISuro (NAC: 1 1 1 9 5 1 9 3 2 3 9 8 3 0 1 1 7 9 3 2 22 1 1 ^ Urtjan Toatl ' 4713 1 4280 1 1741 1312 895 219 ' f 113 Grand Totai 1086659 1 8560 1 33704 i 29946 23176 4993 ' 2112

30 2.12 FacttiHr^' Available There are only 3.1% schools having blackboard facility, i3.58% scnools having electricity. 21.22% schools having toilet and 2"’.31% schools having drinking water facility, available in the Primary scnools of F:ialasore district. Block wise details information of facilmes available has been shown in Table 2.12.

Tvpes of Facilities Available TABLE 2.12

1 1 ■ ' ! 1 No of 1 i 1 Name of the Schools No of I B o o R Boundaryl Water S ! Nc 1 Electricity Tohet ] Block ilPry/ME/UGME TeachersjBank wall I Supply j s . s . 1 i

1 1 1 1 1 i !

Bahanaga j 1 6 2 5 0 5 1 1 0 5 1 N il 1 2 1 1 1 ! 4 2

2 Balasore | 2 3 8 6 4 6 1 2 0 0 1 5 5 1 1 1 Baliapal | i 9 8 5 8 0 j 1 1 0 1 1 9 4 ! 6 3 I 3 1 1 Basta 1 2 1 1 6 0 6 1 1 0 2 1 5 ] 1 3 i1 8 3 ! 4 2 ' ! ^ 1 1 5 1jBhogarai i 3 1 4 9 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 6 9 4 7 1 ' 1 ^ 1 1 ° jaieswar j 2 2 1 5 7 6 1 1 0 5 1 ^ ! 2 4 8 8 ! 8 1 ' , - 7 ^ ' 1 7 Knaira | 2 0 9 5 6 9 1 1 6 9 3 1 1 1 1 ° j U 8 Nilagin | 1 4 7 4 2 8 1 6 0 1 1 1 2 9 2 2 [

9 |Oupada 1 1 1 3 3 3 7 1 8 9 1 0 1 1 2 1 ' 2 ^

1 0 |Remuna 1 8 2 5 4 9 1 1 0 0 1 7 1 3 2 5 ! 2 7 ‘

1 1 |Simulia 1 3 5 4 1 8 1 1 2 1 i 0 2 1 ^ 9 i 1 1 2 iSoro 1 5 9 4 9 8 1 1 2 2 0 ! 3 1 1 ® iRural Total 2 2 8 9 6 6 1 2 I l 3 9 3 5 1 1 2 4 6 1 4 6 8 ! « = 1 1 3 iBalasore (M) 5 0 2 8 6 ! 1 2 0 9 1 3 9

1 4 Jaieswar NAC) 2 0 5 2 j 2 0 8 1 2 1 1 7 ; t 1 5 iNilgiri (NHC) 2 0 5 3 2 1 I 7 t !( 1 6 1I 1 1 6 jsoro (NAC) 3 3 1 0 2 j 3 0 1 4 i 2 1 9 : 2 7 1

r " ...... 1 1 3 3 4 9 3 1 9 1 1 3 3 4 6 1 1 0 2 1 Urban Toatl i jGrand Total 1 2 4 2 2 1 7 1 0 5 i 1 5 8 4 • i 7 5 , 3 2 9 i 5 1 4 1 6 5 7 1 C HAPTER - III


Planning is indispensable in all spheres of life. Any exercise without proper plannnig is

like a ship without raider. It is a systematic and continuous process through which the

objectives are achieved Through planning process, needs are identified and necessar>' strategies

are suggested for achieving the goals within the resources available . A better plan brings a

belter result. As the aims ol “SARVA SIKSITYA A B H IY A N ” is to achieve specific goal in

respect of both (jualitative and quantitative development in elenientar>^ education The district

plaiming teams prepare the plans accordingly It should be area specific, need based and

realistic. For achieving the goal a decentralized mode of planning should he done allowing the

people to participate from grass root level. Hence necessary steps have been taken while

planning for implementation of SSA in Balasore district. As regards involvement of villagers

1*R1 members school teachers, NGOs, block level as well as district level functionaries both

from (lovt and private sectors associated with education process like community awareness,

organization of meetings, discussions, work shops and microplanning has been taken up.

1 he perspective plan for the district has been done as per following steps.


Ihe District Planning leam was constituted comprising of District L.evel Officers from

District administiation, I ducafion Department, welfare Department and memliers fiom women

oigani/ation, PRI members, N(jOs representatives of 'leachers Tiaining Institute and SC & S'!

group. A core planning Team consisting of seven members was also constituted and the

members were oriented at OPHPA , for sensitization to the members of the

District Planning Team a Iwo-day workshop was organized at the district headquarters and tin*

.'^tate resource persons oriented the District planning team Block resource groups (BRG) was

ctMistituled lor each Block consisting of 20 members from among the S.I of Schools,

Headmasters ol U P Schools PRI members & NG( )s They have oriented by the r)R(J in a three

days work shop at the block head quarters.

Iloii.seholfl Survey:-

I or pieparation of the plan, necessary datas on school going children, out of school

children, disables, etc were collected m the fonnat developed and supplied by OPIiPA Sun'ey

work was conducted by the [irimary school teachers, Anganwadi workers and N( lOs which was

13 compiled at village level then at block level and at district level All the relevant data have been

incoiporated in the plan under chapter II

School Surveyj- 1 he information’s on Pnniary and Upper 1‘riniary Schools relating to teacliers buildings,

eiuolment drop outs, teacher people ratio etc was collected in a format supplied by OPIiPA and

the work was completed

f 'omnuinily Sensifisation:- l o create awareness ainong die people workshop, meetings, discussions were heitl at (iP

and Block Level for the focus groups such as women PR I, Tis and N GOs Besides, Posters,

Pamplets, etc were circulated and suggestions were invited from public Hie teacher

mobilization camp and students rallies were organized in the district

Discussion on Focus Croup:

Discussion on focus group with Woman organization, Anganwadi workers, Primary

School teachers, VFC, leaders of Iribal group in tnbal areas was conducted at (fP, Block He

District I ,evel.

( oiivergence Meetlng:-

Convergence Meeting at Block Level was conducted comprising of SEC, WEO, CDPCX

S I. of schools M I, Medical of ficers J I:. BDO members of N( tO & PRI members and jiersons

from other departments. Similarly a district level convergence meeting was organized with all

Govt Sl non Govt agencies at the District Headquarters. Discussion different Project activities

was made in the meeting.

Report & Research Findings:- i. Report & research Findings available at the college of Teacher education, Balasore & i DIE r, have been consulted Views from several magazines and periodicals on educational

aspei ts of the district have been taken in to account.

ii. District specific books like District Statistical Hand book. Educational surv'ey 1997,

^cti(m Plan for fl C etc have been referred.

Pniblems, Needs, expectation of people came out through various meetmgs, group

discussion & interaction w ith community members helped a let for planning.

34 riie two important activities under taken for prepaiing plan document we have

I a. ) House to house survey r-, ' h j Decentialised participator}' process like discussion, conversion ik interaction with

dif ferent people of the community & stakeholder.

It is to fnention here the planning process has reached this grass root level. Discussion

have been made at the village, GP, Block and dist level to bring with issues and strategies, llie

issues have been identified and real problems have been categoriescd Hence it is need based and

bottom up planning.


D u ra tion Septem ber - October 2001. Level Villages - Block I.evel G roups present SC, S7, H oman, ^ No oj Participants

Issues fk 'd Solution to Uu* issues Accepted Noii-aecepted Poverty of parents I'ree supply of Reading Accepted writing materials Lack of Awareness to Ik* created Accepted ~t consciousness ot j)aients^______l ack of facilities in Development Accepted school infrastrucUiral facilities Natural & artificial Opening of new school Accepted barriers, schools at long distance____ Engagement of Provide incentive to Accepted Non accepted children in dofnestic C’hildren/ Parents, and outside work ( lo Alternative education earn) facilities, Advocacy Uti-contucive study Orientation of frs 1-or AlU' Accepted atmosphere method of teaching, and beautification of .school Non functioning of Capacity building of VLX' Accepted VHT______L'h orientation Lack of residence of Construction of leachers Aci epied teachers quarters

p- iifi? T ' o l - . l .15 Specific Issues

1 Shortage of teacher Appointment of additional/ para teacheis and teacher rationalisation 2 Problems of girls an

District Level Couvention Date Nature oj process C onvention Level D istrict D u ra tio n One day residential Groups Present PRJ, ZP members officers o f district No of participants

SI No Issues Identified »tioii to the Jss 11^____ Water and sanitation Provision for (Irinking water is to be made. loilets are to be constructed for students. Poverty Reading writing matenals are to be provided. Mid day meals are being provided. __ ___ I ack of proper Supervision S I. ol Schools wqli have to supervise the schools regularly and he should be made free from other non-educational work Bngagement of Teachers in Teachers to be exempted from other other works works. Census & Flection works may be enthnisted to good voulantary organizations/ NGOs ______D ilapidated building Repairs Provision No I ibrary or reading writing Supplernentaiy reading materials and materials book bar^s^___ Single teacher schools Rationalisation of teachers and engagement of para teachers______Lack of field knowledge or Contextuality in education, 1 LM environmental and societal COncerii in chihIren. n ea I tiT T T ~ r 7 7 7 7 7 ' Regular health check up at least once in a month necessary.______

36 10 I ack of School building Each village has to be provided with a schooling facility according to schooling nomi. School building, additional classrooms are to be constructed Immediate repair works are to be taken up in case of dilapi(iated buildings 11 Dearth of teaching staff - Teaching staff should be provided as per enrollment and no. of classes 12 M TA & PTA lack interest in Regular context programme with education M l A / PTA M l A an(f P1'A are to be formed in the school and re-onented 13 Absenteeism of Teacher Absenteeism of teacher should be checked proper against erring teacher should l)e taken. ( onimumty is to be encouraged to look after this matter .. . - readier counseling


Finding of Group discussion Date Nature o f process Group discussion I.evel District D u ra tion s O ne day (iroups presence Teachers representatives


SI Issues Idenfified Resolving the Issues No Lack o f awareness aniong parents Awareness campaigns should be made riiey are indifTerenI forwards by folk dance folksongs and education orgamzing rneetmg at village level to create demand lor education and for community ownec] scfiools Strengthening VRC"/ M IA / I’ l'A members Regular meeting of should be jirjzanized__ Dearth of teacher and school Schools should be provided with biiildin|[» required teachers Repair of school building should be done every year Additional classrooms should i constmcted Contingency management for schot»ls Enrichj^iig^school developnieiit funds. language of leaclier and pupil Preparation of primers on local (lifters dialect. Local teacher should be appointed readier sjpuld he ()riented ____ l ack of communication facility to School should be established in a schools in some packets. well-communicated placc of the village. Koads may be made through convergence with PR Dept and KJ) D^artm ent ______Lack of content knowledge of trs. ( )rientation to the teachers to be given Defective syllabus Syllabus to be changed improved and _ne^dj)a^d ______^______Defective evaluation Fvaluation system to be changed and ___ the process should be child friendly __ No scope for games/ sports Provision to be made for sport/ games Health cards to bejjitroducecl______Lack of proper supervision of the S I s should supervise the school school regularly and m^mthly support to be given. 1 ocal resource support group for ac^lejnic monitoring and supervision. Lack of sufficient school School contingency and SK j should contingency. b c^o vid ed to the schools _____

DISTRICT LEVEL DISCUSSION WITH FOCI SEP CROUP Hate Nature of Process (iroups discussion Level District Duration One day (iroups present Anganwadi Supervisors No of participants CDPO, DHCRA Supervisors.

SI No Issues Irieiitined ___ Resolving the Issues______Most of Anganwadi workers are not Orientation to Anganwadi workers acquainted with preschool on primaiy School education Play materials are not supplied to New play materials should be AWC old play materials are not supplied useful now. _ __ Songs are not attracting the children Anganwadi workers should be well trained in songs/ local songs and rythms.______Anganwadi workers are paid with lionorarium to Anganwadi workers^ low honorarium should be increases

18 5 Parents are reluclaut to send Balmela should be organized an(J children to A.W.centres. community should be involved 6 Food is not palatable to the children Care should be laken by A W workers for preparation o f food to make it taste. 7 Lack of care and attention to the A.W workers should be oriented on children taking care of the children Accountability should be given on them. 8 Irregular timing of AW C To develop the habit of going to A W C in time. '9 Atmosphere of A W C is not Anganwadi centres should be conducive. constnicted where there is no infrastmcture facilities. 10 Malnutrition areas without any Norms for A W C is to he relaxed, AWt^s. (iet up at new centres.

39 CH AI’ I KK -IV


I-KOIILI' MS AND ISSUI S A numbei of interventions and strategies have been taken up to achieve tlie target ol

iiin\’ersalisation of I leini*ntary education (IJ I' E) Out of focus group discussions, convergeiicc

meetings, & workshops it was revealed that the major issues identified can he (H\ ided into loui

broad categories.

1. Access

2. Retention

Quality Improvement

4. Capacity building Issues related to Access Primary education can not be Universalized until & unless access is provided to all lavgel gvovips. U is nol yin been achieved due lo U\ck of awareness, negligence of parents,

|30veity, un conducive school atni('»sphere apathy of teachers etc. The issue of access has been emphasized particularly to all children between the age of 6 to 14 year. The problems strategies foi universal access are culminated here under SI Issues / Problems Possible Strategies Intervention INo 1 Lack of Primar> Schools or The exercise of Planning Alternative Schooling microplanning & school facility within w'alk able mapping has been taken up distance to ascertain the needs o f Primar>' Schools. Opening o f new Primary School ' liGS & A IF centre Access in un served habitation Opening o f hostel & Access residential schools Posting of additional S & M E teacher Department

2 Physical Barriers like hills, Opening oralteinative Access forests, rivers artificial school where state norm

40 barrier like railway etc & for Primary School is Highway restricted Recruitment of additional S & ME school teacher Building less Primary' C'onstiuction of School C'onvergence with Schools building/ additional DRDA classroom Poor & dilapidated school Major & Minor Repair of Minor repair by the building never attract School building community & children major by G P. & Panchayat Saiiiiti, MI LAD, MPLAD Disabled children neglected Disabled lED Convergence with children are to NGO be encouraged Health to attend school Department, Parents of lED Different Projects disabled o f (ioveniment of children are to India. be motivated Incentive should I ED be provided to the disabled children Free supply of ]\\\) aids, hearing aids. Special I f l ) enrolment drive for disabled children Where the lED number of disabled are more t)ne teacher should l)c trained in I ED Research studies on JED issues Poor road cornrnunication Provision for ( 'onvrrgencc wilh constniction of PR I road

41 Issues related to enrolment & Retention

Llfiiversal access (bllows universal retention Retention aims at completion of class -V education al the age of 10 yeais 1 he district specific problems relating to retention are tliscussed below along with suggested strategies.

SI Issues / I’rohltMns Possible Stralegies Iiilervention No Pool awareness among Awareness campaign among parei]ts,c*v .thw'u , , . parents & Uiu.pu,blii: tp be indi(Terence towards accelerated education Special awareness campaign in I I DA & NGO hilly areas of Nilgiri Oupada & Kupari Campaign for motivating girl i c n s children in specific areas where number of SC ST & minority are more Organisation of meeting and N (iO cultural programmes on essence utility & importance of education Organisation of rallies campaign N( lO padayatra, street cirama etc by students & teachers l^vo|v^men^of PRl __ Irregular attendance of ()rganisation of PTA & M l A (Capacity building students Meeting of P I A,MTA & PRl of P'l a ’ members M IA Door to door visit by teachers M IA Monitoring regular attendance M1 \ j b ^ Feachers & Headmaster etc VI:C IS not active Onentation of VP'C members C’FU" & capacity Women representation in VFX building of Vb(\s should to emphasized Involving members for active participation / owning (he shoo! Involving Anganwadi workers to VEC meetings P^)osure visit to VHC members Unattractive 1 caching Massive orientation to teachers DIFU' ST School I eamm ^ Piocess _on^newj>e^a|»ogy ______Want of need based Preparation of supplemenlary DIF F curriculum reading materials work book SFS etc Introduction of area specific S( 7 S I .topics , . , , , , , , - Introduction of teaching __ S(^

42 learning materials on tribal ST ITDA dialect Hdn. Subject specific disciission, analysis. Lack ot Interest among Motivation to parents parents to send their Incentives, M DM rice etc. PR I children to school Opening of special schools for Access/AIF working children/ migratory children/ children of socially backword groups Flexible school timing in selected areas. lingagenient o f girls in Special motivation to giils by household works teachers. Motivation by Anganwadi M l A to be workers/ M FA/ SHG motivated I )oor to door visit by tea('hers Organisation of cultural programmes for development of girls education ( )pening of hostels for girls in selected areas/ camps for Adolesant girls. Welfare Display of posters on girls department education. \1NICW Intioduclion of vocational health related education, women group meetin^s^______Problem of language Appointment of tribal teachers in tribal area Development & supply of l ex! book in tribal languages particularl)/ m Nilgiri Hlock _ _ Pool CO - curricular Supply of games & sports activities including articles to schools physical education Organisation of Sishii Mela, RI games ^ sports Mini S[)orts Sc sciencc b.xhibition etc. Drawing, painting competitions SIS at ( j P level Project activities STS Development of physical High School PI: education Mass drill Help ol local High School Pf T to be Uikeii______Poor Health of riiildren Regular Health Check up of Health & F.W Children by local health UNK ’I I- workeis & doctors/ health card 10 children

43 11 Poor Hconomic Free supply of 1 ext books to SC PHI condition of S(’ & St & S I % BPI students in tune IRW HPI people I' ree supply of reading writing riD A materials to the above category of students Free supply of unifonn to girl students 12 Need of additional Additional (^ivil PRl classroom classroom should works DRDA be constructed as per need 13 I oilets Construction of ( ’ivil HN ICIil toilet in every w'orks DRDA school is barely required T4^ I >riliking water 4 ube well should ^ Civil RWSS be installed in works every school T.V Houndary wall and For butification Civil I’lectrification of schools Works

Issues reliited fo Quality Iniproveinenl ofKducation

(Quality of F^riniary liducation has been slrengthened with inlroduction ol activity based approach in learning process. A good retention will certainly lead to spectacular quality achievement Universalisation of Primary Education not only emphasizes on access retention but also focuses on improvement of quality of education & out standing achievement. It aims at enhancing standaid of knowledge of students 25% (Mmiinuin) in language nuinerical & 40% minitnum m <)ther competencies. Despite several attempts targets have not been achieved some problems still exist in the district the penance for which are reflected below

Academic support group at block and clusters

luMum for discussion

belicitation to good teachers

Exposures to teachers

Subject specific training programmes

C hange in the syllabus forC .1 & BE.I).

Subject weigthages according to requirements

Accountability for (jiiality education

Regular evaluation/ unit tcst^ progress can!/ sharing of results with slake holders

Effective Classroom nianagement/use of contextual TI M

Sports and extra-curricular activities

44 Promotion of teachers journals

Hxhibition of creative works of teachers/ students/ VFC members

News paper and journals to schools

DIET need to be strengthened

listablislmient of block and cluster resource centres

Adequate no ot teachers in each school.

Supplementary leaching inputs to teachers

Strengthenmg school management.

More resource support to weak schools. SI Issues / Problems Possible Strategies lutervention No Problem of multigrade Appointment of additional SMH teaching teacher SCHRT -__ Orientation on handling n il'T __ iliylljgrade teaching______Poor content knowledge Oiientation of teachers on ot teachers content of subject Conducting Reliesher courses SCl'R I Dim Prepanng & providing teachers SCI R I hand book Opening of library at school, CRC & BRC Supplementary reading materials 12 provided lo teachers______Lack ol Knowledge on Teachers in tribal areas should tribal dialect have knowledge on tribal language S T. teachers should be posted in iribal area Peacliers are (o be oriented by CRC, PRC & D liri institutes _ I Jnatlracfive class room Attractive teaching learning process system/ ABC method approach, fra in mg on activity based learning, joyful leaching & play way method P'mphasis on use of teaching aids, Action song, story lellmg & dramatiziition etc Improper Pvaluation Continuous & comprehensive System evaluation system should be introduced Unit text should be introduced iivaluation sliould be followed by follow up action Progress card of students should be maintainetl Parents of students should be iiilomied about_the {iio^rcss I at'k of Institutional 1 he headmasters siiiuild be planning oriented on institutional planning _ ^ niaiiagcment ______Weak Supervision I'ach school should be visited by a least once by S.l.S in a month 1 he S.I S should be exempted Irom non acadcmic vvorks ot the Block CR( & HR( coordinat(^rs also should lake part in supervision & monitoring. ( After being imposition) Inspection reports should be complied immediately Resourceful teachers groups should be taken in BRG - Conducting AHWAAN programmes ______Slow progress o f girl Special attention & special care students towards backward girls. Supply of supplementary readers work book etc. Motivating mothers Remedial coaching special hostel for g i r l s ______Non availability of Preparing & providing books to supplementary readers / schools BRC workbooks Hncouraging production of supplementary- books by local teachers. Supplyof Aroha, Prerana, Paribartan etc. as supplementary reading m aterials 10 1 n s u ff'i c i e n t a a rd &. No of Scholarships should be recognition increased Quiz competitions for academic jgr(^ress shoiU(iJ^ej

Issues Related to Capacity Building

Infrastnictural development along with cooperative management and effective supervision from bottom to top can only change the exciting scenario of prirnai^ education

Lxisting system needs to be stengthened. Due to poor functioning of VbX , Poor supervision & ...... ^ ^ ...... monitoring the targets are not achieved. Fo achieve the goal ol eflective community

46 participation they are to be oriented. Strengthening and updating management information system 1 he details of issues & proposals are stated l)eh)w

SI Issues / Problems Possible Strategies Intervention No 1 Non involvement of VF.C Oiientation T raining of VEC members & I’RIs in members school management - Orientation of PTA, M IA & N G() system & Absences of to involve them for all-round community ownership development of School reformation of CRC & BRC & their orientation for community mobilization Awards to best school committee Exposure visits Lack of Teachers Organisation of content oriented empoweniient short tenn training programme on subjects like language, mathematics and F,VS l ibraries ot schools CRC & BRC should be enriched with lUwks I raining on preparation ol low I ost and cost teaching aids should he uvyLiniied. framing on activity based teaching learning process Organisation of field 7 rips to make teaching more interesting Making centre meetings of teachers more useful by means of demonstration lesson workshop etc. Orgamstion workshops on new evaliialion system l)ev<‘loj)menl of films on teachings o|^ele('tjjd J_opics. Poor supervision & Orientation to S I. of Schools monitoring I:stablishnrent ofC’Rf ‘ & HR( with proper function Block level information systems F-mpowermerit of 1)1 I T Strengthening DIF I Reniuna Improving mfrastnictural facilities of Dliri like building, hostel, furniture, library , T V A V aids c(Mnputer etc ftainmg to DIB l personnel’s Involving l)II*T personnrl’s in supetvision & momtoring

47 Vehicle For supervision. I ack of resource sup|)ort Centre schools he con veiled to at cluster Block Level ( lU’ BKC building be conslructeci/ CKC building be constnicteil ( 'RC' & BRC to be equipped with furniture & library Appointment of BKC coordinatoi Stafl, stationary & telephone fac ility to BRC SuppK of ovei head projector at BRC Strengthening and empowerment of local resources support groups, _exposures^______Poor Incentive & Cultivating competitive spirit recognition to teachers among teachers in the field of innovative teaching, action research & preparation of teaching aids Awards }oi 100% enrolment retention & achievement Meld trips of teachers l elicitalion of teachers at block _a nd Pa nc hay at level every y e aj__ Poor IntVastnictural The D I. of schools should be facility at IXI of School provided minimum infrastructural level facilities like vehicles, computer etc. I raining to 1 )Is, personnel Administrative reforms Systematic transfer policy Some of the administrative issues t(^ be transferreil to BRC level. Farly response to teachers grievances 1 raining to H.Is , S.Is & II M s on school management.______Creation Data base - Creation of Management Infoimation system MIS C’onstruction of MIS room Procurement ol equipment like computers, Fax, lelephone Xerox machine type writer etc Appointment of skilled staff for MIS to operate the sysj^m.______Insufficient contingency S I.Cl and T.I G to be provided Dev(‘lopment of copus fund in schools

48 10 Inadequate Co-cun iciilar - Incentives should be given for activities cultural functions - Creation of school development funds 1 Contingencies to schools Celebration of local festivals and involvement of parents there in Hvaluation of students liducational issues in Gram Sabha - Progress cards and health cards to be made available to parents i

- — News paper to schools


I he constitulion ol Itulia in Aiticle 45 promises to provide free and compulsorv education to all the chililren of a^e j^roup 6 14 within ten years Ironi the comnienceinent (d the i oiistilution

The National tducation policy of 1986 an(i the Programmed ol Action 1M92 reiteiates tht' nation’s determination for Universalisation of primaiy education foi the age grouj) 6-14. It has been iletermined in the paia 5 12 of the NPl: Ihiit before entering in the iiexl cenlur> all the chddien will be provideil ftee and compulsory eihication up to 14 yeais of age 1 hough several steps have been taken for the achievement of the constihitional commitine?it yet the goals are far au'ay.

