_I '~A;· .;,..c:~ I IN TEXAS r.-":; ;:,;.:;;:.~1 Februorv 8-14. 1985 ~-.:..=-" = ..q~


,«' . "'-va 'f J' UJ DAY I FEATURE The Artwork of Grego"" F. Scott NON-FICTION Heart of My Heart HIGHLIGHT The Ordinance-A Personal Perspective SPECIAL REPORT Introducing 30 New Bills in the Texas Legislature ~I LIQUOR BUST C SUNDAYS R LIQUORBUS 0., SUNDAYS 5 . LIQUOR BUST 5: SUNDAYS III ONLY S5-STARTS BPM , AUSTIN'S FINEST STAFF IS AT . JERRY SMITH'S 1H1 N '. rt 0 • '(0 ..~ rI ~"L G I. THE HOME OF AUSTIN'S ORIGINAL ~ NU-WAVE NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY 407 COLORADO austin•• (512) 474-9667 Lf?"


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3701 Montrose, Houston 529-5100 I-I C) lJ C) 1"1 4012 Cedar Springs, Dallas 522-5810 101 Schilling, Baytown 428-2895 2401 San Jacinto ~ CONTENTS Volume 10, Number 47 February 8·14, 1985

OJ I 11 TWT NEWS 0"- Fort Worth Pride Pions, Son Antonio Awards, Houston's Bitter Lesson. M e:::: N 19 COMMENT 0"I- ~ Letters to the Editor :::> q- 0"- 22 SPECIALREPORT I0-- Introducing 30 New Bills in the Texas Legislature l- ;;j=' I I 25 HIGHLIGHT 1-1- -N I « - The Ordinance-A Personal Perspective by Gregg Russell -. ~O0 z • 1 30 BOOKS 52 VI J Where Willi Be Tomorrow? by Walter Rinder Reviewed by David Fields >:~ e( z- 00 ...J We Too Are Drifting by Gale Wilhelm Reviewed by Deana Smith LU ...J O..J 9 37 THEATRE -..J U. e( 0 The Hilling of Sister George Reviewed by Billie Duncan ~~_::J ~w Vl 39 VINYL FLASH • I Domestic Music With a European Flair . by Mardi Coleman J: VI 40 ART Ck:ffi I-- --J o ~2Q.. ~ (~ Z Galleries and Museums in Texas by Mitchell M. Bartlow u...~> "'o;:~i2 ..J W 0 0- 44 MOVIES e:::: Bird; Starring Matthew Modine Reviewed by O. Flores Alvarez ~..J U. VI 0:: Moss Appeal Starring Jock Lemon Reviewed by Harry Deutsch I-- e( , 46 VALENTINE FEATURE CJ U 0 I Heart of My Heart by James Morvin W UJ I e:::: u 48 BACKSTAGE - Becky Boker, The Magic Flute, Meg Christian, Jean Powell. by Rob Clark (5 0"- 52 SHOWBIZ M 1 Alice ... , With Ann Jillion; Lana Turner and the Pointer Sisters Together. by Jock Varsi c.y~,. -,£:F. ~---. ' > <)~ ......

I'~';OVE~~ATUAE The Artwork of Gregory F. Scott I- 63 HOT TEA c::: 2 0 C 0 2 '-"UJ -c::: -~ II nUT FEBAUAAY 8 - FEBAUAAY 14 1985 PAGE 7 IT'S OUR BIRTHDAY . . . AND YOU GET THE PRESENT!!! In celebration of our 5th Anniversary In DALLAS JOIN NOW AND GET 50 flEE TUIIIG SESSIOIS OR $100 Off WITH ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP!!! At PITlIBSS BltCH.IUIGS we tailor a fitness program to meet your needs and supervlse you on our UVOLUTIOBUY BAUTILUS SQUIPIISlIT. Available also are HEARTMATE (computerized bikes). FREE WEIGHTS, UNIVERSAL, Saunas, Jacuzzi, SUNTANA (sun systems) and a whole lot more! WE'RE 1I0T GETTIIiG OLDER, WE'RE GETTIIiG BETTER!


DALLAS I!f5)rmr~ HOUSTON 2615 Oak Lawn 2900 Richmond Ave. Phone 526·1220 ~XCIHrRrrlOO Phone 524·9932 \\\9tI ~ THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Weekly Circulation: 20,000 _------NEWS HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527-9111 incorrectly convince people they have 2205 Montrose WHY YOU SHOULD AIDS when in truth they really don't. Houston, Texas 77006 DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521-0622 NOT TAKE THE The much-touted AIDS test merely D/FW Metro 949-2353 indicates the presence of antibodies to 3920 Cedar Springs NEW AIDS TEST the HTLV-III virus. Just because one Dallas, Texas 75219 WASHINGTON, D.C. - TWT NEWS has the virus doesn't necessarily mean PUBLISHER/EDITORChuck Patrick has been advised by authorities that a one has AIDS or will even come down FEATURESEDITOR/ARTDIRECTOR Blase DiStefano ASSISTANTSTO THEART DIRECTOR coalition of national and local gay and with the mysterious disease. Rob Clark, Carlos Palma, Fred Hinton lesbian organizations recommended "Don't take the AIDS test," was the TEXASENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark that gay men not take the soon-to-be- authoritative advice given to TWT NEWS. NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jack Varsl NEWS/SPORTSEDITOR Chuck Patrick licensed AIDS test for antibodies to Mike Richards of Dallas, a FARO board ART EDITOR Mitch Bartlow HTLV-III/LAV, the virus believed to be member, concluded, "There are too POETRYEDITOR 0, Flores Alvarez associated with AI DS. many risks involved at this time in tak- CONTRIBUTING EDITORS 0, Flares Alvarez, Jim Boone, Mardi Coleman, The reasons why one should not take ing this test. Tell your friends," he urg- Harry Deutsch, Bonnie Dombroski, David Fields, the test are numerous. Foremost is the ed. See related HEALTH articles starting Weldon Grahame, Tom Greenwell, Crlstopher Hart, Hollie Hollister, George Klein, fact that the test does not diagnose on page 75. Dean Malone, Milton von Stern AIDS conclusively. The test results are ADVERTISING ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow not reliable. "The test gives false APPEALS COURT GRAPHIC ARTISTS Rob Clark, Fred Hinton. Carlos Palma, results," TWT NEWS was told. Hek Cavazos, Mardi Coleman, NGTF also fears that the test results RECONSIDERS 21 :06 Eric Harden, lucian Rlnando NEW ORLEANS - Homosexual TYPOGRAPHERS will be used to deny gay men insurance, Tobl Chapman, Eric Harden, B, Steele employment, housing and other forms conduct in Texas may become illegal STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS of discrimination. There still is a lot of again as the United States Fifth Circuit Scott Taylor, Jim Hamilton. Oscar Mendiola, Michael McKinney, Scot Roberts, lac: fear among non-gays about AIDS being Court of Appeals in this city decided on Hollie Hollister, Blase DiStefano casually contagious. January 28 to reconsider its prior deci- CIRCULATION MANAGER Bobby lamb sion to dismiss the appeal of Amarillo STATEWIDEDISTRIBUTIONSteve Miles "Individuals should be aware that RECEPTIONISTAlicia Murphy their test results may be obtained by District Attorney Danny Hill in the Bakervs. Wade case, which had left in- SALES employers, life and health insurance EXECUTIVESALESMANAGER' companies, and the government," tact a lower court ruling invalidating the Jim Vetelo -t;..~ NGTF said. Texas Penal Code Section 21:06, the Advertising rates are available on request by tele- , OV't\"". There is deep concern among doc- sodomy code. phoning the salesperson in your nearest city, from TWT NEWS 10am-Spm, weekdays, ~I~S tors that test results obtained could be It was explained to that DEADLINE FOR All ADS: b\:'i~~ used to deny individuals employment, this latest decision to rehear the appeal Friday, one week prior to publication, insurance, housing and other civil and dismissal means that the appeal AUSTIN rights. could be reinstated arid further that the Scott Taylor, ' (512) 926-0253 HAPPY' Court of Appeals could decide the case DAllAS The Federation of AIDS-Related Alan Gellman, ,(214) 521-0622 VALENTINE'S Organizations agrees. "The dangers of on its merits alone: either to rule that FORTWORTH this test are multiple. Confidentiality of the statute, which had criminalized ap- Steve Miles, , (Metro) 949-2353 DAY HOUSTON/GAlVESTON test results cannot yet be guaranteed," proximately one million Texans is un- Scat Roberts , , (713) 527-9111 nOM IVI.YON. AI the organization reminded. "Misuse of constitutional or is properly within the SAN ANTONIO/CORPUSCHRISTI Tim Ramm, ,(512) 822-9213 ·..•••••• unucua .'IIXAI" test results will almost certainly lead state's lawmaking authority. to loss of jobs, housing, and health Now, as 1985 unfolds, the full court CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT benefits," the Dallas Gay Alliance of fourteen judges has decided to Dallas Bureau-Steve Miles 308 WilT 16th board declared. reconsider this, with "oral arguments Houston Bureau-Scol Roberts (512) 476-7986 In addition, the inconclusiveness of scheduled for this June. A decision of TWT MAGAZINE the full court is expected by the end of A Division of the test will heighten rather than ASYLUM ENTERPRISES. INC. decrease stress among the "worried this year," Texas Human Rights Foun- The Corporation well" in the gay male community. For dation president and prominent at- instance, positive test results can quite torney, Thomas Coleman, anticipated.

PAGE 10 TWT FEBRUARY8 - FEBRUARY14 1985 TWT FEBRUARY8 - FEBRUARY14 1985 PAGE 11 "We hope that once the fourteen judges of the court consider the facts INTERNATIONAL and laws presented earlierto the three- GAY RODEO FORMED judge panel, they will agree with the DENVER - The International Gay unanimous decision of that panel," Rodeo Association became a distinct said Coleman. incorporated reality at the January "If they do, then they will be agree- 25-27 organizational meeting held at ing that Hill had no legal standing to this city's Executive Tower Inn. "IGRA bring forth this appeal, especially in can now act as a super umbrella hold- view of the fact that this attempt to cir- ing all the state and regional rodeos cumvent proper legal procedure being consistent," spokesperson Walter funded by private parties whose Strickler of Houston said. motives and intention are, at best, "IGRA has standardized the rodeo highly suspect," Coleman concluded. rules for all events," he told TWTNEWS. "Therefore, even the point systems on GAY PRIDE PLANS which events are judged will be the same regardless of where a rodeo is IN FORT WORTH held," he explained. "Much time was FORT WORTH - It appears thatthis spent in specifying these rules." city will use the national gay pride Founding member states included theme, "Alive With Pride in '85," Bud- Texas, Arizona, Colorado and Califor- dy Jones of TWT NEws/Fort Worth nia. The famed Reno rodeo was con- reported. The decision was reached at spicuously absent from last month's the January 10 meeting held at the original formation of member rodeos South Jennings offices. into IGRA. As is tradition, Fort Worth will again A board of trustees was elected, with this year begin its Gay Pride Week well staggered terms. Ultimately each term ahead of other Texas cities by kicking will be for three years, but initially there off with the selection of Mr. and Miss will be a one-year term, a two-year term, Gay Pride on June 7 at the Other Place. and two three-year terms. The board is The bar tour will follow on June 8. The limited to not less than four and no next day, Sunday, special services will more than nine members. The first be held at Agape MCC Church, follow- board is composed of John King of ed by the annual WADS carnival that Arizona (3 years), Terry Clark of Texas afternoon in the 651 Club parking lot. (3 years), AI Bell of California (2 years) June 10to 14 are being held open for and Ron Jesser of Colorado (1 year). all clubs and organizations to plan their Officers of the association are to own specific individual activities, serve for one year and are responsible Jones said. to the board of trustees in the perfor- The annual Gay Pride Picnic will mance of their duties. Officers for the climax the city's celebration on Satur- first year are Wayne Jakino of Colorado day, June 15 from noon until 6 p.m. The (president), Sam Jennings of Austin picnic is Fort Worth's answer to a (vice president), Kenny Cunitz of parade. Arizona (recording secretary), Johnna This year's logo will be selected at Rhone of Colorado (corresponding sec- the next gay pride meeting which will retary) and Eddie Cline of California be held Monday, February 18 at 7:30 (treasurer). p.m., Jones said. Sharon Huber is presi- The four state rodeo associations dent, Dale Glenn is treasurer and Brad have scheduled rodeos to provide a Puden is secretary of FWGPW this balanced annual circuit: Arizona in year. January (starting in 1986),California in The mailing address for FWGPW is March, Colorado in June, and Texas in Box 3235, Ft. Worth, Tx. 76113. November. ~ ['MI.,rt1R!lMi~ ~ TWT FEBRURRY 8 - FEBRURRY 14 1985 rAGE 13 DGA FOCUSES ON Political Caucus. The forums fall dur- ing the midst of the filing period for can- DALLAS ELECTION didates, February 4 to March 6, ALGPC DALLAS - The next general explained to TWTNEWS/Austin. membership meeting of the Dallas Gay Alliance will be held this Monday, 1985 SAGA February 11at 7:30 p.m. at Metropolitan Community Church, 2701 Reagan. AWARDS BANQUET The program this month will focus on SAN ANTONIO - Anticipation is the Gay Cable Network's arrival in mounting in the Alamo City for the an- Dallas. It will be a video presentation nual awards banquet of the San An- on the purpose of Gay Cable Network, tonio Gay Alliance. This year's event what it can do for the gay community will be held Sunday evening, February and program selections from other gay 17 at McTads, a beautiful downtown cable shows around the country. restau rant. "There will also be a presention by "The SAGA awards are presented for the Political Action Committee on the community achievement," a spokes- Dallas City Council election, and how person explained to TWTNEws/SanAn- you can get involved," new DGA com- tonio. "This year's annual successful munications director, Skipper Wilson, fundraiser should be the best yet," it reported to TWTNEwslDalias. was predicted. The public is invited and encourag- Tickets are available in advance for ed to attend. $15.95. For ticketing, contact Tim McHurchian at (512)341-6465or Frank AUSTIN CANDIDATES Connely at 826-2381, extension 202. Mail order tickets remain available HOLD GAY FORUM through this Sunday, February 10,Con- AUSTIN - Two public meet-the- nely said. candidates forums will be held in the The banquet will begin at 7 p.m. Capitol City on two consecutive Sun- lasting approximately two hours, Tim day afternoons beginning this Sunday, Ramm of TWT NEws/San Antonio February 10 and concluding on Feb- reported. ruary 17,ALGPC co-chair Roy Harbison BITTERLESSON informed TWTNEWs/Austin. Both forums will be held at Oz, 705 FOR HOUSTONIANS Red River, from 3 p.m. until 6 p.m., Har- HOUSTON - Ever since the 4-to-1 bison said. The gay community is urg- defeat on January 19of Houston's gay ed to attend so they may meet the can- rights job referendum, TWT didates for mayor and city council NEWS/Houston has been deluged with which face election on April 6. comments from both gay leaders and This Sunday's forum will feature the local citizens explaining what went four candidates for Austin mayor, the wrong. incumbent, Ron Mullen, plus Frank Beginning with this edition of TWT Cooksey, Max Nofziger and Mike Poul- NEWS,our editorial department has son. The candidates for city council opted to print the comments and view- places 1,3 and 5 have also been invited. points of out-of-state observers to the The following Sunday, councilper- Houston referendum. sons running for places 2, 4 and 6 will It's always interesting to see how be spotlighted. That forum will include people removed from the local scene Councilman Mark Spaeth's comments, view an event. Often outsiders look at it was expected. a situation through more objective, The two forums are being coor- removed-from-Iocal-prejudice vantage dinated by the Austin Lesbian/Gay points.

TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY14 1985 PAGE 15 What follows is a newspaper edi- torial that appeared on January 24, 1985 in Chicago Gay Ufe. The piece was en- titled, "The Bitter Lesson of Houston." BRING YOUR SWEETHEART "Licking theirwounds, gay activists FOR A ROMANTIC in Houston claim the bitter experience has brought them closer together and served as a public education tool. But VALENTINE'S meanwhile, they face a politically uncertain future: Their most vocal defender, Mayor Kathy Whitmire, .DAY_ already vulnerable because of her SPECIAL DINNER liberalism and her gender, faces a 7 PM-II PM tough re-election fight next time around, now that she's allied herself FREE GLASS OF with a rejected issue. WINE WITH DINNER "Houston gays face more resis- tance, perhaps, than gays elsewhere. CLAY HOWELL It's an exceptionally conservative AT THE PIANO Southwestern city, where the Bible-belt mentality still holds strong. Yet even in supposedly more 'enlightened' areas, VALENTINE'S gay activists need to bear in mind the cruelest lesson of Houston 1985: the NIGHT need to avoid as much as humanly possible the issue of civil rights being put to a referendum vote. "Because no matter how much work the gay community does at establish- ing alliances with politicians, and no matter how much the gay community can justifiably assert that it contributes to civil life (imagine the economic disaster that would hit Houston if the gays just picked up and left), the rights SUNDAY of mlnorltles are never popular with the majority. Imagine in 1964-imagine CHAMPAGNE even today-how the federal Civil Rights Act would fare if put up fora na- BRUNCH tional referendum. It's a vision worth NOON TO 3:00 keeping in mind as we talk about tolerance, civility, equality, and con- tentment in our daily lives," com- mented Chicago Gay Ufe. "It calls to mind that wonderful old Rodgers and Hammerstein song from South Pacific: You've got to be taught To hate and fear You've got to be taught From year to year 402 LOVEIT • HOUSTON • 527-9866 It's got to be drummed In your dear little ear ... " 'l.1JI?

TUJT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PRGE17 \\OW __-----COMMENT In this column readers exchange ideas with other readers and with our editor in a public forum. Address all letters to: Comment, TWT, 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006. All letters become the property of TWT and must be signed (if you don't wish your name printed, please specify). And PLEASE keep your letters short.

