URBAN DRAINAGE ACT (NORTHERN said 15th day of January, 1961, the said personal ), 1957. representative will proceed to convey or distribute the property of the said deceased among the parties en- By virtue of the Urban Drainage Act (Northern titled thereto, having regard only to the claims and Ireland) 1957, the Urban District Council demands of which particulars shall have been re- have prepared a draft urban drainage scheme for the ceived. improvement of drainage in the South Ward and South West Ward of the Urban District. The route Dated the 28th day of October, 1960. of the proposed new storm sewer runs from the Palace Demesne crossing under Lower Irish Street ALEXR. K. STEELE & CO., Solicitors for and the disused Keady railway track and Killylea the Executrix, 6 and 10 Arthur Street, Road by Umgola Road and discharging into the Belfast, 1. Callan River about 90 yards north of the Killylea Road Bridge. In the Estate of May (or Mary) Elizabeth King, late A copy of the said draft urban drainage scheme of 139 The Mount, Belfast, Spinster, Deceased. showing the extent of the work may be inspected free of charge at the offices of the Council for a period of NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 28 one month from Monday the 7th day of November, of the Trustee Act (), 1958, that all 1960, during office hours. persons claiming to be creditors of the above-named Any person who considers that his interests will deceased, or having any claim against or interest in be prejudicially affected by the scheme may at any the property of the deceased, who died on the 24th time within one month from the publication of this day of July, I960, are hereby required to send, on notice send to the Town Clerk, Armagh Urban Dis- or before the 15th day of January, 1961, particulars trict Council, City Hall, Armagh, and to the Ministry of such claims and interests to the undersigned. of Agriculture, 9 Upper Queen Street, Belfast, 1, all Solicitors for the personal representative of the de- such, if any, observations in regard to the scheme ceased. as he shall think proper. And Notice is hereby further given that after the This notice will be found in the following Press said 15th day of January, 1961, the said personal publications:—The Gazette and Armagh representative will proceed to convey or distribute Standard dated the 3rd day of November, 1960; the property of the said deceased among the parties The Armagh Guardian and South Tyrone News entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and dated the 3rd day of November, 1960; The Armagh demands of which particulars shall have been re- Observer dated the 5th day of November, 1960. ceived. Dated this 3rd day of November, 1960. Dated this 28th day of October, 1960. V. M. CONRAN, Town Clerk. ALEXR. K. STEELE &. CO., Solicitors for the Executor, 6 and 10 Arthur Street, Belfast, 1.

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE IN In the Estate of Thomas Cosgrove, late of Gortin- NORTHERN IRELAND eddan, Derrylin, in the County of Fermanagh, Farmer, deceased. QUEEN'S BENCH DIVISION—IN BANKRUPTCY NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 28 Thomas Dornan, of 60 River dale Park East, Ander- of the Trustee Act (Northern Ireland), 1958, and the sonstown, in the County of Antrim, Butcher, Statutes 22 and 23 yic., Cap. 35, that all persons was on the 2nd day of November, 1960, adjudged claiming to be Creditors of the above-named de- Bankrupt. ceased, or having any claim or interest in the PUBLIC SITTINGS will be held before the Court property of the deceased, who died on the 17th day at the Royal Courts of Justice (Ulster), Belfast, on of November, 1959, are hereby required to send, on Tuesday, the 15th day of November, 1960, and on or before the 19th day of January, 1961, particulars Tuesday, the 29th day of November, 1960, at the of such claims or interests to the undersigned, hour of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, whereat the Solicitors for the personal representative of the de- Bankrupt is to attend, and to make a full disclosure ceased. and discovery of his Estate and Effects. Creditors And Notice is hereby further given that after the may prove their Debts, and at the First Sitting said 19th day of January, 1961, the said personal choose a Creditors' Assignee. At the last Sitting the representative will proceed to convey or distribute Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination. the property of the said deceased among the parties All persons having in their possession any Property entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of the Bankrupt should deliver it and all Debts due and demands of which particulars shall have been to the Bankrupt should be paid, to Arthur Kenneth received. Pryde, Esq., Official Assignee, Royal Courts of Justice (Ulster), Belfast, to whom Creditors may for- Dated this 31st day of October, 1960. ward their Affidavits of Debt. GEORGE V. MALONEY & CO., Solicitors for the Personal- Representative, Bally- V. G. BRIDGES, Deputy Registrar. connell, Co. Cavan. JAMES J. NAPIER, Solicitor, 7 North Street, Belfast, 1. In the Estate of Margaret Elizabeth Mulholland (otherwise Margaret Mulholland), formerly of Cloughfin and Sixrnilecross, County Tyrone, and STATUTORY NOTICES TO CREDITORS late of Kilcam, Sixmilecross, County Tyrone, Spinster, Deceased. AND OTHERS NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 28 In the Estate of Catherine (or Kathleen) Neill, late of the Trustee Act (Northern Ireland), 1958.. that all of 31 Malone Avenue, Belfast, Spinster, De- persons claiming to be creditors of the above de- ceased. ceased, or having any claim against or interest in NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 28 the property of the deceased, who died on the 28th of the Trustee Act (Northern Ireland), 1958, that all day of February, 1960, at Kilcam aforesaid, are persons claiming to be creditors of the above-named hereby required to send, on or before the 14th day deceased, or having any claim against or interest in of January, 1961, particulars of such claims or in- the property of the deceased, who died on the 6th terest to the undersigned, Solicitor for the personal day of July, 1960, are hereby required to send on or representatives of Ihe deceased. before the 15th day of January, 1961, particulars of And Notice is hereby further given that after the such claims and interests to the undersigned, said 14th day of January, 1961, the said personal Solicitors for the personal representative of the de- representatives .will proceed to convey or to dis- ceased. tribute the property of the said deceased among the And Notice is hereby further given that after the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the