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Dennis F. Dunne, Esq. (admitted pro hac vice) Tyler P. Brown, Esq. (VSB No. 28072) Matthew Brod, Esq. (admitted pro hac vice) Justin F. Paget, Esq. (VSB No. 77949) MILBANK LLP Jennifer E. Wuebker, Esq. (VSB No. 91184) 55 Hudson Yards HUNTON ANDREWS KURTH LLP New York, New York 10001 Riverfront Plaza, East Tower Telephone: (212) 530-5000 951 East Byrd Street Facsimile: (212) 530-5219 Richmond, Virginia 23219 Telephone: (804) 788-8200 Andrew M. Leblanc, Esq. (admitted pro hac vice) Facsimile: (804) 788-8218 MILBANK LLP 1850 K Street, NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20006 Telephone: (202) 835-7500

Counsel for the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors


) In re: ) Chapter 11 ) INTELSAT S.A., et al. ) Case No. 20-32299 (KLP) ) Debtors. ) (Jointly Administered) )


The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (the “Committee”)1 of Intelsat S.A. and

each of its affiliated debtors and debtors in possession (collectively, the “Debtors”) in the above-

captioned jointly-administered chapter 11 cases (the “Cases”), hereby submits this retention

application (the “Application”) for entry of an order, substantially in the form attached hereto as

1 Due to the large number of Debtors for which joint administration has been requested, a complete list of the Debtor entities and the last four digits of their federal tax identification numbers is not provided herein. A complete list may be obtained on the website of the Debtors’ proposed claims and noticing agent at The location of the Debtors’ service address is: 7900 Tysons One Place, McLean, VA 22102. 1 45062.00015 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 2 of 68

Exhibit A, authorizing the Committee to retain and employ Donlin, Recano & Company, Inc.

(“Donlin Recano”) as Information Agent for the Committee, effective as of August 11, 2020,

pursuant to sections 105(a), 1102(b)(3) and 1103(a) of title 11 of the United States Code

(the “Bankruptcy Code”), Rule 2014 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure

(the “Bankruptcy Rules”) and Rule 2014-1 of the Local Bankruptcy Rules of the United States

Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia (the “Local Rules”), and the terms of the

engagement agreement dated August 11, 2020 (the “Engagement Agreement”) between the

Committee and Donlin Recano attached hereto as Exhibit C. In support of the Application, the

Committee submits the Declaration of Nellwyn Voorhies of Donlin Recano, attached hereto as

Exhibit B (the “Voorhies Declaration”), and represents as follows:


1. On May 13, 2020 (the “Petition Date”), each Debtor filed a voluntary petition for

relief under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. On May 15, 2020, the Court ordered the joint

administration of the Chapter 11 Cases for procedural purposes only pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule

1015(b) [Docket No. 89]. The Debtors continue to operate their businesses and manage their

properties as debtors in possession pursuant to sections 1107(a) and 1108 of the Bankruptcy Code.

No trustee or examiner has been appointed in these Chapter 11 Cases.

2. On May 27, 2020, pursuant to section 1102(a)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code, the

United States Trustee for the Eastern District of Virginia (the “U.S. Trustee”) appointed the

Committee. The Committee currently consists of: () The Boeing Company; (ii) Delaware Trust

Company; (iii) Tysons Corner Office I, LLC; (iv) Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation; (v) US

Bank, National Association; (vi) BOKF, .A.; and (vii) JSAT International, Inc.

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3. On July 13, 2020, the Committee the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors’

Motion for Entry of an Order (I) Clarifying Disclosure Obligations and (II) Approving Protocol

for Providing Access to Information to Unsecured Creditors [Docket No. 514] (“1102 Motion”).

4. On July 29, 2020, this Court entered an order [Docket No. 576] approving the 1102

Motion, clarifying the Committee’s disclosure obligations to the Debtors’ unsecured creditors,

authorizing the Committee to establish the Committee Website (as defined in the 1102 Motion),

and approving the Creditor Information Protocol (as defined in the 1102 Motion).


5. This Court has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334

and the Standing Order of Reference from the United States District Court for the Eastern District

of Virginia, dated July 10, 1984. Venue is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409.


6. The Committee proposes to engage Donlin Recano to provide services to the

Committee to assist it in complying with its obligations under sections 1102(b)(3) and 1103 of the

Bankruptcy Code, and in accordance with the Creditor Information Protocol approved by this

Court. Pursuant to section 1103(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, a creditors’ committee “may select

and authorize the employment by such committee of one or more attorneys, accountants, or other

agents, to represent or perform services for such committee.” 11 U.S.C. § 1103(a).

7. As Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 5002 require, this Application sets forth the

following: (a) the specific facts showing the necessity for Donlin Recano’s employment; (b) the

reasons for the Committee’s selection of Donlin Recano as its Information Agent; (c) the services

to be provided by Donlin Recano; (d) Donlin Recano’s proposed compensation; and (e) to the best

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of the Committee’s and Donlin Recano’s knowledge, the extent of Donlin Recano’s connections,

if any, to certain parties in interest in these chapter 11 cases.


8. Donlin Recano has significant experience in the legal and administrative aspects of

large, complex chapter 11 cases. Donlin Recano’s professionals have experience in noticing,

communications-related services, and facilitating other administrative aspects of chapter 11 cases

and experience in matters of this size and complexity. Donlin Recano’s recent and active cases

include: In re Museum of American Jewish History, Case No. 20-11285 (MDC) (Bankr. E.D. Pa.

2020); In re Beauty Brands, LLC, Case No. 19-10031 (CSS) (Bankr. D. Del. 2019); In re

Westmoreland Coal Company, Case No. 18-35672 (DRJ) (Bankr. S.D. Tex. 2018); In re

Armstrong Energy Inc., Case No. 17-47541 (KAS) (Bankr. E.D. Mo. 2017); In re CJ Holding Co.,

Case No. 16-33590 (DRJ) (Bankr. S.D. Tex. 2016); In re Buffets, LLC, Case No. 16-50557 (RBK)

(Bankr. W.D. Tex. 2016); In re Forest Park Med. Ctr. at Southlake, LLC, Case No. 16-40273

(RFN) (Bankr. N.D. Tex. 2016); In re Boomerang Tube, LLC, Case No. 15-11247 (MFW) (Bankr.

D. Del. 2015); In re Seal 123, Inc., Case No. 15-10081 (CSS) (Bankr. D. Del. 2015).

9. Accordingly, Donlin Recano is qualified to assist the Committee in providing

creditors with access to information in connection with the Cases, including maintaining an

informational website for the Committee, responding or forwarding creditor inquiries regarding

the Cases and serving court filings for the Committee, as detailed below.


10. Donlin Recano’s retention will assist the Committee in complying with its

Bankruptcy Code obligations, add to the effective administration of these Cases, and reduce the

overall expense of administering the Cases. Specifically, as set forth in full in the Engagement

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Agreement, Donlin Recano will establish and maintain a Committee website and will provide

technology and communications-related services.

11. Additionally, Donlin Recano will prepare and serve required notices and

pleadings on behalf of the Committee in accordance with the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy

Rules, and the Notice, Case Management, and Administrative Procedures applicable in these

chapter 11 cases, in the form and manner directed by the Committee and the Court, including, if

applicable, all notices, orders, pleadings, publications and other documents as the Committee

and/or the Court may deem necessary or appropriate.


12. Donlin Recano’s rate structure in connection with these cases is set forth in the

Engagement Agreement. The Committee proposes that the cost of Donlin Recano’s services be

paid from the Debtors’ estates pursuant to section 503(b)(1)(A) of the Bankruptcy Code. The

Committee respectfully submits that Donlin Recano’s rates are competitive and comparable to the

rates charged by its competitors for similar services.

13. The Committee respectfully requests that the undisputed fees and expenses incurred

by Donlin Recano performing the above services be treated as administrative expenses of the

Debtors’ estates pursuant to section 503(b)(1)(A) of the Bankruptcy Code. Donlin Recano agrees

to maintain records of all services, including the dates, categories of services and the rates and fees

charged, and to serve monthly invoices on counsel to the Committee, the Debtors, counsel to the

Debtors, the Office of the United States Trustee and any other party in interest who specifically

requests service of the monthly invoices in accordance with the approved procedures in these

chapter 11 cases. If any dispute arises related to the monthly invoices, the objecting party and

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Donlin Recano will meet and confer in an attempt to resolve the dispute. If resolution is not

achieved, the objecting party and Donlin Recano may seek resolution of the matter from the Court.

14. Donlin Recano will also (a) file interim and final fee applications, and (b) file

monthly fee statements. Such fee applications and statements will be filed and served consistent

with sections 330 and 331 of the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules, Local Rules, the Order

(I) Establishing Procedures for Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for

Retained Professionals and (II) Granting Related Relief [Docket No. 294] (the “Interim

Compensation Procedures Order”), and any other orders entered in these cases regarding

professional compensation and reimbursement of expenses.

15. The Committee believes employing Donlin Recano on the terms set forth herein is

necessary, in the best interests of the creditors and the Debtors’ estates and will enable the

Committee to carry out its duties owed to creditors under the Bankruptcy Code.


16. Donlin Recano has reviewed its electronic database to determine whether it has any

relationships with the creditors and parties in interest in these chapter 11 cases, and, to the best of

the Committee’s knowledge, information, and belief Donlin Recano has represented that it neither

holds nor represents any interest materially adverse to the Committee, the Debtors, or the Debtors’

estates in connection with any matter on which it would be employed. Accordingly, Donlin

Recano is a “disinterested person” as defined in section 101(14) of the Bankruptcy Code, as

modified by section 1107(b) of the Bankruptcy Code. Donlin Recano will supplement its

disclosure to the Court if any facts or circumstances are discovered that would require disclosure.

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17. Notice of this Application will be provided to (i) the Debtors and their counsel,

(ii) the Office of the United States Trustee for the Eastern District of Virginia, (iii) the Core Group,

and (iv) any other party that has requested service pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2002 as of the time

of service (the “Notice Parties”) in accordance with the Notice, Case Management, and

Administrative Procedures applicable in these chapter 11 cases. The Committee believes that no

other or further notice is required under the circumstances.


18. No prior request for the relief sought in this Application has been made to this or

any other court.

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WHEREFORE, the Committee respectfully requests entry of an order, substantially in the

form attached hereto as Exhibit A, granting the relief requested herein and granting such

other relief as is just and proper.


By: /s/ Michelle A. Dreyer Name: Michelle A. Dreyer Delaware Trust Company Co-Chair of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors

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Proposed Order

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Dennis F. Dunne, Esq. (admitted pro hac vice) Tyler P. Brown, Esq. (VSB No. 28072) Matthew Brod, Esq. (admitted pro hac vice) Justin F. Paget, Esq. (VSB No. 77949) MILBANK LLP Jennifer E. Wuebker, Esq. (VSB No. 91184) 55 Hudson Yards HUNTON ANDREWS KURTH LLP New York, New York 10001 Riverfront Plaza, East Tower Telephone: (212) 530-5000 951 East Byrd Street Facsimile: (212) 530-5219 Richmond, Virginia 23219 Telephone: (804) 788-8200 Andrew M. Leblanc, Esq. (admitted pro hac vice) Facsimile: (804) 788-8218 MILBANK LLP 1850 K Street, NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20006 Telephone: (202) 835-7500

Co-Counsel for the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors


) In re: ) Chapter 11 ) INTELSAT S.A., et al. ) Case No. 20-32299 (KLP) ) Debtors. ) (Jointly Administered) )


Upon the application (the “Application”)1 of the Official Committee of Unsecured

Creditors (the “Committee”) for entry of an order authorizing the Committee to retain and employ

Donlin, Recano & Company, Inc. (“Donlin Recano”) as Information Agent for the Committee

effective as of August 11, 2020; and the Court having reviewed the Application and considered

the Declaration of Nellwyn Voorhies (the “Voorhies Declaration”) in connection with the

1 Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Application.

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Application; and the Court having jurisdiction to consider the Application and the relief requested

therein pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1334; and consideration of the Application and the relief requested

therein being a core proceeding proper before this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409;

and due and proper notice of the Application having been provided, and it appearing that no other

or further notice need be provided; and the Court having determined that the legal and factual bases

set forth in the Application and the Voorhies Declaration establish just cause for the relief granted

herein and that Donlin Recano represents no interest adverse to the Debtors’ estates or to any class

of creditors or equity security holders in the matters upon which Donlin Recano is to be engaged

and Donlin Recano is a “disinterested person” within the meaning of 11 U.S.C. § 101(14); and

upon all of the proceedings had before the Court, and after due deliberation and sufficient cause

appearing therefore, it is hereby ORDERED THAT:

1. The Application is granted as set forth herein, effective as of August 11, 2020.

2. Pursuant to section 1103(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, the Committee is authorized

to employ and retain Donlin Recano as its Information Agent in accordance with the terms and

conditions of the Engagement Agreement.

