Semantic Web 0 (0) 1 1 IOS Press

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 A Shape Expression approach for assessing 4 5 5 6 the quality of Linked Open Data in Libraries 6 7 7 8 Gustavo Candela a,*, Pilar Escobar a, María Dolores Sáez a and Manuel Marco-Such a 8 9 a Department of Software and Computing systems, University of Alicante, Spain 9 10 E-mail: [email protected] 10 11 11 Victor de Boer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Enrico Daga, The Open University, 12 12 13 United Kingdom. Marieke van Erp, KNAW Humanities Cluster, the Netherlands . Eero Hyvönen, 13 14 University of Helsinki, Aalto University, Finland. Albert Meroño Peñuela, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 14 15 the Netherlands. Harald Sack, FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure, Germany. 15 16 16 17 Editors: Mehwish Alam, FIZ Karlsruhe, Germany; Victor de Boer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands; Eero Hyvönen, University of 17 18 Helsinki, Aalto University, Finland; Albert Meroño Peñuela, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands; Harald Sack, FIZ Karlsruhe, Germany 18 Solicited reviews: Jouni Tuominen, Aalto University, Finland; Katherine Thornton, Yale University, USA; Marilena Daquino, University of 19 19 Bologna, Italy 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 Abstract. Cultural heritage institutions are exploring Semantic Web technologies to publish and enrich their catalogues. Several 25 25 initiatives, such as Labs, are based on the creative and innovative reuse of the materials published by cultural heritage institu- 26 tions. In this way, quality has become a crucial aspect to identify and reuse a dataset for research. In this article, we propose a 26 27 methodology to create Shape Expressions definitions in order to validate LOD datasets published by libraries. The methodology 27 28 was then applied to four use cases based on datasets published by relevant institutions. It intends to encourage institutions to use 28 29 ShEx to validate LOD datasets as well as to promote the reuse of LOD, made openly available by libraries. 29 30 30 31 Keywords: Linked Open Data, Data Quality, Libraries, Cultural Heritage 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 1. Introduction creative ways of reusing them [4]. GLAM institutions 35 36 are engaging users and researchers to conduct research 36 37 Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM on the digital collections. 37 38 institutions) have traditionally provided access to dig- The Semantic Web was presented by Tim Berners- 38 39 ital collections. The wide range of material formats Lee in 2001 as an extension of the current Web in 39 40 include text, image, video, audio or maps. which information is structured in a way that is read- 40 41 As technologies have evolved over the years, GLAM able by computers [5]. The Semantic Web is based on 41 42 organisations have adapted to the new environments in a range of technologies that enable the connection of 42 43 terms of new skills, service design or digital research resources, known as Linked Open Data (LOD). 43 44 [1]. Institutions have started to make their collections Applying the LOD concepts to the digital collec- 44 45 accessible for computational uses such as data science, tions provided by libraries has become highly popu- 45 46 Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence [2, 3]. lar in the research community. Many institutions have 46 47 Recently, the Lab concept has emerged as a means adopted Resource Description Framework (RDF) to 47 48 to publish digital collections as datasets amenable to describe their content. In addition, collaborative edit- 48 49 computational use as well as to identify innovative and ing approaches have been proposed using 49 50 and Wikibase to highlight research opportunities in 50 51 *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. community-based collections, as well as community- 51

1570-0844/0-1900/$35.00 © 0 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved 2 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries.

