March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

1 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

SHAAREI TIKVAH “The Scarsdale Conservative Congregation” Affiliated With United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism THE GATEWAY

46 Fox Meadow Road Scarsdale, New York 10583 (914) 472-2013

Editor: Keith Bloomfield [email protected]

When you patronize a bulletin sponsor, please tell the owner/manager that you saw their advertisement in the GATEWAY. If you know of anyone interested in sponsoring an ad, please call Melanie 472-2013 ext. 300. Gateway Ad Rates for the 2015-2016 year. Business card: $36 per issue, Quarter Page: $ 60 per issue Half Page: $95 per issue, Full Page: $180 per issue

Table of Contents 3 Meet our Bat Mitzvah 4 From the Rabbi’s Study 5 President’s Column 6 Cantor’s Corner 7 Cantor’s Spring Concert - Classical Cafe 9 The Party! Honorees; Save the date 10 News from the Anna and Shereff Religious School 11 Cemetery Committee - Important Planning for the Future 12 Between the Bookends—ST Book Club 13 Social Action Committee: Chesed Opportunities 14 News from the Brotherhood 15 Life long Learning 16 News From Our Advertising Editor 17 Donations 27 March Calendar

2 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776 Mazel Tov to our Bat Mitzvah!

ZOEY KOVACH - March 12, 2016

Zoey attends Highland Middle School in White Plains where she is a 7th grade honor student. She has a younger brother named Jonah, who is nine years old.

When not in school, Zoey can most likely be found on a softball field. She plays catcher on up to four different teams, depending on the time of year. Zoey also enjoys taking photos and spending time with her friends.

She is very excited to be turning 13 and celebrating becoming a Bat Mitzvah with all her family and friends. She’d like to thank Cantor Zemel and Cantor Cohen, as well as Rabbi Astor for helping her prepare for her big day.

From Alison, Sarah, Michal and Tamar Kellner and the extended Kellner family:

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Ice Cream for Breakfast Day and to those who made financial contributions or donated blood in Louis' memory. Twenty eight lifesaving units of blood were donated that morning and the organizations that Louis cared passionately for are stronger because of you. As we approach this first yartzheit we are continually reminded of the wonderful Shaarei Tikvah community that supports us and helps lighten our heavy hearts.

From Dorothy Kowalsky:

Thank you to everyone who visited me, gave me their well wishes and birthday greetings during a particularly difficult time. A special shout out to the Vav class for their terrific card.

From Ellen and Paul Lewis:

We would like to thank everyone who has made contributions, sent cards, called and wished Paul well during the past difficult weeks.

Paul and I really appreciate what a caring community we are members of! Today Rabbah from both of us.

3 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

From the Rabbi’s Study Rabbi Carl Astor


It is difficult for me to get my head around the fact that we are already getting ready for Purim – and I just arrived here, it seems like, yesterday! Since my arrival in July, so much has happened—in my life and in the life of this congregation. I have met many wonderful, interesting, caring, but most of all, new people.

I think it was Sanjay Gupta, the CNN medical reporter, who said that you should try to do something “scary” every day in order to keep yourself growing and thriving for your whole life. There is definitely something to that, and being here at Shaarei Tikvah this year has been an exciting and, in some ways, frightening experience. When you’ve been at a place for over 30 years, you get to a certain comfort level and momentum tends to creep in. That has not been my experience here. Everything is new. Every week I find myself wondering what will happen this week? Who will I meet? What new wrinkles will pop up? Am I doing here what I was expected to do and will I leave this place in better condition than it was when I arrived?

I have done a great deal of thinking and observing over these past 7 months, and I am sure that I will have an opportunity to share some of these observations with you before I depart, at the appropriate time and place. However, I want to say now that I am convinced that God works in mysterious ways. Coming here has been the best thing that could have happened to me, and it was completely unlooked for and unsolicited. It just happened (I think most of you know the whole story by now).

Since Purim is rapidly approaching, allow me to draw some interesting analogies. First of all, reading the book of teaches us that there are really no such things in life as “accidents” or pure coincidences. Anyway, that is the viewpoint of the author. There was a reason that Esther was chosen above all the other women. Mordechai didn’t just “happen” to overhear the plotting of Bigthan and Teresh. And it was not a coincidence that the king could not fall asleep and decided to have the royal records read to him wherein he was reminded of the fact that Mordechai had saved his life.

Similarly, I don’t believe that my coming here was simply an accidental coincidence. This community has become a big part of my life. I believe that it all makes sense for me, and I hope for you. It is a perfect time in my career to be able to offer some stability, healing, and advice to a congregation that has become so important for me. In some ways I see myself as a Queen Esther (not as beautiful, I’m afraid!) in Persia or as a Joseph (not as smart!) in Egypt. Both were strangers who came to their positions without planning it or pre-arrangements. But once in their new lands and new positions, did their very best to carry out their missions. I don’t want to sound maudlin or overly sentimental, and this is certainly not in any way a farewell piece, but at close to midway in my term at Shaarei Tikvah, I am beginning to think about time as going too quickly and demanding more attention. So, forgive my musings and, in case I haven’t met you yet personally, please take a few moments to call, email, or, even better yet, make a time to come in to visit.