3. Donlin Recano is authorized to establish and maintain the Committee website

and provide technology and communications-related services and any other services contemplated

by the rate structure annexed to the Engagement Agreement, agreed upon by the parties, or

otherwise required by applicable law, governmental regulations or court rules or orders.

4. Donlin Recano will prepare and serve required notices and pleadings on behalf

of the Committee in accordance with the Bankruptcy Code and the Bankruptcy Rules in the form

and manner directed by the Committee and/or the Court, including, if applicable, all notices,

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orders, pleadings, publications and other documents as the Committee and the Court may deem

necessary or appropriate.

5. Donlin Recano will file and serve monthly invoices on counsel to the Committee,

counsel to the Debtors, the Debtors, the Office of the United States Trustee and any other party in

interest that requests service of the invoices, in accordance with the Order (I) Establishing

Procedures for Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Retained Professionals

and (II) Granting Related Relief [Docket No. 294]. For billing purposes, Donlin Recano shall

record its time in no larger than half hour increments.

6. Donlin Recano shall apply to the Court for allowance of compensation and

reimbursement of expenses incurred as Information Agent to the Committee and in accordance

with the applicable provisions of the Bankruptcy Code, including sections 330 and 331 of the

Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules, the Local Bankruptcy Rules, the Interim Compensation

Procedures Order, and any other orders entered in these cases regarding professional compensation

and reimbursement of expenses.

7. Notwithstanding paragraph 5 and 6 of this Order and any provision to the contrary

in the Application or the Engagement Agreement, the U.S. Trustee shall have the right to object to

Donlin Recano’s request for compensation and reimbursement based on the reasonableness

standard provided in section 330 of the Bankruptcy Code, and not section 328(a) of the Bankruptcy

Code. This Order and the record relating to this Court’s consideration of the Application shall not

prejudice the rights of the U.S. Trustee to challenge the reasonableness of Donlin Recano’s fees

under section 330 of the Bankruptcy Code. Accordingly, nothing in this Order or the record

relating to this Court’s consideration of the Application shall constitute a finding of fact or

conclusion of law binding on the U.S. Trustee with respect to the reasonableness of Donlin

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Recano’s fees. Further, nothing in the Engagement Agreement shall affect or modify the standard

of review applicable to an objection by the U.S. Trustee under this paragraph.

8. In the event of any inconsistency between the Engagement Agreement, the

Application, and this Order, this Order shall govern.

9. The Committee and Donlin Recano are authorized to take all actions necessary

to effectuate the relief granted in this Order in accordance with the Application.

10. Notwithstanding any term in the Engagement Agreement to the contrary, this

Court retains jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related to the implementation,

interpretation and enforcement of this Order.


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/s/ Tyler P. Brown (VSB No. 28072) Justin F. Paget (VSB No. 77949) Jennifer E. Wuebker (VSB No. 91184) HUNTON ANDREWS KURTH LLP Riverfront Plaza, East Tower 951 East Byrd Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 Telephone: (804) 788-8200 Facsimile: (804) 788-8218 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] -and-

Dennis F. Dunne, Esq. (admitted pro hac vice) Matthew L. Brod, Esq. (admitted pro hac vice) Shivani Shah (admitted pro hac vice) MILBANK LLP 55 Hudson Yards New York, New York 10001 Telephone: (212) 530-5000 Facsimile: (212) 530-5219

Andrew M. Leblanc (admitted pro hac vice) MILBANK LLP 1850 K Street, NW, Suite 1100 Washington DC 2006 Telephone: (202) 835-7500 Facsimile: (202) 263-7586

Co-Counsel for the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors


Pursuant to Local Bankruptcy Rule 9022-1, I hereby certify that the foregoing proposed order has been either endorsed or served upon all necessary parties.


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Voorhies Declaration

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Dennis F. Dunne, Esq. (admitted pro hac vice) Tyler P. Brown (VSB No. 28072) Matthew Brod, Esq. (admitted pro hac vice) Justin F. Paget (VSB No. 77949) MILBANK LLP Jennifer E. Wuebker (VSB No. 91184) 55 Hudson Yards HUNTON ANDREWS KURTH LLP New York, New York 10001 Riverfront Plaza, East Tower Telephone: (212) 530-5000 951 East Byrd Street Facsimile: (212) 530-5219 Richmond, Virginia 23219 Telephone: (804) 788-8200 Andrew M. Leblanc, Esq. (admitted pro hac vice) Facsimile: (804) 788-8218 MILBANK LLP 1850 K Street, NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20006 Telephone: (202) 835-7500

Co-Counsel for the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors


) In re: ) Chapter 11 ) INTELSAT S.A., et al. ) Case No. 20-32299 (KLP) ) Debtors. ) (Jointly Administered) )


I, Nellwyn Voorhies, being duly sworn, state the following under penalty of perjury:

1. I am Executive Director of Donlin, Recano & Company, Inc. (“Donlin Recano”), a

chapter 11 administrative services firm whose offices are located at 6201 15th Avenue, Brooklyn,

New York 11219. Except as otherwise noted, I have personal knowledge of the matters set forth

herein, and if called and sworn as a witness, I could and would testify competently thereto.

2. I submit this Declaration in support of the application of the Official Committee of

Unsecured Creditors (the “Committee”) to retain and employ Donlin Recano as Information Agent

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for the Committee, effective as of August 11, 2020, in accordance with the terms of the

engagement agreement dated August 11, 2020 (the “Engagement Agreement”) between the

Committee and Donlin Recano attached to the Application as Exhibit C.

3. Donlin Recano has significant experience in the legal and administrative aspects of

large, complex chapter 11 cases. Donlin Recano’s professionals have experience in noticing,

communications-related services, and facilitating other administrative aspects of chapter 11 cases

and experience in matters of this size and complexity. Donlin Recano’s recent and active cases

include: In re Museum of American Jewish History, Case No. 20-11285 (MDC) (Bankr. E.D. Pa.

2020); In re Beauty Brands, LLC, Case No. 19-10031 (CSS) (Bankr. D. Del. 2019); In re

Westmoreland Coal Company, Case No. 18-35672 (DRJ) (Bankr. S.D. Tex. 2018); In re

Armstrong Energy Inc., Case No. 17-47541 (KAS) (Bankr. E.D. Mo. 2017); In re CJ Holding Co.,

Case No. 16-33590 (DRJ) (Bankr. S.D. Tex. 2016); In re Buffets, LLC, Case No. 16-50557 (RBK)

(Bankr. W.D. Tex. 2016); In re Forest Park Med. Ctr. at Southlake, LLC, Case No. 16-40273

(RFN) (Bankr. N.D. Tex. 2016); In re Boomerang Tube, LLC, Case No. 15-11247 (MFW) (Bankr.

D. Del. 2015); In re Seal 123, Inc., Case No. 15-10081 (CSS) (Bankr. D. Del. 2015).

4. As the Committee’s Information Agent, Donlin Recano will, among other things,

establish and maintain a website for the Committee, provide technology and communications-

related services and prepare and serve required notices and pleadings on behalf of the Committee

in accordance with the Bankruptcy Code and the Bankruptcy Rules in the form and manner

directed by the Committee and the Court.

5. Donlin Recano represents, among other things, that Donlin Recano is not a creditor

of the Debtors and that Donlin Recano is a “disinterested person” as that term is defined in section

101(14) of the Bankruptcy Code with respect to the matters upon which it is engaged.

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6. I caused to be submitted for review by our conflicts system the names of all known

potential parties in interest (the “Potential Parties in Interest”) in these chapter 11 cases, a copy of

which is included as Schedule 1 hereto. The list of Potential Parties in Interest was provided by

the Debtors to the Committee and included, among other parties, the Debtors, current and former

directors and officers of the Debtors, significant stockholders, secured creditors, the Debtors’

largest unsecured creditors on a consolidated basis and other parties requesting notice in these

chapter 11 cases. The results of the conflict check were compiled and reviewed by Donlin Recano

professionals under my supervision. At this time, and as set forth in further detail herein, Donlin

Recano is not aware of any relationship that would present a disqualifying conflict of interest.

Should Donlin Recano discover any new relevant facts or relationships bearing on the matters

described herein during the period of its retention, Donlin Recano will use reasonable efforts to

file promptly a supplemental declaration including such information.

7. To the best of my knowledge and belief, and based solely upon information

provided to me by the Committee, and except as provided herein, neither Donlin Recano, nor any

of its professionals, has any materially adverse connection to the Committee, the Debtors, their

creditors, or other relevant parties, their respective attorneys and accountants, any United States

Bankruptcy Judge for the Eastern District of Virginia, the United States Trustee for the Eastern

District of Virginia, or any person employed by that office of the United States Trustee.

8. Donlin Recano may have relationships with certain of the Debtors’ creditors as

vendors or in connection with cases in which Donlin Recano serves or has served in a neutral

capacity as claims and noticing agent, administrative advisor and or information agent.

9. Certain of Donlin Recano’s professionals were partners of or formerly employed

by firms that are providing or may provide professional services to parties in interest in these cases.

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Such firms include Paul Hastings LLP, Pryor Cashman LLP, Baker McKenzie, and Morgan

Stanley. These professionals did not work on any matters involving the Debtors while employed

by their previous firms. Moreover, these professionals were not employed by their previous firms

when these chapter 11 cases were filed.

10. Donlin Recano has and will continue to represent clients in matters unrelated to

these chapter 11 cases. In addition, in matters unrelated to these cases, Donlin Recano and its

personnel have and will continue to have relationships personally or in the ordinary course of

business with certain vendors, professionals, financial institutions, and other parties in interest that

may be involved in these chapter 11 cases. Donlin Recano may also provide services to entities or

persons that may be creditors or parties in interest in these chapter 11 cases, which services do not

directly relate to, or have any direct connection with, these chapter 11 cases or the Debtors.

11. Donlin Recano, and its personnel in their individual capacities, regularly utilize the

services of law firms, investment banking and advisory firms, accounting firms and financial

advisors. Such firms engaged by Donlin Recano or its personnel may appear in chapter 11 cases

representing the Debtors or parties in interest. All engagements where such firms represent Donlin

Recano or its personnel in their individual capacities are unrelated to these chapter 11 cases.

12. To the best of my knowledge and belief, none of the employees of Donlin Recano

own debt or equity securities of any of the Debtors or known non-debtor affiliates, hold a claim

against any of the Debtors or known non-debtor affiliates and/or are or were an officer, director,

or employee of any of the Debtors or known non-debtor affiliates.

13. To the best of my knowledge and belief, neither Donlin Recano nor any of its

partners or employees represents any interest materially adverse to the Debtors’ estates with

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respect to any matter upon which Donlin Recano is engaged. Based on the foregoing, I believe

Donlin Recano is a “disinterested person” as defined in section 101(14) of the Bankruptcy Code.

14. There is no agreement or understanding between Donlin Recano and any other

person or entity (other than affiliates, employees, and contractors) for sharing compensation to be

received for services rendered by Donlin Recano in connection with these chapter 11 cases.

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true

and correct.

Executed on August 17, 2020 By: /s/ Nellwyn Voorhies Nellwyn Voorhies Executive Director Donlin, Recano & Company, Inc.