AIMS AND OBJE( TIVES SPE( lALIA FOR HAl ESWOR DISTKK 1 I h( aims and objectives especially for Balesore district in DMEI’ context are 01 To achieve 100% enroUment targets for the age groups 6-14 02 To ensure retention of enrolled children till the completion of iippei primary education. 03. To improve the (juality of primary education 04 To proniot{^ the rate of girls education and to reduce the gender disparities 05 To reduce the rate of drop outs up to 0%. 06 I ’o ensure public sharing, cooperation and {>articipation in th<' achirvcment of Ul P and to bring physical development of schools. 07. To establish nev^' schools and I‘GS schools to cater the needs of tlie unnerved habitations and pro\ Ide iacihties for upper primary education by upper grading the pnmar> school 08. To ensuie a better and balanced student teacher latio. 09. To strengthen the DIET and S.l schools 10. To make coordination for better convergence among different educational offices and other agencies 1 1. To strengthen the di.strict primary education system by creating a silent social revolution 12. ro ensure education for migiatory population, special focus group 13. Po provide better educational facilities to the children of remote hill\ areas and forest areas, and in a accessible pockets. 14. To strengthen the infrastructure of the district of the primary education. 15. To provide sujiport to backword minority community/ fisherman people belov. poverty line f'or the successful implementation of the programmed with above objecti\ es, Suitable strategies are to be chalked out

rAR(;ET(;RoiJi‘S The following target groups have been high lighted m the project ^ Deprived and neglected sanctions (6-14 age group) ^ C hildren from SC & ST (boys & girls) % Cjirls from general and minority communities ^ Migrating family children s Physically and mentally handicapped children. ^ ( ’hihlren of hilly, forest & in accessible areas ^ Working children

50 i*r ()(;r a m m e i ) intervention lo achieve the goals of lIHE through this projec t, intensive activities have been jiroposed to be undertaken under the following 14 inlerv'entions of the programmed

01 Project Management 02. Planning & Management 03 Civil Works 04 Access and Alternative Schooling 05 Pedagogical Improvement 06 Education for S (' & ST 07 Girls Education 08. Research & Evaluation 09 Early child Hood C are & Education 10 Integrated E'ducation of the Disabled 11 Community Mobilisation and Participation 12. Media 13. Distance Education 14. Management Infonnation System 1 5. Procurement.

P R() J F C 1 M A N A (; E M F NT I he proposeti District Idementary Education Programmed is an additionality to the (ingoing educational activities in the district On the othei hand it is also a tmi(' bound programmed having its well dctined ol)jectives, strategies and interventions that are different from the traditional pattern. It aims at building up capacities for the tutiire sustamal)ility of the activities to be undertaken during the project period tliroiigh the active parlicipalion and cooperation of the people.

further, it emphasizes on the need of lestructurmg of the traditional administrative striictiin- for radical changes in the outlook of officials and nonof'ficial functionaries Unless until capable and dedicated functionaries come forward, new project can not function effectively.

Keeping in view the bottom up planning process, it emphasizes on team work, cooperation, participation, understanding, leadership, convergence, discussion social relation & effective project management

In view of the above the project will be managed by District Project Office in the district with the collaboration of the Slate Project ( )fflee.

DlSTRIf T PROJEC T OFFK E District Project Office, lieaded by District Project Coordinatoi (DP( ) will be the main executive agency for the effective implementation of the project activities in the district The D P .( w ill be responsible for the management of funds and the project activities as per the norms prescribed by the State Project Office The main functions lo be executed by the District Pro|ect office are

51 (a) Planning, implementing, supeivising and coordinating the educational activities in the district at different levels. (b) Preparation of district educational plan involviiig DIR I ,BR( ',CRC’,VbX and other agencies (c) Administrative and financial control over the project (d) Supervision of construction works and academic activities for cjuality improvement (e) Monitoring of the programmed activities (0 I’stablishing inter sectoi litikages and conveigencc (g) Capacity building of all key functionaries of the district level & field level officers (h) Strengthening of DIFT for carrying out innovative activities relating to research, evaluation, quality improvement

S I RI N(; I HFNING OF DiSTRICT PROJE( T OFFICE The District Project Office will be provided with office building, ade(|uate academic and non-academic staff, vahicle and other facilities for its better functioning and management of project activities fhe DPO building will timcfion in the campus of the DIM ' for better cooperation, coordination, and monitoring ol project activities ITie State Project Office for the management of programmed activities will train the DPO staff according to the needs. Library facilities will also be provided at the DPO for providing academic support

PLANNIN(r AND MANAGEMENT Planning is the basic need for the successful implementation of the programme. It aims at filling up the gaps, reviewing the human resources and available facilities for its best utilization, making adequate provision for effective supervision and monitoring as well as en.suring better cooperation and coordination with other agencies. In view of fhe above objectives due emphasis has been given tor bottom up planiAing process through ihe r\ghl kind of communication net works with different tunctionaries at all the levels of the district o r (;a n is a t io n s t r u c t u r e In order to achieve the objectives of the programmed through its successful implementation due emphasis has been given to create an effective organizational structure starting from village level to district level. The structure of planning is as follows.






G i ^ LE v1;l




A. DISTKK T LEVFI At the district level there would be a District Planning l eatn (D P I) which would ovei see the implementation of the programmed activities in the district. The DPI' will be headed by ( ollector & District Magistrate and the AcUiitional District Magistrate will act as Vice- ( haimian. Llie ('ollector & L^istrict Magistrate will nominate the members of the DPT from among different communities such as SC & ST voluntary organization, members of PRIs, DIE I personnel, district level officer of education department and other departments The membere like SC/Sl will constitute the DP I', NGOs members of PHIs, DIE I . District level officers of Education Department and other Departments. The meeting of DP I will be held once in very month to review the progress and plan for future. I he functit)ns of the DP I' w'ill be as follows

(a) I o oversee (he implementation of different components of DEI P (b) Lo make adequate provision for supervision ol civil work

S3 (c) Strengthening of management Infomiation Systeni. (cl) lo have a better linkage between vaiious departments for effective convergence foi I'lenientar}' Hilucation at the grass root level i e village level (e) lo establi.sh better coordination between Dli r and primary Hducation management functionaries (f) lo formulate and issue policy guidelines for different activities under different c(^mp(ments of the piogiammed (g) lo develop suitable mechanism foi participatory educational planning and development (h) lo approve the budget and expenditure of the project Ik'sides this at the District level core plannmg I earn, core advisory and purchase Sub­ committee, budget J^ub-committee, plan I’reparation Sub-Commiltec, Monitoring and b valuation Sub-Committee, Kecriiitment cell, Task Force for supervision, Resource Groups have been constituted for decentralization of project management and its effiective functioning.

B. VIJ LAC;E LFVFL At the village level, Village Education ( ommittee has already been set up. fhls committee will act as the primary units for the fonnulation, implementation, and supervision of project activities at the lowest level The committee will also be given the responsibilities of micro planning, village eiiucation plan for providing education to all the children through formal or alternative schooling systems. The functions of the VI‘C will be; a) Community involvement and environment building. b) Supervision of construction works c) A special measure for the education of dropout sections specially the girls. d) Supcrv'ision of the schools e) Micro planning, village education plan & identification of local issues and problems 0 Better implementation and monitoring of activities to increase enrolment g) Organisation of cultural programmes, functions, meals, & special campaigns h) Organisation of conveigence ser\ ices for better Pnmar> Education


( ivil works have a unique place in the programmed as it aims at improving the school environment as well as retention of the learners When of the total estimated cost of the programmed will be spent towards civil works much care and due attentions is to be paid for its best utilization with transparency for this purpose the project emphasizes on community participation and cooperation in cany'ing out the civil works on decentralized manner. The guiding principles for the control of the civil works will be

1 Timely completion of the proposed works to avoid cost over mns and time over runs. II. Proper utilization of allocated funds III Quality ensurance m each work. IV Maintenance of transparency in procedure to avoid criticisms and doubts,

54 Qj* a n d a l i e k n a t iv k s c h o o i in g in t e k v f :- OBJECTIVKS STRA TEC I FS/A( TIVH I E‘> l»HV. NTI()N _ lA K C JEIS ACCESS AND Providing access I < )pening of new 62 primary ALTIiRNATIVh through belter schooling schools for the 45 upper SCHOOLIN(i facililies. unnerved primary. habitations II f onstruction of building for Iniilding less 580 buildings. schools III ( onstruction of 810 Primary additional class 343 upper rooms primary IV Appointment of 124 primary teachers lor the 90 upper new school. pnmar>', total [’roviding access to the V. Opening of 214 teachers children of hilly Sc alternative schools forest aieas, areas for the unieserved 540 I'XiS having natural harriers, habitations which pnmar}' and for sperial focus do not come under 4‘K) i;CiS 1 Jppcr groups the norms for pnmar>' opening of formal S( liools, migjatory , families, special ! fo(UJS g/oup. VI. Hngagement of instructors for I (j S Vfl Provision of -alary 1 1 20 mstnrctor for new schools Vfll Provision of 214 nonorainim for I'X iS instructors IX. Contiiigtmi y PXiS centers X l uniilure for new school s 107 XI. Teachers grant for new schools 214 XII. ( irants for P;GS inslnirtors 1 120 XIII Reading writing materials for student of new schools and H( IS centers,

56 AC( I SS AND AL l ERNA FIVE S( HOOIJNG INTEKVE- OBJ F(1 IVES STRATEGIES/AC nV II lES PHY. Ni;i()N lARGETS ACCESS AND Providing access I Opening of new 62 primar>' AI IHKNATIVi: through better schooling schools for the 45 upper SCH(X)LIN(i facilities. unnerved primary. habitations il Construction ol building for building less 580 buildings schools III. Construction of 810 Primar>' additional class 343 upper rooms. primary IV. Appointment of 124 primary teachers for the 90 upper new school primary, total Providnig access to the V. Opening of 214 teachers children of hilly & | alternative schools forest areas, areas i for the unreserved 540 EGS having natural barriers, habitations which primary and for special focus j do not come under 490 ECfS Upper groups I the norms for primary. opening of fonnal schools, migratory families, special focus group. VI. Engagement of instnictors for EGS VII Provision of salar> 1120 instructor for new schools VIII. Provision of 214 Honorarium for E(iS instnictors IX. Contingency EGS centers. X Fumitiire for new school s 107 XI. Teachers grant for new schools 214 XII. Grants for EGS instructors 1120 XIII. Reading writing materials for student of now schools and EGS centers.


In order to underlake the construclioii activities more effectively under civil work components it has been proposed to provide training to the Engineers V1:C members during the project period

n v i l WORKS INTERV­ OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES/ THYSK AL TAR(;ET ENTION ACTIVITY Civil, Preparatory i. Organisation of One WORKS activities Training of bngineer in Civil Providing Works better li. 1 raining of VFCs All VI:C infrastructure in crvil works lii, C onstruction ol 12 ( I welve) BRC building Providing Block/cluster 257 ( Two hundred fifty better access Resource center seven) CRC building building. IV. C’onstniction of 580(Eighty eight) building for building less Primary and 20 UP. primary schools \ , ( onstniction of HIO for primary 343 for additional class upper primarv' will be rooms for single taken up by the project roomed sc)iools VI C onstniction of Primary 62 building for new Upper primary 45 schools Building for new schools vii Constniction of computer room for MIS viii Repair of existing Major 620 Pri 432 UPS school buildings Minor 840 Pri 650 UPS


Keeping Uhi in view a door-fo-tloor survey was conduc ted through out (he district for two days to assess the situation with regard to lilementary lulucation

On the basis ol the sur.'ey it was revealed that out ol 2586 rural and 1080 habitations. 340 habitations have reinained unserved not being provided with Hlemcntary schools On the other hand 88 schools have no building of their own

In order to over come these difficulties steps are to be taken on priority basis to provide better access to the children m all parts of the district. During the project period the activities proposed to be under taken in respect of this intervention are


In order to check the drop out rate and to increase the retention of the disadvantaged groups like girls, S(7S1, minority communities, handicapped learners & special Ibcused groups material support in the form of reading writing materials will be provide to these children each year for a period of Nine years during the project period Convergence will he made with Welfare Departments for su|)ply of text book s


At Ihe district level DIE I is functioning as a Nodal Institute in providing academic as well as managerial support to the primary education of the district. It plays a vital role in imparting training to the teachers of the district, conducting activities on institutional planning, research studies, designing cuniciilum, developing audio and video programmes in the field of Flementary education. Tlirougfi the programmed activities, DII T will be strengthened, so that it ctin bear the workload of training programmes and other related activides of DPP P.


RR( acts as a link between DIET and CRC . It will be a foium where the CRCs will meet and interact with each other and share their experiences. The difficulties faced at the CRCs level will be solved at BRC. 12 BRCs will be established in the district one each for two blocks. Further it will provide guidance and technical support to 257 C RCs and will also monitor and evaluate the functioning of Cf<.C’s . The FU

^ l o act as a field laboratory of DIE'I for testing training matenals development at the district level

^ l o develop locally relevant materials

^ lo conduct research activities at the block level on block specific issues 4 I o organize orientaticm programme(i for teachers, other functionaries under the guiiiance of DIET. s fo monitor the functioning of the schools s To participate in the monthly meetings of CRCs ^ To organize orientation programmed for teachers, other functionaries under the guidance of DIE I ^ T o monitoi the functioning of the schools ^ To participate in the monthly meetings of CRCs ^ To hold monthly meeting at BRC for review of academic progress and implementation of programmed activities ^ Ft) develop and supply TLM ^ To document /(c disseminate the information ^ To organize seminars discussion workshop


Pedagogical improvement is an integrated part of educational activities. I he quality of teachers depends on the environment m which a teacher has undergone training. Sustainability of educational standard and further improvement is not possible without the planned and well- designed methods of teaching and mastery' over contents A teacher must be well equipped with new innovations, techniques of teaching participatory activity based teaching learning process, knowledge about tribal language. Above all change of attitude is the key factor for a teacher in the effective management of classroom transactions.

As training is an essential and important aspect to achieve the desired objectives of 1JFE, m the proposed programmed, it has been planned to provide 3 level i.e. DIFT, BRC & CKC training programmes to the teachers and other functionaries. In organizing pedagogical and other training programmes DIF f will play the role ot key lesource center in the district in designing, coordinating and imparting training programmes to the teachers, BRC / CR( coordinators, MTAs, FCCE fiinctionaries, members of VE( ’, NGOs & PlUs. L)ifferent modules of training for teachers, BRC' / ( RC coordinators will be prepared with the academic support of DIET For the organization of the training programmes at different levels the activities to be undertaken during (iroject peru)d are as follow's:

01. FOKMA riON RESOIIRC'F (iROl PS a) I^RG - One common DRG will he formed consisting ot 20 members from DIET Secondary 1 raining Schools, Retired I’diicationists to provide training on different aspect.s to the Master I rainers ( M f) at the distnct level in DIE T. All the training programmed will be residential in nature 1 he common DR(i will be I'oi


^ GbNDI R IRIBAF PEI)A(H)GY CMP i:C( E & MEDIA RFspoNsiHiLi rn s OF RFSoiiR( E (;rohps

The Resource groups at the District Level 8i Block I.evel will be entrusted with the following responsibilities beyond organizatron of training programmes. ^ Teachers sensitization on gender issues. s I raining of VE( s and activisatiori of w'omeii members m tril)al densed pockets 4 Strengthening of M l A ^ Mobilisation of community for better participation

02.o r (; a n i s a t i o n o f 1 r a i n i n g p r o g r a m m e s

I hree tier training programmed at DIIi'I ,BR( ,C R( l«‘vel will b(> organized lor, FiR(is, M l and teachers on different aspects like pedagogical, lEI), Gend<;r disparities, attitudirial, pre-school education in order to acquaint the teachers and other functionaries with activity based teaching learning process new methods of teaching.

,57 (b) ( ONSTHlU rroN OK ADDniONAL ( I ASS ROOMS Through the need of the district in lespect ol construction of additional classrooms is nioic It is not possible to provide funds under this programmed because of certain linntations. Accordingly provision foi such constiuction has been to 115.^ only and the rest others will be undertaken through convergence with Tl DA/ DRDA and other related agencies

(c) REPAIR OF E\ISI1N(J S( IfOOL HUILDINGS Steps have been taken through the project for major repair of existing sch(»ol building w hich has been limited to 620 & 432 schools for Primary and llppei Pnmary Schools respectively


DMLP leaffirms the commitment ol Universalisation of Primary Education giving emphasis on equal and universal participation of all children irrespective of caste, creed, religion, sex, place of birth etc In the light of the above commitment it is obvious that special attention is required to bring the socially disadvantaged groups of children to the main stream for the achievement of desired objectives. Among the disadvantaged groups girls occupy one half of the eligible child population who need special attention for their participation in primary education. Because of low eru'olmenf and retention of girls as compared with boys, the gender gap has widened, which IS to be reduced through this programmed activity.

It is a wrong notion that educating girls is unnecessary as they are to run the house and after mairiage, they will have to leave their parentid house and will take care of the children and also the house-hold activities In this circumslance the girls do not gel ade(juate support of their respective families to purchase their studies

In Halasore district the retention of girls is veiy poor especially among the poor and backward communities. The obvious reasons behind this are the lack of awareness among the parents due to low literacy, tendency of engaging the girls to meet the domestic needs like engaging them in sibling care, negative attitude of teachers and parents towards giils’ education, distance of schools.

While preparing the district perspective plan care has been taken to high light these obstacles and accordingly activities have been proposed to be undertaken foi the sustainability of girls education. The proposed activities are - inENTFFirATION OE FOCUS (JROUPS

For the purpose of identifying the focus groups house- hold survey has been conducted in the distiict


In order to ensure the education of the non-enrolled girls, girls engaged m household activities or as child laborer FGS facilities have been provided in the programmed. Total no of *540 Primary E(iSC & 490 U P liCISC have been proposed for the education of these children.


Being the lowest level in the hieiarchy, it plays a vital role in organizing the activities of the programmed at the grass root level keeping coordination with the community For the belter and effective finictioning of the CRC, all the Crocs will be provided with of fice building, whole time coordinator, furniture, equipment lil)rary facilities etc. It will act as a forum for sharing of experiences of teachers among themselves Resource support will be provided by the CRC to (he teachers for better classroom perfonnance At the CRC teachers will meet once in a month to solve there academic problems. I^ach C RC will be provided with grants for conducting i)f research activities, micro planning & school mapping. 257 C'Rf's will be established @ I for 15 schools in (he district to cater (he academic need of the teachers The fiinctions of the ( R (' are as follows.

^ 1 raming in multi-grade teaching to teachers ^ 7 raming of VEC members ^ ( apacity building of teachers ^ Development of TI M ^ Organising awareness campaign s Organising community mobilisation activities & cultural programmes ^ Organising rallies, melas.padayatra, palha pranta natak etc ^ Coordinating with HCCb: activities. ^ Providing feed back to EU<.( and schools. ^ Organising meeting oi P I'A, MTA, NGOs etc. ^ I raining to teachers on different subiects.


School improvement is a part of [jedagogical improvement, which needs to be planned more carefully I( is, no doubt, a joint exerci.se of the (eachers, CRC ,BRC Cf)ordinators and local (ommunity leaders. (<)uality improvements- increased learning- l)e((er re(en(ion of children are (he activities related to teacher development and appiopriatc classroom transaction strategies But if due attention is not paid lor school improvement the achievement of desired objectives will be far away, School improvement involves the ac(ivi(ies like improvement of infrastructure, provision of adequate teachers, institutional planning for improvemeni with (he help and participation of local individuals and use of local availabh? resources, making school environment atlrac’tive, provision of opportunKies for (Jisadvanlagcd childien, adequate provision for curricular and co-curriciilat activities. When some of (he activities re(|uire financial allocations others can be matenali/.ed through participation and contribution of (he public and (he teachers

(a) PROVISION OF SC IIOOI. (iRANT l*rovision for school improvement grant for schools (1802 existing schools 62+new schools) («) Rs 2000/- per school for two times during (he projec( period has been made to meet the urgent needs of the school 1 he said fund will be increased (o the VF’C and will be kept in a joint account in (he name of the C hairman VI-C and Head master of the < oncerned school In addition 1113 existing upper pnm.iry and 4 5 new upper jirimary schools will be praised Rs.3000/- as school.

59 thiee phases for development of attitude tow ards research activities relating to the development of primary education,


l or evaluation and documentation it has been proposed to conduct impact study on various inputs of the programmed at the district level Such peri(»dically evaluation will provide feeilback foi luither improvement and effective implementation of the programmed


In order


Sharing workshop at the district level will be organized for having discussions on research finding at vanous levels of the district.


Provisions have been made for the meeting o lD lf I personnel and other competent organization in research to provide better help ami swppovV fov conducting ii\dividua\ st\idies during first three years of the programmed


FCCE is a support programmed for Universalisation of primary education Being an essential component of DEEP , it plays a vital role in 4 Pieparing children particularly first generation learners for primary school readiness. Facilitating participation of girls and deprived groups in primary schools by relieving them from sibling care responsibilities and other engagements

It has also been generally observed that those children from areas with preschool education through ECCE centers (AWC) have better retention and proportionately the drop out rate is lower in those areas. Although AWC's being run undei I( DS programmed have the component of pie school education, it is very weak in its f unctioning.


DEEP is a bold initiative to extent the advantages of quality of Elementary education to the children with disabilities. Universalisation cannot take place unless children having disabilities are integrated in the main stream of education In this coinponeni five category' of children i e. visually impaired, hearing impaired, othopaidically handicapped, and learning disabled and mentally retarded will be benefited

67 ()R(;ANISATI0N o f a w a r e n e s s ( aimpaicn

For the change o f attitude of the parents and building oi awareness among the backward communities towards girls’ education it has been proposed to organize awareness building activities like seminars, discussions, personal contact, rallies, patha prania nataka, writing slogans, wall paintings, etc in the remote areas Such activities will be organized in different backward habitations. In includes enrolment drive for better enrolment of girls.


In order to empower the women specially the mothers for the participation and management of primar>' education it has been proposed to constitute MTA / PTA in all the primary schools of the district I'he meeting of these associations will be regularly organized to solve local issues, issues relating to the girls’ education etc.


Provisicm for free supply of reading writing materials for the girls have been made in the project proposal for the retention of girls for nine years. As the funds for this component is Imiited it is not possible to make provisions of supply of free text books to the girls.


For better retention of girls and promotion of girls’ education in remote areas provision of rewards to the teachers and also to schools have been made. It will provide incentives to these teachers for mobilization of community for the education of the girls especially in remote areas. This activity will be materialized through convergence with related departments.


DI'HP envisages introduction ol classroom pia< (ices base on research Research activities include small-scale research at DIH'f, RRC’ level and Action Research at CK( level to find ou( solutions to the issues being faced in class rooms ol prirnai7 schools


The research activities at D llil level may be m the areas ol multigrade teaching, pupil achievements, functioning of RR( St C R r At Ihe HR(’ level areas like remedial teaching for back ward children, pupil absenteeism identification of difficult concept in different subjects, socio-cultural influences etc In addition to this studies relating to block specific issues will also be conducted at H R(' level


lo bring out the innovative abilities of DR(is, BRCis, teachers and other educational functionaries in Ihe field of research, training profzrarnmed will also be organized at different levels Further working group meetings a! district, block and C R( level will be organized in

61 h. APPOINTMFN1 OF SPK( lAL TFA( HKR Provision has been made to appoifit three teachers frrmi three different categories who will be specially oriented for the teaching of the disabled learners in phased tnannet


C ommunity mobilization and participation m UHl is the corner stone of OltEiP Ihc contextuality entails local area planning with decentiali/ed planning and management It is experienced that programmes launched by NGOs and ( iovernrnent witli community support have yielded good results. Therefore, there is a necessity to involve stakeholders at local level in an intensive participatory process for effective functioning of school system But community is

^ Unaware of the needs for education. 4 1 ^cks the sense of belongingness and sense of ownership

Hence the key to change is “Bring the ( ’omniunity close to the Education Systems”

Unless community comes forw'ard to associate itself m the management of educational programmes, it would be difficult to achieve desired objectives of UEI£ Community paiticipation is an essential feature, which needs to be address. Involvement of people in lo<'aI area planning, management and implementation of educational programmes, mobilization of community for school development, initiation for sustainability of the programmed activities and for (\uality education

On the basis of the above needs, steps in the proposed programmed have been taken for effective environment building for communit}- participation to achieve UEl,. a.MIC RO PI ANNIN<; AND SCHOOL MAPPING

As DEEP emphasizes on bottom up planning on the basis of identification of local area specific issues and problems, there is a felt need of micro planning and school mapping. In this context it has been proposed to conduct micro planning anii school mapping exercises in each year for better planning, implementation of project activities and their further developments b. ORGANISATION OF SPECIAI DRIVF

Special drive for better enrolment especially for the SC & ST, girls and other disadvantaged group will be organized through community mobilization It will much more helpful for change of attitude towards education of these children the special drive will be organized in tow ways as

^ Enrolment drive will he done in the District 4 Community mobilization drive towards the development of attitu

64 The most viable and psychological intervention to meet the educational requirement of these children is integrated schooling with special attention In isolation, if they are kept it would create an inferiority complex among them because of their disabilities. DEHP aims at providing integrated education to these disabled children through normal schools with normal children without any discrimination In order to provide adequate facilities to these children through the programmed activities it has been proposed to provide support to these children in their education.

a.DOOR TO DOOR SIfRVFY Door to door the teachers and anganwadi workers in the district have conducted survey for two days to identify different categones of disabled children (1 to 14 years)


In order to accommodate these disabled children in nomial schools, it has been proposed to assess the disabilities by the specialist/medical oft'icers in all the blocks of the district For this purpose 12 medical assessment programmes will be conducted at the block headquarters


In order to piovide .support to 5922 children for their better retention in schools it has been proposed to provide aids and appliances to children during nine-years of the programmed period fhrough this support programmed they can be able to prosecute their studies in normal schools.


As Ihe teachers are not well conversant about the skills and techniques of teaching of these children, it has also been proposed to impart frainmg to all tlie teachers on this aspect All the teachers will be trained on various pedagogical aspects alleast 20 days m a year

i\ o r (;a n i s a t i o n o f p a n c h y a i l e v e i , m e e t i n g It has been proceed to organize panchayat level meeting of the community members for awareness building,development of positive of positive attitude towards the education of disabled children and better cooperation & coordination Meeting will be conducted dur.ng nine years of programmed for this purpose

f. TRAININC; OF THE PARENTS Some times it a|)pears that parents do not show their interest for the education of the disabled children fhey feel that these children can’t cope up with the normal children in schools because of their disabilities. Such wrong notion of the parents debars these children to get the education facilities In order to remove such unhealthy attitude towards the disabled children it has been plan to oiganize training programmes for the change of attitude as well as to provide moral support to them, f or this purpose training programmed will be conducted in 12 blocks of the district

R. SENSITIZATION PROGRAMME In order to sensitize the VECs, ( ommunity and public it has been proposed to prepare charts, posters and leaflets for disseminating the message relating to the education of disabled children

6 ^ h. A ri’OIN I MEN! OK SPKCI AI I EACHKR Provision has been made to appoint three teachers Ironi three difterent categories who will ht specially oriented for the teaching of the disabled learners in phased mannei


Comnuniitv niobihzalion and participation ni U1 E is the corner stone ot D tliP Ihe contextiiaiity entails local area planning with decentralized planning and management. It is experienced that programmes launched by N(rOs and Govemment with community support have yielded good results 1 herefore, there is a necessity to involve stakeholders at local level in an intensive participatf>ry process for ef fective functioning of school system. But community is-

^ 1 acks the sense of belongingness and sense of Ownership.

llencc the key to change is “ firing the Community close to the Hducation Systems”

Unless community comes forward to associate itself m the management ol educational programmes, it would be difficult (o achieve desired objet:tives of IJl'E. ( ommunity ()articipation is an essential feature, which needs to be address. Involvement of people in local area [ilanning, management and implementation of educational progiammes, mobilization of community for school development, initiation for sustainability of the programmed activities and foi quality education.

