Turn Left Virez à gauche Spring/ Voice of the NDP Socialist Caucus / Voix du caucus socialiste NPD $2 Printemps 2016

Our lives are worth more than their profits


Inside: Time for NDP Leadership Review ‘Leap’ Forward with Socialist Policies

opular discontent with the green energy is tied to a vague hope exchange. History shows they obtained it status quo has an inspiring new that communities will “create innovative by the dispossessing the original peoples voice. Sponsored by an array of ownership structures.” of the continent and by the exploiting Canadian cultural and political But how exactly would that put many generations of workers. Pcritics of the establishment, “The Leap a dent in the capacity of Big Oil and Gas Obscured is the fact that a Manifesto” is a sweeping indictment of to obstruct change? How would that even modern socio-economic aristocracy the system. begin to fund new energy technologies, controls the state – which is poised to Leap initiators include Bruce build energy efficient homes or retrofit put down any serious challenge to the Cockburn, Charles Taylor, Clayton Ruby, existing housing, much less pay for more corporate agenda. Remember the War Hassan Yussuff, David Suzuki, Judy high speed rail and mass urban public Measures Act? The G20 protests in Rebick, , Maude Barlow, transit? ? Government strike breaking? Michael Ondaatje, , Neil Killer cops and racial carding? Law C-51? Young, Sarah Polley, Tantoo Cardinal, That’s no reason to despair - just and Thomas King. Joined by over 30,000 to prepare. endorsers, they decry “deepening “The Socialist Caucus In other words, to truly Leap poverty and inequality” and denounce is pleased to support forward it will be necessary to make a “’s record on climate change (as) The . social revolution. It will be necessary a crime against humanity’s future.” to win unions and the NDP to socialist They envision a society More than a single-issue policies, on the road to creating a working “powered entirely by truly just renewable campaign, the Socialist class movement that is capable of avoiding energy”, connected by “accessible Caucus fights year- the snares of opportunism. Needed is a public transit”, and involving a transition round for anti-austerity, movement that can take the working class designed to put an end to racial and to power on the basis of work place and gender inequality. socialist policies and neighbourhood structures that will put But the ‘leap’ they ask us to take actions in the unions Canada’s superficial dollar-democracy carefully side-steps the issue of political and the NDP.” to shame. Now that would be a Leap power – who has it, and how to change it. forward. Sadly, the Manifesto doesn’t In the meantime, proponents of name the problem. In that regard, The Leap Manifesto should join with the its proponents fall short of the At the same time, where the NDP Socialist Caucus to educate and pronouncements of Catholic Pope manifesto rejects “austerity” it does offer organize the three million NDP voters to Francis. He boldly calls capitalist greed a glimpse of a new path. It projects an fight for socialist change. “the dung of the devil.” end to fossil fuel subsidies, and the need The Socialist Caucus is pleased The Manifesto’s more to begin to steeply tax giant corporations to support The Leap Manifesto. More reticent approach leads to a string and wealthy people. That is a very good than a single-issue campaign, the SC fights of disappointments. Its demand that conversation starter. year-round for anti-austerity, socialist the rights of First Nations peoples However, Leap is mum on policies and actions in the unions and the be respected concludes with a limp how politically to wage the assault on NDP. The result will be a broader base for plea: to implement the United Nations concentrated wealth and power, much the radical change that is so desperately Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous less how to sustain it. Ignored is the fact needed. n Peoples. that a few super-rich families own the Its call for a shift to sustainable, means of production, distribution and

02 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Cover page graphic by Freepik.com Photo: Government of BC

No Reconciliation without Justice

hat will come of By Elizabeth indigenous self-government, faces the massive report Byce sharp resistance from the Canadian of the Truth and establishment. Not only from WReconciliation In 2008 then- pipeline companies, energy resource Commission (TRC), which Prime Minister industries and mining rms, staunch investigated the cultural genocide Stephen Harper resistance will come from the ruling in icted by the Canadian federal apologized rich as a class, and from the state government on indigenous peoples? for the “great that guards their interests. Will its 94 specic recommendations harm” caused by Mass protest actions of the bear any fruit? ’s racist kind initiated by Idle No More put The TRC deserves praise for campaign “to the issue of missing and murdered raising awareness of the horrendous take the Indian out of the child”, indigenous women onto the political suffering of the 150,000 indigenous suppressing native languages, agenda. children who were torn from their culture and identity. Many more such actions, communities between 1883 and The TRC justly demands in partnership with labour unions, 1996 and placed in residential much more than an ofcial apology. social justice and environmental schools. As many as 6,000 of them Its call for “mutual respect” is movements, will be required. In fact, died of malnutrition, tuberculosis, embodied in the idea of a nation-to- the re-distribution of wealth and in uenza and other diseases. nation relationship between Canada power necessary to end the present Thousands were buried, forgotten, in and 1.4 million indigenous peoples. colonial arrangement entails nothing unmarked graves. The survivors had That means honouring native land less than a revolution to abolish to live with the painful memories of rights, and providing funding for monopoly business control of the physical, emotional and sexual abuse health, housing and education. economy. n that was rampant in the federally- Fullment of those goals, not as an funded, church-run schools. act of charity, but on a foundation of

Turn Left/Virez à gauche 03 Turn Left Virez à gauche

Published by the NDP Socialist Caucus Editorial Board: Elizabeth Byce www.ndpsocialists.ca Julius Arscott Barry Weisleder Editor and Designer: Sean Cain John Orrett Produced by union labour

Learning from Mistakes and Moving Forward

By Sean Cain movements and activists, taking up But even these policies aren’t the causes of public ownership and enough. The party must engage The great economic democracy, and just as activists and social movements like Irish writer and importantly, choosing leaders who never before, and run aggressive, socialist George represent working class, socialist populist campaigns that challenge Bernard Shaw once values. This is the direction the NDP corporate power, growing inequality wrote that success must take to remain relevant and win and the unjust structures of the doesn’t consist back power. capitalist system itself. in never making Being honest about the Besides being a political party, mistakes, but in spending we plan to undertake in the NDP must also become a fully never making the same one twice. government, for example, on new participatory movement, in Parliament, Printed below is the front programs like universal child care or workplaces and the streets. cover page from the Fall 2014 edition pharmacare, must be accompanied The NDP Socialist Caucus, of Turn Left Magazine. The NDP by openly declaring where we plan to along with Momentum, is presenting Socialist Caucus has said for years raise the money to afford them. a team of candidates for NDP Federal that taking the NDP away from its And this means not Executive and Council, and we believe democratic socialist roots will not only running away from talk about taxes the policies and reforms we are alienate our base of supporters and and economics. It entails being running on will help the party move in working class voters, but allow the straightforward – and proud – of that direction. Liberals to stake out our territory on wanting to raise taxes on the very These include inviting more the Left and win votes on our issues. rich and corporations, undoing unions, community organizations and As New Democrats know three decades of wholly inequitable social justice groups to afliate with all too well, this is exactly what (and unproductive, for that matter) the NDP and participate in party happened during the 2015 federal tax reforms by the Liberals and activities. They also entail making election, and even the corporate Conservatives. conventions more nancially accessible media, from so-called “progressive” to wage earners and the poor, with newspapers through to right-wing, low registration fees. And at those business-oriented publications, are in conventions, a large majority of time agreement. should be devoted to policy debate. This has also occurred with Likewise, the main themes social democratic parties throughout and priorities for each NDP election Europe that have followed the centrist, campaign should be drawn from the “Third Way” election model, and the policies debated and adopted at those results have been similarly disastrous. conventions. In several countries, these parties This is what the NDP needs have been eclipsed by newly-formed to do to regain progressive voters left-wing parties and movements in lost to the Liberal Party, or to not membership, activism and electoral voting at all. It can’t just be a party, support. Several of them barely but a participatory, activist movement maintain a mere whisper of their that stands for one day establishing a former strength. socialist democracy and a cooperative Yet in other countries, social commonwealth. democratic parties have learned from Now where have I heard those these hard lessons and have moved to last two words before? n the Left, forging alliances with social

