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1955 ,A

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to United Press IN OUR 75th YEAR !W — Murray, Ky., Wednesday Afternoon, January 12, 1_955 MURRAY POPULATIOg 8,000 Vol. LXX-VI No. 10 Nixon Is Infant Dies A YEAR OF DIPLOMATIC VICTORIES CLAIMED BY U. S. Center Of Invasion Capital alt Defended By On Tuesday Raked By Machinegun Fire 54 Robert Michael Fulton: 21 months President By EMILIO ROBERT ico, Ecuador .and Paraguay, left old 'sort of Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Washinitm by plane this morning • Fulton of Detroit, passed away United Press Staff Correspondent SAN JOSE. Costa R:ca - to investigate the situation, 111.: By LYLE C. WILSON • Tuesday at 8:05 after - 'an illness The center of this .riva,sion threat- ieestigators are expected,...riere Vhted Press Staff Correspondent of orie week. Cause of his death ened capital , was straffeci w:th about 5 p.m. 'WASHINGTON -President was given as complicationa. machinegun small 'un- Eisenhower today strongly defend- Survivors include his parents. fire from a - Meeting Date Not Set Council of the Ore:pm-ration ed Vice* President Richard M. his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. identified plane at 6:15 am. EST The Nixon agar* Democratic charges Herman YUlton of Murray route today. of American States voted Tuesday that Nikon used smear tactics in one; Mr. and Mrs. William H. Unconfirmed reports received in to a meeting of the foreign the 1954 congressional campaign. Wisehart of Detroit; great grand- the capital said invaders inenti- ministers of the United States and - 'Mr" 'tisentiSwer said Niacin is parents. Mr. ind-.Mrs. J. L. Fulton died by the government as com- Latin America to decide whether loyal and patriotic and that he of Murray route `One and Mr. and ing from neighboring Nicaragua - the situation nere -thre.otens the etlee adlnires him. The President also Mrs. R. L. Wisehart of Buchanan. seized the Pacific costal port town pace of the hemisphere No date 'told his news conference he is The funeral will be held on of Puerto Soley during the night. 'or place was set tor the meeting. sure that Nixon never had chat. Thursday at 2:00 teclock at the The port is located in the fat Reports that the invaders were legged the loyalty of the entire Murray Church of Christ with north of Costa- -Rica, only about reinforced b' landing perties that Derreicratic party. Bio. William 13. Medearis and three miles from the Nicaraguan traveree by boat down the San Wilson officiating. When Mr. Eisenhowar. Was. first Bro. Loyd frontier and neer the cite of ,La Juan and San rerei. _eieeee...reare. asked Pallbearers' will be Leon 'ThleY, MINOINOTO IMAM about recent Democratic Cruz. on the Pan Arnetecara.high- Nicaragua teuld not be confirmed. Wess Fulton, Ben Grubbs, and OUST= ii 04JATIMALA criticism of Nixon, he fired pack - - - way. Not Positively Idetnified ' et the questioned William Grubbs. a stern-voiced TIMAST ASIA IMIATIT OSCIANIZA40—N— Officials here said the invaders inquiry as to whether the reporter PPM.. Si MANILA 1•510055 TIN ii S. Sidewalk 55544 MAMCS, AUSTIAI.M. PAKISTAN. Ballets Sear, had net been positively identified • was basing his question on actual 55M PINUPPIMPS TIMPANI The machine-gunning of the cap- Women Leaders In TO JOINT PITOTIMTIVI MILITARY ACTION but added "Nicaragua was the ceding of Nixon's campaign centrally located Plaza dc Artil- possible _sgitFicteefer .t peeches. only oT at- Methodist Church Llerla. . ' . tack. The reporter said his question • ., TAM was no Imeneelate report Nicaraguan.- laffscials- in Man- yas addressed to Democratic crib- Seek Clergy Rights .7 _ __ V:ItrIlte-. brief - -- •yetiirerFilt and riot .the content Of . . -Tri;e- - .CINCINNATI. Ohio Mt - Women ottick, vasibn reports. saYing Costa Ricin )1ixon's campaign addresses. No information was immediately Defends Both Parties leaders of the Methodist church. President Jose Figu.eres was try- Jactorioa_ChUmaa. ny. States la • The-Preindent reprell -elreetePee-iattee- • -peataeretwa•--strisPars itesatewileentioeitiria-to-earrenne- ealameeeliesissaeue -fereee. • Mg the past year are Indicated Pere. On the debit' side,how-InIsm which the plane eeme. aying. that he does not consider today in their cameraign to obteirf and the sentencing of 11 U. S. dyers as spies by Red . well:known fact that the people of The Costa Rican .itcuvernment 'ny.901.itical party in this country. -full clergy rights for qualified Costae Real are tired of his mis- said Tucsday that 'invading forces otherthan the Communist party to women when the 1956 general con- government:" _ Mrs. -McClure Back Farm had seized Villa Quesda. 30 nuies be a party of treason. He said he ference meets in Minneapolis. Owner Tells The' Nicaraguan radio reported at- thinks there Ire as many loyal Minn. Gifts- Will From Sales Meet Advisory Of Plane Crash from the capital, and were •rtgligey that a revolt had 41rtikeit...., • tempting 'to establish an airfield kiiierkans in the Democratic party The women's division of. Ctirist- • out in Villa Quesada - and three )5 as The capital remained CAm. in his party. ian service of the Methodist Boarei Mrs. Ahne lge_Clure, local con- Woodford Crigler, a farm, owner. other points in Costa Rica, there to support their aggression. He said he, himself, has never of Missions voted Tueay ea give Be Accepted sultant for Luzier Cosmetics, re- ounci was one of the first to reach the Nicaragua's Pres:dent Anastas- Oulged in sweeping cOndernna- women ciergy rights on par with turned Friday evening from Kan- ecene of the csti 'of two twin- No move has been made to de- osa said Tuesday eight the ion of the Democrats and that the men, sas City. Missouri where she at- engined planes near Cincinnati. clare martial law here. There is "90-called invasion" is nettling but -government Nixon, with whom he breakfasted Two bishbps, Glen R Phillips For Family tended the annual Nationel Sales Group Meets The following is his eyewitness .no blackolt and the a revolueinnary outbreak in which today, assured him that he nevar Denver, Colo., and Marshall R. Convention for Luver Products. account as told to the Cinicmati has taken no steps to suspend the only Costa Rican's are taking has condemned an entire party. Reed, Detroit, Mich., endorsed the During the tniee day_ meeting. Post. constitutional guarantees. - part". He said it was "nensensical" , The Clue Finteutivieetraiii The fam•ily otf-Hirel Jpnes Advisorx Council of. Hon;ke- Meantime. President Jose Fig- Nixo t -in- • lost.,,E.eliCm-eiesiaseetete.ftee laiern...11- user' to by u bljnie I on Nhraragua, as questioned the Democratic a of their liouield furnishings Makers - Chiles ueres mot a loft* of -300 -Caste - • —4- - -1 • ha eountry heard 'talks_by officials -met.. ,'Orefft!„101107. - lay -woonroccr CRIGLER handling of certain cases but ,.ever yesterday in a blaze hart firemen .1anuery to' The women's in one of 25 of their comipany, giving facts 5 in the home of Mies As Told To The Chair-Innen Post Rican troops Villa Quesada the loyalty of the Democrats. fdught for ov.r an hour Fire and giechel Rnwlaind. home dcmonstre- CINCINNATI, Aft -The where the invaders established a" national Methodist agenc'es hold- about the new spring tashion and Ohlo said he would be loathe to water damage made nearla every- tigin agent. big plane began to fly apart in the "airhead" Tuesday with the re- Paratroopers ing their annual meet rig here, colors and the merchandise being admit that Nixon was guilty of thing useless veth the exception air wbffpnl saw it. Then it nit ported collaboration zerasejp!dit .women ocn.y can addedi to tbetr .111•Irs. James Hareds, president, the of disloyal -arty sagagetigh-.Sasiteeratimi.49011 the clothing Mad.•Cfosidtt I1 C UTt appoint the theinty had tan Mrs.,..111eCruiS 'said th0 Winded all2 7.1fortl "were 'dit• OM. and there toarnalfnen-t-. weeded that in the heat of a was a, gas explosion. Nicaragua, calling the disturb- by a Whop. district., meeting is th be held :n project ,on buying women's cloth- Bail From naolitioal campaign there are state- The Murray Chapter 433 OES A;t- was about four-tenths, of a mile s/Ice a revolt instead of an ir- ments made. particularly They are brred from confer- will accept gifts Nashville. She les been with the ing:1417s. Jim Hardy Walston; 4-H . when fin the family on away and it took me about five vasion, said radio hroadcasts erice member ip, and cr:nnot de- company approkmately eighteensahib work. Mrs _Kenneth Palmer; in taken out of context that weuld Frday from 1.00 to 800 p.m. 3t of six minutes to get there. I got months. recreation,• Mrs. Calv 7r Scott; that other Costa Rican towns also be open to criticism. mane appointment as pastors nor the Masonic Hall over Wagis Drug there as fast as I could through Aircraft Homemakers had fallen to anti-Figueres tore-es. Mr. Eisenhower last Oct. 28 take part in the church's minister- Store. chorus, Mie. Henry the snow. Hargis: public restrwm Costa Rica,. ignoring denials that praised Nixon publicly for his f51 pension plan. The women hope • projeet, There were no streams, ap- Every Nicaragua is supporting tha attack, By VISITED PRESS campaign role, saying "no man the education ca•epaign to ac- ntembeteef the chapter ie Mrs. J. A. Ontlanci: reading, Mrs. parently everybody was dead soon, broke rdlations with that country • .A-total of 139 persons, could have done more effective quaint ,ch'urch merribert - with 'their urged to bring a gift for the fam- Henry Dumas; publicelate....Alts. as the plane hit. including Tuesday. El Salvador has been 89 paratroopers and Air Force men work." equal rights plan will cncourage ily. The public is asked to donate Several Die Harold Grogan and cetizenahip. Some, of the plane landed on my asked to . look %Met Costa Rican who bailed out of Flying Boxcars. day Cither political developments et a favorable vote at thc general for the family also. Mrs. Hermit. place and some of it is on John interests in Managua. have escaped death in four near Mr. Eisenhower's first news con-- conference of the church. ?Aim Wilma Vandiver, Univer- Boh's farm. He's my neighbor. Mr. Jones is known in Murray plane tragedies. ', Vence since Dec. 15: ,Kentucky. eedhen I got there there were Landed by the_gickname In Plane Crash Sity of was 'introduced By Plane The most spectacular of the He generally of -Wimpy' and 1. fivors the idea as-the -'assIstant. state leader in ito•711/ng of life. I saw live or sax An official Costa Rican sta'e- a late nominating operates a shoe shop next to the widely scattered mishaps Tuesday of GOP conven- home demonstration work for the bodies. .