Loves Art women were present in large numbers in both groups. During our training weekend Dear TWT: the only woman present was a straight I write this brief letter to commend the woman who feels an overwhelming sense excellent coverage and writing by your art of compassion for humanity. There were editor, Mitchell M. Bartlow. Nowhere in no gay women involved with our training your publication is such knowledge session. I quizzed a few friends who have • presented with such compliments to the • participated in other sessions to see if UNCLE subject. ours was an isolated case, but sadly I find The education, experience, knowledge, it was not. and love for art is evident in its AIDS is not a "gay male" disease, it is a presentation. It is a compliment to your disease, plain and simple. But its effects lD magazine for someone of this ability to be have touched every corner of our able to cover the varied art within our community, men and women alike. This is world and at the same time be a challenge to the gay women of our entertaining and educating. More good community to search inside themselves. I works please. am hoping that they will find the Ralph Jhonson compassion and love that I know is there, Houston, Texas and call the foundation so see how they can get involved. I urge you-don't let it Involvement Through Death take the death of a friend to get you Dear TWT: involved. I recently finished the KSIAIDS Keith Folger Foundation training weekend, and will be Houston, Texas doing volunteer work with the foundation. I made my decision to get involved with Changing Image the foundation after a friend died of Dear TWT: Pneumococystis carinii pneumonia. We lost the referendum, but don't Looking back on my decision, I wish it despair. We are still winners. We can still hadn't taken such a tragic event to get me hold our heads high with dignity. We still involved. have the sanity of not coming down to the Four days before the weekend was to level of those who advocated begin, another close friend died. I owe a discrimination with hate, fear, bigotry and lot to the foundation and the training lies. We are still children of God. That gay weekend for helping me to deal with their is beautiful. ... deaths. I'm not writing this letter merely It saddens me to believe that there is to sing the praises of the foundation, still the attitude among those who claim although I do so heartily; I have a deep to be Christians who hide their bigotry purpose in mind. behind the cloak of religion. Our country While participating in the weekend, we is still two-faced, a double standard of saw many videos produced by the Shanti attitudes and beliefs. But some people are Project in San Francisco. In nearly all of still fighting for equal rights, which all the videos we watched, there was a people, regardless of sex, color or creed, considerable number of gay women are guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. involved in the Shanti Project. When I The past 25 years have brought on a asked a few friends who know people sexual revolution where gays went wild. involved in both the Aids Project Los Promiscuous sexual behavior became the Angeles and New York's Gay Men's norm with drugs running a close second. Health Crisis about this, I found out that It became a live-let-live attitude, forgetting

TWT FEBRURRY 8 - FEBRURRY 14 1985 PAGE 19 all reasons of reality. Some became erase the minority status where there is involved in politics, achieving some gay no need to be a distinctive group. Help rights. The shock waves of those 25 years form a sensible, logical educational have now exploded. The coming of the program to improve the gay image as AIDS epidemic has put gays at a setback individuals and as business people. Don't where they may never regain what has make demands. Just a simple demand for been lost. Achievements for sexual equal rights mandated by the U.S. recognition and political gains went back Constitution. Point your finger at those to a slightly closed closet door, only to be who oppose your rights. Speak out loud reopened completely when the gays take and clear. Write letters to your gay it upon themselves to change an image to organizations and to government officials being accepted. and help remove them if they oppose your The gays are looked upon with disgust, rights. Remove the sexual classification of because some will display themselves in either being labeled a heterosexual or such a way that they bring much of this homosexual. The distinction needs to be hate by their own individual conduct. completely removed from our vocabulary. There should be no need to make the gay There should be no delay. Start now. lifestyle any more public than necessary. Once the image has been changed, Homosexuality means having sexual there'll be no cause for opposition. Yes, desire of the same sex. Therefore that is even the KKK just might go out of the only difference of a gay lifestyle. Can't business. it remain a private affair? Too bad some V. Sanders gays are not portrayed in three-piece Houston, Texas suits, carrying a briefcase and maybe reading . The Big Switch I believe everyone has the right to do Dear TWT: what they want to do. But there are civil On Wednesday, January 20, something laws of human behavior. This sounds like unique and wonderful happened in tripe, but the standard gay image from the Houston's gay community. general public is being trashy and a bunch In terms merely of dollars and cents of nellie butterflies in drag. what happened is that contributions from This might be interpreted that the writer the Austin chapter of TGRA and from is advocating going back into the closet. Kindred Spirits combined with the Big Far from the truth. It's just a matter of Switch fund raiser resulted in almost restraint. Think about it. The less it's $2,900 being raised to help retire TGRA's flaunted, the better chance the gay image debt to me. So TGRA isn't so much in the will turn to acceptance. Being called a red, and my bank account is getting back pervert, a criminal and immoral must stop. to normal. Gays must show the world that they are But what really happened is that two human, responsible individuals who don't competing gay bars meshed gears go around flaunting their homosexuality. smoothly and worked together to sponsor Look into a mirror to see what image an event that allowed the Houston gay you reflect. Do you see either a person community to show that it does care who looks like an emaciated wreck hung about the people who work for it. I feel on drugs and alcohol, or are you looking honored to have had so much effort at a person who has taken resonable care expended for me. I feel proud to be a part of themselves by maintaining a moderate of The Barn and a neighbor of the The schedule of activities to help promote the Ripcord. look of vim and vigor? Are you looking 40 To the bartenders who sold hundreds of when you are only 30? raffle tickets and worked overtime during All of this does sound contrary to the Switch; to the mothers who baked freedom of lifestyle. But gays must accept cakes and bread; to Tony and Terry, who the fact that what you do, reflects on all even hustled raffle tickets in Denver; to of the gay community, because the public Vince, whose generosity was limitless; thinks of you as a nuisance. So, the gay and to all the others so numerous that I image must be changed. Stop being on can't recall them at the moment-I extend the defensive. Be on the offensive. Help heartfelt thanks. stop being branded as a second-class Walter Strickler citizen. Help fight discrimination and Houston, Texas ,\I,,'

TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 21 \i\tW _---SPECIAL REPORT L E G s L A T v E R E p o R T


Time runs out this weekeQd for introducing new bills into the Texas Legislature, because I I all new pieces of legislation must be introduced during the first 30 days. the waiting period on issuing a beer power to the city over bars whose em- Since convening on January 8, 1985, over 30 pieces of new legislation have been introduc- license if the license was previously ployees engage in conduct that is sex- ed by legislators that could drastically alter the gay lifestyle and the way business is con- ducted in gay clubs across Texas, if these bills become law. denied. ually stimulating to the customers, such In this SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE REPORT from the state Capitol in Austin, lobbyist Bettie Naylor HB 162 by Martinez-Allows the as go-go boys or scantily-clad waiters. reports to TWT NEWS on legislation that has flooded both houses of the 69th session. TABC to suspend a license, without a SB 106 by Henderson-This would hearing for 14days for investigative pur- allow cities or counties to adopt regula- Five bills have been introduced to poses if two shootings, stabbings, or tions restricting the location of bars by Bettie Naylor prohibit the possession of open con- other acts of violence occur within a whose employees engage in conduct Gay Lobbyist for the tainers containing alcohol in any vehi- two-year period. that is intended to provide sexual Bar Owners Association of Texas cle. HB 131 by Smith, HB 216 by Crad- HB 163 by Martinez-Allows the stimulation or gratification to custo- dick, HB 217 by Thompson, HB 344 by TABC to collect data from law enforce- mers. Five House, bills have been introduc- Keller and SB 135 by Sarpalius. ment agencies regarding stabbings, HB 166by Martinez-Raising the late ed to raise the drinking age in Texas Although the Texas courts have held shootings or other acts of violence in hours permit fee from $150 to $250 per from 19 to 25. HB 27 by Thompson, HB that 0.10 blood alcohol concentration licensed premises. year for mixed beverage permits. 55 by Green, HB 94 by Hudson, HB 130 constitutes intoxication, it has not been HB 165 by Martinez-Allows mem- HB 168 by Martinez-Allows the by Smith and SB 21 by Sarpalius. SB 21, written into the law. Two bills, SB 110 bers of city councils in any city in a , TABCto deny an original or renewal ap- which has the best chance of passing, by Sarpalius and HB 51 by Terrell Smith, county over 1,500,000 population to plication, without notice, if there is not would raise the drinking age to 20 on would write this limit into the Texas make recommendations to the TABC or adequate parking at the place of bus- September 1, 1985 and to 21 on Sep- statutes. county judge relating to the issuance of iness. tember 1,1986. "This bill meets the re- Two bills have been introduced that licenses. HB 351 by Tejeda-Requires that quirements of the federal legislation would prohibit serving free drinks or dis- "Several bills have been introduced metal detectors must be installed at the that require all states to raise the drink- count drinks, open bars, happy hours that have a direct bearing on Houston door of licensed premises after an of- ing age to 21 or lose their federal and 2-for-1 drinks. These are SB 89 by bars," Naylor reported. Martinez of fense has occurred involving the use of highway matching funds," Naylor said. Mauzy and HB 203 by G. Thompson. Houston and Cavazos of Corpus-a a deadly weapon. MADD's first priority is to pass a bill HB 161 by Martinez-Changing the close friend of Martinez-have bills to "I'll be watching over all these bills," prohibiting drinking in an automobile length of time a beer license application prohibit the licensing or renewal of said Naylor. Watch for her regular and a bill to prohibit all promotional would stay in the office of the county licenses in areas that are predominent- legislative reports to TWT NEWS drinks and beer including free or reduc- judge from 5-10days to 30-45days. Also Iy residential and already have a large throughout the 69th session of the ed prices. changes from six months to 12 months number of licenses, and to give zoning Texas l.eqlslature. 'l.1JI?


A Personal Perspective by Gregg Russell, Author of Houston's Defeated Gay Rights Job Protection Ordinance

Following the 4-to-1defeat on January 19, 1985 of Houston's gay rights job protection referen- dum, TWT NEWS asked the original author of the ordinance to explain his personal reaction. In this personal story, the author tracks the development of how his own idea became a city ordinance which later became a harsh public defeat. The story begins in 1982, a point from which Russell walks the reader through the many doors of his political scenario. the emergence of the AIDS/employment Itwas two-and-one-half years ago that issue, I felt the next logical step in the the concept of a gay rights ordinance Houston gay political agenda would be began to formulate in my mind. With the employment protection. federal court decision ruling statute With the assistance of activist Neal 21.06 unconstitutional having been re- Isbin, I began researching the possibili- cently handed down, it was becoming ty of such a proposal passing. Our evident that our political organizations research showed that anti-discrimina- would soon need a new agenda. AI- tion proposals had already passed in though an ordinance had been talked nearly 50 major cities. From conser- about by several gay leaders, nothing vative cities in Iowa to more liberal cities concrete had been developed. in California, research indicated that the It was at this time that AIDS had just key factors determining the outcome of begun to surface. Reports were emerg- success were: 1)organizational ground- ing concerning job discrimination work; 2) establishment of broad based related to the AIDS scare. Because of grass-root support priorto passage; and

TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 25 3) financial ability to sell the proposal of the proposal than our own political refer the proposal to committee. Unfor- George Greanias who insisted that publicly. organizations. Because of infighting, tunately, a committee was never form- HGPC be brought into the negotiations. Realizing that a concrete proposal pride, personal ambition, and [ealousy, ed and the proposal was, in effect, tabl- A lobbying committee was subsequent- would be necessary before serious con- much time and energy would be wasted ed indefinitely. ly formed with GPC liaison Sue Lovell sideration and organization began, I in getting the community organized and It was not until the November 1983 and C-PACspokesman Jerry Vann head- started work on a draft. My initial at- educated concerning the proposal. elections that the issue of the ordinance ing the effort. tempts, at- seeking the assistance of Having already attempted to get resurfaced. Candidates Anthony Hall The first councilmember to sign a leaders of the Houston Gay Political HGPC support to no avail, I decided to and Nikki Van Hightower were at odds. commitment to vote for the proposal Caucus produced little result and a go to Steve Shiflett and the board of I wrote a letter to both candidates with was EleanorTinsley, with councilmem- general attitude of non-cooperation. Citizen's for Human Equality (CHE). a copy of the proposed draft asking bers Ernest McGowen, Judson Robin- One HGPC leader angrily told me, "I Although Shiflett's initial attitude was them to take a position on the proposal. son, Dale Gorczynski, ROdney Ellis, don't want anything to do with the or- unsupportive, CHE board members After consulting with HGPC board George Greanias, and Anthony Hall dinance." Another board member ra- Mike Lonergan, Larry Rice, Jack members Marion Coleman and Dale following. At the advice of her staff, tionalized, "Whitmire would prefer to Jackson, Doug Dexter, Sam Canzoneri, Beverly, Van Hightower responded Mayor Whitmire issued a nearly im- use a back door approach." Few board and Mike Lattimore eventually pushed favorably to the proposal. I received no possible mandate that at least ten coun- members, such as Dale Beverly, sup- Shiflett into supporting the proposal. response from Hall. As the campaign cilmembers sign the commitment ported the concept. Soon thereafter, CHE became the first waged, Van Hightower forced the issue before she would put the item on the Finding little support within the gay organization to unanimously en- upon Hall, who later publicly express- agenda, a request which irritated some HGPC, in the spring of 1983 I went to dorse the draft. ed support for the proposal. The cam- gay leaders. After conferring with Hall city hall to talk with council aide, Kent CHE's endorsement of the proposal paign resulted in a bitter fight between and Greanias, she conceded to in- Speer. I informed him that my intentions was to be announced in the media that HGPC, which had endorsed Van High- troduce the measure with a simple ma- were to draft an anti-discrimination or- Friday. Phones were hot that day as tower, and C-PAC, which had endorsed jority of council committed to the dinance forthe gay community. Noting several councilmembers attempted to Hall. proposal. that similar proposals were already in get CHE to withdraw its support. As the campaign heated up, much to The day of the vote finally came, June effect in most major cities, I suggested The following Wednesday at GPC, the astonishment of some feminists in 19, 1984. Leading the opposition were that an ad hoc citizen's committee be resistance to the proposal was organiz- the GPC, Mayor Kathryn Whitmire came councilmembers John Goodner, who formed to begin preparations for such ed. Though some members thought I out in support of C-PAC-endorsed can- had previously been endorsed by HGPC, a proposal as well as any possible reper- had attempted to spring the proposal, didate Hall. Shortly thereafter, Hall was and Christin Hartung, who had attend- cussions. Speer's reaction was one of in actuality I had attempted to get sup- elected and, primarily through the in- ed GPC screenings in the past. Coun- wild-eyed terror. "People don't draft or- port of HGPC leaders long before, and fluence of C-PAC board member Ed cilmember Jim Westmoreland, seldom dinances," he said. "Only city coun- had asked to be on the meeting agen- Jamail, accepted a copy of an amend- present at council votes, attended to cilmembers draft ordinances." Never- da. Despite my efforts, the proposal was ed draft, accompanied with an Affir- vote against the proposals, forcing theless, I left city hall that day with a omitted from the agenda. mative Action Proposal, written by C- Councilmember Gorczynski to cancel copy of an old tow-truck ordi nance with Strangely, rather than helping to PACattorneys Jim Kuhn and Jim Wells. his scheduled vacation in order to en- which to format my draft, and a deter- organize long range support forthe pro- It was December of 1983 when the sure that sufficient votes for passage mination to put a proposal on paper. posal, State Representative Debra Dan- proposal was first referred through a were in attendance. The ordinance pass- It was after nearly nine months of burg returned from Austin that day to voice vote to the city legal department ed by a 9-6vote, and the affirmative ac- research, preparation and amendment lead the opposition. She argued that the for standard review. Once again, HGPC tion proposal was approved by an 8-7 that the initial draft was complete. I letter from Presser was not authorized was left out of the decision, a factor vote, with Councilmember Jim Green- showed the proposal to GaryVan Ooteg- by the board of ACLU. HGPC board which further aggravated GPC leaders wood being the only councilmefnberto hem who, anticipating an attempt to chair, Ray Hill, quickly rose to suggest who felt uncomfortable with C-PAC in split vote on the two proposals. discredit the legality of the proposed that the proposal was not necessary, control of the community agenda. On an It was only as gay leaders emerged draft, suggested that I take it to the alleging that an executive order had issue which both organizations should victoriously from council chambers American Civil Uberties Union for en- already been signed by the mayor. Both have been organizing together, an at- amid the KKK chants of "gas the dorsement. Through the influence of charges were subsequently found to be titude of exclusion and domination took queers" and religious fundamentalists Citizen's for Human Equality (CHE) erroneous. control. singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" board member and attorney Mike Lat- To further the orchestration, HGPC It was about this time that a series of that a referendum was even seriously timore, I met with ACLU attorney Stef- president, Larry Bagneris, attempted to meetings was set up to begin lobbying considered. No organization or prepara- fan Presser who issued a letter of ACLU halt debate. For more than an hour, for the proposal. The first meeting was tion had been put forth to deal with the endorsement. debate continued, unfortunately most with Hall who suggested that council- after effects of a council victory. Time would show, however, that the of it regarding parlimentary procedure. members EleanorTinsleyorJim Green- Finally, several weeks later, as the op- ACLU and other non-gay progressive Finally, to end debate on the issue, Wood be the first to approach. The next position signed petitions calling for the organizations would be more supportive board member Sue Lovell motioned to meeting was with Councilmember repeal of the council vote, long time

PAGE 26 TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 27 community leader, Lee Harrington, call- Finally, the board of CUH selected the late. ed a meeting of about a hundred poli- Rev. Bill Oliver, a Beaumont pastor, to Under the attack of a vicious cam- tical leaders from both the straight and represent the campaign. Oliver had paign, in the final hour, an amazing gay community to begin talking about helped to organize several major cam- phenomenon occurred. Gay leaders C&W Dance Classes organizing for the referendum, which paigns in the black community, a seg- from every organization and volunteers now had become eminent. Harrington ment of the vote that CUH board mem- from all walks of the community came Mondays 8pm saw clearly the power of the opposition bers deemed to be essential in winning together to work on a central issue Beer Bust-Thurs. & Sun. and called leaders from every major the referendum. which had become important to each of political and civic organization of the Unfortunately, our campaign had no us. For a moment, we all had hope that Happy Hour Drink Prices community to attend. This infuriated cash reserves with which to operate. we could win this one-together. The NOW 10AM-8PM HGPC leaders who wanted to be in con- Amid a confused and unprepared com- rest is history-we lost by an over- trol of the referendum without the in- munity, it was not an easy task to raise whelming 4-1vote exactly seven months Sundays 12 noon-8PM terference of other organizations. funds. It was at this time that several after the June 19 council victory. It was from this' group that a new business leaders stepped forward to Some will be critical of my report but, organization was formed, Citizens for a co-sign a loan forCUH's basic organiza- having participated from the beginning, United Houston (CUH).The initial board tional expenses at the risk of never hav- I have witnessed-and this report was to be comprised of 9 members, 3 ing the money paid back. Finally, Mayor brings out-an important point: This from each of the major political and civic Whitmire stepped in to generate funds community destroys itself in wars of the organizations of the community: HGPC, for what had become a shattered cam- past, in ego games, and power plays. We CHE, and C-PAC.Unfortunately, conten- paign. Unfortunately, the leaders of the need to end that, and learn to work tion among the group to determine con- opposition, with the assistance of the together. We must lay aside differences trol of CUH wasted much time at a time Houston Chamber of Commerce, had and wrongs of the past and again rejoin when time was running out. This pro- already accumulated hundreds of forces. If we would do that, the opposi- blem continued throughout the thousands of dollars to our few. By tion could never destroy us. campaign. December of 1984, it was already too But, will we? '\II.f


PAGE 28 TWT FEBAUARI' 8 - FEBRUARI' 14 1985 TWT FEBRUARI' 8 - FEBRUARI' 14 1985 PAGE 29 \\!W . B(x)KS 1 naturel in nature settings. Unfortunate- emotional landscape Of our lives. He Iy, the pictures may suggest to some contests the obstacles to loving we and erotic love, when Rinder is speaking of others may feel to be valid. He searches (apparently) spiritual love. This under- for humane expression of unconditional cuts his credibility, or merely confounds love from others, who fi nd such an idea his message, making his statements threatening. He does not just give us less acceptable without reservation. food for thought, but also food for Rinder questions and explores the feeling.