Let me wish you all a very joyous Purim, a time of joy, happiness, and celebration!

4 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

President’s Column Jamie Raboy

It’s Purim! Time to let loose, make some noise, have a few goodies from the bag, and for those adults in the room, maybe even a drink. Here at Shaarei Tikvah, we take our Purim celebrations the extra step and don’t just celebrate for the day, but we have a full week of activities planned.

First, it all starts with an act of chesed in conjunction with the Bronx Jewish Community Council. On Sunday, March 6, at 10:30 a.m. you can help pack mishloach manot which will be delivered to home bound and elderly that may not have anyone to spend the holiday with. Just let Stacey and Ian Silberzweig know, [email protected], if you are interested in helping to pack bags.

While we are on the subject of mishloach manot, don’t forget to order yours for your favorite fellow congregants. Orders are due by March 16 and you can contact [email protected]. Then, on Sunday, March 20, at 10:30 a.m. we are having our Purim carnival, run by our own USY and Kadima chapter and sponsored by the PTA. There will be fun carnival games and activities to keep the kids entertained. At the same time, to keep the adults entertained, the Brotherhood will be holding their Passover wine sale.

On Wednesday, March 23, comes the actual holiday of Purim, with a light dinner at 5:45, followed by reading, the Silly Symphony and some great costumes. Who will have the best costume this year?

Thursday morning, March 24, we will have our regular minyan at 7 a.m. followed by Megillah reading.

Finally, to wrap up the festivities, on Saturday, March 26, at 9 p.m., it’s the Panoply! We all know the story of Purim, but did you ever wonder how your favorite (and least favorite) characters came to be? Come find out the answers in this parody-filled musical starring your fellow congregants, including yours truly. It’s for adults only, so reserve the baby sitter now.

Enjoy Purim and see you at Shaarei Tikvah soon!

Save the Date! Saturday night

March 26!

Purim Panoply

Watch for more details! Contract signed! Rabbi Baldachin starts on July 1!

5 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

Cantor’s Corner Cantor Gerald Cohen

PURIM—JOIN IN THE SILLY SYMPHONY!! Purim is just about a month away! As part of the service on Wednesday evening, March 23, we will, as usual, be featuring the wonderful Silly Symphony as an important part of the fun, playing between each chapter of the Megillah (and of course adding to the noise when we mention you-know-who's name).

We would love to have you as part of the band, whether you have participated many times, or this is your first time. You can be on any instrument, any age, at any level of experience—the idea is to make a good noise together for Purim! Please be in touch with me ([email protected]) if you are interested or have any questions. I can send you the music in advance.

Purim Sameach!

Celebrate Purim with us! DID YOU SUBMIT Purim Carnival Sunday March 20, 10:30am YOUR SHALACH

including Brotherhood MANOT ORDER ? Passover Wine Sale

Deadline: Wed., March 16 Wednesday, March 23  5:45pm - light supper Contact the office  6:45pm - Maariv with any questions.  7:00pm - reading of Megillat Esther [email protected] (with Silly Symphony)

Thursday, March 24  7:00am - services followed by Play with the Silly Symphony – our reading of Megillat Esther band of homegrown musicians of all ages! Email Cantor Cohen [email protected]

6 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776 Classical Café to Feature Wine, Cheese and Chamber Ensemble

Don’t Miss our Annual Spring Concert Saturday Evening, April 16 at 9pm

A vibrant chamber ensemble performing music by Cantor Gerald Cohen and other composers will take center stage at our annual Spring Concert - in a relaxed, café setting with wine, cheese and dessert.

The ensemble – clarinet, piano, violin and viola – will perform music from Sea of Reeds, Cantor Cohen’s latest CD, as well as music by Dvorak (his beautiful Bagatelles), Schoenfield (the lively, jazzy Four Souvenirs), and Broadway and classical songs sung by Cantor Cohen.

Shaarei Tikvah concert goers may recognize clarinetist Vasko Dukovski and pianist Alexandra Joan, the dynamic and highly talented performers of the Grneta Ensemble, who performed in 2011 at Shaarei Tikvah and on Cantor Cohen’s Sea of Reeds CD. Joining them will be Jennifer Choi on violin, Sarah Adams on viola, and of course, Cantor Cohen.

“I am thrilled that some of my favorite performers and good friends will be performing at Shaarei Tikvah. It will be an evening of beautiful music – and a lot of fun,” said Cantor Cohen.

The two works from Sea of Reeds are Variously Blue, a jazzy piece for piano, clarinet and violin, and Yedid Nefesh, which explores the many aspects and emotions of a beautiful Sephardic melody. Sea of Reeds, released in 2014, showcases the range and flexibility of the clarinet and was inspired by the Grneta Ensemble’s musicians.

The Classical Café, like last year’s jazz concert, will be a great opportunity to relax with friends seated around tables café style, while drinking wine, noshing on treats, and listening to beautiful music. General admission tickets to the Classical Café are $36; Student admission is $20.