On the basis of the above neeiis, steps in the proposed programmed have been taken for effective environment building for commimity participation to achieve UHE a MK RO PLANNING AND SCHOOL MAPPING

As DFIEP emphasizes on bottom up planning on the basis of identification of local area specific issues and problems, there is a felt need of micro planning and school mapping In this conte.xt it has been proposed to conduct micro planning and school mapping exen ises in each year for better planning, implementation of project activities and their further developments b. OR(;a NISATION OF SPECIAL DRIVE

Special drive for better enrolment especially for the SC & S'l, girls and other disadvantaged group will be organized through community mobilization It will much more helpful tor change of attitude towards education of these children the special drive will be organized in tow ways as

t Enrolment drive will be done in the District. ^ Community mobilization drive towards the development of attitude of the community members for schooling of these children specially where the enrolment is low m comparison to other areas


VKC is the lowest level body in tlie hierarchy key. ft has a direct link with the community. It plays a vital role in school management, local area planning, institutional planning, school mapping, increase of enrolment, & retention. In order to strengthen the functioning of Vf*C it has heen proposed to provide training to the members of the VI Cs ^ Training of BRCfS on VEC Three days training programmed for the HHGs will be organized each year lor the orientation of VEC nieriibers ^ VI'C training During the 9 years of training period it has been proposed to organize 257 Pragrammes for VE( ' members at the CRC level

d OKIENTAI ION OF PRIs / NGOs I he role of PRIs and N(iOs is much more unportant in the management of primary education. In oriler to associate them in the programmed it has been proposed to orient them about various aspects of the jirogrammed as well as their roles in the management and implementation of programmed activities through training programmes in addition to this meeting of the members of PRIs and NGOs will also be conducted at the district level twice m a year to discuss various aspects, issues and fonniilation of strategies.

c. ORGANISA I ION OF ( ON\ ER(,’ENCF iVlFE ITNC. lo have bettei cooperation, coordination with other relatt-d departments, agencies and individuals it has been proposed to organize convergence meeting at various levels of the iiistrict

f. ORGANISATION OF C IJ I TURAI. FESTIVAL l or ensuring belter community relation and mobilization it has been proposed to organize cultural festival at different places of the districl I'olk mf*dia for community mobilization, pailicipation in commimily festivals, organization of children’s festivals will be included in this component

g. VII LAGE LEVEL MEFTIN(; Under this component it has been proposed to conduct the monthly meetings of gramsabha and VE( at each village keeping coordination with other development activities

h TRAININ(; OF RESOlJR( E (;R0III’S l or capacity building of different functionaries at various levels of the districl it has been pi»|n)sed to fomi resource group and also provide adequat<‘ training lor bettei functioning Workshoj) on community mobilization programmed, orientations of distiict resource group and training of BR( Js have been proposed in the programmed Media is another effective intervention of DI EP, which intends to sensitize the conirrHinily, In this regard media and coinniunication strategy play a vital role in the advancement of DHI P The objectives are to -

h Bring about popularity and credibility of DHEP as national programmed which would help the process of I Jf'E ^ Mobilise opinion makers, legislators and policy makers. 4 Motivate the state and other implementing agencies at different levels. t Motivate the community, N(K)s and other local bodies to participate in the programmeil

For the effective use of this intervention different activities at different levels have been proposed in the perspective plan


Awareness generation is the utmost priority in the programmed, which can effectively be undetlaken through media intervention.


For this puipose adequate equipment will be procured at the distiict level and HRC. level. I he equipment for t h i s purpose h a s been included ui project management and pedagogical improvement respectively.


Preparation of audio and video cassettes will be made by the State project Office on folk songs, slogans, and films on status of women, girl child. Tliese programmes will be displayed in hats, ba/aars, and other central places. Steps will also be taken for telecasting and broadcasting these Items for awareness geneiation


Steps will be taken for production of materials like posters, banner, and hoarding in order to publicise the major asj'yects of the programmeil.


For this systematic of print media (Oriya and local language) steps will be to print leaflets on various occasions Quarterly news letter, training modules on community mobilization will be printed and made available for better publicity and awareness generation for community participation.


66 Provision for publication of news items, features ( bi-nionlhly) in each year has been proposed In addition to this press meet will also be conducted a! the district level for disseminating the programmed objectives and achievements.


It is one of the major items of the component steps have been taken m the plan to well furnish the documentation center for providing better facilities for documentation and dissemination of information


Distance liducation Programmed (DEEI^) has been envisaged as a National component that intend to supplement and strengthen the ongoing trainmg activities for teachers and other persons related to primary education Further it aims at involving a sustainable system of in sen'ice education aimed to improve effectiveness of teaching learning process in primary schools, DEEP has been contemplated to provide enriched materials and matenals supplementing face to face teaching programmed. Tlie rna)or objectives to be initiated in DI^EP.

^ Capacity' building among the personnel involved m the progranmies for development, production, deliver}' ot Distance I earning Matenals (DLM) 4 Development of D1 M and packages on - a Contextual and pedagogical issues b Content up gradation for teachers c ('ontextual issues for other personnel lakmg these aspects into consuleiation the ioDowmg steps liave been taken in tlie project proposal.


a. Audio and video materials In this connection it has been proposed to produce audio and video programmes on contextual and pedagogical issues in each year for effective class room teaching learning process, b Printed material In addition to the above programmes printed materials in the form of charts, posters, media notes, guide books, will also be developed with the help of state project ofllce and supplied to the schools

( APAriTY BOILDINfJ a. I raining of field funcfioiiaries In order to build up the capacity of field functionaries like Dll r,DK(j, BR(i on Distance P'ducation, training programmes will be organized with regular teachers training programmed under pedagogical improvement. b. Orientation of teacliers The teachers at CRC' level will also be trained on the use of distance learning material teleconferencing with regular teachers tiaimng programmed undei pedagogical improvement


67 Provision has been made lor procurenient of D IB For 12 HR('s and DlHl 1 he et|inpnient includes V('R, ('TV, Two-in one, Fax, Still Camera, Generator and I*AS (or DIEF and ( TV,VCR, I wo-in-one, PAS for each E^R('

m a n a (; k m i :n I i n f o r m at i o n s v s i f m (MIS)

1 he project would have a computerized MIS to serve as an important source for management and obtaining timely feed back. I he information in respect o( the project implementation will be made available through an effective management stnicture

M A N AC F M F N T S IR 11( Tl IR E

for effective Field management in the light of HEMP activities there is necessity to have efficient MIS which IS the key of the success of the project. It produces a variety of out put reports, which are very much useful in the management and planning. ITie management system of the district must be well stnictured, well equipped and well designed to collect information from all levels of the district. Keeping this in view, the management stmcture of the district of the distnct has been designed as follows.


It is one of the most important aspects which aims at identification of grass root level issues and problems, priority areas, focus groups Unless until needs are properly identified it will be difficult to have a genuine planning. Under this intervention micro planning and school mapping exercises have been under taken. The financial provision for this lias been made in planning and management intervention

WORKSHOP FOR TEA( HFRS ON EMIS In order to obtain data from vanous levels of the district basing on EMLS it has been propose*! to orient the teachers of 12 blocks in each year for providing exposure regarding collection and documentation of data


X t. m >.

l-u>- Intervention : Project Management Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved ( Physical Targets for Different Years i 1 1 ^ Physical 1 Budget Unit Cost j I 1 i 1 Name of the Target for Activrty (Rs In 2001- ! 2002- I 2003- i 2004- j 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- ■ 2009- Activity the Total C o d e LakhsJ 2002 2003 j 2004 , 2005 1 2006 2007 2008 2009 ' 2010 f Project 1 ! ...J,.., i i i Salary 1 j ! 1 i District Pro(6ci 0.200 [108 Months 12 "2 i 12 12 12 12 12 1 12 i 12 1 108 ! Coordinator i i I Coordinator Civil 1 0 150 ' 4^ months 12 12 1 12 ; 12 vVorKs I ' * 48 Coordinator | ! ^ j I i t Peoagogicai j ^ lOSMonths 12 ‘ '2 i i2 ^ 12 12 12 i 12 i 12 I 12 i 108 improvement & j ' j 1 1 I ‘ Traning, SC/ST , i i ^uoordinatOT | MoSMonths i ! ! * i 12 ! 12 ! 12 ' 12 ,1 12 ^ 12 1 12 i 12 j 12 i 108 ^Ptannng, & MiS ^ ^ 1 I t 1 Coordinator 1 ED & ; ^ i 1 i ! O.IdO ‘ lOSMonths 12 ! 12 ! 12 ^ 12 ‘ 12 12 1 12 1 12 : 12 . 108 fy^edia I 1 i 1 1 1 ! I Coordinator Girls 1 I i 1 i Educaticr^ ECCE l08Monttis 12 12 1 12 12 j 12 12 1 12 12 12 * 108 Con^munity ! ' * Mooilizatiop ! I ■ 1 1 i ! r ! 1 ' 1 Junior Engineers tc I \ 1 ! 1 j supervise j ■ i 1 1 j coordinate the Civil j 0.100 > 60 months ' 12 ! '!2 ^ '<2 12 12 I ! iwork at blocks ( 12 j | ' i 1 1 I 1 I iJEsi i ' > i i i i I

iSr.Progranme .•i\sst 0.110 1 j ; 2 4 i 2 4 24 1 24 i 24 24 * 216 i 1 i i t t ! ' ' * !jr Prograrnme Asst. 0.090 36 36 j 36 ( 35 1 36 36 j 36 i 36 36 324 ! X 3 Nos ' i ...X... , i J 1 Intervention : Project Management Scheduling of Physical Targets to oe Achieved 1 1 ! 1 Physical Targets for Different Years u 1 1 Physical i I I Budget Unit Cost j 1 1 Name of the Target for 1 1 1 Activity (Rs. In j 2001- 1 2002- 1 2003- ' 2004- 1 2005- 1 2006- i 2007- 2008- 2009- Activity the ^ Total Code 1 L.aKHS) i 2002 1 2003 1 2004 ' 2005 j 2006 ; 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project 1 1 1 1 1 ______L...... i i ..... 1 Contingency 4 000 9years ! 1 1 ‘ I 1 j 1 ! ... * i ' 1 I 1 j 9 ...... i... ^ Consumables 5.000 9years 1 i ‘ 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 * - 1 9 ! 1 ' TA/DA 4.000 9years 1 1 > 1 ' j 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 9 " ' 1 1 ' ' ■ r Office maintenace 1 I 4.000 9years | 1 ! 1 1 ' 1 1 1 9 and misc < ' 1 1 i 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 jPOL & hiring I 1 !...... ' ' t ...... t 1 1 1 j charges for 3 ! ! 1 1 jvenicles(1 vehicle for 7 200 9years 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 9 ' I ^ 1 ^ ! |four [email protected] per 1 1 i i i i month) 1 1 ( 1 1 1 I i! For 5 DIs + ! 1 installation of Fax 0.250 1 6 ' 6 1 at DPO ! 1 i 1 1 I I i Installation of phone 0.100 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Telephone & Fax p. 5 f 5 0.400 9years 5 ^ 1 5 i ! 5 ! 5 I 40 ch»;ges per year ' ! 1 1 ' i I Equipment for DPO 5.000 9years 1 I * ! : i 1 11 Furniture for DPO 0.750 9years 1 1 1 ( ; ; , i 2 1 ! 1 Consultancy I Charges for expert in I 1 j Community i involvement, 5 000 9years 4 4 4 i 3 3 3 30 1 ^ 1 ' documentation. 1 ^ I - 1 1 finance, 1 1 i Girlseducatiop etc. 1 if ! i______J______1 Intervention : Project Management Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved r ...... Physical Targets for Different Years 1 1 f Physical 1 1 Budget Unit Cost i ! Name of the | Target for \ Activrty (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- I 2006- i 2007- 1 2008- 2009- I ^ , Activity | the Coae i Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1 2007 ! 2008 i 2009 2010 ' Project j i j I i I 1 i ------i-______------i______I ------1______L i r 1 \ ! ' ■ j ! i iRent Electricity \ i i 0.100 1108 Months j 1 2 12 12 12 ! 12 , 12 i 12 12 108 i charges ^or DPC 1 1 I 1 1 ______-1______.i 1 1 i i ! Books and journals 0 . 0 5 0 9years 1 2 i 2 2 1 2 2 1 for DPO 2 i ^ i i I L„ I ! 1. ! ! 1 ! 1 for each | I I ! i ;iMoDne riealth Van 3.000 I block in ! ! 12 '1 ^2 12 12 12 i 12 1 12 i 12 96 i 1 avear j 1 i i ! ; i ' 1 i ! ^ r 1j ^ ! Monitoring and i 1 t 1 i supervision by the I ! ! I District ^'•oiect i i Office oreoaration 1 j and sharing of 1.000 1 9 years 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 ■ 3 3 2 5 Annual ^--ogress 1 t i Reoorts and Supoort I \ ! i \ to district I jfunctionaries to i i 1 I \ ! 1 1 I ! j review the oroiect i Intervention : Civil Works Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieveci ! ! 1 Physical Targets for Different Years 1 1 ^ ' Physical 1 ... 1 Budget I Unit Cost 1 1 1 1 i I Target for 1 j Activity Name of the Activity | (Rs. In 2001- 1 2002- I 2003- ' 2004- 2005- ' 2006- 1 the 2007- 2008- 2009- ^ , Coae 1 j LaKhs) 1 2002 1 2003 1 2004 2005 2006 1 2007 2008 Project 2009 2010 j 1 1 1 ! i i i i ____-____ I 1 1 1 1 3 1 62 i 1 30 i 32 i i i (Pry School) ! I , i i i i ! i 1 School Buildings * 4 c ' | i 1 30 i 15 ! 1 1 ! 4 5 1 (Up School) (3 rooms) I ' ! ! 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ! 1 1 Building for buildingless 1 3 1 280 90 90 55 1 45 i I 280 1 Schools (primary^ 1 i’ 1 Building for Duildingless 1 1 1 i 4,5 1 300 7 5 i 75 7 5 i 75 1 300 Schools (Upper Primary) 1 1i 1 ! 1 i__ ....i. 1 1 ! ! r ...... 1 lAddl. Classrooms for 1 1 1 Existing Schools 1,5 1 710 1 2 0 i 300 200 90 ! j 710 j (Primary) 1 1 i i1 ..... i1------jAddl.Classrooms for 1 i ! 1 1 1 Existing Schools (Upper 1.5 1 343 50 90 150 53 1 i 1 343 iPnfnary) Room for Head Master 1.5 420 90 90 90 150 : ' 42C 1 1 CRC Buildings 2 257 100 100 57 ! ; 257 BRC Buildings 6 12 4 4 4 ! ! 12 I fviaintenance & Repair of 0.05 840 100 200 150 1 150 1 150 ! 90 840 School Buildings (primary) 1 I Maintenance & Repair of ! r !

School Buildings (Upper 0 . 0 5 i 6 5 0 1 0 0 I 5 0 100 i 100 j 100 100 5 0 5 0 6 5 0 primary) i I

Maior Repairs (primary) j 0.3 6 2 0 5 0 1 2 0 0 100 1 100 1 50 5 0 5 0 10 1 0 6 2 0 Intervention ; Civil Works Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved 1 ! 1 1 Physical Targets for Different Years i I 1 1 I 1 i Physical | I Budget i Unit Cost! I i i 1 Target for Activity i Name of the Activity (Rs In I 2001- 2002- i 2003- 2004- 2005- 1 2006- 1 2007- j 2008- i 2009- 1 ! the Total Code 1 Lakhs) I 2002 2003 I 2004 2005 2006 j 2007 I 2008 i 2009 1 2010 ^ i Project 1 1 I i 1 1 i 1...... i ------— — T'- ■■ ...... r Major Repairs (Upper ^ ! ..... 1 i 0,3 j 432 32 100 i 100 50 50 50 50 i 1 i 432 1 1 pnmary) ! I 1 \ Upgradation of Schools ’ 1 1 \ i ; 1 :fro AS/E 33 to 'apoer i 4.5 180 i 90 i1 90 i 180 j i 1 j prtmary schools j ' 1 1 ? -1 1 Upgradation of Schools i 1 i 1 fro AS/EGS to primary | 3 iI 160 i I 80 80 I i 160 j schools j iII i 1 1L...... ______1______Resource Rooms for lED | \ ! 1 1 i 2 12 i ! i ^ t 1 1 1 •'2 1 Equipments | 1------i------1 } !m IS Room i L. i -1 1 i ! ! 1 !...... raining hall to DIET/ST | 4 i 1 1 ' ' ' School i 1 ’ ' i 1 : i 1 i ; ' T 1 1 iMsintGP.spc© 3nd ] T 1 i i 1 1 I 1 iupgradation of of ST 15 ! 6 1 1 1 1 6 , 8 i i !School & DIET j j 1 ------i------, ...... I...... 1 Tubewell for Schools 425 ! 80 125 220 i ; p ...... I , 1.... 425„_,„, f' t ti Boundary Walls for road- 1 j 0.5 330 i 1 100 j 150 50 1 30 1 I * i 330 iside and intenor scnoois f j 1 1...... L .... i \ r ...... ; 0.12 ; 500 ! 1 100 1 200 200 \ I 1 j 500 j iToiiets for Schools I ..-... . 1 i ...... r ...... T 1 1 •ECE Centres ! 1.5 ^ 160 1 1 30 i 80 50 1 1 j 160 r...... 1 1 1 Electrification ’ 0.01 1 2000 ! 300 1 400 500 I 800 i I : 2000 1 1 iMatching grants for EGS i 100 i 50 i i 0.3 200 i i 1 1 I ' ! 200 1 centres j J------1------J ------1 I 1 ! i 2000 ! Child fnendly Element i 0.05 * 2000 i 200 i 500 i 1000 300 1 1 ...... i ...... ^rventlon : Planning and Management

i Physical Targets for Different Years 1 ' Physical j i ,udget I Unit Cost|. 1 r arget for 111;:' activity Name of the Activity ! (Rs. In | 2002- 2003- ' 2004- ' 2005- i 2006- | 2007- , 2008- | 2009- 1 the Total Code • Lakhs) i 2003 2004 1 2005 ! 2006 1 2007 i 2008 , 2009 2010 ? Protect j 1 ' ! I V 1 ! i i 1 ! ! ' I ...... —T I i Preparation of Annual j j I i 1 1 ' ' ' i !Work Plan & Duaget and j 0,3 9 years 2 1 2 2 1 2 * 2 ^ 2 i 2 2 . 2 18 Mid-year review ^ ' 1 ' ' 1 j 1 1 ...... ' ! 1 ! 1 ' I ' Dev^opment of GP | j 257 X 8 1 ' i I ; ! Educational Profile for ! 0.03 j ' 1 progs- ! 1 1 ' 1 ■’ i 1 i 1 ' 1 ■ ^ : 8 Gram Panchyats (3rd) i j ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 . L. * ! ! . "7 ' 1 t I S “ 1 Micro Planning in | ! 1 i ( • ; S i : ; seiecled Eoucationaiiy 0.05 157 nos I 1 50 I 50 , 57 1 ; j Deprived Areas (per GP) ! i s ! 1 1 1 ------*1 1______t 1 1 1 I Orientation in the j * ' ! ^ ! i Planning Process to the | ^ ' i 96 ! 12 ' 12 ! 12 j 12 1 12 ’ ’l2 12 I 12 96 Resource Group vper ; batches ! 1 i BIOCK) ' 1 1 t’ ^i 1 1 - i 3 years 1 Preparation of Bloci^ ! ^ ! ' 1 1 1 from each * 12 1 12 1 12 i 12 ' 12 ■ 12 j 12 12 96 Specific P!ar, ! block * i r ! * j 1 1 r Preparation of Separate 1 9 years 1 1 j Plans for Urban Areas | I ! * from 5 (Slums and Cities) {to be • 0.05 5 ( 5 5 1 5 ! 5 5 5 40 1 Urban 1 ' 1 j integrated into the district j 1 j areas ! plan) I 1 i 1 1 ...... i ______1 ! tervention : Planning and Management Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved 1...... i' Physical Targets for Different Years T 1 ! Physical 1 Budget Unit Cost i 1 I 1 i Target for i Activity I Name of the Activity (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- * 2009- ' ^ . the 1 Total Code 1 Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1 2010 ' Project i ! I ' i ------i 1 I — ...... ,,,-L 1 ...... —r i I 1 innovative =^”oject on ' i 1 t Schcx)i Management and' i 50 most Utiiisatksn of GP | 0.5 i backward i 10 ^0 ^0 10 5 5 1 5 5 60 i Educational 'Profile '3 GP i GPs 1 i 1 1 1 1 per block) 1 1 1 i ' 1 School Tiapolng and 1 1 i ! school efficiencv 614 1 measurement studies 0.15 programm 257 50 i i 257 50 614 t f (oer G °\'’0 G'^’s 2 times I es ! i i other “I time 11 i — ...... j 1 I Involving 1 ! VECs hMsXRCs. i 1 2056 I |awW MTRs in cluster 0.03 1 program m 25^ 25-" 257 257 257 I 257 257 257 2056 jlevei Dlanning process 13 es 1 1 ( idavs located GPs i i______j------i------i 1 1 1 jTramtng to rteadmasters i j, Sis. and aorntnlstrative 72 i i 0.084 2 . I i2 24 j 12 7 2 [functranaries on batches i 1 i 1 i |rnanagefT>eni 1 i 1 1 ...... -1------1------I i t' 1 ! Seminar' conference at 0 5 1 3 1 3 ! 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 i 1 3 I 1 3 1 3 1 1 7 I s t e c k ' District leve! 1 1 1 1 I I 1 i ntervention : Plannning for Pedagogical Improvermeni Scheduling of Physical Targets to De Achieved Physical Targets for Different Years

Physical Budget Unit Cost I Target for Activity Name of the Activity (Rs. In I 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the Totai Code Lakhs) I 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project

jContingencies to BRC | 0.125 1 | t j * 12 12 12 1 108 I i 1 I 1 1Contingencies to CRC j 0.025 ! 257 ' 257 i 257 I 257 1 257 ' 257 257 1 257 257 1 2313 each year 1 I I i i , ; i i Furniture to BRC 0.250 12 1 3 1 6 j 3 1 j , } : ! 12 Furniture to CRC 0 030 257 1 80 1 100 1 87 , ! | | ' ! 267 Bc^ipment to BRC 0,750 '2 1 3 1 6 1 3 1 ; ' 12 j Computer to BRC 1,000 12 1 ' 1 12 1 , 1 1 1 ■ i 12 Computei" to CRC 0.500 257 1 1 120 137 1 , , ...... 257 Equipment to CRC 0.070 257 1 , 80 ! 100 , 87 ! ' I 267

TLM Grant to BRC I 0.050 9 yrs 1 12 12 12 1 12 ' 12 ' 12 ' 12 i 12 1 12 ! 108 TLM Grant to CRC 0.010 j 9 yrs 257 257 257 ' 257 ! 257 I 257 | 257 257 i 257 1 2313 Visioning Workshop for ! ! t 1 i 1 BRCC and block resource 1 i 50 0.196 I 60 batch 12 1 12 12 1 1 12 12 support group (7 days)(4G ! i 1 i i members) i ! , I i1 1 Visioning WorKshop for ! j 1 1 1 1 0.384 1 12 4 i 2 1 1 I 4 , 2 CRCC ^3 batch 1 i days)(40 memoers/ ! ' i...... - -L.-, 1 ...... _L , , . X \ ...... I ^ I i ! Induction Training to BRCC ! I ! 0 196 ! 2 batch ! 1 (7 days) (40 members) 1 I ' i i ^ 1 ! ...... L, ,,,-i...... i------! t I Inductidn Training to CRCC i i 12 {7 days) (40 members) 0.196 12 batch 6 I 1 6 j 1 includes new recruits if any ! ! 1 1 ......

