Brian Azzarello, | 512 pages | 12 Jan 2016 | DC Comics | 9781401257941 | English | United States Bullets - Wikipedia

Looking for a movie the entire family can enjoy? Check out our picks for family friendly movies movies that transcend all ages. For even more, visit our Family Entertainment Guide. See the full list. Five years ago Frank Phoenix robbed The Firm. Betrayed by his own crew and murdered, the stolen gold was never 100 Bullets. Now someone is planning revenge. Well I tried to watch the movie even with it's bad acting but I couldn't due to the horrendous score. Do you have to play such atrocious music in the back ground like throughout the whole movie. But if you did you wouldn't 100 Bullets it to overplay so the viewer can at least experience the movie not the horrible music. And the lead actress - what a 100 Bullets acting. How you tried to be sexually appealing but I don't ever do reviews so I'm gonna keep it short. Movie badmusic worse and acting is under sub par. Looking for something 100 Bullets watch? Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Visit our What to Watch page. Sign 100 Bullets. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. 100 Bullets Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. Director: Virendra Kumar Sahu. Writer: Matthew J. Added to Watchlist. Action genre Movies Share this Rating Title: Bullets 4. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to 100 Bullets the IMDb rating 100 Bullets. Edit Cast Credited cast: Richard Llewellyn The Hitman Kirsten Varley Lucy Terry Scotchmer Terry Stefan Boehm Dylan Ronin Traynor Billy Rachel Chambers Journalist Jon-Paul Gates Steven Regan Tom Davey Gang Member 1 Rest of cast listed alphabetically: Olesya Samuelsson Secretary Matthew Strange Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report this. Add the first question. Country: UK. Language: English. Budget: GBP, estimated. Runtime: 80 min. Color: Color. Edit page. October Streaming Picks. Back to School Picks. Clear your history. bullets products for sale | eBay

As with other noir and pulp characters, both protagonists and antagonists of Bullets are deeply flawed. First appeared in issue 5. The Trust's most powerful member. Augustus is the de facto leader of the thirteen families and has 100 Bullets to 100 Bullets peace to the rivalries that plague the Trust. Since the death of Daniel Peres, Augustus became even more powerful and has consolidated his position 100 Bullets removing the Peres family from power. Other family heads are now plotting against him. Through Shepherd, Augustus monitored Graves and his 100 Bullets, as well as his son. Later events have forced him to deal directly with Graves and accede to Lono's suggestion to pardon Kotias and Vasco for their participation in a failed scheme to assassinate him. It seems that his power is ever increasing, with all the remaining houses dominated by his position. It seems that he had an agreement with Graves and Vasco about protecting Rothstein. With the death of Vasco, both Augustus and Graves agreed to a sit down with the remaining houses, with Augustus prepared to discuss the terms of what he termed his "surrender" to the newly aligned Trust power 100 Bullets Megan Dietrich, Tibo Vermeer, and Joan D'Arcy. Augustus 100 Bullets negotiated the appointment of the House of Vasco to Agent Graves, before stepping down to hand the House of Medici to his son, Benito. In 100 BulletsBenito is killed by the remaining houses, minus Graves. Graves confronts Augustus, stating that he knew his actions would lead to his son's death, but before this can be confirmed, it is revealed Lono is in Augustus' chair. After Dizzy shoots Lono, Graves executes the unarmed Augustus. First appeared in issue 100 Bullets son and heir apparent, mentored by Mr. Shepherd, Benito is a spoiled 100 Bullets reckless young man with a seeming excess of luck who is more interested in gambling than in his responsibilities towards life or the future of the Trust. A botched attempt made on his life on the orders of Fulvio 100 Bullets, as well as Mr. Shepherd's death later on, led him to reassess his priorities. He was pursued by Megan Dietrich but appeared enamored 100 Bullets Dizzy Cordova, whom he tracked down to Mexico. There, he spent time living with Dizzy, Wylie Times and Mr. After 100 Bullets incapacitation at the hands of Victor Ray and an interrogation by Lono, Benito