Document 1 s22(1)(a)(ii) s47F s47F From: <> Sent: Wednesday, 12 August 2020 2:05 PM To: ABF Media;
[email protected] Subject: Ruby Princess Hi team, I’m working on a story about the Ruby Princess. I understand that Virgin Australia and Qantas both made representations to Border Force (and other agencies) seeking the manifest for the Ruby Princess, so they could prevent passengers from getting on their planes. Both airlines were told the manifest could not be provided to them for privacy reasons (Qantas eventually got it from NSW Health on March 23). Qantas was also told by Border Force that it could not stop passengers travelling, which tallies with what Assistant Commissioner Kylie Rendina told health authorities on March 22 in an email found in annexure 21 here:‐58‐Annexures‐to‐the‐second‐statement‐of‐Dr‐ Jeremy‐McAnulty‐13‐26.pdf In light of representations made to Border Force by the airlines in the wake of the arrival of Ruby Princess, is Border Force in discussion with airlines and/or the airline industry about a protocol for sharing manifests upon request? Could I please get a response by 5pm. Any questions, call me. s47F s47F W Document 2 s22(1)(a)(ii) From: ABF Media Sent: Wednesday, 12 August 2020 2:32 PM To: Kylie RENDINA; Tim FITZGERALD; Danielle YANNOPOULOS s22(1)(a)(ii) Cc: ABF Media; Tharanie VITHANAGE; Jaycob MCMAHON; ABOC; s47F Subject: enquiry on Ruby Princess due at 5pm [SEC=OFFICIAL] OFFICIAL Hi all, Please see our latest enquiry below from s47F (ABC).