• ment said d tran,pott plane landed • tion in 1956 to shorten Belk-Settle Company. 'CINCINNATI: occurred near Nierhville. Tenn., the oresi- Homemaker Ohio - Tie Purchase District. Miss Vandiver "I didn't poke around. I didn't 80 to 100 invaders on a teld near and Miles City. Mont.. when the a;mtial .campaign but said this is twin-engine airplane.. .one a Trans- think it proper." He hes a daugnter.'age, 11 and discussed the pi ogram Fartn villa Quesada. where tWo • trip 'k' air was. dotted with paratroopers a matter more properly to be drs- W irid Airlines plane with 15 per- a ton. age 10__ Mrs. Jones. fan the and. Home Conference which will were waiting to take them into drifting down from, Stricken C440 cussed with the man who might sons aboard, collided in flight 12 Leaders benefil.er2fethiesc desiring to trye. .be held at the University of Ken- Convict-Author the town. Flying Boxcars,' be the CLOP presidential candidate soothe- alr-zlieee takniy, Ken- flottiing; wears 'a 'size 16 tucky February 1-4. Two clashes were reperted he- A giant United' Airllnet DC-7. The Republicans have decided ten- tucky State Polio* -reported.' A representative of Social Secur- Wins Fifty Stay Ipeeen the invaders and Cola blew all four of its time as it tatively on ii September conven- There was no immediate report. ity from Paducah. was present to _ Rican forces in the Villa Quesada landed at Chicago's Midway Air- tion. Attend Meet of casuities but a witness saie-rie SAN QUENTIN, Calif. flh - area, resulting port, but the.: 54 passengers awl 2 He disclosed that on June 19. explain the neeteeeplings concern- in one wounded heard an explosion and saw two Convict - author .Caryl Chessman live-man crew were not injured. 63, an American political figure Hammarskjold Briefs ing farmers. Co!lta Rican and. 'possibly severer! Leaders -of columns of. smoke - about a mile won his fifth stay of execution At Rhinelander. Wis.. a private eigifested that he run for the pre- Homemakers clens Announcement' was made a a casualties on the other s,de Top Americans rising from where the Tuesday when :Chief Jurece Wil- twin-engine DC-3 carrying 11 per- . lency. The North African cam- attended a training meeting an, weight co-rirrol class, beginning in A special cormhissioe, represent- planet 'Crashed on the ground. liam Denman of the Nirrth U.S sons made- an emergency laneing ; ege said he kicked the politician randscapteg F,nelay. . February. for members of Home- ing the United States, Brazil, Met- TOKYO. Jan, 12' IP -Secretary TWA e of his office. in the extensionstrvice office. 'officials here' ,aid they rankeri clubs. Court of Appeals rufkl Chessman in a field when both of, its engines str General Dag Hammarskjold brief- were 3.0n the The lesson includedt pointers en unable immediately to iden- Preeeech has a probable- cause of appeal. failed. question of_ whether he ed America's two top officials in ng • the; „meeting Miss • will be a lawns, shrubs and trees at ways tity the plane' and flight number Justice Denman ordered San -There were some fatalities in the candidate for reelection Japan today on the outcome of his Rowland was hostess at a luncheon in 1956 of nnproVing the involved in the crash. Tile 'second Quentin Prison Warden Harley 0 crash in air accidents., however. as a matter of duty. Mr. appearance of free-the-fliers mission to Red for members of the council. - Officers Of plane Was rcriffrted to be privately. Teets "not to execute Chessman on Two Men were missies in the Eisenhower said he would never hornes...,..11.- was taught by Miss China and then took Present were Mesdames James off for .New owned. orailli of the C-I19 at Memphis and to respond to the call of duty Rachel Itowleed, home demonstra, Harris, Glen Kelsn, Friday. . loss: and to to give a full report to the Everett Nors- two Navy TV-2 jet trainers collid- 0 but he would want to know and ton agent and will be gived by Company officials said they be- stay his execution until the ordes United Nations. worthy, Calvin Scott. Jim Hardy Dees Bank Of ed near .Corpus Christi, Tex., kill- reeve to lieved the TWA plane was on of the ,Court of Appeals of the define for himself what in the leaders at the ianuary meet- Hamniarelkjolde conferred with '3 Walston, Kenneth Palincr, Hent'Y Ptical flight from Ninth Dtstsecf. OZf,.• ing a student pilot. cirruntstances was his ing of their Homernakees club. Gen. -John E. Heil, supreme U.N. Cincinnati to Cleve. Duinas,itarold G ran. eV-A.:Out- duty. land. At Tucson, Ariz., hope faded for • • Those present were Mesdames commander in the Far East. and land, Henry liar s Orbie Culver. That meant the 33 - year- old Feels Kentucky Hazel our persons aboard a private Need For Defense Elmer Collins. State Police at Wil- author of the best-telling autobieg-• Name& Oilie Adair Thomas U.S. Ambassador to Toityo John William Adams. lie Adair, Mel- plane which 'has been missing Mr. Eisenhower's news confer- Lee Armstrong, Allison for 15 Minutes liamstown said "several bridle!” raphy. "Celli 2455. Death Row," r-- Jess 114*, Har- after land- vin Parks teem Blankenship, five days. e.ce defense of Nixon renewed were found whet* .the will have -at least so more days man Hanley. Sem Rogers, Earl ing in Tokyo from Hunk Kong at DC-3 Cniys -Butterworth. tharlis Stub- of Officers have beer, elected at Both of the C-1193 were helping ,eclosure that' the President feela 4 p.m, crished. MIS The Appeals Court Miller, Gordon Crouch, Nut Pa- 2 a.m. EST.. blefield, C' B. Crawford. ',tithe is not ex- the annual stockholders meeting to ferry 3.000' troops of the 503rd 'eingly that informed Republican's The short A telephone company pected schall. Henry Demers. V. E. Wind- conference took place workman Steely; RI- 2t5rd Armstrong, Fred to consider his case before of the Dees Bank of Hazel with Regimental Combat Team. 11th should defend the viee president's in the forward at Hebron. Ky., that time. sor. Bill Wrather, Orbie Culver. -section of Hull's jueriotzfh of the Hart, Virgil Lateiter.e.O. F. Moore. J. M Marshall re-elected as Exe• Airborne Division, from Ft. Camp- 1954-tdmpalgn tactics against. the personal "Constellation" plane airport, was the first' reitive Vice Albert Parker, Charlie ,Stotabl'.•- to ieport he Dacus BechvelI. Paisehall. A-. -President of the Bank. bell. Ky., to Alaska for "Opera- Democriatic charges of .smear. which will. take H,ammarskjold to accident. He said. Darwin N. fild and En pest "I ,heard an ex- V. Rees-e4, Miss Della -Outland, White was elected as tion Snowbird.- New 'York with only brief stop- plosion. Then preeldenteand Ellis R Paschall there were' Iwo Miss. Vandiver arid Missnto wla nd. Private Dan Shipley as Near Memphis 37 of the 39 Men Miss Bea -Purdom overs at Htmoluly and near San clouds of smoki." • vice-president E. A. Newport was aboard -- five crew mieribers and Francisco:. elected Twit (Mamas Of Smaii3a • Home On Furlough as vice-president. 34 , pa-rat roopers- bailed -taut be- Undergoes*Sirgea Alvjs Jones An y Thanks hour Aer Hammailskjold had He said the smoke caluenns Bertha B More/tall elected as- fore the twin-engined transport landed in Tokyte he and his party sistant cashier Girl Scout Troop arose from the vicinity of Lirna- Jerry Dent And Private Dan Sifipley is visiting and book-keeper traefeed and burned. MP Bea Purdom is Testing well left in Hari plane for New York. and Myrtle H: White as ,book- • • burg and Crisler's. ,/place neir his patients Mr and Mrs. 'E. 