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Parties in Interest List

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List of Schedules

Schedule Category 1(a) Known Affiliates 1(b) Directors/Officers 1(c) Significant Equity Holders 1(d) Bankruptcy Judges 1(e) Banks/Lender/UCC Lien Parties/Administrative Agents 1(f) Bondholders - Indenture Trustees 1(g) Contract Counterparties 1(h) Customers 1(i) Governmental/Regulatory Agencies 1(j) Insurance - PFA 1(k) Litigation 1(l) Other Professionals 1(m) Other Significant Creditors 1(n) Top 40 Creditors 1(o) U.S. Trustee Personnel 1(p) UCC Members 1(q) UCC Professionals 1() Utilities 1(s) Vendors Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 23 of 68


Known Affiliates

Access PAS France Intelsat China (Hong Kong) Ltd. Access PAS Germany Intelsat Clearinghouse LLC AccessPAS Inc. Intelsat Connect Finance SA *STAR Gesellschaft für Intelsat Corp. Satellitenkommunikation mbH Intelsat Cosmos LLC G2 Satellite Solutions Intelsat de Colombia SA Galaxy 11 Holding Co. Inc. Intelsat Envision Holdings LLC Galaxy 12 Holding Co. Inc. Intelsat Finance Bermuda Ltd. Galaxy 13 Holding Co. Inc. Intelsat Finance Nevada Galaxy 14 Holding Co. Inc. Intelsat Finance Nevada LLC Galaxy 15 Holding Co. Inc. Intelsat France SAS Galaxy 16 Holding Co. Inc. Intelsat Galaxy Galaxy 17 Holding Co. Inc. Intelsat General Galaxy 18 Holding Co. Inc. Intelsat General Communications LLC Galaxy 3C Holding Co. Inc. Intelsat Genesis GP LLC Horizons-1 Satellite LLC Intelsat Genesis Inc. Horizons-2 Satellite LLC Intelsat Germany GmbH Horizons-3 Branch Intelsat Global Holdings SA Horizons-3 License LLC Intelsat Global SA Horizons-3 Satellite LLC Intelsat Global Sales & Marketing Ltd. IGS LLC (Korea Branch) Intelsat Global Sales & Marketing Ltd. Intelsalt UK Financial Services Ltd. (UAE Branch) Intelsat (Bermuda) Ltd. Intelsat Global Service LLC Intelsat (Gibraltar) Ltd. Intelsat Global Services LLC Intelsat (Luxembourg) Finance Co. SARL Intelsat Global Subsidiary SA Intelsat (Luxembourg) SA Intelsat Holding Corp. Intelsat (Poland) Sp. Zoo Intelsat Holdings LLC Intelsat (Poland) Sp. Zoo (Luxembourg Intelsat Holdings Ltd. Branch) Intelsat Holdings SA Intelsat Africa (Pty.) Ltd. Intelsat Horizons-3 LLC Intelsat Align SARL Intelsat India Intelsat Alliance LP Intelsat India Pvt. Ltd. Intelsat Asia (Hong Kong) Ltd. Intelsat Intermediate Holding Co. SA Intelsat Asia Carrier Services Inc. Intelsat Intermediate LLC Intelsat Asia Carrier Services LLC Intelsat International Employment Inc. Intelsat Asia Pty. Ltd. Intelsat International Systems LLC Intelsat Asia Pty. Ltd. (Philippines Branch) Intelsat Investment Holdings SARL Intelsat Australia Pty. Ltd. Intelsat Investments SA Intelsat Brasil Ltda. Intelsat Ireland Operations Ltd. Intelsat Brasil Servicos de Telecomunicacao Intelsat Ireland Operations Unlimited Co. Ltda. Intelsat Israel Ltd. Intelsat Canada ULC Intelsat Jackson Holdings Ltd. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 24 of 68

Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA PanAmSat Africa Pty. Ltd. Intelsat Kommunikations GmbH PanAmSat Asia Carrier Services Inc. Intelsat License Holdings LLC Panamsat Corp. Intelsat License LLC Panamsat Communications Japan Inc. Intelsat LLC PanAmSat Corp. Intelsat Ltd. PanAmSat De Mexico S. de RL de CV Intelsat Luxembourg Investment SARL PanAmSat Do Brasil Ltda. Intelsat Management LLC Panamsat Europe Corp. Intelsat Marketing India Pvt. Ltd. PanAmSat Europe Ltd. Intelsat New Dawn (Gibraltar) Ltd. PanAmSat France Intelsat New Dawn Co. Ltd. PanAmSat France SAS Intelsat North America LLC PanAmSat Intelsat Norway AS PanAmSat H-2 Licensee LLC Intelsat Operations SA Panamsat India Inc. Intelsat Peru PanAmSat India LLC Intelsat Phoenix Holdings SA Panamsat India Marketing LLC Intelsat Properties Corp. Panamsat International Holdings LLC Intelsat Riverside Teleport Corp. Panamsat International Sales Inc. Intelsat SA Panamsat International Sales LLC Intelsat Satellite Communications Ltd. Panamsat International Systems Marketing Intelsat Satellite Galaxy 17 Inc. LLC Intelsat Satellite Galaxy 18 Inc. PanAmSat Licensee Corp. Intelsat Satellite Is 11 Inc. PanAmSat Licensee LLC Intelsat Satellite IS 14 Inc. PanAmSat LLC Intelsat Satellite LLC Panamsat Satellite Europe Ltd. Intelsat Senegal SARL PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 10R Inc. Intelsat Service & Equipment Corp. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 11 Inc. Intelsat Service & Equipment LLC PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 12 Inc. Intelsat Service and Equipment Corp. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 13 Inc. Intelsat Singapore Pte. Ltd. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 14 Inc. Intelsat Subsidiary (Gibraltar) Ltd. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 15 Inc. Intelsat Subsidiary Holding Co. SA PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 16 Inc. Intelsat US Finance LLC PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 17 Inc. Intelsat US LLC PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 18 Inc. Intelsat USA Licensee LLC PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 1R Inc. Intelsat USA Sales LLC PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 3C Inc. Intelsat Venezuela PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 3R Inc. Intelsat Ventures SARL PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 4R Inc. Intelsat Virginia Holdings LLC PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 5 Inc. International Systems LLC PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 9 Inc. IS 11 Holding Co. Inc. PanAmSat Satellite HGS 3 Inc. IS 14 Holding Co. Inc. PanAmSat Satellite HGS 5 Inc. Mountainside Teleport LLC PanAmSat Satellite Leasat F5 Inc. NeTune Communications Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 10 Inc. New Dawn Distribution Co. Ltd. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 1R Inc. New Dawn Satellite Co. Ltd. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 2 Inc. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 25 of 68

PanAmSat Satellite PAS 3 Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 4 Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 5 Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 6B Inc PanAmSat Satellite PAS 7 Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 8 Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 9 Inc. PanAmSat Satellite SBS 6 Inc. Panamsat Services Inc. PanAmSat Sistemas De Comunicacao Dth Do Brasil Ltda. PAS 10 Holding Co. Inc. PAS 1R Holding Co. Inc. PAS 5 Holding Co. Inc. PAS 7 Holding Co. Inc. PAS 8 Holding Co. Inc. PAS 9 Holding Co. Inc. PAS International Employment Inc. PAS International LLC SAF (Le 310) Sonic Telecom Ltd. UK Southern Satellite Corp. Southern Satellite Licensee Corp. Southern Satellite Licensee LLC Southern Satellite LLC Southern Satellite LLC (Argentina Branch) Southern Satellite LLC (Peru Branch) Ushi LLC Wpcom S de RL de CV Zeus Merger One Ltd. Zeus Merger Two Ltd. Zeus Special Subsidiary Ltd. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 26 of 68



Bateman, Justin Begeman, Gary Bryan, Michelle Callahan, Robert DeMarco, Michael Diercksen, John Ferguson, Thomas Foreman, Michael Foster, Jonathan Frizzley, Jill Fromont, Bruno Halawi, Samer Kangas, Edward Keglevic, Paul McGlade, David Meghji, Mohsin Pawlikoski, Ellen Rasmussen, Mark Reses, Jacqueline D. Spengler, Stephen Stein, Jeffrey Svider, Raymond Tolley, David Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 27 of 68


Significant Equity Holders

Algeria, Government of, Ministry of PTT PointState Capital LP Appaloosa LP Primus UK Ltd. Ltd. Serafina SA Atlas Square Partners LLP Slate Path Capital LP Beednet Group Solus Alternative Asset Management LP Belerion Capital Group Ltd. State Street Global Advisors Inc. BlackRock Fund Advisors Syrian Telecommunications Establishment BT LatAm Inc. Sverige AB Canyon Capital Advisors LLC Teleglobe International Ltd. (UK) CapRock UK Ltd. Triaton GmbH Citadel Advisors LLC Tryco International Inc. Corriente Advisors LLC UBS Financial Services Inc. Croatia, Government of, Ministry of UZbektelecom JSC Maritime Affairs, Transportation & Vanguard Group Inc., The Communications WilTel Communications Group Inc. Cyrus Capital Partners LP DE Shaw & Co. LP Dimensional Fund Advisors LP (US) Discovery Capital Management LLC Ethiopian Telecommunications Corp. Franklin Advisers Inc. Global Communication Services Inc. Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC Groupe Outremer Telecom SA Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan Invesco Advisers Inc. Iraq Telecommunications & Post Co. JM Hartwell LP Key Square Group LP Kuwait, Government of, Ministry of Communications Kyrgyzstan, Government of, Ministry of Transport and Communications Loral Skybet Network Services Inc. MIG Capital LLC Millennium Management LLC MTA International Multicoms SA Multipoint Communications Ltd. Nokota Management LP Orblynx UK Ltd. Pentwater Capital Management LP Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 28 of 68


Bankruptcy Judges

Huennekens, Kevin R. Phillips, Keith L. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 29 of 68


Banks/Lender/UCC Lien Parties/Administrative Agents

1832 Asset Management LP BMO Capital Markets Corp. Aberdeen Standard Investments Inc. BNP Paribas SA Abry Partners LLC BNP Paribas Securities Corp. Aegon USA Investment Management LLC Boston Management & Research Aequim Alternative Investments LP Brean Asset Management LLC Alcentra Ltd. Brigade Capital Management LP Alcentra NY LLC BVK Personalvorsorge des Kantons Zürich AllianceBernstein Holding LP Calamos Advisors LLC AllianceBernstein LP Calamos Asset Management Inc. Allianz Global Investors US LLC Capital Research & Management Co. AllianzGI Global Investors Carlson Capital LP Allstate Investment Management Co. Cedarview Capital Management LP Allstate Investments LLC CI Investments Inc. Allstate Life Insurance Co. Citibank NA Amundi Pioneer Asset Management Inc. Citigroup Global Markets Inc. Angelo Gordon & Co. LLP Columbia Management Investment Advisers AngelPoint Asset Management Ltd. LLC Antara Capital LP Credit Suisse AG APG Asset Management US Inc. Credit Suisse Alternative Capital LLC Apollo Capital Management LP Crescent Capital Group LP Apollo Credit Management LLC Davidson Kempner Capital Management LP Apollo Global Management LLC DBX Advisors LLC Appaloosa LP Deutsche Bank AG - New York Branch Arena Capital Advisors LLC Deutsche Investment Management Americas Ares Management Corp. Inc. Ares Management LLC Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch Aristeia Capital LLC Discovery Capital Management LLC Aurelius Capital Management LP Doubleline Capital LP Aviva Investors Americas LLC DW Partners LP Bain Capital Credit LP DWS Investment Management Americas Bank of America NA Inc. Bank of Scotia, The Eaton Vance Management Inc. Barclays Bank plc Eco Management LP Barclays Capital Inc. Employees Retirement System of Texas Barings LLC Empyrean Capital Partners LP Beach Point Capital Management LP Federated Investment Management Co. Benefit Street Partners LLC Fidelity Management & Research Co. Blackrock Advisors LLC Fisch Asset Management AG BlackRock Financial Management Inc. FMR LLC Blackrock Institutional Trust Co. NA Fort Washington Investment Advisors Inc. Bluebay Asset Management LLP Franklin Advisers Inc. BMO Asset Management US Franklin Mutual Advisers LLC Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 30 of 68

FS/KKR Capital Corp. Macquarie Capital Group Ltd. Garland Business Corp. Manulife Asset Management (US) LLC Geode Capital Management LLC Manulife Investment Management (US) Goldentree Asset Management LP (U.S.) LLC Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP Marathon Asset Management LLC Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP Mason Street Advisors LLC (U.S.) Mellon Investments Corp. Goldman Sachs Bank USA Melqart Asset Management (UK) Ltd. Goldman Sachs Lending Partners Metropolitan West Asset Management LLC GSO / Blackstone Debt Funds Management MFS Investment Management Inc. LLC MidOcean Credit Fund Management LP Guardian Investor Services LLC Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America, Mizuho Bank Ltd. The Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC Harbert Management Corp. Morgan Stanley Bank NA Heights Capital Management Inc. Morgan Stanley Investment Management HG Vora Capital Management LLC Inc. Highbridge Capital Management LLC Morgan Stanley Senior Funding Inc. Highland Capital Management LP MSD Capital LP HSBC Bank USA Muzinich & Co. Inc. HSBC Global Asset Management (USA) Napier Park Global Capital (US) LP Inc. National Bank of Canada HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG Neuberger Berman Fixed Income LLC IGT Advisors LLC Neuberger Berman Group LLC Invesco Advisers Inc. Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers Invesco Canada Ltd. LLC Invesco Capital Management LLC Neuberger Berman LLC Invesco Ltd. New Generation Advisors LLC Invesco Senior Secured Management Inc. New York Life Investment Management Ivy Investment Management Co. LLC J.P. Morgan Securities LLC New Generation Advisors LLC Janus Capital Management LLC Newfleet Asset Management LLC JP Morgan Asset Management NNIP Advisors BV JP Morgan Investment Management Inc. Nokota Management LP JPMorgan Chase Bank NA Nomura Corporate Research & Asset KDP Asset Management Inc Management Inc. (U.S.) KKR Asset Management LLC Northern Trust Investments Inc. KKR Credit Advisors (US) LLC Novo Banco SA KKR FI Advisors LLC Nykredit Asset Management A/S Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Oaktree Capital Management LP Littlejohn & Co. LLC Observatory Capital Management LLP Loews Corp. Octagon Credit Investors LLC Loews Corp., Asset Management Arm Omega Advisors Inc. Loomis Sayles & Co. LP Pacific Investment Management Co. LLC Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC Mackay Shields LLC Park Avenue Institutional Advisers LLC Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 31 of 68