Supporters for the program are most welcome! The Benefactor level is $250 for 4 tickets; Patron level is $150 for 3 tickets; Sponsor level is $100 for 2 tickets; all levels of donation will have your name, with thanks, in the concert program.

For general information, please contact the synagogue office. To donate to the concert or to volunteer for the concert committee, please contact concert chairs Robin Sneider ([email protected]) or Gloria Fields ([email protected]).

7 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

Save the Date! Sat., April 16, 2016, 9pm CLASSICAL CAFÉ Featuring chamber ensemble Wine and cheese!

Support our annual concert - Sponsorship Opportunities (all offer name on the program) Benefactor $250 (4 tickets)

Patron $150 (3 tickets)

Sponsor $100 (2 tickets)

8 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776 The Party! Save the Date: Sunday, June 5, 2016 Carol Mermey

Ellen and Paul Lewis to be Honored at The Party

Ileen Kodish is Volunteer of the Year

Count the ways Ellen Lewis has served Shaarei Tikvah and you’ll quickly run out of fingers. She’s been an officer, Board member, Adult Education Chair, Ritual Committee Chair, and a member of the School Board and Concert Committee. Today, she tutors our Religious School students, teaches a weekly prayer book Hebrew class for adults, gives out the honors at Shabbat services each week, reads Haftarah frequently and the Megillah on Purim.

Ellen only needs one word to sum up what Shaarei Tikvah means to her: community. This year, the community will honor Ellen and her husband Paul at the Party, to thank them for all they’ve done.

Ellen is a lifelong Mt. Vernon resident whose parents were active member of Emanuel Jewish Center, one of our predecessor congregations. Ellen taught math (calculus and more) at Mt. Vernon High School for 30 years. In January 1973, she met Paul, a Chemistry teacher at the high school and they were married eight months later. The two have a daughter, Rachel, who is a pediatric critical care physician.

Paul, a former Christian Brother in the De La Salle teaching order, has always supported Shaarei Tikvah and Ellen’s participation in the shul. When Shaarei Tikvah allowed members with non-Jewish spouses to join as full Household Members, the Lewises were among the first families to take the offer and Paul has enthusiastically participated in synagogue social and cultural events. “Paul thinks Shaarei Tikvah is a wonderful place,” Ellen says. “The community has been very welcoming to him.”

At the Party, we will also celebrate Ileen Kodish as Volunteer of the Year. Ileen served as School Board Co-Chair from 2008 to 2014 devoting countless hours and considerable organizational skills to its smooth functioning for the benefit of our children, teachers and community. She brought the PJ Library program to Shaarei Tikvah and organized and led family workshops around the stories. Ileen has three daughters – Danielle, Nola and Hali – who are graduates of our Religious School and who carried on the family tradition by volunteering in the school.

The Party is always a fun community event – and our most important fundraiser. So, Save the Date – Sunday, June 5 at 5:30 pm. And please support the journal with your own ads and ads you solicit from the people with whom you do business. Ad forms are available outside the office or by email.

9 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

Anna and Louis Shereff Religious School Ronit Razinovsky and Julie Rabinowitz

Tu b’Shevat at Religious School was so exciting this year! We created seven stations - each one based on one of the seven species - and the students went from station to station experiencing the species in different ways. At wheat and barley, students were able to touch flour and make collages with different foods made from wheat and barley. At date and olive, students tasted sweet date honey and salty olives, respectively. We talked about the importance of the seven species and how they came to be a central topic in Judaism and the history of Israel. At the different stations, students were able to see the growing season of each of the species and to learn how they run through the whole year. It was a new way for our children to experience the beauty and importance of Tu b’Shevat.

We are now looking ahead to our Student-Led Shabbat on April 2. Cantor Cohen along with Morah Laura and all of the teachers have started working with the children on tefillot and tropes. All students from Shorashim and up have an important part in this wonderfully warm and spiritual Shabbat. The students are getting excited and working hard to master their parts.

The next few months at Religious School are action packed! Please be on the lookout for updates and information.

Don’t forget to sell chocolate and goodies for Pesach through Miss Chocolate. Every box sold helps benefit the Religious School! Contact Rachel Glotzer with any questions.

10 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

Planning For The Future Cemetery Committee Chairs - Ron Zander and Joan Mazur

One of the important services a synagogue can offer its members is providing for the final resting place of them and their families. Shaarei Tikvah is no exception.

Shaarei Tikvah owns plots in three cemeteries in Westchester: Mount Hope Cemetery, Mount Eden Cemetery and Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Mount Hope is located off Jackson Avenue in Hastings-on-Hudson; and Mount Eden and Mount Pleasant are both located off the Bronx River Parkway in Hawthorne.

Many of you have planned for the future – life insurance, disability insurance, wills, trust and estates, retirement planning – and the like. One item often overlooked in this planning is the purchase of a cemetery plot for yourself, your family and loved ones. There are very good reasons to consider purchasing a plot now, regardless of your age:

 It is important to properly plan for this certainty with a clear and objective mind, taking all considerations into account, and to relieve your family of this burden at a necessary time.  Prices will only go up, so purchasing now will cost less.  Shaarei Tikvah owns a limited number of available graves, so your options are greater now than later.