was reminded of his importance within the Medici Family, and to the Trust at large. Returning to the Medici estate in Florida, Benito seemed to have given his future inheritance more thought. He ordered Lono to capture a Minuteman as a 100 Bullets for his father; however when Lono returned with a beaten and bound Dizzy Cordova, Benito shot Lono in the face: an attempt to kill his own family's warlord. Benito then tended to Dizzy's injuries. After Javier Vasco's assassination, Augustus returned home to meet with the remaining leaders of the Trust, from the houses of Dietrich, Vermeer and D'Arcy. The meeting resulted in Augustus' removal of himself from power, and the elevation of Benito to head of the House of Medici. Benito was then immediately found strangled and drowned 100 Bullets death in issue Graves claims Benito's death was engineered intentionally by his father and the younger Trust did it, but it is 100 Bullets hinted that Lono killed him in revenge for Benito's shooting his face. First appeared in issue 4. The series' femme fatale ; a charming, confident yet deadly member of the Trust. Megan had risen to become the head of 100 Bullets Los Angeles-based Dietrich family, also running the family securities firm following the death of her father. A seemingly staunch supporter of the House 100 Bullets Medici and a close friend of Augustus, Megan had a hidden agenda and was not above murder to protect her own interests, also displaying more than a passing interest in Benito Medici. Megan was shot in an intentionally unsuccessful assassination attempt by Victor in San Diego in issue Soon after, 100 Bullets consummated a deeper partnership with Augustus Medici, who was 100 Bullets to convince Megan to not seek retribution for the attempt on her life. Megan's relationship with Augustus appeared to be headed towards a possible marriage, but the relationship was terminated by Augustus. Megan then teamed up with Vermeer and D'Arcy as they plotted 100 Bullets Medici and Graves to realign the Trust under her leadership. In issue 99, she was seen seducing Benito the brand new head of the house of Medici in the pool where he would be found dead in the next issue. She was shown to be possibly both racist and sexist in issuewhen she reacted to Graves' naming of Dizzy Cordova as the new Agent of the Minutemen. First appeared in issue 100 Bullets in a flashback. He was present 100 Bullets the meeting at which he and Axel Nagel approved Graves's ascension to the role of Agent and leader of the Minutemen. He voted in favor of the Trust's dissolution of the Minutemen, on the advice of Graves and despite his reservations. Ultimately, 100 Bullets led to his capture and brutal execution at the hands of the Minutemen in Atlantic City. Javier Vasco's Seattle-based family has historically 100 Bullets viewed as aggressors within 100 Bullets Trust. They have had problems with the Nagel family which were dealt with by the Minutemen, but a rivalry was still evident. Javier was seemingly quite suspicious of the intentions of the House of Medici in restructuring the Trust and eliminating the Minutemen. He had formed a trio of dissent along with Helena Kotias 100 Bullets Fulvio Carlito, planning to eliminate Augustus Medici with the apparent agreement 100 Bullets Graves, in return for his reinstitution. Javier persuaded Axel Nagel to commit suicide, apparently as a consequence of some obligation. It was recently revealed that Augustus, Graves and Vasco were the masterminds behind a decades-long grand plan that is only now becoming clear, which included Vasco feinting the opposition role. His House is eventually handed over to 100 Bullets in the Trust's realignment. Based in Aspen, Colorado, Helena was unhappy with the leadership of the Trust. She was part of the alliance between the Kotias, Carlito 100 Bullets Vasco families determined to remove Augustus Medici from power. The trio met with Agent Graves, offering 100 Bullets to reinstitute the Minutemen in exchange for his help. Based in Dallas, she was another ally of Medici. Graves considered the Simones to be 100 Bullets weakest of the families of the Trust. Mia was close to both Megan Dietrich 100 Bullets the late Daniel Peres, and seemed dismissive of the aggressive influence of the 100 Bullets family within their organisation. She was killed in issue 76 in a fatal fall mysteriously arranged by Remi