Baleswar costina Intervention : Plannning for Pedagogical Improverment Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved ' ' ' ' I ...... : i Physical Targets for Different Years ...... — ...... — 1 ! 1 i ( 1 I I 1I Physical i I i Budget Unit Cost 1 Target for i i ! i Activity Name of the Activity j {Rs. In 2001- i 2002- 20G3- 2004- 1 2005- 2006- 1 2007- 1 2008- 1 2009- the Total Code i Lakhs) j 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 ' 2008 ! 2009 i 2010 Project I 1 j 1 1 i i 1 1 ! Caoacity Building of 20 I 1 I i 1 1 Memoer Resouce Suppyort 1 0.084 12 batch 6 I 12 Team for eacn BRC (3 ! ! 1 cteys) (40 members) ! i i ! 1 Caoacity Building of 8 ! 1 Member Resouce Support 0.084 100 batches 15 25 1 'lO 40 1 10 100 Team for each CRC (3 1 i ! 1i 1 i . ilOays/ (40 members) 1 ! 1 i Training to DRG on ; ! • 1 i teacners training '7 0.196 1 24 batches 2 3 3 3 i 3 j 3 3 3 ‘ 24 j f ^ idays; {40 members/ 1 ! 1 - - -f-...... 11 1 j'Trainmg to BRG on 1 ' ! 6 6 I 6 1 6 , 6 jteachers training {7 i 0,196 48 batch i 2 4 i ® 1 6 ; 48 ! jdaysi (40 memDers, i______i______^______i...... i, I? aays teacner training on j ^ | "205 1 u. i yt) I. i . i 1 125 ' 125 ' 130 135 ! 140 ’: 140 I 140 145 = 1205 new pedagogy i ! batches t 1 ...... -i-- - ..-..- i - _L I Trammg to DRG on | ! i i i teacners training(UP) | 0.196 ‘ 24 batches i 1 1 2 3 i 3 1 3 i 3 3 i 3 1 -3 1 ! (7 days'; {40 mem.bers) ! 1 i I • 1 ' 1 Training to BRG on I t * - * c 1 C teachers training(UP) | 0.196 48 batches i 2 I 4 1 6 6 1 6 6 D 5 6 48 1 ( ! (7 days) (40 members) | i ! 1 ...... i 7 days teacher training (1)^)1 q 236 batches; 100 136 ' 1 i i i i 236 on new pedagogy ! ! 1 - - 1...... 1 - 1 i TLM Workshop at District I 1 i ' i i 1 1 1 1 8 ! level '5 days') >'40 0,140 8 batches i I ^ 1 ' 1 ' i ' ! Irnemijers't i .,1______^------1------1 \ i 1 It l M WorkshoD at Block ' i • 1 jteve! '5 days) (40 s 0.140 96 batches 12 12 j 12 12 ' 12 * 12 * 12 ' 12 > 96 1 1 ! (members) i 1 1...... „J_____ ,.,1 . ____ intervention : Plannning for Pedagogical Improverment Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved ' ' • '*1 ^ , ------1 1 1 •Physical Targets for Different Years j 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 I 1 1 Physical j ! i Budget j j Unit Cost I 1 ! ! i 1 Target for j Activity |l Marne of the Activity j (Rs. In j 2001- , 2002- 2003- 1 2004- • 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the j Total Code j I Lakhs) 1 2002 1 2003 ■ 2004 j 2005 1 2006 1 2007 2008 2009 i 2010 Project 1 1 1 ! I 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 .... . 1 1 ------r ! "1 ------r 1 1 rLM Workshop at District j 1 I . 1 1 ! 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 evel(UP) (5daysM40 j 0.140 j 8 batches 1 ’ 1 ! 8 memoers) i i i i \ j1 1 1 TLMvWorKsnop ai BiocK i 1 ...... t'" 1 1 i j 1 12 ! 12 1 12 1 12 12 i 12 1 96 1evelx (5 aaysy vUP) (40 | 0.140 j 96 batches | 12 I 12 ! ! ) imeniDersy ; j 1 i i ...... _._J |Rein|orcerr.ent of Activity ! 1 1 I i jb a s ^ approach with multi 1 125 125 125 130 135 1 140 j 14C ■* 140 ' 145 1205 0.196 1 1205 j j j 1 j 1 grade management 1 i idays) (40 members) 1 1 1 1, ...... i ...... 1 1 ...... i i------1 - ...... -T Training or'emers I ! ! I 1 evaluation (5 days) ^40 ^ 0.140 1 1150 1 1150 1 1 1 1 ! ! members) 1 1 1 ...... i ...... 1...... ------1...... i------i ----*■ 1 Training on lerners ! 1 1 i 1 evaluation (U'^) (5 days) (40 0,140 1 236 1 236 1 , j 236 1 members 1 i 1 1 i r 1 development of question 1 :—' 1 1 in each 1 1 1 i ! I j bank for unit test (both | 0.084 ’ cluster each 1 257 1 257 ! 257 1 257 j 257 257 } 257 1 257 2056 IPrimarv & UP> f3 days) (40 j 1 i j year I i 1 i members) j 1 i I 1 ! ^ ! development of activity 1 I 1 in each 1 ! 1 1 bank for unit test (both 2056 j 0.084 cluster each 1 257 257 I 257 j 257 257 257 1 257 1 Primary & UP) (3 days) (40 ! - year ! members) j J______' 1 1 Training on English 1 1 1 language EVS and 4 batches in 0.084 1028 ! 1028 ! 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1 8224 each cluster I Mathematics (3 days for I !1 i each subject) (40 members) i i 1

Baieswar_costmg ntervention : Plannning for Pedagogical Improverment Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved Physical Targets for Different Years

Physical Budget Unit Cost Target for Activity Name of the Activity (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the Total Code Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project

Training of BRCC , CRC C 7 batches X on academic monitoring (7 0.196 7 7 7 21 3 days) (40 members)

Training to S.i.S, HMs (UP) 36 batches on School management (5 0.140 36 36 36 108 X 3 days) (40 members)

Need based short term orientation at cluster level 4 batches in 0.028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 8224 on specific theme (1 day) each cluster (40 members) Training of Para-teachers on new pedagogy (7 days) 0.196 16 batches 16 16 32 (40 members) Furniture to DIET/ST 1.000 6 2 4 6 Schools Equipment to DIET/ST 3.000 6 2 4 6 Schools Capacity Building of DIET and ST School Personnel 0.196 15 progr. 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 15 (Multiple Programmes) (7 days) (40 members) Institutional Development 20.000 1 in 6 Years 0 Plan of DIET Institutional Development 1.000 12 in 4 Years 0 Plan of BRC Institutional plan of CRC 0.250 257 In 5 Years 0 - IPsr CRC) intervention : Plannning for Pedagogical Improverment Scheduling of Physical Targets to De Achieved Physical Targets for Different Years ! ' ! ! ------r" ...... 1 1 ' I ! I Physical 1 1 1 ! Buaget j I Unit Cost I i ( Target for | 1 1 Activity j Name of the Activity 1 (Rs In 1 2001- 1 2002- [ 2003- 2004- 1 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the 1 Total Code ! } Lakhs) ! 2002 1 2003 1 2004 2005 j 2006 I 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project 1 1 ' i ! 1 ! 1 1 ...... 1,,.;., ...... 1 ______i ------1 1 I ■ i I 257 for 9 ■■■ ...... ]' Salary to CRCC | 0.090 257 257 ! 257 ! 257 i 257 * 257 j 257 257 257 1 2313 years yi l 1 l I ! 'J 12 for Salary to BRC Assistants 0.120 12 12 1 12 i 12 i 12 • 12 12 12 j 12 i 108 9years i i ! ! Salary to BRC Meniais 0.030 1 12 12 12 j 12 i 12 ! 12 12 12 1 12 108 (contractual) 1 9years ___ i Teaching L .e a m in g 1I 1 j 1 Equipment to selected 1 1 0.100 i ^80 30 50 20 i 20 i 20 i 20 20 180 uncovered schools i 1 1 I ! ! (Primary) | i it I 1 ^1 1 TLE to selected uncovered I ^ i 1 110 j 10 30 20 * 20 ; 10 I 10 10 1 110 schools (Uoper Primary) 1 1 I : . ! i ! i School improvement Grant ! 1 I 1802+62 ! 1802 1864 1864 j 1864 1864 1864 1 1864 1 1864 ‘ 1864 I 16714 to Primary Schools 1 1 1 1 School Improvement Grant | j ! to Schools (Upper 0.030 j 1113+45 1113 1158 1158 1 1158 1158 1158 1':58 j 1158 1158 10377 Primary) » i i I r 1 1 j Phasev^ise I Introduction of cumulative j and class 1 ! ! progress cards in selected 0 0001 new 56000 56000 58000 58000 58000 60000 60000 58000 58000 522000 schools entrants 1 1 1 ever/ yr i i ji i t' . Phasewise ! i i : and class I i Introduction of health cards 0.000'' new 1 35000 35000 35000 j 35000 30000 j 30000 30000 25000 25000 280000 in setectec schools ' entrants i i i 1{ 1 i i j every yr J______1______I ...... J______Intervention : Piannning for Pedagogical Improverment ______Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved Physical Targets for Different Years Physical BiKlget I Unit Cost I T arget for Activity j Name of the Activity (Rs. In i ' 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the Total Code i Lakhs) I I 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Project 2008 2009 2010

‘Recoiitment o f teachers in I ranging ! existing schools ( Primary)/ j from 1000 ■ ! upgraded Primary' from 0.080 1000 1070 2070 2070 2430 2430 3000 3000 i 3000 in 9 3000 20070 i EGS ' teachers ^or i yrs. * retirement vacancies

j Recrurtment of teachers in jexisting scnoois (Upper 0.100 59 20 40 59 59 59 59 59 59 414 [Primary)______TLM Grant to Primary 0.005 5033+62 5033 5592 6092 6592 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 School teachers 58309 jTLM Grant to Upper t 0.007 i 1113+45 1113 1158 1178 1218 1218 1218 1218 1218 1218 j Primary' Schoots 10757 (Library to 0.025 i 3562 500 2000 1000 62 3562 jSchools(PS/UPS/EGS; ;p-ee textbooks to all 0.001 275000 2^5000 2'^5000 ' 2*^5000 278000 278000 280000 280000 280000 i 280000 i 2501000 jchiktren fPrimarv) P'ee textbooks to all 0.0015 77425 i 77425 ^7425 78000 ^8000 ■ 80000 80000 80000 80000 i 80000 j 710850 ! ch ildren ' Upper Prim an. 1 Limited jSuppiememary RWM for 0,0015 numbers ry 100000 I 100000 I 100000 100000 100000 i 100000 I 100000 I 100000 I 800000 j deprived cniidren. year !n four j Library to BRC 0.075 12 ■'2 12 12 48 rounds !n four j Library to CRC 0.020 257 257 257 257 1028 rounds I Material Development at In four 0.500 Diock/district rounds Journals at block and At 31ock 0.020 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 96 jciuster level level ntervention : ‘^lannning for Pedagogical Improverment

f Physical Targets for Different Years ^ 1 1 ...... ■ ! ! 1 11 I Physical Budget ; Unit Cost| I'll 1 Target for Activity !Name of the Activity j (Rs. in j 2001- j 2002- 1 2003- ! 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- ' _ the Code ! 1 LaKhs) I 2002 j 2003 2004 | 2005 2006 2007 j 2008 2009 2010 1 1 Project I i ! 1 ! ! !. . ^ 1 ,.,1 i Academic supervision and * 1 ^ I 1 1 1 i i monitoring suoport to the ! 1 000 \ Every Vear j 1 j 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1,1,9 resource group • ! i i ’ ! i AHW AAN’ Intensive ^ i monitoring and academic 0.640 !^™nthsin! 1 I 12 12 12 ' 12 I 12 • 12 !j 12 ij 96 j a year ' ! i < 1 support 1 i . 1 i 1 1 " I I ! i! ■ ! i Exposure visits of teachers ! ! i 1 /resource group to other 3 groups in 0.515 3 3 ! 3 3 3 3 3 24 districts/states (10 days a year I each year for 10 persons'! ! 1 1 1 1 ! i ] TLM exibition at PiocK and ...... ’ ...... 1 ...... f ' "I...... I 0 050 j(12+1)X7| j 1 13 ^' 13 ' 13 1 13 13 i* 13 13 91 distnci level 1 i I- Book exibition for ! 1 ...... < ... 1"'"...... 11 t I suppiimentary reading 1 1 1 i i 0.050 j(12+1)X8j j 13 ' ^3 13 1 13 13 13 r ^3 13 1 10^ materials at district and ! ! i block level ! ! i 1 ( T 1 1 1 1 Broachers on activity baseo i j 1 1 i 4 approach for teachers ana , 0.4000 300 X 1000 s ! 100 200 1 1; 300 oarents (as agroup of tOOO) 1 I ! ( I 1 1 J T Supply of Activity bank to i j 1 I ! ‘i ! j 1 1 Scno^smeveryme | I 1 ! 10 1 20 1 10 40 year (as a group of 100 \ \ i I I i ! scnools) I 1 1 \ 1...... J______

Baiesw ar_ costtrrg ntervention ; Plannnmg for Pedagogical Improveiment

1 i J t Physical Targets for Different Years ------r i 1 Physical | 1 t i1 i I i BiKtget 1 Unit Cost j T arget for I Activity NaTne of the Activity i (Rs. in 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 1 2009- ] the Total Code Lakhs) 2002 i 2003 2004 2005 1 2006 j 2007 2008 2009 2010 i Project 1 i t i I 1 : i I ii 1 i 1 i Calender for Pedagogical j j t 1 ! i1 iactn/fty for Scnoois/ BRC/ | 0 150 4*4 X ''00 t 10 34 i ii 44 |CRC( SIS ^as a group of I 1 1100; i i!------jNews ietter AROHA on s i i i jcsass nroom issues to aii 44 X 100 X ! 0 050 i 176 176 176 176 176 1 176 176 i 176 1 1408 scnooisJ BRC/ CRC/Sis/ 4 per year 1 i 1 1 i ^'d------I E ~ s »as a group of IQ O y i i ------t 1 1 ■ 1000 ir TLM kits for multigrade 1 I 1 every managements m selected 0.010 1000 i 1000 1000 j 1000 1 4000 j alternate i scfioois/ BRC/ CRC 1 1 ! 1 i i '.-'ear

Baleswar_costing yfgts lu ye p1 1 1028 i 1 1 1 jpramote compettveness ! 0.05 ! programm 257 257 257 j j 257 1028 'and ioread awareness for f i i 1 I 1 Education I ...... J . i ! “ i I 1 i Intervention : Access for Deprived Children Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved 1 Physical Targets for Different Years r 1 ! 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 Physical i I 1 I Buaget 1 Unit Costj 1 1 1 1 Target for ! ! • Activity Name of the Activity | (Rs. In I 2001- ! 2002- ! 2003- [ 2004- [ 2005- j 2006- 1 2007- I 2008- 2009- 1 the Totaj ’ Code i Lakhs) 1 2002 1 2003 ! 2004 I 2005 ’ 2006 1 2007 , 2008 1 2009 2010 ! Project ! ! 1 t i ! i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1I I T .... “1------' ...... T ^...... 1 ' ' I ! 1 ! ! i 2nd batch training to 1 ! 1 i 1 0.56 1 30 1 ! ' 20 10 30 instrutors (EGS) 1 ! ' ! i I 1 1 1 1 ! ( 1 1 i 1 1 i i 1 r ------\ I 1' I 1 SIG to EGS primary 1 1 ! I i 0.02 1 540 ii 100 ' 300 540 54U !1 1j 540 j 540 1 540 j 540 1 540 i 3640 schools 1 1 1 1 i 1 ! ------1 ! 1 11 1 ...... 1It ...... ^ T 1 < 1 1 11 \ 1 1 1 1! SIG to EGS upper primary 1 ! I 0.03 !1 490 400 400 j 490 1 490 1 490 1 490 1 490 * 490 '1 3740 schools 1 ! 1 1 1 I I 1 1 L .. ... 1 J______L...... Intervention : SC/ST Education Scheduling of Physrcai Targets to be Achieved Physical Targets for Different Years Physical ' Budget j Unit Cost Target for' Activity jNane of the Activity (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- I the Totai Code Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Project 2010 I

jComrnunity leaders anc Dpmion maKers rr*eettng 0.025 26 26 seJected Tnbai aomrnated Gram Pancnayats______Engagemerit of 460 in SC/S'^ vouianteers in 3 06 phased 30 50 100 100 50 50 50 30 460 Educationally manner bacKword GPs Teachers Requiring 20 0.112 20 I Attltudma! Trammg batches i Orientation prograrr jfor CRCCs with higher 0.025 ! 9 batches concentration of deorived SC/STs at GP -eve!

Research worn on 0.3 . 5 studies spectfic Trrbai issues

Jt^atersai development 9 years and dissemination

jSoecia! Hoste! jfacilities for Girls in (existing Ashran- 1.5 20 schoolsj 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 I 20 ! 160 ISchools f25 Girls X i ! jRs 500'- per month X j12 Months '______iterventionrGIRLS EDUCATION Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved ' 1 T I Physical Targets for Different Years > \ ^ r ' 1 \ \ ^ ^ Physical j I 1 Budget I ' ! Unit Cost 1 ! ' ! Target for 1 | 1 ^ Activity Name of the Activity * (Rs In the 1 2001- , 2002- 2003- 1 2004- 1 2005- 2006- • 2007- ! 2008- | 2009- I Code ! ' Lakhs) Project 1 2002 , 2003 2004 1 2005 i 2006 2007 * 2008 - 2009 2010 i ' 1 1 1 * ' I 1 1 * i ' 1 — ^— i------i------L ___ 1 1 1 ! ...... i ! ! : — ...... I ! i I - i ! ! 1 ! 1 ! j Training to MTA ' | | 1 1 1 ! imemoers ' 1 0.015 | 240 batches 1 ! 30 50 50 j 20 20 20 1 20 20 240 j(50 nwrnDers 1 day)N 1 | 1 1 ( 1 I I ^ . ! 1 ! I 1 1 1 — . i — 1 1 1 1 _ A !Training to lady p R! j ! j Imemt)€r,MTA,women i 1 ! * ' ~ V 0 015 36 batches 8 10 1 36 grouDS 1 , 1 s 1 1 (50 members 1 dayV I j ; I 1 1 ! 1 Women convention ^t ! 1 1 1 ' ! I------I 24 1 1 ' ' BlocFLeve! ! 0 05 6R j o^ 1 1 12 1 ! 24 conventions | (100'ifrembers'l ' | 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 t Maa Jhee Mela at CRC ! ! ! ! ! level ' ! 0 03 307 melas 1 200 j 57 j 1 25 j 25 ' I 307 1 1 L_ (2 da^S) 1 1 1 1 ' 1 I Seminars on Girls ! 1 1 1 H \ Education ( 2days) | 0.15 j 3 ceminars -111 1 1 3 ' ; 1 (40 m«mDers) ^ j j i 1 1 i t 1 Special coaching ' * | 1000 ! ! ! 1 I camps for girls ' * 0 1 different 100 j 100 200 200 i 200 100 50 j 50 1000 1 (1 month, 40 girls) ! types camps 1 1 i i i ^ - Intervention : GIRLS EDUCATION ! 1 L Physical Targets for Different Years f I 1.... ! i ! Physical j Budget Unrt Cost 1 Target for 1 Activity IName of the Activity (Rs. In 2001- 2002- i 2003- 2004- 2005- ! 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the ! Total Code 1 Lakrts) 2002 2003 2004 2005 ' 2006 i 2007 2008 2009 2010 j Project 1 i 1 i 1 1 ! I ISahavikas and escor? 500 in 9 ; i 1...... ! mothers’ remuneraiion 0.96 years phase | 50 100 100 1 50 50 50 » 50 500 1 (Per year) wise I i 1 Observation of Girt ! 100 i child week at u .Oj 10 20 10 10 ! 10 10 1 ^0 10 10 100 programmes 1 selected CRCs 1 j 1 i1 1 Awards to Schools ! i ' 1 Showing imorovemer^ in i ii 1 0.05 440 schools 5 10 15 50 1 60 j 80 100 120 440 jlOO% Girts Retentior^ fir i 1 Kindi , Ii ! j- [ 1 ! 50 Emoowenrieri af SHGs. 1 0.05 ! i 5 1 1*; 20 5 50 orogrammes j 1 j Gender awareness I i j programmes literature 1 0.15 j 15 volumes i i i {- 2 2 2 2 2 15 \ j 2 ;ar,a success stories j 1 1—...... i improvement of class i 20 > 1 1 j 0.25 5 3 2 ! 2 2 ' 2 2 20 room cuture. i Drogrammes i i 2 1 jinncsvative projects for 1 ! i iurtjar. area slum gins i 5 innovative i * 2.5 1 1 i 5 tand difficult rurai i i projects 1 ^ 1 Ipockets 1 1 1 ! i i 1 i 50 i t IiMoflel cluster approach ! 0.2 j 10 i 10 j 5 ! 5 t 5 1 5 ‘ 50 i programmes i 1 1 1 i i 1 1 Engagement of 1 I I 50 No X 12 i iCommunity Mobtlisers ! 0.084 50 1 50 50 j 50 50 1 Months i 50 @700^- Pf/ 1 i » ! “ I J______1 J______Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved 1 .. 1 t 1 Physical Targets for Different Years ' 1 1 ' ■ I I ' . _ ' Physical T i Buaget lUntt Cost i_ ^ _ i 1 1 1 1 j I 1 Activity Mame of the Activity j(Rs. In | 2001- 1 2002- j 2003- ! 2004- ! 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- Total 1 Code 2003 2004 | 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ^ ! P r o jL 1 2002 j 1 I 2010 1 i i I ! 1 I ..... 1 i . 1 1 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 ! ...... ------r Training to Selectee i ! 30 1 ! Anganwadi Workers I 0 084 1 members 1 5 1 7 10 4 on preschool education j 1 4 30 ! in a batch ! ! (3 days){294+75)j 1 I 1 1 1 1 " ...... I" ! 1 1 ! Indepth study on ^ | j i I ! f preschooi education . 0.300 j 6 studies 1 I 1 3 2 ! i 5 and health in the distnct! j ! 1 I ------!1------1------1 1 i Formation and ' 1 1 ! ! 1 1 I orientation to • ' 1 ! 0,060 j 3 ras 1 1 !1 ^ 1 3 DRG(ECCE)(40 ' 1 1 1 ! ! 1 1 ' 1 memoers, 2 days) I 1 1 ' ' ' ------1----- 1 ■...... '"'t...... ^ 1 I r 1 1 Opening of New ECCE 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 Centers (Salary and 0.150 1 2000 nos 500 j 1000 I 500 1 1 1 2Q00 i 1 contiaences) ! i 1I i 1 1 i Orrentation to ^ j j ! ! 1 I 1 i CDPO/super/isors j 0.300 j 8 oatches 1 ! 1 i 2 I 2 1 1 ! ^ 8 and selected NGOs j 1 i 1 1 i ! Toys and learning , 1 ! materials to ' 0.005 j j 2035 3035 1 2035 2035 1 2035 | 2035 1 2035 2035 j 17280 AWCs/ECCE ' 1 ! "2000 1 1 1 i ! t 1 Honourarium to ECCE ' i r 1 1 i j 1 1 workers (AWW) (^200/- 0.024 1535 nos. 1535 1535 1 1535 1535 j 1535 ! 1535 ' 1535 1535 } 12280 per month 1 1 1 Hand book on Pre' i 1535+ 1 ' 1 school to AWWs/' ( 0.002 ’ 800 735 2000 1 1 1 3535 i 2000 ECCE i 1 ' 1 ' 1535 ] TLM grant lo AW , I * ' • 0.030 ! +2000 I 2035 3035 2035 2035 j 2035 i 2035 2035 2035 ^^8 0 Centres/ ECCE , ! ! nos. ! j I1 1 1 A study on roll of AW I - or r 2 Nos. j 1 workers on ECCE 1 i ...... 1...... ;...... :

Bateswar_ cosrm g intervention • !ED Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved 1 Physical Targets for Different Years 1 i 1 1 ! Butiget Unit Cost Target • 1 i Mame of the 1 1 Activrty (Rs. tn j for 2001- 2002- ! 2003- 2004- 2005- j 2006- 1 2007- 2008- 2009- Activity | Total Code LaKhs) 1 the 2002 ' 2003 I 2004 ! 2005 : 2006 2007 1 2008 2009 2010 1 Project ! i i 1 Diasabili^y Survey m I ! j Blocks (induding j 24 ; 4 1 4 8 * 8 i 24 printing of formats i j t 1 ’'■-aining regarding 1 0.028 24 ^ 4 8 4 8 24 Disability Survey j To be \ Capacity building of 3 1 Pome by 1 imember Block : 1 the state i 0 j Resource Group !ED ' protect 1 '! ■ ! office 1i I I 3 Salary of lED 1 9.08 1 teachers 36 36 36 36 i 36 36 36 36 36 324 teacners 1 per block i j 1 Equipment for 1 I for 10000 1 i jtaentified disabled ! 0 0003 ! j 2000 ; 300G 2000 I 2000 1000 10000 ; children i Children 1 I1 i 1 200 1 Theme based camps j 0.05 i 20 1 30 ! 30 j 30 ' 30 20 20 20 j 200 1 camps 1 1 !Mecicai Assessment i ‘ 0 15 124 camps i 1 4 1 8 4 8 I 24 icamps i i i 1 1 1 i j ‘Instructional materials i 1 0.01 269 sets 15 34 I 100 269 ito BRC CRC (Set^ 1 - 1 i ! 1 ^Hand dooks to 'T...... 1 I 0.001 300 sets i 50 i 100 1 150 1 1 300 iscnools i i 1 jCounsellinQ of i 400 } i 0 03 50 j 100 j 200 50 . * 400 ! oarer IS batches 1 r I |TA, DA for ID staff j 0,15 9 years 1 i . ' 1 1 1 1 1 i 9 J______J____ !___ ! ’ 1 ' Intervention : lED Scheduling of Physical Targets to t>e Achieved i Physical Targets for Different Years 1 ■ i.yoiv-ai I Budget Target Nam. of the i ' ' ; Activity . ' (Rs. In 1 for 2001- 2002- 2003- 1 2004- 1 2005- ! 2006- 2007- | 2008- i 2009- Total Coae I ! Lakhs) the j 2002 2003 2004 1 2005 1 2006 > 2007 2008 | 2009 2010 i 1 Project 1 1 ______1 ! . 1 1 i 1 1 ! Equipments for * 2 5 i i 1 ' ' 1 „ 1 4 1 8 ! ' ^ , i ! 12 resource room j 1 1 ! ' 1 : t ! Teachers Training (7 i j 1 1 25 1 60 ^^25 aays)onlED 1 |125Da.ch| I ! 1 1 1 I ! 1 [ Training of'Maste. | Igba.ohesl 2 3 ! 5 trainers on lED ' , , 1 1 j 4! » 1’ 1 1 1 i i Early aeleclion centre j 1 ! I 1 , (School readyness, | ^ 3 j , 3,^^ | ! 1 1 i 1 10 1 10 i 10 j 10 10 1 10 10 j 10 ! 80 on lED (30 .cmlaren | 1 ' ' 1 1 1 i for 45 days) j j 1 1 1 I ! 1 i booKieis, Kosiers, | I ! 1 .-eaflets on JED | 0.1 9 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 ! 9 1 1 1 i 1 ' ' ' ---- 1------i ^ Development of self | j I ; 1 1 teaming matenais | | j 1 ! ! 1 ! ! 2 (@ 50/-per chHd) for | j ! ! ! ! 10000 !ED children | j i 1 i 1 Research Study on | ^ ^ 10 1 2 2 1 1 10 lED issues , i 1 ^ i 1 Opening of Special | _ 1 per 4 4 1 4 ! 12 Schools on iED | block J______1 1 1 i Intervention : Media Scneduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved r ..... ; ; 1 Physrca! Targets for Drfferent Years J 1 Physical Budget | i Unit Cost i T a r g e t fori Activity I Name of the Activity ^ (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the Total Code I ! Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1 2007 i 2008 2009 2010 Project i i * I ------— .... i i 1 ■ -..i i i 1 ...... i ...... i jMedia Eauipments at 1 n ...... i 1 i 0.3 12 I 1 4 8 1 12 I Block Level!Der blocks I i I \ 1 1 i ' -...... : i , — ^ 1 1 i L i 1 Leaftets for spreading j 1 * i 'awareness for j 0.025 36 nos i ! 4 3 36 I - 12 ! I education per block i 1 L _____L !1 ...... 1 ! i i ' r ...... i jTraditional Folk Media 1 1 1 I Activities Promoting 0 05 |200 progs.j 10 20 30 20 35 20 25 20 ! 20 200 jawareness(per block) I 1 i i ! 1 i 1 ‘ I ! i ! Sharing WorKshop and ! 1 i 1 Dissemination of 1 1 0 1 1 24 nos 4 j 8 4 i 8 i 24 Educational 1 1 i 1 !nforma1ion( per biock) 1 i i i I i i ( 1 I 1 \ ; 1 Block Specific Annual j r>o 1 nc ■ 0. w w j I 12 i 12 1 12 ! 12 ' 12 1 12 j 12 12 96 i Reports or progress j ' t 1 i l l ! i i « iRural Reporters Meet ! 0.025 ' 12 i 1 j 2 i 2 1 1 i 1 1 2 1 1 ' 1 1 1 12 IPAS at DPO ' 0.5 : ^ set I i i ' 1 ! ! 0 I ' r ' ' T' 1 i t i 1 ivisLial Video shows , j i i 0.5 ' 1 I I i 1 ! Radio taik. seminars 1 1 I ! * i 1 i Posters and hoardinas ' < i , “ 1 0.5 48 sets j I 4 I 8 i "12 ' 4 4 ! 12 • 4 48 Kperplocki ------:------^ ^ ------1------1------J______^______!______Intervention : Media Scheduimg of Physical Targets to be Achieved 1 ^ Physical Targets for Different Years 1 1 I i 1I 1 Budget 1 1 1 ! ! I 1! 1 ' Activity Name of the Activity (Rs.ln 2001- 2002- j 2003- j 2004- 1 2005- ij 2006- 1 2007- 1 2008- 1 2009- 1 1 Total Code Lakhs) 1 „ i 2002 2003 j 2004 j 2005 1 2006 1 2007 1 2008 1 2009 1 2010 * 1 Project 1 ! 1 1 ! 1 ----- 1 1 1 1 i 1r...... j i'"' i District leve!^ 1 1 ! ( i 1 1 convention for PRls 1 O'S I 3 progs. | 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 i ^ and Functionaries J...... i 1 1 1 1 i Photo Exibition/ 1 ( T ■ t'" ■ “I 1 1 docunnentetion and 1 1 1 1 j 0.05 1 25 nos 1 1 1 3 district level poster . 3 1 3 i 3 i 3 5 3 i 25 1 ^ 1 > I ! 1 1 I t competetion' 1 i 1 1 ! ! k [ I \...... Coverage of Press and I I f t " ...... mass media'on ^ 0.01 20 nos. 1 1 3 1 3 i 3 i 2 2 1 2 ! 2 ! 1 = [ different activities 1 1 1 1 i 1 I T ...... t 1------Preparation Video 1 I ...... 1— ...... ! 1 iCassetes on DPEP 1 1 10 j j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 2 1 2 1 10 success storv 1 ^ 1 ' j 1 J______1 J------L- ...... I Intervention : Community Mobilisation and Participation