04 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Profit is the disease, not the cure. It’s By Candidate for NDP they need simply because they are time to fulfill the original vision of not covered by the Canada Health and once and for all, Executive John Orrett Act, they do not have any workplace create a universal, publicly-owned health insurer, or the drugs they need Pharmacare program. are just too expensive. system. In fact, just the opposite. This situation was addressed n a 2004 CBC poll, Tommy Doctors are extra billing, services in the 2015 Federal Election when Douglas, former NDP Premier are being de-listed, and privatization and the NDP proposed of Saskatchewan and father of of our hospitals is a growing trend. a pharmacare policy that would IMedicare, was voted the Greatest Perhaps our greatest failing is the eventually cover and pay for all Canadian - a re ection of the esteem lack of a national pharmaceutical prescription drugs for Canadians. The with which most Canadians hold our plan within medicare. Canada is one plan called for an expenditure of $2.6 public health care system. of the few industrial countries with a billion over four years and included Douglas, though a pioneer national health service without a drug the goal of central drug purchasing and visionary, was also considered plan. for all provinces and territories. to be a pragmatist. He inaugurated There can be no universal This is a good start. But the public Medicare in Saskatchewan, comprehensive health care system in policy failed to address the major which spread to the rest of Canada Canada without a pharmacare plan. problem associated with skyrocketing in a gradual manner. But the question Prescription medications are the drug expenditures -- the excessive today is: Are we sitting on our laurels fastest growing and the second most prots made by Big Pharma, the a bit too much? costly component of health care in international drug companies that Little has been done in Canada, costing 14% of expenditures have the highest prot margins of any the last fty years to improve the ($29 Billion). One in ten Canadians comprehensiveness of our health care annually do without the medications continued on page eight

“Our lives are worth more than their profits” PUBLICLY-OWNED PHARMACARE FOR ALL

Turn Left/Virez à gauche 05 NDP Identity Crisis Deepens Over “What Went Wrong”

By Barry Weisleder conventions, received no call from the federal election. It showed that a staggering “top level panel.” 72 per cent of NDP voters surveyed were ollowing a disastrous federal As Toronto Star columnist satised with the election outcome. What election campaign in which the Chantal Hebert wrote on November does that say about the educational value lost over 14, “It is as if the NDP’s establishment of recent NDP campaigns when so many a million votes and sixty per cent is determined to keep a lid on the NDP supporters seem to see so little Fof its parliamentary seats, Leader Tom post-election discussion and a de facto dierence between NDP and Liberal Party Mulcair disappeared for two weeks. When leadership review.” policies that they are comfortable with a he re-surfaced, he launched an internal e eort appears to be in vain. A Liberal majority government? Remember, enquiry into “what went wrong.” growing chorus of prominent members is they said this just aer the NDP was A short questionnaire sent by decrying the party’s “crisis of identity.” poised to win government, as recently as the federal o ce to members across the Charlie Angus, the Timmins- up to seven weeks prior to the election. country was slanted towards rea rming James Bay MP, told us far, few NDP MPs have yesterday’s worn out campaign slogans. It “We have to start a complete rebuilding of pledged to support four more years of provided little space for critical input on the party, the brand and our identity.” Mulcair in the top job. Many are being policy or principles. Annoyingly, a fund Cheri DiNovo, an NDP member coy. Charlie Angus said his vote on the appeal was part of its pitch. of the Ontario Legislature, is quoted in leadership review issue at the federal “We will be taking time in the December 1 Toronto Star: “Blaming convention, in Edmonton, April 8-10, will the months to come to analyze what the mainstream media and the Liberal depend on the ideas Mulcair puts forward happened,” Mulcair told a news conference strategists is a little like farmers blaming the for a rebuild. in early November. “I’ve asked party weather... e only entity we can change... e NDP Socialist Caucus president Rebecca Blaikie and national is ourselves.” e change proposed by contends that the problem is much deeper director Anne McGrath to start that DiNovo is that the NDP reclaim the values than who is the leader. It insists that a process immediately.” of democratic socialism. It needs a vision clear break with pro-capitalist policies e NDP leader said he wanted in which “socialism” isn’t a four-letter and undemocratic internal practices is a “top level panel” to conduct the inquiry, word. “We have to remember who the hell required to save Canada’s labour party. including outgoing MPs, like Paul Dewar, we are. And honestly, Canada is waiting.” At the same time, only a move to force and party elders. No socialists were Sid Ryan, former President of the a leadership change will galvanize the involved in the exercise. e Socialist Ontario Federation of Labour, called for a party and labour union ranks to rise up, Caucus, the organized le in the party change of Leader. to articulate their demands, and to take whose anti-war, free university tuition, e depth of the crisis was control of the process. n secular schools, and mass public housing revealed in a Forum Research opinion policies have been adopted by party poll published shortly aer the October 19

The NDP needs a vision in which “socialism” isn’t a four-letter word. “We “have to remember who the hell we are. And honestly, Canada is waiting.”

06 Turn Left/Virez à gauche Paris Et Pipelines : La Pression S’intensifie Sur Trudeau

PAR AURORE FAURET une timide proposition. Au lieu d’un ; le refus du projet et l’illégitimité du (tiré et abrégé du journal plan ambitieux, crédible, et juste pour processus ne pourraient pas être plus Alternatives, janvier 2016) mettre notre économie sur les rails de clairs. Pour sa part, l’oléoduc Northern la transition énergétique, on voit plutôt Gateway essuie aussi des revers depuis À Paris, Trudeau a déclaré Trudeau essayer un jeu d’équilibriste pour l’élection d’octobre dernier : la Cour que le Canada était de sauver une industrie en déclin. suprême de Colombie-Britannique a retour comme acteur jugé que la province a failli à son devoir constructif pour limiter le Luttes contre les oléoducs de consultation avec les Premières réchauffement climatique nations pour le projet et le premier mondial et pour faire Le plan albertain ne suffit pas ministre Trudeau a exprimé son intention respecter les droits des pour respecter nos engagements. Il est d’instaurer un moratoire sur le trafic Peuples autochtones. toujours question de développer les pétrolier le long de la côte nord, là où Pourquoi, alors, après s’être engagé énergies fossiles à l’heure où on sait qu’on Northern Gateway aboutirait, ce qui à une cible de 1,5 C, vouloir construire doit en arrêter l’exploitation. pourrait mettre fin au projet. des oléoducs favorisant l’expansion des Tant sur les plans de la sécurité Côté est, la Ligne 9 d’Enbridge sables bitumineux quand Paris exige que environnementale, et du climat qu’à acheminant du pétrole de l’ouest vers nous laissions les combustibles fossiles cause des résistances des communautés Montréal a été mise en service en dans le sol ? affectées et des Nations autochtones, plein milieu de la COP21. Le projet voit Pour le Canada, cela voudrait les oléoducs se heurtent à un mur cependant un recours judiciaire de grande dire faire le choix ambitieux de laisser d’opposition d’est en ouest. importance être porté en Cour suprême plus de 80% des réserves pétrolières de Tout d’abord, (il y a) le rejet par les Chippewas de la Thames. l’ dans le sol — un impératif établi définitivement (de) l’oléoduc Keystone XL, Quant à Énergie Est, il est par les scientifiques pour rester sous résultat des années de mobilisations par clair que la pression se fait sentir pour le seuil de 2 C. Mais le gouvernement un vaste mouvement social. le projet qui serait le dernier rempart fédéral propose plutôt une « approche À l’ouest, les audiences finales de l’industrie. En plus du refus de la nuancée » pour permettre aux ressources de l’Office national de l’énergie (ONÉ) Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal, canadiennes « d’accéder aux marchés pour l’oléoduc Trans-Mountain de Kinder l’opposition au Québec avait aussi internationaux ». Morgan en Colombie-Britannique se entrainé l’annulation du port de Cacouna Trudeau a déclaré que « la poursuivent sans qu’il n’y ait eu aucune au printemps dernier, et au Nouveau- croissance et la prospérité ne tiennent réforme appliquée aux règles établies Brunswick, dans la communauté de Red pas seulement à ce qui se trouve sous par Stephen Harper pour faire approuver Head où Énergie Est implanterait son nos pieds, mais surtout à ce que nous les oléoducs. Les actions et prises avons entre les oreilles ». On décèle ici de positions se multiplient à Burnaby a continué à la page 9