Cemetery plots are available in different sizes. Generally (and depending on the particular cemetery), one can purchase single graves, two-grave plots, four-grave plots, and larger "family" plots. Burials in any of our cemetery properties can be only for persons of the Jewish faith.

*** Important Information Regarding Change in Pricing ***

Effective July 1, 2016, the pricing for the purchase of plots for Synagogue Members in any of the Shaarei Tikvah cemeteries shall be increased to $1,600 per grave. However, the current pricing for Synagogue Members ($800 per grave) will be honored between now and June 30, 2016, subject to the transaction closing prior to June 30, 2016, which includes the selection of specific plot(s), the fully completed “Shaarei Tikvah Application for Purchase of Cemetery Plot” form being submitted to the Synagogue Office AND full payment of purchase price and any related fees prior to June 30, 2016. Additionally, effective July 1, 2016, in order to receive the discounted member price, a member must have been a Synagogue member-in-good-standing for a period of twenty four (24) months prior to the purchase of the plot.

Effective immediately, the pricing for the purchase of plots for non-Synagogue Members in any of the Shaarei Tikvah cemeteries shall be increased to $3,200 per grave. [Note: While we do not generally sell plots to non-members, we will do so in the following situations: (1) individuals who have family members already buried in the cemetery, or (2) family relatives of Shaarei Tikvah Members who have previously purchased plots in the cemetery.]

These fees, even as increased, represent a substantial discount from the prices charged directly by a cemetery, and they are subject to additional administrative fees charged by the individual cemeteries.

11 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776 Planning for the Future, cont’d. The process to purchase a plot through ST is relatively simple:  You decide on the cemetery.  You complete an application (available from Shaarei Tikvah).  You discuss with a member of the Cemetery Committee the specific plots available, and if you desire, you visit the available plots.  You decide on the type of maintenance care (annual or perpetual) you desire.  You pay for the plot.  You receive a deed for the plot that you keep with your other important documents.  You finalize your arrangements directly with the applicable cemetery for the type of maintenance care you select.

Purchasing a plot is important, but it need not be a traumatic experience. For further information, please call Melanie in the Synagogue office for the "Cemetery Information Packet", which will provide valuable information, and answer many questions you may have.

Wishing you a long and healthy life, The Cemetery Committee

Between the Bookends - Shaarei Tikvah’s Book Club Ruth Shire

Below is the 2016 schedule of meeting dates and the books that will be read and discussed. Visitors and new mem- bers are always welcome. Meetings are on Wednesdays from 1 to 3 p.m.

March 16, 2016 The Bridal Chair by Gloria Goldreich April 13, 2016 Dead Wake by Erik Larson June 1, 2016 To be decided

For more information, contact Ruth Shire 914-668-0583

New Teen Engagement Initiative A safe space for LGBTQ Jewish Teens & Straight Allies Support Group, Dinner & Activity Sundays Feb 28, April 3, May 15, June 5, + More 5:45-7:30pm at Congregation Emanu-El of Westchester

t: 914.355.0131 · e: [email protected]

12 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

Social Action Committee Susanne Jones and Dave Lampert

Social Action: More Chesed Opportunities: Carol Mermey

Pack Shalach Manot for the Elderly on March 6; Cooking Day April 5 and More

Join us as we pack Shalach Manot bags for the elderly served by the Bronx Jewish Community Council (BJCC) on Sunday, March 6, at 10:30 am. These Purim bags contain traditional holiday treats including Hamentaschen as well as staples and requested “luxury” items such as hand lotion and tea. The bags will be delivered to home-bound seniors in the Bronx and also distributed at the BJCC Purim Party. Everyone can help pack – from the youngest children to the oldest adults. Last year we had a great crowd and it was a lot of fun, so please be sure to bring the family and join us on the 6th. For more information, please contact Stacey or Ian Silberzweig at [email protected]. BJCC welcomes members of Shaarei Tikvah to volunteer at their Purim Party on March 17 at 1:30 pm; to sign up or get more information contact Niti Minkove at [email protected].

Our next Cooking Day for the season is Sunday, April 3. We’ve had our best year ever for Cooking Days – nearly one each month – and we’d like to thank everyone who has jumped right in to chop vegetables, mix cookie dough and wash lettuce. Thanks especially to the kids and teens who are such enthusiastic participants. Our meals go to the Community Services Associates soup kitchen in Mt. Vernon, which serves dinners four nights each week to scores of hungry children and adults and also provides breakfast and other services. We are pleased to see that they will be moving to a new home in the Mt. Vernon Armory this spring.

We’d like to thank Leon Vallejo who makes it so easy for us to hold Cooking Days because he does all the shopping. It’s a big task and we so appreciate it.

Finally, our deepest thanks to the Pearlman family for endowing the Samuel Katz Welfare Fund that for the past several years has sponsored our Cooking Days and other Social Action activities. The family started the fund in memory of Sharon’s father and we know he would have been very pleased to see what it has accomplished.