Where Willi Be Tomorrow? by Walter Rinder; This is the thoughtful stance Rinder non-fiction; Celestial Arts, 231 Adrian Road, takes and exhorts us to emulate. He Millbrae, California 94030; softcover, $5.95. questions our self-imposed obstacles to loving others, whether it be from fear, Reviewed by David Fields the pain of a past experience, or from doubts if others would love us. He ques- WeToo Are Drifting by Gale Wilhelm; fiction; cluding The New York Herald Tribune, tions why we allow society to control The Naiad Press Inc., P.O. Box 10543, Tal- lavished praise on the woman-Ioving- Socrates once said, "The life which and program and inevitably limit us in lahassee, Florida 32302; softcover, $6.95. woman work. 1985 may not prove to be is unexamined is not worth living." who we love. He emboldens us to re- as kind to Wilhelm. Walter Rinder would modify that quote cognize and exercise our potential to in- Reviewed by Deanna Smith We Too Are Drifting is the story of to say, "The love which is not examin- fuse our actions with love. Jan, a painter, as she tries to escape ed makes life not worth living." In his He discusses the many dimensions "She knows, more than she knows Madeline and catch Victoria. Madeline, book, Where Will I Be Tomorrow?, of love, indicated by chapter titles such any other thing, that things are not it seems, is married, and Victoria, it Rinder reveals his prose poetry and as "Being Free Isn't Easy," "Conflicts," what they seem, that the conventional seems, is young. aspect of things can be the least true. essays on the thoughtful, loving life. "Goodbye to Love" and "The Courage ... And she has absorbed the great The novel is slow, perhaps a reflec- Some are specific biographical epi- to Love." Through the strength of his truth of modern psychology-'normal' tion of the life the three wornea led- sodes with other people, some are his desire to love, Rinder is a model for us is an abstraction, that there is no such long, lazy days when hands brushing in musings and hopes for mankind to "love to follow in defying those who would thing as a normal person." the back of a cab meant the start of a better." neutralize our loving potential, thoughts That's a quote by Helen Page about serious affair. But there are times when He speaks directly from the heart as and actions. In some cases, his offers author Gale Wilhelm from the Septem- it isn't the characters but rather the exemplified by this passage from him, to love are spurned; often, his love ber 19, 1940 issue of the Stockton writing that lacks fire. "I have dedicated my life to awakening unlocks the shackles others have that Record. Page and Wilhelm just happen- "Victoria said, Oh, Jan, and Jan put other people to loving each other, to prevent them from loving. ed to have been living together at the her arms around her in under the wrap care and to feel and propagate this emo- This is not a long book. The material time. and held her close and kissed her for tion as a way of life. I have no insight is not even difficult to read. But forthose Wilhelm wrote We Too Are Drifting in the first time without gentleness, or perception without love." For many, who wish to truly comprehend and ful- 1935,which Random House published without caution. When Victoria open- and promoted despite its homosexual ed her eyes she said, I love you, with Valentine's Day means to turn to a spe- ly digest all it has to offer, spend some my whole heart, Jan. Please look hap- cific love or mate with extra attention time to reflect on its contents; let it theme. This year Naiad Press is re- py about it, say something about it. for a day, oblivious to the fact the poten- awaken your feelings. releaslnq the novel. "You're here, Jan said, and now I tial is all around us to love others, every Photographs supplement the book. The introduction notes tell us that believe you're here." day of the year. They highlight individual young men au major publications of the time, in- Wilhelm's climactic scene between

PAGE 30 TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 31 the two lovers isn't exactly the stuff that dreams are made of. In general, the novel is an immature Open 24 hours version of love-like a high-schooler's ~~ PRESENTS fantasy, when a backrub is the most sensuous thing imaginable. And unfortunately, Wilhelm's story is more interesting than that of her characters. For example, why did she only release one publicity photo during her entire writing career? (It was a severe-looking shot of a young woman with short, cropped hair and stern eyes.) And why, after fifteen years of living together, did Helen Page leave their BILL NELSON house (which was in her name)to some- FOR CITY COUNCIL one else after she died? Why did Wil- CAMPAIGN PRESENTS helm disappear after Page's death? Is A PREVIEW SCREENING OF she dead? Is she alive? Did she keep up her correspondence with Carl Sand- "THE LIFE burg? Why did she stop writing? And why did she use that terrible "no quote" AND TIMES punctuation style for We Too Are OF HARVEY MILK" Drifting? AT MIDNIGHT, While Naiad Press deserves kudos for SATURDAY, FEB. 23 re-releasing what some consider to be AT THE GRANADA THEATRE a forerunnerto current lesbian-themed 3524 GREENVILLE AVE., DALLAS novels, Naiad might have done better to TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT have released a Wilhelm biography. THE CROSSROADS MARKET Wilhelm's life seems to have been full 3930 CEDAR SPRINGS, DALLAS of passion and tragedy, while Jan's life YOUR 510 CONTRIBUTION CAN HELP MAKE HISTORY seems to have been full of empty, shal- AD PAID FOR BY BILL NELSON FOR CITY COUNCIL low dreams. Besides, it was Wilhelm CAMPAIGN, JEFF CHERNIN, TREASURER 3000 CEDAR and not Jan who knew that there is no SPRINGS, DALLAS, TEXAS 75219 such thing as.a normal person. ,\IJI,




Reviewed by Billie Duncan

With this issue, TWT welcomes a well-known drama columnist, Billie Duncan, to our staff. Her theater reviews, stories and photographs will now appear regularly in TWT. A nurse on a motorcycle whizzing through the English countryside is the picture projected of the radio soap opera character around which Frank Marcus' classic play, The Killing of Sister George, revolves. June Suckridge is the character in the play who portrays Sister George in the SSC broadcast. Suckridge has become so associated with Sister George that everyone who knows her simply refers to her as Rose Malone as Madame Xenia. George, including her lover of 7 years, Alice "Childie" McNaught, with whom would like to see a little more lust in George shares a relationship tinged thought or action, rather than just hear- with various slave/master games. ing it discussed. Still, Gibson plays Complicating their cozy little exis- George with a husky excellence that is tence is the fact that George believes fasclnatinp to watch. that the SSC is about to kill off Sister Cyndi Salathe as Childie is pert, boun- George in the series. cy and delightfully boyish in her black So enters Mrs. Mercy Croft of the lace underwear, while Rose Malone ex- SSC, who shows an immediate attrac- tends her legend as one of the great tion forthe doli-COllecting child/woman Montrose characters, on stage as well Childie, putting George in danger of los- as off, as the fortune-telling neighbor of ing everything she has, as well as every- the George/Childie household, Madame thing she is. Xenia. When The Killing of Sister George Sut the finest characterization of this was first produced, it.was highly shock- production is crafted by Ellen Swenson ing with its lesbian relationships, S&M as the seemingly proper Mrs. Mercy. overtures and revelations of "past Swenson proves herself to be the mis- indiscretions." tress of comic understatement, playing What absorbs the audience in the cur- perfect counterpart to George's overt rent production at Diversity Theatre in passions. Houston, however, is the way that the Joe Watts' staging and pacing are characters are brought to life as very really fine, and his use of music and funny and ultimately touching. minimal lighting effects is quite adept. Unfortunately, the sensualism and In a nutshell, this is a worthwhile pro- personal enjoyment of the slave/master duction. Recommended. relationship is entirely missing in this The Killing of Sister George and Blithe production, and Nan Gibson as George Spirit can be seen at Diversity Theatre, 2600 seems to have been directed against ex- Hopkins at Pacific, in Houston. Call pressing her tenderness physically. I (713)526-5062for times and reservations.

TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 'IV? PAGE 37 \\W ~INYL FLASH by Mardi Coleman

musically and vocally, is ideal for club programming. I hope this cut does as well as it's inspirational predecessor. "Please Don't Go" by Nayobe on The Fever Records, U.S.A. (122 bpm). Every so often, a relatively obscure New York-based R&B band releases a Love Unlimited attained initial lame singing beck-us: vocals lor the "Maestro," Barry White. Their unique style real gem, and this is one of them. At along with R&B legends, the Stylistics and Peaches & 122 bpm, the complex yet polished Herb, are leatured in the new release "Band 01 Gold - rhythm has more energy than many Love Songs are Back Again." songs at 130 bpm or more. The calyp- "Band of Gold" medley produced by so bongos give the song a funky, hap- Pete Wingfield and Paco Saval on ReA py energy. The vocals are awkwardly records. A beautifully produced mixed at times but still add to the medley of some of the greatest R&B overall sound, and are complimented love songs of the late 60s-early 70s. by some beautifully arranged jazz The artists featured include the piano. The dub side has a wonderful in- Stylistics, Love Unliminted and tro and a building energy but lacks Peaches & Herb. And the best part- many of the jazz piano riffs, and almost all music featured was re-recorded us- all of the vocals. Many of the rhythm ing the original artists, singing their breaks are very similar to the T· greatest hits, using today's state-of- Collection classic, "At Midnight." At the-art equipment. The production present, two copies are necessary to quality throughout is superb. Every do the song justice. Give the song a band in this outstanding cut is try. Hopefully, you'll be as pleasantly guaranteed to rekindle fond memories surprised as I was. of romances past. Anyone who's "Happy Song" by Boney M. on Han- followed the R&B sound over the years sa Records, Germany (126 bpm). Boney will love it. M. has produced many dance classics "Bad Habits" by Jenny Burton on since '77, but their vocal arrangement Atlantic records (106 bpm). Sounds style has changed little over the years. almost identical to the mid-'84 hit, Their music, however, has kept pace "Somebody Else's Guy," by Jocelyn with the industry. Their electronic pro- Brown. The songs also share the same gramming is state-of-the-art, often double-beat rhythm and cheerful, up- sounding identical to Fun Fun's '82 hit, beat energy. The biggest difference "Happy Station." And in some places between the two is the recording pro- the rhythm is identical to Michael duction quality. This cut is nicely Jackson's "Thriller" instrumental ver- structured with an easily accessible in- sion. Unfortunately, the lyrics are tro and break. The volume/gain is also downright inane. It's too bad there's no consistent and properly equalized in instrumental version, because the the remix. music really is very good. Progressive Despite the "cash-ln-on-a-hlt" first music enthusiasts will probably find impression, it's really a great song. Ms. parts of this song redundant, but those Burton's vocals are strong and clear. who just want music with a good And the overall arrangement, both dance beat will love this. ,\11-,

TWT FEBAUAAY 8 - FEBAUAAY 14 1985 PAGE 39 \\OU I ~ - ~~ +- ART by Mitchell M. Bartlow I \ "Hockney Paintsthe Stage,"the firstcom- ierv.Pleaseremember there isno admis- TheArt League of Houstondisplays "Best I prehensive exhibition of spectacular sion charged for this exhibition. For cor- of Dimension Houston," featuring new I , stage designsfeaturing works related to responding events and information, works by artists Jane Allensworth, Allan \ I eight sets designed by artist David please telephone (713)526-136l. 0. Smith and Arthur Turner, through \ NDMI , Hockney, ison display through February March 2 at 1953Montrose Blvd.,Houston. , / "Chicago," Some other Traditions,closes 17at The Fort Worth Art Museum. Thisex- February 24 at the Universityof Houston, ,," hibition includes works designed for The Contemporary Arts Museum, 5219 .•..- The Sarah Campbell Blaffer Gallery, 114 Montrose Blvd.,Houston has two show- England's Glyndebourne FestivalOpera FineArts Building (take entrance #16off and the Metropolitan Opera: 250 ob- ings:Owen Morrel. "Works 1976-1984"en- Cullen).Thisimportant exhibition presents vironmental , features jects, large scale theatrical environments, 17Chicago artists, reflecting the new walk-through three-dimensional scenes, photographs, marquettes, drawings, developments which have emerged photo- and two large scale 150 drawings and gouaches, 25 sincethe 1970sin painting and sculpture. theatrical-set models and numerous models. Thisshowing continues through Once again, all special events are free March 24.Intheir Perspective Gallery, re- props.Thismajor exhibitionends February and open to the public. 17.For more information regarding the cent 'works on paper by artist Charles events related to this presentation, "New Directions,"recent works on paper Close continues through April2l. Formore please telephone the museum at and by artist David Petluck con- information and hours,please telephone (817)738-9215. tinues through March 8 at Pear- (713)526-3129. son/Falcone, 1200 PostOak Boulevard, Watson/de/Naay, 1106 Berthea,Houston The Fort Worth Art Museum was found- Suite 322, Houston. Noted artist Dorothy presents Robin Utterback through the ed in 1901.today housing a collection of Hood wrote the following about Mr. month of February.Mr.Utterback's works Petluck:"Only a few visualartistsare born 20th-century art including works in the are concurrently showing inthe Museum permanent collection by George Inness, free of self.not having to seek the Bud- of FineArts,Houston in "FreshPaint" and dha's eight-fold path or any route to a Thomas Eakins, Pablo Picasso, Marc "Works on Paper," "Eleven Houston art- Rothko, Frank Stella, Andy Warhol. and higher level of consciousness. At birth ists".Please telephone (713)526-9883for those artists,as Mozart inmusic,are form- many more. The housing structure was more information. designed in 1954by Herbert Bayer and ed to be a medium of joy intheir art. Thus expanded in1974by architect O'NeilFord David Petluck's work changes and James Bettison,another artist showing in and Associates. develops from studded gems of energiz- "Fresh Paint" has a one-man show at David Petluck. Peerson/Falcone. Houston ed color to a climate of risk and gallery Square One, 313Travis,Houston. Art News and Exhibitions. The Dallas dissonance-tough work inspired by a Through March 6 one may see more Museum of Art, after celebrating its first tough world." "Alien Babies,"and other recent works by year located at 1717North Harwood, an- Abraxas Art Gallery, 1840 Blssonnet this fast-rising Houston artist. For hours, nounces the most recent acquisitions please telephone (713)227-6660. and gifts.Themost noteworthy giftsof the Houston announces a special exhibition Wendy and Emery Reves Collection in- of Pre-Columbian Art from the following Meredith Lon~ & Co. feature works by 11~ clude Impressionistand Post-Impressionist cultures:Jamacoaque, Manteno, Muisca, Dorothy Hood, Richard Stout (also In paintings,along with decorative arts that Quillacinga, Tairona,Tumaco, and Tierra "FreshPaint') and others.Thistwenty-fifth willbe installedinthe new decorative arts de Indios.Also ink works by French artist anniversaryshow may be viewed at 2323 wing in late fall of 1985.other acquisitions Catherine Emin, and Venezuelan San Felipe, Houston. Please telephone include an Egyptian bust of Seti I;"View ceramist, Urma Duim.. (713)523-6672for hours. Toward Murano"; the 1921"Composition "Hearts," a mixed medium exhibition by Thereare many other exciting exhibitions with Great BluePlane,"by Mondrian; and members of the Montrose Art Alliance, happening throughout the state as we v~ a Roman marble portrait "Head of a continues at the Mother Lode Cafe, 804 are in the height of the art season. Pacific, Houston. Young Man." Because of limited space we cannot list "FreshPaint."at TheHoustonSchool.con- At Whitney Cafe, 428Westheimer,recent all of these-so please contact your tinues to draw large crowds to perhaps Worksby artist Tom Liddell remain on ex- favorite galleries for more information. one of the most important exhibitions in hibition through the month of February. Enjoyl WI


~ I OPENING I 1 FREE WELL DRINKS AND DRAFT BEER 8-10PM 2/14/85 heart o£sny heart

relationships with each other. Well, your lives, and stay there, filling needs he didn't like. Obviously, he was look- many of us don't seem to believe it your lover isn't ... needs that you may, I by James Marvin I ing far beneath the surface to the Soul either. So, take it easy on the "bad or may not have expressed to each to be able to make such a statement guys." Everyone isn't meant to have a other. At any rate, lust you forget, what Once again, as Valentine's Daydraws with any conviction. Many people never lover relationship. The sooner those you have is very special and a good trick near, let's think about the emotions at- like a man/woman they can't get, while people realize it, the happier they can is a good trick (fuck 'em I).We've all been tached to it ... like lust, affection, love others always get anyone they like. Lust, be.Others need that kind of sharing/giv- one at times-hopefully. and the pursuit thereof. Because it's a to some degree, is an everday part of our ing in their lives but don't believe it is A one-sided love affair can weigh national holiday, we are reminded once existence. This is more the rule among possible. Fortunately, many do and stay heavily on the one who is left up in the a year to take some time to think about males (so say the females), lusting for together in spite of all the things design- air. Jump off that seesaw and let that and express affection for those special those eyes, that face, those broad ed to break them up and because of a sucker fly! When love goes wrong, it just people we like a lot, lust for in whole or shoulders, muscular arms, gigantic love that won't let that happen. I have goes wrong. What do you mean you're part, or love because they are family, a pecs, fabulous thighs, humongous three sets of friends who have been afraid to try again?! You should be more lover, or a friend. No one closes down hooter, beautiful buns, that washboard together twenty-five years, eighteen afraid not to. Try to make every relation- for Valentine's Day, but many open up stomach ... parts is parts and lust is a years and eleven years. Their Valentine ship meaningful, whether it lasts a day, because of it. For a variety of reasons, very partial emotion. It's a fun emotion days number far more than one a year. a week, a year or a lifetime. Everyone we don't take the time to make that ex- if not taken too seriously. Too many take Just because two people become between the age of 18(let's keep it legal) tra little loving gesture as often as we everything too seriously-particularly lovers does not mean they will no longer and 25 should have an affair with some- should. It's unfortunate, for every hug themselves. Because of the physical be attracted to others and that others one older. Both gain-one from ex- or kiss we give, every kind, thoughtful, and emotional differernces we are born will no longer be attracted to them. How perience and one from the energy ... loving word we speak or write, makes with (that's right Rev., born with), we would you react to your lover flirting necessary fuel for us all. Besides, age those we love feel so much better. It become masters of cover and conceal- with, or going to bed with someone has no business being a factor as to makes us feel better too. ment, forced by a predominantly else? Hopefully, the same way they whether two people have a relationship As I (and my partner Jim) have writ- heterosexual society, beginning with would react when the situation reverses (only how long it lasts). How they relate ten before, relationships need to be our parents, to mask our true selves. Un- itself ... with humor, understanding and and interact is all that matters. placed in a proper perspective. An ac- fortunately, this carries over into our love.As the man said, parts is parts, but We've said it before and I'll say it quaintance is someone we know. Their reaction to and treatment of each other. Whatyou have is whole, if you let it be. again, get your buns, out there! Be numbers are many. A friend is someone We go around poker-faced, avoiding eye No matter how many rocket's red glare yourself, sparkle and shine, ring those with whom we share a mutual caring, ad- contact, for fear someone will misread You experienced at the outset of your bells, learn how to harmonize. "I wish miration, respect and love. Their a direct look or a friendly smile. Many relationship, eventually the "magic" is you health, but more than wealth, I wish numbers are few. A lover is someone will, but equally as many will simply ap- going to fade. You will become more like you love." A dear friend of mine wrote with whom we share a strong physical preciate and return the gesture. bUddies than sweethearts. That's when those words and I ditto them. Go hug attraction, who becomes a friend. Many heterosexuals cannot believe it the tricks and boyfriends will re-enter somebody. ,\II? Will Rogers said he never met a man is possible for us to love-have loving TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 47 TWT FEBRUAAY 8 - FEBAUARY 14 1985 WJ1 I--BACKSTAGE by Rob Clark

the assurance that women laughing to- gether is itself a political act, Clinton has created a comic tradition for women " DIVERSITY AUDITION - Robert Kennedy will direct Entertaining Mr. Sloan, a comedy about a young "street smart" man who cons his way into the Jean Powell' Jason Thomas Alexandra Haas hearts and lives of an aging temptress and her successful brother, a wealthy businessman. Only their aging father knows the truth about Mr. Sloan. Readings will be from the script; a prepared audition piece is not required. Auditions are open to all actors and ac- tresses. Readings will be held February 9 and 10 from 2 p.m. until4 p.m. at 3330 Graustark. For information, call (713) 961-0865, evenings. THE MAGIC FLUTE - On Friday, February 22 at 8 p.m., Houston Grand Opera, under the direction of David Gockley, opens the first of six perform- ances of its popular Sendak-designed production of Mozart's TheMagic flute. All performances are in Jones Hall. The The Set of The Magic Flute DebbIe Jacobs two-act opera is sung in English using the Andrew Porter translation. Crowd in Dallas last week, and Dena to the destination of your choice, per. TheMagic flute was composed in the VALENTINE MUSIC - In celebrating Kaye promises to do the same at the form his Stupid Cupid show and present last year of Mozart's life, as he struggled this year's Valentine's Day, lots of folks "Dena Kaye's Valentine's Ball" at Aus· your loved one with a chocolate LP with to complete another opera, La Clemen- will be singing their little musical hearts tin's Alternative on Wednesday, Febru- your message. For information, call za di Tito, and a Requiem Mass which out. ary 13 at 9:30 p.m. (713)862·8678. he never finished. Our friend of many years, Debbie Alexandra Haas presents her own FEMINIST HUMOR & MUSIC- Tickets to The Magic flute are prlc- Jacobs-Bock will perform at Rich's in Valentine to you on February 14 at Spend an afternoon with Meg Christian ed from $6.50to $55.50,and areavailable Houston for their February 15 "Heart- Rascals in Houston. Also at Rascals will on Sunday, February 10at 2 p.m. as she at the Houston Ticket Center, Ticketron beat Party," Listen for Debbie to sing be Luisa Amaral·Smith on Monday, performs TheSongs of My Life. Meg will and Showtix. For further information, some new soon-to-be released tunes at February 11, and Melissa Pauley plays talk and sing about her life and her call (713)227·ARTS. the party. piano for Happy Hour every Monday music. The concert will be at Siddha OAK LAWN BAND - J. Jacobs was Also at Rich's be sure and see The through Friday. Meditation Center at 3815 Garrott in re-elected president of the Oak Lawn Women at 7:30p.m. on February 11.The For a gourmet Valentine's tune, Houston. For information, call (713) Symphonic Band at the organization's film stars, among others, Joan Craw· Jason Thomas from the group En· 529·0006. sernl-annual meeting held last week. ford, Rosalind Russell and Norma tourage and Gourmet Houston are of· Humorist Kate Clinton presents her Other officers elected were Dennis Shearer. This should prove to be a nice fering Jason to sing (along with "ghet- one-woman show at Stages in Houston Metz, vlce-presldent; Jerome Sims, sec- bitch fight! to blaster") his rendition of Stupid Cupid on Sunday, February 17 at 8:30 p.m. retary; Steve Schirrmacher, treasurer; Jean Powell wowed 'em at the Wild to your sweetheart. For $50, he will go Mom, Guest What! says of Kate, "With Charles Dunnam, librarian; and Chuck