'D. The plane developed trouble at at the Murray Hospital, f011awing still withholding from the Ameri- Rue keeper. Alvis Jones, Calloway County Rebi on. Overbey Are Shipley and brother Hal at their 10,000 feet shortly after taking off ;-tirgery Tuesday morning. can public the results Of ,hi talks Directors named were W. M. March of Dimes Director v..ishes to THE TWA plane was believed home on Murray route five. • from Sewart Air Force Base: She is expected to be out of with Red Chinese Premier Chou Attending Meet 't Erwis, J let Marshall. Eltts -R. thank Girl Scout Troop No. 12 and to be a MArtiri 202 ,airliner with- Pvt. -Shipley arrived in Murray The mass jump, at 6,000 feet. the hospital in about one WeriT En-Lai on the fate of 11' American ----- Paschall. Bert Taylor, H A New- 25c Troop No. 15 for stuffing 12 passengers . and a crew on Sa,turday on furlough after was conducted se calmly, that sev- if she eentinnes to .mnroep 5000 airmen jailed by Peiping as spies." of URBANA-CAMPAIGN, - port Darwin N. White. March of Dimes Box Holder cards thfee. The private Orme Gerald completing his basic training at eral of the paratroopers thought Nor would he corhment publicly was F. Dent, personnel director, The bank declared a six per, Saturday •morning January identified as a DC Fort Knox-. they were going -through a prac- 8th on reports from London that the -3e The Murray Mfg Co.,- "[array. cent dividend for • WEATHER under the direction He will leave on the year 1954. tice drill qf Mrs, Arlo mission had failed to win freedom 'The .manager of the aieport said Kentucky. and Rue Overby. office ,c Sprunger. that sear-ch for Fort Sam Houston, near San In Montana the paratroopers- hit for the imprisoned fliers. Highly- for the planes - was manager are attending the 7th Those who helped were: hampered Antonio. ?resat, where he will the silk when fire broke out 'n REPORT Deft„placed diplomatic sources in Lon- by icy roads leading lb annual Personnel Manaiiilement Jack Webb,And New Roar' Farrell, Edwina Cain, receive training as a laboratory the -C:119s engine. The crew stayed.- Mari- don said the most optimistic air e area Sniall private planes Conference at the • University of lyn Robinson. Carol technician. Bride On Honeymoon with the.plane, however. and land- Quertermons, pect of Hammarskjold's talks was %ern out to look fir the wreckage. Illinois today. Sally Sprunger, Cheryl • Shipley graduated from Murray, ed it et Miles City. Clubb, his leaving the door open for fur- Tbe Greater Cincinnati' Airport Brenda Smith, Sandra Fair, Peggy Nearly 100 personnel executives, State College last June where he ;CHICAGO, Jan 12 IP -Tele- The Chicago -accident occurred ther conversations dn fliers. as in Boone County Kentucky. DELWN Williams. Diane Bailey, Ann Con- mqst of them from Illinois. are majored in agriculture He enter- vision star Jac* Wobb and his ae a 120.000-tioued plane settled across the Ohio River and 15 Miles t afer...... loyce Hargis, Mary Wells • enrolled in the two-day session ed service in Npvember. new bride, actress, Dorothy Towne, down -after a neneetop flight trimt „,d} Live from Cincinnati. It is primarily honeymooned in Overby, Ann Wrather, Suizenne which is concerned with neyv Chicago today and San Francisco. • New Concord PTA a farming area. located away fz'om shopped -PIP aest Kentucky u y Moyer, Mary Anna Wallace, Gale "developments in personnel ad- household antieues The pilot, J. W. Hawes of San the city and in an area where it -An . extended d id with some 1.c1.; rain or Btirkeeli;- Linda Harris and Peggy Meets Thursday ministration. especially the use of "Tam RELATIONai honeymoon trip Francisco. said colt, ,of tiae Seaford. would nor be closed by Rig from was out for TV's Sgt Vie' Friday lees "did not, item reeerselprop• kely this -afterno.,n and, to psychological techniques. SpAtkers to Use Ohio River. • .• , include for the time being. Webb erly" and applied eight, t ili today 4o, low tonight Refreshments were sec v ed The Contorel -PTA will Meet University and visiting BLOC-K ISLAND. R. I. RP said he he fuil. emer- . ,Stater police, sheriff's deputies, epecialists had to return to Hollywood gency sierake ..power, lucking ?fl Tarr low mostly through the ediartsey lir Mr. Q. on Thursday at 5:00 p.m. 'A, chili in _personnel .problems. Besidents of this isolated island Thurs- the clnudy with and, to new D. Wilson. supper will volunteers rushed to. trie; -day finish up work on his tele- dual tir7b on each of, the'. main urn lea turreng colder to- be served free to all The cAnference 10 'miles off - the Rhode Island It it intended that-every scene, • is conatrcted by vision series. gea rs. and-tomorrow night. thigh box members and their families. coast know which side their bread - in the county the University of Illinois Bureau The Webbs said they will go on •The plane which ran into trouble le 30s. receive a March of Nrw.'members will be welcomed Hospitals Alerted- , buttered They of' Business Management in co- is ore honored at .1 a belated 'honeymoon aftei Dirties card. Mr. Jones urges ever)-, to he meeting. After the supper,. - Booth- and St Elizabeth hospitals Webb over Wisconsin was en route from TEMPERATURES operation with the Institute of dinner the skinners if the two completes a one :to fill or partially fill these everyone will in Covingten. movie in New °I- Cleveland and feaa owned ,by the YlaiterdaY 35 Participate id. an across the Ohia Labor and Industrial small steamers that maintain thd cards and return them tot Relations kons. They were married Tuesday Reserve Mining Company. One t East this". old fashion spelling. A 'film on Raver from Cincinnati, Wefic alert- Night t29 worthy cause. through 'the Division of University principal contact between the ts- In g`ceremony at the Ambassador the ere was :the otapsny .polio will be shown. ' ed to receive creel' victim. e Extension. land nd tne mainland. East Hotel. presideet, M. 'Kelly.. S.

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PAGE TWO 1r- THE LEDGER AND TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY JANUARY 12, 1955 • .44011MENO..• Some Fire Had A In Sall Francisco, a fii-enian champion teams last year at 'Ilk LEDGER & TIMES Disappearing reached out to pluck a prelty I clicking again too. Light Side In from ii smoke-shrouded wind. w Where 1954 Are The Seniors Who Coach Lancaster rates Hebron's • CULLS BY 'DOER • MUD) PUBLISHING COMPANY. Ur when she ---- suddtply darted back John Crigier just as high as la 'sr torisalidation of a. Hurray Ledger. The Calloway into her laTaTtimr roum. Timm, and T. aosToN. Jan. 6 ita --TOagedy does Hatton and CasSiady Thorn- 1lMeil-Herald °mots*/ Y. 1926, and the West Kentuckian. Jemeeil Diplomats pathoe usually A „few minutes later she reap- followed in the Woutia Up Careers In 1953 ton Hill, West Liberty, and JIL11.• . ;MIL wake of 1954's fires peared and explained to her res- -but there my Keyser. Cartel, have drawn WSs an occasional light side. cuer: "I nearly forgot my lip- JAMS C 'WILLIAMS, PUBLISHER stick." warm praise [rum coaches at In Moscow In Washingtein. tor example, _a By RICHARD COLEMAN ence, b:g cenier. scored 17 - Morehead and Eastern, respee- .newsboy Ligfaning struck a barn in Stur- United Press Sports deterred at the Post Office, Murray, Kentucky, for trananaoateet ai admitted to police that he Writer points against Louisville recently set fire,, gis. S. D.. causing $10.000 danlaile- UMW Clam in an apartment buildmg LOUISVILLE alt - Where are and may win a starting berth kattar LONDON IP - The London When firemen irearched the ruins at to get even with tenants 4.rhei had the seniors Who wound up that: Eastern. 4 StMday •Pictorial today- quoted they found one box undamaged. 1111 laNTIVIIT PRESS ASSOCIATION stalled on payritenta. It high school tourers in the state 'HOW HISOUT •DINE? for tier British foreigu. service of- Was filled • with lightning rodsi RATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES: WALLACE WITMEte CO.. DM - And in Woonsocket. R. :I.. a basketball tournament at Lexing- Kentucky's assistant coach, Har- ficer as sayMg that British diplo- Honroe, Memphis, Tenn.. 250 Paoli Ave. New York.. 3477 N Michigan truck driver and his helper notated In. Ni w Britain, Conn., a quick- ton last spring? Haw are they ry Lancaster, sums up Hatton's HATTIMBURG, Miss. lIP - A inats Guy Ettagess and Donald lye.. Chicago, SO Bolyston St, Bono& a blaze in Their soft drink truck. witted motorist drove hie bhiaing doing this season? value with the statement "We feel journalism at uaen t, Patty Sue Maclean. who dioappeareci mysteri- fblyamei ring soda pop over the automobile into a nearby fire sta- United Press sureez shows he is one of the • finest prospects Flynn, made a survey of names SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By earner In Murray, per wt.'s. ously three years ago, now are n s. tion. 15c, pc. But the station was -vanit'. tiey dre doing quite well, although ever to enroll at the University." on the enrollment list at Missis- tioLth 65,7 In Calloway and adjoining Mqscow. • Here are some Firemen had left to counues, par Year. M.50 others found answer rerrte they're, net stars anymore. Many Cassady, Fannin, Redmond, sippi Southern College. She fonder /heat, 1.530. the United Press in the rec s of a car fire. Stivers, klorenre end The Pictartal cniated Henry Ker- of theist, are riding the -bench. Henderson students named Last, West and the National Fire Protection Asso- have reserve the A "newspaper man in Lubbock. !earning 'new styles. Many are in done exceptionally well. North, but theme wasn't one South right to reject an, Advertising. LaVera toIto by, now a member ot Partianient ciation hese,: . a ICKIIM- Tex., wrote a July 4 feature article college Others who wers not on regionel on this Deep South campus. r Public Voice Items which ua our opinion are not as feporang that the Foreign Of- but. aren't playing ball. for the bast In Oklahoma City, Okla.. a urging parents and children tu be Wrest of our reader "has known .for many 1nu9itei Two of the four seniors on the ture called !'Ten.110154 in a Nudist careful -.handling firework& He arU theme :s to know about Burgess 'spunky state champion fnez• team 0 Camp'. provedai hut for the failed to show up fur work the WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1955 and MacleapOO. movie, are caullege ball. TheRayh projector. The film caught next day He was home nursing REPOR• T OF CONDITION sparkplugtaelChng\t of team. Billy OF fire and damaged about $35.1.410 coma degree bunts after a sky- "They know the exii'n- move- CaSSedy. is one come to admit the Chinese Com- worth of equipment. - Of three outstani- ori ments the two diplomats from ket exploded in his hands. munists to of Front Germany came ing freshmen at the University Of Do the U.N. the story And in Haverhill, Man., a wo- Britain May tOe mprnent they left to of a Kentucky. He's scored 50 points in When the U.N. t..okup Wilhelmshaven businessman DEE'S the Issue than fined $25 for tounding a false BANK of HAZEL the time they reached Mcscow, vie who five Kentucky frosh game*. of the imprisonment of .11 Amen. set .tre to ill,: local revenue alarm- explained that a fireman Prague.