Turn Left/Virez à gauche 07 ...Pharmacare, from page five and bought Nitropress, which is drug plan that takes private insurers used to control blood pressure, and out of the equation. It replaces the immediately increased the price of expensive patchwork of public and industrial sector. In fact, ve of the each 212% and 525% respectively. private plans that now exist. This will world’s largest drug companies had It often seems like Big save billions of dollars. The next step prot margins of over 20% in 2014. Pharma is promoting and marketing is the establishment of centralized Novartis reported a prot of $47B, illness. The medical parameters for bulk purchasing of pharmaceuticals: Pzer $45B, Roche $39B, Johnson conditions like Attention Decit after all, many drugs are not produced and Johnson $32B, and Eli Lilly $17B. Pharmaceutical companies spend more than twice as much promoting and marketing their products than they invest in research. Experts in the eld claim their “To really get drug costs under control, we need to promotion of drugs has come at the set up a crown corporation to fund all university and expense of adequately reviewed clinical trials, and involve downplaying hospital research... the provision of health care services or denying the dangers of side should be exclusively in the public domain.” effects. This is no exaggeration. Huge nes totalling billions of dollars have been levied by the U.S. Department of Justice against Big Pharma for fraudulent marketing practices and Disorder (a 700% increase in diagnosis in Canada. failing to report safety data. in the 1990s), high blood pressure (a But to really get drug costs In December 2015, Martin new and lower BP diagnosis called under control we need to set up Shkreli, the former CEO of Turing prehypertension), and bi-polar a crown corporation to fund all Pharmaceuticals was arrested disorder (supposedly affecting 50,000 university and hospital research in for securities fraud. Shkreli, after people per million), have been a God- Canada. Remember Doctors Banting buying the manufacturing rights for send for drug sales. and MacLoed? They won the Nobel Darapram, a drug used to combat Just watch some American Prize for the discovery of insulin in AIDS/HIV and malaria, raised the television to see how viewers are 1922 at the University of Toronto. price of one pill 5,000% from $13.50 bombarded with drug-promoting Within this corporation we should to $750. But he was not charged with advertisements. Quite simply, society create an open source data bank that price gouging; the price raise was is being over-medicated at the would streamline and improve this legal. expense of preventative medicine research work. In a similar case in and the promotion of a healthy life This crown corporation Canada, Valeant Pharmaceuticals style. This is costing our health care should also build bricks and mortar purchased Isuprel from Marathon system plenty. drug manufacturing facilities across Pharmaceuticals, a drug used for So what is the solution? It Canada where generic copies of cardiac arrest and bronchospasm, begins with a single-payer public drugs made by Big Pharma could be produced when patent rights expire. The medications would then be distributed through our new pharmacare plan at cost. A necessary corollary to this plan is that the federal government must not be partner to any trade deal like CETA that promotes or extends drug patent rights for Big Pharma. To the contrary, Canada’s international trade representatives should push for the reduction of drug patent rights wherever possible. Drugs are an important and growing part of health care. The provision of health care services should be exclusively in the public domain, not subordinated to the pursuit of private prot. Medical drugs, like health care in general, should be considered a human right, and NDP policy ought to be guided by this basic principle. n

08 Turn Left/Virez à gauche ALBERTA'S NEW ENERGY POLICY

BY ELIZABETH BYCE an additional 7 cents a litre at the pump, announced that there will be no increase and it will cost workers and the poor in royalty fees the giants must pay? Despite all the fanfare, the new energy in other ways too as prices on related At the Fall news conference first policy of Premier ’s Alberta commodities rise. announcing her policy, in the company of NDP government is more a ‘marketing The carbon tax would apply to all several other big oil executives, Suncor triumph’ than a substantial effort to tackle sectors of the economy and be phased in CEO Steve Williams said, “This plan will global warming. by January 1, 2018 to $30 per tonne. When make one of the world’s largest oil- According to media reports, fully in effect, it would take in $3 billion a producing regions a leader in addressing Alberta’s overall carbon emissions will be year. Notley promised that all the money the climate-change challenge.” We’re not allowed to grow. There are no hard targets would be invested in green initiatives holding our breath. for emission cuts, only the vague pledge within Alberta, including research and But even increasing royalties that they will begin to fall below today’s public transportation. isn’t enough, and won’t break the levels by 2030. Alberta coal plants will But it won’t keep the carbon enormous power and decades-long gradually be shut, but they were slated to in the ground. It will transfer wealth to political influence of the oil barons. be closed anyway. the private sector firms that will get the What Premier Notley and the The new cap on dirty oil contracts. And by polishing the image of NDP Government of Alberta should be emissions is so high that the tar sands Canada’s most polluting province, it will advocating for is public ownership and will be able to grow another 43 per cent, profit the biggest polluters on the planet. democratic, workers’ control of the roughly until 2030. Presently, they emit 70 It will breathe new life into their schemes oil industry, with significant citizen- megatonnes per year. With an annual cap to build more pipelines, including east participation in economic decision- of 100 megatonnes, there’s plenty more through Canada, and south through the making, so that its short-term revenues damage to the environment in store. USA. can be used to divert additional Alberta’s proposed carbon tax Does that explain why oil investments into green initiatives will hit consumers in the pocket book, industry giants were happy with like renewable energies and public regardless of ability to pay. It will cost Rachel Notley’s plan -- even before she transportation. n

...Suite de la page 7 plus progressiste serait applaudi oeuvre complète de la Déclaration des comme vecteur de changement, avec Nations Unies sur les droits des Peuples terminal d’exportation, les résidents ont l’effet démobilisateur que d’autres ont autochtones. n fait converger près de mille personnes historiquement connus dans de pareilles pour s’y opposer, du jamais vu. circonstances, comme après l’élection de Si la résistance aux oléoducs ne Barack Obama aux États-Unis. donne pas signe de fatigue, les appels Il revient à nous de faire tenir les pour un arrêt plus global des énergies promesses au gouvernement, à l’heure où fossiles se multiplient et unissent les l’urgence d’agir est impossible à ignorer communautés. Le premier ministre a fait et que l’injustice des changements face à quatre jours de sit-in devant sa climatiques est déjà en marche, avec résidence avec 200 personnes réclamant les communautés les plus vulnérables, un moratoire sur l’expansion des sables pauvres et côtières les plus gravement bitumineux et à la plus grande marche touchées. pour le climat organisée à Ottawa pour C’est aussi à nous de définir ce exiger un engagement à une économie qu’un leadership en matière de climat veut 100% renouvelable. dire, et quelles en sont les conditions. Le consentement libre, préalable Pour que l’engagement de 1,5 C à Paris et éclairé des Premières nations est et autres promesses ne soient pas des indiscutable et indissociables des voeux pieux, il nous faut aller vers des impacts entrainés par les projets demandes ambitieuses pour garder les d’infrastructures sur les territoires combustibles fossiles dans le sol. autochtones. Nous agirons aussi de la redéfinition de nos priorités économiques La mobilisation doit continuer vers un modèle équitable et fondé sur les énergies renouvelables, et qu’une justice Le danger a toujours été qu’après envers les peuples autochtones débutera Harper, tout politicien moindrement avec le respect des traités et la mise en Turn Left/Virez à gauche 09 CONTRACT ACADEMIC FACULTY AND PRECARIOUS EMPLOYMENT