PAGE48 TWTFEBRUARY8 - FEBRUARY141985 TiUijTTFiFEiEBiARUUAAiR~Y~8e:-FF~EB8iR~UJFAiARYY]:144lc19i18i55------I PAGE49 Nicholas and Kathy Hennig, members- not only an outstanding performer but at-large. also a wonderful talker, especially while By a unanimous vote, the member- ship decided to expand the board to seat three non-band members. Those interested in the exciting ac- tivities set for 1985and in the trip in 1986 should call (214)960-1927for informa- tion, or come to the band's rehearsals, which are held Tuesday evenings at 6:45 p.m. at the Metropolitan Community Church, 2701 Reagan. DALLAS DANCE - One of the world's most popular modern dance companies has added a second per- Ranch manager Rodney Chapman with Becky Baker formance to its Dallas engagement. The exchanqlnq quips on stage with her Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre will manager and husband of five years, now appear at S.M.U.'s McFarlin Audi- Jack Boles, noted Nashville radio per- sonality and actor. Perhaps you saw him star with Burt Reynolds in W.W. & the

The Country Express Band

Dixie Dancekings. Becky is Miss Lone- REGISTERALL WEEK star, thanks to the famous San Antonio- based Texas brewery. Becky had just WIN THE FIVE & DIME BEARI played the San Antonio Hyatt Regency THEBESTVALENTINE YOU

COULD ASK FORI The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre

torium on both Friday, February 22 and DRAWING ON '> 9 ::J \ $ Saturday, February 23. Both perform- SATURDAY, FEB. 16th ances will begin at 8 p.m. Tickets, rang- DURING OUR 911 WEST DREW ing in price from $5 to $25, are now on HEART·ON DANCE PARTY HOUSTON • 520·6176 sale. Call (214)528-5273, or (metro) 429-1181. Jack Boles FRI. SAT. SUN. MON. TUES. WED. THURS. ATTHE RANCH - Nashville's perky $5 LIQUOR S5 LIQUOR 75¢ WEll 50¢ DRINKS WEDNESDAY NICKEL 8< BEAT THE BUST 4-7PM Becky Baker played Houston's Ranch before coming to Mama Jo's Ranch as BUST 4-7PM NO COVER FOR HOUSTON AFTERNOON DIME NITE ClOCK BAR PERSONNEL DRINKING se HOT DOGS HAPPY HOUR last weekend, belting out real country her Texas tour continued into Houston, SOCIETY 10e DRAFT FREE toe-tappin' tunes as she's been known where she was backed up by the authen- $1 WEll 8< HORS D'OEUVRES to do regularly on TV's Hee-Haw. She's HI LONGNECKS tic Country Express Band. 'IV?

TWT FEBAUAAY 8 - FEBAUAAY 14 1985 PAGE 51 ~ L.-----~SHOWBIZ 'I- by Jack Varsi ciosa, Sid Caesar, and the McGuire and it now appears that the name could Sisters. No, this is not the guest list for be attached to one of the most signifi- a geriatric edition of HOllywood cant young actors of 1985.Of the three Squares. It's actually a tiny part of the films, Birdy is easily the most important guest list for Night of 100Stars II, an all- to Matthew Modine's career-he plays star extravaganza which ABC will broad- the title role in this unusual story about cast on March 10.The three-hour special a Vietnam vet who is obsessed with will feature a dance routine with Ginger birds. Birdy was adapted from the Rogers and Ann Miller, who last danc- William Wharton bestseller .... Harrison ed together in the 1937film Stage Door gpiiiii!£!iii ("The calla lillies are in bloom again."). Chita Rivera and Gwen Verdon will also be hoofing it in Night of 100Sters.Il, and the seemingly endless guest list also in- cludes Mia Farrow, Anne Murray, the Pointer Sisters, Christopher Reeve, episodes are being sold for syndication. VIDEOCAST - It's entirely possible Julie Harris, William Shatner, Charles Her agenda also includes a two-hour that Lewis Carroll's nineteenth century Bronson, and Ann-Margret, among ABC comedy called This Wife for Hire fantasy Alice's Adventures in Wonder- many others. Imagine all of those stars .... In March CBS will unleash still land has been subjected to more adap- going to the bathroom in one theater! another "Lucy"-or, rather "Lucie"- tations and ripoffs than any other NAME CALLING...:: All last year I on the world. Look for a sit-com called classic of brat literature-my own par- kept seeing the name Matthew Modine The Lucie Arnaz Show. ... Fans of ticular favorites being Hollywood's 1933 in various showbiz trade publications. CBS's Dallas might get to see a guest film version (remember Cary Grant as It meant nothing to me, but I kept see- Harrison Ford in Witness appearance by Mary Martin-the real- the Mock Turtle?) and Jefferson ing it. Suddenly the name turns up in the life mama of Larry "J.R." Hagman .... Ford is back on screen, and I'm glad that Airplane's 1967 hit "White Rabbit"-so credits of not one but three new films- Meanwhile on the cable: subscribers to he has finally escaped the snakes, spid- I didn't exactly swallow my roach-clip Birdy, Mrs. Soffel, and VisionQuest- when I heard that CBS is preparing a Showtime will certainly be ecstatic to ers and other assorted oddities of four-hour miniseries version. It's going learn that the channel has ordered 50 George Lucas and Steven Spielberg to to be a musical with brand new songs new episodes of Brothers-that's star in Witness, a new film by Australia's by Steve Allen. Huh???? And an exten- equivalent to a two-year extension. Peter Weir (the man who gave us Mel sive search is already underway to find (Frankly, I was getting a little tired of Gibson). Witness casts Harrison in a ro- the perfect Alice (a la "the Scarlett watching the same old 13episodes over mantic thriller set among Pennsylvan- O'Hara War"). I for one am jumping on and over.) Showtime is also bringing us ia's pacifistic Amish society, a group the bandwagon by recommending Tex- a whole batch of recently discovered rarely depicted on screen .... And, final- as' own Alice Phallus, who probably Honeymooners episodes starring ly, I have to note that it's really hard to could bring a whole new dimension to Jackie Gleason. They were originally a keep an old ROiling Stone down these the role. Anyway, a number of names are part of the old Jackie Gleason Show, days. Mick Jagger, who's on the brink already set for supporting roles, in- and haven't been shown since the of his first solo album, has been trying cluding Carol Channing and Ann Jillian, mid-50s .... And the hottest news for to raise the $20 million or so needed to who'll portray the White Queen and the HBO subscribers is that tough Tina get a film version of Gore Vidal's Kalki Red Queen respectively if not respec- Turner will soon be taping her first ever novel off the ground. Another ROiling tably .... More about Ann Jillian: Her solo music special-"exclusively for Stone, Bill Wyman, has become involved last series, NBC's Jennifer Slept Here, HBO" as they say. with cinema by composing the theme is already forgotten, but the blonde VIDEOCAST II - See if you can wade music for a new scare flick called Phe- bombshell is bouncing back to series through this list of luminaries: Laurence nomena. But there's absolutely no truth TV with 22 new episodes of her old Olivier, Lana Turner, , to the rumor that the rest of the Rolling series, It's a Living, which originally ran Van Johnson, Lillian Gish, Maureen Stones are fending for themselves by on ABC a few years ago. The new O'Sullivan, Shelley Winters, Tony Fran- backing Pia Zadora on her next album.

PAGE 52 TWT FEBRUARY8 - FEBRUARY14 1985 PAGE 53 \iJIjj" GREGORY FARRAR SCOTT L COVER/FEATURE t Gregory Farrar Scott is an emerging artist residing in Houston. After touring the states, the Cleveland, Ohio-born artist decided to make Houston his home in 1981 to pursue an independent art career. Some accomplishments in his field include a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in graphic design and illustration from Kent State University, honors in statewide and national illustration con- tests, and participation in local art shows. Greg feels he can portray a sense of humor through his artwork and enjoys using symbolism and double meanings to express an idea. He is currently a member of the Art League of Houston and will be exhibiting his work at the Westheimer Art Festival in April: limited editions signed prints of many of his works will be available. Greg designed the cover illustration on this week's TWT expressly for this Valentine's issue. o

"FIRST METAMORPHASIS" 8"x10" X "Oc ,,9 ~ ..3NIl Sm::lm11 v ..

.•3810 tf'tJ3d•. JO ••3810-0-tfIVd •. JO ••3SIOVtlVd •.





• "StlO.lV8 A311V..

SCANDALOUS QUESTION OF THE WEEK - Dateline Arlington: Isn't that Larry Aguilar's butt in the CRUISE CAMERA photo above with sexy Marsha LaRue, hostess of TCMC's Monday night jockey shorts contest? "In a way, it is," reported manager Justin Headley, who will explain AUSTINteaCIOUS - No, those white it all for you if you ask. spots on the CRUISE CAMERA photo above WEST TEXAS TEA - In spite of what are not photographic flaws. They're big you may have heard (not read in TWT) fluffy snowflakes falling on the gang in elsewhere, the only officially recognized front of LA's new Backstreet-proof that Miss Gay Lubbock Pageant will be held the Capitol City was turned into a snowy at the Lubbock Mining Company on fairyland for the third time this winter. Saturday, February 16. HOT TEA will be ... Mary Ann and Mary grand open La there to cover the pageant for Norma Leona, Austin's first Mexican/black music Kristie, Inc., and we hope to see all of gay bar on Valentine's night at 1203 you there. Chicon .... Speaking of new clubs, a VALENTINE COVER - Three popular private "get down" party unofficially February holidays all rolled into one TWT opened a new downtown club earlier cover by cupid-inspired artist Gregory F. this month: Rico's Rock 'n' Roll at 505 Scott. George Washington buys Abraham East Third near Red River. Manager Brad Lincoln a Valentine card. Or is it a birth- LaMour told HOT TEA, "it's something day card? A historical footnote to the very different for Austin." ... There'll be February calendar. no kissing booth at the Crossing this year TGRA TEA - Barbie Doll of T.J.'s for Valentine's Day since last year's was Other Place in Fort Worth presented red termed a health hazard. Instead, Chris vests to all of the outgoing officers of the and David will be handing out numbered TGRA/FW chapter for 1984 (l-r) Gerald, Valentine's hearts for a super match B.J., Sam, Dale, and Chris in appreciation game .... Uncle Charlie's gets the jump for all of their generosity to the Fort on Valentine's festivities when they host a "Classic Chassis Sock Hop" this Satur- Worth Gay Community in 1984. CRUISE day. Incidentally, Virginia Wood and CAMERA photo by TWT'S Steve Miles. Chap Ross of Las Dules Food and Cater- ing are now serving up tasty lunches from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at Charlie's .... Now that the secret is out on who Pig Paws really is at Dirty Sally's, feel free to ask him to take you out for dinner and a night on the town .... Just one look was all it took for HOT TEA to quickly con- clude that little Gary Archer of Rich's in Houston trekked to Colorado Street to splash artistic light beams on Hall's mall of walls. Very effective, Gary .... And,

TWT FEBRURRY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PRGE 63 although there's some legal confusion over who's deejaying on Tuesday nights at the Boathouse, there's no mistaking that Mike Fitzpatrick (r) is firmly entren- ched in the Boathouse sound booth for Wednesday's ten-cent drinkathon. A friend of the Lady Fitz is pictured pro- gramming the lightshow. Photos by TWT's Scott Taylor.

FW COURT TEA - Empress V Raina Lea, shown here on a recent "Royal Visit" to Fun Fitzhugh in Dallas last week, was inviting everyone to attend the 4th Annual Red & Black Ball this Saturday night, February 9 at the Rodeway Inn in Downtown Fort Worth. Advanced tickets are on sale for $10 or at the door, which will include free well drinks and beer from 8 p.m. till midnight. This year's planning promises to provide for the best gala event of the season in MARDI GRAS TEA - Next weekend Fort Worth. many Texans will be in New Orleans for HOUSTON HOteaLiNE - See Joan the annual Mardi Gras celebration. It all Crawford in the classic movieola, The reaches a feverish climax on Fat Tuesday, Women, this Monday night, February 11, February 19. Then, the real party people at Rich's. It's a Gay Switchboard benefit trek back to Texas for Houston's annual of Hollywood silk sheets and Hedda after-Mardi Gras blowout. Hopper scandal sheets.... The annual CHEERS & JEERS - Cheers to ABC-TV after-Mardi-Gras Finale party in Houston for a comforting movie-of-the-week is etched in stone for Saturday, February presentation last Monday, February 23. Otis James will deejay from 9 p.m. 4-Consenting Adults, the story of a col- until 9 a.m .... The TGRA is $2,894 lege boy who tells his parents he's gay. richer as a result of the Big Switch as the Public opinion monitored at TWTran Ripcord and Barn switched formats, loca- 9-to-1 in favor. Send your praise to ABC- tions, staffs, et al. Can you imagine TV, 1330 Avenue of the Americas, NY, cowboys Terry Clark and Walter Strickler NY 10019 or call your local ABC-TV af- wearing leather caps? Or Vince Janis and filiate. We need to encourage the net- Tony Perry in cowboy hats? Well they works to telecast more movies-with-an- did and HOT TEA has got the CRUISE educational-message about homosexuali- CAMERA photo below to prove it. Maybe ty .... Jeers from TWT'SSan Antonio the Big Switch could become an annual photographers, Oscar Mendiola and Jim event. Hamilton, to other publications that reprint their TWTphotos. "Our attorney warns that all our photos are copyrighted," the duo cautioned. NAME DROPPER - Louis Garcia and Jerry Bird will hold Miss Midnite Sun in Houston on March 12 and 14.... He and She Productions will present Miss Gay South on February 28 and March 1. . . . And, Richard Taylor of Boston will hold Miss Metroplex Houston on March 26 and 29.

TWT FEBAUAAY 8 - FEBAUAAY 14 1985 ALICE DOES DALLAS - The big news THIS WEEKEND is Big D was the long-awaited opening of DANCE TO THE the Club Delman last weekend. In spite LIVE & LIVELY of lots of ice and snow, over a thousand C&W DEEJAY dazzled partygoers gave rave reviews. lO~Rm~ The official grand opening is slated for Valentine's Day, next Thursday, February presents 14, reported manager Steve Johnson .... Around the corner, Strokes also grand opened to a festive crowd. Manager Son- ny Ammons and assistant manager Troy Rash welcomed everyone to the party . Mudift£:. . . .Meanwhile, across town at CC, Terry Garner hosted his "Welcome to Leather" party last Friday, and a big crowd of hot hunks braved the cold icy conditions. The bar is completely new and different, &HLS~ WACO TEA - Nakoma Shaye has WS4IiU so if you haven't been out to CC yet, won the Miss Tallulah's Pageant which check it out. You're sure to like the was held on the wintry night of January changes they've made .... Over on Fun Fri., Feb. 15 show 10:30 p.m. 29. Nakoma is shown in this CRUISE CAMERA photo kneeling before her starring runners-up, Marlena Phillips (I) and Rhapsody DeMille Dyane Michaels who was first runner-up. and Thomas Johnson and E. Lee Dennis crowned the 1985 winner. Photo by NEW Tommy Ross TWT'S Alan Gellman. (Miss Gay Houston) DALLAS DIRT - Hey, there's no EVERY cover charge every Friday during $2 cover February for all Fitness Exchange SUNDAY $1.25well & beer 4 p.rn.-10 p.m. members at 4001. Just show your membership card at the door. With a Rodney Chapman's deal like that you know where all the FREE BUFFET Fitzhugh, the first annual Miss Wild hunks will be .... Cedar Springs Sat. Feb. 16 Crowd Contest was held and drew a welcomes a new restaurant with the 4-6PM packed house last Sunday night. Pictured opening of Pappy's, located next door to above are (l-r) Leslie Michaels, 1st where Bentley's isn't anymore. Their runner-up; Loretta, the winner; and menu features a wide selection of sand- Crystal, the 2nd runner-up. Here's wiches and nothing's priced over $4.... Mtutdi &fI~ another shot of Loretta (see below) who And, finally, don't forget the Round-Up's Costume Ball posed with sexy Doug Christoff, the cur- 3rd Annual Dallas bartender's reunion, a rent Mr. Wild Crowd. You can see Tavern Guild Event, next Thursday, $75 Best Costume "more" of Doug every Thursday night at February 14. There will be music from $·50 Best Original The Other Place in Fort Worth .... various eras from the 40s to the 80s, and everyone is encouraged to dress accor- Judging at 12 midnight dingly, reported cupid Richard Rogers. After all it'll be Saint Valentine's Day and 12 noon-7 p.m. liquor bust $7 Rogers will be playing matchmaker. TATILE TALE - To set the record All u can drink well straight, the new deejay playing all the Sun, 5~ Beer records at Houston's Kindred Spirits is Jeff Riff.... A rare appearance by lean 50~ Bloodys & Screws Miss Dee at The Outlaws last Sunday was 12 noon-s p.m. so bad it was good. Even lover Jimmy stayed for the show. No, Miss Alabama has not booked the rising lovely into the Follies regular lineup, yet.

FEBAUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 66 TUlT FEBRUAAY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 rurr SAN ANteaONIO - In ~the CRUISE CAMERA photo above are the celebrities of Steve and Marc's Newcomer of the Year pageant held at the Copa on January 29. (l-r) Miss Ree who was second runner-up, Jennifer Michaels who was last year's newcomer winner, Vita Vixen who is this year's newcomer winner, Steve Hut- chison who is co-owner of the pageant, Sweet Savage who remains Miss Gay South, Denise Fairchild who was first runner-up and Bernadette who was co- emcee with Mr. Sneakers. Copyrighted photo by TWT'S Jim Hamilton and Oscar Mendiola. ALAMO ACTION - Timmy's Tea: Next Tuesday, February 12, the Club presents an AIDS benefit show starring such movers and shakers as the ultra chilling cold Vanilla, Betty lo, Selma, Brenda and other glamour starlettes in a raucous, rowdy and flexibly-knit schedul- ing of back-to-back one-of-a-kind acts. . . . Dates to remember: Bob, Dick, Tom, Alan, Desi, Blue and Pat present the first annual second anniversary celebration of 2015 on Valentine's Day, and Pam and Lollie have earmarked February 28 as the date for the first anniversary of their new Noo Zoo .... Need a last-minute Valen- tine for your sweetheart? Let dandy Don of Bexar Florist deliver a surprise gift .... And guess who's back at Downtown SA? Deejay Peter Maersch with innovative lights and sound. DEBT OF THE WEEK - Citizens for a United Houston's referendum campaign debt is now down to a low $12,330 thanks to the recent payoff-the-Ioan fund- raiser at Rich's. Mike Nelson told HOT TEA that the CUH board has decided to con- tinue as a "special interest PAC. Watch for a public CUH meeting later in February," Mr. Nelson said. '\Vt

TWT FEBRUARY 8 ~ FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 69 METROPLEX ICE \:\!!ij' DALLAS/FORTWORTH - Because of the 11-11£llJl3 wintry snow and ice storm that gripped the __ SPORTS 1720 N. MAIN, SAN ANTONIO, TX 225-7570 metroplex over the weekend, there was no Ticket prices are $3.50, $5.50, and $8, and action in either the Oak Lawn Bowling Asso- they can be purchased at the Reunion box ciation league in Dallas or the Longhorn office. DGA suggests purchaslnq the $5.50 Bowling League in Fort Worth. tickets for section 238 or the surrounding Spokespersons for both leagues told TWT sections. sPoRTs/Dalias-Fort Worth that competition would resume next Monday night, February 11, weather permitti ng. HOUSTON PI NS HOUSTON - AI Eslamilla bowled high EAGLE LAKE game last Monday night in the weekly Mont- HOUSTON - Houston Outdoor Gays are rose Sports bowling league. His score of 235 off on a day trip to Attwater Prairie Chicken was tops for the night. Gerald Hagan's 597 National Wildlife Refuge near Eagle Lake this was the winner of high series competition. Saturday, February 9. Eagle Lake is about 50 Here are the February 4 divisional stand- miles west of Houston on the coastal prairie, ings as reported to TWTSPORTS/Houstonby spokesperson Dennis Milam told TWT Steve Stepleton. SPORTS/Houston. Division A: 1)Dirty Old Men,2) Rich's Bitch- Later this month, the weekend of February es and 3) Briar Patch. 22-24,HOG will take a trip to Aransas National Division B: 1) For a Few Daddys More, 2) Wildlife Refuge near Rockport. "A boat trip Midnight Sons and 3) Leather Locker. is included," said Milam. "Motel rooms and Division C: 1) EJ's Men, 2) Montrose Ma- camping will be available." rauders and 3) Slippery People. Division D: 1)MCCR #1,2) Five Easy Pieces WOMEN'S SOFTBALL and 3) EJ's Boys. '-\II? HOUSTON - This city's Women's Soft- ball League has informed TWTSPORTS/Hous- ton of a "call for players, coaches and spon- sors" for the coming WSL season. New or uncommitted players are being en- couraged to contact the league so that place- ment onto teams can be facilitated. The sea- son's opening tournament is scheduled for March 23-24and the spring session is set for Sunday games which will begin April 14. Those interested were invited to contact Carolyn at (713) 868-6256 if they wished to play, coach, or even sponsor a team. "This is a slow-pitch team," WSL reminded.