1 owned infrastructure, to facilitate open scholarship tained after the quality assessment; and (c) the ShEx 1 2 practices [6, 7]. The use of LOD enhances the dis- definitions to assess LOD published by libraries. 2 3 coverability and impact of digital collections by trans- The paper is organised as follows: after a brief de- 3 4 forming isolated repositories (data silos) into valuable scription of the state of the art in Section 2, Section 3 4 5 datasets that are connected to external repositories. describes the methodology employed to evaluate LOD 5 6 However, the use of Semantic Web technologies in libraries using ShEx. Section 4 shows the results 6 7 requires complex technical skills and professional of the methodology’s application. The paper concludes 7 8 knowledge in different fields, hindering their adop- with an outline of the adopted methodology, and gen- 8 9 tion. Many aspects must be taken into account such as eral guidelines on how to use the results and future 9 10 the vocabulary to describe the resources, the identifi- work. 10 11 cation of external repositories to create the links and 11 12 the system to store the final dataset. As in the case of 12 13 other types of structured data, LOD suffers from qual- 2. Related work 13 14 ity problems such as inaccuracy, inconsistency, and in- 14 2.1. Background 15 completeness, impeding its full potential of reuse and 15 16 exploitation. 16 The Semantic Web is a web of data that is machine- 17 Bibliographic records published as LOD by libraries 17 readable and includes a collection of technologies to 18 have gained value in contexts outside of the library do- 18 describe and query the data, as well as to define stan- 19 main in order to connect and reuse resources [8, 9]. It 19 dard vocabularies. was introduced by Tim 20 is crucial to provide libraries with higher-quality and 20 21 Berners-Lee [17] as a essential component of the Se- 21 richer for reuse in a linked data environment, 22 mantic Web to create relationships between datasets. 22 not only to create contextual information, but also to 23 Thus, the Resource Description Framework (RDF) 23 facilitate the work of the library staff [10]. 24 [18] lies at the heart of the Semantic Web as it provides 24 Recent studies have focused on the next genera- 25 a standard model for data interchange on the Web and 25 tion of metadata in libraries to develop quality assur- 26 extends the Web’s linking structure by means of URIs. 26 ance practices [11]. Some approaches have assessed 27 In addition, SPARQL provides a standardised query 27 the quality of LOD using several methods and tech- 28 language for data represented as RDF in which a query 28 niques [12, 13]. A preliminary query-based approach 29 can include a list of triple patterns, conjunctions, dis- 29 30 assesses the quality of the LOD published by four rel- junctions, and optional patterns [19]. 30 31 evant libraries [14]. Shape Expressions (ShEx) have Libraries have traditionally provided the descriptive 31 32 emerged as a concise, formal, modelling and valida- metadata of bibliographic records using standards such 32 1 33 tion language for RDF structures, addressing the Se- as MARC. While MARC is the most common for- 33 34 mantic Web community’s need to ensure data qual- mats used by libraries to publish bibliographic infor- 34 35 ity for RDF graphs [15, 16]. However, to the best mation, it presents limitations regarding its use as RDF, 35 36 of our knowledge, none of these previous approaches since MARC was not defined for a Web environment 36 37 provide a user-friendly syntax, systematic and repro- [20]. 37 38 ducible method to assess the quality of LOD published In this sense, several initiatives provide a more ex- 38 39 by libraries based on ShEx as a main component. pressive and modern framework for bibliographic in- 39 40 The objective of the present study was to intro- formation based on Semantic Web technologies. Some 40 41 duce a systematic and reproducible approach to anal- examples include: Functional Requirements for Bib- 41 42 yse the data quality of LOD published by libraries. liographic Records (FRBR), the family of concep- 42 43 The methodology was then applied to four LOD repos- tual models [21], and Resource Description and Ac- 43 44 itories issued by relevant institutions. The collection cess (RDA) specification [22], the IFLA Library Ref- 44 45 of ShEx schemas provided as a result of this study is erence Model (LRM) [23], the Bibliographic Ontology 45 46 publicly available and can be used to reproduce the (BIBO) [24], the Bibliographic Framework Initiative 46 47 results and extend the examples provided using new (BIBFRAME) [25] and FRBRoo [26]. However, trans- 47 48 rules based on additional properties and vocabularies. lating the old records into the new format is not an easy 48 49 The main contributions of this paper are as follow: task [27], since libraries usually host large catalogues, 49 50 (a) a methodology to assess the quality of the LOD 50 51 published by libraries using ShEx; (b) the results ob- 1 51 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries. 3