Debra Chapman is a professor of Contract academic work has come to be a etc. International Development Studies at St. life-sentence where years of experience and While higher education is a Mary’s University quality of teaching do not lead to permanent provincial responsibility the federal employment. government transfers funds to the provincial recarious employment is the ‘new Universities justify this by refusing governments under the Canada Social norm’ in Canadian workplaces, to acknowledge the research, course Transfer (CST) for post-secondary education including universities. While many preparation and service components and other social services. None of the CST may think that university professors of contract faculty work. Precarious revenue is specifically earmarked for higher Pall have tenured jobs and make $80,000 employment of university faculty makes a education. plus annually, nearly half the professoriate mockery of doctoral education. W Universities, however, have come have no job security and are paid poverty e know that nearly 60% of to earmark the money they receive from wages. Here is a comparative analysis of the undergraduate students graduate with debt the provincial government to hire university situation at one Ontario University. over $25,000. While most graduate students administrators and construct new buildings. There are two PhD professors, receive funding to help offset expenses, According to data collected between 2005 “working full-time at their jobs. Each many go further into debt to complete their and 2010 at one Ontario university, there teaches four courses per year, does PhD in hopes of landing a tenure track was an 18.5% increase in student enrolment, extensive course preparation, research position when they are finished. a 48% increase in the hiring of university and writing, and performs service to the According to a 2013 study, PhDs managers and a mere 13% increase in university and the wider community. take 5 to 7 years to complete on average faculty hirings. They both have [published] books and… while securing funding for four years only. According to a recent public [academic journal articles], have ongoing Tenure-track positions are opinion poll conducted by the Ontario research projects and…present papers at fewer as universities cut programs, grow Coalition of University Faculty Associations: conferences.” class sizes (in order to hire fewer course One of them “is a permanent instructors), and increase the ratio of ‘part- • 88 per cent want part-time employee, has an office and is paid when time’ to ‘full-time’ faculty (by replacing professors to be converted into full-time not teaching.” His/her remuneration is tenure track faculty positions with contract positions. between $80,000 and $150,000, plus faculty positions). It might surprise you • 85 per cent want part-time medical, dental and eye-glass benefits, to learn that depending on the university, professors to receive fair pay and and research and travel money of over anywhere from “33 to 50% of courses • 84 per cent believe part-time $2,000 a year. The other one is considered are not taught by scholars in permanent professors should have the same access to a contract academic faculty (CAF) member jobs” (Robinson 2015: http://www. benefits as their full-time colleagues. and is paid about $7,000 per course academicmatters.ca/2015/06/a-personal- ($28,000 a year; as low as $20,000 in the perspective-of-contract-instructing-in- The federal and provincial Maritimes), has no benefits, shares office ontario/). governments need to take public opinion space (with up to 10 people), no job security As is evident from the comparative seriously. They should act now to protect (must apply for teaching every year) and data above, there is a clear violation of post-secondary education as places of free receives approximately $100 a year for ‘equal pay for work of equal value’. That is, inquiry! An adequately compensated and research and travel (Peter Eglin, Intellectual of course, if we agree that whether students securely employed workforce will ensure Citizenship…, 2013: 40). are taught by contract faculty or tenured greater student/faculty engagement, less CAF are not paid for the month faculty the value of the grade is the same, turnover, and a more appealing option before teaching begins even though they are and that an academic journal publication internationally, not to mention adhering to required to order course books and submit by a CAF member is as valuable as one basic economic and social rights! n a completed syllabus well in advance. published by a full-time faculty member,

10 Turn Left/Virez à gauche BY JASON BAINES Tony Benn, emerged as the token left socialist stance of Corbyn, who now candidate for Labour Party leader. leads in British opinion polls. or nearly 25 years, the upper Few, including himself, And it appears we are. class and neo-liberal theorists thought he would win. However, In the rst party leadership triumphantly claimed the end “Jez” spoke to large numbers of election since Justin Trudeau’s of socialism, and even of social people about the banking crash, federal election sweep, Nova Scotia Fdemocracy, as a viable alternative austerity, and the need for Labour New Democrats shocked the political to so-called free market ideology. to become a social movement. His establishment by electing a socialist, Politics, allegedly of the “centre”, policies for re-nationalization of Rail, United Church minister who isn’t even but in reality a right wing economic Post, and Energy really struck a chord a sitting MLA. agenda coupled with social liberalism, with ordinary workers angered by “Gary speaks to socialism became the dominant trend in social Tony Blair’s wave of privatization. The like a duck takes to water,” said one democratic and labor parties. They latter amounted to public subsidies endorser of ’s victorious declared the end of history and even for the super rich, including his Third- campaign. Burrill in his own words the end of boom-and-bust cycles. Way billionaire friends, like Richard is an “egalitarian, a progressive, a With the advent of the Branson. socialist and a redistributist.” He economic crash of 2008, and the Corbyn also wanted to scrap defeated the more conservative disastrous Middle East and North the Trident nuclear programme and candidate Dave Wilson, who nished African wars, new movements get submarine nuclear warheads out last, and , who ran as an emerged that challenged the rightist of Scotland. He pledges “people’s opponent of austerity. Both defeated shift in social democratic parties. quantitative easing,” which means candidates are sitting MLAs; one is

Nova Scotia NDP Elects Socialist Leader Gary Burrill in the Era of Sanders and Corbyn

Increasingly now, these parties are massive public expenditures on public a former NDP government Cabinet moving away from the crudely pro- works, and to provide free university Minister. business, pro-war, pro-austerity and universal childcare. Opposition Burrill’s rst order of business agenda. to Britian’s foreign military adventures as NDP leader was to organize picket South of the border, there is is another key facet to this new line solidarity with striking workers in excitement around ’ direction for Labour. Corbyn even Halifax. He seems to be continuing insurgent campaign. He uses radical launched Momentum, a new socialist the kind of grassroots organizing that phraseology. He calls for a political organization committed to returning fostered the movement that lead to revolution against the billionaire class, Labour to its socialist roots. his election. and for expansion of the welfare state Corbyn received 59.5% of As the federal NDP embarks and free post-secondary education. rst preference votes. Tony Blair’s on a discussion about leadership He has forced the billionaires’ candidate received a mere 4%. and direction, there are plenty more favoured political family, the Clintons, Labour Party membership more than lessons to be drawn from the gains to move left, albeit only rhetorically. quadrupled. Labour is on target of Burrill, Corbyn and Sanders that In Britain, barely able even to be 6 to 10 times the size of the rocked the political establishment. to meet the criterion for nomination, Conservative Party by the next literally ve minutes before general election in 2020. Jason Baines is an activist with nominations closed, , It is important for New Momentum – the NDP’s Left a student of socialist and labour hero Democrats to learn from the authentic Alternative to Austerity Turn Left/Virez à gauche 11 Le NPD laisse tomber les travailleur(e)s et les étudiant(e)s du Québec