- Kerby told the newsp3- Another Inez star, OF HAZEL, CALLOWAY COUNTY, can all met by the Reds, the mast office. When arrseted the inFil failed to show up -for a date. She' 6-4 Omar Fan- IN Find eloquent and moat forceful- per complained that his last intaane nin, has improved enough to be a THE Sell On zpeeeh wanted to know if he had been STATE OF KENTUCKY in favor of UN action was .nade -Tao knOw the identity of all,,tax .earaa-er.! had been toa hith warking first line .sub at Moretead. He's lei by British Delegate Anthony the peapti Wifo _toted thc two men looked good in rebounding and :n Nut- AT THE CLOSE The Spot ting. when they made 'their getaway." shats in close and avetaged 15 OF BUSINESS ON DEC. 31, 1954. Nutting also said, In a. television Kerby mid gee-P-ding- to the P point,, per to:- the Morehead rnt mteoview. that Britain tonal. - I strongly deplore the fa, • MAGIC would be NAME IN 84TH CONGRESS frosh. ASSETS By CHARLES M. Mt C.aNN 'Involved- if the Chinese Reds •at- that the Foreign Office still refuses Two Newport Public stars, Lar- .•• tailed Press Staff Cerrespondeat tacked Formosa ter make a Jean breast .. te&. the al- ry Redinand and Johni.) Ratliff, Britain may . Cash, balances with other banks, including find itself or. the That caused quite a- stir in 1.4114 I foil..., - --- - . have troken into Eastern's varsity spot at the conference con, reserve balancds, Mi at Southeav. though it was obviously right: The Pictorial oeid a had learned lineup. The vorsatile Redmond has • and cash items in process Asia Treaty Organization couno-i Britain and thi ir -Nationalist China arel that, BueersiO anti Maclean*s jobs started the last three games for of collection $118,396.82 to be tied lin Bangkok. Thailand fellow members of cri the U N.. and I were °working for the Soviet For- Eastern and recertly made the next month. an attack any United States Government obligations, on C.N. member-1 eign ,Ministry." Their telephoile Kentucky Invitation Tournament haturally statute( 'involve the direct and guaranteed oi Secretary- of State John i number is Moscow Centre 67571. all tournament team.. Ratliff has 214631.25 Fnater others' . . • Dulles has made it plain he wants the paper elated, played briefly !r. one .stame. Loans and discounts (including $11.31 Treat_ *15 Ilut___Icent_Irech. Member • -.Their _job is Au_ advise .111/111iita • Fatly Hieheyo-wht has made the finally. Britain is overdrafts) 359,889.66 .0. nation 'SEATO' oration:abort for- a niember- of. eareperts'on pivipaaanda before it 55. traveling squad at the University Pa the Southeast . Asia Bank med to pro‘ent further ._Oinimbe treetY Pad put out to the West.- the tableed of Tennessee's Martai,. Tenn , premises owned $1,100.00, furniture v.hich is '.directly nist encroachment in, Southeast allinat newspaper reported. brarlh. is the only Fredonia High and fixtures $2,000.00 3,100.00 possioie Chinese- Red eatgression. ° t Asia The Pictorial accused,. the Ear- graduate playing - Eta college ball. 1 nt Pt.`P'''`g g`werntlibiliht hh. eign Office of Maintaining 'a "ply- Bardwell's"Einie ihr' There is talk in Waqiingtrm of startedooe Maite it p William. has won, - lain h. an* ileirarit silence' over the. fate ot a' first string TOTAL ASSETS 723,016.73 of ago a small -mobik striking tore.-- too not like Britain., ;toilet. • berth _as/. Paducah .. 1Burgeas and 'Maclean. Junior, _ averaging- 1119 -.1,,. - back up. the Soutrieasi Aoiii Iraq". iteu vr,mlet. Choir En aatti ,bretrn ortit,,e_ api nar „tiro ...... _ . -point! - Britain wants no part at amy ni a speech on Dec. 21 that Batt- his*ttrat nine games. nied that Alis delsartnien1 Four of suck -toree---If --Unite0---Statea --and- *MIS- seppoet of United- States pot- - klIte4...... _ _. the 'Dixon 'seniors are . v.-hat happened to,the two melt -zoo LIABILITIES British views' are to be biouaht_ icy toss ard Fotncsins -impairs the , . playing ccilrege_ball with little Jer- inn; line before Feb 23 when the relations between .China and emit- d'P'6`mts d1164Weared while on a ry...Keller, the atar last season, and Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, ' nondliaw ConlatEaSitaaaSkrtfrelskililallsalial------..--- ...... - tr.p from. -England to France In-. teornmate Jerry ',Nall at Tyler . Us and _British Foreign Secretary An- The Chinese government can gefner .- Junior College in Teaas. Jerry and corporations 328,640.90 wi thony Eder. will have to do can- not but feel great oegrot at this "We are not aw ire of Whore Villines is at Davtd Lips-comb and Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, siderablc advance these men are -or what 'they are pr negotuititto attaueto --of the British _ouveril- Mack Kuntz is at Murray. and corporations 282,227.61 t A Embarrassing Position mem.- Chou said , the Foreign Off'.:c- spokes: Roy Withrow, one of the stars :Earl ,Britain I an embarr T Wilma Labor ISO•soillnolot sald A have cont.cted peo- of last year's -sensational Central Deposits of United States Government position In eart Ast*Sitil r Red China on ;an. t Isle concerned with this matter and Foy .6.4,4••semis • oneiudiego-psetivol-sstviegs) 4 .P.1„ •, -13,072.75 sauesueas it moo ha% e to ,es.k.e 1960. hintnediateb, after Genet:II/Z.- they!..•,deny the -,report.- • 4,4-fte berth on the Kentucky We,--1, Deposits o(States and politiral subdIvilltone!. n,000.00 1U policy before long . I simo Chiang Kai-Shek s Km by was not a ail ble for leyan varsity. 'Faro Allen County Britain reeogolaes the cao,eselgovernment was thwart from tie ,inrnent. stars won basketball scholatshipt.1 TOTAL DEPOSITS $653,941.26 Contrituntit , government and hos Mainland it is much risk% Tommy Long is at Western: and repudiated the Nitabrialist govern- enter'diplurnetic relations than Keith Gerald ter' JAMES ROOSEVELT (Da California. beams as he gets dcavn to is at Davol Lipacomb TOTAL LIABILITIES including merit °teak therm and there hes- Don (not LIVESTOCK sod( ,n Hu ISe Office building. He is a newly elected member of Miller, of Adair. County, a Yet Braish troops fought aga.zot 114., suggestion that Britain *onto ,..11." suboraiinated obligations below) 653,941.26 3S. ( III ****Lisonat playing with Lindray shown .. -or ---Ub•--...s•••.--gsci•- -24-4.4"cla-sui'l_.tiAch a break. aoundpreadol Stahi is working -vrith st_ Otritosh and Clunese Nationalist Obs musty, however. BrittaTn 11DIRKET the Georgetown freshmen. Mel ' - delegates get-- sturigo--weiLt- to/pottier in a 4 "...r Gregary _of__Clialloaencouuty, is t- in the United Nations. Mid are tilting east Asia policy. Sooner ST. LOUIS NATIONAL STOCK- playing foe Stetson in Florida T KL AZVOUNTS usually found voting on the game or later somettintg, stall have to YARDS 4P -1.1vestoCko . MOTHER WITH GEORDIE AT TRIAL Bourbon Voce:local fade. . be clone about it. But it would' Hogs 11.500. Moderately active contributed Billy Case ,to the Capita's 30,000.04 Britain ag.ees with the United, take a major prophet to suggest 5 egits to mostly-50 cents lower Western froek - Herman Kearns cc Eastern Surplus otates that the time has not yet That. 160 to =0 lbs 17.26 to 17.75, two the 30,000.00 '1 frosh and decks choice No. 1 and 2 at 17 57 Danny Clerk to the Undivided 'profits 9,075.47 240- to 270 lbs .15 75 to 16 75. fea Transylvania froth. SWEDEN'S EXPERT GYMNASTS at 17.00. ell to, 320 lbs 15.25 to Danville's Gordon Montgomery 15-75. 130 to 150 lba 1675'to .17.2.VT1 is with the Georgetown fresh. Four. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 69,075.47 sows 400 lbs down 14 75 le 15.23. Clay' County stars-Hilatoird, 'Reid. Stune and Thonepaon,-ais heavier sows .13.50 to 14.50: boars trying TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL 10.50 to 1311111, 4 to break atto the Cumberhind Cattle 4.SCO. Calves 1.200. Steer lineup. -Clayton Stivero cityC,,.-'C,,.-'lege ACCOUNTS 723,016..73 supply alserut half as tart'. sr! Mtn: • County. ha s drawn very - .h day. , rr.ostly commercial to praise Irom COach Patti McBrayer Consists of 3;01111 shares common good fair supply of heifers and at Eastern although he hasn't This bank's capital ••nuited yearlings, Ironing slow. - playedT much. s ock with total par value of $30,000.00. ' ; Few good steers and butchiti.: oithe stars of the. colorful yearlings steady' at 21 00 to 24.00. ; Dike Comps P:att MEMORANDA • about 25 per cent of receipts arid -Dein° Combs-.sate playing at . steady Utility and currimercial Cumbetiand and Woofor.: College, , stoasPam • 10_50 to 12.50; few at. 13.00. Amax pledged or assigned to secure respectively. Athlaods Jetry Hen- .er and cutter cows 300 to derson is doing very nleely with liabilities and for other' purposes 75,000.00 I. 10.50. Bulls and vet:steel Steady. the University of Florida froth. 