1 1 ' Physical Targets for Different Years 1 } 1 1 ! i i Ptiysical 1 1 Budget j 1 Unit Cost i Target fori 1 ! I i Activity [Name of ttie Activity 1 (Rs. In 2001- the j 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- i . Code j i Lakhs) 2002 2003 j 2004 2005 2006 1 2007 2008 2009 2010 i Project ■ 1 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 ...... — i- i 1 t i Constitution of \/ECs i 1 1 i ! i according to guidelines j i 1 i (presentation of Women j non 1 i i 0 and Cocus Depnved financial i 1 Groups) Pnmary/upper i 1 primary ii ' t j Traming for all VEC j ...... 1 1 members on Communitv i 1 240 impbiiisations { 50 0 105 30 ; 80 1 i1 240 Datches 1 “ j persons for 3 days 1 i j(g)Rs 70/- oer dav) ! i i r - ■ r ' - .... *Enroiernent Drive in 1 21430 1 ! jfeede’' I 0.005 Schools in 2915 2915 3000 3000 3000 1 3300 3300 ! 21430 viMages/haDitstions (per i ! Years i 1 j I school i ! I " .. i i 1 i i 1 iCommunitv SensitLzation 1 j i ^ I Twice in i i 1 j Programmed "NINAD" 12 i 24 I jeacri biock j i i , Kper Diocki i i i ! i ; ! i I Interactior between j j j 1 1 'village and GP core i i i I I , • . * n -1^ 25^ GPs i 'Dlannmg Members. j 0.01 i, , 257 257 257 257 25-^ 1 257 ■ 257 j 1799 1 Cluster Resource Group Years! 1 - ...... i i i 1 Intervention : Community Mobilisation and Participation - - ■ ______Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achievea Physical Targets for Different Years

Physical Budget I I Activity , I Target fori I I Name of the Activitv (Rs. In : : 2001- I 2002- i 2003- i 2004^ 2005- I 2006- I 2007- 2008- 2009- 1 Code , ,. , I the i Total I Project ! ^002 2003 2004 2005 2006 I 2007 ! 2008 2009 2010 I I

^Wall Painting in selected 3300 0.015 200 I 500 I 1000 ! 1500 ' 100 •schools Schools 3300 Special Interaction Programme befweer' parents of first generation learners and 50 Local Resource Group 0.024 intoductio 10 12 13 50 I at Cluster Level (to ns jfacilitate monthly meeting)(80-100 parents)______Pampiet, Posters, foiaers, banners, I 300 X 60 20 20 10 I 50 I 30 I 40 calenders, leaflets (as a j 1000 40 30 300 group of 1000 ) -______

^reparation ■ production and distribution'of Audio 0.5 20 Nos, 3 I 2 2D Cassetes

Audio/Video cassetes on j 9 sets X NINAD and other j 0.1 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 117 pTDgrammes j Intervention : Community Mobiiisation and Participation

i i i Physical Targets for Different Years 1 1 1 1 ! Budget i i

Activity 'Name of the Activity (Rs.ln 2 0 0 1 - * 2 0 0 2 - 2003- I 2004- 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 6 - i 2 0 0 7 - 2008- * 2009- Total Code ■ Lakhs) j 2 0 0 2 j j Project 2 0 0 3 2004 1 2005 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 1 2 0 0 8 2009 ! 2010 i * 1 1 ! 1 ...... L i ' I I I ...... I .... 1 1 1 ( i ■...... ! i Publication & circulation i i 1 (Of montMy news letter 1 1 2 issues n ''PARIBARTAN' ^each 1 6 c 2 o 1 2 2 2 2 18 per year i (issue of 4 0 0 0 copies) @ j i ! 1 1 iRs.4 0 / - per book 1 I 1I 1 f I" ' ! j Organisation of health 5 activities i 1 jawamess Drogranme, per year in I 1 iliteracv dav celebration 0,01 4000 20000 20000 j 20000 1 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 180000 ! I jof national days etc at schools/ i 1 j 1 I school and EGS centres EGSC 1 i i1 f...... -■ I i 1 I Distnct specific training 1 1 i i 1 noauie for master i 3 times in i i trainers at District level , 0.035 1 1 ! 3 1 10 yrs. i 1 .5 days) (10 persons 1 ! 1 ! i 1 j © 7 C per day, 1 i i i i1 1 i I Field visit of VEC tc ' } ) 1 1 1 iother distncts (50 ' 0.25 1 ' tines 1 1 2 1 i 1 . i , i 2 1 1 1 i 11 i i ipersons @ 500/-'' * 1 i i 1 i Training of Master | i 1 { i jtramers of VEC' MTA' | ! - jPTA/ NGOs at block * 0.084 3 batches i 1 1 3

I level 140 persons for 3 | i i ( iOays @ 70/- per day) | i i i I Intervention : Researcn & Evaluation Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved Physical Targets for Different Years Budget ! I * r> * Physical ! I Target fori Activity Name of the Activity Rs. ln , I 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- Code Total I Project I 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Academic assessment *257 GPs6! 0.02 I 50 ! 100 I 157 I 257 257 257 257 257 1592 of students (GPwise) ^ times ! CaDacity development 1 institute I in three years of Research Institutes Baseline Assessment I j Study (Pry)lnciuding I 0.25 12 units 12 Eno perioa ______I Baseline Assessment Stuay (upr.Pry)v 0.25 12 units 12 inciuding eno penoo indepth 0.2 24 stidies 24 Studiesjsjbjects/ DRG Training on Action Research 0 084 3 rounds Projects (3 days) at district Preparation of Teacher 0.15 12 12 12 ProfitePer block Diagnostic Study ^or Teachers (Pry) per 0.3 12 12 block Diagnostic Study Por Teachers 0.3 12 12 (Upr Pry)per block Analysis of Household Survey and sharing per 0.15 GP Intervention . Research & Evaluation

i ' 1 ^ Physical Targets for Different Years 1 I I Physical ' 1 I Budget ! Unit Cost i i Target for 1 i Activity j Name of the Activity (Rs In 2001- 1 2002- 2003- 2004- 1 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 2008- i 2009- the Total Code i 1 La-khS) 2002 2003 2004 2005 1 2006 2007 2008 2009 1 2010 ( * Project 1 1 i i i i i i ‘ ' 1 ! i jN^cfterm Accessment \ * 1'^ n ’ jtuates ^pnmary; j j u i , ! i 8 12 ------U------(______1______i______i______i ! 1 jMiciterm Accessment i j j ! i 1 jtudies V upper pnmary) j 0.5 j 12 units i ! 4 I 8 1* 12 i i jper btoCK j j , 1 ! 1 1------1------1------iComparative acadenic ' ! • ! 1 1 - 1 istuav between & ! 0.3 j 4 units 1 1 i 4 iEGS i ! I ' i I ^ 1 i L . I i i 1 1 1 1 i i I Evaluative studies f c i ^ ^ i 2 1 1 1 protect 1 ' 2 1 i i ^ 1 T ! i t 1 f Ishanng cf Resea^ct^ j 24 12 12 ' j 24 jftndings i i i 1 ! ! 1 i i ...... T ! 1 T ■ ...... 1 » Action Research at Q015 i 1 3000 j ’ 200 1 800 80C i 500 j 300 200 1 200 3000 i Sctiooi level 1 ______i______^ ...... J - -.... -..... i i ! 1 Intervention : Distance Education

Physica Targets for Different Years T 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ' B u d g e t 1unit cost 1 i (Rs ln prargetfor Activity Name of ttie Activity 2001- I 2002- 1 2003- ! 2004- * 2005- 1 2006- I 2007- 2008- 2009- ■'otai Code Lakhs) 1 p 2002 ! 2003 j 2004 1 2005 1 2006 . 2007 1 2008 , 2009 2010 i ' j Project ! 1 ! * 1 1 1 1 i i ! 1 ------1..... ! i Onentation of DIET ST ! 1 t( 1 1 i sct^ooi, HMS, S)S, 0,1 166 batches ^0 1 20 20 -<6 ' i 56 BRC, selected" ! 1 1 1 CRC (1 day) 1 i 1 1 1 i WorKshop on use ...... "j------^ ^ 24 1 of distance iearning 4 1 4 j 4 24 ^•03 1'workshops K " 1 matenai (1 day;. ® I ^ " ■■ .....t...... i Equipments lOTv i , I .....I ’ ■' 12 set 4 1 8 I i 12 teteconrerencing | | 1 Ji 1 j! 1 Printing and Distribution ! ! 1 1 ^ 1 of self Instructional ! „ „ ^ o 00 1 , X i 0.001 1 copies to 1000 1 2000 2000 ^ 1000 6000 materials (Primary) 1 \ ^ , . r-> * r \ m \ 1 1 tBachers (per teacher Rs'. 100/-) ! i i 1 1 i ! 1 i Printing and distribution 1 i i ! i of SIM for Upp^ 2200 I 00015 500 1000 ! 700 220C primary (per teacher copies 1 ! ! i Rs 150/-) i j_____ i 1 ! 1 Radio Shows (per yr) 0.15 16 shows 1 2 2 2 1 2 i 2 1 2 2 2 ' 16 12 t 1------1 T\«' shows ^per yr) I 0.3 1 2 2 2 ! 2 ' 1 1 1 12 T vshows _____ I 1 Teieconfermtng 1 136 I 1 Programmes 0.15 teleconfer 8 15 20 20 24 ! 24 12 12 136 L (All types) ences j______I 1 1 ------Intervention : MIS Scheduling of Physical Targets to be Achieved I — r ! Ptiysical Targets for Different Years Physical 1 I ' ’ Budget ! Unit Cost ] T arget for i i i i i Activity ■ Nafne of the Activity , (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 1 2003- 2004- 1 2005- 1 2006- j 2007- j 2008- j 2009- 1 the 1 Total Code 1 Lakhs) 2002 2003 1 2004 2005 j 2006 1 2007 | 2008 j 2009 j 2010 ! i Project 1 I ______L i ! I i ! ! ! ■ " ....V MIS Eaulpment to the cell I i ■ ■[ 1 ...... 1 i i 1 1 including softwares and 10 1 set 1 i i i 1 I training 1 ! f AC to MIS 0,4 1 1 1 1 ! ! 1 ! Strengthening inforrnation I j 1 ! ! ! i 1 5 nos 5 5 system of Dl office i L _ . i i ! i l l Training to District Level * 5 batches I 1 ! t ! 5 i 5 i 5 1 5 5 5 j 5 j 5 1 5 !1 45 Officers * every year i i i Furniture for MIS Room ! 0.15 ■ 1 set 1 i i I i ti ...... t" i 1 i I 3000 I i i ' ! i i i i i < DISE for pnmarv and Upper ■ j i i __! 0.003 ' including * 3000 1 3000 3000 j 3000 3000 i 3000 i 3000 1 3000 3000 27000 pnmary Schools lE^oS) , 1 «r, 1 I 'A S every i i i i i ! i ! 1 year i ! ‘ 1 i1 1 2 i i 1 ! Sharing Workshop and ! O.^i iworkshoDS 2 2 1 2 2)2,21212 2 18 Dissemination of DISE i ! per vear 1 1 1 1 1 1 Telephone Charges for I ' 1 ^ ; 1 i 0.2 Byears ; j 1 | 1 1 1 i 1 ' 1 ! 1 1 1 1 8 j Data Communication 1 S * i i f 1 1 1 MiS consumao^es 0.5 1 0 vears 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 i 1 ! 1 1 1 i 1 1 ! 9 Ma^enance and 1 ' ^ 0.5 ‘ 6r. vears . 1 , 1 . 1 e cOTTtiaencies i_____ .. 1 i 1 ' i ' ! ' "Aaiusandhan" study, j i 2971 i j * ' ; 1 i 1 1 COHORT and Child 0.005 i vinages | 2971 i 2971 i 2971 j 29^1 * 2971 2971 i 2971 j 2971 j 2971 ( 26739 1 , Tracking , every year 1 I i 1 ' i i 1 i 1 Comouterisatlon of Child 1 ! 1 1 1 ' ' 2 ' 3 ‘ 1 ^ 1 i ill 1 i 3 trackinc Svstem i 1 i ! i ! ; 1 1 i 1 i Dffice Automation System i 5 1 i 1 ; 1 ] 1 1 1 i i 1 1 f 1 ( 1 i i I Geographycal Information ’'ill*'' 3 i System ...l :...... __i ’ i i„ i i ! i : ^ (Amount m takhs> Yearwise costing for Physical Targets Costings for Different Years

Physical | 1 1 • ' ' | , j \ Budget 1 ' 1 Unit Cost! Target for 1 1 ! ! 1 ' * , Activity ■ 1 ,Rs In 1 2001- 1 2002- j 2003- | 2004- i 2005- I 2006- 1 2007- ! 2008- 2D09- Total Code ■ I Lakt,s) ' 2010 1 ' I I Project 1 1 i .. ‘ - I I 1 1 a. Salary x | j 1 ! I 1 1 1------T i 1 1 District Project > f 0.200 j108Monthsl 2 4 ! 2 4 I 2,4 1 2 4 2.4 j 2,4 2.4 1 2.4 ( 2.4 21.6 1 Coorainator x c j i j 1 1 i « coordinator x t . " ...... !'■" “ ------T ... , 0 1 50 1 48 months 18 j 1.8 1.8 j 1.8 j 0 1 0 0 0 0 7.2 Works X f 1 —...... - ..~T !...... T ------Coordmator x j | ■...... -J i PeoaBog,cal , j l08Months 18 1 1.8 I 1.8 1.8 1 1.8 i 1.8 '1 8 1.8 16.2 Improver^,ent & , ; , ! 1 ! ' Training;, SC/ST . ' , 1 { i i 1 1 1 \ . 1Coordinator ' ' , ' ! 0 150 MOBMonths 1,8 1 18 ! 18 1,8 1.8 , 1.8 . 1.8 i -IS i 18 15.2 Planning, & MIS | Coordinator lED & ' , i i I i !...... ■ ' ' ...... ^...... '! 0 150 MOBMonths 1 1 B 1 1.8 1 1.8 1,8 1.3 i 1.8 , 1.8 1 1.8 f 1.8 1 16.2 •t i Media 1 i , i i 1 yi 1 1 ' 1 T...... —T...... T r ------Coordinator Girls ' ! 1 ..r... — 1 ! ! 1 Education,ECCE, 1 ! ! 0.150 j 108Monthsl 1,8 j 1.8 1 1,8 ! 1.8 r s 1.8 j 1.8 I 1.8 1.8 Community 162 ! ! Mobilization 1 ! ! I Junior Engineers to' 1 1 1 suoervise, ' 1 i 1 \ ! 1 1 coordinate the Civil ' 0 100 60 months ! 1.2 i 1.2 j 1.2 1.2 0 1 0 1 0 0 6 Work at blocks (12 1 i i 1 i JEs) ! 1 1 ...... r ...... lOBMonths f " " ...... Sr.Programr^e Asst, 0.110 2.54 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 ! 2,54 ! 2.64 , 2.64 1 23.76 X2 1 1 ! lOBMonths jT.Pro^^mme Asst 0.090 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3,24 ! 3.24 ! 3.24 ' 3.24 29 16 X 3 Nos. 1 1 ' 1 ' T Page Total '! 18.48 18.48 18.48 18.48 16.68 15.48 15.48 I 15.48 ' 15.48 ! 152.52 ------i__------1

3aiasorB_ Casting Interventton : Project Management (Amount in iakhs, Yearwise costing for Physical Targets i 1 -----1 Costings for Different Years , 1 ...... 1 1 1 5 1 Physical ! . Budget i Unit Cost Name of the ' „ T arget for i ! i Activity ! A . . i In 2001- 2002- 1 ! 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- I 2007- 2008- 2009- Act IV tty • the Code ■ Total j Lakhs) 2002 1 2003 2004 2005 1 2006 2007 1 2008 2009 2010 i Pro^ct i 1 1 I i ...... i------i > Contingency 4,000 Svears 36 iConsumables 5.000 9vears 45 'A/'DA 4 000 9vears 36 jOffice maintenace I 4.000 36 jand misc______i jPOL & hinng |cnarges for 3 (venicies( 1 vehicle fc' ■7.200 i 9vears 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 i 7.2 7 2 7.2 64.8 jtour Diocks(g)0.2 per i'Tion'rh)

For 5 Dis * instaliation of Fax 0.250 1.5 "! at DPO

I installation of ohone 0 100 0.1 0.1 0.:

’■^eiepnone & Fax 0 400 9vears 16 I charges per year ^u tp nen t for DPO j 5.000 9years Furniture for D °0 0.75G 9years 0.75 0.75 T s I Consuttartcy | Charges for expert, inj jComrnunitN | ! involvement | 5.000 9years 15 15 15 20 20 20 15 15 15 150 jdocurnentetior | j finance i iGirlsediicatior. etc |

Page Total 45.050 43 550 41.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 41.200 41.200 41.200 392.000 rvroject Management (Amount in laHns) Yearwise costing for Physical Targets 1 Costings for Different Years ] ' Physical 1 1 1 1 Budget Unit Cost j 1 1 1 i i Name of the ' Target for | 1 i Activity (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 1 2003- ! 2004- ' 2005- ' 2006- ' 2007- 1 2008- 2009- i Activity the Total Code { Lakhs) j 2002 1 2003 1 2004 ! 2005 ' 2006 ' 2007 1 2008 1 2009 2010 P r o j e c t ' : 1 I 1 1 ----r1 i 1 1 ! ...... I 1 1 1 Rent .Electricity . i 1 1 0 100 1108 Months' 1.2 i 1.2 1.2 i 1.2 ! 1,2 ! 1,2 1 1 2 ^08 charaes for DPO 1 ' i 1 ... ^ ! 1 i 1 ...... 1 Books and journals 1 0,050 9years 0.05 0.05 0,1 0,1 1 0,1 0.1 , 0,1 0.1 0,1 0 e for DPO I A i j r ...... j «b 1 for each 1 1 H MoOile Health Van 1 3.000 block in 0 36 36 j 36 j 36 36 ! 36 36 36 288 I ayear 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! r ...... Monitoring and ' ' I i""...... ! i ! 1 ! i suDervision by the • ! I j ! 1 District Project ' ' 1 1 1! I 1 1 ! i ! 1 1 ! j ! Office, preparation * i 1 and Sharing of ' | , 1 1 i j 9 years 1 1 3 3 3 3 i 3 ' 3 3 1 25 ( Annual Progress ! ! ^ I - 1 I i Reports and SuDportI i 1 1 i to district ' * i ! 1 functjonaries to ' L 1 i i I I 1 i review the project | j 1 i 1 ! 4------■i------Page Total 2.25 j 40.25 1 40.3 40.3 * 40.3 ' 4C^ j 40.3 1 40.3 j 40.3 i 324.6 1 1 Total 65.780 j 102.280 ! 99.380 104,980 j 103.180 1 101.980 96.980 96.980 ' 96.980 1 ' . J------1 i 8 ® .120 Intervention : Civil Works 'Amount in lakhs) Yearwise costing for Physical Targets t Costings for Different Years ■■ Physical 1 1 T ! Budget sUnit Cost Target for Activity Name of the Activity 1 (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 1 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the Total Code i Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 j 2006 2007 2008 2009 Project 2010 1 1 1 1 ------i i 1 ...... i 1 i i ...... r New Schoo! SuildTngs " ...... 1 ...... 1 3 62 0 90 96 0 1 0 0 0 0 i 186 (Pry. School; ° 1 !i 1 r. New School Buiidings 4,5 45 0 135 67.5 0 I 0 0 0 0 * 202.5 (Up School) (3 rooms) i I 1 BuHdrng for Duiidingiess q 280 270 1 270 1 165 135 i 0 0 0 S.0 1 jScnoois ^pnmary) 0 * 1 L ^ : i. 1 ) i i ° i 1 ( 1r i !Buildir>g for buiidrngless 1 4.5 I 300 1 337 5 33^ 5 33^.5 ! 337,5 ; 0 0 i 0 I 0 1350 1 iSchools .'Upper Primary ) 1 1 ) f i 1 i 1 1 t i i i 1 I" " r jAddi. Giassrooms for 1 1 1 • iExisting Sctiools 1,5 1 ^10 I 180 450 1 30C 135 0 0 1 1065 i 0 i 0 ! 0 i\Pnmary i i i j i i1 1 1 lAddi.Classrooms fo^ i 1 1 1I

iExisting Schools ^Upoer ! 5 343 75 j 225 79.5 i 0 0 0 > 0 0 i 514.5 1 i ! 1 i iPnmary'' i 1 i 1 ( Room for Mead Master ! 1 5 j ' 420 1 135 1 135 j 135 1 225 0 1 0 ! 0 > 0 0 i 630 tCRC Buildincs * 2 1 25^ 20C ; 200 j 114 1 0 !. 0 i 0 1 0 ' 0 514 1 ° IBRC Buildings ! 6 i 12 24 1 0 I 0 1 0 ! 0 72 1t 1 24 1 0 ! ° 1 1 T 1 i i i i i jMairrtenance & Repair of j ^ 340 7.5 I 7.5 , 7,5 4.5 1 ^ jSchoo? Buildings (pnmary)j 1 ^ 1 1 1 i 1 1 ° ! i T ...... 1 T'” ...... — 'Maintenance X Reoair of j i 'I ! * School Buildings fUppe-- 1 0.05 j 650 5 5 i 5 5 5 2 5 i 0 32.5 j i ' i i jorimaa'^ i 1 i ■ n T * 7 Major Repairs pnman,, i , 620 j 60 i 30 30 i 15 15 i ^5 ^ 3 ' ^86 1 1 jPage Total j 1 1246.5 1 1849 1506 5 954.5 27.5 24.5 : 5.5 1 5634.5 j 1 ! i 1 ^ Intervention : Civil WorKs /A mourn m laktis} Yearvy/ise costing for Physical Targets I" " -' I 1 i Costings for Different Years i ' ' ! Physical j | j Budget ! ^ j Unit Cost | 1 I i Activity |Name of the Activity | (Rs. In I 2001- ' 2002- 1 2003- j 2004. 2005- ] 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- i Total -Code 1 1 Lakhs) 1 2003 1 2004 ! 2005 2006 I 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project 1 1 1 1 ! ! ...... 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 r Major Repairs (Upper i q 3 i « 2 | 9 6 1 30 1 30 1 -5 ' 15 ' 15 I 15 i 0 0 1 12S.6 pnmary) , . 1 ! ! ; i 1 I ' i