Please keep bringing in cans of tuna and other nonperishable food items for the Interfaith Food Bank. Working with other synagogues and churches, we deliver bags of food to the hungry in the Bronx – it’s an ongoing campaign and we can always use help packing food on Tuesday mornings or evenings at Scarsdale Synagogue. Watch the announcements for packing dates. Applause to Avery Balkin, who took charge of making chocolate chip cookies at cooking day on February 21! Avery is the only kid and indeed the only member to come to every cooking day this year! 13 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

News from the Brotherhood Jonathan Lesser


World Wide Wrap XVI Pitchers and catchers are reporting soon to spring training. Purim is in the air. Passover cannot be far behind. With all of our annual traditions, it is important to reflect on ones that have just passed…. Super Bowl Sunday! And of course the World Wide Wrap.

Once again, The Brotherhood was proud to sponsor a community wide event which brought together wrappers of all ages. At the 16th Annual World Wide Wrap held on February 7, 2016, we had a wonderful turnout and joined thousands of Jews from all over the world in celebrating the mitzvah of tefillin. In addition, we also honored the Bar and Bat mitzvah-age students who received a set of tefillin courtesy of the Rev. Solomon Kaplan Fund. Following the morning minyan, we were all treated to a delicious and mouth watering Pancake Breakfast thanks to our early rising volunteers who made plain, chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes.

We would like to thank Rabbi Carl and the other volunteers who assisted and congratulate the B'nai Mitzvah class of 2016 which enthusiastically participated in the event.

Passover Wine Sale Purim is right around the corner which means the Brotherhood has to start planning for the annual Passover Wine Sale and tasting.

Please be on the lookout for the notices regarding our synagogue Purim celebrations where we share wine with our legal-aged members. And do not be shy to reach out and contact us to offer to help set up and take orders. Our first wine tasting and sale date has been set for Sunday, March 20, at 10:00am.

If you have any questions or want to find out how to help, please feel free to contact Jonathan Lesser at [email protected].

. 14 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

Monograms by Cartier Arthur Glauberman

One of my volunteer jobs at ST involves arranging for the monogramming of the tefillin bags for our B’nai Mitzvah. After doing some research, I met with Liz Cartier, who is based in Valhalla, and she did an exceptional job monogramming our children’s bags.

Check out Liz’s Web site—— or her Facebook page. I’d love it if members of our community who need something monogrammed could utilize Liz’s company! She was wonderfully supportive and helpful and a joy to work with! You can also contact Liz by email at [email protected] or by calling 914-747-6154.


Monogramming and embroidery on most fabrics Custom work available

Designs for individuals, businesses, weddings, graduations, anniversaries, or just a “thinking of you” gift.

Our Happily Satisfied Customers Are Our Best Advertisers! Liz Cartier Valhalla, New York

Web site: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 914.747.6154

Lifelong Learning Carol Mermey

Jewish Short Stories

Rabbi Astor will continue his inspirational series on Jewish Short Stories starting on Thursday February 25, continuing on March 10, 17 and 24 and April 7, 14. Yiddish, American Jewish, and Israeli stories will be discussed. Please let Rabbi Astor, [email protected], know that you will be attending so that he can email you the reading material for each session, prior to the class.

15 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

News from our Advertising Editor Arthur Glauberman

I want to share some exiting news! Best Plumbing Tile & Stone, located at 830 Central Avenue, is joining the other wonderful businesses who advertise in our Gateway bulletin! Anyone who has done any kitchen or bathroom renovations has probably visited one of their showrooms; the closest is located near the intersection of Ardsley Road, across the street from Staples. Recently, I had the pleasure of talking to the president of the company, Jonas Weiner, who told me some interesting historical facts about his company.

Best Plumbing Tile & Stone first opened its doors on February 19, 1960. Founders Mel and Adele Weiner saw the plumbing supply business from a unique merchandising viewpoint. They wanted to present bath and kitchen products directly to the end user. In addition to traditional supplies, they gave their customers the opportunity to see the products in a showroom—a concept that was unheard of in the industry.

When Jonas realized that Shaarei Tikvah had a newsletter, he felt that he should be advertising to show his support for our community.

We have been renovating our rabbinic residence on Parkfield Road and our contractor is using many of Best’s bathroom and kitchen fixtures! I have been in the house and I only wish Judy and I had used the high quality fixtures in our own home! These are all great reasons to not only celebrate our newest advertiser, but to plan a trip to their showroom to check out their magnificent bath and kitchen fixtures! And in a few months, Best Plumbing Tile & Stone will be moving to a new location next to Buy Buy Baby at 1019 Central Avenue.

As Advertising Editor of the Gateway, I have tried to sample most of our advertisers to make sure that they provide great services at reasonable prices, before letting them promote their products to our community. In an effort at transparency, I haven’t personally solicited every business, but in many situations, I have first been a paying customer before encouraging them to advertise and support our ST community. Without going into the gory details or risking upsetting Judy by sharing with you how I ended up at Laser Frame and Body Repair, I will tell you that they did an amazing job repairing our car! They are one of the authorized repair shops that work closely with insurance companies and many of the automobile dealerships in our area. Martin Goldsmith, who is the owner of Laser Frame, arranged to have my car picked up at 6:30 in the morning and returned it a week later in mint condition! Martin was also excited about having an opportunity to support our Shaarei Tikvah community. I hope that if someone manages to dent or do significant damage to one of your vehicles, you’ll consider calling Laser Frame and Body Repair at 914-632-8100.