DALLAS SOCCER DALLAS - The Dallas Gay Alliance is For the more con- bringing back Gay Days for all soccer players this Friday, February 8, DGAcommunications temporary romantic, director Skipper Wilson reported to TWT Gourmet Houston will SPORTs/Dallas. send its messenger to "For those who don't know what Gay Day sing his rendition of Stupid is, it's fun, action and good times," he said. Cupid, complete with ghetto "Throughout the year the DGA will be desig- blaster and 50's-style dress. $50 nating certain events for Gay Days." includes Stupid Cupid show and a The first Gay Day will be this Friday, chocolate LP with your message. February 8,1985 at the Dallas Sidekicks soc- Gourmet Houston wishes you a Happy Valentines Day. cer game. The Sidekicks will be playing against Cleveland. Game time is 7:30 p.m. at MasterCard/Visa Accepted 868-8678 Reunion Arena.

TWT FEBRURRY 8 - FEBRURRY 14 1985 PRGE 71 '''\ suddenly SUNDAYS I. aren't a drag anymore introducing "OUA OWN" T-DANCE

starting at 4:00pm every Sunday with RE DRAFT

CllubClUB DESIGNED by Chris Dal. DELMAN 3319 Raleigh • DALLAS, TEXAS • 521-0202 The "big D" in Dallas now stands for Delman


,~<. ;;:;~ ~

lWr FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 73 · . • ...... ~«>l \\911 ______,HEALTH it ......

An updated compilation of AIDS-related news developments as reported to TWT NEWS from across the country.

DON'T TAKE THE questions such as: Am I healthy? Do I NEW AIDS TEST haveAIDS?Am I a carrier of AIDS? Have WASHINGTON, D.C. -: "Don't take I been exposed to"AIDS? or Can I give the new AIDS test" is the double advice AIDS to someone else?" of both the Federation of AIDS-Related Even Dr. Robert Gallo, discoverer of Organizations (FARO) and the National the HTLV-1I1 virus itself, publicly Gay Task Force (NGTF). acknowledged that the test gives off Although the new HTLV-1I1antibody false results. blood test has been highly touted in the non-gay media as an end-all to determin- AIDS VACCINE ing if one has AIDS, both FARO and BREAKTHROUGH NGTF advised TWT NEWS that one NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. - Forthe should avoid taking the test. first time, scientists have identified an Here's why. "The test can be ex- antibody that inactivates the AIDS virus pected to present you with a number of in laboratory experiments. This break- problems: uppermost among them is through is a step-forward development the fact that it is inconclusive at best of an AIDS vaccine. and has no clinical value whatsoever," After four years of study, the Cali- said FARO, which supports the test's fornia-based Mariposa Foundation and use only for the purposes of screening the Centers for Disease Control in Atlan- blood. ta jointly announced, "We now have a "We strongly discourage high-risk breakthrough in AIDS prevention, one groups, particularly gay men, from tak- we all have been looking for." ing the test," Gary McDonald of FARO "With 8,000 cases of AIDS already urged. "In laboratory trials, the test has logged," Dr. Bruce Voeller said, "we see consistently produced both false- promise of a major opportunity to put positive and false-negative results." some brakes on the doubling of the Simply stated, test results have proven number of cases occurring every eight inaccurate. to 10 months." The test "is not for diagnosing AIDS," When Dr. Robert Gallo of the National NGTF added. "The test will not answer Cancer Institute was asked if he believ-

TWT FEBRURRY 8 - FEBRURRY 14 1985 PAGE 75 ed an anti-AIDS vaccine could be devel- Nawrot believes a "better" diagnostic AIDS oped, he said, "I am hopeful, but it's real- test for AIDS may be marketed within MEDICAL EXPENSE PLAN ly hard to say when." 6 months as a result of this discovery. ... WHEN SERIOUS NEED ARISES, THIS PLAN PROTECTS Voeller said the substance-nonoxy- The test would hopefully have "lower YOU FROM THE STAGGERING COSTS OF HEALTH CARE nol-9-kills the HTLV-III virus believed false signals and it may give us a better to cause acquired immune deficiency idea of what the disease does." IMPORTANT POLICY syndrome. He said the substance is The timetable for developing a vac- FEATURES found in many over-the-counter con- cine is much more difficult to predict. ':: • Policy covers Kaposi's Sarcoma, pneumo- traceptive gels and in most commercial Nawrot explained that "we haven't cvsns cannii pneumonia, and all other sicknesses that are a result of Acquired spermicides. found yet, and no one else in the world Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Dr. Donald Francis, assistant director • WORLDWIDE COVERAGE - PAYS full has found, the fragment [of the virus] benefits in any city, state or country in of viral disease at CDC, said nonoxy- that would be most effective as a the world. nol-9 is a "tough detergent that blows • PAYS in the hospital, nursing home, clinic, vaccine. doctor's office, or your home. it [AIDS virus] apart and inactivates it "We would like to identify what • Benefits will be paid directly to you, your very quickly. . doctor, or the hospital - YOU DECIDE. materials would be the best vaccine," • Pays full benefits regardless of any other "It would be no help for AIDS victims, Nawrot told reporter Avicolli. But he insurance you may carry, except Medicare. but it would decrease the transmission added that Centocor would not actual- • POlicy is guaranteed renewable for life: • Free 10 day policy examination period. from the infectious person to the ly make the vaccine; the project would • confidentiality of the policy holder ensured. susceptible person. But the only indica- be turned over to a larger company for UNDERWRITTEN BY PROVIDENT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY tion so far is in the test tube," Francis production. RATES FOR AIDS BENEFIT POLICY said. Nawrot said that Centocor "does not Annual Semi-Annual Quarterly Monthly know yet" whether the discovery of the $leO.OO $93.60 $50.40 $18.00 AIDS TESTING For further information call: BREAKTHROUGH genetic makeup of the AIDS virus will help those who currently have the Mas",C"d (713)550-0617 vue PHILADELPHIA, Pa. - A recent dis- disease. ,\&II' covery about the genetic makeup of the AIDS virus by a Philadelphia biotech- nical company may lead to a better diagnostic test within six months and eventually to a vaccine, Tommi Avicolli of the Philadelphia Gay News learned. According to Dr. Charles Nawrot, Danger KYLE business manager of diagnostic pro- Signals of ducts for Centocor in Malvern, company scientists "were able to basically take Pinched Nerves: NORM.AN genes from the virus, that means its ATTORNEY AT LAW genetic makeup, put it into a bacterial 1. Headaches, Dizziness, Blurred Vision system and have the bacteria make the 2. Neck Pain, Tight Muscles. Spasms pieces of the viruses we want." 3. Shoulder Pain, Pain Down Arms. GAY / LESBIAN WILLS This ability, Nawrot said, helps scien- Numbness in Hands RELATIONSHIP CONTRACTS tists "understand how the virus in- 4. Pain Between Shoulders, Difficult OWL PI, POSSESSION Breathing, Abdominal Pains fects." It also helps them create "the 5. Lower Back Pain, Hip Pain, Pain 24-HOUR BONDING best diagnostic products for it and Down Legs hopefully the best vaccine eventually." Examination includes a minimum of 10 Nawrot cautioned that the discovery standard tests for evaluating the spin. 900 LOVETT does not provide "much utility yet." He and a contour analysis photo. SUITE 206 added, however, that "it's the first step. [Now] you can begin to answer the clin- Dr. Jerry Martin (713) 524-4345 ical questions. If you look back through Greenway Chiropractic Clinic HOUSTON almost all of the diseases like hepatitis, 3233 Weslayan, Bldg. 2, Suite 191 the key fundamental knowledge that 963-0080, EXT. 1 (NOT ceanneo BY rue TEXAS BOARD Of LEGAL Srf:CIALlS'fS) was laid was an understanding of the Most Insurances, Visa and MasterCard Accapttd. \.. components of the virus. Then you can begin to get clinical information." Does not include X-Raysor Treatment.

PAGE 76 TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 77 rIJ \\ttI STARSCOPE Down by Milton von Stern Town S.A.

240 Broadway. San Antonio • 223-7159

.. ;. ~~:;"j;~~ < .~, '-' STARSCOPE birthdays this week are: (I-r) Mia Farrow (Feb. 9, '45), Jack Lemmon (Feb. 8, '25), James Dean (Feb, 8, '31) and Lana ~.. Turner (Feb. 8, '21), WE .. THANKS OELIVEREOI{; : . 'WEEl(C9F FEBRUAR"Y8-14 TO ALL OUR 'WINTER 'HAL 'F C9VER- On Ground Hog Day - known originally as Gan- FAITHFUL FRIENDS- ~ dlemas 'Day - winter was half over. The 'February 2 sub-holiday is known best for its superstitious prediction of how much more cold weather lies ahead as deter- WE'RE HERE!!! mined by whether or not the ground hog saw its shadow. Regardless, most of '-o""~:"'-i:''''''''' ~- . '~(:<.';' 'February has been scientifically forecasted by meteorologists to be colder than .,.,; usual. However, ~arch is predicted to be milder. But winter's last chill is ex- :~ pected to grip the Sun Belt, bringing another snowstorm. -<,~ 'VALENTINE'S 'DA'Y- The day for romance, the day for lovers is next Thurs- ENJOY OUR NEW COMPUTERIZED .'-~ day, February 14.Since 'Venus, which rules romance, and~ars, which rules sex, are still powerfully close together in the sky, they blend to mix up a heap of LIGHTING AND SOUND SYSTEM. dynamic and rare romantic sensuality for all signs of the zodiac. Gupid's arrows are aimed in abundance this 'Valentine's Day. '/ BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND FROM HOUSTON/DALLAS GUPID'S 'FULL c?dOON - This month's 'Full ~oon occurred in 'Leo on ~-- -:- February 5, coloring the coming two-week period until the ~oon completely (7 NITES " WEEK) disappears from view. As the ~oon grows smaller nightly, passing from a 'Full -- ~oon to a Quarter ~oon, your problems grow smaller. The 'Leo 'Full~oon always signals a greater need for entertainment, romance, sex, affection and recognition. Oftentimes, very dramatic behavior erupts as peo- ple try to satisfy their appetites for such things. To determine how the 'Full ~oon in 'Leo will alter your course of life during this lunar cycle, read your individual S'rA'RSG6'PE message below.

c}\QU~US: (Jan 20 - 'Feb 18'~The seventh house of marriage, causing 'Leo 'Full ~oon occurred in your problems with a mate. One may be

TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 79 tempted to feel depressed because get the wrong impression. All matters there is a lack of affection and ap- of communication are under close preciation shown by one's partner. For scrutiny during the 'Full c:Moon. In those who are experiencing major con- fact, to avoid mistakes and loss, keep a flicts in a marriage, a heated argument low verbal proflle until the 'Fullc:Moon could split asunder an alliance and passes. lead to permanent separation. The GANGER: (Jun 22 -Ju122) lfyou gam- 'Full c:Moon in 'Leo will be especially ble during the 'Leo 'Full c:Moon, your difficult for c5l\quarians who are mar- chances of winning are slim. If you ried. handle money during the 'Full c:Moon, 'P'ISGES: (Feb 18 - Mar 20) The 'Leo take extra precautions to guard 'Full c:Mooncan disrupt your working against loss. This is not a particularly environment, cause two workers to get good time for most monetary matters. into a fiery debate, or cause the dis- The 'Fullc:Moon advises you to use ex- missal of an employee. This sixth treme care in all financial matters, house 'Full c:Moon should be taken since the lunation occurs in your sec- seriously, as patience in such matters ond house of money. runs thin. The 'Full c:Moon also 'LE6: (Jul 23 - c5l\ug 22) The 'Full disrupts one's health, causing a deple- c:Moonoccurs in your sign, in your first tion of energies and physical reserves. house of personality. This is your one You'd be wise to use restraint in all and only 'Full c:Moon of 1985. There- sixth house matters until the 'Full fore, you - more than any other sign c:Moonpasses. in the zodiac - stand to be under the ~~ES: ('Mar 21 - c5l\pr 19) Romance greatest stress during this lunar cycle. can be cumbersome, sexual admirers Your personality may be quick, your can become disappointing, and affec- temper short, your patience on edge, tions can become unsatisfied during your attitude questionable and your the 'Leo 'Fullc:Moon. Do not wear your ability to make a wise decision cloud- heart on your sleeve while the 'Full ed. In short, double your personal ef- c:Moon makes its maximum appear- forts to cope with emotional situations. ance in your fifth house of love affairs. Otherwise, you may fmd yourself los- All is not what it seems to be and all is ing esteem and friendships. not as you would fantasize it to be. Re- 'VIRg6: (Aug 23 - Sep 22) During the move your rose-colored glasses while 'Leo 'Full c:Moon,you may feel unsure dating under the spell of this 'Full of yourself and nervous. This is be- c:Moon. cause the current 'Full c:Moon occurs "fAURUS: (Apr 20 - c:May 20) Your in your twelfth house of your inner domestic circle is apt to be broken self. Something secretive which you've under the lunation of the Leo 'Full kept pent up inside gnaws at your c:Moon. The placement of the 'Full peace of mind. Others know some- c:Moon in your fourth house of the thing is bothering you, but know not home turns on your caution light in what. You'd be wise to confide your matters relating to where you live. secret concerns to a close friend to sur- Now is not a good time to make a vive the 'Leo 'Full c:Moon. change of address, to sell or buy prop- 'LIB~: (Sep 23 - Oct 23) A social erty, or to refurbish your homestead. situation could disintegrate before Avoid making any decisions relating your eyes. A friend could turn out to to your home during this weekend's be your enemy. A gathering could be 'Full c:Moon. disappointing. These are some of the gEMINI: ('May 21 - Jun 21)You may pitfalls of the 'Leo 'Full c:Moon, which put your foot in your mouth during occurred in your eleventh house. Your this weekend's 'Full c:Moon, causing fondest hopes and wishes can be you some embarrassing moments. Be dashed against your ego unless you careful of what you say. Be careful to keep a realistic attitude about your choose your words carefully. Others surroundings. Keep your thoughts to may misinterpret what you Say and yourself and your opinions within if

TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 81 you wish to avoid conflict. will defmitely cause travelers and SG6RPI6: (0ct 24 -'1'{pv21)The 'Leo students disruption of a temporary 'Full ~oon occurred in your tenth nature. Later, when you look back on COUSINS LBO&IANCB house of career, which is a strong indi- this February 198'5 cycle, you will re- STARRING plus AND THE GOOD cation that some upheaval is certain to call the pitfalls, which you will wish to surface at your job. Before the 'Full avoid in future similar situations. MATT RAlIIISEY second BILLY GRANT TIMES ARE HERE! ~oon has passed, it is certain that GA'PRIG~: (Dee 22 - Jan 19)Since AND INTRODUCING feature STARRING some major employment changes will the 'Leo 'Full ~oon comes to rest in have passed into the record books. SCOTT ROBERTS STEVE LYONS your eighth house, there will be no rest & ERIC RYAN Employees and employers can be at for such matters ruled by the eighth odds, job interviews can become house, which are sex and taxes. You snarled and close relationships be- FRIDAY & SA1URDAY will need to pay close attention to filing llAM-3AM tween co-workers can suffer. There your income tax return to avoid mis- X-RATED MONDAY thru THURSDAY may be little one can do to alter these takes. In fact, you'd be wise not to file llAM-1AM emotional influences of the 'Leo 'Full your income tax until late February, 51Jflf10UfliJlJ50UflO SUNDAY ~oon. when your mind is clearer. The best Multi-Track Audio Recording High Fidelity lPM-1AM SAgI"l"I'A'lUUS: (Nov 22 - Dee 21)The way to avoid predicaments over sex- 'Leo 'Full ~oon comes to rest in your ual situations is to avoid engaging in ninth house of travel and education. In the 'Valentine sex hunt. Your main these two areas of life, you will exper- problem with sex will be the lack of it. ience some cross currents of emotions. Later, however, you will. find this a fRfNCt1 U~RTfR You may fmd a trip plan needed to be blessing. 027-·(5782 3201 LOUISIANA'" HOUSTON revised or that you overextended your COMING NEXT WEEK: The Febru- energy level. You may also find that ary 19 ~w Odoon. occurring in TEXAS' BEST All-MALE CINEMA your ability to learn and absorb infor- 'Pisces. offers a new beginning for mation is thwarted. The. 'Full ~oon creativity. 'IJI?