Rome. Vermeer's true allegiances 100 Bullets motivations are unclear, but 100 Bullets to be largely based in self-preservation. He is killed by Cole Burns in issue Daniel Peres was head of the Peres family and powerful within the Trust. During a summit meeting, Peres delivered a message to Augustus Medici from Graves. Peres tried hard to prevent a war between the former close friends, but 100 Bullets killed by Cole Burns in issue The House of Peres was then absorbed by the other then families. Based in New Orleans. Father of Rose Madrid and a supporter of Augustus Medici in the elimination of the Minutemen, Anwar also had a personal ax to grind against the Trust's former soldiers because of Wylie's doomed relationship with Rose and her subsequent death. Wylie Times killed Anwar Madrid in issue 56 shortly after being reactivated as a Minuteman. First appeared in issue 52 in a flashback. This relationship, which broke the rules of both the Trust and the Minutemen, was doomed due to Rose's involvement with a conspiracy against the House of Medici. Rose 100 Bullets executed by Wylie upon Shepherd's orders, causing a rift between the two men. Rose's relationship with Wylie and her death was one of several reasons why the Trust voted in favor of eliminating the Minutemen. It was revealed in a flashback that Rose's plot against Medici was being manipulated by someone within the Trust, which prompted Wylie to agree to Graves' plan to fake the deaths of the Minutemen. Fulvio Carlito had been openly critical of the direction in which the Trust was heading. He had formed an alliance with the Kotias and Vasco families to terminate Augustus Medici. The trio induced Agent Graves to not interfere with the achievement of their goals. It was revealed that Carlito was behind a failed assassination attempt of both Augustus and Benito in Miami. Lono's first overt action as the Trust's new Warlord was to capture and torture Fulvio for information concerning the alliance in issue 65and to subsequently 100 Bullets eliminate the House of Carlito upon his death. An elder member of the Trust, he seemed as skeptical as 100 Bullets about the abandonment of the Minutemen. His family apparently had disagreements with the Vascos which had to be adjudicated by the Minutemen presumably in a 100 Bullets fashion. Axel was instrumental in approving Graves' elevation as the head of 100 Bullets Minutemen in This was against the wishes of the Trust's then liaison, Mr. Shore, who distrusted Graves' closeness to the Houses of Medici and Vasco. Axel Nagel died in issue 69 after willingly taking poison given by Vasco, who promised Axel to pass the House of Nagel onto his children rather than fold. First appeared in issue 70, they were the twin heirs to the House of Nagel. Before they could 100 Bullets who will lead the House of Nagel, Anna was deceived by Lono. After Lars finished an unexpected business dinner with Vasco and Vermeer, Lono told Anna that Lars was there trying to ally himself with the men who killed their father. Back at their hotel room, Lars unknowingly drank champagne that Anna spiked with lethal pills. When Lars tells his sister that he had decided that she should assume control over the House of Nagel, Anna tried to stop him from drinking his champagne. Already too late, she swallowed the rest of the pills after her brother's death, an act of suicide. The House of Nagel was absorbed by the other 100 Bullets soon after. He also had covert extramarital affairs with some of the female members of the Trust. Instantly recognisable by his white beard and love of cigars, he owned a casino, record label, media outlets as well as other business interests. He received 100 Bullets of the duplicity of Graves and other Trust leaders from Megan's bodyguard, Kate who was another one of Sigmar's sex partners. Rhone was then forced to witness the cold blooded murder of Kate, as well as his wife and young children by Minutemen Victor 100 Bullets and Remi Rome, acting on Agent Graves' behalf. He himself was then executed. In the wake 100 Bullets the elimination of eight Trust families, Joan D'Arcy approached retired Minuteman Will Slaughter to perform hits on Abe Rothstein, a covert ops specialist who assisted Agent Graves with 100 Bullets, briefcases and "magic 100 Bullets, as well as Javier Vasco. She has survived two attacks by Remi, and was being targeted by Victor, until Graves called him 100 Bullets. She participated in a sit down with the remaining houses and Graves. She was apparently suffocated by Cole Burns in issue List of Bullets characters - Wikipedia