16 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776 Donations November, December 2015, and January, February 2016 General Fund  Happy Birthday wishes to Anita Borkenstein, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Molly Glauberman, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Talia Schulman, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday and wishes for good health to Dorothy Kowalsky, from Anna Shereff  In memory of Dan Zeitz’s father Samuel Zeitz, from Jackie Bruskin, Kate and Scott Eichel  Wishes for good health to their friend Allen Arrow, from Melvin and Elsa Federbush  Mazel Tov to Elyse Miller on chanting the haftarah on the anniversary of her Bat Mitzvah, from Anna Shereff, Jackie Bruskin  Happy Birthday wishes to Wendy Hollander, from Jackie Bruskin  In honor of the marriage of Michael Hollander and Leah Hillman, from Fran and Bob Kaplan, Diane and Bruce Wilensky, Carol and Rob Goodman, Sally and Myron Bush  In honor of Les Goldfischer from Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier  Mazel Tov to Melanie and Jamie Kayam and to Jonah and Luca on the birth of a son and brother, from Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier, Gloria Fields and Andy Seligson  In gratitude to Rabbi Astor, Cantor Cohen, Melanie Piha, and Leon Vallejo and his staff for making Jake’s and Stephanie’s aufruf so warm, welcoming and beautiful, from Sally and Bruce Wittenberg  In honor of the Yad l’Yad Committee and in honor of their 68th anniversary, from Ann and Philip Zeidberg  Happy Birthday wishes to Sarah Lampert, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Elyse Kirschner, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Irving Roschelle, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Daniel Lampert, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Shelby Borkenstein, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Ron Schulman, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Jonathan Kane, from Anna Shereff  Mazel Tov to Josh Kirschner on becoming a Bar Mitzvah, from Anna Shereff, Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier, Jackie Bruskin, Roz Berliner, Sally and Myron Bush, Roz Berliner, Maxine Bellus  In memory of Ellen Baer’s brother Mitchell Baer, from Jackie Bruskin, Anita and Randy Borkenstein, Sally and Myron Bush  In honor of Gloria Fields’ birthday, from Caroline, Cantor Gerald and Daniel Cohen  Mazel Tov to Sally and Bruce Wittenberg on the marriage of their son Jake to Stephanie Hershkovitz , from Carol and Rob Goodman, Sally and Myron Bush  Get well wishes to Bob Arnow, from Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier, Jackie Bruskin  Get well wishes to Jackie Bruskin, from Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier, Anna Shereff, Sally and Myron Bush  Happy Birthday wishes to Emma Lampert, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Elyse Miller, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Carol Mermey, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Cantor Gerald Cohen, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Carol Goodman, from Anna Shereff  In memory of Rob Glantz’s father Irving Glantz, from Anita and Randy Borkenstein  Mazel Tov to Carol and Rob Goodman on the engagement of their son Adam to Brittany Wayne, from Sally and Myron Bush  Mazel Tov to Laura and Howie Grill on their 50th wedding anniversary, from Sally and Myron Bush  Get well wishes to Paul Lewis, from Gloria Fields and Andy Seligson, Jackie Bruskin, Roz Berliner, Fern Diamond, Anna Shereff, Meryl and Stu Moser  Mazel Tov to Sheryl and Eric Bassin on the birth of a daughter, from Gloria Fields and Andy Seligson  Mazel Tov to Kate and Scott Eichel on the birth of a son, from Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier, Ellen and Jamie Raboy, Gloria Fields and Andy Seligson  In appreciation of the support from the Shaarei Tikvah community on the passing of her brother Mitchell Baer, from Ellen Baer and Einar Sigurdsson  Mazel Tov to Maya Buck on becoming a Bat Mitzvah, from Jackie Bruskin  In memory of Louis Kellner on Ice Cream For Breakfast Day, from Ellen and Jamie Raboy  Get well wishes to Neil Kuttner, from Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier, Anna Shereff

17 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776  Get well wishes to Philip Zeidberg, from Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier  Mazel Tov to Barbara and Jack Weiss on the birth of a great granddaughter, from Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier, Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Roz Berliner, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Louise Kerner, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Elizabeth Miller, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Judith Spanier, from Anna Shereff  Mazel Tov to Evan Cohen on becoming a Bar Mitzvah, from Jackie Bruskin  Mazel Tov to Daniel Lampert on becoming a Bar Mitzvah, from Roz Berliner, Jackie Bruskin, Maida and Howard Silver, Dan Weisz and Cindy Kaufman and Naomi and Howard, Ruth Fell, Melissa and Herb Baer, Anita and Randy Borkenstein  Mazel Tov to Barbara and Jack Weiss on the birth of their great granddaughter Nitzan, from Jackie Bruskin, Erik and Nicole Goluboff  Wishes for refuah shelema to Myron Bush, from Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier, Meryl and Stu Moser, Anna Shereff, Gloria Fields and Andy Seligson  Happy Birthday wishes to Sally Bush, from Anna Shereff  Happy Birthday wishes to Steve Mermey, from Anna Shereff  In honor of Randy Borkenstein’s 50th birthday, from Myra Cohen