1..ttalit7 and comm.-, Dulls 13.09 Two matristaya-tif la".t. year's I, J. 'M. 'Marshall, Exec. VII., of the above-named ii 14.50 cuttetiobulls 950-to 12.10 ward LafayetteB.kll____Fure.nee_arl tearr-Vernen (affirm) good -and' .choriee vealors 22.60.10 . bank, do solemnly 'swear that the above state- Hatton and 3000. commercial: snd IOW good Tent is true, and that it fulls' and correctly represents doing well on collegeThroors . '.eaters 1.5.011-__Iia 21.00, odd head the true state of the _several matters herin contained and prime. 32110 • • Sheep 2.5M Opening si- *TEST-111101,1111 set forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. fl,icetuo pounir-wooled lamb. .ppers and butchers 20O0 ti 'Correct-Attest: tiO-50 cents higher than Maim... J. M. Marshall, Bert Taylor, run* 'mostly wooled lamb: but • Ellis R. l'aschall, 11. A. Newport, Directors itcludeallblize-able lot Ns. 1 skins 'ROVAL-T and clips none -• fall of which sold; MRS. 1. R. HORMEL standa with ner•son Geordie outside courtroom HEARING AID State of Kentucky,' County of Calloway, ss: .iged eteady Slapahtir ewes hi Los Angeles, where his trail began on charge of buytng mari- priced 'c1, • , 5,00. - juana cstrarets outside a night club, ifisirenntunant sr bye. than • Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of larnmelonorot as much, but per- et tits0.4...b e tormance•proved January, 1955, and I hereby certrry`lhat I at not an SWEDEN'S NATIONAL and Olympic gins' gymnastic team works ao am. teall equal to 5 hiding AFTER RECORD ENDURANCE FLIGHT IN B-47 JET 0.4. 6" rompetitiv•bilida :officer or director of this bank. out in Madison Square Garden, New York for an appearance there. averaging 12681 left. Karin From Lindberg, Vann Blomberg. H)ordts Nordin, comer in rein Year Dream. Dons Hedberg and Eva Ronstrom Ihey are experts ,n calisthen- My commission, expires 19 . ics, tumbling, vaulting and freastantling routtnea. HaterriatteactIO Halford Rhodes Robert - O. Miller, Notary Public Route 6 - Phone 268-R


with an easily arranged loan It, reliable a holesale coneern, In order to establish new outlets for General Vending Meschandi•e nd Sundry Products PEI'S a Cosh You Get Porievots 114 Wand Ness Line that is NON-COMPETITIVE in `this area tar will i One convenient 20 MONTH PLAN terniah all machines and establish route viithont chart,. for rearoradhl. $100 $ 7.04 person tt ho has the money to handle hitt rnerehandeie for eseith. You Location to Pay' do mit have to buy the machines. hut yoti do keep the profits. Must $200 $13.$4 have good car, good character, good credit and carry hot lella than s:oinne %%firth of meruh•ndise. $300.- $20.50 --;\

• NO SELLING OR `401.1CRINC • For Personal Interview wtile: FRIENDLY FINANCE • NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY • MOUND CITY PRODUCT'S • WILL TRAIN PERSON SELECTTH • 3615 OLIVE CREW Of THE U. S. 11-47 )et t h made *,record endurance flight of 47 hours, 35 minutes Is RT. Suite 301 • WE MOUE MACHINES EOR VOI' • Si', LOETS I. 204 SOUTH 4TH STREET shown at Ealrford RAF base in Erg land. From left: CM. David A. Flurcatnal, Washington. Pa.. crew 011ote01111 • NO CHARGE FOR lesicker; Mat Forrest mcc,oy, tornrgion, Wyo. observer; Capt., Stephen Franko. Struthers. 0, pilot; DEALEKSH1P • Include Your Phone Number ?HONE 1180 Mat. Pat, Earhart,.Sarr Antonio, Tex.. Elteraft corinnantler. The B-47 shuttled some 21,000 miles be- tween 501 Shrintrir. Ifrync- 01 VOTec^0 and England. asmssuie a"..0 ( nattunit aounaphotos •••

• •

_ Iowa-


4 .; Co P F 0 P P FifP -CO/ P4DED \, 9 •


• •



• deing.11•111111,1-11elt 955 are VEDNESDAY, JAOTARY 12, 1955 THE LEDGER AND • ••••••=tAIL•••• TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCK/ bron's IMP ArriMIMS" PAGE THREN as he • •••••• until after he has "horn- Hammarskjold Out conferred with . Work .Bresident Eisenhower or Jen- Of Other Of Communist China high-ranking drawn U.S. Officia:s. D. R. Mankekar, Ne-ar_Dtl.hi resi- es at 1, By WENDELL MYRICK Citizens dent editor of the Times of India esPese Aid United Press Staff Correspondent who is in. Peiping on a epecial es- WANT signment` for Hi HONG' KONG • ge,- U.N. Sec- United. Press, said in retary General cables that it , was. aleuined Safety Dag ilainmaiskjol4 Ham- • Retord marskjold with twin beds, crossed the China border • today, is taking back to the $350 ereh. Room dealer, Mrs. Lillie Mae Boren, wit ut small children edger te ending a weeklong United Nations the Red Chinese . FOR RENT with prislete Oath $7.00 Rot snd Phone 1977. • mission to the - A j13c n and willing to make calls - Remon'Statement FRANKFORT view point on the cold water in all rooms. -Kentucky's re- Communist regime On behalf ot flier': case. y Sue unless you are willing to wend duction in I WILL PICK UP YOUR G automobile fatalities Jailed American fliers. Mankekar said it also names RENT. 5 room hetise with time at w'as indi- FOR RENT: 4 ROOM Ar.ART- bage this work please do not during 1934 is attributable to • in- • fuel size and trash any pLaca any cated that Hanunarakjold had pro- Streets- u. basement 502 South 8th ment: Private answer - but if so, write PO. creased public interest Hammarskjold reached the bor- bath and private time. Call M. I. Kennerly,I 794-J. lfl highway mised to inform Choir cd the Unit- found' Egt. Phone 1493-W. 314e box 465, Owensboro, Ky. at once. safety and the work der at 7:50 pen. iti:50 a an • entrance. Heat, light and water 112p of public- EST/ ed Nation's reactiee, and jI7c spirited citizens and on a troin• from Cantoo, FOR RENT: furnished. Good location next door organizations where he FIRST FLOOR all over Mid landed These v!ews grew from the South to hospital in Jennings building lWELLS WRATHER Portrait and the state. • at 1:5e p.m. on a flight apartment. Three large unfurnish- wording of a Commercial photeignaphy. That is the opinion of Charles Loin Peiping, Joint communique ed rooms at 805 Poplar street. See Mrs. Sout 11 Private entrance 203 B. Jones, executive M. issued by Chou end Harnenarskiold Mabel Stom at Thoroughbred Grill side square. Murray. Phone 1439 Sale Or Rent secretary of C. Illiziawerth, aide to toe lputh Third Stri et Inunethree {_For the Governor's British in Peipiag Monday. or at the residence or call Albert or Ilia fl2c Committee for gevernor of Hong Kong, Occupancy. 113p Highway Safety, Wallace at Cadiz, FOR RENT OR SALE: HOUSE AT who today ex- headed the delegation 'whIch great- K. (TFC) pressed As in case of other corn- FOR SINGER SEWING MACHINE New Concord. See Shelton Canady high praise for those who ed feanuharskjold at the AO RENT: 2 ROOM FURNISH- border. neuniques 'issued by Peiping and representative in Murra on West helped in the 1954 safety effort The party ect apt 207 So. 5th. Phone 1328XJ y. for Main, Murray, Ky. Phone .theh, boarged a train U.N. • and called for headquarters in New York, Sales, Service, Repair, contact No. 1020R. J12p. increased help for an hour-lung ride to Hung NOTICE during- 1955. no inkling 'was given on the out- Leon Hall, 1411 Poplar. Kong. NeWsenen Ph on e awaffed his ar- come of the talks E FUR At latest count there were but the final RENT. j R0061 1(174-R. 734 rival at HOUSE, FOR FREE DFZIONSTRATION tec the Hong Koeg elation message Said deaths recorded for 1954, "we hope to con- bath, front porch, back porch, Wanted com- but informed sources said with Personalized LUZIERS Coe- pared with 864 in Ham- tinue the eeneega established garden got. South 9th Ext. Phone the final 195d marskjold in metics call or report. , would refuse to discuss these meetings." 59Iee see Mrs. Aline Death records are usually •• 7 10 McClure, FOR SALE )"WANTED: SEVERAL GIRLS TO suocess_or lailure- of the mis- tI 219 Woodland Ave. Mc kept active for about six weeks address, mail postcards spare time sion with them. • Peiperg observe,: believe the ef.)Ft RENT: BEALE HOTEL. after the state of a year to• ac- FOR HOUSEHOLD CLEANING SPECIAL: 6 every week. Write Box 47, Water- A communist nevespaper tniskun had failed in one respect, 954. 'Tingle Rooms, $500 and up. Rouen CUBIC FT. USED count for persons who may the in Hoeg needs, call your Better Brush Keloinator town, Mass. Kong derided that Heimmarskithe was unable to Freezer $449.e5. Guar- j17c of injuries suffered' in old the secretary gen- -year win ,immediate anteed. Riley Furniture & Appli- accidents. eral's 10,000-mile trip to Peiping, release .... of • the American Answe• to Veetordav's Rustle ances. 310 W. Main St. Telephone capital of a government flyers, Rut ;hese observ- Last year was also a better wheh the CROSSWORD PUZZLE 587. WORK WANTED: WILL TAKE United re-refused to write off the j14c year than 1e52 when States refuses to, recognize mis- care of children practical 797 were sion as S complete ACROSS 31-Lancit u n or do killed.. . The newspaper. Wen Wei Pao failure because FOR SALE: 1948 MODEL 86-Vehicle -um ago onamg CUB nursing. Phone 691J3. J14 said Red China it left the door open :'or- further 87-Fruit drink "Kentucky's highway ."is so great a • UMBRIA mama FARMALL Plough, disc, culti- death re- world negotiations. 