The Minutemen and the Trust go down together in a gruesome ballet of death. In this day and age, it's impressive for any ongoing series to reach issues, much less a book that doesn't feature the likes 100 Bullets or Wolverine. What impresses most 100 Bullets Bullets is that, over the course of 10 years 100 Bullets issues, 100 Bullets have been no wasted issues. Each story, no matter how trivial it may have seemed at first, ultimately wove into a greater tapestry. 100 Bullets tapestry now comes completely unwoven with the series finale. It's been a wild ride, to be certain, and it only 100 Bullets wilder in these concluding pages. Issue is nothing if not 100 Bullets long, extended bloodbath. The remaining members of The Trust have gathered to eke out a truce with Agent Graves. Given their history of betrayal over the course of the series, it should come as no surprise that the bodies begin piling up almost immediately. Even as these bigwigs bicker, the remaining Minutemen stand reunited in a full-frontal assault on the Medici Estate. True to the name, I imagine at least bullets fly in this issue, nearly every one hitting its own target. has a great many threads to wrap up in these 100 Bullets 40 pages. What is to become of the Minutemen, twisted enforcers of justice with now only one mission to carry out. What of Augustus Medici and his troubled son Benito. What of the scheming Megan and the rest of the 100 Bullets of the Trust? And, most importantly, what of Agent Graves and his protege Dizzy? It's not entirely safe to say Azzarello wraps up ll the loose ends or offers satisfying codas to these numerous character arcs. Providing a nice, structured conclusion to his stories has never been something Azzarello 100 Bullets known for. But isn't that the idea. Azzarello has spent 10 years exploring violence, morality, and how our culture glamorizes the one and forsakes the other. This issue hammers home just how far characters like Dizzy Cordova have come since issue 1. Many reach their own personal epiphanies in this issue, yet none will be walking gracefully into the sunset by the final page. Few of the characters will be walking at all, in 100 Bullets. So if you can appreciate the story Azzarello has been telling all these years, you wont find much to dislike here. Some characters receive more face time and, thus, a more appealing sendoff. I felt that Loop perhaps boasted the best end to a character arc, but to some extent that all depends on character preference. What Azzarello really hammered home was the idea that Bullets has always been a story about Graves and Dizzy above all others. These two were there in the beginning to usher in the series, and these two are present in its final moments. The final page is initially 100 Bullets in a Sopranos sort of way, but after further reflection it too begins to feel like a right and proper way to send off the book. If nothing else, Azzarello and Eduardo Risso took an image that has been done to death and then some in comics and made it feel fresh 100 Bullets. Speaking of Risso, his work is as fine as 100 Bullets ever been. You can absolutely loathe Azzarello's quirky prose and grim characters and still appreciate Bullets as one of the finest-looking books on the stands. I worried a bit about Risso's work given how uneven some of the issues in the past year have been, but it's clear that the delays allowed Risso 100 Bullets give issue all the attention it deserved. There are extended series of pages where 100 Bullets completely tunes out and allows Risso to carry the story silently. These pages are easily some of the most powerful in the series, and certainly among the best work in Risso's career. If you've followed Bullets down to the final round, issue is a dramatic and powerful finish you won't want to miss. 100 Bullets may not provide closure in every sense of the word, but it's painfully clear the story is finished. Azzarello and Risso are out of ammo, but they went out fighting every step of the way. Now will someone clean up all this blood on the floor? Was this article informative? YES NO. In This Article. Franchises: Bullets. Genres: Action. Platforms: 100 Bullets. Release Date: November 14, IGN Logo Recommends.