Upgradation of Schoois j | \ frc AS'EGS to upper | 4.5 j 108 i 0 0 ' I 0 '1 0 'I 405 1 405 0 0 0 1 810 primary schoois i | 1 1 . 1 * 1 1 1 1 [ Upgradation 0^ Schools | j i I ' : ^ro AS'EGS to primary j ^ I 80 i 0 0 j 0 0 1 240 ! 240 '^ 0 0 0 480 schools i 1 i 1 1 ...... T \ ‘ Resource Rooms for lED 2 1 12 0 4 ! 8 0 1 0 ' 0 0 0 I 0 ; 12 1 MIS Room 2 1 1 2 1 0 ' 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 i. 2 ■^raining hall to blET/ST j “ ...... I' ’ ' ' * d 1 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 j 0 0 0 ; 4 School ' I 1 Maintenance and j 1 1 upgradation of of ST 15 1 6 0 90 j 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 90 School & DIET 1 i1 i Tubewell for Schools 0.4 1525 0 32 50 1 88 1 0 ! 0 0 0 i 0 1 170 Boundary Walls for road­ 1 I ^ ^ j I 0.5 330 1 0 50 75 I 25 1 '5 , 0 0 0 ! 0 I 155 side and interior schools 1 ' 1 1 I . Toilets for Schools 0.12 1 900 I 0 12 ! 24 1 24 1 0 1 0 1 0 i 0 1 0 ‘ 60 ECE Centres , i 1,5 1 1533 i 0 45 , 120 75 ! 0 ! 0 i 0 0 i 0 ! 240 Electrification 0.01 1 2000 1 0 ...... 3‘ ...... ' 4 5 1 8 1 0 I 0 0 ; 0 ’■ 20 r Matching grants for EGS 1 1 I I 0,3 j 200 1 0 15 !! 30 15 1 0 0 0 0 60 centres I ^ 0 I 0 Chile friendly Element 0 1 ! 2000 0 20 50 100 i 30 ' 0 0 20C ( 1 Page Total i 15.6 301 391 347 [ 713 j 560 ( 15 0 J 0 i 2442.6 i f t o t a l I ! 1262.10Q 21 SO non 1RQ7 Interventtor Pfannmg and Management (Amount in lakhs) Yearwise costing for Physical Targets ( i Costings for Different Years 1 Physical ^ T 1 1 Buaget | Unit Cost i Target for' ! Activity I Name of the Activity (Rs. In j 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- , 2008- i 2009- the Total Code i Lakhs) I 2002 2003 2004 2005 j 2006 2007 2008 2009 1 2010 Pfx>iect ! i i _ .. 1 1 i ...... i 1 i 1 ------’ ■T j ...... i r t P’-eparation of Annual i 1 i i i 1 Work Plan & buaget ana I 0.3 9 years 0 6 0 0,50 0.60 0.60 j 0.60 0 60 I 0,50 0 50 0 50 5.40 i Mid->«ar review i 1 ! I ' : 1 1 1 ...... ! !t ( I i 1 iDevelopment of GP 2 5 7 X 8 ! i Eaucationai Profile ^or 0,03 0 00 0.03 I 0.03 0.03 0.03 j 0,03 0 0 3 0.03 0.03 0.24 progs. Gram Panchyats (3rcj) 1 i ! i i 1 i !Micro Planning in > I j ! 1 i1 selected Educationally | 0.05 !1 157 nos 0.00 j 2.50 1 2 50 !I 2 85 0.00 j 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.85 Deonved Areas (per GP) j 1 1 i i i ' ! 1 r 1 1 i Onentation in the 1 1 1 1 * j Planning Process to the i o 05 96 i 0,00 0,60 1 0 60 ^ 0,60 0.60 0.50 1 0.60 0.60 0.50 4 80 Resource Grouo (per i batches 1 ! I Biock I I 1 i i ( 8 years 1 Preparation of Biock 1 0.05 i from each! 0.00 0.60 1 0 50 0,50 0.60 0.50 0.50 i 0 6 0 0,50 4 80 Specific Plan j j blOCK j i i _____ 1 i jPreoarat»on of Senarate ! | j 1 t I 1 iPlans for Urba^^ Areas ! 1 . V^ars ^ i \ i from T ' 1 j(Siums and Cities) ftc be ' 0.05 ! | 0.00 0.25 0,25 0 2 '5 0 25 0.25 } 0.25 0,25 0.25 1 2.00 - 1 Urban ! jintecrated into‘he district ' ; ■ 1 ^ areas i IP®"? . , 1 1 1 ' 1 ! ' PageTotai 1 { 0.60 4 58 4.58 ’ 4.93 2.08 2.08 I 2.08 I 2.08 2,08 25.09 1 ------!------i------^------J______J______1 - Itervention : Planning and Management (Amount in lakhs) Yearwise costing for Physical Targets i ' 1 1 Costings for Different Years 1j 1 Physical 1 1 1 Budget { Unrt Cost 1 ! ! Target fori 1 1 Ebctivity Name of the Activity | (Rs. In 2001- j 2002- 1 2003- 1 2004- ! 2005- ' 2006- 2007- * 2008- 2009- the 1 Total 1 Code Lakhs) 2002 1 2003 1 2004 I 2005 ! 2006 * 2007 2008 * 2009 2010 1 ! Project 1 1 1 ] 1 1 i ! ! * 1 1 1 i T 1^' '■ ...... Innovative l^roiect on ’ ! , ! i I !School Management and ^ 50 most 1 i I !Litilisatbn of GP ^ 0.5 backward j 0.00 5.00 I 5.00 j 5.00 5.00 i 2 50 2.50 2-50 2 5 0 I 30.00 1Educational Prof>ie (3 GP* GPs 1 j i 1 1 i per block) ' | 1 i I 1 tSchool mapping and 1 1 ------r 1 1 !school efficiency ^ 1 1 ! ! 1 1 !measurement studi^ 0.15 1 programmj 0.00 38.55 1 7.50 1 0,00 1 0.00 1 0.00 38 55 7.50 0.00 j 92.10 ij (per GP)10 GPs 2 times | 1 es 1 ! i i 1 i ■1 other 1 time ^ 1 i 1 1 i ,|------, 1------!— 1 ...... \ Invoh/ing ^ , 1 1 1 \/ECs.HMs,CRCs. ' j 2056 1 ! 1 1 AW W .M TRs in cluster 0.03 1 programmj 0.00 1 7.71 ! 7.71 7J1 ' 7.71 ! 7 71 7.71 7.71 ! 51.58 ( 1 1 level planning process 13 I es j i 1 ! days located GPs , ,1 1 1 i 1 1 ! i ] ■t— ...... — ■ f" ' ■ • 1------1— — ■” "f ' ' i i...... ! ( Training to Headmasters I 1 » 1 ! , Sis, and administrative ! 72 * I I j 0.084 0.00 2.02 j 1.01 0 00 1 0,00 2.02 1 1.01 0.00 j 6.05 functionaries on ! batches ! j 1 ! management 1 I ! \ ( 1 i { 1 1 V t 1------Seminar / conference at 1 1 0 5 ! 13 1 6 50 6.50 5.50 6-50 j 6.50 j 6.50 ! 6.50 ! 6.50 1 6.50 i 58.50 L BiocKi' District ievei I ( i f T ' 1 1— ...... 1" 1 1 I Page Total 1 6.50 59.78 27.72 19.21 , 19.21 , 18.73 j 56.27 i 24.21 i 16.71 ' 248.33 1 I 1 i i 1 "T ------r 1------i 1 1 T ...... ------T' ■ ' Total ! 1 1 7 10 64.36 32.30 24.14 I 21.29 j 20.81 58.35 1 26.29 18.79 i 273,42 \ ,1 -...... 1 J______J ______. I miiMiiiiiy lui Ht^aityuyicdi improverment (Amount in lakhs)

I ' Costings for Different Years 1 1 T 1 1 1 Physical i 1 Budget ' | Unit Costi 1 Target for 1 Activity Natne of tne Activity j (Rs. In I 2001- 2002- j 2003- j 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 1 2008- i 2009- ' the Total Code 1 Lakhs) 2002 2003 j 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ! 2009 1 2010 Project 1 1 1 i i ------L ...- ...... i i i 1 i ...... - "T 12 for each i ^Contrnaencies to BRC ! 0.125 i 1,50 j 1.50 i 1.50 1.50 1 50 1 50 1 50 ! 1 50 1 13.50 , i vear i i t ------r 257 for 1 1 iContingencies to CRC * 0.025 6 4 3 1 6.43 i 6.43 6.43 I 6.43 1 6 43 6 4 3 6 43 6 43 ' 57.83 ------L.._ i each vear j 1 1 1 F'jmfture to BRC i 0.25 12 0^5 1 1 50 ; 0,75 j 0.00 0.00 j 0.00 0.00 i 0.00 1 j i 0.00 3.00 j Furniture tc CRC | 0.03 257 2.40 1 i 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 2.61 j j 0.00 0.00 8.01 Equipment to BRC ] 0 75 12 2.25 4.50 2.25 j 0.00 0.00 0.00 i 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 9.00 --- t I iC on DU ter tc BRC 12 0.00 12.00 0 00 I 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 j 0.00 0.00 12.00

Com outer to CRC ! C.5 i 257 1 0.00 ' 60.00 i 68.50 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 ! 0.00 ^ 123.50 i: ! i ji 1 1 1 lEauipnent :o CRC ;i 0-07 ,I 257 1 0.00 ! 5.60 * 7 00 * 6 09 1 0,00 '‘ 0,00 1 0.00 0.00 i 0.00 18.69 ( 1 |T l M Grant to BRC 0 05 * 9 yrs 0.60 i 0.60 ii 0.60 i 0.60 0.60 0.60 060 0.60 ! 0.5C 5.40 j. ; i j 1TIM Grant to CRC 1 0.01 I 9 yrs S 2.57 2.57 1i 2 5^ ' 2 57 2.57 I 2.57 j 2.57 2.57 2.57 } 23.13 1[ ...... 1r----- Visronmg WorKsnoD for 1[ i ! i I i i BRCC ana oiock resource 1 j 0.196 1 60 batcti 2.35 2.35 1 0.00 i 2 35 ! 000 1 2.35 2.35 0.00 ' 0.00 11.76 1 support group (7 aavs)(40 1 1 j 1 ! i imembers i i I i 1 1 jVtstonmg WorKshoo for i I 1 i jCRCC (3 * 0084 12 batch 0.34 0.17 j 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0.34 1 0.17 0.00 0.00 1.01 idays)(40 members^ 1 i j i ! 1 ! Induction Training to BRCC I i 1 ! ' 0.^96 2 batch 1 0.00 j 0.20 1 0.00 j 0.00 ; 0.00 0.20 1 0.00 0,00 1 0.00 1 0.39 ( 7 days} (40 members] 1 i i i 1 j t ...... — j linaijction Traming to CRCC i 1 ! 1.18 aays; (40 memt>ers) 0.196 12 batch i 0.00 i 0.00 1 18 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 i I includes new recruits if any i 1 i j i i Page Total \ ( I 19.18 1 100.41 93.38 i 19.54 11.10 13.98 14 79 11.10 11.10 1 294.57

Baleswar costina iiervenuorrrpiannning tor Pedagogical improverment (Amount in laMfSi ______Yearwise costing for Physical Targets Costings for Different Years --- r ------r Physical ^ I iudget Unit Cost 1 1 ! Target for 1 \ctivtty Name of the Activity (Rs. in 2001- 1 2002- 1 2003- ! 2004- j 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- * the Total Code LaKns) 2002 1 2003 j 2004 j 2005 j 2006 , 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project I 1 1 1 ------L 1 1 I —— ______^------L ------r 1 1 I 1 ...... r '!-- -- — r 1Capacity Building of 20 | 1 ! 1 ! ! 1 Member Resouce Support i 0 084 ^2 batch 1 0,00 0 50 j 0.00 j 0.00 1 0.50 j 0.00 0.00 i 0.00 ! 000 1.0^ Team for each BPC (3 ! i ! ) days) (40 members) 1 1 I i 1 i Capadt>' Building of 8 ...... T '— ...... r > I i ( 1 Member Resouce Support 1 0.084 1 100 batches! 0.00 1.26 2.10 0.84 1 0.00 j 3.36 0.84 I 0.00 0.00 I 8.40 Team for each CRC v3 ! ! 1 aays) (4C members) i 1 i \ i 1 t Training to DRG on, 1 ■ i i teachers training , (7 0.196 24 oatches j 0.20 0.39 0.59 ! 0 59 1 0 59 0.59 j 0,59 0.59 j 0.59 4 70 i days) (40 members) i i I Training to BRG on 1 j ■ ...... 1[...... teachers training x (7 0.196 48 batch j 0.39 0 78 V18 1 18 1 1.18 M S 1 1.18 1.18 1.18 9 41 ! ^ days) (40 members) 1 i 1 1 I 7 days teacher training on 1205 0.196 24.50 24.50 24.50 25.48 1 26 46 27 44 27 44 27 44 28.42 236.18 new pedagogy batches j1 Training to DRG on' ! ! teacners training(UP) 0.196 1 24 batches 0.20 0.39 I 0.59 0.59 0.59 1 0.59 0.59 0 59 0.59 ! 4JG (7 days) (40 members) i i t ------! Training to BRG o n ' I teachers training(UP) 0.196 j 48 batches 0.39 0,78 j 1.13 1 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1 18 1 18 9.41 (7 aays) (40 members) 1 7 days teacher training (UP) ! 0.196 236 batches 19.60 26.66 j 0.00 1 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.26 Ion new pedagogy ' i 1 ITLM Workshop at Distnct ! iievei (5 aays) (40 - ! O.M 8 batches 0,00 j 0.14 [ 0.14 1 0.14 I 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 1.12 members) i i TLM Workshop at Block f t ....- ...... I level (5 davs) (40 ' I 0.14 96 batches 0.00 j 1.68 j 1.68 1 1.68 1 1.68 1.68 1.68 1 68 'I 68 ^3.44 i members) 1 j j i 1 Page Total | 45.28 1 57.09 1 31.95 31.67 32.31 36.15 I 33.63 32,79 ' 33.77 334.63 1 1 1 •«.ci VCIIII0 4 I f-icninning tor Keaagogical Improverment (Amount in iakhs)

j Costings for Different Years 1 i ! P h y s ic a l I 1{ i B u d g e t j 1U n it C o s t 1 j T a rg e t fo r i A c tiv ity j Name of the Activity j (R s . In 2001- 2002- 1 2003- 1 2004- 2005- I 2006- 2007. 2008- 1 2009- 1 th e T o ta l C o d e 1 L a k h s ) 2002 i 2003 1 2004 2005 2006 2007 ' 2008 2009 1 2010 j ! P ro je c t i I i 1 1 ______L ...... i 1 i i i 1 1 ■''LM Workshop at District ! ! I i 1 r ! 1 levei(UP) (5 days) (40 i 0.14 8 batches 0.00 1 0.14 j 0.14 0.14 1 0.14 0.14 0.14 i 0.14 ' 0.14 I 1.12 i I memDers) j i 1 - ..1s I TLM »/VorKshoD at Block 1 ( i ievei (5 days) (UP) (40 ! 0.14 96 batches 0 00 1 1.58 1.68 1.68 1 1.68 1 68 1 68 1 1 68 1 68 ! 13.44 i memt>ers i * ( \ Remforcement of Activity | 1 ...... t ------basea aporoach with multi i 1 1 \ 0.196 1205 24 50 j 24.50 24 50 25 48 26 46 27.44 27.44 j 27.44 28.42 j grade management (7 ! 236.18 i 1 1 ...... i aaysi <40 members) i i 1 1 jTrammg on lemers * ! ! 1: 1 ! j evaluation (5 days> (40 | 0 14 i1 1150 0.00 161.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 j 0.00 * 0.00 o o c ! 161 ! jmemDers) ! ! 1 i jTraining on lemers 1 i jevaiuation (UP' (5 days' ^40 0 14 236 0.00 33.04 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 j 0.00 0 00 0 00 33.04 i 1 imemDers) | 1 i ...... 11 jOeveioDment of Question ’ I j 1 in each ! 1i Dank for unit test (both 1 0.064 Cluster each 0.00 21.59 1 21 59 21.59 21,59 21.59 j 21.59 21.59 1 21.59 172.704 Pnmarv & UP>'3 daysW40 * ) year ! nr>embers) \ i 1 1 i f aeveiooment of activity 1 ; 1 j 1 in each I I ibank for unit test (both 1 1 1 0.084 austereach! 0.00 21 59 2-!.59 21.59 21.59 21.59 21.59 21.59 21 59 172.704 iPrimarv & UP> (3 days> f4Q i vear 1 s members) 1 1 1 i T'^tning on English ! i i language E\/S and 4 batches in! q qq 0.084 86.35 1 86.35 1 86.35 86,35 I 86.35 86 35 ! 86.35 86.35 1 690.816 Mathematics (3 days for each cluster! 1 ! jsach subject) (40 memoers) 1 1 1 I i i i I I f sPage Tolai i ! 1 24.50 349.89 * 155.85 ' 156.83 1 157.81 1 158.79 1 158.79 158.79 159 77 1 1 4 8 1 .0 0 J- 1 ntervention : Plannning for Pedagogical Improverment (Amount in iakhs)

1 Costings for Different Years I i 1 1 Physical j j Budget | ^ j Unit CostI 1 Target for j 1 ! 1 Activity jName of the Activity | (Rs. In • 2001- 2002- 2003- 1 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- Code 1 Total Lakhs) 1 Project 2002 { 2003 2004 j 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 i ------^ 1 .... 1 1 i 1 ! Training of BRCC', CRC C i I ! 1 ■ ■ ...... 1 * on acaaemic monitonng (7 1 0 196 j ' j q 00 I 1 3 7 * 0.00 0.00 1.37 j 0.00 1 0.00 1 1 37 1 0 00 4.116 days) ^40 merriDers) 1 j 1 | 1 i ! 1 ; 1 1 I ■ ...... “ T— ! 1 j ‘ Training to S I.S. HMs ('JP) 1 i 36 batches ^ on School management (5 0.14 5.04 1 0 00 * 0,00 ' 5.04 0.00 0.00 I 5.04 0.00 15.12 1 ! ! * i days) (40 members) 1 ill! 1 1 — 1------Need based short term i 1 1 1 orientation at cluster level 4 batches in| ^ 0.028 28.78 1 28 78 j 28 70 1 28.78 ! 2 8 7 8 28.78 j 28.78 28.78 230.272 on soecific theme '(1 day) each cluster! 1 1 1 (40 members) 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 Training of Para-teachers t 1 1 I 1 1 on new pedagogy (7 days) \ 0 19 6 16 batches j 0.00 3.14 1 O.OC 1 3.14 1 0.00 0.00 0 00 ! O.OG 0.00 5.272 j (40 members) | i i i 1 ! T Furniture to DIE'^/ST \ 6 ( 2.00 4.00 ! 0 00 j 0 00 i 0,00 0.00 O.OG O.OC 0.00 6.00 Schools j ^ 1 1 r ------r ------r Eauipment to DIET/ST I I 6 1 6.00 12.00 i 0 00 1 0 00 0.00 O.QO O.OC Ii 0.00 0.00 1 18.00 Schools i I 1 Capacity Building of DIET I t...... 1 ! and ST School Personnel | 1 ISprogr. | 0.20 0.20 ! 0.39 0.59 0.39 1 0,39 1 0.3S 0.20 0.20 2.94 (Multiple Programmes) (7 1 I 1 days) (40 member^) ! 1 1 1 1 I Institutional Development ! ^ T ...... Plan of DIET ' 1 ^ 1 3.33 3.33 I 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 1 1 1 ! ’ Institutional Development 1 1 12 1 3.00 ! 3.00 1 3.00 3 00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1200 Ran of BRC i I I I Institutional plan of CPC 1 I------^ 0.25 1 257 1 12.85 1 12.85 • 12 85 12.85 1 12.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.25 (Per CRC) 1 i l l I ...... i Page Total 1 27.38 73.71 1 48.36 ! 51 69 1 51.7'^ 32.51 29.18 J 35.39 28.98 378.97 w«ai tilipt 'O V Cl 11 Id I L (Amount in iatcns) . . . . Yearwise costing for Physical Targets Costings for Different Years T P h y s ic a l B u d g e t | Unit C o s t 1 1 1 T a rg e t fo r Activity lliam e of the Activity (R s. In 2001- I 2002- 2003- 1 2004- 2005- j 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- j _ th e Total C o d e 1 L a k h s ) 2002 i 2003 2004 i 2005 2006 2007 j 2008 2009 2010 ' P ro je c t i 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 i i ( ' ^nr Q ' Sate^ to CRCC 0.09 1 ; 23.13 23.13 ij 23 13 23 13 23 13 23.13 j 23.13 23.13 i 23.13 208.17 •i years i 1 1 > 1 ! 1 1 i ! i ' iSalary to 3RC Assistants * 0 12 | '.44 1.44 1.44 i 1.44 1 1.44 i 1 44 1 1 44 1 44 ‘ 1 44 i 12.96 1 1 9years 1 i ' 1 1 1 i 1 1 • 1 1 1 t t"".- - !Salary to BRC Menials 12 for i 0.03 0.36 0 36 0.36 0.36 ' 0 36 0.36 } 0.36 0.36 j 0.36 3.24 !^contractuan 9years 1 i i 1 i Teacning Learning 1 i i < ! Eauipment to selected ^ ^ 180 0.00 0 00 3.00 5 00 ! 2.00 ' 2 00 ! 2.00 | 2.00 | 2.00 18.00 1ancovered schools 1 1 i 1 I 1(Pnmary» ! i . 1 i 1 1 I 1r...... '! iTLE to seiected uncoverec | ^ ^ 1 i i i 110 0.00 0.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 i 10.00 i 5.00 1 5.00 5.00 55.00 schoots Upper Primary) | i1 ii i I 1 i ! ‘i i i I 1 Scnooi Improvement Grant j } 1802+62 36.04 37.28 37.28 i 37.28 37 28 1 37.28 37.28 1 37 28 37 28 334.28 to Prjruarv Schools \ 1 1 ! 1 1 i 1 1 Scnooi Improvement Grant i ! i 1 to Schools ( Upper 1 0.03 1113+45 33.39 ' 34^4 34 74 1 34.74 34.74 1 34.74 34.74 1 34.74 i 34.74 311.31 Pnmarv) i i 1 1 i t Phasewise i I i introduction of cumulative j I I r and class 1 i progre^ cards in seiecteo j 0.0001 5,60 5.60 * 5.80 5 80 i 5 80 600 j 6.00 5.80 5.80 52.20 ■ new schoo»s i i 1 i i entrants i 1 1 Phasewlse i ! i and class 1 1 tntrocuction of health cards j ^ i new 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.00 3.00 I 3.00 2.50 2.50 28.00 in seecteo schools | entrants 1 1 every /r i 1 1 iPage Total j 1 i 103.46 j 106.05 i 114.25 1 126.25 117.75 117.95 112.95 112.25 * 112.25 1023.16

Raleswar costina nterveniiof^^lannning for Pedagogical Improverment {Amount in takhsi Yearwise costing for Physical Targets Costings for Different Years Physical ' I 1 ! ...... f Budget Unit Cost| I 1 1 i Target for 1 1 Activity Name of ttve Activity {Rs. in 1 2001- 1 2002- i 2003- ! 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- I 2008- , 2009- the Total Code 1 i-akhs) 1 2002 1 2003 1 2004 ! 2005 2006 2007 2008 j 2009 Project 2010 1 1 1 1 ------1L. 1 1 1 1 1 i 1------f I !' 1 Recruitment of teacners in i 1 1 1 ranging , 1 i existing scnools ( Pnmary)/ ! 1 ! 1 1 from 1000 -1 i jpgraaea Pnmary from 0.08 I 80.00 1 85 60 -165,60 j 165,60 194.40 194.40 240.00 240.00 i 240.00 1605 60 3000 in 9 1 EGS / teachers for 1 1 yrs. I retirement vacancies 1 i 1 !1 ...... -"1 Recruitment of teachers in existing schools (Upper 0.1 j 59 ! 0.00 i 2.00 4 00 1 5,90 1 5,90 5.90 5.90 5.9C 1 5.90 41.40 Primary) 1 L 1! |TLM Grant to Pnmary 0 005 1 5033+62 ' 25/7 27.96 30.46 j 32.96 35.00 j 35.00 35.00 35.00 1 35.00 291 55 Sctiooi teachers 1 1 ■TLM Grant to Upper 1 ’ ! 0,007 ! 1113+45 7 79 8.11 8.25 8.53 8.53 j 8.53 8.53 1 8.53 1 3.53 75.30 iPnm®> Sctiools . 1 1 1 1 I I” "...... 1 1 Library to r~-"...... ' I 0.025 ! 3562 I 0 00 12.50 50.00 25.00 1.55 1 0.00 j 0.00 0.00 ! 0,00 ! 89 05 SchonJs(PS/UPS/EGS> i 1 1 1 1 Free textbooks to all r ------i1 0.001 275000 j 275.00 275.00 2^5.00 273.00 278.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 i! 280.00 ! 2501 00 chHdrer. (Primary) 1 i 1 jpree textbooks to all j 0 0015 77425 116.14 116.14 1^7,00 117.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 j 120.00 1066J28 childrer { Upper Primaryj 1 'i Limitea j I Supplementary RWM for 0.0015 numbers ry 0.00 i 150.00 j 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 ^50.00 150 DC 150.00 1200.00 deprived children 1 1 year i 1 T In four Library to BRC 1 0.075 0.00 j 0.90 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.9C 0.00 0.90 0.00 360 1 rounds 1 ! in four f ...... jubrarv to CRC 1 0.02 0.00 I 5.14 0.00 5.14 0.00 j 5.14 j 0.00 5.14 0.00 j 20.56 rounas i' t iMatenal Development at In four f ! 0.5 0 00 0.50 1 0.00 0.50 0.00 , 0.50 j 0.00 I 0.50 1 0.00 ' 2.00 jt>iock/distnct 1 rpunas i T" T ...... T ------■ jJoumais at block and At Block f...... 1 0.02 0.00 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 1 0.24 j 0.24 i 0-24 0.24 ' 1 92 cluster ievel i level 1 i...... i t ...... Page Total [ j 504.09 1 684.08 I 800.55 1 789.77 i 793.62 ! 800.61 I 839.67 I 846J21 S39.67 1 6896,25 > 1 J______J______i 1 1 ...... (Amount in lakhs) Yearwise costing for Pt^ysicai Targets ------r — r : Costings for Different Years I Physical ; r { budget Unit Cost Target for ; i \ctivtty * Nam« of ttie Activity (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the Total Code i Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 I Project 1 i i 1 1 ] I 'Academic supervision ano j 1 1 1 1 inonrtoring support to ttie j 1 j Every Year 1 0 0 1 1.00 1 00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I 1.00 1 9.00 i resource group 1 i 1 i ]AHWAAN Intensive L ^ 1 ^ i months in monitoTHic anc acaoemic 0.64 j 0.00 7.58 j ^ 5 8 7 68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 i 61.44 suppon i i I 7 t ...... t 1 ! Exposure visits o* teachers 1 ! 1 ! /resource group to other 3 groups in 0.515 0 00 ^.55 1 ^.55 1-55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1 1.55 12.36 i1 districts/states (10 days a year 1 1 each year for 10 oersons) j i ! 1 . 1 1 1 T l.M exibition at Diock and < _ _ _ 1 i« , . V O.Oo (1 2 + 1 )X 7 0.00 1 0.00 0,65 0 65 0,65 0.65 0 65 0.65 0.65 4.55 distrjct levei j 1 Book exiottion for | 1 I i supphmentary reading | j 0.05 (12+1) X 8 1 0.00 0.65 0.65 1 0 65 0.65 0.65 0 65 0.65 0.65 1 5.2 imatenats at distnct and | i 1 bKx:k ievei 1 1 i iBroachers on activity based jaDoroach for teachers and 0.4 300 X 1000 1 0.00 40.00 80.00 0 00 0.00 0,00 j 000 0.00 0.00 120 (parents (as agroup of 1000) 1 I i jSupoW of Activity bank to t ------i 1 I jSchoois tn ever/ alternate 0.5 40 X 100 0.00 j 5.00 10,00 5.00 0 00 0,00 1 0,00 0.00 a.oo |year (as a group of 100 1 - i iscnooisi 1 i 1 --- ^ ------T i 1 Page Total 1.00 55.88 101.53 16.53 11.53 11.53 j 11.53 11.53 11.53 232.55 1 1 1 1