195.82 1-gin ii 38-Roator•t duction didn't Power thet even Mailed 8-Army meal 41-4pread for ogmom 1510143D vator, Corn drill and mowing just happen," Jones 12-Dy•Ing- Iii1WMG MIN MIAMI said. "It Nattier-is --Secretary General Hatn- drying machine Priced to sell. Larnpkins Too Late to Classify AMBASSADOR Eusebio Antonio is the result of conscien- machine 41-Macaer MRA Morales, Panama's chief tious citizens marekjold has tu-g, to re%v China operator 41,-Fiber plant Motor Sales, 3rd and Meple, pie dele- showing enough. re- 131.25 13-Light brown 18-13ealnners ECISf111151 :-•iit3P101:40 gate to gard for to meet with Premier 519 the UN, Is shown in the loss of "human life Chou En- - Wanted to Buy - 14-Wild buffalo 61 -Nova] by Zola I21014 :1131;rrd:3 j13c FOR RENT: 2 APARTMENTS. Los to expend Lai." --ea of India 62-Enalish queen Angeles en route to New much- time and energy Ifli 11107; PUGIF1 One 4 room with private Wen IS-Trick 68-Man's name EXTRA NICE USRD KITCHEN bath & York, He said "search for the in helping to promote safe driving, 'Wei Pao said ;Ilarrirnar- 389.66 16-A hunting 61-Nolries entrance; one 3 room with private asaassins" skeield went A few loads good for b 66 -Carden AM And oabinet. A bargain Egehenge of his country's to Peping "to eliuss 18-Carevanaary Implement bath & entrance. 109 N 12th or Preindent P.emon eAt the state of 19$4 we eraelous mom fty4 WAPJ Furniture Co. Phone 871 j14e has turned up se: problems relevant to the 20-Period of in. 66-Encountere4 call no as our goal for the year yellow ear corn. 21-Iretnale -Narrow, UMUF40 1.4130 1867-W. j14p tangible evidence but is a decline queetion of Rastiig Internatiolial 100.00 sbeita 67 Sat III previous 22-51othfulnees board FOR SALE: APT sr2E G-E FEW% continuing. (biternatronal) death figures. That tension. Top market 23-B•rore 11-Temierary we were succeasful is price 27-Peroel of land DOWN Inc stove, good condition. $65. Call gratifying The comment:ay wee but the effort the first )16.73 LS-Noted en 1770 or see at 1616 Miller must never stop Corraturust electrician -Uncouth 4-Walk Ave. revegition :hat the ROSS 1 6-Devoured Ask Anyone Who Saw and 1955 must be a better year FEED CO. 12-Metal bolts pe 1,6011 I 6-Fiethar j12c It Harmarskjold mission' was more 14-Trough at roof 2-Chit's and or than' 1954." giother a social , MURRAY, KY, .dg* fever ?-1's5i into 1111141 NICE LIVING ROOM SUITES. Jones -14 was •believed C. 8-Small rug had high praise for' in- 'that Hammar- Tel. 9-Oreat take Used very little. Two to choose 101 2 3 4 ja 7 US 9 es, I/ divid :" • --- se skjold will withhold his 10-Winter from Exchange Furniture Co. •eaig report precipitation committees by hi, cr., it re t-1 li-Rational Phone 877. j14c akci 17-Graea on which c vie rattle feed -•••- clabf. :”- 640.90 5 it, r7 FOR SALE ON , her 33..'"'ins pi 1 and other groups." 1$-Abuse 1965 at one o'clock p.m. the old Shop / ti . 18-Goddess of & Save Cburet house of tne Pleasant Val- Store 227.61 I dawn "Newspapers and radio and tele, 23 24-Piai• ley Church of Christ. Size cO. vision 36-Sitter witch stations have rendered a "The Store With More 1...... NI-Tear building 42 x 30. Sale will start great public service For Less" 2. by stressing 119 So. 4th , 21 478 1 29''C 3' le-Sall fastened promptly at 1 p.m. Seller -St. 072.75 on • stay Douglas safety to the people, and motif,' Telephone 1925 Shoemaker. 12 1118-Cougloeted picture • theatree have helped 000.00 4„ • 11-Euelf lot by .e.: U-tires,, Of showing sefety fame,- limns e5 hearing 8 . NIXI WALNUT DINING pbtnted out. C •-•-ire, • ge_c Ce.1 rt..! • I itag• loom suite. A bargain at $39 5n. Murray ewer...mew., Ready Mix Co. 58 el Ekehange.Furnitnre Co Phone 877. Law enforcement was "Yam better Eery Concrete Need" 40-Skin of orange j14c last , year than ever before, Phone wi 1,42 49T, ,,try3, NO 47 I Jcnes I:tee , Murree), said. "State pollee , Ky. ,941.26 e'S 41-.Rorinizr, ruier and local ..en- eaI forcement offr oe view -p-w- NTED f HEL A materially to ' I ' 1 voice '0 reduce arcidente. • i S; 434:101/11 .„ they should be- supported by • UTZ ham. the Catizenes _erl • 41-letrisi HELP of the Contrirenwesttn. 41-remine etra WANTED: AV'ON tBNERK- .14,,• 60-Rested ,ng /*men in Mu rr 3 y those Some a. 25.000 Kentuckiane took safe-driving ,000.04 pledges during .1954 Regis Toomey as members ,000.00 and Gary Merrill seek facts in a of the Kentucky scene from Highway. "The Human Jungle," from strip dancer Lifesavers, Aries said. ,075.47 This organization, Jan Sterling. "The Human Jungle" opens started last Friday at miring, also the Varsity Theatre. played an importanz part e in the butter accident rate, ,075.47 he explained. . - NANCY Capragla i $4, 55 cows. Sews owl Say tow. *46.40. v 4 • Dutranted It X*, Fermium Sralw••• .f By Ernie Bushmillet ,016.73 HAPTER ewkN'rY-TWO privacy you couldn't force yourself Going out the lane, my mind OH, DEAR --- HE LET Pans pass ano walk ahead in on. I tOR1 myself no I voice could went on reaching for some ex- SHOULDN'T BE COME of me, out ot the dining room and do that to me. All I nad to do was i planation, like • man fording an I HAVE AN AWFUL IN 3mmon along the nall As she was going break through this insane inertia I unopened telegram and trying to COMING HERE through Use doorway to the library and run up Leese stairs. I just decide who could have sent it COLD, NANCY--- I'M Q SPREADING, me she stopped. I could see over her stood there. wondered if It could be some melo- COMING TO YOUR sneulder into the room. dramatic effort os Anion's to force GERMS lost whatever Dana said, the HOUSE Luger nan something on the voice still had are in Its grip. I money on me to pay tor the jacket. WHERE floor, mauling it it been my heard it say, "Very well, don't let He wouldn't have had time to get IT'S WARMER bush jacket Frnm what I could a guest leave our home without to Cricket. Like the man with the see of it I was awfully glad 1 enough to keep him warm. There telegram, I decided the best way 000.00 wasn t in should be something of mine to was to loOk. "Get out of sight" There avawl the nab closet Otve It to him and At the far end of the dead or- whisper. With One named tnght in tier assure mm that whatever Luger chard 1 stepped Into the woods end AVII12‘t motion she caught the door and destroyed state- shall be replaced it It is read the note. It said,i'citi go op stepped inside, slamming it shut. within -our power. Offer my re- on Spiny Roger afore Ian dou:n. resents I could near net voice through grets for what has happened." You And what you tookor fare. the panels, "Luger, stop it. No." ed and "That's all right," I mumbled. When I got to the Jaguar I '14,4•44'kw There was a growl that sounded 1 watched the stair* for some sign pulled the fur-lined hood up around came through cloth, rising as if it of him. my face and sat there staring at in pitch with • tearing sound-- I* s of -AO •••,•41 Jskrt "My apology, Mr. Gratton, for Cricket's note Something was go- C•• •• we/ I••••• ••••••• then the thud of furniture and the ••••••••••••. not coming down. Please ing on in the old Metcalf holm.. scuffling came closer. know that Luger punished." Whatever it was showed in Dana's opened door across the hall shall be I the eyes and was worrying Cricket. I ABNER and backed inside, closing it be- "You can't blame the doge" I read the note again. By Al Capp hind me. I was in • cold parlorish said, like • water-brained moron. • There won't looking room with horsehair upe Dana nad opened • Onset near any quesUon about which rock DoNrr VIANTA .7-1 GOTTA holstered furniture thetetiad the the entrance door and was holdfng she meant, but why. before Sundown? looked FIGHT `10', WORLD'S Ni KNOCK "IA COLD, day of air of waiting for the dein Metcalf something toward me as it there I at the sky. It was too cloudy CHAMPEEN.P7-'TWOULDN'T KID -TO-PRI *. funeral. was a intik of touching my nand. to see the -c,f7PVE not an PIE RtESPECKFUL. In the hall I heard Dana mutter- It was some kind of knee-length F..r•a AH REPUTATION.?' ing, "Luger,'" between flee teeth, sporting garment an hunter's green My Watch Bald 5:03. If after MERELY 15 AR'S .0 accompanied by • slapping sound. with a parka hood edged arid lined sundown today would be too tare. OLD" It faded toward the rear of the with white fur It was • beautiful- what Could be there on the rocket Nouse and was followed by Use ly made thing, too bulky for ski- that Red and I wouldn't have seen slam of S door. ing, out wonderful for winter wear Sunday morning? We'd covered When I itepped out. Dana was around • country place them pretty thoroughly before that coming toward me. looking at the "This as entirely unnecessary," I businesa about Especially heel of her nand and rubbing it. laid, trying to get back to solid on the east stele. doesn't do much for my footing. "Put it away." I opened The more I thought about that, ego." I said. "Are you all right'!" the door and the wind hit me Like the more obvious It seemed. It She didn't [dolt at me. She • sheet of ice water. stuck out so, I couldn't see hale straightened • rag rug with tier "Brother says to take It," Dans I'd trussed it. A man knocked off foot and moved ahead of me into said. that narrow spine of rocks could the library. I put It on, feeling like a dog- fall on either sale-e-depending upon I followed her and picked up team driver, but it was nice and which direction the thing that lilt the wet piece of cloth off the fluor. warm. "I'll return this as soon as him had been traveling. The place It looked more like • grass skirt possible." to search W/11.9 on the West side._ py, -.A • •••••••I than • bush jacket. It had 'been "You needn't." She wouldn't look I turned the Jaguar and started C••• . ••••• 1••••••••••••• !Po..