Photo: Kunal Shah PAR ROBBIE MAHOOD cela passe. démarqua par le même silence lors Une augmentation de 2% en des manifestations estudiantines de es derniers mois au Québec ont moyenne sur une période de cinq ans masse de 2012. La jeune génération été marqué par la lutte du front est jugée inadéquate par bon nombre du Québec se demande quelle est la Ccommun des travailleur(e)s du de syndicalistes, et à juste raison, position du NPD sur les augmentations secteur public contre la camisole de après tant d'années de gel de salaire. des frais de scolarité, l'endettement force imposée par le gouvernement Au beau milieu des négociations avec massif et toujours croissant des libéral de Couillard au nom de le front commun le gouvernement a eu étudiants et l'objectif de la gratuité l'austérité. L'automne et le début de le culot de donner une augmentation scolaire post-secondaire. l'hiver ont été ponctués par une série de 34% aux médecins de la province Alors que de nombreux de manifestations et de piquetage à en plus du 1.7 milliard donné au géant membres du NPD soutiennent les travers la province, culminant par une Bombardier! travailleurs et les étudiants, nos journée de grève générale de 400 000 Plusieurs actions menées par dirigeants, eux, restent silencieux. travailleur(e)s le 9 décembre 2015. les syndicats, dont la mobilisation Nous savons que Tom Plus de 50 000 manifestants ont délé massive du 9 décembre, n’ont pas Mulcair, comme d'autres dirigeants dans les rues de Montréal et 20 000 été rapportés au Canada anglais. du parti, veut que le NPD renonce à Québec, réunissant enseignants, Marque de manque d'intégrité au socialisme. Mais, ils maintiennent travailleur(e)s du système de santé et journalistique des média contrôlés leur discours en faveur de politiques autres fonctionnaires ainsi que leurs par les corporations, mais cela n'est plus justes et plus progressistes. sympathisants. pas surprenant. Cependant, quand les étudiants, Les sondages ont indiqué Plus choquant encore a été les travailleurs et autres citoyens se un revirement de l'opinion publique le refus du NPD de se prononcer sur battent pour la justice et l'égalité, en faveur des grévistes. Les cette importante lutte des travailleurs ils ne reçoivent pas un seul mot revendications des enseignants ont ordinaires pour la défense de leurs d'encouragement de la part de nos été perçues par bon nombre de conditions de vie et de travail. leaders. citoyens comme des mesures visant Quelques néo démocrates Comme dans le cas de à défendre l'intégrité du système peuvent se satisfaire de l'excuse problèmes vitaux tels que les public et un soutien particulier est qu'un parti fédéral devrait rester en oléoducs, la dépendance aux allé à la main d’œuvre la moins bien dehors des affaires de la province. énergies fossiles et le réchauffement payée, en majorité féminine, qui Mais, la lutte contre l'austérité n'a climatique où le parti tergiverse, les assure le fonctionnement des services pas de frontières, ni nationales, ni travailleurs et les jeunes du Québec gouvernementaux, des hôpitaux aux internationales. La croisade contre reconnaissent l'hypocrisie qu'ils ont services de garde. l'austérité des gouvernements devant eux. Une tentative d'entente provinciaux découle des politiques Sous sa direction actuelle, annoncée avant Noël a été rejetée menées par Ottawa pendant les le NPD doit s'attendre à une récolte par une partie importante du front trente dernières années et jusqu'à amère dans tous les domaines y commun, bien que, au moment de la nos jours. compris celui électoral. n rédaction de cet article, il se peut que La chefferie du NDP se


By Barry Weisleder, Socialist Caucus review if it is not unveiled well before crackdown on tax havens.” Candidate for NDP President the April convention? According to No, it was not a matter of Blaikie, the Report summary will go only overshadowing. It was a case of is February 10 open letter has to the incoming federal executive and contradiction. Any attempt to balance an air of desperation about it. council. So much for transparency and the budget with such tiny moves on And a touch of remorse. But it the promises from on-high to improve the revenue side was a prescription for is severely lacking in political communication and decision making. soft austerity -- not unlike what social Htransparency and the identification of Core social democratic values? democratic parties have offered or have damaged principles. It might be good to make a list of these, implemented in Europe for years – and For New Democrats who if only just to see how close they come to which is why many of them have been consider electoral prospects paramount, meeting human needs. Sadly, the letter superseded by populist forces of the left it is enough to know that Tom Mulcair does not. and right. will not lead the party to victory in the “We fell short.” That admission And what about new pipelines? next federal election to conclude that he puts Mulcair in the global derby for Is an NDP that condones, much less must be replaced as Leader as soon as understatement of the decade. Yet the favours, the proposed Energy East line possible. “short”comings evidenced were not compatible with a vision of a rapid shift to But there are other, better primarily due to what he cites as faults green, sustainable, public energy -- the reasons that lead inexorably to the same of “preparation and execution”. The last hope of civilization now at the brink? conclusion. campaign content was dead wrong, and While socialism is increasingly The first is the status of the the super-centralized enforcement of its the watchword in Britain, even in the much-vaunted Interim Report of the pro-capitalist message was decisively USA, why does Mulcair try to re-warm Campaign Review Working Group, chaired fatal. the left-over soup of the 2015 campaign, by party president Rebecca Blaikie. The Lapses? Cautiousness? Were regurgitating the vague “goal of a fairer, document remains in the shadows. It is those really the problems that impeded more progressive Canada”? bad enough that the hand-picked Review the vision – or was it the vision itself? “Respect between the Party group included no one to the left of the In his open letter, Mulcair and Caucus, and specifically respectful establishment. Worse is that its findings asserts “our commitment to balancing dialogue, will make us stronger.” Now this are not intended for release. the budget overshadowed our social looks like an opportunity for frankness. Why were they not attached democratic economic vision which saw Exactly how was this respect lacking? to Mulcair’s plaintive written plea for new government revenues generated And what about respect owed by the redemption? How can the party ranks through higher taxes for corporations, properly appreciate the “insights” of the closing CEO tax loopholes and a continued on page 19

“socialism is increasingly the watchword in Britain, and even in the USA... What’s really needed in the ndp is policy decided from the bottom up, with plenty of time for debate at convention, and adherence to priorities decided by the mass membership.

Turn Left/Virez à gauche 13 A Guaranteed Annual Income: Who Benefits?