Baleswar costing running for Pedagogical Improverment (Amount m lakns) ______Yearwise costing for Physical Targets Costings for Different Years j f id g e t Unit Cost 1 1 , Target for i 1 i ! Activity Name of the Activity {Rs. In ^ 1 2001- 2002- j 2003- 1 2004- 2005- I 2006- i 2007- 2008- 2009- Total Code 2003 1 2004 1 2005 2006 ' 2007 * 2008 2009 2010 j Project 1 ! ! 1 ! < 1 1 1 i 1 1 i .1 1 Caienaer for Pedagogical 1 I I i ' 1 I 1 I activitv for Schools/ BRC/ • . ^ ^ 1 ! ^ CRC/SIS (as a groUD of ! ° 1 ^^XIOO | 0.00 | 1.50 1 5 10 0 00 ’ 0.00 * 0,00 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 6.6 1 ! 1 s 100( i I 1 1 1 i ' ' News letter 'AROHA' on 1 I * | ! 1 ! * i !1 class nroorr issues'to all * i^XIOOX j 8.80 i 8 80 ! 8.80 i 8.80 8.80 | 8.80 8.80 8.80 70 4 iIschools/BRC/CRC/Sis/ ' ' 4 per year III' 1[DIETS (as a group 6 M 00'^ * ' | 1 1 i 1 1 : 1000 In j jxLM kiis for muitigraae 1 1 1 1 ; jmanagements in seiectea 0.01 1 1 0.00 10.00 * 0.00 ' 10,00 ; 0.00 10.00 , 0.00 10.00 0.00 40 j alternate | ' |scnooiS/ BRC/ CRC It!** , year , II!'* t ------1------1...... — ------r...... )■ ' 1" » Page Total j j 0.00 20.30 ! 13.90 I 18.80 I 8.80 18.80 ' 8.80 , 18.80 , 8.80 i 117.00 ...... V ; 1 1 1 ! i L 1 1 ' 1 1 ' ■ Total 1 1 724.89 1447.41 1 1359.76 1 1211.07 ’ 1184.68 1190.31 1209.32 1226.84 1 1205.85 10760.13 ------^ ^ ^ ------L...... J____1 ...... 1 I ...... L...... 1...... r Costings for Different Years 1 ! Physical 1 1 ! Buaget ^ I Unit Cost 1 i i > ! Target for 1 i Activrty jName of the Activity 1 (Rs. In 2001- j 2002- 1 2003- * 2004- | 2005- j 2006- 2007- 1 2008- 1 2009- the j Total Code j i Lakhs) 2002 I 2003 1 2004 | 2005 | 2006 2007 j 2008 1 2009 i 2010 i Project j 1 ! 1 1 1 !------L.„ i i ! ' ! 1 1 1 i T Camp School Provisions j ! ...... 1 T .....'"I I 1 1 i ■ for out of school chilcren to | 1 1 i i 1 get pnmary eaucation (non j I 1 1 i res; per chiid rs.150/- and | 0.18 500 camosi 0.00 18 00 18 00 18 00 9,00 * 9,00 ! ^20 5.40 I 5.40 j 90.00 I Rs.2000/- to instructors. 40 j 1 I ! 1 i chiiaren and 6 month j 1 i 1 Cources. 1 I 1 Camp School Provisions i 1 for out of school children to 1 1 get upper primary i! 1 1 education (non res) per 0 18 j400campsj 0.00 7.20 1i 21.60 14.40 7.20 7.20 7 20 ! 360 ' 360 72.00 1 child rs.150/- and Rs.2000/- 1 1 i i i 1 to instructors. 40 children 1 i 1 1 ! i 1 1 1 and 6 month Cources. 1 i 1 I L . J I 1 1 ! 1 Adolescent Gir's' Camps 1 1 1 i pnmarv (non res' each I ! j i ! 1 1 child Rs.200./- and 0.2 200 camps 0.00 4 0 0 i 8 0 0 8 00 1 8,00 i 4.00 4 00 j 4 00 1 0.00 40.00 fRs.2000/- to instructors 40 i 1 j [children and 5 month i I i 1 i I ^Courses 1. i 1 i I I j 1 Recruitment of teachers in 1 0.00 1 3.20 i 8 00 * 9 92 I 9.92 ■ 9.92 9.92 9.92 [ 9.92 1 70.72 j 1 jnew schools (primary') 1 teachers i i I iRecruitrnent of teachers in " 't 1 i 1 1 1 |new schools ( upper i 0 1 I 0.00 j 3.00 7.00 j 9.00 1 9.00 i 9.00 9.00 1 9.00 1 900 i 64.00 j I ; teachers HDnmary) i 1 i t I 1 i fAdolescent Girls' Camps 1 * ! t .... i I i i i 1 * [pnm,ary (non res> each i ' ! i 1 1 ! ' ! i 1 ^hild Rs 3 0 0 /-and ! | ! I i 1 1 1 ' ^Rs 2 0 0 0 /-to instructors 4.0 ! 0.24 1200 camps 0.00 1 4.80 1 9.60 1 9.60 j 9.60 i 4.80 j 4.80 | 4.80 1 0.00 i 48.00 ^children and 6 month ! | ' 1 ! ! ! i i 1 i i ^Courses (non -es'! upper | | 1 ! i i ' ! ' I jpnmap/ ! 1 I 1 1 1 1 ( ! jPage Total j j 0.00 40.20 72.20 68.92 1 52.72 i 43.92 j 42.12 ! 36.72 ! 27.92 384.72 ...... ------i, ., , ------„J------^------L------TAccess tor Deprived Children (Amount in takhs) Yearwise costing for Physical Targets .... i ! X • 1 1 f- Costings for Different Years 1 I T T T Physical | 1 1 1 Budget j ! Unit Cost 1 1 1 Target for] 1 Activity 1 Name of the Activity 1 (Rs. In 2001- j 2002- ! 2003- 2004- 2005- 1 2006- 1 2007- ' 2008- 2009- the i Total Code 1 ! Lakhs) ! 2002 j 2003 , 2004 I 2005 2006 1 2007 1 2008 2009 2010 j I 1 Project 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i * Instructors/Gurujees for i 1 1 I 1 ...... T T ...... ' ' 'T i 1 i ! ! 1 EGS primary (1/3 will be | 540 1. 0.01 0.00 j 1.00 1 5,40 1 5,40 i 5,40 i 3.60 * 3,60 3.60 3,60 31.60 iconvertea to primarv ' gurujees ! I I i j schools after 3 years) ' 1 I i 1------1r i i Instructors/Guruiees for 490 X 2 1 1 0.01 0.00 1 4,00 1 8.00 1 9.80 I 9.80 i 9 8C ; 9.80 1 9.80 9.80 1 70.80 EGS upper priman,' I gurujees ! i 1 1 I Training to Guruiees / ! 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 1 Educated volunteers( 40 j 0 84 i 36 1 0.00 ! 13.44 ! 16,80 0,00 j 0.00 j 0.00 0.00 i 0.00 j 0.00 j 30.24 memoer 30 days) ! ( 1 i i t T ------!■ Academic supervision and ! other provision tor camp 0.15 12 ! 0.00 0.30 ! 0.75 \QQ j 1.80 1 1.80 1.80 • 1.80 1 80 j 11.85 1 1 school per diock ! i i ( ...... j ...... 1 Facilitating school oased I ■...... 1 activities in these | 0.03 I 1030 1 0.00 1 6,00 6,00 6,00 1 3,00 1 3.00 3.60 • 2.10 1.20 i 30.90 institutions' 1 1 I 1 i j i1I------Remedial Coaching I t i i Centers for prooable drop 1 t 1 1 1|outs and for cniidren with 0.05 500 j 0,00 5,00 5.00 5,00 2,50 I 2.50 2.00 \ 5 0 1,50 25.00 1|low level of learning (Pry) i I !|(non res) 40 members and 1 2 months 1 i1 i 1 ' Remedial Coaching ! i i Centers for probable drop 1 \ 1 I outs and for children with 1 0.05 200 0.00 1,00 j 3.00 2.00 1.00 * 1 00 1.00 ^ 0.50 0.50 ! 10.00 low level of learning (upper 1 i ! Pry) (non res) 40 members ] and 2 months i 1 i 1 i t i r I competition among 1 1 I ! 1 i j i students at Cluster Level to i 1028 ’ promote competiveness 1 0.05 programm 0.00 12.85 0 00 12.85 1 0.00 ! 12.85 ! 0,00 12.85 0.00 51.40 j 1 and spread awareness for es ! I i j 1 Education , ! 1 1 ! j 1 I \ Page Total i 1 0.00 43.59 44.95 j 42.85 23.50 I 34.55 ! 21.80 ! 32.15 ^ 18.40 261.79 ! Intervention * Access for Deprived Children (Amount in takhs) Yearwise costing for Physical Targets Costings for Different Years Physical T 1 i I 1 Budget t Unit Cost Target for 1 1 1 Activity iName of the Activity IRs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- ’ 2004- 2005- . 2006- 1 2007- j 2008- 2009- 1 the Total Code j Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 i 2007 i 2008 i 2009 2010 I 1 Project 1 i 1 1 ...... L.. - -..... i i i i 1 i ' !f ...... r 1I2nd batch training to j 0.56 30 0.00 0 GO 0.00 1 0.00 { 0.00 11.20 , i instrutors (EGS) 5.60 o.oc 0.00 16.80 ' i ■ i [ i S'G to EGS pnmary i i 0 02 540 0,00 2.00 6.00 i 10.80 1i 10.80 1 10.80 10,80 10.80 1 1080 72.30 schools ! i 1 i 1i i !1 s i i 1 i iSIG to EGS UDDer onmarv 1 ' 1 0.03 i 490 1 0.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 , 14.70 i 14.70 j 14 70 1 14.70 14.70 ! 1470 112.20 j scnools 5 1 i j i j i i j t r ~ ...... jPage Total i i I 0.00 i 14,00 ! 18.00 ’ 25.50 25.50 1 36.70 31.10 25.50 , 25.50 201.80 1______t 1 t " " ..... i f ( ! [Total ' 0.00 1 97-^9 ' 135,15 137.27 101.72 * 115,17 95.02 1 94.37 I 71.82 I 848.31 1 1 1 i i putervermoir. du/b i bducation (Amount in taKns) ' Yearwise costing for Physical Targets ! ' ! 1 I Costings for Different Years T ! f t 1 ■ ! Physical ! Budget ! Unit Cost 1 1 1 1 1 1 Target for! 1 1 Activity Name of the Activity (Rs. In I 2001- 2002- 1 2003- 1 2004- 1 2005- 1 2006- 1 2007- 2008- 2009- the 1 Total ._akhs) I 2002 2003 ! 2004 ! 2005 I 2006 ' 2007 1 2008 2009 1 1 ■ 1 Project ! 2010 ! 1 I I 1 1------L ______i ! 1 1 1 1. 1 Comnunity leaders i 1 ...... 'I 1 i 1 and j ! i Opinion makers meeting 0.025 1 26 0.125 0.15 0.125 0.125 1 0 1 0 0 125 0 0 0.65 in setected T riba!, 1 ! ) dominated Gram 1 1 i ! 1 1 Parrchayats I t Engagement of , ...... ] ...... 1 ...... r — ------f 460 in ! SC/ST voulanteers in ) 1 ! 0.06 phased 0 18 3 6 6 3 1.8 276 Educationally 2 1 3 1 manner baci^word GPs 1 1 ' Teachers Requiring 20 ■■ ' 1I ■' ! I 0 1 1 2 0 0.56 ! 0.56 0.56 0 1 0.56 I 0 0 2.24 Attitudinal Training Datcnes i ^ 1 I 1 Orientation program r ...... i ! 1 for 1 1 i 1 1 CRCCs with higher ! i 0 025 9 batches 0 0.075 0.075 0.075 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.225 concentration of 1 1 ° depnved ! j ! SC/STs at GP level 1 r ...... - 1 Research work on j 0.3 5 studies 0 0.6 0.3 0 1 0 0.3 0.3 1 0 -I.5 specific Tnbal issues ! 0 1 i ?■...... } 1 1 Matenal development 9 years 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 j 1 1 and dissemination' 1 ' 1 ! i ! ^ i t"i ' 1 " i— ...... Specia, Hostel 1 ! ! facilities for Girls ic) 1 1 ! existing Asnram , f 1 5 20 schools i 0 30 30 30 1 30 j 30 30 30 240 Schools v25 Girls X I I 1 Rs.500/- per month X 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 12 Months; 1 1 1 t " t ...... Total 1 1.125 34.185 35.06 37.76 i 37 j 34.3 1 34.685 ' 34.3 1 32.B 281.215 1 „L.______-I— 1 J...... 1 - ...... 1 Intervention : GIRLS EDUCATION (Amount in lakhs) Yearwise costing for Physicai Targets 1 Costings for Different Years ! Physical i j Budget Unit Cost 1 Target for Activity Name of the Activity {Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- I 2008- 2009- i the Total Code i_akhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 j 2009 Project 1 2010 I i 1 i ...... i i I ! ------r jTraining to MTA i ...... ! ! j members 0.015 300 batches 0 0.45 0.75 j 0.9 0.3 1 0.3 ^ 0.3 ' 0.3 ' 0.3 3.6 1 ,(50 members ^ day) i i 1 iTraining to lady PR! ...... ! 1 1 1member MTwomen - 0.015 341 batches 0 0.12 0.15 0.15 0.12 1 0 ; 0 0.54 \groups ' i i i I \(50 members 1 day) i 1 j j Women convention at 1 ! I 48 Block Level ' 0.05 0 0.3 0.3 0 0 '1 0.6 ' 0 0 1.2 i 1 conventions I 1 ° 1(100 members) ! T T ' f Maa Jhee Mela 1 j 0.03 271 melas 0 6 1 7 . 0 0.75 I 0 1 0.75 0 ! 9.21 (2 da VS' I 0 1 t ■ t Seminars on Girls 1 i Education { 2days' j 0.15 I 8 ceminars 0 0.15 1 0 I 0 I 0.15 0 * 0 * 0 15 0 ; 0.45 i 1 (40 members' 1 1 I i f t fill II 11 Soecial coaching 1 1 393 different jcam.DS for giris 0.1 0 j 10 10 i 20 1 20 i 20 10 ! 5 i 5 100 1 types camps i 1 1 1(1 month 40 girls) j 1 1 1 t jSahayrtos and escort 1 243 in 9 i ! i 1 ! mothers' -emuneration 0.096 i years phase j 4.8 9.6 9.6 i 4 8 i 4 8 ! 4 8 ' 4.8 1 4.8 ! 0 i 1 i i (Per year''. j Wise 1 1 I L ------i------i ------J______] ______1------r r r — 1— : _____ -1------!Page Total 21.82 I 22.51 I 30 5 ‘ 25.25 26.6 15.22 11 10.1 163.0 intervention : GIRLS EDUCATION (Amount in laHhs) Yearwise costing for Physical Targets ; Costings for Different Years 1 T I 1 Physical I ! Budget i Unit Costj I 1 Target for Activity 1 Name of the Activity (Rs. In 2001- 1 2002- 2003- 1 2004- j 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- I the ^ Total Code ! Lakhs) 2002 1 2003 2004 1 2005 1 2006 ! 2007 2008 2009 2010 j Project 1 1 ! I i i 1 — ...... r ' 1 ...... r ODse'vation of Girl 1 1 ...... 163 ! cnild week at 0 03 1 0.3 i 0.6 1 0.3 1 0,3 0.3 0.3 0 3 0.3 3 programmes 0-3 selected CRCs I ! i 1 t1 ------rI —1 f i i I Awaras to Schools I i i i I snowing improvement in 0.05 1 162 schools 0 0.25 j 0,5 ( 0,75 1 2.5 1 3 5 1 ^ 22 ‘ 1 Gin Retention (in Kind) 1 1 1 ! 1 !I 1! 1 1 79 rs Empowerment of SHGs 0 05 0 0.25 0.75 1 I 0.25 1 0.25 2 5 programmes " I 1 0 1 I Gende’’ awareness f programmes, literature 0.15 I20 volumes 0 0 15 0,3 j 0.3 0.3 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0,3 2.25 and success stories f1 Improvement of class 18 ■...... 1 i 3 0.025 0 0.05 0.125 I 0.075 0 05 1 0.05 0 05 0.05 j 0.05 1 0.5 room, cuture programmes j Innovative projects for 1 i urban area slum giris 19 innovative n 5 0 5 1 0 I 5 0 w 5 25 and difficult rural projects 1 ^ 1 ( 1 ^ pockets f 1 1 f I 91 Moouie cluster approach j 0.2 0 0 2 2 I 2 1 ! 1 1 1 10 programmes 1 Engagement of ! !' 50 No. X 12 Community Mobilisers 1 0.084 0 4 2 4 2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 ' 4.2 33.6 Months i « 1 @700/- PM j 1 Page Total 0.3 10.5 13.175 8.625 1 14.6 9.1 1 9.85 15.85 ! 16.85 j 98.85 T otal , 0.3 32.32 35.685 39.125 j 39.85 35.7 25.07 26.85 1 26.95 j 261.85 j t Intervention : Early Child Care and Education (Amount in lakhs) Yearwise costing for Physical Targets Costings for Different Years Physical Budget Unit Cost Target for Activity Name of the Activity (Rs. In 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- the Total Code Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project

Training to Selected 30 Anganwadi Workers member 0.084 0.00 0.42 0.59 0.84 0.34 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.52 on preschool education s in a (3 days)(294+75) batch

ndepth study on 6 preschool education 0,3 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.80 studies and health in the district Formation and ohentation to 0.06 3 rds 0,00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.18 DRG(ECCE)(40 members, 2 days) Opening of New ECCE 2000 Centers (Salary and 0.15 0.00 75,00 150.00 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 nos contigences) Orientation to 8 CDPO/supervisors 0.3 0.30 0.30 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.30 0.30 0.00 0.00 2.40 batches and selected NGOs Toys and learning 1535 materials to 0.005 nos + 0.00 10.18 15.18 10.18 10.18 10.18 10.18 10.18 10.18 86.40 AW Cs/ECCE 2000 Honourarium to ECCE 1535 workers (AWW) ^200/ ■ 0.024 0.00 36.84 36.84 36.84 36.84 36.84 36.84 36.84 36.84 294.72 nos. per month Hand book on Pre 1535+ school to AWW s/ 0.002 0.00 0.00 1.60 1.47 4.00 1.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.54 2000 ECCE 1535 TLM grant to AW 0.03 +2000 0.00 61.05 91.05 61.05 61.05 61.05 61.05 61.05 61.05 518.40 Centres/ ECCE nos. A study on roll of AW 0.3 2 Nos. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.60 workers on ECCE

Total f • 0.30 184.15 295.85 186.58 113.06 110.77^ 108.73 108.07 108.07 p i 5.56 1 ▲ Intervention : fED (Amowtt in lakhs) Yearwise costing for Physical Targets 1 1 i Costings for Different Years I T I r 1 II 1 1 1 ! \ 1 Name of the 1 Unit Cost, Target 1 1 for 2001- I 2002- !2003- 2004- ’ 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 1 i Activity i ! Total ^^oQe ' ) Lakns) jthe 2002 1 2003 •2004 2005 2006 2007 200B 2009 2010 ' 1 Project 1 1 ' 1 i 1 ! ------1------1______L 1 1 1 ------r 1 jDiasability Survey in | j i i i ’ !' 1 1 Blocks (inciudrng 1 j 24 | 0.00 | 4.00 j 8 00 ' 0 00 0.00 4,00 8.00 0.00 1 000 24 00 j printing of formats j i I 1 1 1 i ■ .... "T ' 0 028 1 24 1 0 00 I 0.11 j 0.22 0.00 i 0.00 0 11 0.22 000 0.00 0.67 '.Disability Survey i i 1 1 ! i T I j Tooe I 1 1 i I \ Capacity Duitding of 3 j | Dorne Dy j ! ' member 3!ocK | 0 | the state ] 0 00 j 0 00 ^ 0 00 0.00 0.00 j 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OOC‘ j Resource Group lED j j project | i ! i \ i 1 I i office 1 1 " i i i ■ ■ ■ ~r- 1 ! 1t 1 — ...•...... i 1Salary of lED ^ ^ ! 2.88 ! 2 88 2.88 1 2.88 1 2.88 2.88 j 2,88' ! 2.88 ! 2.88 jteachers ' ° 25.92 ! 1 1 per block i I !1 I I i ---- 1r Equipment for | | for 10000 I 1 i i ! ! laentifiea disaoled i 0.0003 ! 0.00 0.00 0.60 j 0.90 I 0.60 j 0.60 0.30' i 0.00 0.00 3.00 children chilaren j i 1 200 1 ' ' 1 !iTheme based camps ! 0.05 0.00 1.00 1 1.50 1 1.50 1.50 ! 1.50 1.00. 1.00 1.00 10.00 1 1 camos 1 ; i 1 jMecicai Assessment j I ! 24 camps 0.00 1 0.60 j 1.20 1 0 00 1 0.00 ! 0,00 0.60. 1 ' .20 0.00 3.60 1 camps 1 f r ...... r ...... i Instructional matenaisi 0.01 269 sets 0.00 1 0 15 * 0.34 0.50 1.00 0.70 0,00 i 0.00 i 0 00 2.69 Ito BRC, CRC (Set\ * ! ! i ! Hand booKS to V I — i r 0.001 300 sets 0.00 1 0.00 j 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.00 0.00. : 0.00 i 0.00 0.30 scfiools 1 ^ 1 Counselling of 400 0,03 1 0.00 1 1.50 3.00 6.00 1.50 0 00 j 0.00 ■ 0.00 0.00 1 12.00 i parents batches 1 1 |TA. DA for ID staff 0.15 9 years 0.15 I 0.15 0.15 I 0.15 0 15 0.15 ’ 0 15 ' 0 ^5 0.15 j 1.35 1 I 1 1 T ' j Page Total 1 1______3.03 I 10.39 17.94 j 12.03 I 7.78 j 9.94 13,15 5.23 4.Q3 ! 53.53 intervention : lED (Amount in lakhs} Yearwise costing for Physical Targets ___ 1 Costir>gs for Different Years ! 1 ’ ! 1 1 B u d g e t I _ Unrt Cost j T a rg e t : j * ^ ^ Name of the Activity I , (R s . In j fo r 1 200 1 - 1 2 0 0 2 - 2003- 2004- 1 2005- 2006- 1 2007- 2008- ] 2009- T o ta l C o d e i L a k h s ) i th e I 2002 i 2003 2004 2005 1 2006 2007 1 2008 2009 1 2010 i P ro je c t j 1 ; . . .. i i ...... -...... ' i i ! i i iEquiDments for ( i ! i 1 1 2.5 12 1 0.00 10.00 1 20.00 0.00 * 0.00 0.00 0.00 j 0 . 0 0 i 0 . 0 0 30.00 1 resource room ! 1 1 I I , .. ------iTeacners Training ' I ...... T ...... T ...... 125 oaten* 0.00 I 3 50 ' 8 40 I 5 50 0.00 0.00 0.00 j 0.00 1 0.00 1 17.50 laavs)onlED * I I iTraininc of Master ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ 1 .. t ...... 1, “ j 0.14 iSoatcnesi 0.28 0.42 0.00 ! 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 j 0.70 trainers on lED ■ ' ^ i T ------1r~ ...... 11 ! Early detection centre j ! 1 1 1 (Sctiooi readyness) 1 i ! 0.3 30 batch 0.00 1 3.00 1 3.00 i 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 00 1 3 00 24.00 on :ED ;'30 cniiaren 1 I for 45 aays j 1 1 1I 1 i i1 1 i 1 ! BCOKiSTS , Fosrers, i 1 1 1

Leaflets on lED 0.1 i 9 0.10 0.10 * 0.10 j 0.10 0.10 0.10 } 0.10 1 0.10 i 0.10 i 0.90 i !i 1 i 1 Deveicpment of self i I learning materials 5 2 times 0 0 0 1 5.00 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 5.00 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 » 1 0 . 0 0 ’(@ 50/- per child) for 1 i i '10000 lED ch iidren i 1 i i ! Research Sujdy on ■ 1 0 i 0 . 0 0 ! 0.30 0.60 0.60 0.30 0.30 i 0.30 i 0.30 i 0.30 3.00 MED issues ! 1 I i 1 ' ! 1 lODeransofSf^iai | | 1 per , 3 | qq 40.00 40.00 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 i 0 . 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 ! 1 2 0 . 0 0 Schools on lED j j Diock j i i 1 I • i i 'OageTota! 1 0.38 ! 62.32 72.10 49.30 3.40 ' 8 40 3.40 ' 3.40 ; 3.40 j 206.10