Pentwater Capital Management LP Thrivent Asset Management LLC PGIM Inc. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Inc. Phoenix Investment Adviser LLC UBS Asset Management (Americas) Inc. Pinebridge Investments LLC UBS Loan Finance LLC PointState Capital LP UBS Securities LLC PPM America Inc. Universal-Investment GmbH Principal Global Investors LLC USAA Capital Corp. Providence Equity Partners Inc. Varde Partners Inc. Providence Equity Partners LLC Victory Capital Management Inc. Prudential Investment Management Inc. Virtus Group LP Putnam Advisory Co. LLC Voya Investment Management LLC Putnam Investment Management LLC Waterfall Asset Management LLC Putnam Investments Inc. Wellington Management Co. LLP RBC Capital Markets LLC Wells Capital Management Inc. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Wells Fargo Securities LLC Redwood Capital Management LLC Western Asset Management Co. Royal Bank of Canada Whitebox Advisors LLC Royal London Asset Management Ltd. York Capital Management LP RP Investment Advisors LP Schroder Investment Management North America Inc. Scotia Capital Inc. SEB Investment Management AB Seix Investment Advisors LLC Sentinel Dome Partners LLC SG Americas Securities LLC Shenkman Capital Management Inc. Signature Bank Silverback Asset Management LLC Sky Harbor Capital Management LLC Snowcat Capital Management LP Société Générale SA Solus Alternative Asset Management LP Soros Fund Management LLC Sound Point Capital Management LP Spring Creek Investment Management LLC State Street Global Advisors Inc. Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP SunTrust Bank Inc. Symphony Asset Management LLC T. Rowe Price Associates Inc. TBK Bank SSB TCW Asset Management Co. TCW Investment Management Co. Third Point LLC Thornburg Investment Management Inc. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 32 of 68


Bondholders - Indenture Trustees

Bank of America NA BOK Financial NA Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC Delaware Trust Co. J.P. Morgan Securities LLC Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. U.S. Bank NA Wells Fargo Bank NA Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB Wilmington Trust NA Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 33 of 68


Contract Counterparties

Emerging Markets Communications Inc. Global Eagle Entertainment Inc. Global Eagle Servicos de Telecomunicacoes Ltda. Maritime Telecommunications Network Inc. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 34 of 68



A&E Networks LLC American Broadcasting Cos. Aastha Broadcasting Network Ltd. American National Red Cross ABC Inc. Andesat Peru SAC ABS-CBN Global Ltd. Andesat SA Accelerated Media Technologies Inc. Andina de Radiodifusion (Peru) Actualidad Media Group LLC Antena Uno Canal 6 SRL Administración Nacional de Antenna Technology Communications Inc. Telecomunicaciones Antrix Corp. Ltd. Adore Technologies Pte. Ltd. Anylink Argentina SA Advert Bereau Co. Ltd. Apt Mobile Satcom Ltd. Africa Digital Network Ltd. ARK Multicasting Inc. Africa Media Group Ltd. Arqiva Asia Africa Mobile Network Communication Arqiva Communications Ltd. Ltd. Arqiva Ltd. Africa Mobile Networks Cameroon SARL Arqiva SAS Africa Mobile Networks GB SARL Arqiva Satellite and Media Africa Mobile Networks Guinee SARL Arte Radio Televisivo Argentino SA Africa Mobile Networks Liberia Inc. Aruji Co. Ltd. Africa Mobile Networks Ltd. Asecna BZV Africa Mobile Networks Zambia Ltd. Asia Pacific Communication Specialist PNG Africa Online Operations Ltd. (Mauritius) Ltd. Africable Network SA Asia Today Ltd. Afrique Telecom SA Asix Asia Satellite Internet Exchange Ltd. AG Radio Holding SRL Asociacion Civil Religiosa Diospi Suyana Air Traffic & Navigation Services SL Asociacion Cultural Bethel Airbus Defence and Space SAS Asociacion Evangelistica Cristo Viene Inc. Airtel Congo RDC SA Associated Press Inc., The Airtel Congo SA AT TV Inc. Airtel Madagascar SA AT&T Corp. Airtel Networks Kenya Ltd. AT&T Inc. Airtel Networks Ltd. AT&T Sports Networks LLC Airtel Seychelles Ltd. Audacy Corp. Airtel Tchad SA Audio Video SA de CV Al Harbi Telecom Co. Audiovisuales Mediapro Mexico SA de CV Al Jazeera Channel Newsgathering Australian Broadcasting Corp. Al Jazeera English Doha Australian Defence Force Aldea Solutions Inc. Av-Comm Pty. Ltd. Aljeel Aljadeed for Technology Avt Channels Pte. Ltd. Altitude Sports & Entertainment LLC AVW Ltd. Amagi Corp. Axesat Peru SAC AMC Network Entertainment LLC Axesat SA AMC Networks Broadcasting & Technology Azercosmos OJSco.

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Bangladesh Telecommunications Co. Ltd. Celtel Gabon SA Banque Centrale des Etats de L'Afrique de Celtel Niger SA L'Ouest Central American Corporation for Air Basic Solutions Corp. Navigation Services Baud Telecom Co. Central European Telecom Services GmbH BBC Global News Ltd. Central Vermont Communications Inc. BeINSport France Centre National D'Etudes Spatiales Belgacom International Carrier Services SA Centro de Radio y Television Cratel CA Bell Canada - NCM CenturyLink Argentina SA Bennett Coleman Co. Ltd. Centurylink Chile SA BET Satellite Services Inc. CenturyLink Colombia SAS Bharti Airtel (France) SAS Channels Inc. Ltd. Bharti Airtel (UK) Ltd. Chile Films SpA Bharti Airtel Ltd. Chilevision Bharti International Singapore Pte. Ltd. China Building Technique Group Co. Ltd. Bible Broadcasting Network China Central Television Blue C Mobile Pte. Ltd. China Radio International Boeing Co., The China Satellite Communications Co. Ltd. Bolivia TV China Telecom Satellite Communications Botswana Radio & TV Co. Ltd. Brigham Young University China Unicom (Europe) Operations Ltd. Brimrun Ehf. Christ Apostolic Temple Inc. British Telecommunications plc Christian Vision USA Inc. Broadband Systems Corp. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, BT LatAm Argentina SA The BT LatAm Colombia SA Cia. Latinoamericana de Radiodifusion SA BT Telekom Hizmetleri SA Servicios SA Bulgarian Telecommunications Co. Ead Claudia Hoffmann TV Planung Business News (Asia) LLP Click Pacific Ltd. Cable & Wireless (Panama) SA CMMB Satellite Services Ltd. Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd. CNN Chile Canal de Television Ltda. Cable News & Business Channel Cobbett Hill Earth Station Ltd. Cable News Network LP Cocatel S de RL Cabo Verde Telecom SARL Colombia Telecomunicaciones SA ESP Cadena Ecuatoriana de Televisión C.A. Cable Communications Canal 10 Management LLC Cadena Tres I SA de CV Comcast Media (Massachusetts) Canal + International Comcast Network (Philadelphia) LLC, The Canal de Futbol SpA Comcast Sports CapRock UK Ltd. Comcast SportsNet Mid-Atlantic Castor Marine BV Comcast SportsNet New York Cat Telecom Public Co. Ltd. Comcast SportsNet Philadelphia CBS Broadcasting Inc. (USA) Commsystems LLC CBS Inc. Comores Telecom CBS Newspath Compañía Anónima Nacional Teléfonos de CBS Sports Network Venezuela Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 36 of 68

Compañia Nacional de Telefonos Telefonica E! Entertainment Television Inc. del Sur SA Efatha Ministry Compañia Peruana de Radiodifusion SA Eglise Shalom Tabernacle de Gloire Compañia Televisora Hondureña SA de CV Egypt Sat Co. COMSATES El Sembrador Ministries Inc. ComSys Ghana Ltd. EMC Mobility Services SA Contenido Alternativo SA de CV Emerging Markets Communications LLC Cooperativa de Telecomunicaciones Santa Emirates Integrated Telecomunication Co. Cruz Ltda. PJSC Copaco SA Emirates Telecommunications Group Co. Corporacion de Radio y Television del PJSC Norte Emmanuel Global Network Nigeria Corporacion Peruana de Aeropuertos y Empresa Argentina de Soluciones Satelitales Aviacion Comercial SA SA CRP Medios y Entretenimiento SAC Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba CSS SARL SA CW Network LLC, The Empresa Nacional de Exploração de Daar Communications Aeroportos e Navegação Aérea Enana Datadrill Communications Inc. EP Datagroup Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicacoes de Datasat Communications Ltd. Mozambique DBSD Satellite Services GP Empresa Radiodifusora Marconi SA Defence Materiel Organisation Encompass Digital Media (Asia) Pte. Ltd. Dejero Labs Inc. Encompass Digital Media Argentina SA Detecon al Saudia Co. Ltd. Encompass Digital Media Inc. Deutsche Welle Encompass Digital Media Ltd. (UK) Dhiraagu plc Encompass Digital Media Uruguay SA Dialog Television (Private) Ltd. E-Networks Digi SRO Enlaces Guayana CA Digicel Fiji Ltd. Entel Chile Digicel Png Ltd. Entel SA Direct On Data Ltd. Epiqa SRL Unipersonale Directv Latin America LLC Eprocess International SA Directv LLC Ericsson AB Ghana Directv Peru SRL Ericsson AB Succursale Benin DIRECTV Puerto Rico Ltd. Eritrea Telecomunication Services Corp. Discovery Communications Europe Ltd. ESPN Deportes Discovery Communications LLC ESPN Inc. Discovery Latin America LLC ESPN Network Traffic (Sports) Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd. ESPN News (Assignment Desk) Disney Productions/Maingate Entertainment ESPN Sur Disney Worldwide Eternal Word Television Network Inc. Disneyland Ethio Telecom Corp. Djibouti Telecom Etisalat Afghanistan Drukcom Pvt. Enterprise SAS Duma Fm Pty. Ltd. Eurovision Americas Inc. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 37 of 68

Eurovision Services SA Globaleye International Co. Ltd. Eutelsat America Corp. GlobeCast - DCPItalia Exatel SA GlobeCast Africa Pty. Ltd. Extreme Reach Inc. GlobeCast America - LA Facturation Onati GlobeCast America Inc. Federal Radio Corp. of Nigeria GlobeCast Asia Pte. Ltd. Fiji Television Ltd. GlobeCast France SAS Flexible IT Solution GlobeCast Near & Middle East SAL Fox Digital Entertainment Inc. GlobeCast UK Ltd. Fox Entertainment Group Inc. Globecomm Europe BV Fox Latin American Channel LLC Globecomm Network Services Corp. Fox Latin American Channel SRL Gogo LLC Fox News Channel News Department Fox News Network GrupoRPP SAC Fox Sports (West) GTD Teleductos SA Fox Sports Houston Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Co. Fox Sports LLC Hatif Libya Fox Sports Net Production HBO Latin America Production Services LC Inc. HBO-Strategic Inc. Hdnet LLC Foxcorp Holdings LLC Hearst Television Inc. Frequentis AG Herring Networks Inc. FSLA Holdings LLC Higher Ground LLC Fundacion para la Educacion y la Hispasat SA Comunicacion Social Home Box Office Inc. Futaris Inc. Hoosier Energy Gabon Telecom SA Hope Channel Inc. Galaxy Entertainment de Venezuela SCA Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co. Gambia Radio and Television Services Hughes Network Systems LLC Gas Transboliviano SA Hungaro Digitel plc Gateway Global Communications Ltd. Hunter Communications Inc. Gci Communication Corp. I Radio North East and Midlands Ltd. Ghana, Government of, Civil Aviation Iabg Teleport GmbH Authority Iglesia Ministerio de Motivación Cristiana Gilat Colombia SAS ESP IGP Inc. Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. Iko Media Group AG Gilat Telecom Ltd. Imedia Brands Inc. Gilat Telecom Ltd. Africa Independent News Service Pvt. Ltd. Gilat To Home Peru SA Indiasign Private Ltd. Gity AS Indo Teleports Ltd. Global Crossing Americas Solutions LLC Indusind Media & Communications Ltd. Global Data Systems Inc. Industrias Audiovisuales Mexicanas SA de Global Eagle Entertainment Inc. CV Global Radiodata Communication Ltd. Informatics Services Corp. Global Satellite Spain SL Infrasat Telecomunicações SA Global Tower Inc. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 38 of 68