By John Wunderlich called MinCome in the 1970s, with other stakeholders in 2016 to determine funding support from the Federal Liberal how best to design and implement a Basic he Canadian social security net government of Pierre Trudeau. The pilot Income pilot.” fails too many people. And those was shut down by the Lyon Conservatives The Liberal budget refers to a who do receive support do so at without a final report. growing view that a basic income can an immense cost to their dignity, Since then, University of provide more consistent support in Tprivacy and ability to achieve some form of Manitoba economist Evelyn Forget has the context of today’s dynamic labour fulfilment. People on the the left and right analyzed some of the results from that market. This proposal is part of the social have argued that a guaranteed annual time period using health system data. assistance section of the budget. income (GAI) can address these and other Her analysis reveals an 8.5% reduction Activists know this government’s issues. in hospitalization based on a strong record of failing to address poverty. It Given that, it would seem reduction in mental health complaints. seems likely a Liberal basic income pilot that providing a basic income to all is She also found that while some people would be designed to use a low level something that any progressive would withdrew from the workforce, it was mainly basic income as a method to maintain the want to support. But, like any social mothers who were able to stay home with precariat and keep pressure on the unions policy tool, the impact of a GAI very much young children, or teenagers who were in the province. depends on who implements it, and in able to stay in school until graduation. In whose interests. both cases, the overall impact was likely a Final Considerations net economic positive. Manitoba, 1970s Proponents on the right, Ontario Today including libertarians, see a GAI as a way to For what may be the only actual reduce government and costs. Some of the instance of a GAI, we can look to the NDP In Ontario, the 2016 Liberal arguments for such an approach include a Schreyer government in Manitoba that Budget says that the “government will reduction of bureaucracy because of the ran a pilot minimum income program work with communities, researchers and simplicity of delivery, the elimination of multiple social support programs, and an argument that no one will ‘fall between the cracks’. These arguments tend to ignore LOG On TO our website and sign up to that social programs deliver many more our facebook group supports than just cash, and that efficiency could look similar to abandoning the poor Our website includes articles from to social ghettos. As H.L. Mencken said, SC supporters and information about “For every complex problem there is an past and future events. answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.” At one level, the problem of www.ndpsocialists.ca poverty is simple - people don’t have enough money. But in reality poverty Don’t forget to sign up to our and income inequality are symptoms Facebook group. Just type “NDP of an economic system that naturally Socialist Caucus” in the search bar, redistributes wealth and power upward. and you’ll find us. Become a member Seen in that light, providing of the group and join in the discussion. a basic income for the poor is a type of ‘trickle down welfare’ that has the potential to lock generations into poverty, unless it PLEASE Donate to the Socialist Caucus is accompanied by a transfer of real social power to the poor and to working families. The Socialist Caucus devotes its resources to publishing editions of Turn A progressive vision of a Left, issuing literature to promote SC candidates for executive, promoting Guaranteed Annual Income will need public forums, and producing SC posters, stickers, buttons and more. similar universal programs for mental health, pharmacare, free education and If you can give, now is the time. We can make a real difference in creating a social housing in every corner of the more democratic party. Please send a cheque to: NDP Socialist Caucus, 526 county. Beware Conservative and Liberals Roxton Rd. Toronto, ON. M6G 3R4. sounding as if they actually care for the poor, the working poor and their allies. n 14 Turn Left/Virez à gauche WHEN “WITHDRAWAL” MEANS ESCALATION

By Julius Arscott, Candidate for hinted he'd do. or elsewhere, Trudeau espouses a NDP Vice President (Labour) And here's another wrinkle. contradictory policy. It is based on The CF jet that re-fuels mid-air a shallow and muddled sentiment – s if in a dance of the bomber jets from the imperialist which paves the way for a betrayal seven veils, the Liberal alliance is still in action, indenitely. of the public opinion that forced the government of Justin More importantly, the Liberal withdrawal pledge in the rst Trudeau is sequentially Trudeau government pledges to place. Aexposing its false election promises, increase troops on the ground, to The policy of the NDP is only revealing an agenda that increasingly operate under the rubric of “trainers”. somewhat better than Trudeau’s. It resembles that of the widely despised It appears that the pre-election 69 advocates removal of all troops and Conservative predecessor regime. “trainers” will soon number in the weapons. For starters, an immediate hundreds. Given their location very Unfortunately, the NDP and meaningful increase to the near the front lines of the ght with leadership has failed to assert clearly Canada Pension is now off the table. ISIS, a combat role will (continue to) the principle of self-determination Re-settlement of Syrian refugees be in effect. for the indigenous peoples – that the is well short of the early, and even The Conservative Party future of Syria is for the Syrian people the revised target gure. Promised and major media outlets applaud to decide. amendments to the repressive the bombing and argue that the Moreover, it neglects to Anti-Terrorism Act – at least to planes should stay. They want them express sharp opposition to the hold police accountable for spying, combined with a dramatic increase corporate agenda of resource arrest without trial, and disruption in “trainers” inside the combat zone. plunder. That agenda is behind the of legal organizations — were not A telling point the war hawks make actions of the U.S., Canada and allies even mentioned in the government’s is that the Liberal government has which sought regime change, and Throne Speech. given no concrete reason why it plans the installation of more compliant And the latest example of to removed the ghter jets. governments across the oil-rich Middle a major breach of faith is on the Sadly, they’re right. Instead East. The resulting destabilization – war front. Trudeau campaigned to of saying, honestly, that western and due to the absence of a major withdraw its six CF18 ghter jets military intervention has outraged the progressive working class military and pledged that Canadian Forces peoples of the region and promoted force — opened the door to ISIS, Al- would play no combat role in Iraq the rise of ISIS, instead of admitting Nusrah, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab and and Syria. The six CF jets have been that Ottawa and its imperialist other off-shoots of Al-Qaeda. removed from action -- but only after allies have no legitimate reason to they dropped tons of payload during intervene in Iraq, Syria, or for that continued on page 19 an intensication that Trudeau never matter in Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya Turn Left/Virez à gauche 15 Dirka Prout is a consulting geotechnical developments in First on my wish list is investment in engineer and former President of education, infrastructure affordable housing. Research by the Canadian London West Federal NDP Riding and health. As a politically Nurses Association and the Federation of Association active female engineer, I Canadian Municipalities has shown that decided to explore how provision of stable, adequate and affordable this infusion of women housing will increase national outcomes in n March, we celebrate International into the highest levels of health, quality of life, employment and job Women’s Day, then get caught up in democratic governance, retention. As the City of Medicine Hat has speculation about the content of the could influence how recently found, it is easier and most cost federal budget. As a consulting civil infrastructure funds are effective to deal with the underlying causes of Iengineer, I eagerly await the promised spent. homelessness if people are housed first. stimulus of infrastructure spending. Much of the conversation on Next up would be strategic However, as a female engineer, infrastructure spending focuses on the expenditures in the health and education my desire is for balanced infrastructure physical type, such as bridges, roads and sectors. Such investments will directly benefit spending. In November 2015, a significant buildings. Admittedly, infrastructure spending women since the workforce participation political milestone was achieved when a in areas like public transit is important for rate for females is high in these sectors; in record fifteen female cabinet ministers were poverty reduction and social development. health services it is in the range of 80 per appointed to the federal cabinet. In addition However, physical infrastructure projects cent. Additional investments in aboriginal to effective promotion of honest government are fantastic for the male dominated fields education and mental health care are sorely and a solid commitment to peace building, the of engineering and construction, but only needed. Washington, DC-based National Democratic benefits 7 to 22 per cent of female workers, An effective stimulus plan would add Institute (NDI), observed that women according to a 2010 analysis carried out by the more workers to tax rolls. A national day-care contribute to political development in two Canadian Federation of University Women. plan will permit more women to participate other key ways by their: What sort of infrastructure in the workforce, hopefully earning equal pay spending should be expected if our fifteen for equal work. Alternatively it will free them 1. High commitment to promotion of female cabinet ministers act as change agents up to learn the skills needed for a knowledge- policies that tackle the socio-economic and and realize the outcomes from increased based economy. political challenges facing women, children female political leadership predicted by NDI? In the realm of peace building, and disadvantaged groups; and Investment in social infrastructure is the 2. Strong links to positive answer. continued on next page

Women, Democracy and Infrastructure

“Physical infrastructure projects are fantastic for the male dominated fields of engineering and construction, but only benefits 7 to 22 per cent of female workers.