\ 1 1 I'll • ) I 1 1 I 1 1 1 i( ' Total i 3.41 1 72.71 1 90.04 61 33 11.18 18.34 ‘ 16.55 8.63 7.43 289.63 i______^______' J------1------L ...... J ...... i...... L intervention : Media Amotmt in iakhs) Yearwlse costing for Physical Targets Cos 1 ' 1 “I——------T~ ; (tings for Different Years Budget Physical 1 I ) Unit Cost 1 1 r ! Target for i 1 Activity jName of the Activity j (Rs. In 1 1 i 2001- I 2002- the 2003- 2004- 2005- I 2006- j 2007- |! 2006- Code 1 Lakhs) 2009- 1 2002 j 2003 2004 2005 Project 2006 1 2007 ! 2008 2009 2010 1 1 1 I 1 ------=. 1 i ( i 1 1 iMedia Equioments at ■ 1 i 1 0 00 120 j 2.40 0.00 Block Level(per block) 1 j i 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.OC 0.00 ■ 3.6C i ii Leaflets for spreading ' I j ------]I------1 awareness for i 0.025 36 nos 0.00 0.10 j 0.20 ! 0.00 0 0 0 0.30 education De-- Wock 1 O.OC 0.30 0.00 ; 0.90 ------^------u ... 1 • ------4—------1 I Traditional Folk Media 1 1 1 ! 1 i 1 Activities'Promoting ( 0 05 200 progs. 0.50 1.00 1 1.50 1.00 1 1,75 1.00 ! 1.25 I jawarenes'sfoer block) ! 1 voo j ^00 10.00 ! 1 i i 1 i 1—.... j 1 1 ! I 1! I ------■ 1 1 1------^------Sharing Workshop and! 1 iI Dissemination of 1 i 1 24 nos 0.00 1 0.40 i 0.80 ! 0 00 Educational i 0 00 0.40 0.80 0.00 0.00 2.40 1 lnformation( per block) • 1 1 1 j [ 1 1 1 1 i ------— i------1 1 1 1 i 1 j f I1 1 Block Specific Annual 1 i '1 !i------^------i 0.08 ! 95 j 0.00 0.96 I1 0.96 1 0.96 Reports pf progress 1 0.96 ! 0.96 !1 0 96 *! 0.96 1 0.96 7.68 i *i i Rural Reporters Meet 0.025 12 1 0.03 ^ 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.03 i 0.05 0.03 n ! n m PAS at DPO 0.5 u.ou r 1 set 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1I 0.00 0,00 ^ 0.00 [ 0.00 0.00 Visual / Video snows , 1 0.5 1 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 i Radio talk^ seminars 1 0.00 0.00 O.OC 1 0.00 0.00 0.50 ^------! Posters arid hoardings ------^------0.5 48 sets 1 0.00 2 00 4.00 6 00 (per block! 2.00 2.00 1 6.00 j 2.00 I 0.00 ! 24.00 h------1------Page TotaJ ------j------j------t------0.53 6.21 9.91 7.99 4.74 4.71 I 3.04 , 4.29 i____ L ------! 1.99 49.38 Interventk)n : Media (Amount m lakhs) Yearwlse costing for Physica} Targets i 1 i I Costings for Different Years I I i P h y s ic a l 1 i 1 1 ! B u d g e t U n it C o s t i T arget for i 1 i ! A c tiv ity Name of the Activity ! {R s. In 2001- 1 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 1 2006- j 2007- 1 2008- 1 2009- th e T o ta l C o d e L a k h s ) 1 2002 1 2003 2004 2005 2006 j 2007 1 2008 i 2009 1 2010 P ro je c t 1 j1 I 1 1 1 i ii i I i 1 ...... ■..... T District level ! j i 1 11i ' " !H 1 1 convention for °Rls ' 0.5 3 progs. ;1 0.00 1 0.50 0,00 1 0.00 0.50 1 0,00 0.00 j 0.50 0.00 1.50 ana Functionaries i i 1 i j 1 1! I t Photo Exibition' 1 1 j1 documentation and 1 0.05 25 nos 0.05 0.15 0.15 0.15 I 0.15 0.15 0,15 ' 0.15 0 15 1.25 district level poster ! i! i 1 competetiop, i ! 1 i i I ^ Coverage of Press and 1 i 1 jmass media on 0.0^ j 20 nos 0.01 1 0,02 1 0,02 0.03 1 0,02 0.02 0.03 , 0.03 0.02 0.2 i different activities 1 i 1 1 IP'^eparation Video i 1 1 1 ■ " ■ ■ ■ jCassetes on DPEP 1 10 1 0.00 j 1 00 ‘ ^ 00 1 00 j 1,00 1.00 1.00 , 2.00 i 2.00 10 ) i ‘success story f [ 1 i I 1 jPage T o ta l ! 1 I 0,06 1 1.67 ! 1.17 1.18 1 1.67 1.17 1.18 ! Z68 ' 2.17 12.95 t ' k t j \ T...... 1 T o ta l I i 0.59 ! 7.88 ! 11,08 ' 9.17 6.41 1 5.88 10.22 1 6.97 ' 4 16 i 62.33 X ______J______J------Intervention ; Community Mobilization and Participation (Amount in lakhs) Yearwise costing for Physical Targets ...... T i j_ Costings for Different Years ------r ! ------T"------r ! Physical , Budget | Unit Cost! ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 Target fori Activity Mame of the Activity (Rs. In 1 2001- ! 2002- ! 2003- • 2004- 1 2005- ! 2006- j 2007- ' 2008- 2009- the 1 Total Code ! Lakhs) 1 2002 ! 2003 * 2004 ! 2005 ' 2006 2007 ! 2008 2009 2010 1 Project j ' 1 1 ! { 1 1J ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Constitution of VECs ' 1 ' ! ' 1 1 according to guidelines 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 i (presentation of Women non 1 1 j 1 ! ! ! 1 1 0 and Cocus Deprived financial 1 | ' i j !1 i Groups) PrimaiV/uDPer 1 1 1 1 1 1i ' Ipriman/ i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ■.....r ...... “T ------r 1 1 iTraining for all VEC 1 1 1 1) 1 i mempers on Community 1 I 1 ( 240 1 r. !i mpDiiisations (oO 1 0.105 8.4 j 0 , 8.4 0 1 0 , 3.4 0 0 batches 1 persons for 3 days I 1 1 @Rs.70/- per day) J ! 1...... i Enrotement Drive in 1 21430 i I 1 I i feeder j 0.005 1 Schools in 0.00 14.58 1 14.58 1 15.00 1 15.00 1 15.00 16.50 16.50 0.00 107.15 viHages/habitations (per 1 1 7 Years | I 1 i school) 1 1 - ...... r ...... "■ ' t ...... i 1------h t t' ' ! 1r' Community Sensitization I i ! I ! j Twice in 1 Programmed ’'NINAD" ! 2 0.00 24.00 i 0.00 I 0.00 1 0.00 I 24.00 ! 0.00. 0.00 1 0.00 j 48 jeach block I (per blocks ' 1 1 !1 ! 1 ! i i 1 i ij 1 t " ...— i” 1j interaction between j 1 1 1 1 village ana GP core j 1 257 GPs planning Members, j 0.01 j 0.00 2.57 2.57 2.57 1 2.57 j 2.57 2.57 2.57 0.00 1^.99 1 in 7 Years Cluster Resource Group j i 1 I ! (perGP) ^ i ! i 1 1 I ...... _j------J------T------h. 1 1 Page Total i 1 8.40 1 41.15 17.15 25.97 ! 17.57 I 41.57 ! 27.47 s 19.07 1 0.00 i 198.34 i 1 J------I 1 > ...... intervention : Community Mobilization and Participation (Amount in lakhs)

1 1 Costings for Different Years Physical i i 1 i 1 ! Budget \ j Unit Cost| i i Target for 1 1 j Activity | Name of the Activity i (Rs In 1 2001- - 1 2004- ! the 2002 2003- 1 2005- 1 2006- 1 2007- 2008- i 2009- i Code 1 1 Total Lakhs) ! 2002 2003 ! 2004 2005 1 2006 j 2007 j 2008 2009 j 2010 j Project t 1 I ‘ 1 i 1 1 i i 1 ------— ------1______1 1 1 i i Wall Painting in selected i 3300 1 ...... I ...... —r------1 ! 0.015 * 0.00 3.00 , 7.50 1 15.00 I 22.50 I 1.50 0.00 t 0.00 0.00 1 49.5 sctiools 1 i Schools 1 [ 1 ------i1------9 Special Interaction I 1 i i 1 ...... t 1 1 ------Programme between 1 I 1 1 1 \ 1 i I 1 i j parents of first t I !' ! i i i i igeneration learners and 1 50 I 1 1 { Local Resource Group ! 0.024 ' intoductio I 0 00 0.12 ! 0.24 j 0.29 j 0.31 0.12 0.12 1 0.00 1 0.00 1.2 1 1 at Cluster Level ^ 0 \ '1 ns i 1 ! iI i ifacilitate monthly j i 1 i 1 •1 1 1i 1 i meeting V 80-100 ! i i 1 1 I1 I i parents^ ! 11 I 1 1 i 1 i Pamplet Posters ' 1 i 1 i i 1 1 1 1 folders banners ^ 300 X 1 2 i 120.00 40 00 i 40 00 i 20 00 1 100.00 60.00 ' 30.00 ' 80.00 60.00 j ‘catenders leaflets 'as a 1000 500 j ! 1 1 1 i group of '*000' j ( i 1 r...... 1— 1 Preparation, proauction i1 I i 1 1 I 1 i i and distribution of Audio 0.5 20 Nos. 1 0.50 I ''00 1 1.00 1 50 1 1.00 1.50 ! 1.00 ' 1.50 ; 10 1 ! 1 ^ ! Cassetes i ! i 1 1 1 i I i i i1 f1 1 1 1 Audio/video r,assetes on 1 1 i 9 sets X i 1 i 1 'NINAD and other 1 0,1 ' 1.30 ! 1.30 j 1.30 j 1.30 1 1.30 1.30 i 1.30 , 1.30 i 1.30 11.7 13 I I ■programmes i 1 ! T...... t" '"" ------i — ■■ ... . iPage Total i 1 i 121.80 45.42 1 50 04 i 38.09 1 125.11 64.42 82.42 82.80 62.30 672.40 j ______i ------L inierveniion ; uom m uniiy MODiiizaiion ana Hamcipation Amount in lakks}

i \ Costings for Different Years 1 1 -----^ Physical . 1 ! Budget ! Unit Cost| 1 1 * j Target fori 1 Activity Name of the Activity I (Rs. In ! 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- j 2006- 2007- «- Code the j 200 ILakhs) i 2002 2003 7f)ru 1 SOOG ( ro o r ^UUO' ' zuoi# 1 Project 1 i I 1 I 1 . i------^------1 1 ...... 1 * i 1 ! 1 « ! 1 " ' ...... r ! 1 ...... I Pubiication &' circulation * 1 1 ^ * I 1 i of monthly news letter * ! 2 issues ! 1 i i 'PARIBARTAN' (each ^ 1.6 3.20 [ 3.20 3.20 ( 3.20 j 3.20 3.20 3.20' 3.20 ! 3.20 28.8 per year | issue of 4000 cocies) @ | i 1 Rs 40 /- oer book ! 1 ! jI 1 ! j t ! ! i i 1 t 1 r ...... ! j f Organisation of health 5 activities I 1 i| 1 1 ! ! j awamess programme, per year in i 1 1 literacy day, celebration | 0.01 4000 200.00 I 200.00 1 200.00 200.00 1 200.00 ' 200.00 1 200.00 I 200.00 1 200.00 1800 •» of national days etc. at j schools/ 1 '1 ' i i i 1, school and EGS centres ^ EGSC j ! ! 1 1 1 i 1 "T".. ... " 1 (■ i 1 District specifrc training i 1 I i 1I 1 j ! i module for maste*' I i 1 ! 3 times in i 1 trainers at District level 0.035 0.00 j 0.00 j 0.04 j 0.00 1 0.00 i 0.04 ! 0.00 ' 0.04 1 0.00 0.105 ! 10vrs i ! {5 days) (10 persons I 1 !1 ! ! i ) @70/ per day) 1 1 1 i ! i i T------Field visit of VEC to \i r..... ! ' ■ ■ 1 \ other districts (50 1 0.25 1 11 times 0.25 0.50 * 0.25 j 0.25 j 0.25 j 0.25 0.50 1 0.25 i 0.25 2.75 i persons @ 500/-) i 1 ! 1 I I i i i t ? Training of Master 1 i r 1 1 t 1 i i 1 1 ! j i 1 trainers of VEC/ MTA7 I I ! PTA' NGOs at block I 0 084 i 3 batches 0.08 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.08 j 0.00 0.08 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.252 level (40 persons for 3 ! i ( I i 5 ! 1 1 days @ 70/- per day) 1 1 i ! 1 1 t ! T ...... Page Total . 1 203.53 I 203.70 ( 203.49 203.53 ! 203.45 ! 203.57 j 203.70 * 203.49 ; 203.45 i t831.91 1 1 1 1 1 Total j 290.27 270.67 267.59 I 346.13 1 309.56 ! 313.59 * 305.36 * 265.75 2702.65 1 333.73 1 Intervention • Research & Evaluation (Amount m lakhs) Yearwise costing for Physical Targets 1 Costings for Different Years ! T P h y s ic a l i i B u a g e t U n it C o s t T a rg e t fo r Activity ' Name of the Activity (R s. In 2001- j 2002- 2003- ! 2004- 2005- 1 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- th e T o ta l C o d e L a k h s ) j 2002 2003 2004 1 2005 2006 ' 2007 2008 2009 2010 , P ro je c t i 1 1 I ...... 1 ...... i |Acaaemic assessment 257 GPs 51 i...... i 1 G.02 : 1 2 3 14 5 14 ! 5,14 5.14 5.14 1 5.14 31.84 ( cjf students (GP wise) times 0 ! I Capacity development 1 1 1 1 institute 0.33 i 0.33 0.33 ' 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 iof Research Institutes 1 ' t I Baseline Assessment 1 I ( Studv ^‘=^a-Mnduding 3.25 1 12 units 0 1 2 1 0 ! 0 0 ' 0 3 1 1 'End Deriod 1 t 1 i 'Baseline Assessment i 1 ! Studv 'Uor P r y ) 1 0.25 12 units j 0 1 1 2 j 0 1! 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 Mncluding end perrod i , i 1 ! 1i 1 i 1------Mndeotb 0.2 1 24 stidies ^ 0 ‘ 0,3 0.3 j j 0.8 1 0.8 i 4 i ° 0.8 0 0.8 8 'Studies/sabiects) 1i i[. !. ! 1 1 ..... '1 'D PQ Training an 1 I '1 1 1 i1 i ' Action Research i 1 0.084 1 3 rounds i n ' O.OS4 0 0.084 0 i 0.084 i 0 » 0.252 ^'Projects (3 days) at ' ° 1 ! 1 ° 'distric! I ! i j! joreparatior of Teacher 1 0.15 1 12 0 1.8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 18 l^rofilePer Dlock i i ° j i t 1 Diagnostic Study i ! i i ' Por Teachers (Pry) per j 0.3 0 0 1.2 ! 2 4 ! 0 0 0 3.6 i 12 i ^ i 0 1 block i i ) 1 1 1 i Diagnostic Study 1 1 1 •^0 ^ Teacners 1 0.3 12 0 0 1 1.2 0 0 0 1 0 1 3.6 1 0 I (Upr.Pry;per biocic 1 1 i Analysis of Household i 'T------1 j i Survey and shanng per 1 0.15 0 i 0 ! 0 0 0 0 1 1 ° ° 1 ° GP i (L 1 i .. . j1 i 1 1 1 i Page Tote? * ' 0.333 1 6.017 9.533 7.940 6.024 5.940 6.024 ' 5.140 5.940 52.892 L______^ ^ ------i 1 Intervention : Research & Evaluation (Amount in lakhs) Yearwise costing for Physical Targets ” ...“ 1 ! 1 1 Costings for Different Years i 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 Budget ! ^ ^ J Physical 1 i Target for 1 1 ( i Activity Name of the Activity ! 1 2001- 1 2002- 1 2003- 2004- ! 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- i 2009- ( Total 1 Code 2002 I 2003 1 2004 2005 ! 2006 1 2007 2008 2009 2010 ' 1 Project ! i ! 1 1 1 ! ! 1 A ... 1 1 1 * ...... I ! ! 1 Midterm Accessment 1 ! j 0 5 1 12 units 0 ' 0 0 0 0 , 2 0 0 6 m. tudies (primary) ^ ! i ! 1 i 1 1 1 'i * ' ! T ...... t Midterm Accessment i 1 1 1 i 1 ! tuaies ( upper primary) i 0.5 1 12 units 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 6 1 ^ 1 ° I per block i ! 1 1 1 ’ 1 1 1 t 1 1 ’ Comparative academic 1 ( i 1 study Der^rt/een Pry. & j 0.3 1 4 units 0 1 0 0 0.3 0 ' 0.3 0 , 0.5 0 j 1.2 EGS ! 1 1 1 1 1I ( 1 T ...... ■' t ! I T ! I 1 I Evaluative studies for 1 1 0.3 2 i 0 0 1 0.3 ! 0 ' 0 0 I 0.3 0 project 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 ! i 1 i T ...... 'T...... 1 Sharing of Research 1 1 0^ ! 6 * 1 1 ^ 0 1 6 0 ! 0 i 0 0 12 findings 1 1 ^ j 1 ! ! 1 1 1 1 t ! 1 1! I Aaion Research at ! 0.015 ! 3000 ! 3 12 j 7.5 ;1 4.5 ! 3 3 0 45 Sdnool level 1 ^ 1 - 1 I 1 : I i i j 1 1 ! T ...... 1 r f Page Total j I 0.000 1 3.000 12.000 1 18.600 1 7.500 j 8.800 j 11.000 , 9.900 1 0.000 1 70.800 i i 1 1 i \ ' Total 1 1 0.333 I 9.017 21.533 1 26.540 1 13.524 j 14.740 1 17.024 t5.040 5.940 123.692 ______J______„J______Intervention : Distance Education (Amount in lakhs) Yearwise costing for Phystcai Targets t i l l Costings for Different Years ! L ^ ' Physical i i 1 1 I Budget 1 Unit Cost tfo i I 1 i i 1 i Activity Name of tne Activity i (Rs. In j 2001- 2002- ! 2003- ! 2004- 2005- 2006- j 2007- j 2008- | 2009- ,

Code 1 Lakhs 1 a . ^ i 2002 2003 i 2004 I 2005 2006 j 2007 j 2008 , 2009 j 2010 j Project ! i 1 ^ i i I ______i______1______1 ! i 1 i 1 i ' 1 ...... i i ...... r 1 1 ' - 1 Orientation of DIET/ ST j ! 1 1 1 I 1 1 ' ' scnool, HMS. SIS * n 1 19 oatches 0 i 1 2 1 2 1 6 ' BRC, selected | 0 ! 0 ‘ 0 1 0 ! 6.6 1 I I i 1 1 ' 1 CfRC(1day^ | I t 1 i i i j 1 . 1 1 1 ;WorKstiop on use j t t- ...... t ------13 ■ ^ ^ ■ j j I o f distance learning j 0.03 , ^ 1 0 1 0.12 I 0 ! 0 24 1 0 i 0 12 [ 0,12 1 0.12 j 0 j 0.72 workshops: i i i ^ \ imatenai (1 aay) i i i 1 ------T~"' t ; Equrpments for 1 ' ' L JL f 1 ‘ 1 set 0 4 ; 8 1 0 1 0 i 0 i 0 i 0 0 i 12 , teteconrerencing i ^ 1 I I ------1 ! 1 ! ! Printing and Distribution | ' | 1 i i 1 ! 1 of self 'nstructiona! * ^ ‘ ( . , 0.001 i copies to 1 0 1 i 0 i 2 0 ! 2 10 j 6 niatenals f^nmarv) - i , u n ^rvr,/\ 1 teachers i ill! Moer teacher Rs 100/-) i i1 i ! ! ! ...... i' - .1 I ! 1 1 ^FTinting and distribution 1 i i ...... 1 1 ' 1 1 of SIM for upper | ^ ^ 1 2000 1 t 0.75 j 0 I 1.5 1 0 1.05 0 1 0 i 0 * 3.3 pnrr.ary (per teacher i i cooies i 0 ' i 1 IR5.150/-; i 1 * ‘ ! i 1 jKadio Shows iper vr) j 0.15 j 11 shows' 0 0,3 ' 0.3 ' 0,3 0.3 0.3 0.3 ; 0.3 i 0.3 1 2.4 i 1 1 11 i t' t S'n/ shows (per yr) i 0.3 , ^ ^ , 0 0.3 i 0.6 1 0.6 0.6 0,6 0 3 1 0.3 ' 0,3 I 3.6 i . J ! j 1 Tvshows 1 J 1 1 ! I 1 jTetecontenning \ ! ■’20 1 1 1 i ! 1 1 Programmes 1 0.15 I teleconfer I 0 12 2 4 ‘ 3 3 3.6 3.6 1.8 1.8 20.4 ivAil types) | ences j t " j Total 8.67 13.3 9.64 5.5 7.67 4.32 3.52 2.4 55.02 I ° I - ...... - - - ...... - - j______(Amount in lakhs) Tearwise costing for Physical Targets Cosings for Different Years Budget ., ^ ^ * Physical Activftv Kl^rnp Target for X-C/X/X xt/vu' p r rvvj;r- ^uuo- ‘ ziA> y the Code Lakhs) 2002 2003 2004 i 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Project

MIS EauiDme''t to the cell tncluding softwares and set 4 00 0.50 -< c;r V5C 0,50 1.30 0,50 0.50 0.00 10.00 traininc AC to MIS 0.4 0.40 0.00 O.OC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0*00 0.00 0.00 0 40 strengthening information 5 nos 5.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 5.00 system of PI office______Training to District Levei 5 batches 0.28 1 40 ! 1 40 1.40 1.40 1 40 40 40 1.4C "2.50 Officers every year

^umiture for MIS Room 0.15 1 set 0.15 0.00 O.OC 0.00 0.00 ).00 O'OO i 0.00 0.00 0.15 3000 schools DISE for primary and Upper j 0.003 including 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9*00 9.00 I 9.00 ! 81.00 onmary Schools (EGS) AS every

Shanng Workshop and 0.1 workshops 0.20 0.20 0.20 .20 0.20 0.20 0*.20 0.20 0.20 ! 1.80 Dissemination of DISE per year Telephone Charges for 0.2 8 years 0.00 0,20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 1 6C Communication MiS consumatjtes 0.15 8 years ).15 ).15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0,15 1.35 Maintenance and 0 5 6 years 0,00 0 00 0 00 0.50 0,50 0 50 0.50 0.50 0.50 3.00 contigencies "Anusandtian" study, 2971 COHORT and Child 0,005 Villages | 14.86 14,85 14,86 14,86 14,86 i 14.86 I 14.86 14 86 14 86 133,70 Tracking______every year | Computerisation of Child 2 00 0 00 0,00 2 00 0 00 0.00 2.0C .00 0.00 5.00 tracking System.______

Office Automation System 2.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 O.OC 0 00 O.OC' 0.00

Geographycal information 3.00 0 00 3 00 ! 0 00 0,00 0 00 O.OC 0,00 0.00 System______Total 37.16 26.31 27.31 29.81 I 26.81 27.31 28.81 V T* B"* z ‘ t ^ 7 m ' ,,'u v 'V TJ i— ^ - > f « ^'=- i D O i>iV ■ i

Summary Table For Balasore District ■ 1 r S ? Year wise Costing SI. Ho. Intervention 2001- 1 2002- 2003- j 2004- I 2005- I 2006- I 2007- i 2008- 1 2009- Totit Costing .. . 2002 i 2003 2004 I 2005 i 2006 1 2007 i 2008 ! 2009 1 2010

Management 65.780 1 102.280 99.980 104980 i 103.180 j 101.980 1 96.980 1 96.980 96.980 869.120 ' ! 1 i i i' 2 CivH WorKs 1262.100 1 2150.000 1897 500 ' 1301 500 1 740,500 1 684.500 j 32.500 j 5.500 3.000 j 8077.100 t i Planning and i t ...... 2 7.100 1 64 356 32.298 24 140 ! 21,290 !♦ 20.806 1 58.348 i 26.290 i 18.790 I 273,418 f Manaaement 1 i 1 ! 1 1------Planning for t^edagogical 1 3 1 724.892 ! 1447 411 1359 757 1211.065 1 1184.677 1 1190.305 , 1209.324 i 1226.844 1 1205 852 i 10760.128 improvement \ I ! 1 Acceess for Deprived ..... 1 1 4 1 0.000 97 790 i 135.150 I 137.270 I 101.720 115.170 ( 95.020 1 94.370 i 71 820 Children i 848.310 1 I i 1 1 1 1 ' SC/ST (Focus Group) i 1 I 5 1 1 1.125 34 185 ! 35.060 ^ 37 760 37.000 j 34.300 i 34.685 j 34.300 1 32.800 ! 281.215 Education i 1 i i t------f ...... f i 6 Girls' Education , 0.300 , 32.320 i 35.685 ' 39.125 39.850 35.700 1 25.070 I 26.850 j 26.950 ! 261 850 & 1 1 i ^ 1 1 Early Child Care 1 1 1 0.300 i 184 145 i 295.853 > 136.575 113.06^ 110.771 i 108.725 j 108.065 1 108.065 ! 1215.560 Education 1 ! T""...... ’ 1 integrated Education for 1 t 8 * 1 3.410 i 72,712 f 90.044 1 61.330 1 11180 18.342 1 16.554 i 8.630 7 430 1 289.612 1 1 Disabled 1 i r f ...... I 1 9 Meets 0.585 ;! 7.880 i 11 080 9 165 I 6.405 5.880 1 10.215 I 6.965 1 4.155 i 62.330 1 ______L t Community Mobilization 1 10 S 333.734 i 290 265 1 270.670 267 592 I 346 132 309.559 313.590 i 305.355 i 265.750 i 2702.647 and Participation i i t 1 1 11 Researcn and Evaluation 1 0.333 1 9.017 ! 21533 1 26.540 j 13.524 14.740 17.024 i 15.040 i 5.940 ' 123.692 •1 1 1 1 T..... 12 Distance Eaucation 1 0.000 1 8.670 ! 13 300 j 9.640 j 5.500 7.670 4.320 1 3.520 I 2400 ! 55.020 i j 1 t 1 1 1 Management Information 13 i 37 155 1 26 305 i 27 305 * 29,805 j 26.805 27.305 28.805 i 26.805 i 26 305 I 256.595 i Svstem i ( i i i r 11 ...... 1 T otal ! 2436.814 ' 4527.336 1 4325.216 3446.487 ' 2750.824 2677.028 i 2051.160 1985.514 ' 1876.237 j 26076.617 -i-- J ______1