(No Model.) » '2 Sheets Sheet 1. D. A.. DEGROW. PUMPING ENGINE. No. 584,760. ` (No Model.) _ _ » a. ­ , f 2 Sheets-Sheet 2: D.> ALD‘ECROW.l ' PUMPING ENGINE. No. 584,760. Patented June l5, 1897.

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Í/Vz'tnesses, § "ì lm/em‘or, ßß. 5? ` . www 042mm» Ninn STATES PATENT v. y FETCH..



SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 584,760, dated J une 15, 1897.. Application tiled September 8, 1896. Serial No. 605,128. (No model.)

To all whom ¿t may concern: the center of the pump-cylinders and the cen Be it known thatI, DAVID A. DECROW, a ter of the -shaft. Again, the connect citizen of the United States, residing at Lock .ing-rod from the main shaft has heretofore port, in the county of Niagara and State of been attached to the upper end of the workin g 55 New York, have invented a new and useful engine ­ beam. Such construction necessi Improvement in Pumping-Engines, of which tated the placing of the driving-motor at an the following is a specification. objectionable distance from the pump to be This invention relates to pumping ­ en actuated thereby. Examples of engines em gines, and particularly to horizontal pump bodying these constructions are seen in Pat IO ing-engines of the compound or Woolf type. ents No. 263,694, dated September 5, 1882, The object of the invention is to improve and No. 289,828, dated December 11, 1883, the construction of pumps of this class and to Gaskill, and also in No. 455,868, dated July to render the same more efficient in opera 14., 1891, to I-Iall, with which patents I am tion. familiar. 65 A further object of the invention is to pro In order to avoid the objections noted and vide an arrangement and construction where‘ to provide a construction wherein the power by the size of the pumpe-vlinder will not be of the drivingsteam-engine is most effect limited by the relative location and arrange-f ively applied to the Work of actuating the ment of the crank-shaft. . pump-plunger and to provide a construction 70 A further object of the invention is to pro wherein the driving steam~engine may be vide an arrangement and construction where placed in as close proximity to the pump as in the main crank is connected directly to possible and a construction wherein the size“ the cross-head of the steam-motor. of the pump will not be limited, I provide Other objects of the invention will appear the following construction: 75 .25 more fully hereinafter. Reference -sign 10 designates a suitable The invention consists, substantially, in frame mounted upon any suitable base and the construction, combination, location, and having supported thereby or formed thereon relative arrangement of parts, all as will be the pillow-blocks 23, in which is journaled Y more fully hereinafter set forth, as shown in the main crank ­ shaft 21, upon which is 30 the accompanying drawings, andl iinally spe~ mounted the fly-Wheel 20. >Suitably mounted cifically pointed out in the claims. in the frame are the steam-cylinders 1 1l, Referring to the accompanying drawings the one supported by the other. In the par \ and to the various views and reference-signs ticular form shown, which I deem the pref~ appearing thereon, Figure 1 is a view in cen erable construction and arrangement, but to 85 35 tral longitudinal section of a pumping-en* which I do not desire to be limited or re~ gine embodying the principles of my inven stricted, the steam-cylinders 1 and 11 are of tion. Fig. 2 is a plan view of the same, the compound type, 11 being the showing my invention applied to two sets of high-pressu re cylinder and 1 the low-pressure engines arranged side by side and employing cylinder, the high-pressure cylinder 11 eX a single . hausting into the low-pressure cylinder 1 in The same reference~sign is `employed to the usual or well-known manner. designate the same part Wherever it occurs Reference-sign 2 designates the of throughout the several views. the low~pressure cylinder 1. 3 designates the Heretofore in pumping-engines of the class pump-cylinder, arranged in alinement with 95 45 to which my invention relates the crank~ the low-pressure cylinder 1; 4, the pu iup-plun shaft and ily-wheel have been mounted on ger; 5, the rod, which serves at the same time the pump. In such constructions and in or» as the pump-rod and as the piston-rod of pis der to provide a sufficient amount of crank ton 2. 6 designates the inlet-chamber of the room above the pump-plungers it was neces pump, and? and 8 the pump discharge-cham IOO SO sary to limit the sizeof the pump in order to bers. Carried by rod 5 is a cross-head 9, ar provide a sufficient vertical distance between ranged to slide in suitable guides formed in 584,760