Inmarsat Solutions BV KVH Industries Inc. INSP LLC KWSU/KTNW Television Institute of Geosciences Energy Water and Kymeta Environment Lamhas Satellite Services Ltd. Instituto Nacional de Radio Y Television LapTV Atlanta Partners Del Peru LBIsat LLC Intavision Media Productions Corp. LCDC Telecoms Interamerica Broadcasting & Production Co. Leonardo SpA SA Lesea Broadcasting Corp. International Civil Aviation Organization Level 3 Communications LLC International Media Content LG Uplus Corp. International Media Distribution LLC Liberty Iberoamerica SLU Intertel Nigeria Ltd. Libya Telecom & Technology Interxect Ltd. Lifetime Entertainment Services LLC Int'ltec Group Ligado Networks LLC Intrasky (Offshore) SAL Linkup Communications Corp. IP Access International Inc. Liquid Telecommunications Operations Ltd. IRIB Liquid Telecommunications South Africa Iris Smart Technologies Ltd. (Pty.) Ltd. IS Internet Solutions Ltd. Lloyd E Rigler Lawrence Deutsch Isat Africa Ltd. FZC Foundation ISNet Electronic Information Production Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Distribution Trade and CommServices Systems Inc. L'Opera SC ISRO Los Cipreses SA Itissalat Al Maghrib SA (Morocco) Luna Space Telecommunications Co. Ltd. ITV Independent Television Ltd. Luxembourg Space SA Japan International Broadcasting Inc. Mahube Turnkey Solutions (Pty.) Ltd. Japan, Government of, Aerospace Major League Baseball Network Exploration Agency Marine Technologies LLC Jason Electronics (Pte.) Ltd. Marlink AS JSAT International Inc. Marshall Islands National Telecom KBS America Inc. Authority KDDI America Inc. Mavis Satcom Ltd. KDDI Corp. MCI Communications Services Inc. KDFW Fox4 News Media Broadcast Satellite GmbH Kenya Broadcasting Corp. Media Networks Latin America SAC Kenya, Government of, Civil Aviation Media Niugini Ltd. Authority Mediamobil Communication GmbH Keystone Enterprise Services LLC Mediaworks Kingdom Africa Media Ltd. Mega Media Holdings Inc. Kiss TZ Music SRL Megafon PJSC Kordia Pty. Ltd. MEO - Serviços de Comunicações e Kratos Spectral Services Multimédia SA Ksat Global AS Meteor Trading Co. KTSAT Co. Ltd. Microcom Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 39 of 68

Microspace Communications Corp. NBC Sports Network (NBCSN) Milano Teleport SRL NBC Unisla Ministere des Postes Telecommunications et NBC Universal International Ltd. de L'Economie Numerique NBC Universal International Networks Mirsat SAL Spanish Latin America LLC Mobicom Networks LLC NBC Universal Media LLC Mobil Satellite Technologies NBCUniversal Media LLC Mobile Telecommunications Ltd. NEP Connect Ltd. Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty.) Ltd. Nepal Doorsanchar Co. Ltd. Mongolia Telecom Co. New Cable News Mongolia, Government of, Civil Aviation New Skies Satellites BV Authority New Vision Mossel/Digicel (Jamaica) Ltd. News 106 Ltd. MSM Asia Ltd. Next Step Co. Ltd. MSNBC Cable LLC Nfl Enterprises LP MSTelcom SARL NHK Cosmomedia America Inc. MTN Dubai Ltd. NHK Global Media Services Inc. MTN GlobalConnect Solutions Ltd. Nigeria, Government of, Airspace MTN GlobalConnect Solutions Ltd. Management Agency (Nigeria) Nigeria, Government of, Television MTN Nigeria Communications Ltd. Authority MTV Asia Nine Networks Australia Pty. Ltd. MTV Networks Nippon Hoso Kyokai MTV Networks Latin America Inc. North Korea, Government of, Ministry of Multichoice Africa Holdings BV Post & Telecommunications Multichoice Africa Ltd. Nortis-Cimecom SA Multichoice Group Ltd. Novavision Group SpA Multichoice Support Services (Pty.) Ltd. NSSLGlobal Ltd. Multimedia CTI SA de CV NTvsat Neguse Taddesse Multimodal Enterprises Inc. NY1 News Mundo Startel SA Oasis Networks Music Choice Office des Postes et Télécommunications Muzak LLC Oman Telecommunications Co. SAOG MX1 CEE SA Oman, Government of, Ministry of Foreign MX1 Ltd. Affairs Myanma Posts and Telecommunications Omniaccess SL Myanmar, Government of, Ministry of Omnispace LLC Transport and Communications ONATEL Burkina Faso Mysat Pty. Ltd. One Africa Television Pty. Ltd. Nation Media Group plc One Commerce (International) Corp. National Association of Broadcasters Ontras Gastransport GmbH National Cable Satellite Corp. Optus Networks Pty. Ltd. National Public Radio Inc. Orange Ci SA Navarino Technology CY Ltd. Orange SA NBC Facilities Inc. Orange SA (Cameroun) NBC News Channel Orange SA (Niger) Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 40 of 68

Orbit Data Systems Ltd. Regie des Voies Aeriennes Orbital ATK Space Logisitics LLC Resonate Regional Radio Pty. Ltd. Orion Express Rignet Inc. Overon America LLC Rignet Inc. Abu Dhabi Pac-12 Enterprises Rignet UK Ltd. Pacific Cooperation Broadcasting Ltd. Rio Pacifico SAC Pacific Television Center Inc. Roberts Flight Information Region Pacific Vaizeds Enterprise Ltd. Romantis OOO Pakistan Telecommunication Co. Ltd. Royal Media Services Ltd. Palau National Communications Corp. RTS FM SARL Avionics Corp. Rural Telecommunications Chile SA Papua New Guinea Air Services Ltd. RuSAt LLC Paratus Telecommunications Ltd. Russian Media Group LLC Pars Telecommunications Inc. S.C. RCS & RDS SA PCCW Global (HK) Ltd. Saba World Offshore SAL Peru, Government of, Ministerio Sagenet LLC Transportes y Comunicaciones Saman Satellite Communication Group Planet Communications Asia Public Co. Santander Teleport SL Ltd. Satcom Direct Inc. Planetcast Media Services Ltd. Satcom Global Ltd. PNG Dataco Ltd. Sat-Com Pty. Ltd. Pop Media Networks LLC Satcom Services Prima Broadcasting Group SRL Satcube AB Producciones Artak 17 CA Satellite Communication Systems Inc. Prolasa SA Satis-Tl-94 Ltd. ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion GmbH Sat-Space Africa Ltd. PSSI Global Services LLC Saudi Telecom Co. PSSI International Teleport LLC Seavsat BV PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta Sentech Ltd. (Is20) PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk Sentech Soc. Ltd. Public Joint Stock Co. Sertel SA Q-Kon Ltd. Servicio Para el Transporte de Informacion QSAT Communications LLC SA Quantis Global SL Servicio Satelital SA Radio and TV Palestine Today Network for Servicios Audiovisuales Overon SL International Media Ltd. Servicios Informativos Nacionales SRL Radio Panamericana SA SES Americom Radio Television Ivoirienne SES Sistemas Electronicos SA Radio y Television Nicaraguense SA SES Techcom SA Radiodiffusion Television Senegalaise Shepherd's Chapel Rartel SA Inc. Raytheon Co. Shwe Than Lwin Media Co. Ltd. RCN Televisión SA Sigmasat USA Inc. Rebaur Telecomm Ltd. Signalhorn Trusted Networks GmbH Rebel Radio Network Pty. Ltd. Síminn HF Record Enterprise Television Inc. Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 41 of 68

Sino Satellite Communications Co. Ltd. Sure South Atlantic Ltd. Sirius XM Radio Inc. Sure South Atlantic Ltd. () SKY Brasil Servicos Ltda. Sure South Atlantic Ltd. (Falklands Islands) SKY Perfect JSAT Corp. Sure South Atlantic Ltd. (St. Helena) Sky Serviços de Banda Larga Ltda. SVS Telekom AS Sky SNI Operations Ltd. Swaziland Post and Telecommunications Skynet de Colombia SAS ESP Corp. Sky-Stream Fz LLC Switch Inc. AS Sydney Teleport Services Pty. Ltd. Sng Broadcast Services Ltd. Symphony Solutions FZ-LLC Societe D'Amenagement et de Syrian Telecommunications Establishment Developpement Vert Tanzania Broadcasting Corp. Societe de Distribution Exclusive SA Tarasul Telecom Societe Internationale de Tata Communications (Netherlands) BV Telecommunications Aeronautiques TD Satellite Communication System Co. SCRL Ltd. Société Nationale de Développement TELE Greenland A/S Informatique Tele Red Imagen SA Softbank Telearte SA Softbank Corp. SA Solomon Telekom Co. Ltd. Telecom Argentina SA Sonatel Telecom Egypt Sonema SA Telecom Italia Pictures Networks India Private Ltd. Telecom Malagasy Sotel (Tchad) Telecom Namibia Ltd. Southern California Telephone Co. Inc. Telecommunicatiebedrijf Suriname Space Systems/Loral LLC Telecommunications Infrastructure Co. Spaceconnection Inc., The Telecuatro Guayaquil CA Trading Ltd. Teledata de Mocambique LDA Spectrum RSN LLC Teledeportes Paraguay SA Speedcast Communications Inc. Telefonica Broadcast Services SLU Speedcast Ltd. Telefonica Celular Del Paraguay SAE Speedylite Telefonica Chile SA Spirit Radio Ltd. Telefonica de Espana SA Sportschannel New England LP Telefonica del Peru SAA ST Engineering Idirect (Europe) NV Telefonica Empresas Chile SA Stallion Oilfield Services Ltd. Telefonica International Wholesale Services Entertainment LLC Ii SLU State Security Agency Telefonica SA Stellenbosch University Telefónica Servicios Audiovisuales SAU Stl-Sat Ireland Ltd. Telekom Malaysia Bhd. STN DOO Telematikanet LLC Stratosat Datacom Telemundo Network Group LLC Sun TV Network Ltd. Telemundo of Puerto Rico Inc. Supernet Ltd. (UK) Ltd. Sure (Diego Garcia) Ltd. Telenor Global Services AS Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 42 of 68

Telenor Satellite AS Ultisat Europe AS Telesat Canada United Business Machines EG Telespazio SpA United Nations Teletel Miami Corp. United States, Government of the, Televideo SAS Department of Defense Televisa SA de CV United Teleports Inc. Television and Network Universal Satcom of Armenia CJSC Universal Television LLC Television Cerro Cora SA Universidad Catolica de Chile Television Nacional de Chile Universidad de Chile Television New Zealand University of California - San Diego Television Oceania Pty. Ltd. University of the South Pacific Telikom PNG Ltd. University of Washington Telkom SA Soc. Ltd. Univision Communications Inc. Telkomserv Corp. Univision Networks & Studios Inc. Telnet Nigeria Ltd. UTV Radio (Roi) Ltd. Telstra Broadcast Services Pty. Ltd. Uzbektelecom JSC Telstra International Ltd. Inc. Tesam Argentina SA 18 Media Private Ltd. TGC Inc. Viacom International Inc. TGC LLC Viacom International Media Networks UK Tonga, Government of, Ministry of Lands, Ltd. Survey & Natural Resource Viasat Inc. Top Comunications Estegia CA Viewsat Ltd. Torneos y Compentencias SA Virgin Technologies Inc. Total North Communications Ltd. Viscom AG Towerstream I Inc. Vision Metropolitana SRL Transgrid Vista Satellite Communications (USA) Tres Sistemas de Comunicacion SL Vista Satellite Communications Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Co. LLC Global Networks Ltd. Tribune Distribution Co. LLC Vsat Systems LLC Trilogy Networks Inc. V-Satcast Inc. Trinity Christian Center of Santa Ana Inc. Vubiquity Inc. Tri-State Christian TV Inc. W & L Phillips Pty. Ltd. TSAT AS Waicomm Solutions Ltd. Ttcomm SA Walt Disney Co., The Turner Broadcasting System Inc. Wana Corporate SA Turner Entertainment Networks Inc. Ward Inc. TV Azteca SAB de CV Wave Youth Business Ideas SA de CV TV Plus Broadcasting Co. Pty. Ltd. Wavestream Corp. TV Today Network Ltd. Websatmedia Pte. Ltd. TV18 Broadcast Ltd. Wiconnect TV3 Network Services Ltd. Wide Network Solutions Ltd. TV5 Monde SA Wildblue Communications LLC TVBI Co. Ltd. Wireless Innovation Ltd. Uganda Broadcasting Corp. Word Network Operating Co. Inc. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 43 of 68

