Thorney Island Circular – Anti Clockwise – 9 miles (Start point SU748063) Parking in Emsworth.

Jutting out into harbour, Thorney Island was used as an R.A.F. Station until 1976. It has thus remained remote and free from commercial development. The southern part of the island is still MOD property but pedestrian access is allowed on the perimeter path. This shoreline path offers fine views over the harbour and the vast number of sea birds which congregate there. The county boundary between Hampshire and West runs along the centre of the channel between Thorney Island and Hayling Island. Choose a fine day if you can for this section as it can be exposed on the island.

The walk starts at Emsworth Station (SU748063).

Walk away from the station buildings half left to reach the main road.

Cross the road and turn right along North Street for approx. 40 yds and then turn left down Seagull Lane.

Keep ahead to the end of the road and turn left onto an enclosed path.

Go under the railway bridge and through a gap at a gate and at the fenced Lumley Path Gas Valve installation turn right onto an enclosed path.

Follow the path over a footbridge crossing a stream to reach a road (Lumley road).

Turn right along the road passing under a railway bridge for approx. ½ mile to reach a T- junction at the A259.

Cross the road and turn left to find Slipper Road approx. 45 yards on the right.

Walk south away from the A259 down Slipper Road with Slipper Mill Pond on the right to reach Slipper Mill (originally a tide mill, now converted into apartments) on the right.

Go ahead through a gap in the boundary fence and into, and through, the boatyard, keeping the Marina basins immediately on the right.

Turn left and pass a cafe before turning right again.

Pass in front of a row of deckhouses and then right again around the edge of the marina. (Note that it is at this point that the anti-clockwise circuit of the island you are following diverges from the clockwise circuit, which continues straight on at this point.)

Continue on and through a small parking area towards the harbour.

At the end turn left, and go through a gate to walk along a high bank with the harbour on the right and, very soon, a small inlet to the left.

Continue to reach the the ‘Great Deep’, which makes Thorney Island an Island, on the left.

On reaching the western MOD gate, press button and give details as requested and the gate will be opened to provide access to the continuation of the path.

You may be requested to make a phone call at this point (01243 388269) rather than pressing the button.

Follow the path to reach a wooden kissing gate and then continue around the edge of three bays, with scrubby pasture on the landward side.

Continue to ‘Marker Point’ with Hayling Island on the right.

Continue to reach a grassy patch with seats, (another fine spot for a rest), and then enter a bushy area. Continue on and the path becomes a gravelly track around the SW corner of the island.

Continue with the tip of the island on the right to reach a hide and then continue to reach another area in which the path has bushes on both sides.

Go behind the yacht club, turn right and enter the churchyard of ‘West Thorney Church’.

Follow a tarmac path to reach steps down to a slipway and a path along the seawall.

Follow path on top of seawall, passing round Stanbury Point.

Continue along the path to reach the MOD gate on the eastern side of the island.

Continue along the seawall bearing right to Prinsted Point and beyond to reach a substantial footbridge (Thornham Point Bridge). (In July 2018 Thornham Point Bridge was scheduled to be replaced after being closed for several years. If the bridge is not open, you can take the path to the left where the Border Path bears right to reach Prinsted Point. Follow the track until just before the track becomes a road. Turn right with a house on your left and follow this track straight ahead until you rejoin the Border Path and then turn left.)

Continue along the sea wall to, and through, the marina area on a narrow gangway.

Continue to the lane from Prinsted and then turn left onto a tarmac road before passing between two brick pillars.

As the road curves to the left, go straight ahead onto a gravel drive to pass ‘Thornham House’ on the left.

Continue to and through a field gate and across the field to reach a narrow, enclosed path, which leads to a road.

Cross the road and continue on the marked path through a field to reach a stile with the deckhouses on stilts that were passed on the outward leg on the other side.

Turn right for 150 yards following a path between the deckhouses on the left and trees on the right to reach the marina access road.

Turn left and after approx. 40 yds turn right between the marina basin and more deckhouses.

Pass in front of the deckhouses, then to the left of the boatyard buildings.

Go ahead (possibly passing under a giant mobile boat lift) to a gap in the boundary fence ahead.

Continue ahead to pass the Slipper Mill on the left and continue ahead along Slipper Road to reach the A259.

Cross the road and turn left for approx. 40 yds and then turn right along Lumley Road on the east bank of Emsworth Creek.

Where this road becomes a private drive at 'Lumley Millhouse', turn left over footbridge crossing a stream and continue on the enclosed path. At a T-junction by the Gas valve installation turn left along a path, passing through a gap at a gate and under the railway bridge to reach a road (Seagull Lane).

Turn right along the road to reach a cross roads.

Turn right along North Street for approx. 40 yds and cross over the road and take the access road to arrive at Emsworth Station.