PAGE 82 TWT FEBRUARI' 8 - FEBRUARI' 14 1985 TWT FEBRUARI' 8 - FEBRUARI' 14 1985 PAGE 83 GLALTCN . ~ ------CLASSIFIED TWT Classlfleds rates: Per word-.65¢; Centering-.85¢; All caps-$1.00; Screened ads-$5.00; Bold type-double price; special hlghlights-$5.00. BIJOUVIDEO Visit or mail to TWT ClaSSified;2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006,(713)527·9111, or 3920Cedar Springs, Dallas, Texas 75219, (214) 521·0622. No ads accepted by phone. Ad copy and payment must reach TWToffice by 12 noon the Monday preceding publication. Ads reoelv- ed after the 12 noon cut off will be placed In the following weeks issue. TWTplaces ad in proper category. Include area code In telephone number. TWTIs not responsible for errors after first insertion. Acceptability of ad content subject to the discretion of TWT. ALL ADS MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. All Texas checks must Include Texas Dllvel's VALUES License numbel. Out·of·state ads must be paid by money Older cashier's check; not or a Bijou Yldeo Sales, the Midwest's largest distributor personal check. No exceptions. Thank you. of gay X-rated video, offers you these new titles at unusually low prices: Houston. MontrOSe/Commercial. Cute 1000 sq. ft. free standing building, just over a year old. Complete- Houston. S. Gessner/Belialre. 2·bedroom -bat s ly glassed, excellent location, Richmond and Mon· studio. 1280 sq. feet, 2O-foot ceiling, loft bedroom. trose, $1,275 month. Call Roland Broussard, Acker- Also spacious t-oedroom. 780 sq. feet. Many walk- Blum Leasing, (713) 520-9898. In closets. Beautiful views. Pool, laundry, quiet. Bills paid. Free cable TV. (713) 771.Q249. Houston. Montrose. Nice clean apartment-only $250. Medium-size complex has pool, security gates, SIZING Dallas. 1 month free rent. 1/1, WBFP, wid connec- covered parking, laundry room, free cable, friendly tions, unlv. gym, Jacuzzi, pool, all amenities, 10 min. atmosphere. Westmoreland Place, (713) 528-5218. fm. downtown. $3951mo. + elect. Kathy, (214) 821·7798, 12pm-5pm Mon.-Sat. Houston. Montrose. Efficiencies bills paid. $175 plus security after 5 p.m. (713) 5~137. Houston. Montrose/Rice/Medical. Unique 2-bedroom 21/2-baths studio. 1200 sq. feet. Bedrooms upstairs. Houston. Reduced Again UP French windows & doors, skylight, patio, ceiling Channing Montrose poolslde condo 2-1-1 manyex- Thelatestfrom Matt Sterling,directorof THEBIGGERTHEBETTER. fans, pool, quiet, secure. Bills paid. Free cable TV. tras. 419 Marshall #2, (713) 523-4955. $425. (713) 523-5028. Houston. Montrose. Nice one bedroom apt. on Dallas. Large 312 home near University at Inwood. Banks St. Vaulted ceilings, reduced rent for respon- New appliances. $750/mo. Call (214) 353-981~. sible tenant. Call for Info. (713) 524-1263. Austin. House hunting In Austin? I've got houses, Houston. Heights, 2 bedroom 1 bath large master, condos, duplexes and apartments for rent allover sunroom, separate dining & living room, C AlH, WID ONE SIZE town. Personalized service, absolutely no fees. Call connections, monitored security system. $550 + Chip days, (512) 443-2212, (evenings) (512) 444-9493. utilities. Day, (713) 370-8403, Eve. (713) 861-2283. If unable to reach, (713) 520-5035. East Dallas. Various renovated duplexes. (214) 827.a589. Houston. Montrose. Condo lovers, here It Isl!! Cute new construction, 211, common pool, underground Houston. MONTROSE security parking, utility facilities, balcony, central FITS ALL AlH, nice. $550 month, call Roland Broussard, Acker- BrianHawkesina lockerroomfull of Blum Leasing, (713) 520-9898. QUALITY APARTMENTS sex-crazedsweathogs. YOU MUST SEE THESE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Dallas. 4007 Rawlins, one bedroom, 750 square feet. BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAINED EFF. & ONE BED· $300 + electric. (214) 522-4692, (214) 52HI993. ROOMS-SOME WITH POOLS. Security, 24-hour Houston. Montrose. Cute cottage s/F, hardwoods, emergency maintenance, ott-street parking. central AlH, garage, 1 story, 3 bdnns, 1 bath. $650 + bills. Call Roland Broussard, ACker-Blum leasing, Special: One month free rent with one-year lease (six (713) 520-9898. $5CT!~ch month lease available) Houston. Montrose complex. Each apt. Is as unique $150 move-In as you are. Hardwood floors, carpet In bedroom, sky- light in tiled bathroom. Comes with covered parking, \ Don't wait - Call now security and pool. Reasonably priced. Westmoreland Place, (713) 528-5218. For credit cord orders, call (toll-free) 1-800-932-7111, \ (713) 630-0430 - Ask for Krls Monday through Friday, 10-6 (CST). (In Illinois, call Houston. Montrose. Large brick house on beautiful 1-800-572-2365.) THE WES COMPANY street, 312 + 2 car garage, all the extras I WDBFP, Or sendmoneyorder,cashier'scheckor VISA,MCor AX number Dallas. New carpets and fresh paint: flats & one bed- Jenn-Aire, microwave, hardwood floors, extra nice. (with expirotiondate, plus$3 shippingper order), a statement room apartments available. $295 & $335 plus deposit $750 month. Call Roland Broussard, Acker-Blum thatyouareover 21 andwhetheryouneedVHSor Betaformat;or and bills. New management. Call Gary, (214) leasing, (713) 520-9898. write fora freebrochure(statingthatyouareover 21) to: Dept.T: 528-6275. Dallas. 4709 Denton Dr., CEDAR CREEK, an innova- Houston. Montrose. 1 bedroom garage apt. $230 plus tion In adult living. For Infonnatlon, call (214) bills, 1409 Castle Ct. (713) 630-0430. 528-4560. Dallas. Come home to the Crestmont Apartments. Houston. Montrose. Only five left! II Remodeled BUOU VIDEO SALES 3928 Cedar Springs, (214) 521-2851. Roommates & Chelsea Place Townhomes, excellent location, Mon- Pets Welcomed! trose Blvd. & Cnelsea, 212112+ den, 3121/2, all the ex- TIfE 111tf (l(f}EO EXPERTcf tras, common pool, priced to lease fast. $850 month. Houston. Montrose 1-bedroom apt. In quiet 4-plex, Call Roland Broussard, Acker-Blum Leasing, (713) _1349 N.Wells,ChgoIL, 60610- $295 plus bills. 1409 Castle Ct. (713) 630-0430. 520-9898.

TLUT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 TLUT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRURRY14 1985 PAGE 85 PAGE 84 Houston. TImbergrove Manor. Quality subdivision on Houston. Montrose. Attractive efficiency apt. Quiet this brand new home, 2 bdnns, 2V2 baths, two FP's, complex, nice neighborhood. Laundry room & land- six (6) ceiling fans, microwave, Jenn-Alre, washer & scaped pool. $275, ail bills paid. 2020 W. Main. (713) dryer, a must to see! I $995 month. CsII Roland 18l-8022. Broussard, Acker-Blum leasing, (713) 520-9898. Houston. Fumished rooms, $55 weekly. (713) .:::~;. Houston. Heights. 3 bedroom, new gray carpet, sun- 52().8()()2. 1218 W. Gray. After 6. ny den, private entrance to all bedrooms. Low bills. Houston. Montrose upper duplex, 2-1, hardwoods, res. (713) 521-2525. all appliances, quiet street. $450 +. (713) 529-4538. Houston. Montrose. 2 bd, duplex, central heat & air, Houston. Lovely executive horne. Featured In dishwasher, hardwood. $400 +. Gall SOHO, (713) Houston Home and Gardens. All the extras & spa 528-5151. Heights area $800 mo. References. (713) 861-7883. Houston. Montrose. 2 bedroom, 1 bath hardwood, Houston. Montrose. Large 1 bednn. condo for lease. central heat and air, lots of windows. Only $440. Call 606 Marshall. Sm. complex with pool. $400 mo. + SOHO, (713) 528-5151. util. (713) 880-3287. Offering continental cuisine Houston. Montrose. Very contemporary townhouse. Houston. Heights. 2-1 house, appliances, wId con- at affordable prices 2 story, 211V2,all amenities. Furnished for $900 bills nections, fenced. $450. (713) 528-0014. paid, or unfumlshed for $700 + electric. CsII Roland and catering to late night Broussard, Acker-Blum Leasing, (713) 520-9898. Houston. dining ... Houston. Montrose. Large eff., hardwood floors, lots GALLERIA Monday through Saturday of windows. Only $200 +. Call SOHO, (713) 528-5151. One block from Westheimer. We've lowered our 11:30 -1:00 Houston. Duplex 2-bedroom, 1 bath, central heat and rents to fill all vacancies! Now is the time. Super staff, great speclais! (713) 963-8221. Late office in addition to a air, carpet and hardwood, lovely view of the city. Only $550 +. SOHO, (713) 528-5151. hours. Saturday & Sunday Houston. Montrose. Garage apt. 1 bedroom, central Champagne Brunch Houston. Montrose. Well-maintained one bedroom heat & air, hardwood, track lights, quiet area. $325. condo in small complex. New carpet, modern kitch· COME SEE US SOON! Call SOHO, (713) 528-5151. en and mirrored walls. Call Randy, (713) 668-6644, 428 Westheimer • 526-2895 Houston. Binz. Eff. Hardwood floor. Just made for Century 21 Kaieidoscope. Houston a student. $250 +. Call SOHO, (713) 528-5151. Houston. For sale or lease-near new DeMenll Houston. Montrose. Studio style 2 bedroom, 1 bath, Museum. 1625 Richmond, office/retail building with fully carpeted, gas heat, Feb. special $325 +. Cal 2 br., renovated apartment. Great owner financing. SOHO, (713) 528-5151. (713) 665-5207, 522-6054. Houston. Cute 1 bedroom, fully carpeted, gas heat, Houston. 211-1326 W. Gray at Waugh. Large rooms, track lighting. $225 +. Call SOHO, (713) 528-5151. central air conditioning, updated kitchen, unique. $485. (713) 665-5207, 522-6054. 5 LOCATIONS Houston. Heights. 1 bedroom upper, quiet 4-plex. Central heat & air. $275 +. Call SOHO, (713) Houston. Heights, Norhlll Street. Two story brick, 3-2, SOME INCLUDE UTILITIES 528-5151. beautiful hardwoods, lots of old-fashioned charm. Great setting for your antiques. $700 + bills. (713) Houston. 864-0412. Agent. 9 MONTH SPECIAL 1 br.-$2351mo. plus elect. 2002 Richmond Apts., Houston. Heights, cute Victorian In great neigh- (713) 529-8313. borhood. Perfect for the young professional who STARTING AT: likes to entertain. 2-1V2, study, CAH, fenced yard, Houston. Nice modem one bedroom, central, dish- comer lot. $550 + deposit. (713) 864-0412. Agent. $220/MONTH-EFF washer, laundry facilities. METROPOLITAN MAN- AGEMENT, (713) 520-9768. Houston. Inside the Loop, Tlmbergrove town house, 2-2, fireplace, all appliances, beautifully decorated, $250/MONTH-l BR. Houston. One bedroom, close to everything In Mont- security system,lIreat place to live and entertain. rose, upstairs, hardwood, laundry facilities. METRO- $600 + bills. (713) 864-0412. Agent. POLITAN MANAGEMENT, (713) 520-9768. Austin. Homebuyers or investors. We are a full ser- Houston. Two bedroom, central, hardwood, perfect vice real estate finn and have many properties to for roommates. METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT, choose from In Austin. Please call: Richard Pun- Our Lowest (713) 520-9768. cochar, (512) 459-1394 or Ran·Wlck Properties, (512) Prices Ever! Houston. One den upstairs, downstairs beautiful 244-6006. courtyard. METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT, (713) Discreet BWM to share 4-2-2 In Greens- 520-9768. Houston. point. Stable professional. No drugs and serious Houston. Two bedroom In fourplex. Central heat, cails only please. (713) 820-5616. covered parking. METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT, Houston. Superb 1-1 Montrose triplex, 11 Hyde Park. (713) 520-9768. $350, bills paid; channing 2·1 West U. house, hard- Houston. Small, nice one bedroom in fourplex, hard- wood, Maytag W&D, den, fence, 5901 Lake, $550 + "VA JUST GOTTA wood, large closets. METROPOLITAN MANAGE- bills. (713) 439-4337, 666-8268. MENT. (713) 520-9768. Houston. Professional GIW/M mid 30's seeks same COME SEEI" Houston. Small, one bedroom, new carpet, central, share Heights 312 condo, wId, c/a/h. References. (713) 2300 Stanford. METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT, 862-7397. (713) 520-9768. Houston. Montrose/Graustark very large one Houston. Binz area Old European style mid-rise, one bedroom. Centrai air, mini-blinds, frost free refrig- bedroom apartments, balconies. Most bills paid. erator, walkln closets, carpet. Small complex, nice (713) 630·0430 ASK FOR KRIS METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT, (713) 520-9768. neighborhood. $325 + bills. (713) 528-3596. Houston. 301 W. Clay. Bedroom, den, central air-heat, Houston. Galleria, lease or lease purchase. 2-1 V2 security lights and fence. $350 + electric. (713) condo, all appliances, cable. $500, bills paid. (713) 523-9465. 529-3684 or 528-1876.

TWT FEBAUAAY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 86 TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRURRY 14 1985 PAGE 87 Dallas. Houston. GF, 30, professional woman wishes to fer- MOBILE OJ Complete sound and music ret out those hidden wonderful women not found In THROW RICE TO ••• local watering holes. If you're earthy, career-orlented, (214) 247-2652 Impetuous and like cats, please write a long letter for starters! K.N., P.O. Box 66815, Houston, Texas "GOING TO THE CHAPEL" Randy 77006. Don't be shy! Houston. Paul Hansen of K.C. contact Joel. lJU~ ~ TUESDAYS Houston. Important. Houston. DANNY Happy Valentine's Day HAPPY HOUR PRICES With lots of love MUSIC FROM THE Gene Houston. HYPNOSIS can help you overcome many M 50'S AND 60'S of your everyday problems as we" as help you quit UffllaBiron vvonm;:;an AntonlolHousrom texas. smoking, lose weight. Call Montrose's Hypnosis In- D.J. DENNIS McGINNIS stitute, (713) 523-3103. CUSTOM MOVERS Houston. GIW/M, 32,6' 170Ibs, goodlooklng, brown 8PM-MIDNIGHT The only name you need to know for all your moving needs. hair, eyes & mustache. Enjoys music, danclnq, movies & romance. LOOkingfor attractive, hot man, CONFEnl ... Local ... Statewide ... dark hair, who wants a serious relationship and that • (214/811) 285·4483 Is tired of the games. Is there anybody out there? Non-smoker preferred, 25-40.Don't be shy, call, this HATS & HORNS TO •.• (D/FW METRO) Is a legitimate ad. Serious only reply. Steve, (713) ~~~dPA ~760. Dallas. "ITI MY PARTY" "SPECIAL Valentine Gift DELIVERY" Houston. DMA: A course where you develop your IIJ~ ....,. ability to create the life you choose; discover what DALLAS COURIER SERVICE you want, then use your consciousness to produce TUESDAYS It. Call now, (713) 523-3103. DANNY WHITE Delivers Dallas Houston/Dallas. Ivan. Saw your workout last AT (214) 522-5236 . weekend at Mldtowne Spa. How about this satur- day. Marc. Houston. Dallas/Houston. Escorts, models, masseurs: You won't need them, come to Mldtowne Spa for a friend- ly, clean and unhurried atmosphere. 24 hrs. 7 •? GOOD HAIR CARE days/wk. Houston/Dallas/Austin. Relationship oriented, pro- INTRODUCTORY OFFER feSSional, GWM, 3Os,tall, ruggedly handsome, ex- CARDS & GIFTS ceptionally muscular, seeks similar for love/commit· $13.00 ment. Can relocate. Letter/photo answered. Bill, POB 3408-A CAMP BOWIE 23742 KC MO 641 1 FT. WORTH, TEXAS 76107 713-526-HAIR HAIR PLUS by DON (817) 334-0122 Texas. r-'fJ.'·\'I.] ~I.'·'"3 Partners wanted to buy houses & condos In Mont- Dallas. rose, Heights, Garden Oaks. (713) 524·5730. Valentine's Day Brunch, Lunch, Dinner? OBITUARlfS ~~hb (20/~ Houston. In memory of my brother, Randa" Glenn Hayes, October 14, 1960January 25,1985. His death A~~SerYlce (24 Hour Answering SerYlce) (214) 898-5500

PERSONALS WIN 900 Houston/Dallas/Austln/San Anton/o/Ft. Worth. THIS WEEK'S THIS WEEK'S LUCKY LICENSE BUILDING $900 Our great selection lets you choose XZD-214 your "Mr. Right" for tonight. PLATE NUMBER JACKPOT Discreet, secure so you can't lose. Never fear, he won't bite. If this is your license plate number, and you have a TWTbumper TEXESCORT sticker on your vehicle, contact your nearest TWToffice before Of coursel 12pm Monday, F•••• II to claim your cash. If there is no winner by noon each Monday/the jackpot builds another $25 per week. Credit Cards (713) 524-9511 Cash Houston. Tax returns. Have a professional prepare l your retum and reduce your taxes. Computerized. was due to an automobile accident. He was loved (713) 46lHl199 anytime. and in my heart there Is a place for him always.

PAGE 96 TWT FEBRUARY 6 - FEBAUARY 14 1965 TWT FEBRUARY 6 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 97 Houston. Ron Baker, 38. bom December 13. 1946 Dallas. PRIDE I passed away January 31,1985. Ron will be missed If your organization Is planning an event that needs by all who knew him and loved him. Privatememorial to be on the poster for National Gay Pride Week In service with family and friends was held last Mon- Dallas (June 23-30).the Infonnatlon will be needed day. February 4. 1985. no later than You pledge a sin upon your friends FRIDA Y MA Y 10 We need not grieve So the typesetting can l,e completed for the prin- {w~~c£r~ You lay a silent night, ting of the calendar of events. Gifted Man has fallen asleep. The Infonnatlon on events wlli also be used for Rest My Love. media press releases. so please Include the name ANNOUNCEMENTS of event. the sponsor, the benefactor (If applicable), ~~c£r~./ the location, time and price of admittance. Eariy In- Dallas. fonnatlon will be appreciated. HISPANICS Houston. Community Gospel Center, a small The Hispanic Coalition of the Dallas Gay Alliance Pentecostal Church with a predominately gay con- FRESH PIES & CAKES DAI LY meets this Sunday, February 10 at the Gay Com- gregation, now meets at 3207 Montrose. Services: munity Center, 3920 Cedar Springs. Election of of- 2:30 p.m. Sundays and 7:30p.m.Thursdays. We have HAND-DIPPED BLUEBELL ICE CREAM ficers will be held. Meeting will start at 2:00p.m. pro- a worship service which Is quite unique to our com- mptly. Dial (214)827-9995,media chair Jesse Chairez munity. Remember the old fashioned camp meeting CON ES-SHAKES-SUN DAES-BANANA SPLITS said. style worship many of us loved as a child that we Dallas. somehow became alienated with as we grew and realizedour sexuality? Our church Is the first to bring FEB. 15 that style of worship to the gay population of The Metroplex Republicans, a political organization Houston. for moderate and conservative Gay Republican men Houston. Montrose Softball League Is looking for and women. presents a new feature, a political new players for 1985.It doesn't matter If you've ever discussion group (POO)which meets monthly to pro- played before. come out and join the fun. For Info OlD FASllIOIU MAIiBUIIEIIS ., vide a forum for political discussion. The POO will '" call (713)524-3144or write Montrose Softball; P.O. meet Friday, February 15 at 7:30 p.m. For Infonna- Box 22272; Houston, Tx. 77227. •• tlon, contact Christopher Glynn (214)522-1186. 4000 Cedar SprI•••• " Houston. The KSIAIDS Foundation of Houston, Inc. Houston. Dignity no longer meets at the Rice Unlv. Is sponsoring PROJECT: FOOD, a drive to collect llllias. rillS 75211 Catholic Student Center. Dignity now meets tern- non-perishable food Items for assisting our clients. porarilyat the Americana Inn. 59 So. Buffalo Spdwy. Various collection centers are located In and around The time remains 7:30 p.m. on Saturdays. Montrose. For Infonnatlon, call (713)524-2427.

file s~,t--, •.~\ /hnAV I./. p",-,ro~~_ Vtllentine Flowe,s : <&'-T man.to~~y's '~\i<~~ C(lshGC(lffY Speci(l/s: ¥- .."..<•. COCKTAILS. BEER ''1, l SHUFFLEBOARD Roses $35/rI()z.B()xerl ;'~ MUSIC Valentine Boaquers $5.95ea. ~c,o ~) ..'t\\"~S 't-rMixeri Arrangements Irom $30 pillS riel. ,= \l'\l~\..\..~~ Visit ()IIr new store ·.1~ ... '.....~. opeN 2 PM-2 AM EIJR()PEAN DAILY 3215 N. FITZHUGH. C()NCEPTS BETWEEN TRAVIS III COLE. i< 559·0669 2137 W. Alabama Houston 523·9411



