K. Maden / Our Nature (2004) 2:53-57 Plant Collection and Herbarium Techniques K. Maden Tribhuvan University Department of Botany Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar, Nepal E-mail:
[email protected] The collection of plants began in the 16 th clipper, heater. century. Later, J.P.Tourefort (ca 1700, France) v) firstaidbox, topographicmaps, computer, used the term herbarium for plants (Bridson binocular and Forman 1999). Plant collections are essentials for taxonomic researches because Collection procedure they serve as voucher specimens. They also Twig with good flowers need to be help to identify the family, genus and species. collected for the specimen. The portion of the So a herbarium is basically a storehouse of specimen should have to contain clear botanical specimens, which are arranged in the phyllotaxy and the branching system. For small sequence of an accepted classification system, herb, collection of more specimens as could and available for reference or other scientific fix on the herbarium sheet (up to six) is study. desirable. In general, secateurs are used to Once mounted and deposited in the cut the twigs, while for a bit height or down, herbarium, the collections are referred to as pruner is used, and for spiny specimens, such herbarium specimens. Such herbarium as Berberis mucrifolia, leather glove is specimens can be stored for many years and required. For ferns and herbs, digger is applied as such, they serve as: (i) historical collection, to take out underground portion. Some plants (ii) reference collection for checking the stem lies horizontally under the ground; for identity of newly collected plants, (iii) as an example, some Salix and Myricaria species.