the main frame 10. Upon the rod 13 of pis ‘ of steam-cylinders mounted thereon at one ton 12 of the high-pressure cylinder 11 is end thereof, a pump mounted on said frame mounted the cross-head 14, arranged to slide at the opposite end thereof and in alinement 70 in the guides 15, formed in the frame 10. In with one of said cylinders, a crank -shaft suitable bearings in frame 10 is mounted a mounted on said frame and arranged between shaft 17, upon which rocks the working beam said pump and steam-cylinders a fly-wheel 16. rI‘his beam is connected at one end mounted on said shaft and direct connections through links 1S to cross-head 14 and at its between said crank-shaft and the piston-rod 75 opposite end through links 19 to cross-head of one of said cylinders, as and for the pur 10 i). The crank 21 of the main crank-shaft is pose set forth. connected by a connecting-rod 22 directly toA 2. In apumping-engine,ahigh-pressure and cross-head 14. a low-pressure steam-cylinder, a pump-cylin It will be observed from the foregoing de der arranged in alinement with one of said scription, taken in connection with the ac cylinders, a single piston-rod common to both companying drawings, that the crank-shaft of said alined cylinders, a piston-rod for the is arranged in the frame between the steam otherof said steam-cylinders, cross-heads car cylinders and the pump, thereby affording ried by said piston-rods, connections between sufficient space for the crank 21 without in said cross-heads, a crank-shaft arranged be 85 any manner interfering with or limiting the tween said pump-cylinder and said steam-cyl size of the pump-cylinder, as in the case of inders and carrying a fly-wheel, and a con the patents above mentioned, and it will also necting-rod directly connected at the respec be seen that by connecting the crank 21 di tive ends thereof to one of said cross-heads rectly with cross-head 14 instead of to the and to the 4crank of said shaft, as and for the 90 working beam, as has heretofore been cus purpose set forth. tomary and as shown in the patents referred 3. In a pumping-en gine, a pair of steam-cyl to, I shorten the distance between the steam inders, the one arranged upon the other, a cylinders to the pump-cylinders in order to pump-cylinder, said pump-cylinder arranged compensate for the change in the location of in alinement with one of said steam-cylinders, the crank-shaft and in order to bring` the a piston-rod for each of said steam-cylinders, 30 steam-cylinders in as close proximity to the the rod for one of said cylinders also forming pump-cylinder as may be possible. It will the pump-rod, a cross-head carried by each also be observed that by arranging the low of said piston-rods, a working beam arranged pressure cylinder and the pump-cylinder in between said steam-cylinders and said pump, IOO alinement with each other I am enabled to connections between said working beam and 35 utilize the same piston-rod for both the steam said cross-heads, a crank-shaft, also arranged cylinder and pump, and hence the power of in said framework and between said steam the steam-cylinder I is more directly applied cylinders and pump, a fly-wheel mounted to the work of actuating the pump-plunger. thereon, and a connecting-rod directly con It will also be seen that the same frame which nected at the respective ends thereof to the supports the steam-engine and pump con crank of said shaft and one of said cross tains the guides for the cross-heads as well heads; as and for the purpose set forth. as the bearings for the beam-shaft and the 4. In a pumping-engine, a framework, a crank-shaft. high-pressure and a low-pressure steam-cylin Of course it will be observed that an en der mounted therein, the one upon the other, a gine embodying the principles of my inven pump-cylinder, said pump-cylinder arranged tion may be employed and operated as a con in alinement with said low-pressure cylinder, densing-engine; but as the air-pumps, con piston-rods for each of said steam-cylinders, densers, and connections may be of the usual the piston-rod of said low-pressure cylinder 115 or ordinary type and form no part of the pres also forming the pump ­ rod, a cross ­ head 50 ent invention illustration thereof has been mounted on each of said piston-rods, a work omitted in the present application. in g beam connecting said cross-heads,a crank Many variations and alterations in the de shaft mounted in said framework and ar tails of construction and arrangement, size ranged between said steam-cylinders and said and proportion of parts would readily sug pump, said shaft carrying a ñy-wheel, and 55 gest themselves to persons skilled in the art direct communications between the crank of and still fall within the spirit and scope of said shaft and the cross-head of said high my invention. I do not desire, therefore, to pressure cylinder; as and for the purpose set be limited or restricted to the exact details forth. 125 shown and described; but, 5. The combination of a low-pressure cyl I-Iaving now set forth the object and nature inder, the high-pressure cylinder mounted of my invention and a form of apparatus em thereon, the pump in line with the low-pres bodying the same and having described the sure cylinder, the crank and fiy-wheel mount construction, purpose, and mode of operation ed on the frame between the pump and steam thereof, what I claim as new and useful and cylinders and the working beam and direct of my own invention, and desire to secure by connections between the crank of said shaft Letters Patent of the United States, is­­ and the cross-head of said high-pressure cyl 1. In apumping-engine,aframework, a pair inder; substantially as described. 584,760 ` s

6. In a pumping-engine, a framework, a crank-shaft mounted in said framework ar high and a low pressure cylinder mounted ranged intermediate said steam-cylinders and therein, the one above the other, a pump also pump and carrying' a fly-wheel and direct com mounted in said frame and in alinement with munications between the crank of said shaft said low-pressure cylinder, piston -rods for and one of said cross-heads; as and for the said steam-cylinders, the rod of said 10W-pres purpose set forth. sure cylinder also forming the pump ­ rod, In witness whereof I'have hereunto set my zo guides formed in said framework, cross-heads hand this lst day of September, 1896. 'arranged to operate in said guides, and con nected respectively to said piston- rods, a DAVID A. DECROÑV. working,` beam supported in said framework, Attest: links pivotally connecting the respective ends STERLING H. BUNNELL, thereof to said cross -heads respectively, a WILFRED P. DAvIsoN.