Word of God Fellowship Inc. Yemen, Government of, Civil Aviation & World Vision International Meteorology Authority World-Link Communications Inc. Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. X Corp., The Zee Media Corp. Ltd. X2Nsat Inc. Zeppit SARL Zond Holding Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 44 of 68


Governmental/Regulatory Agencies

Administration des Contributions Directes Miami-Dade, County of (FL), Tax du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Collection AFIP Ministerio da Fazenda Arapahoe, County of (CO), Treasurer Montgomery, County of (MD) Australian Tax Office Montgomery, County of (PA) Broward, County of (FL), Tax Collector Napa, County of (CA), Tax Collector California, State of, Department of Tax and New Jersey, State of Fee Administration New Jersey, State of, Corp. Tax California, State of, Franchise Tax Board New York, City of (NY), Department of Chef du Bureau de Recouvrement de Dakar Finance Plateau New York, State of, Department of Taxation Chiyoda Metropolitan Tax Office & Finance Colorado, State of, Department of Revenue North Carolina, State of, Department of Connecticut, State of, Department of Revenue Revenue Recette Centrale Connecticut, State of, Department of Riverside, County of (CA), County Revenue Services Treasurer Conyers, City of (GA) Secretaria de Estado de Fazenda Coral Gables, City of (FL) Secretaria Municipal de Fazenda Dekalb, County of (GA) Tesoreria de La Federacion Dekalb, County of (GA), Tax Commissioner United States, Government of the, Federal Denver, City of (CO), Treasurer Communications Commission Denver, County of (CO), Treasurer Universal Service Administrative Co. Douglas, County of (NE), Treasurer Ventura, County of (CA) Fairfax, County of (VA) Virginia, Commonwealth of, Department of Finanzamt Bad Kissingen Taxation Georgia, State of, Department of Revenue Washington, County of (MD), Treasurer's Hawaii, State of, State Tax Collector Office HM Revenue & Customs Washington, D.C., Office of Tax & Revenue Honolulu, City of (HI) Yokohama, City of (Japan) Honolulu, County of (HI) Hounslow, London Borough of () India, Government of, Goods & Services Tax GST India, Government of, Income Tax Department Inspection of Federal Tax Service Moscow No 5 Los Angeles, County of (CA), Tax Collector Loudoun, County of (VA) Maryland, State of, Comptroller of Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 45 of 68


Insurance - PFA

Aesir Space Massachusetts Group Insurance Allianz SE Commission Altitude Risk Partners LLP & Co. Ltd. American International Group Inc. Munich Re Amtrust Munich Re Group Arti Insurance Experts - Paris Munich Re Syndicate Ltd. Assicurazioni Generali SpA Occam Underwriting Ltd. Assure Space LLC Partnerre Ireland Insurance Designated Atrium Insurance Agency Ltd. Activity Co. Atrium Space Insurance Consortium Sanlam Ltd. AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance SA Satec SRL AXA XL Paris Sciemus Ltd. AzRe Reinsureance OJSC Scor UK Co. Ltd. Beazley plc Sompo Holdings Inc. Beazley Syndicate Starr Aviation Agency Inc. Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Co. Starr Indemnity & Liability Co. Inc. Chaucer Insurance Inc. Swiss Reinsurance Co. Ltd. Chubb Ltd. Group Ecuador, Government of, Agencia de Tokio Marine Holdings Inc. Regulacion y Control de las Tokio Marine Kiln Telecomunicaciones United States, Government of the, Elseco Ltd. Department of Homeland Security, Factory Mutual Insurance Co. Customs & Border Protection Global Aerospace Inc. United States, Government of the, Hamilton Re Ltd. Department of the Treasury Hamilton Syndicate University of Chile Hanover Insurance Group Inc., The XL Catlin London Hartford Financial Services Group Inc., The XL Specialty HDI Global Insurance Co. XL Specialty Insurance HDI Global Specialty SE Zurich Insurance Group AG Hiscox Ltd. Hyundai Marine & Fire Group IPJSC Ingosstrakh IRB Brazil RE Korean Reinsurance Co. La Reunion Spatiale Liberty Mutual Group Lloyd's of London LRS Healthcare MAPFRE Global Risks MAPFRE Insurance Co. Inc.

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Andrews, Jason Auctionomics Inc. Comstar Technologies LLC Dialog Semiconductor Gerry's Information Technology (Pvt.) Ltd. Gilat Telecom Ltd. Goldfarb & Huck, Roth, Riojas PLLC International Telecommunications Satellite Organization Jacobs, Don Joh, Marian LuxSpace Maritime Telecommunications Network Inc. Morales, Phillip S. Perreira, Italo SES Americom Inc. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 47 of 68


Other Professionals

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP AlixPartners LLP Alvarez & Marsal LLC Arent Fox LLP Berkeley Research Group LLC Brown Rudnick LLP Centerview Capital Holdings LLC Houlihan Lokey Inc. Jenner & Block LLP Jones Day Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Kekst and Co. Inc. Kutak Rock LLP Loyens & Loeff Luxembourg SARL Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison LLP PJT Partners LP Province Inc. Pryor Cashman LLP Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP Ropes & Gray LLP Seward & Kissel LLP Spotts Fain PC Stretto Troutman Sanders LLP Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 48 of 68


Other Significant Creditors

Berges, Jean Paul Betaharon, Khodadad Brown, Martin P., Jr. Chang, Ching Pyng Coleman, Elsie M. Crown, Michele Edwards, Terry English, William Goldstein, Susan Hampton, John Douglas Jankowski, Joseph Johnson, James Walter, Jr. Kinzie, Robert W. Latapie, Francis J. P. Madon, Pierre J. Nadkarni, Prakash Manjunath Prigel, Bambi Ray, Elizabeth Scheid, Elizabeth Welch, John Williams, Norman R. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 49 of 68


Top 40 Creditors

Algeria, Government of, Ministry of PTT Azercosmos OJSco. Boeing Co., The Celcom Axiata Bhd. Colombia Telecomunicaciones SA ESP Disney Channel, The Emetel SA Emirates Telecommunications Group Co. PJSC Ewing, Patricia Fox Entertainment Group Inc. Hispasat SA International Telecommunications Satellite Organization Iraq Telecommunications & Post Co. Jankowski, Joseph A. JSAT International Inc. KDDI Corp. KTSAT Co. Ltd. Kyrgyzstan, Government of, Ministry of Transport and Communications Lockheed Martin Australia Pty. Ltd. Mercury Servicos de Telecommunicacoes SARL Grupo New Skies Satellites Optus Satellite Pty. Ltd. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. PT Indosat TBK Radio Television Guatemala SA - Canal 3 ST Engineering Idirect Telefónica de Argentina SA Telenor Satellite Broadcasting AS Telespazio SpA TIM SA Tryco International Inc. Turkey, Government of, Ministry of Transport & Infrastructure Tysons Corner Office I LLC U.S. Bank NA Wells Fargo Bank NA Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 50 of 68


U.S. Trustee Personnel

Fitzgerald, John P., III Flinchum, Peggy T. King, B. Webb McPherson, Theresa E. Montgomery, Kathryn R. Pecoraro, Shannon F. Turner, June E. Whitehurst, Kenneth N., III Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 51 of 68


UCC Members

Boeing Co., The BOK Financial NA Delaware Trust Co. JSAT International Inc. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. Tysons Corner Office I LLC U.S. Bank NA Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 52 of 68


UCC Professionals

FTI Consulting Inc. Milbank LLP Moelis & Co. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 53 of 68



Allegheny Power DeKalb, County of (GA), Finance Department Eastern Municipal Water District (CA) Fillmore, City of (CA) Gas South Georgia Power Hagerstown, City of (MD) Hawaiian Electric Co. HBI Roll Off Inc. Honolulu, City of (HI) Honolulu, County of (HI) Infinite Energy Inc. Intermountain Rural Electric Association Long Beach, City of (CA) MXEnergy Napa Recycling & Waste Services LLC Napa, City of (CA) Napa, Sanitation District of (CA) Pepco Energy Services PG&E Corp. Potomac Edison Republic Services Inc. Southern California Edison Co. Southern California Gas Co. Washington, County of (MD), Treasurer's Office Waste Management Inc. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 54 of 68



1Rivet US Inc. Approved Networks Inc. 5G Action Now Inc. Argsoft Group LLC Abbott Building Systems LLC Arianespace ABS Global Ltd. Arthur D. Little Inc. AC & T Co. Inc. Asco Power Services Inc. Access Intelligence LLC Astel JSC Access Partnership Ltd. Astrium SAS Acco Engineered Systems Inc. ATEME SA Accounting Principals Inc. Atlantic Technical Sources Inc. Achievers LLC Australia, Government of, Tax Office Adaptive Insights LLC Av-Comm Pty. Ltd. ADP LLC AXA Assurance Vie Luxembourg SA Advanced Computer Concepts Inc. AXA Life Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd. Advantech Wireless Azercosmos OJSco. Aecom Technical Services Inc. Azzurro HD LLC AFIP Baker & McKenzie LLP Africa Mobile Networks Ltd. Bank of America Corp. AG Franz Associates LLC Barbosa Raimundo Gontijo e Camara Air Power Consultants Inc. Advogados Airbus Defence and Space SAS Barc Inc. Airtel Congo SA BC Partners Inc. Airtel Networks Ltd. Bcom SA Airtel Tchad SA BCPI Inc. Albright Stonebridge Group LLC BDO Tax & Accounting Allen Holding Inc. Bedford CA Pty. Ltd. Alliance Executive Search LLC Belfor Property Restoration Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Bell Products Inc. Solutions Ben Hill Roofing and Siding Co. Inc. Alluresoft LLC Berufsgenossenschaft Energie Textil Elektro Alpha Trans GmbH Medienerzeugnisse Alternative Employment Specialists Best Bridge Group Altman Vilandrie & Co. BG Solutions LLC Amber Road Inc. Bgv V Luxembourg 1 GmbH & Co. KG American Arbitration Association Bkr Contracting LLC American Express International Inc. Black & Veatch Corp. American River International Ltd. Blakeslee Electric Inc. Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Blank Rome LLP Analytical Graphics Inc. Bluetext LLC Andesat Peru Sac Boeing Co., The Antek Systems LLC Boeing Satellite Systems Inc. Antrix Corp. Ltd. Bolano Anstalt Aon Consulting Boston Consulting Group AG Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 55 of 68

Botswana Radio & TV Comware Technical Services Inc. Brazil, Government of, Ministerio da Condominio do Edificio Praia de Botafogo Previdencia Social 440 Broadpeak Config Consultants LLC Broadridge Investor Communication Convergint Technologies LLC Solutions Inc. Coral Gables Associates Bta Consultants India Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Corporate Visions Inc. Services AC Credit Suisse USA LLC Bts Feiras Eventos E Editora Ltda. CRH Telnet Pty. Ltd. Bundesnetzagenture Critical Components Inc. Business One Consulting Inc. Cross Technologies Inc. Business Training Library Crown Relocations Business Wire Inc. Cullen, Edward T., M.D. Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP Cummins Inc. California Department of Tax and Fee Cumulus Provident Fund Administration Dancker California, State of, Government Operations Datacom Systems International Ltd. Agency, Franchise Tax Board Datatec Ltd. Callahan, Robert Dataxis Callas Contractors David H. Martin Excavating Inc. Capital Electric & Supply Day 2 Interiors Ltd. Careerbuilder LLC DBM Corp. Inc. CCH Inc. DBS Trustee Ltd., as Trustee of Mapletree Center Point Systems LLC Commercial Trust Central Pacific Tanks Inc. DC Asphalt Services Inc. Centre Commun de La Securite Sociale Dejero Labs Inc. Centrifuge LLC Dekalb, County of (GA) Centurylink Comunicacoes Do Brasil Ltda. Deloitte Consulting LLP Cepolin SA Deloitte Tohmatsu Tax Co Ceres Insights LLC Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Chef du Bureau de Recouvrement de Dakar Deloitte Transactions and Business Plateau Analytics LLP Chesapeake Mission Critical LLC Dentons US LLP China Starwin Science & Technology Co. Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., The Ltd. Derpart Reiseburo Papendick GmbH Chiswick Park Estate Management Ltd. AG Cigna Health and Life Insurance Co. Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft und Raumfahrt Cigna Healthcare Benefits Inc. eV Cisco Systems Inc. Diercksen, John Collabera Inc. Digitec SA GmbH Discovery Health Medical Scheme Comcast Corp. DJ Consulting Services Ltd. Communications & Power Industries Europe Dominion Mechanical Contractors Inc. Ltd. Donnelley Financial LLC Compliance & Ethics Learning Solutions Douglas, County of (NE), Treasurer Comtech Xicom Technology Inc. DTVLA BV Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 56 of 68