• 1 a good one and I'd always like It., at me. down the road toward Sleepy • f "I guess I'll go," I said, 'If he "Well, thank hate" I said, but Creek mountain. - ----ABBIE an' hasn't got my hat." she had closed the door. I thought about those rocks- SLATS "We'll see that you're paid for As 1 went down the steps I had massive, lonely, brutally out-of- By Raeburn Van Buren 111P074 IT WOULD MAKE Aee. rffl your lose." It was wonderful and the feeling 1 had apologized to dtmensiOn with anything a man 14 11441 UMMM.. rwHEN HIM A RESPECTED YOU TALK TO HIM, It put me properly where I be- everyone but Luger, could think In terms Of. I shifted POP SuRE SIWOEUErCL ;;OITSCT3L,TcOA NDOEwN'T .4OUNIOSUESWEOELJWLDHAmTEAAN LTEAD DON'T PERMIT HIM. TO FEEL longed. was pail way across the yard into second and noticed I was com- • MEMBER OF THE WOULD LIKE HIM OUT OF HIS UNHAPPY COULD HE'S DOING IT FOR HIMSELF • I went into the hail and started when something moved at the ing to the gap. COMMUNITY, NOT AN 70 BE - FATHER use SOME- PAST-JUST BECAUSE HE TFri for the door. corner of the nouse. It was Cricket. When I came so the pull TO '1OUR CV.P. OLD A imeLT HSIEMLWOUFLIDSH:MAKEHIM -off OLO'REPROBA BODY AROUND FOUND A FEW WORTHLESS "You'll nave to have something, with her black coat wrapped space I turned in but 1 *till hadn't IT WOULD GIVE HIM NEW COUPLE MEAN A NOBODY.' THIS TOWN . RT NOKHL UTUT i OEN. wRi Ys if to wear." She still wouldn't' 4round her. She had a small piece made up my mind. There was no ATTLTUDES, NEW AIRS . OF GOOD sae with a glance. of paper in one hand, keeping it hurry about this. Anything that NEW AIRS. IN IMAGINE "Whit. exacUy-" the words close to her side as If she wanted had been in those rocks since late '.40,400 iTHE'S OW.) Came from oromewhere up the stairs to hide it,' Saturday afternoon would still be FOR behind les--"ts the trouble, Dana?" As she heard me coming, she there tomorrow. GIRLS: It scour a rich. Byron sort of held it out and whispered hoarsely, Or had Cricket overheard some- eece, glightly'nataL I don't know "Pont say nothine les take thls.- thing? She had very probably What I had expected but it didn't Something about the wgy she worshiped Belle and some of her ig Pt my picture of what it "ought to said it made me know I had to. dog-like devotion may have carried TA Pound like. 'My nand closed over the paper, over to Harrison Purcell. It would 1 leept saying to myself. Why touching the claw-cold fingers. I have taken no small effort for don't I run up tee stairs? That's jammed my fist into one of the Cricket to let down the barriers what I cams for, to pet is lordt at parka pockets and, without look- encengh to wri _this note and Land Aim. The voice had a strange, inn ing toward the house, kept on it to me. perireM miality of iiintroronehahle Watkins', Rfi Continu,o • - ••• to • ••• c•• ••• tot, S. k••••• to••.• •-•••••• r - - • •

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• rage Four • - TSB LRIDOIER 70‘13 TIMM, EURRAT, KNNTIICIT se WrDNE.SD AY, JANUARY 12: 1955 Customs Men Personals ENGLAND BOTTLE Club News Activities FLORIDA TO 1N WOMEN'S PAGE Mrs. J. D. Ritchie of Lynn, Fla Have Sixth is the guest of Mrs. Roy Devine Weddings 14Locais and 1al.y I - Jo Burkeen, Editor ... Phone 694-M-4-0 or 1150-W • • • • I 74/A14i;k/ Sense Mr. and Ira. -lames Dorsey Futrell, 208 South Eleventh Street, are. the parents of a son: Jimmy s Pi--01. G.. F.' Megow Mrs. Ed Fenton Is • By HARMAN W. !VICHOLS Lyon, weighing seven pounds 12 tufted Press Staff - Guest Speaker it itostess For Meet Correspondent ounces. born 'at the Murray Hos- FrofsiEERtGeri Social Calendar WASHINGTON (IP .- A - uslas- pital Monday, . The D.4 R-Meefing Of Altar Society rive of the bureau of customs has The. The home 0,14 of Mrs. Fel Fenten to have the usual six senses, ;plus" 1105u ht 453 ehrapter/of was 5. *he baugateis ef the Weds-le-A.0. January 12 Friday, January 14 the scene of the meeting of a lot of coawnon sense on the Amory-ea ats reas The Harro Grove Homemakars The West Hazel Homemakers the Altar Soaseity of St. Leo's side. olara-rnessIang Catholic Saturday atiernoen Club will meet with Mrs. Ernest Club will meet with Mrs. )3-,b Church held Wednesday "We catch a lot of professional F F FLcp.d '1.1°76'Varta. alf-catick at the home Underwood at one-thirty o'clock. Moore at one o'clock. evening. J.nuary 5. crooks." said George Coffelt infor- ,CoFt:s of Mrs. • • • • • • • E. A.` Tucker w.ta Ma. Mr. Troy GI-idea-ell was the mation officer of the 'bureau of 13cticr Eatiti3 D. E. McCannell ana Mrs J. D Thursday • guest speaker for inc evening. lie customs here. "That's what we Monday. Januar., 17 • SY JEAN ALIEN Peterson • as lthateoses • The Soisala Murray lionSkIllaikara gave a talk on the painting by look for mostly." T3eR Mrs. Mrs. Gege Hirt irtreduce.' oh..? ralub will meet with Mrs. Porter The young Women's Class of Henry Holrop entitled "Pray- He admitted that an hanest look- speaker for the 'arta:snares ..,F#;•-•f. Holland or ten d'cloek. the First Baptist Church will meet ing Hands" ing 101.11-1St may sornenmes slip t • • • G. F aMegl'... formerly sO Get - • at theorlome of Mrs. H.. W. "Stub" The president, Mrs. Clarence something through - he's the SUNSHINE SPECIAL ITU r1j. • The East Homemakers Club Rohysedder, presided Si the meet- g ambler-tarbasaa, w ,.„'.5-uk)ct -PLeAse orofesaas who teaches Wilson at seven-thirty o'clock. eg.,to. coo Spicy -scented tangerines, so Porter Hol- ing French sad German a" llurraa. y.111 meet with Mrs reputation and a heavy fine rare in ancient times, are now a State Colleae and ik'thea-e- 4:Tree-tor land aa ten . cac.l.setkotas Mrs. Fenton and Mrs. John to escope an import duty. breakfast-luncrodinner * • * • The Penny Homemakers Club -at the First-CM-lam Caurch. • Res:g.\hostesses, served refresh- A 'alraveler may be brigging The skin ef a tangerine zips Oft lAIR1161" will meet with Mrs. Alton Cole ments. Prof. Megoaa !aid in ar. ioteresas The Arras, Allen .Caree of .the beck an extra fifth of cognac or as easily as that of a ba,nana. at ten o'clock_ • • • ing way tho reason he ,and ha WaSS of the. Memorial .13eptiat champagne, above the ore galloa Come to think of it, sliced ba- ( me*, s • • • • • nanas and sections of tangerines family dectded ta. Amer' Church will meet with Mrs.' Hugh of beverage he is allowed sasoe-to duty and grapefruit make a wide- 4itt sevepstaarty o'clock. free. The custorns _sa aa make theirs home -1,dd their Tuesy. January IS men may heals awake breakfast fruit cup with G Kilty L 0R Tastio;c114 deep appreciaoon Personals lilt° only one bag, for th-s country. The Music Department of Mur- if you have an little effort •• He spoke /V the adernacra*. the honest eye. If the extra bottle is The Fo indaaarial Clos.s of the ray- Woman's Claes-will meet at Mr. and Mrs Chests.- Hays frendly ale.ostrana- not in that bag. the - HA es.egstew first Bapast Charch will meet the club house at seven-trurty Shaw of' Hardin Houte One are tourist has era. and the -hgtiti i,.!titss 'Ameri- managel to cheat Uncle Sam with M Robertsois ,at (Mak. Hostesses. are Mesdames the parents of a daughter. Details au' cans place car. karthwhale 4tings. of a few cents. If .1t is in seven-thoty caclock Gruup Fo ir Guinea Joneo Charleaa James, Elizabeth, weighing' aine pounds the bag WA& LIU ia4ewa He made -aoeie nottan 'well; he's been caught will be. in charge and Wks. Pat Nea,1 Wheatley, Joe Dick. 'and 14 ounces, ,born at the Murray smug- nteathe twu cauraros n !hear avsy gling. • ri Hackett will be the speaker. Mies Lillian Waiters. Hospital tancley. December 31.---- s Of living. *•-• • tastd- hew • • • • • ossaLatraa-Kaglosa-leoganiee-hod-abael; fireselaree PoMt- Baptias Mt-astern BAR _ _A oustiteilas. Caelos 1g _ *hen at went sarougat oriffat berolat tti iThi or many CticTe-will, meet. with Mrs. -Sarn customs Tilts NOTE, sealed In a bottle and dropped into the Gulf Arlon of- .Murre Route Six .anoolance after a trip to Paris, the occasiona. During hi"o la' he Outland o'clock. man off Florida In 1933 by Donald G. Kaylor, turned up in England, at three the birth of daughter. Carla asked toe related war experiences Color Used what' was in this and about 5.000 miles away, 483 days later. That's a speed of about Marie, weighing tee, laounds 13 that bag, and I . The . regent Mrs. Ror 'Devine. .: -..• • • - told himaHe asked Sunshine Salad 11 miles a day. Kaylor, a Washington county, Maryland, school. ounce's. born at the Murray Hos- me to open only my teacher, presided Mrs. W. P. •Raherto goes Woodmen Circle Grove 126 a a As 'Material' duffle, which Tangerines and the other boun- was en route by ship to Australia. After he got back he Waanan a Club House s' pital Friday,- December 31. aontamed only dirty unriVriveir winter heard from .1. -year-old Grace Staongrnan, who fund the opening piTasear" - sand Mas- rrIliet at . •. • • , • tiful fruits make a color- the bottled sevem-thrtY o'clock Oa ana hind some carbon paper. Maybe ful luncheon salad.. Arrange note just qorth Of Land's End. (leternatto•sai) i; _ Wells Purdono led an. the salute lieers I sec- Gary Lee is _the :name chosen could have sneaked tions of grapefruit an oranges to tk flag. Mos . Devine _was team members are urged to „.._a 'Ry Architect in a trinket _. on salad green.; '• • pti-Flfir.