San Antonio's Most Complete 832-4026 ' 304 ORLEANS Private Health Club! SUPER SUNDAY SHOW FEBRUARY 10 GUESTS Membership 1802 NO, MAIN *"\7ery Papular" JERRY HARPER & TARIN BLAKE Required 735-2467 Bob Damron's BooR '85

PAGE 100 TWT FEBAUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 \\911 _CALENDAR MISS ALABAMA FOLLIES FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 8 (DA) MCC: Service, 7:15p (FW) Agape MCC: Prayer Ser. 7:30p (HO) FUC: Alanon mtg. 10:30 PM SATURDAYS (HO) Mont Coun. Ctr.: ''Worried Well" mtg., 7p (SA) Lambda AA: Meeting, 8:15p AND 8:00 PM SUNDAYS SATURDAY FEBRUARY 9 emceed by the (DA) Girth & Mirth: Mtg., 7:30p (DA) Grace Fellowship: N. DaJ. Home Fellow., 7:30p SWEETHEART OF THE FOUUES (HO) A.I.D.S. Support Group: mtg. 11a-12:15p, (HO) CCF: Services, 6:30p Aft F (HO) Chapel of the Woodlands: Services, 7:30p (HO) Dignity: Mtg., 7:30p THE (HO) No. Ho. Prof.Mtg. 7:30p SUNDAY- FEBRUARY 10 lOVELY (AB) EMCC: Services, 11a & 7p (AM) MCC: Services, 11a & 7p RON (AR) Mld-Cltles MCC: Services, 11a & 7p (AU) MCC: Services, 11:30a SOUJX (AU) Oasis Ministry: Service, 11a (CG) MCC: Services, 5p (DA) Grace Fellowship: Service, 10:30a WITH HER CAST OF REGUlARS (DA) Holy Tdnlty: Service, 11a MISS AlABAMA (DA) KNON: Lambda Weekly, noon (DA) MCCD: Services, 10:30a & 12:30p, 7:15pm RONSOUJX (DA) UCC: Services, 11a (FW) Agape MCC: Services, 11a & 7p CHAMPAGNE (GA) MCCG: Services, 11a (HO) CCF: Services, 10:45a ROBBIE ROBERTS (HO) Bering Mem. Ch.: Servo 10:50a (HO) Comm. Gospel Ctr.: Services, 2:30p TRACY AND (HO) MCCR: Services, 10:45a & 7:15p (HO) Mont Ch. of Christ: Services, 12:30p DIANE MICHEAlS (HO) New Freedom Ch.: Services, 10a ,Ius (HO) Stadium Lanes: Womens BoWling, 5p (San Angelo) G.A.S.: Mtg. ~"'-'~ (TemplelKilleEin) HMCC: Serv., 7:30p FEB. 9TH MONDAY - FEBRUARY 11 (AU) Lambda: Gay Men's, 7:30p, Feminists, 8p GUESTS (DA) DGA: Mtg. 7:30p (HO) Bering UMC: Mont. Singers, 6p MARlENE (HO) Gay Fathers of Hou., mtg, 8p (HO) Mont. Art Alliance: Mtg. lYNN& (HO) Stadium Lanes: MSA Men's BoWling, 9p (SA) Lambda AA: Meeting, 8:15p lANA TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 12 (AU) Lambda: lesbian Mothers Group, 7p KUNTZ (DE) GLSSG: Mtg. (HO) CHE: Mtg., 7:30p VALENTINE'S DAY FEB. 14-10 PM (HO) Ho. Data Prof: Mtg., 7:30p EVERY FRIDAY (HO) Hts. Women's Club: Mont. Symp. Band 1950'S SWEETHEART BALUSHOW Reh.,7:30p TALENT NIGHT (HO) Integrity: Eucharist & Mtg., 7:30p emcee Ron Sioux. (SA) MCCSA: Services, 7:30p WEDNESDAY- FEBRUARY 13 CASH PRIZES ~" PLUS ANY TWO STEAK (AR) MId-Cities MCC: Service, 7:30p ".""" (AU) Lambda: mtg., 7:30p DINNERS FOR $10.00. MAKE YOUR .. (AU) MCCA: Services, 7:15p RESERVATIONS NOW (DA) Ch. 9: LesJGay Focus: 9p FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT (DA) Grace Fellow.: O.L. Fellow, 7:30p (DA) MCCD: Services, 7:15p (FW) Agape MCC: Bible study, 7:30p PLUS (HO) CCF: Services, 7:15p COVER 50¢ (HO) MCCR: Services, 7:15p (SA) Lambda AA: mtg., 8:15p WELL SCHNAPPS & FEATURING THURSDAY- FEBRUARY 14 (HO) Comm. Gospel Cntr. Service 7:30p $1BEER DRAFT BEER MALE DANCERS (HO) KPFT (FM 90.1~ Gay Radio, 7:3Q.9:00p (HO) MCCR: Worship Class 6p; Choir reh. 8P,-W.f

PAGE 102 TUJT FEBAUAAI' 8 - FEBAUAAI' 14 1985 TUJT FEBAUAAI' 8 - FEBAUAAI' 14 1985 PAGE 103 ~ DEPENDABLEREPUT ---- __ IHE GUIDE RELI TEXAS ORGANIZATIONS B.OAT 121 E.8, #602, Austin 472-3333 Austennis 2003 Glen Allen #101178704 . Lesbian/Gay Dem. ofTexas (Dallas) . P.O.64493 .(214)8214838 Austin Lambda 7115 Burnett Rd #120 45!HlO5O Rural Coalition .. Waller·Zanghi .. Box 611 .. Blum, Tx. 76627 Austin Les.lGay Pride Week Task Force .. P.O. 13303/78711 .. State IG.R.A. (Houston) P.O. Box 66973 #1194 (713) 526-5001 Austin VD Screening & Clinic 15 Waller 469-2070 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc ... P.O.66973 #1194 .. (713)526-5001 Family & Friends of Les. & Gays 326.J63O THE SYMBOL OF Texas Lesbian/Gay Student Organ. Coalition . Gayline P.O.8559178712 .4n-6899 P.O.275, UT Union Bldg., Austlnl78712 441->'3678 Gay Fathers P.O. 5455178763 472·1717 Texas Gay Task Force (Dallas) (214)827·2957 Gay/Les. Law Students Assoc .. UT1727E. 26thl78705 .442·9430 QUALITY SINCE 1978 Texas Gay/Lesbian Task Force (Denton-State Hdqtrs., News- Gay Nurses Alliance 2208 Newfleldl78703 . letter & Pubs Office) P.O.A·K, 76201 (817)387-8216 Gay Student Assocation .. P.O.275, UT Union Bldg .. 441-3678 Texas Republican Alternative Comm...... Hill Co. Leatherman P.O. 595, Manchaca, Tx. 78652 .... P.O. lOn, Austinl78767 45J.5028 Hotline-MH/MR(24hrs) .472·HELP ABILENE CHURCH (Area Code: 915) Lesbian/Gay Political Caucus P.O.822178767 474-2717 Exodus MCC 1925 Collins/P.O. 2473 6734134 Lesbian/Gay Speakers Group 7115 Burnett Rd. #120 .. TEXAS' LOWEST PRICES ABILENE CLUB (Area Code: 915) ...... 45!HlO5O Walnut SI. PUb 4th & Walnut. 6n-2522 Republican All. Comm ... P.O. Box 1On178767·1 on .. 45J.5028 AMARILLO CHURCH (Area Code: 806) Seth Gay-l.esblan-Bisexual Network .... P.O. 6380178712 .... FROM MCC 2123S. PolkSt 3830064 ...... 479a909 AMARILLO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 806) Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc P.O. Box 9538#334178768 AA (24-hours) 3730025 Womenspace 2330 Guadalupe 472.3Q53 Crisis Intervention 3764251 AUSTIN THEATRE TEXAS' OLDEST WHOLESALER Positive Image .: P.O. Box 23421791

TWT FEBRUARY8 - FE8AUARY 14 1985 PAGE 105 PAGE 104 TWT FEBAUARY8 - FEBRUARY14 1985 Old Plantation 3911 Cedar Springs 949-2398 Dallas AIDS Action Project. P.O.191374. . . .. 522-6900 Crestmont Apts. . 3328 Cedar Plaza 521·2851 Spindletop Apts 5929 Melody Ln 361-9581 Round-Up Saloon. . .3912-14 Cedar Spgs 522-9611 Dallas Alternate 748<3790 Crossroads Market 3930 Cedar Springs 52H1919 Tapelenders 3910 Cedar Springs 5286344 Snakepit. 3136 Routh 871-1955 Dallas Alternative Businessmen's Assoc 522-8477/522-0098 Custom Movers ...... (metro) 2654464 That Special Blend 3833 Cedar Springs 522-3726 Thunderbird Residence (apts.) .4701 Cedar Springs .5233473 Strokes " 3414 Kings Rd . Dallas Emergency 744-4444 Dallas Courier Service 522-5236 Sundance 4025 Maple 526-7302 Doty, Froo (CW. Entertainment) B408501 Travis Hair Co 4527 Travis SI. 5264270 Dallas Gay Alliance P.O.190712175219 528-4233 TWT Magazine 3920 Cedar Springs 521.Q622 Tex's Ranch 4117 Maple 526-9302 Dallas Gay Archives 3930 Cedar Springs . Eagle Leathers 4025 Maple Ave 52&4620 Throckmorton Mine Co 3014 Throckmorton 521-4205 ...... 4117 Maple. Ave 52&4620 Union Jack 3918CedarSprings 528-9604 Dallas Gay Black Coalition P.O. 190712 5284233 Unicom 4125 Lemmon 521-4666 ... 2515 N. Fitzhugh 824-9158 Viewpoint(apartments) .... 10602 Stove Canyon 369-4896 Dallas Gay & Lesbian Engineers & Scientists . Wild Crowd 2515 N. Fitzhugh 82&0916 .... 3136-B Routh 871·7658 VVV Records 390B Cedar Springs 522-3470 ...... P.O. 17298 FI. Worthl76102 881-1291 DALLAS COUNSELING (Area Code: 214) ...... 125 N. Marlboro 941-7500 DALLAS CHURCHES (Area Code: 214) Dallas Girth & Mirth P.O. 1908111752190811 Corley, Andre C.SW 357-2371 Esquire Posters 3527 Oak Lawn #247/75219 Abundant Life Church of Truth P.O.683175221 826-7671 Dallas Motorcycle Club .. P.O.190525175219 826-4528 Affirmation (Methodist) 948-1546 Daire, Harold, LP.C 521-1278 Deaf Action Center 52H)407 Exotic Fish & Birds 6852 Greenville Ave 363-2618 Julian, Debra, M.S 644-8757 EuroTan 4012 Cedar Springs 522-5810 Bethany Presbyterian Church 528-4084 Dignity/Outreach of Dallas P.O.50888/75250 33Q.1063 Turtle Creek Clinic 2601 Welborn... .522-1407 Gasplpe #1 4435 Maple 526-5982 Church of Christ(support group) 522-5115 Drug Treatment Clinic 401 Exposition 82fX!03() Oak Lawn Counseling Ctr 5811 Nash 351-1502 Gaspipe #2 ...... 9191 Forest Lane #5 699-J955 First Unitarian Church of Dallas 4015 Normandy ..... Emergence (Christian Scientists) ..... P.O.2876175221 . Grace Fellowship of Jesus Christ . P.O.29729175229 .243-2924 Whole Woman Center P.O.140504175214 324-8751 Evangelicals Concerned (D/FWChapter) ...... Gene Cloud Construction 35Q.2034 DALLAS DOCTORSIDENTISTS (Area Code: 214) Hair Revue 2525 Wycliff 522-6481 Holy Trinity Community Church .. 4402 Roseland .. 827-5088 ..... Box 532332 Grand Prairiel75053 642-3165 Community Medical Clinic 3906 Lemmon #210 528J030 High Voltage 4008 Cedar Springs 522-5800 MCCDalias 2701 Reagan ~1 Friends & Relatives of Gays 644-8757 Oak Lawn Christian Center .3920 Cedar Springs .528-4233 or DeBrucque, Dr. D.D.S 3608 Howell 522-2000 Gay Academic Union of N. TX P.O.2402175221 821-5833 J&M Residential Cleaning 343-8219 Saginaw, Michael, D.P.M. (foot sp.) .. 3409 Oak Lawn #116 .. Jartran Truck Rental 3704 Maple 526-a498 . . 521-7252 Gay Atheist League of America P.O.190215/75219 ...... 526-5051 Jim Richardson & Assoc. (real estate) 3615 N. Hall ..... Oak Lawn Church of Religious Science .... 34!H!370/744-5554 Gay Cable Network ..... 3203 Hudnall #1135 ..... 528-7485 Turtle Creek Clinic 2601 Welborn 522-1407 at Lee Park 521-3000 DAI,~_CLUBS_We~ Code: 214) Gay & Lesbian Jews ofthe Metroplex 827-91611942-1599 Buddies 3224 N. Fitzhugh 526-0527 DALLAS FITNESS CENTER (Area Code: 214) Gay/Lesbian Young Adults " , .. 5284233 Kingswood Apts 2727 Kings Rd 526-2690 Fitness Exchange ..... 2615 Oak Lawn #101 ..... 526-1220 Linda's Surplus Store 4323 Maple 52tXi601 Club Delman .- 3319 Raleigh " 521-0202 Gayline P.O. 190635 368tl263 DALLAS ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 214) Lobo Bookshop 4008 "O" Cedar Springs 522-1132 C.C 1724 W. Mockingbird 63Hl036 Gay Mensa ...... •.•. . .. 254-2544 Affirmation/Methodist , 5284913 Lone Star Donut Shop ..... 2630N. Fitzhugh 824-1790 Crews Inn 3220 N. Fitzhugh 526-9320 Gay Overeaters Anonymous ...... •.•. . .. 948-3640 Affirmation/Mormon 559-3353 Memorabilias 390BCedar Springs 522-6601 The Crib 6844 Twin Hills 691-2907 Gay Parents ...... •...... 357-3379 AIDS Hotline 351-4335 Memorabillas Boutique, Etc..... 3109 Reagan 52H!217 Eighth Day 2509 N. Fitzhugh ....•..... 827-3765 Gay Unitarians ...... •...... 528-3990 Alcoholics Anonymous (Dallas Lambda AA) 467-7007 Michael Galatis Photography .. 2312 Grand, Loft D .. 5E6-1339 4001 4001 Cedar Springs .....•..... 5224001 Gay Volleyball Assoc. .5266433 (Together Group) .. 298-3297/94HJ492 Millennium (cards, etc.) 3601 Parry Ave 824-7325 Hidden Door 5025 Bowser ....•..... 526-9211 Greater Dallas Info & Referral Service , 747-3711 Alcohol Treatment Center 3949 Maple 5594350 Mockingbird Paint & Body 6650 Harry Hines 3584155 Hideaway 4144 Buena Vista ....•..... 559-2966 Herpes Help Hotline MfW/F-7-11p 742-9888 Bisexual Study Group . 461-1448 Newton, Sandra G. (C.P.A.).3636 Lemmon Ave. #450 .526-5292 High Country 3121 Inwood ....•..... 351-2278 Imperial Court of Dallas .. 10650 Steppingtonf7523O .. 373