Dubai World Trade Centre LLC Federal Express Corp. Duff & Phelps Corp. Federal Express Europe Inc. Dynalectric Co. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis EAS SL Ferrellgas LP EBC Carpet Services Corp. Fiction Tribe Inc., The Echostar Communications Corp. Finanzamt Bad Kissingen ECI Telecom Inc. First Advantage Background Services Corp. EcoLand Solutions LLC Fortitude International LLC Ecuador, Government of, Foxcom Ltd. Telecommunications Regulatory and Friends Life Control Agency Corp. Edelman South Africa Pty. Ltd. G&S SatCom GmbH Electro Rent Corp. Gap Wireless Ellsworth Electric Inc. Gateway Global Communications Ltd. Elvinger, Hoss & Prussen Genesys Works National Capital Region eMaint Enterprises LLC Georgia, State of, Department of Revenue Emcor Services Combustioneer Corp. GeoSync Microwave Inc. EMEA Satellite Operator's Association Glassdoor Inc. Emirates Telecommunications Group Co. Global Digital Media Xchange Inc. PJSC GlobeCast France Sas Empresa Argentina de Soluciones Satelitales Globenet Cabos Submarinos America Inc. SA Gogo Brasil Telecomunicacoes Ltda Empressa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones Goldman Sachs Lending Partners LLC SA Goonhilly Earth Station Ltd. EMS Technologies Inc. Grafik Marketing Communications Ltd. Encompass Digital Media (Asia) Pte Ltd. Grant Thornton LLP Encompass Digital Media Inc. Grass Valley USA LLC Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones Grosvenor Place Pty. Ltd. Eo Partners SA Pty. Ltd. Growthpoint Management Services (Pty.) ePlus Technology Inc. Ltd. Equinix Inc. Gsma Ltd. Ernst & Young - Senegal Guatemala, Government of, Ernst & Young LLP Superintendencia de Escritorio Juridico Juristel Inc. Telecomunicaciones ETL Systems Ltd. Guidepoint Security LLC Euroconsult Engineering Consulting Group GuidePost Strategies LLC SA GuideSpark Inc. EUROPE*STAR Gesellschaft für SC Satellitenkommunikation mbH Harbor Research Inc. European Broadcasting Union Hart, Peter EuropeStar Hawaii Pacific Teleport LP Everbridge Inc. Hilton McLean Tysons Corner Evertz Microsystems Ltd. Hispasat SA F.M. Pearce Co. Inc. Kokusai Electric Comark LLC Fasken Martineau Dumoulin LLP HITT Contracting Inc. FBI Travel Holland & Knight LLP

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Honeywell International Inc. Ke Nui Construction LLC Honolulu, City of (HI) Kelly Generator & Equipment Inc. Honolulu, County of (HI) Ken Systems Inc. Horizons Satellite Holdings LLC Kenya, Government of, Revenue Authority Horizons-3 Satellite LLC Keysight Technologies Inc. Hounslow, London Borough of Kforce Inc. Howard Fischer Associates Inc. Kinolt USA Inc. Huber + Suhner GmbH Koch Bauunternehmung GmbH Hudson Fiber Network Inc. Kongsberg Satellite Services As HUK- COBURG- Krankenversicherung AG Korn Ferry (Us) IBC Convention Office KPMG Auditores Independentes Iccommodate Pty. Ltd. KPMG Inc. Ignitec Inc. Kratos Integral Systems International Inc. Impossible But True Maint LLC Kratos Technology & Training Solutions Impot Sur les Societes Inc. Incheon International Airport Kropmann Konsult Ltd. India, Government of, Goods & Services KVH Industries Inc. Tax L.S. Grim Consulting Engineers Informa Telecoms & Media Group L3 Narda Miteq Informa UK Ltd. Language Line Services Inc. Information Communications Network LLC Lanor International Ltd. Inspection of Federal Tax Service Moscow Latham & Watkins LLP No 5 LeadMD Inc. Integrasys LLC Lebenshilfe WfbM Integrated Solutions Management Inc. Lee Hecht Harrison LLC International Business Consultants Leigh Saxton Green LLP International Business Machines Corp. Les Halles Business Centre International SOS Assistance Inc. Linkedin Corp. International Telecommunication Union LionTree Advisors LLC Deutschland GmbH Lockheed Martin Australia Pty. Ltd. Intrado Enterprise Collaboration Inc. Lockheed Martin Corp. Ipreo Holdings LLC Los Angeles, County of (CA), Tax Collector Iron Mountain Record Management,Inc. LS telcom Inc. IRT Technologies Inc. Luxembourg, Government of, Revenue ITsavvy Office Ivens Consult Ltda. Lyngsat Projects AB James Chase Solutions Ltd. M. Arthur Gensler Jr. & Associates Inc. Jellyvision Lab Inc. Main Event Caterers LLC Johns Hopkins Healthcare LLC Maringa Passagens E Turismo Ltda. Johnson Controls Fire Protection LP Marketo Inc. Johnson Controls Inc. Maryland, State of, Comptroller Journey Office Builders Inc. Master Servicos e Comercio Ltda. JS Real Estate Multigestao FII - Fund Mathworks Inc., The JSAT International Inc. Matrix Business Solutions Ltd. K4 Mobility LLC Mawasem Ltd. Kangas, Edward Maxair Inc. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 58 of 68

Mcglade, David One Diversified LLC McGrath RentCorp Ontario Refrigeration Service Inc. MCI International Inc. Oracle America Inc. McLean Lessee LLC Orbicom (Pty.) Ltd. Mechantech Inc. Orbital Sciences Corp. Media Links Inc. Ovation Wireless Management LLC Mena Broadband Technologies LLC Pacific Islands Construction LLC Mercer (US) Inc. Pacific Life Insurance Co. Merrill Communications LLC Park Place Technologies LLC Metracom Paul Hastings LLP MetroPower Inc. PCCW Global Inc. Michelmores LLP Peak Communications Ltd. Microsemi Frequency and Time Corp. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy Piller Germany GmbH & Co. KG Mini-Circuits Laboratories Pillsbury Winthrop LLP Building Management Co. PJT Partners LP Ltd. Planet Technologies Inc. Montevideo Teleport International SA Portman Travel (Ireland) Ltd. Morgan Stanley Potomac Partners LLC MorganFranklin Consulting LLC Precision Air Conditioning Inc. Morgan-Keller Inc. Price Waterhouse & Co. Asesores de MSB Architects LLC Empresas MTN Nigeria Communications Ltd. Pricewaterhouse Coopers Luxembourg MX1 Inc. Pricewaterhousecoopers GmbH Mycom Software Inc. Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP Nalu Electrical Contractors LLC Pricewaterhousecoopers Pvt. Ltd. Napa Valley Commons Pricewaterhousecoopers SC Napa, County of (CA), Tax Collector Primexis National Association of Broadcasters Priority Building Services LLC National Economic Research Associates Inc. Pritchett Controls Inc. National Service Source Inc. ProComSat Ncwaba Logistics (Pty.) Ltd. Prologis LP Net100 Ltd. Proseris Services LLC Neuco Ltd. Pulse Power & Measurement Inc. New Orleans Marriott Qualtrics LLC New Skies Satellites Quilty Analytics LLC NewCom International Inc. Rabota LLC Noatum Logistics USA LLC Randstad North America Inc. Northern Sky Research LLC Raytheon Co. Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems Inc. RCN Telecom Services LLC Novelsat Ltd. Recall-Ledger Contadores & Consulatores NTT Electronics America Inc. SC Ltda. NYSE Market Inc. Regal Beloit Canada ULC Oec Telecom Ltda. Regus Senegal Ofer Doron Management Services Ltd. Reliance Flag Telecom Ireland Designated Office of State Revenue Activity Co. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 59 of 68

RF-Design Communications LLC RH Lapp & Sons Inc. SHI International Corp Right Management Inc. Siama Systems Inc. Riverside, County of (CA), County Sicotel Communications Treasurer Síminn HF RKF Engineering Solutions LLC Simon Kucher & Partners, Strategy & Robinson & Cole LLP Marketing Consultants LLC Rodriguez, Larrondo & Associates SC Singapore Exhibition Services Pte. Ltd. Rogue Wave Software Inc. Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. Rohde & Schwarz Inc. Singapore, Government of, Inland Revenue Romantis GmbH Authority Rousseau Services LLC Site Seven Media T/A Tower Xchange Royal Bank of Canada Skylink Technology Inc. RRJ Technical Services Inc. Smart Africa Secretariat RSM US LLP Software Technology Parks of India RTS Solutionz Inc. Toruist Corp. RuSat LLC Sonepar Deutchland Region Sud GmbH Russelectric Inc. South Africa, Government of, Revenue S&P Capital IQ LLC Services Sage Communications LLC South Korea, Government of, Daejeon Inc. District Tax Office Sanden High Assurance Solutions LLC Southern California Edison Co. Sandown Travel (Pty.) Ltd. Space Data Association Sangikyo Eos Corp. Space Logistics LLC SAP America Inc. Space News Inc. Sat Corp. Space Systems/Loral LLC Satcom Direct Inc. Spaceflight Industries Inc. Satcube AB Spark New Zealand Trading Ltd. Satellite Engineering Group Specialty Microwave Corp. Satellite Industry Assoc., The Speedcast Australia Pty. Ltd. Satellite Network Inc. Communications plc Satprof Inc. Stillpoint Capital LLC SatService GmbH STN plc Satstar Ltd. Stoeth, Michael Schneider Communications Storytech Consulting LLC Schneider Electric USA Inc. Successfactors Inc. Schneider Group OOO Sughrue Mion PLLC Secretaria de Estado de Fazenda Sundun Inc. of Washington Secretaria Municipal de Fazenda Sunizo LLC Sectek Inc. SupremeSAT (Pvt.) Ltd. Sed Systems Sure Power Inc. ServiceNow Inc. Switch Inc. SES SA T. Rowe Price Services Inc. SevOne Inc. Tableau Software Inc. Sharaf Travels LLC Tata Communications (America) Inc. Sharp Electronics Corp. Tata Communications (Japan) KK Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 60 of 68

Tata Communications Canada Ltd. Ventura, County of (CA) Technical Interiors Inc. Verizon Business Global LLC Tecom Investments Verizon Communications Inc. TELE Greenland A/S Vertex Antennentechnik GmbH Telecom Argentina SA Vertiv Corp. Telecomm Strategies LLP Vgem Elfersgayseb Telefonica Compras Electronicas Victoria BC Asseossoria Em Logistica Ltda. Telefonica Global Services GmbH Vimn Uk Ltd. Telefonica UK Ltd. Vision Accomplished Inc. Telenor Satellite AS Vision Service Plan Inc. Telespazio Brasil SA Vizuall Inc. Telkom SA Soc. Ltd. Vodacom Group Telkom SR Ltda. W.B. Walton Enterprises Inc. Teneo Strategy LLC Wach-Und Schliessinstitut Weingaertner Tessco Inc. Warner Telecomm Ltd. Thales Alenia West LLC Thales Alenia Space Western Pacific Maintenance Therma LLC Western Union Business Solutions (UK) Thomson West (Serengeti) Ltd. TICRA Fond Wilmington Trust FSB Tinsky Connect (Pty.) Ltd. WISAG Gebaeude und Industrieservice TMF Services (China) Co. Ltd. Hessen GmbH & Co. KG Toole's Lawn & Landscape Work Microwave GmbH Tovey/Shultz Construction Inc. Work Microwave Inc. TR Design Group Inc. Workiva Inc. Trace International Inc. WTD Holdings Inc. Trane US Inc. XO Communications LLC Trans World Radio Yancey Power Systems Triay Stagnetto Neish Zeitz Blitzschutzsysteme GmbH Trock Media Solutions LLC ZTE Peru TST Kommunikationstechnik GmbH Zurich International Life Ltd. T-Systems TTP Group Plc Tysons Corner Office I LLC U.S. Bank NA UHP Networks Inc. United Healthcare Insurance Co. United Rentals Inc. United States, Government of the, Department of the Treasury United States, Government of the, Federal Communications Commission Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen Unum Ltd. US Engineering Co. Usen's Botanical Menagerie Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 61 of 68


Engagement Agreement

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Donlin, Recano & Company, Inc. (hereinafter called “DRC”) agrees to provide The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Intelsat S.A., et al. (hereinafter called the “Client”), and Client agrees to purchase, the Services (as defined below) upon the terms and conditions and other provisions stated herein. Client agrees and understands that none of the Services constitute legal advice.

1. SERVICES: DRC agrees to provide the Client with consulting services regarding communications and dissemination of information, noticing and any other services agreed upon by the parties or otherwise required by applicable law, government regulations, or court rules or orders. A more detailed description of the of the Services offered by DRC, as well as the fees charged for such Services, is annexed hereto as Schedule A.