--tr, practice. Tor 71%rtialra by Mr and Mrs Otry Pabsvard -two, but how char I know which ected the, delegate to t*" state ...Color Over this ;ale ,tangerine is just as much a build!,-1-Steele of" Model. Tenn.. for their bag he would ask me sec- canveri'r'n. L•zg..-niften- and -Mrs ing material as brick, wood, or to owl? titans and seeded dates cut into son, 'weighting -five pounds ' -J. D. i• stone." says architect Walter Tr p glad I didn't try- any petty thuds. The dates add a saseet ounces, born at *the Mu'rayHos- iirceny. to , the Conanental Consp-ess Anicka of Ann Arbor, Mich. "You chewy touch. pital Wednesday. December sio-aitfasrungtor... „ Heir to $15,000,000 ' can't touch color, but you can see N. You generally are allowsd.....oaly To keep this a calorie-counter's MAX it, Visual impact 15 one of the • • • • salad. use citrus.fruNP Juice as the H. CHURCHILL -4. A party plate was .servod to thr $500 worth of goods per person chief elements in determining Mr and Mrs Keith Morris and dressing-French dresaing if cal- FUNERAL HOME' merribeas and the SoTiowingoa.. what materials to use on a house duty-free when returmng from -1 ories don't matter. son. Jimmy. 153 Aluirsru Avenue. Mrs_ J. D. Rasa?* afaLynn, exterior." foreign countiy: Pres.aert Elie-t- Hopkinsville. spent the weekend Tangy-Toter Ca:metal. Superior Ambulance Service Pointing out that the texture he:server asked Congroas th.s week with Mrs. Morris' parent- Mr. and 1 can (23 ounces) sueet Equipped With oxygen of materials is another important to • alse that to $1.000. • potatoes element in home's appearance, Mrs. flagon McDaniel and othsr a During the last year, there ware 2, tangerines the architect says that home-own- 311 N. 4th St., Murray, Ky.-Phone 98 .relaUves and friends. • • inure than 17.000 cup brown sugar ers are "understandably enthu- • mvest:gatiens, • • • 1 tablespoon butter or rRirNflf y rT,Ntr Hersey- siastic" about the decorative pos- both civil *flea criminal. Taereawerei yt . Mr and Mrs. diorite Henry margarine Keemlkei sibilities of various kinds of ma- CS arrests inan 388 conviction; ••••••- Green Drain sweet potatoes, saving aoasti.1111Nas Sonry, wood, glass, and other ma- of Haze) Route Two an' 'There were about 1.000 seizures o: syrup. Peel and section tanger- terials. But he feels that "it's easy nounce the birtarof a on Michael gouds worth over $15,000,000. go 'tutti- Fiaess ines. Place alternate lavers of to overboard and get a Duane,Duane. weighing seven pounds of frutti' by over 11,300.000- were levied, r sliced sweet po- effect using too great a two ounces, born at the Murry variety on one house. The hodge- Caafelt opened h:s fires. One tatoeii and tan- -faradays . podge can bi expensive, too. well was caugnt with the innards "• gerine sections • •" in buttered. cas- AM-Cita usually specifies only of $10.1100 wegth of Svales wieth I serole. $prinkle One or two material; for the out- movements concealed in the lease side walls of a house. with brown sug- If the main Underwater Beauty bighorn of a *box containing body of the houae has clap-board X-ray ar and dot with equipment. or shingle siding, a limited sec- , This fellow was fined butter or mar- a bora such a planter or part of I and jailed. garine. Pour one-fourth one wall, y be of brick or stone -Ordinarily." Celle It sad, cup mixture and Sake "but not th materiels." the ar- "when a ! syrup over in known ,crook is coming moderate oven _(375'F.) about chitect ern asizes The masonry in we -get MRS. Mollie Neteher Bravos lends a pleasing contrast in color tipped off in advance thirty minutes. (above), 28. of Chicago. became and texture to the rest of the by our agents overseas. It's a aim- Yield: Four servings. PIERCE sale hear of an estimated house, but pie matter to greet $450.00 $15,- two kinds of masonry tam when he Serve with Roast Pork aoesaana ;hag $150.00 000 000 department store for- often give a confusing visual ef- tune with-the sleets of her uncle. fects . This sweet potato diSh C`an' Tawnsend•Neacher. 61. in Palm Although textural contrast is an. -Some ,T5-,5 Anything beat if served with a a:elk- Syr-legs, Calif Mrs Bravo and excellent way to create visual People will , try browned JulrY ta f lac Netetirr were to share equally. tn interest and prevlwit a monoto- get ai.say aath sh Pork SINS caeattar. OF nous overall Woolen sboulder or loin the estate of her grandmother, appearance, proper Le Furches color styling ran achieve the same things like drugs 'and jewels roast. 111rs Molhe Netcher Newbury. result at lower cost, ,the architect under their girdles. Oi they hsld A green vege- who died Last Dec 12 at the age JOIRIL.Ry STORE says. schamonds undei their table, say broc- s, ROME of tongues. 85 According to the will Mrs. "Draw up coil or green_ 113 S. 4th Si.Phone a color plea) for the These are dumb and get Braario was to get Townsend entire house before a brie-has cistignt beans, gives colt SIAL,L/1*. LLIGSkiai FL/AMA laid when they are asked hetaberai share eso tus death. or a shingle applied." Anicka ad- questeonsa or to this tasty 'MS'MEM • MIRA IMILL[Mei ( - - vises. 'Pick a Sametames folks get caugtg for meal. Brown 'n roof color first an' paint the siding and trim In i• not knowing what they can bong serve, hard rolls related LAST TIMES TONIGHT shade of that color bask and what they can EveFrY- and crts-p green celery will add There's ,plenty of leeway in• the meal. 111 ,5 for thing, brought back mug: be aaanch" to MUM MING JANUARY l, 'eresting color schemes because de- woos% clared. One foAdmily iphalt shingles, my favorite roof- passenger recent'. Mouroon O'HARA thougt he was--a ag materiai, are made in a great uggltng s Macdonald CAREY risany solid and blended colors, bunch of saffron (yellow coloring) Crio_AL both light and dark. For each roof into the country.' He hal gone t- Mem, Hos (AAAAA 101, C,t(ifttil, tilt color, there 'are- a number of re- lot of trouble to ft lated shades of house paint. pineal.' it. sec- - c.gruong that the roof is the 'color tattiest himself a spettalgy /sr key. some paint manufactuaers easseeeling things. Plain toith was. cinan ...... •, 5 have deliberately chosen their it could have come in slut,. free, 'as ON ALL standard exterior house paint col- a ...... ors to blend with the colors' in • s 1. • which asphalt shingles are made."' Anicka favors uniformity in the GLORIA BELL of Ormond Beach, Over Winter large color areas because it makes Fla_ acted as one of the official 3,900 For Mothers and boys who want the best! the house look bigger and more hostesses at the world's first "un- impressive. Too many colors or derwater" movie premiere at materials break up a house into Silver Springs, Fla. Gloria As Are small areas and. make the whole Aided By. building seem smaller, he says. I Student at S(enaan Univoseipe 4. COATS s WE RECOMMEND And ARBENZ TO BECOME SWISS CITIZEN ociety

•A•1. •••,, - LOUISVILLE IP The Ken- tikky Society for Crippled Child' ren aid (ite-- ?voila 1979_ ilikriticpped Persons 144 SUITS in the year which;endad last Seta 1 Ms t. it reported yesterday. ; sint Values up to SE39.9 The society is oupported iastarsr by Easter Seal contributions, AsteAt Its programs is carried out by ale• more thah 7,000 volunteer,. It list- ed COW6tYpa4t4 expenses . of S190,425. for thc year. , /12 Those who received PRICE direct med- („_ ical, educational or recreational TUFFIES' OUT OE THE CITST are service included 228 persona treat- the best quality, l•r•t looking, • FALL and WINTER ed at the society's curative work' Lea fitting fothentie v.eotern denims •-• aberp here; 2.783 persons given ape-. wad.. 8 oz. Blue denim . . YOUR cial educalion 393 treated at tia 1NFORIZED ... copper raeted society's Cardinal Hill Hospita' and double stitthed. assuredSATISFACTION Lexington: and 66 who attended because DRESSES special camps. ZIPPERS Our Another 507 . we treat'- DOUBLE KNEES t.,122 GUARANTEE is Famous Brands Value049.50 through society funds. The curs UNCO live workshop war - rnereed last. Ntit1'1 summer with the new rehabilita. 51, 1001 NDITIONAL tin _center here and, the 1/2 FOCietY N.555.45550, became one of. the center's 'n-lain IN .5 A. nsors. • • Tat taa7sl lirsier7by S\- PRICE The veleta reported GSM Beeseke•pins it has Pro- 6.V0 aided -73,011alsbysicial thereto, and 1,1*•14f." •New Spring Merchandise Arriving occupational therapy treatments_ Wits seven years of operatron. TT- artstRwt ett 1329 clIilctFenS 'pare- Love's Children's Silop • JAC0110 ARSENZ GUZMAN, 45, former President of Guatemala- iin 68.805 days of hosipital care_ 'whose Red-tinged government was overthrown, is shown with his at Cardinal Hill in the first , to 505 Main Street wife at Zermatt, Switzerland. where they are staying with their years of the . hoepitans operate, Te1ephonee88 The STYLE Shop' three children. Arbenz was officially recognized as entitled to Swiss Of the 395 hildren• tree-Lela-410 citizenship Inheritance his grandfather was citizen by since a of In _the -year ending Sept', I. ; ...ft....• ,•••• ••• ...`•• •ft. • Gross-Andelfingen, in the Zurich district. He is liable to immediate were . cerebral palsy victiras and , Lot training In §witzerland's army. (Internationa) 328. had saructural. defeat, ;i

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