16 Turn Left/Virez à gauche THE “S” WORD IS BACK IN FASHION

BY DENNIS RAPHAEL that the NDP leadership has learned any centrism – no one’s buying it anymore. lessons from these electoral disasters. That’s why the Liberals used our language en years ago, I gave a presentation But we have, and so thankfully to win.” at the University of Washington’s has Ontario NDP MPP Cheri Dinovo. And a final word from DiNovo: TDepartment of Health Sciences In a recent article in the Toronto Sun “We must hold leadership accountable. on the adverse health effects of income newspaper, she has “belled the cat” by When you lose a once-in-a-lifetime inequality and poverty brought on by the stating the obvious2: opportunity, more than half our seats and neo-liberal driven decline of the welfare plummet in the polls from 41% to 14% — state. • “The NDP are democratic socialists.” someone needs to say something.” Indeed, Statistics Canada • “Many social democratic countries It is time to clean shop. reports an excess of 40,000 Canadian have double our corporate and deaths a year can be attributed to wealth taxes.” Dennis Raphael is a professor of differences in living conditions between • “Yes, child care, not in eight years, health policy at York University. He is the rich and the rest of us.1 My Canadian- now.” co-author of Social Determinants of born host lauded my talk but warned • “Yes, a $15-an-hour minimum wage, Health: The Canadian Facts, which can me to avoid ever using the S-word but not just for federal employees, be downloaded from thecanadianfacts. (socialist) in front of American audiences, for everyone.” org. I reminded him that this was not the case • “It wasn’t the NDP talking about in Canada where labour leaders and the taxing the 1%. It was the Liberals 1. Raphael, D. and Bryant, T. (2014, NDP constitution had no such hesitancy (who of course won’t follow through), Nov. 25). The Health Effects of Income about its use. and it cost us an election.” Inequality: A Jet with 110 Canadians How times have changed! Bernie Falling Out of the Sky Each Day, Every Sanders energizes American youth as a When was the last time we ever Day, 365 Days a Year. Upstream. At www. democratic socialist and the NDP scrubs heard any of this from a NDP leader thinkupstream.net/health_effects_of_ the word from its constitution. And during an election? Or for that matter, income_inequality we all know how well that worked for between elections? Do you honestly the NDP in the last federal and Ontario believe that any of our present leaders 2. DiNovo, C. (2016, Feb. 3). NDP Need to elections. Notwithstanding the death- will ever do so? Embrace the Left. Toronto Sun. At www. bed confessions of Thomas Mulcair and As DiNovo states: “Quite frankly, torontosun.com/2016/02/03/ndp-need- Andrea Horvath, there is no evidence there’s no place to go but Left. We’ve tried to-embrace-the-left n

...continued from last page pork-barrelling. According to NDI, women are effective at promotion Socialist Caucus NDI noted that reconciliation efforts of honest government. Honesty in are more quickly adopted if women a democracy demands more than are involved. In this context, some avoidance of corruption. It requires Resolutions at infrastructure spending that supports accountability and implementation of the Calls to Action in the 2015 Truth transparent, evidence-based policies Convention and Reconciliation Commission of as advocated by groups such as Canada report are obligatory. The Evidence for Democracy during the report states that “Reconciliation… 2015 federal election. Projects should 29 Resolutions were approved by is necessary to resolve the ongoing be selected based on urgent needs the Federal NDP Socialist Caucus conflicts between Aboriginal peoples and greatest benefits rather than and institutions of the country.” ideological leanings or political whim. Conference in Toronto in December A proper balance between The large cohort of female 2015, on a variety of economic, social physical and social infrastructure cabinet ministers has the opportunity and environmental issues. investments will be crucial in ensuring to change the socio-political and that the stimulus funds aid the broadest economic landscape of Canada. range of Canadians citizens. In the lead However, they can only do so if They have been circulated for up to the 2016 Federal budget, there patriarchal models of leadership are adoption at meetings of NDP riding was much discussion on where to focus dispensed with and they are given the associations, youth clubs and affiliated the spending, and rightly so. The last freedom to devote their talents to infrastructure stimulus focused on areas where women are particularly unions for debate and vote at ‘shovel-ready’ and typically smaller influential. We on the left must remain Convention. We hope you speak out projects that do not result in long-term vigilant to ensure that we reap the and support them on the convention economic gains. benefits of gender diversity in our It is also important to avoid highest democratic institution. n floor. politicization of project selection and Turn Left/Virez à gauche 17 TPP: Renegotiating NAFTA By the Back Door

BY JIM STANFORD imports are bigger, from the effects of the TPP experienced via From progressive-economics.ca and our resource- new trade partners (like Japan). based exports do not The auto industry could or years, trade and justice activists face large Japanese outsource approximately one-quarter have proposed renegotiating tariffs). The working of the value of its existing value-added the North American Free Trade of Japan’s state- activity to jurisdictions outside of the TPP, Agreement to address some of directed economy, yet still preserve its made-in-the-TPP trade Fthe deal’s most damaging features: for reliant on nuanced preferences. Applying the lower of these example, by removing the anti-democratic and multidimensional two weighted-average calculations (24 investor-state dispute settlement interventions to support and protect percentage points) to Canada’s existing provisions of Chapter 11, linking trade strategic domestic industries, and boost automotive manufacturing footprint (and benefits to genuine protections for human net exports, will not be fundamentally assuming that the dislocation for Canada’s and labour rights (all the more important altered by the restrictions of a trade industry is only proportional to the overall given the deteriorating democratic deal. So liberalization with Japan can North American shrinkage, an assumption situation in Mexico), and establishing only reinforce Canada’s structural which is probably optimistic), allows us to a continent-wide strategy for auto disadvantage as a resource supplier. This generate an estimate of the potential scale investment and production. point has been made in previous critiques of economic loss if the U.S.-Japan rules We were always told that of the former Harper government’s free were implemented. renegotiating NAFTA was a pipe dream: it trade strategy. Canada could lose 24,600 jobs would not be possible to open the (ie. 24% of existing automotive text and get all three countries on manufacturing employment), $6 board with reforms, no matter how billion in parts shipments, and legitimate the concerns. I hope that the current debate a large chunk of its assembly So imagine our collective sparks Canadians to take a much footprint as well. This loss would surprise to see that the Trans- be experienced over several years, Pacific Partnership talks, behind “ harder look at this agreement, as automakers and suppliers closed doors, jumped right into the which — by renegotiating the alike adjusted their investment deep end of NAFTA: undertaking a and location decisions to take wholesale renegotiation of what NAFTA — will have a much bigger advantage of the new freedom is by far Canada’s most important impact on our economy than “just afforded them under the watered- trade relationship. another trade agreement.” down content rules. The TPP includes 12 Of course, there are many other countries, several of which problems with the TPP, and Canada already has free trade indeed other concerns relating agreements with. For Canada, the most The TPP, however, opens a to the auto industry (including the need important new free trade relationship is Pandora’s box that is potentially much for protections to ensure that automotive with Japan. Opening up bilateral free worse than simply the expansion of free trade with Japan and other TPP countries trade with Japan poses many risks to trade to include Japan (an expansion which becomes meaningfully two-way, and Canada, similar to issues critics have would, itself, be significantly damaging measures limiting the use of active raised regarding the CETA and the bilateral to Canada). Because it would include all currency manipulation as a means of FTA with Korea. Our bilateral relationship three members of NAFTA, the TPP rules achieving advantage in trade competition). with Japan starts from a position of deep would in effect supplant NAFTA’s rules on The auto content issues have quantitative and qualitative imbalance: all sorts of issues: from rules of origin, suddenly made TPP a political hot potato, we incur chronic trade deficits with to dispute settlement, to intellectual however, because of the vocal opposition Japan, since our imports of high-value property. of important industry leaders in all three manufactured goods vastly outweigh our The TPP therefore amounts, in NAFTA countries. I hope that the current exports to Japan (which consist mostly of practice, to the complete renegotiation debate sparks Canadians to take a much natural resources). of NAFTA. TPP-inspired changes to harder look at this agreement, which — Bilateral tariff elimination with NAFTA’s rules could have major impacts by renegotiating the NAFTA — will have a Japan will therefore boost our imports on Canadian trade, investment, and much bigger impact on our economy than far more than our exports (since our employment outcomes, quite separate “just another trade agreement.” n