2. CHARGES: All charges shall be based upon the time and materials incurred by DRC, billed at the DRC then prevailing standard rates unless another rate schedule is specifically and mutually agreed upon herein. DRC reserves its rights to adjust its standard rates in January of each year to reflect changes in the business and economic environment. DRC shall seek payment solely from the bankruptcy estate of Intelsat (the “Debtors”) by regularly filing fee applications with the Bankruptcy Court. In the event that rates are based other than on time and materials, and such other basis for rates is set forth herein, DRC will seek payment, in addition to those rates, for all charges, incurred by DRC as a result of Client error or omission as determined by DRC. Such charges shall include but shall not be limited to re-runs and any additional clerical work, phone calls, travel expenses, or any other disbursements. When possible, DRC will notify Client in advance of any additional charges. Checks are accepted subject to collection and the date of collection shall be deemed the date of payment. Any check received may be applied by DRC against any obligation owing to DRC, and an acceptance by DRC of any partial payment shall not constitute a waiver of DRC's right to pursue the collection of any remaining balance. DRC requires advance deposits for all noticing, newspaper publishing or other significant expenditures as defined by DRC. In addition, DRC shall be reimbursed for all actual out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred by DRC. The out-of-pocket expenses may include, but are not limited to, postage, delivery services, travel, meals and other similar costs and expenses. The parties intend that DRC shall be employed pursuant to Section 1103 of the Bankruptcy Code, and that all fees and expenses due under this Agreement shall be paid as administrative expenses of Intelsat’s chapter 11 estate(s). In the event Intelsat’s bankruptcy case(s) is converted to a chapter 7 case(s), any unpaid fees and costs with respect to this Agreement shall be treated as a chapter 11 administrative expense claim.

3. TRANSPORTATION OF DATA: Data submitted by the Client to DRC for processing shall be transported at the Client's risk and expense to and from the DRC office. In the event the Client fails to deliver the input data to DRC at the time scheduled, the Client agrees that DRC may extend, as necessary, the time for the completion of processing of such data. Client further agrees that the time for the completion or processing of such data may be extended because of the following holidays in addition to any Bank holidays recognized in the city in which DRC is located: New Year's Day, 8/11/2020 Page 1 of 4 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 63 of 68

Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. In any event, DRC does not warrant or represent that shipment or availability dates will be met, but will use its best efforts to do so. If DRC is required to stay open to perform required tasks on such days, an additional mutually agreed upon cost may be required by DRC.

4. INVOICES: DRC shall invoice the Client and Debtors monthly for all services rendered during the preceding month, based upon the charges set forth in Schedule A, attached hereto. DRC shall regularly file fee applications with the Court seeking approval and payment of fees.1 Failure to pay any fees, costs or other amounts to DRC after approval of the Court shall be a breach of this Agreement (a “Failure to Pay”). Notwithstanding anything else contained in this Agreement, in the event of a Failure to Pay, DRC reserves the right to withhold reports and materials of the Client, in addition to all other remedies available to DRC. Upon a Failure to Pay, DRC may assess a late charge at a rate of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) per month or the highest rate permitted by law, whichever is less, on all unpaid amounts until paid in full. If the invoice amount is disputed, notice shall be given to DRC within ten (10) days of receipt of the invoice by the Client. The undisputed portion of the invoice will remain due and payable. Late charges shall not accrue on any amounts in dispute. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, a Failure to Pay shall under no circumstances be construed as an agreement by DRC to reduce or waive DRC’s fees and expenses. The Client shall not agree or otherwise consent to a unilateral reduction or waiver of DRC fees and expenses without the explicit written consent of DRC and any such agreement or consent to such reduction or waiver by the Client without DRC’s explicit written consent shall be deemed null and void and constitute a breach of this Agreement (a “Material Breach”). Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, upon the occurrence of a Material Breach, DRC shall have the right, at its option, to terminate this Agreement upon five (5) business days notice to the Client.

5. STORAGE: Client shall assume the risks and DRC shall not be responsible for any damages, liability or expenses incurred in connection with any delay in delivery of or damage to cards, disks, magnetic tapes or any input data furnished by Client unless DRC has agreed in writing to assume such responsibility. Forms storage at DRC beyond a normal 90 day supply will be billed at standard warehousing rates established by DRC.

6. E-MAIL COMMUNICATIONS: DRC and the Client and its agents acknowledge that they may wish to communicate electronically with each other at a business e-mail address. However, the electronic transmission of information cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error and such information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete or otherwise be adversely affected or unsafe to use. Accordingly, each party agrees to use commercially reasonable procedures to check for the then most commonly known viruses and to check the integrity of data before sending information to the other electronically, but each party recognizes that such procedures cannot be a guarantee that transmissions will be virus-free. It remains the responsibility of the party receiving an electronic communication from the other to carry out a virus check on any attachments before

1 It is expressly understood and agreed that all references to obligations of the Debtors under the terms of this agreement shall be obligations of the Debtors pursuant to the order entered by the Bankruptcy Court pursuant to and in accordance with the Client’s application to retain DRC. 8/11/2020 Page 2 of 4 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 64 of 68

launching any documents, whether received on disk or otherwise.

7. SUPPLIES: All supplies shall be furnished at Client's expense.

8. WARRANTY AND RELIANCE: Client acknowledges and agrees that DRC will take direction from the Client’s representatives, employees, agents and/or professionals (collectively, the “Client Parties”) with respect to Services being provided under this Agreement. Client and DRC agree that DRC may rely upon, and the Client agrees to be bound by, any requests, advice or information provided by the Client Parties to the same extent as if such requests, advice or information were provided by the Client. DRC shall have the right to rely on the accuracy of all data provided by the Client and the Client Parties to DRC. Client is responsible for the accuracy of all programs, data and other information it submits to DRC. The DRC warranty under this Agreement shall be limited to the re- running at its expense, of any inaccurate reports provided that such inaccuracies were caused solely as a result of performance hereunder and provided further that DRC shall receive written notice of such inaccuracies within thirty (30) days of delivery of such report. If said notice is not made to DRC within the prescribed time limit Client is due and liable for all charges. Client agrees that the foregoing constitutes the exclusive remedy available to it.

9. TERM: DRC agrees to work with the Client to file a retention application pursuant to section 1103 of the Bankruptcy Code. This Agreement shall be effective from the date upon which it is accepted by DRC as set forth herein, although DRC acknowledges that an order approving its engagement may be required to be engaged in the bankruptcy proceedings. This Agreement shall remain in force until terminated by either party upon thirty days’ written notice to the other party, upon the disbanding of the Committee pursuant to chapter 11 plan or a confirmation order or by DRC upon occurrence of a Non-Payment Breach or a Material Breach, as defined in paragraph 4 above. In the event that a chapter 7 trustee, chapter 11 trustee or chapter 11 liquidating trustee is appointed, this Agreement will remain in effect until an order of the Bankruptcy Court is entered disbanding the Committee or discharging DRC from service and responsibility under this Agreement. The payment obligation and the indemnity obligation set forth in sections 4 and 11 herein, respectively, shall survive termination of this Agreement. If termination of this Agreement occurs following entry of an order by the Bankruptcy Court approving DRC’s retention under Section 1103, then the Client shall immediately seek entry of an order (in form and substance reasonably acceptable to DRC) that discharges DRC from service and responsibility under this Agreement and Section 1103.

10. TERMS OF AGREEMENT: The terms of this Agreement prevail over any and all terms contained in Client's purchase order or authorization and no waiver, discharge, or modification of the terms of this Agreement shall bind DRC unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of DRC.

11. CONFIDENTIALITY: Each of DRC and the Client, on behalf of themselves and their respective employees, agents, professionals and representatives, agrees to keep confidential all non-public records, systems, procedures, software and other information received from the other party in connection with the services provided under this Agreement; provided, however, that if either party reasonably believes that it is required to produce any such information by order of any governmental agency or other regulatory body, it may, upon not less than five (5) business days’ written notice to the other party, release the required information. 8/11/2020 Page 3 of 4 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 635 Filed 08/17/20 Entered 08/17/20 17:26:28 Desc Main Document Page 65 of 68

12. OWNERSHIP OF PROGRAMS: Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all programs developed by DRC in connection with any services to be performed under this Agreement shall remain the sole property of DRC. All programs and/or systems documentation in the possession of DRC which DRC has agreed in writing to return to the Client, prepared for the Client by DRC, shall be returned to the Client upon demand providing all charges for such programming and/or systems documentation have been paid in full.

13. SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS: DRC’s policy is to provide continuous improvements in the quality of service to its clients. DRC, therefore, reserves the right to make changes in operating procedures, operating systems, programming languages, application programs, time period of accessibility, equipment, and the DRC data center serving the Client, so long as any such changes do not materially interfere with ongoing services provided to the Client in connection with the Client’s chapter 11 case.

14. JURISDICTION. This Agreement shall be subject to approval by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Richmond (the "Bankruptcy Court") and such court shall retain jurisdiction over all matters regarding this Agreement.

15. FORCE MAJEURE. Whenever performance by DRC of any of its obligations hereunder is substantially prevented by reason of any act of God, strike, lock out or other industrial or transportational disturbance, fire, epidemic, lack of materials, law, regulation or ordinance, war or war conditions, or by reasons of any other matter beyond DRC’s reasonable control, then such performance shall be excused and this Agreement shall be deemed suspended during the continuation of such prevention and for a reasonable time thereafter.

16. NOTICE. Any notice or other communication required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally, or sent by registered mail, postage prepaid, or overnight courier. Any such notice shall be deemed given when so delivered personally, or, if mailed, five days after the date of deposit in the United States mail, or, if sent by overnight courier, one business day after delivery to such courier, as follows: if to DRC, to: Donlin, Recano & Company, Inc., 6201 15th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219, Attention: Nellwyn Voorhies, Esq.; if to the Client, to: Milbank LLP 55 Hudson Yards New York, NY 10001 Attention: Matt Brod, Esq. Shivani Shah, Esq.

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17. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York (without reference to its conflict of laws provisions).

18. SEVERABILITY. All clauses and covenants contained in this Agreement are severable and in the event any of them are held to be invalid by any court, such clause or covenant shall be valid and enforced to the maximum extent as to which it may be valid and enforceable, and this Agreement will be interpreted as if such invalid clauses or covenants were not contained herein.

19. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of DRC and the Client hereunder shall bind and inure to the benefit of any successors or assigns thereto.

20. GENERAL: The terms and conditions of this Agreement may be modified by DRC upon one (1) month's prior written notice to Client. Client will not employ any DRC employee within two (2) years from the termination of this Agreement. The term "this Agreement" as used herein includes any future written amendments, modifications, supplements or schedules duly executed by Client and DRC. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one in the same instrument. A facsimile copy, photocopy or imaged copy of this Agreement shall be considered an original copy. The Client shall file an application with the Bankruptcy Court seeking approval of this Agreement (the “Application”), the form and substance of which shall be reasonably acceptable to DRC. If an order is entered approving such Application (the “Order”), any discrepancies between this Agreement, the Application and the Order shall be controlled by the Application and Order. Accepted and Approved:

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Donlin, Recano & Company, Inc. 6201 15th Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11219

By: ______Nellwyn Voorhies______

Signature: ______

Title: ______Executive Director

Date: ______8/11/2020______

Accepted and Approved:

The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Intelsat S.A., et al.

By: ______Michelle A. Dreyer______

Signature: ______

Title: ______Committee Co-Chair

Date: ______August 11, 2020

This Agreement is subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, as well as any conditions set forth in any order governing professionals in the Debtors’ cases. Client acknowledges reading and understanding it and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions and further agrees that it is the complete and exclusive statement of the Agreement between the parties, which supersedes all proposals oral or written and other prior communications between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement.

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SCHEDULE A The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Intelsat S.A., et al. Fee Schedule

Professional Service Hourly Rates

Senior Bankruptcy Consultant $185 Case Manager $140 Technology/Programming Consultant $110 Consultant $90 Clerical/Analyst $45

Noticing Service

Laser Printing/ Photocopies $.09 per Image Personalization/ Labels WAIVED Fax (Incoming) WAIVED Fax Noticing $.08 per Page Postage and Overnight Delivery At Cost Electronic Noticing Waived Publication Services At Cost

Solicitation and Balloting

Print and Mail Ballots/Plan Disbursements Print/hourly fees above – Plan/DS media varies Set-up Tabulation & Vote Verification $90 - $195 as needed Public Securities Solicitation $90-$225

Claims Docketing and Management

Website Development $90 per Hour Web Hosting WAIVED Creditor Data Storage/ Electronic Document Storage $.05 per record monthly Document Imaging $.08 per Image Electronic Claims filing N/A Data Room Services

DRC DocuLinks Virtual Data Room Services Hosting WAIVED Data Room Development $90 per Hour


Escrow Agent Services Competitive Interest Rates Out-of-Pocket Expenses (including any required travel) At Cost Call Center Operators $65 per hour

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