,TU R"HI~E;.,\ \,\;\\' \ . " .... \ . . . \ \ JUST MINUTES CREE~\i \ '\ FROM SOUTH PADRE ISLAND \ I \ \ \ I ~ \ \ \ AND MEXICO HAPPY BIRTHDAY I I" C~"Ni'c'\i\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CAL&TERRY I """iI \ \ I \ .••.• ",."• ., ..'" ...... rI I 1\ I 1111 THURSDAY, FEB. 14 I I MINOR EMERGENCIES ' 'II:I, ~'AND GENERAL CARE ~~~~l "VALENTINE SPECIAL" CAPE COD SPECIALS NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ~~ • OPEN· ALL DAY-ALL NIGHT I OPEN 7 DAYS'A WEEK . I WEDNESDAY \ \ MONDAYS: HAPPY HOUR PRICES FOR ALL BOWLERS 1 FRIDAY 'MONDAY-FRIDAY S-9PM .. TUESDAYS: STEAK NIGHT, 7 PM SATURDAY WEDNESDAYS: POOL NIGHT SATURDAY 1OAM-4PM ~I \ ; THURSDAYS: CLUB COLOR NIGHT SUNDAY 12 NOON-~P~', \'i ~ , 9PM-2AM I \ \~\ •I \ I 2-FOR-1 S22~\,1407\'\\ HAPPY HOUR HOME OF: ~ 9PM-11PM a . '. THE THE THE 'it•••••••• MUSTANG CLUB SUNDANCE MONTROSE ' \ V2 MILE OLD HWY. 77 OF HOUSTON CATTLE COMPANY COUNTRY CLOGGERS 2601 WELBORN, DALW ~ " BROWNSVILLE, TX OPEN 7AM MONDAY-SATURDAY 1 (AClOII 110M ""'lIS EI~ , I '''I I (512) 542-9777 710 PACIFIC. HOUSTON. TEXAS 77006 (713) 528·9427 II ~II PAGE 106 TWT FEBRUARY8 - FEBRUARY14 1985 lesbian/Gay Democrats ofTexas ... P.O.64493 ... 82t-4838 Inwood Theatre 5458 Lovers Lane 352-6040 Longhom Bowling Assoc Bob 731-9474 HOUSTON BATHS (Area Code: 713) LutheransConcerned . P.O.88t, Bedfordl76021 .(817)595-1176 DENTON ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 817) Longhom Imperial Council " .. 825-8739 Club Houston 2205 Fannin 6594996 Metroplex Republican P.O.190510175219 521-9638 GLAD (Gay/lesbian Assoc. of Denton) .... P.O.Box 951 .... Lutherans Concerned. P.O.881, Bedford 76109 . (817)595-1176 387-8216 Midtowne Spa.. . 3100 Fannin 522-2379 Narcotics Anon ~9306 National Lambda FD. 470282 478-2872 Pigasus 1314 Rosalie @ Caroline 524-PIGS N.O.W. Lesbian Rights 3108 Routh St. 742-6918 Gay/Lesbian Student Support Group . Nat'l Lambda (your retirement center) 2412 Lipscomb 927'()()71 HOUSTON BUSINESSESISERVICES ...... P.O.10072 NT Statn62O:J.OO72 565-9773 Oak Lawn Block ASSOC P.O.190408175219 . T.C.G.A. Legal Defense Fund 294-2447 (Area Code: 713) Oak Lawn Bowling Association Jim 528-2963 EL PASO CLUBS (Area Code: 915) Tarrant Co. Gay Alliance 926-T.C.GA Advance Travel 10700 NW Fwy 682-2002 Oak Lawn Country Cloggers 4423 Cole #116 52!Xl4B6 Old Plantation 219 S. Ochoa 5330055 T.G.R.A. (Gerald Ford) 429-1465 AIDS Medical Insurance . . 5500017 Oak Lawn Softball Assoc. . 559{)782 San Antonio Mining Co 800 E. San Antonio 54&9903 V.D. Clinic 1800 University 87()'7223 AI's Formal Wear 6563 Fondren (Sharpstown) 778-1830 EL PASO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 915) Oak Lawn Symphonic Band goo.l927 W.A.D.S 5901 S. Hampshire 457·1255 Appearances 1338 Westheimer 521-9450 Oak Lawn Tennis Assoc. 6036 Birchbrook #128175206526-5717 Alpha Plasma Center 720 Texas Ave 532-5322 GALVESTON BUSINESS (Area Code: 409) AudioNideo Plus 1225 Waugh Dr 526-9065 Parents Anonymous (Gay Parents Only) 264-1108 Dignity/EI Paso P.O. Box 26523 . TWTMagazine (713)527-9111 Basic Brothers Clothing 1220 Westheimer .. .522-1826 Peoples Sovereign Court P.O.35532 528-9247 Gala EI Paso P.O.5659/79955 544-7475 GALVESTON CLUBS (Area Code: 409) Beechnut Mgmt. (Montrose Apts.) 830.Q430 Police Harassment Reporting 522-5991/5284233 Gay Switchboard P.O.5659 584-3822 Kon·Tiki 2011 Market .. .. .763-9031 Body Beautiful (Stevens of Hollywood) .. 2143 Westheimer .. FORT WORTH BUSINESSES (Area Code: 817) Presbyterians for Lesbian/Gay Concems 522-7813 Mary's II 2502 Q'/z St 763-9435 .. 522-7477or 651-9750 Pride III 3920 Cedar Springs 5284233 A Discreet Limousine Sar. (24 hr.) 69&5500 Robert's laFitte 25th & Q St 765-9092 Bolton Studios, Inc 6601 Kirby 668-1788 Razzle Dazzle Dallas, Inc 3527 Oaklawn #300175219 Abler Movers (Metro) 263-7007 SPS Club 2214 Mechanic 763-9334 Brian's Bug Bombers (Pest Control) 71)3.5554 Safeplace-Dallas 3527 Oak Lawn #385 69SJ483 Off Hours 5332 Birchman 737-7777 Tramps 627 Winnie 763-1247 Burns & Blackwood Bail Bonds 609 Houston 224-70481224-0305 TWT Magazine (metro) 949-2353 SMU-Gay/Lesbian Stu. Org. . P.O.1636175275 . GALVESTON ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 409) Dimensions in Men (Escort & Dating) 527-8240 STDCllnic 1936AmeliaCt 92().7950 Yours Truly 34QB.A Camp Bowie ..... 334-0122 Metropolitan Community Church .. 1824 Broadway .. 765-7826 Downbeat Records 2111 Richmond 523a346 Suicide & Crisis Center 828-1000 FORT WORTH CHURCH (Area Code: 817) Lambda AA 763-1401 Eagle Leathers 1022 Westheimer 522.()651 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc. (Dallas) c/o DGA . Agape MCC 4615 S.E. Loop 820 535-5002 HOUSTON ACCOMMODATIONS (Area Code: 713) .1735 Westheimer 528-DOCK ...... 3920 Cedar Springsl75219 522-9455 FORT WORTH CLUBS (Area Code: 817) Martinique Motor Lodge 4223 S.w. Freeway 84O&lOO .. 1544 Westheimer. . 524-7383 Texas Show Directors Assoc 5260090 Annex 200 A y, Vacek 332'()190 Texas State Hotel 720 Fannin @ Rusk 227-2271 EuroTan . 3701 Montrose 529-5100 THRF 3128 Lemmon Ave E #304175204 651 Club 651 S. Jennings 332'()745 HOUSTON ADULTNIDEO BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 713) Francisco's Hair 901 Richmond .. 523{)436 (Texas Human Rights Foundation) The Lumber Company 700 S. Jennings 332'()192 Asylum 1201 Richmond . Grey Cards (Postcards, etc.) 869-2281 T.R.A.S.H.of America P.O.36235 522-8464 The Other Place 200 N. Vacek 335-1901 Ballpark 1830W. Alabama . Hair Crops (Hair Design) 6121 Hillcroft (B) 27().6Q40 Turtle Creek Chorale P.O.190806175219 ~ FORT WORTH ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES Mangum Rd. News. . .. 3837 Mangum Rd 956-2991 Hair Plus by Don 2017 Westheimer 526-HAIR (Area Code: 817) Violence Against Gays NGTF Hotline HlOO·221-7044 Stadium Bookstore 4629 W. 34th 663-1886 He & She Productions 2205 Montrose 523-5293 Cowtown Leathermen 335.()196 DALLAS RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 214) Stuciz News 1132W. Alabama .. Jim Higgins & Co 1226Welch 52:Hl935 Crackers 2821 McKinney 827-1660 CrisislSuicide Intervention (24hour help) :J36.3355 HOUSTON ADULT THEATRES (Area Code: 713) Julie Hollingsworth Photography . Bijoux Modeling Agency Hunky's 4000 Cedar Springs 522-1212 Dallas Gay Lesbian Engineers & Scientists . French Quarter 3201 Louisiana 527'()782 ...... 96:J.w.l9 Lone Star Donuts _.. 2630N_Fitzhugh 824-1790 ...... P.O. 17298/Ft. Worth 834-6693 HOUSTON ATTORNEYS (Area Code: 713) Kirby/Beard Assoc. (Insurance) 862-1211 Mother Lode Rest. & Saloon .. Cedar Springs .. opening soon Ft. Worth Gay Pride Assoc. P.O. 3235176113 294-24471877-4419 Danburg, Debra 871-1155 Kwik·Kopy 3317 Montrose 522-1896 Pappy's 3651 Cedar Springs 521-9474 Ft. Worth Sports Assoc 246J573 DeWitt, Clyde (Bd Cert. Crim. Law Sp. . .. 871'()707 Leather by Boots 711 Fairview ...... 526-BOOT Pepplno's Too 3326 Fitzhugh 521-4560 Gay Hotline 92&3521 Green, Bill ...... 864-6418 Leather Locker 2503 Stanford 524-7355 Wok Restaurant. 4006 Cedar Springs 528{)()()() Imperial Court-Golden Lion 87()'1364 Norman, Kyle 900 Lovett, #206 524-4345 Manhole 1963W. Gray 522-1089 DALLAS THEATRES (Area Code: 214) Lambda AA 332-3533 O'Kane, Patricia 3212 Smith #102.. . 526-7911 Montrose Ventures Wholesale ... 2205 Montrose 527-0886 Granada 3524 Greenville Ave 823-9610 Lambda Comm. Center 2412 Lipscomb 92&3521 Telford, Phillip (24 hr.) 66().8621 Movemasters 1925 Westheimer 63().6555


PAGE 108 TWT FE8RUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 109 Club Laradon Greens RdJI45 ~ Muscle Beach T-Shirt Co..... 1340 Westheimer 5234390 Montrose Counseling Ctr. (psychotherapy & alcoholism Dignity (Catholic gays) .. P.O.86821177286 .. 523-7644152&7644 , Fondren SW-7727A W. Bellfort 7~713 Confectlonary 2775 Fondren 782-611) , treatment) 900 Lovett #203 . 5290037 Copa 2631 Richmond 52&2259 Fabre Clinic 526-2320 Original Manline Ltd. (Escorts) 622-5185 Professional Counseling Services 523-7239 Family Connection (youth shelter) 523-6825 Record Rack 3109 S. Shepherd 524-3602 Dirty Sally's 220 Avondale ...... •.... 529-7525 Wm. Scott & Assoc 900 Lovett. 529-1913 Drum 1732Westhelmer 521-2306 Friends of Lesbians & Gays (FLAG) 464-6863 Ron's Hair & Skin Care 1310 Hawthome 521-3(XX) HOUSTON DOCTORSIDENTISTS (Area Code: 713) Frontrunners (joggers) 52().1091 Ron's Hairlines (hair replacement) Eddington's 6121 Hlllcroft ....•.•.... 981-6121 Butler, Ron DDS 427 Westheimer 524-0538 ElJ's 1213 Richmond ...... •.•.... 527-9071 Gay Archives of Texas .. 802 Westheimer 529-7014 ...... 10700 Richmond #267 97~ Chambers, David B. D.D.S 427 Westheimer 524-0538 Gay Fathers of Houston .... P.O.Box 66973 #162 77006 .... Rose's Alterations 6121 Hillcroft (B) m-2900 Exile 1011 Bell 65G0453 Herpes Clinic . HI00423-0200 Galleon 2303 Richmond 522-7616 ...... 627-1158/721-3327 Rosewood Estates 6130 SW Fwy @ Westpark 7ro-7010 Johnson, Dr. (optometrist) 4709 Richmond .... 961-9705 Gay Hispanic Caucus ' 86s.5252 Ruhlman Design 2205 Montrose 527-9698 Hole (Miss Alabama) 109Tuam 52&9128 Martin, Dr. Jerry (Crurcpracton 3233 Wesleyan #191 Hooters 2212 Converse 521-2310 Gay Political Caucus (mail add: P.O. 86664, Houston 77286) R.W. Key & Lock Co 1612 Westheimer 526-2857 ...... 9630080 ext. 1 (meeting at) 4600 Main #217 521-1000 24-houremergency 522-1615 JR's 808 Pacific 521-2519 Martinez, Steve M.D 2801 Ella Blvd. #G 8684535 Just Marion & Lynn's 817 Fairview 52&9110 Gay Rights A.C.LU P.O.86844177006 . Specs Unlimited 4709 Richmond 961-9705 Montrose Clinic 803 Hawthorne info-528-5531 Gay Rights National Lobby 52Hl196 TexEscort (modelslescortslmasseurs) 524-9511 JV's Bar & Grill 402 Lovett 527-9886 business-528-5535 Kindred Spirits 4902 Richmond 623-6135 Gay Switchboard P.O.3624177253 529-3211 Travel Consultants 52!H!464 Smith, Bruce W., DDS 1006 Missouri 529-4364 Greater Montrose Business Build 522-9333 TWT Magazine 2205 Montrose 527-9111 Mary's 1022 Westheimer 528-8651 Strauss, Gerald Z., MD 12 Oak Tower, #1330 87r Ranch 9150 S. Main ~73O Adventist Gays 2615 Waugh Drive .... #167fl7006 ... Rascals 2702 Kirby 524-6272 Houston Gay Pride Week Committee ... P.O.66821177286 .. Church of Christian Faith 217 Fairview @ Taft 529-8005 AIDS Foundation 3317 Montrose, Box 1155 .... 524-AIDS ...... Stan 523-7644 Community Gospel Center 3207 Montrose 521-0011 Ray'S Five & Dime 911 W. Drew ....•.... 520-6176 AIDS Hotline c/o Switchboard . . . .. 529-3211 Rich's 2401 San Jacinto 6500769 ...... Cathy 86s.6256 First Unitarian Church 5210 Fannin St. 526-1571 American Gay Atheists P.O.86711177286 527,9255 Houston Gay Student Assoc.. . . 521-2237 Ripcord 521-2792 MCCR 1919 Decatur 861-9149 American Leathermen 52s.8528 Houston Health Dept...... 1115 N. McGregor 222-4201 Studio 13 1318 Westhelmer 521-90301521-9041 New Freedom Christian Church .. 829 Valel77OO8 .. 863-8377 Astro Rainbow Alliance for the Deaf 924-5074 Houston North Professionals P.O.3840 Humblel77347821-7126 Presbytery of New Covenant (Pres. Ctr.) .... 41 Oakdale .... The 611 Hyde Park @ Stanford 528-9079 . 6450074 (TTY or Voice) Venture-N 2923 S. Main 522.(J()()() Houston Outdoor Gays ...... 697-9553 ...... 526-2585 Bayou B'lu Singers 2029 Singleton 86s.3084 lnqersou Speakers Bureau (Gay Atheist) ... P.O.391177401... Whitney Cafe 428 Westheimer 526-2895 St. Stephen's Epis. Ch 1805 W. Alabama . CHE...... P.O.3045177253 6IJO.3346 Integrity Houston P.O.66008/77286 4J9.1209 HOUSTON COUNSELING (Area Code: 713) The Little Church 704 Fairview 522-7695 Choices Unlimited (Lesbian Social Group) . . 529-3211 Interact P.O.16041177022 529-7014 Fabre Clinic 526-2320 HOUSTON CLUBS (Area Code: 713) Colt 45's 528-9192 Lambda Alanon 521-9772 Gonzales, A.; MSW, CSW 527-9302 Bacchus 523 Lovett 523-3396 Committee for Public Health Awareness P.O.3045177253 Lambda Center For Alcoholics 1214 Joanne 521-9772 Hewes, Ted, M.S.w. (psychotherapy) 6IJ5.0496 Bam '. .710 Pacific 52&9427 Conroe Area Lesbians...... 75&0354 Lesbian/Gay Resource ServoUofH .. P.O.309177004.. 749-1253 Hinble, David., M.D.; Kingan, Peter, M.H.; Treese, Gary, M.S.W. Brazos River Bottom 2400 Brazos 528-9192 Crisis Hotline...... 228-1505 Lutherans Concerned for Gay People ..... 521.Q863168&4931 (Psy. & Family Therapy Cente~ 3400 Montrose #501 Briar Patch 2294 Holcombe 865-9678 Dial-A-Gay-Atheist ...... 457-6660 Mardi Gras Finale 1904 Whitneyl77006 ...... 522-9816 Chicken Coop 535 Westheimer. 526-2240 Diana Foundation 2700 Masonl77006 552.Q329 Men Against Deception P.O. Box 541871177254 .

malnut Herpes .1. §trrrt IS NOT FOREVER CLINICAL: TESTS PROVE Jub REMISSION 4th and Walnut-P.O. Box 2595 GET THE MEDICAL FACTS Abilene, Texas 79604-(915) 677-2522 ON THIS IMPORTANT Drink UPDATE FRI • or Drown --SAT. Feb. 9-- For details and medical doctors J. Christopher referral service in your area Live C & Wand Disco Singer .-;~-.. CALL NOW Half Priced Drink or SUN • Drinks TUES. Drown ~ TOLL FREE Half Priced MON. CLOSED WED. Drinks ~ HERPES MEDICAL GROUP Half Priced 1-800-423-0200 THURS. Drinks

PAGE 110 TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1985 PAGE 111 HOUSTON THEATRES (Area Code: 713) National Assoc. of Business Councils . The Bridge (youth shelter) 806 Wilson Blvd 734-9532 Montrose Area NOW P.O.96714177213 451-5413 Alley Theatre 615 Texas 228-6421 .... P.O.15145, San Francisco, CA 94115 (415)885-6363 Montrose Art Alliance 4307 MI. Vernon 1t2OfT70Cij..... V.D. Testing (Healthline) 222-1810 Diversity Theatre 2600 Hopkins @ Pacific 526-5062 National Assoc. of Gay & Lesbian Democratic Clubs . Montrose Co. Cloggers 4568861 SAN ANTONIO PRIVATE CLUB (Area Code: 512) Greenway III Hwy. 59 @ Buffalo Spdwy. . 626-0402 .. 1742 Mass. Ave. SE, WaShington, DC 20003 .. (202)547-3104 Executive Health Club 723 Ave. B 225-8807 Montrose Guest Recovery House .. 401 Avondale .. 52Ml813 RiverOaks W. Gray & Shepherd 524-2175 National Gay Rights Advocates . Montrose Sports Assoc. . (Director) Steve . SAN ANTONIO RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 512) LONGVIEW CHURCH (Area Code: 214) . ... 540 castro, San Francisco, CA 94114 (415)863-3624 Mixed Bowling Mike Weikert 973-1358 Changes 10130 San Pedro 341.()848 Faith Community Church .... 1116S. Mobberly . .757·733f! National Gay Task Force ..... 805th Ave., NYC 10011 ..... Pool League Debbie 973-1358 Sneakers 722 San Pedro 224-2264 LONGVIEW CLUB (Area Code: 214) ...... (212)741-5800 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND ACCOM. (Area Code: 512) Racquetball Richard 562·7648 NGTF's Crisisline .... (800)221-7044(outside New York State) Volleyball Rey 721-6546 Rainbow Connection .... 2110 S. Eastman Rd..... 757·5593 Lyle's Deck (guesthouse) ..... 120 E. Atol SI...... 943-3B32 LUBBOCK CLUB (Area Code: 806) Montrose Softball League 522-3136 ODESSA CLUBS (Area Code: 915) TEMPLE/KILLEEN CHURCH (Area Code: 512) Lubbock Mining Co 1806 Clovis Hgwy. . . .744-0131 Montrose Symphonic Band . P.O. 666131772aXl613 .527·9454 Nite Spot 8401 Andrews Hwy 366-6799 MCC P.O.1112 443-3332 LUBBOCK ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 806) Montrose Tennis Club Rich 524-2151' Scandals 808 W. 10th 337·9736 TEXARKANA, TX CHURCH (Area Code: 501) Dignity/Lubbock. . . P.O.5460. . 763-6111 Mustang Club, Inc P.O.6flJ741770Cij . SAN ANGELO CHURCH (Area Code: 915) MCC of the Pines '" . P.O.3012/75504 772·16fIJ Integrity...... 839-2809 Operation Documentation 521·1000 MCC P.O.367 942-8115 WACO CLUBS (Area Code: 817) Outdoor GaYS-hiking/camping 697·9553 Lubbock Gay Alliance P.O.64746179464 .. SAN ANGELO CLUB (Area Code: 915) Hush 2812 N. 19th 757'()()77 MCC 7516 Ave. H Suite CI79404 .745-3599 Phase III 10 North Taylor 942·9188 Parents and Friends of Lesbians & Gays Tallulah's North 5th @ Jefferson 753-9189 Student Services for Les/Gays P.O.53702179453 SAN ANGELO ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 915) ...... Houston 464e663 '\II.f Paz y Liberacion P.O.6OOJ63I77200 523-9001 McALLEN CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Gay Angelo Students (GAS) ... P.O.60963176906 ... 942-8115 Bumpers Disco .. . 1617 N. 11V. SI. 687·9922 Pentecostal Family of Montrose 66!Hl259 SAN ANTONIO BATHS (Area Code: 512) Project FOOD (K.SJAIDS Foundation) 524-2427 P.B.D.'s Disco Ware Rd. @ Daffodil. . . .. 562-8019 Club San Antonio 1802 N. Main 735-2467 Rice Gay/Les. Support Group .(c/o Gay Switchboard) 529-3211 MIDLAND/ODESSA CHURCH (Area Code: 915) SAN ANTONIO BUSINESSES (Area Code: 512) Shanti (AIDS Peer Counseling) P.O.3045-77253 MCC P.O.11152179702. . . . 687·2027 Bullfrog Construction 231·2072 Love means never having to say Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc P.O.66973#1194 .... 526-5001 NACOGDOCHES ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 409) Bexar Florist. 112 Mission SI.. 271-3643 Texas Human Rights Foun 626-1200/961·9858 GLAS (Gay/Lesbian Association of Students) . First Star News 6724 San Pedro 826-9057 you're sorry, -Erich Segal .. Stephen F. Austin Univ., Box 5813 75962 .. 58().9606 Unitarian Gay Caucus 5210 Fannin 52().9767 Kevin Wagner Unique Cards/Gifts . 1900San Pedro .733-3555 Women's Encounter Group P.O.920952 #262f77292


Act 3 El Toga Alcatraz Encore Little Peacock Saint Alley Door Entre Nult Locker Service Station Atlantis Fitzhugh North Magnolia's SHver Streak Atlas 4001 Snake Pit Four eeaeone ::fder;!i~·:a~·P. Speakeasy I ~d'!n~:S Fraternity House Male Box Strokes o Baja's Gallery Mark Twain Studio 4 Bayou Gene's Music Box Marlboro Studio 69 ,t Bayou Landing Golden Unicorn Mercy Mary Sundance Lounge Bentley's Half Dollar Midnight Sun Swamp Trash Bon sctr Harwood 5t. Castle Mona Lisa Swinger Hidden Door Moon Dreams Tara J =sc::r Hideaway Club Neda's Terry's Ranch Briar Patch Hideout Nail Texas Music &: Feed Buddies High Country Neptune 'rex's Ranch Burgundy Room Highlander No Name Bar 3 Plus You J.J.'s North 40 Throckmorton Mining Co. Stop JR's NutKracker T.J.'s g~~k·:t;~Ck The Office Club Delman Oak Lawn Transfer Tool8tJx Club Menage ~~~a6ther Place Old Centaur Club R&:R Jugs Old House Unicorn Conference Room John T's Old Plantation Contemporary Country King of Clubs Olive Branch ~&~:~~n~:!!:s Crews Inn La boute Sur La Table Orchard Wild Crowd Wooden Nickle Crews Inn II Landing Patrick's Crews Inn Country La Pegalle Peacock Zila's Band Box Crib La Pigalle Peeples Zoo Dallas Crude Lasso Raintree Landing Detour LePetit Gourmet RamRod Diamond Pegasus Levi Country Reno Dimensions III Lifters Ron Sue's Eighth Day Lil'Landing Round-Up Saloon and others we rorgotttt