Yahrzeit  In loving memory of her mother Thelma Weiss Karlin, from Diane and Bruce Wilensky  In loving memory of his mother Ruth Zander, from Ron and Ellen Zander  In memory of her husband Bernard M. Perelman, from Marilyn Perelman  In loving memory of husband and father Herbert Bellus, from Beatrice Bellus, Maxine Bellus, Melinda Bellus-Szechter and Michael Szechter  In memory of her dear husband, from Dorothy Kowalsky

Reverend Solomon Kaplan Fund  In memory of Dan Zeitz’s father Samuel Zeitz, from Wendy Hollander and family  In memory of Rabbi Carl Astor’s sister Hedi Gustafson, from Wendy Hollander and family  Happy Birthday wishes to Beth Kaufman, from Wendy Hollander and family  In honor of Jackie Bruskin chanting the haftarah, from Wendy Hollander  In memory of Jeff Elliott’s mother Eleanor Elliott, from Lenny Sherman  Mazel Tov to Michael Hollander and Leah Hillman on their aufruf, from Anna Shereff, Roz Berliner  Mazel Tov to Michael Hollander and Leah Hillman in honor of their wedding, from Wendy Hollander, Laura and Howard Grill  In honor of Mort and Jean Hertz for the beautiful service, from Wendy Hollander  Mazel Tov to Sally and Bruce Wittenberg on Jake and Stephanie’s aufruf, from Laura and Howard Grill  Get well wishes to Paul Lewis, from Wendy Hollander  Get well wishes to Bob Arnow, from Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier  Congratulations to Adam Frishwasser on his admission to CIP, from Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier

Religious School  A very Happy Birthday to Audrey Elliott, from Anna Shereff  A very Happy Birthday to Jackie Bruskin, from Anna Shereff  In memory of Dan Zeitz’s father Samuel Zeitz, from Lenny Sherman  A very Happy Birthday to Ellen Raboy, from Anna Shereff  Thank you to the Yad l’Yad Committee for the lovely Chanukah candles, from Anna Shereff  A very Happy Birthday to Jared Mermey, from Anna Shereff  A very Happy Birthday to Bob Goodman, from Anna Shereff  A very Happy Birthday to Michael Hollander, from Anna Shereff  A very Happy Birthday to Gloria Fields, from Anna Shereff  A very Happy Birthday to Leon Eisenson, from Anna Shereff  A very Happy Birthday to Bill Magaliff, from Anna Shereff

18 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776  A very Happy Birthday to Jerry Kerner, from Anna Shereff  A very Happy Birthday to Jaime Szeinuk, from Anna Shereff  Mazel Tov to Josh Kirschner on becoming a Bar Mitzvah, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  Mazel Tov to Kate and Scott Eichel and to Billie and Summer on the birth of a son and brother Caleb, from Anna Shereff  Mazel Tov to Evan Cohen on becoming a Bar Mitzvah, from Ellen and Paul Lewis, Dan Weisz and Cindy Kaufman and Naomi and Howard  Mazel Tov to Maya Buck on becoming a Bat Mitzvah, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  Mazel Tov to Daniel Lampert on becoming a Bar Mitzvah, from Ellen and Paul Lewis

Weingartner Adult Education Fund  Mazel Tov to Alyssa Levy on chanting the haftarah on the anniversary of her Bat Mitzvah, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  Mazel Tov to Elyse Miller on chanting the haftarah on the anniversary of her Bat Mitzvah, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  In honor of the aufruf and upcoming marriage of Michael Hollander and Leah Hillman, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  In honor of Jackie Bruskin chanting the haftarah, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  Happy Birthday wishes to Leon Eisenson, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  Happy Birthday wishes to Irving Roschelle, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  Happy Anniversary to Laura and Howard Grill, from Ellen and Paul Lewis, Maxine Bellus  In loving memory of her parents Ilse and Henry Weingartner, from Marilyn Weingartner  Refuah Shelema to Bob Arnow, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  Refuah Shelema to Paul Lewis, from Laura and Howard Grill  Refuah Shelema to Neil Kuttner, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  Refuah Shelema to Philip Zeidberg, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  Happy Birthday wishes to Roz Berliner, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  Mazel Tov to Barbara and Jack Weiss on the birth of their great granddaughter, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  Happy Birthday wishes to Lester Goldfischer, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  Get well wishes to Myron Bush, from Ellen and Paul Lewis, Laura and Howard Grill

Dr. Samuel Katz Welfare Fund  In honor of Daniel Lampert becoming a Bar Mitzvah, from Maxine Bellus

