Halton Laurence, Moss Smith Peter, Moss . Hodson J oh, Moss Sutton Richard, Cottam's farm Hornby Bros., Jump farm Sutton William, Moss Houghton John, Moss Taylor Nicholas, Village Iddon J ames, Shore side Topping Jas., New farm Iddon Samuel, Village Topping Mrs. Isabella, Becconsall hall Iddon Thomas, Village Topping Wm., Village J ohnson J ames, Moss W areing Stephen, Becconsall lane Lee Thos., Moss side W areing William, Moss Maden James Hy., Wignall Oliver, Shore side Moon John, Hundred end Whitehead Ralph, Village Newsham Rbt, Master's farm Whiteside Nicho'tas, Dunkirk Rimmer Rd. & Margt., Shore side Whiteside Joseph N., Back lane Rimmer David, Shore side Wignall Oliver, Moss lane Rimmer Richard, :Sack lt~ne Wignall Richard, Shore side Rimmer Jas., Moss lane Wright Nicholas, Shore side Slinger Henry, Becconsall Wright William, Moss •


• Is a township and parish containing 5,553 acres, chiefly owned by Lord Lilford and Sir Thomas George Fermor-Hesketh, Bart., It is in the Parliamentary division of Chorley, in the County Council division of Aughton, and in the Union. The Parish Council consists of seven members. The population in 1851 was 1,945; 1861, 1,987 ; 1871, 1,917 ; 1881, 1,901 ; 1891, 1, 772 ; 1901, 1,800 ; and. 19ll, 1,997 Rateable value, £12,007. The township contains the villages of Tarle­ ton, , and Holmes, the former being a respectable village on the western banks of the Douglas-, nine miles S.W. from Preston. The CHURCH, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, was opened in June, 1888. It has superseded an older edifice, which dated from 1719. The present structure is a very handsome one, in the Gothic style of architecture; from the designs.- of Mr. C. A. Bassett Smith, architect, of London, and it serection cost about £6,000, the principal donor being Lord Lilford. There are 434 sittings, all free. The benefice is a rectory and vicarage of the nominal value of £960, in the patronage of the V en. A.rchdeacon R. C. Fletcher, M.A., and is held by the Very Rev. C. Canon ,Cronshaw. At is a NATIONAL ScHOOL, at which service is also held. A handsome S~HOOL has been erected at . It is built of stone, and in its architectural feature harmonises with the neigl}bouring beautiful church, both structures being designed by the same architect. The cost of the building was about. £2,700, and there is accommodation for 250 children. It is provided with two playgrounds. The founda­ tion stone was laid by Lady Lilford on Michaelmas Day, 1896, and the school was opened November 13th, 1897. This has superseded the National and Endowed School&. The latter was founded in 1706 by Mr. Thomas Fleetwood, of ..A WESLEYAN CHAPEL was built in 1851 ; a new chapel, to accommodate 350'persons, was opened July 22nd, 1896, the cost ~f erection being about £1,400. The WEsLEYAN CHAPEL, Holmes, wa~ opened in 1880. It is erected on the site of the old chapel, which was rebuilt in 1832. Cost of erection,