18 Turn Left/Virez à gauche ...Mulcair, from page 13 needed is policy decided ...Trudeau, from page 15 response to growing from the bottom up, with inequality and injustice. Leader for adopted policy, and plenty of time for debate at Jihadi terrorism could Indeed, it bolsters for the right of Bank? convention, and adherence to be quickly stopped. the state terrorism of the We’re told “The the policy priorities decided The imperialist powers West. It diverts attention campaign lacked an over- by the mass membership. need only insist that from the misdeeds of arching narrative that could Really required is a Workers’ client regimes, like Saudi the imperialists, which easily communicate our Agenda, socialist policies and Arabia and Turkey, stop dwarf the crimes of ISIS. progressive proposals.” new leadership. A so-called funding the recruitment The biggest crime going The truth is that a campaign “strong role for government” and arming of Salast- is resource plunder for theme was not lacking. It was just won’t do, up against inspired ghters, and stop prot. Western rulers clearly present and plainly a violent, wasteful, and buying ISIS-controlled oil. pursue their aims with reactionary. A balanced irrational system dominated Instead of demonizing, a variety tactics. They budget. No major new taxes. by gargantuan greedy arresting, or excluding exercise a division of Incentives to big business, corporations and banks. The Muslims and Arabs, labour. and a foreign policy to match. problem is capitalism, not domestic and foreign, Justin Trudeau’s Mulcair’s brain trust offered mismanagement of the deck the western powers could unctuous “sunny the Trudeau Liberals a bar so chairs on the Titanic. target poverty, racism and ways” rhetoric, his low that it was easy for the The importance youth alienation at home. posturing as a peace- latter to hurdle it, however of the Leader should not be Meanwhile, loving humanitarian disingenuously. Canadians exaggerated to the detriment every bomb dropped is camou age for wanted a sharp break with the of other factors. Let’s keep by Canadian, US and a widening war of hated Harper regime. in mind that big change French jets on Iraq and intervention in the East. It Newly appointed almost always comes from Syria recruits a village must be confronted with officials in the Leader’s suite, the bottom up. But in order to to ISIS. Each assault on principled opposition however super-enthusiastic open the doors and windows the east attracts dozens to the war. United front they may be, won’t make a to a more democratic and of discontented young mass demonstrations dime’s worth of difference if socialist process, there is westerners to the Islamic against Ottawa’s plan to they are cut from the same no choice now other than to terrorist brand. Joining increase its involvement cloth as their predecessors. vote for Leadership Review at a reactionary sect is are urgently needed. n What’s really Edmonton in April. n a horribly misguided

THE CANDIDATES FOR THE COME AND MEET OUR CANDIDATES CAMPAIGN FOR DEMOCRACY AND SOCIALISM IN THE NDP You are warmly invited to come and meet our 16 candidates at convention. Ask them about their plans The Socialist Caucus and Momentum are proud to put for reform to build greater democracy inside the NDP. forth a team of candidates for Federal NDP Executive and Council. Friday, April 8 Saturday, April 9 At Adjournment At Lunch and Adjournment Please see the other 12 candidates on the next page Room to be Announced In Room 4

TYLER MACKINNON CHRISTOPHER MAH POY HENRY EVANS-TENBRINKE CHRIS GOSSE NDYC Representative NDYC Representative Ontario Provincial Rep. Atlantic Regional Rep.

Tyler is Christopher Henry has Chris is a a recent is a recent been a technician university graduate member of and student in from Mount the NDP for craftsman, Politics and Allison over 30 years and has a former University and serves as seen rst- member of with a an executive hand what the ONDY degree in member anti-labour executive. political of the legislation At the 2013 Federal NDP science. Originally from Hamilton Mountain Riding does to communities. convention in Montreal, he Alberta, he has been a self- Association. He was also an Chris strongly believes in led the ght for free post- described “Prairie” social active member of CUPE for democratic transparency secondary education. Tyler is democrat and social justice three decades in the health inside the NDP and the also a passionate activist who advocate from an early age care sector, and is committed union movement, with strong has campaigned to improve and a New Democrat since to human rights and ghting membership representation working conditions. the day he could vote. racism worldwide. and participation. The Campaign for Democracy and Socialism in the NDP

The Socialist Caucus and Momentum are presenting a team of candidates for Federal NDP Executive and Council. Let’s build a more participatory NDP that fights for socialist policies everywhere.

BARRY WEISLEDER JULIUS ARSCOTT VANESSA MILLER 2 ALAIN CHARBONNEAU President Vice President (Labour) NDP Women’s Commission Vice Président (Francophone)

Barry is a Julius is Vanessa is Alain a teacher, President of a labour travaillé union OPSEU local and political avec Jamie organizer, 532 and has activist from Nichols à writer, and worked in Nanaimo, Vaudreuil- a member the Ontario British Soulanges of the NDP Public Columbia. avant de for 47 years. Service Vanessa is déménager He has been for 16 currently the et de devenir a delegate to almost every years. A vocal proponent of young worker coordinator le secrétaire de l’association Federal and Ontario NDP OPSEU afliation with the for the Public Service de circonscription de convention since 1971. As NDP, Julius is also active in Alliance of Canada, BC LaSalle-Émard-Verdun, avec President, Barry wants the the anti-war and Palestine Region, as well as for the Hélène LeBlanc en tant NDP to become a bottom-up Solidarity movements Canada Employment and que députée. En février, organization that ghts for and has been a long time Immigration Union - BC/ il a été élu président de socialist policies. environmentalist. Yukon Region. l’association.

JUDY KOCH SYED HYDER ALI 1 PETER D’GAMA JOHN McNAMEE Disability Caucus Rep. Alberta Provincial Rep. Visible Minorities Caucus Treasurer

Judy Koch Syed came Peter is John has is a long to Canada currently been time social as a landed President involved activist and immigrant of the with socialist a member of in 2005, and Etobicoke politics since the Toronto has been North joining the Danforth active in Federal NDP anti-war NDP the NDP and has movement executive. since 2007. worked on in the 1960s. She is a strong advocate Syed wanted to stand as a countless elections for the He has also been a longtime for workers’ rights people candidate for the party in the party. Peter wants to see the NDP riding executive with physical and mental 2015 federal election, but NDP work alongside equity- member. John wants the challenges, and an active his candidacy was rescinded seeking groups to ght racist party to connect more with member of the Ontario for speaking out in favour of discrimination, poverty and social justice movements Coalition Against Poverty. Palestinian rights. injustice. seeking equity.

JOHN WILSON CHAD McKINLEY 1 JOHN ORRETT DOCK CURRIE 1 LGBT Caucus Rep. Prairie Regional Rep. Ontario Regional Rep. BC Provincial Rep.

John has Chad is a Former Dock is the been concerned District Bennett involved in union activist Chief Scholar for the NDP working to with the the Doctoral and its change the Toronto Fire Liberal Arts predecessor direction of Services, and a PhD party, the Federal John has candidate starting NDP. He has been a in Political with the worked for member Economy Ottawa CCF youth club in years in various ways to help of the NDP for over 40 at York University. His 1954. Involved in gay/queer bring about the progressive years. He has an Honours interests are in advancing liberation since the early renaissance in Alberta, and BA in Political Science with a democratic and socialist 1970s, John is a founding has been a member of the credits in economics and program within the New member of Queer Ontario Teamsters Union (Local 987) international affairs, and is Democratic Party and and is presently on its for 15 years. Support Chad currently President of the recalling its socialist and steering committee. for a truly rank and le NDP. Thornhill Riding Association. social democratic traditions.

1 Members of Momentum - The NDP’s Left Alternative to Austerity. 2 Independent candidates endorsed by Socialist Caucus.