Youth Programs Fund  In memory of Louis Kellner on Ice Cream For Breakfast Day and on his yahrzeit, from Jean and Mort Hertz, Maxine Bellus, Ileen Kodish, Carol and Jay Weissbrot, Dina and Vadim Zlotnikov, Gloria Fields and Andy Seligson, Laura and Howard Grill, Michele Hinden Elyachar, Beth and Charles Lesnick, Cindy Kaufman and Dan Weisz, Stacey and Jeff Silberzweig, Marilyn Weingartner, Gayle and Rob Glik, Melinda Bellus Szechter and Michael Szechter and Marc, Cantor Gerald Cohen and Carolyn Stern  In honor of Alison Kellner bringing Ice Cream For Breakfast to ShaareiTikvah, from Meryl and Stu Moser

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund  In honor of Rabbi Astor for being so terrific at the aufruf of Michael Hollander and Leah Hillman, from Wendy Hollander  In appreciation of Rabbi Astor’s participation at Emily Koevary’s Bat Mitzvah, from Renee and Jon Koevary  For a remarkable Chanukah Party, from Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier  In appreciation of Rabbi Astor, from Stacey and Jeff Silberzweig  Mazel Tov to Sally and Bruce Wittenberg on the occasion of the wedding of Jake and Stephanie, from Erik and Nicole Goluboff  In honor of her new great granddaughter, from Fern Diamond  In appreciation, from Anne and Philip Zeidberg

Kaufman Updike Library Fund  Happy Birthday wishes to Beth Kaufman, from Anna Shereff  Mazel Tov to Michael Hollander and Leah Hillman on their wedding, from Beth Kaufman and Charlie Updike and family  Mazel Tov to Beth Kaufman and Charlie Updike on the birth of their granddaughter Mae Daphne, from Wendy Hollander and family

19 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776 Kiddush Fund  In honor of his father Leo Roschelle’s yahrzeit, from Irving Roschelle  In honor of Gabriel Lesser becoming a Bar Mitzvah, from Maxine Bellus  Happy Birthday wishes to Ellen Raboy, from Robin and John Sneider  In memory of her father James Lackman, from Ellen and Jamie Raboy  In memory of his wife Marion, from Lester Goldfischer

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund  In memory of Virginia Stern Whelan sister of Caroline Stern and sister-in-law of Cantor Gerald Cohen, from Lenny Sherman  In appreciation of Cantor Cohen’s participation at Emily Koevary’s Bat Mitzvah, from Renee and Jon Koevary

Simchat Torah Fund  In honor of Rabbi Carl Astor as Hattan Torah, Sharon Astor as Kallat Beresheet, Marc Szechter as Kol HaNa-arim, from Elizabeth and Dave Lampert

Shiva Fund  In memory of Dan Zeitz’s father Samuel Zeitz, from Ellen and Paul Lewis  In honor of his father Leo Roschelle’s yahrzeit, from Irving Roschelle  In memory of Ellen Baer’s brother Mitchell Baer, from Ellen and Paul Lewis, Arthur Glauberman and Judith Spanier, Gloria Fields and Andy Seligson

Prayer Book Fund  In honor of Elyse Miller chanting the haftarah on the anniversary of her Bat Mitzvah, from the shul ladies - Wendy Hollander, Gloria Fields, Laurie Vogl, Ellen Lewis, and Lois Heitner  In honor of Gabriel Lesser becoming a Bar Mitzvah, from Amy and Jonathan Goldstein  With appreciation, from Cantor Gerald Cohen and Carolyn Stern

Service and Ritual Fund  In honor of Irving Roschelle on his 89th birthday, from Ellen and Ron Zander

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20 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

EDEN Kosher 2558 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, 10710,


52 Garth Road, Scarsdale, phone 725-0090 Monday to Sunday 6:30am – 2:00pm OUR BAGELS ARE KOSHER NO FAT, NO CHOLESTROL, NO SUGAR (in cinn raisin only) 21 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

Eastchester Fish Gourmet The Authority on Fresh Fish Since 1981 Restaurant, Fish Market & Catering To Go Best of Westchester Readers Choice 2014 Rated Excellent by NY Times 2013 Verizon Restaurant Hunter January 2015 837 White Plains Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-725-3450

22 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

COTTAM HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC. 492 City Island Avenue, City Island, N.Y. 10464 www.cottamhvac.comTel: (718) 885-3328 Fax: (718) 885-0219 State of Connecticut HIC # 0571319 State of Connecticut DI- 392082 Westchester County: WC-05403-H94 New York City Lic. #: 0923504

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23 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776 Beth Torah Glatt Kosher Caterers Proudly serving the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut areas.

Specializing in weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs and morning kiddush as well as kosher Iraqi and Jewish food. Please feel free to browse our wide selection of menus for any occasion

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24 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776 Thank you to

JIFFY CLEANERS for donating their services to clean our tallitot Please support them with your patronage 259 South Central Avenue (Mid Central Shopping Plaza) Hartsdale, NY, 948-4080

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25 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

Riverside Memorial Chapel

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26 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776

27 March 2016 Adar I, Adar II, 5776