1 including many types of resources that often requirea ries of 55 intrinsic, representational, contextual and ac- 1 2 manual revision to transform the data with accuracy. cessibility quality metrics [34]. Stardog Integrity Con- 2 3 Several major libraries (e.g., the OCLC, the British straint Validation (ICV) allows to write constraints 3 4 Library, the National Library of France), publishers, that are translated to SPARQL in order to assess RDF 4 5 and library catalogue vendors have applied LOD to triples in a repository [29]. DistQualityAssessment is 5 6 their catalogues in an effort to make these records more an open source implementation of quality assessment 6 7 useful to users. For instance, the Library of Congress of large RDF datasets using Apache Spark [35]. Luzzu 7 8 8 Linked Data Service ( provides access to is a platform that assesses Linked Data quality using 9 9 authority data. The Bibliothèque nationale de France a library of generic and user-provided domain specific 10 (BnF) has published by aggregating infor- 10 quality metrics [36]. 11 mation on works, authors and subjects. The Biblioteca 11 Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) is a World 12 Nacional de España (BNE) has transformed its cata- 12 Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specification for val- 13 logue to RDF and is available at [28]. The 13 idating graph-based data against a set of conditions 14 Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (BVMC) cata- 14 15 logue has been transformed to RDF based on the RDA [37]. As a result of the validation process, SHACL pro- 15 16 vocabulary to describe the resources [29]. The British vides a validation report described with the SHACL 16 17 National Bibliography (BNB) LOD platform provides Validation Report Vocabulary that reports the confor- 17 18 access to the British National Bibliography published mance and the set of all validation results. It provides 18 19 as LOD and made available through SPARQL.2 advanced features such as SHACL-SPARQL that can 19 20 LOD promotes cultural heritage discovery and ac- be used to express restrictions based on a SPARQL 20 21 cess by providing a resource context through the link- query. 21 22 ing of bibliographic catalogue records to external ShEx enables RDF validation through the decla- 22 23 repositories such as Wikidata, GeoNames and the Vir- ration of constraints on the RDF model [38]. ShEx 23 24 tual International Authority File (VIAF). GLAM insti- schemas are defined using terms from RDF semantics 24 25 tutions are increasingly embracing the value of con- such as node which corresponds to one IRI, a blank 25 26 26 tributing information to open knowledge and collabo- node or a literal, and graph as a set of triples described 27 27 rative projects such as Wikidata. In this sense, many in- as subject, predicate, object. ShEx enables defining of 28 28 stitutions have linked their collections to Wikidata by node constraints to determine the set of a node’s al- 29 29 means of dedicated properties. For instance, the prop- lowed values, including their associated cardinalities 30 erty BNB person ID (P5361) at Wikidata links to the 30 31 and datatypes. 31 BNB LOD platform. The linking and enrichment of ShEx also enables the definition of constraints on 32 entities enables combining information from datasets 32 the allowed neighbourhood of a node called Shape, 33 stored in different places and with varying SPARQL 33 in terms of the allowed triples that contain this node 34 endpoints [30]. 34 35 as subject or object. Listing 1 shows an example of 35 36 ShEx to validate entities of type person described us- 36 2.2. Validating LOD 37 ing FOAF. 37 38 38 For researchers, data quality is a key factor when 39 39 choosing a dataset for reuse [13, 31]. In this way, sev- { 40 40 eral methods and tools have recently emerged allowing :givenName xsd:string+, 41 41 to assess the quality of datasets built using Semantic foaf:familyName xsd:string , 42 42 Web technologies. In addition, the research commu- foaf:phone IRI , 43 * 43 nity has highlighted the need for reproducible research 44 foaf:mbox IRI 44 by providing articles, data and code [32]. 45 } 45 46 The development of tools to support data validation 46 47 has accelerated over the past few years [33]. SemQuire # Person1 matches PersonShape 47 48 consists of a quality assessment tool for analysing as- 48 49 pects of quality of particular LOD. It recommends a se- foaf:givenName "Gustave" ; 49 50 foaf:familyName "Eiffel" ; 50 51 2 # no phone number needed 51 4 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries.

1 Table 1 1 2 Comparison of data quality assessment tools for LOD. 2 3 Tool Open source Available Grammar-oriented Installation required 3 4 4 DistQualityAssessment yes yes no yes 5 5 Luzzu yes yes no yes 6 RDFUnit yes yes no yes 6 7 RDF Validator Service yes yes no no 7 8 SHACL yes yes no no 8 9 SemQuire yes yes no no 9 10 ShEx yes yes yes no 10 11 Stardog ICV no yes no yes 11 12 12 13 foaf:mbox (shapes look like grammar rules) and SHACL is more 13 14 constraint-oriented. ShEx provides an abstract syntax 14 Listing 1: A ShEx Shape to validate a person described 15 that can be easily serialized to several formats. SHACL 15 using the FOAF ontology. Person1 matches Person- 16 uses inference (e.g. checking rdfs:subClassOf 16 Shape including the required properties. 17 relationships) while ShEx focuses on RDF nodes. 17 18 Table 1 contrasts all the tools mentioned above to 18 19 There are several implementations of ShEx includ- assess LOD by using the following features: (i) pub- 19 20 ing shex.js for Javascript,3 Shaclex for Scala4 and Java lished as open source; (ii) available for use or down- 20 21 ShEx for Java.5 In particular, shex.js includes a Simple load; (iii) using a grammar-oriented and friendly syn- 21 22 Online Validator6 to provide a configuration file called tax; and (iv) installation required to start using it. 22 23 manifest that can load a schema, load and execute a 23 24 query against a particular SPARQL endpoint, and val- 2.3. Data quality criteria 24 25 idate the nodes selected by the query. The combina- 25 26 tion of the validation tool, the ShEx definitions and The definition of LOD quality criteria has been at- 26 27 the manifests offers a reproducible environment with tracting ever more interest. A LOD quality model spec- 27 28 which to replicate the research result. Work on a col- ifies a set of quality characteristics and quality mea- 28 29 lection of ShEx schemas has also begun for several vo- sures related to Linked Data, together with formulas to 29 30 cabularies .7 calculate measures [43]. A data quality criteria accord- 30 31 The international research community has become ing to which large-scale cross-domain LOD reposito- 31 32 32 increasingly interested in applying and using ShEx for ries can be analysed provides 34 data quality dimen- 33 33 the validation of RDF data. One example is the de- sions grouped into 4 data quality categories [13]. 34 34 scription and validation of Fast Healthcare Interoper- With regard to libraries, a methodology for assess- 35 35 ability Resources (FHIR) for RDF transformations by ing the quality of linked data resources based on 36 36 means of ShEx [39]. Moreover, ShEx is employed in SPARQL query templates has been presented together 37 with an extensive evaluation of five LOD datasets, in- 37 several Wikidata projects to ensure data quality by de- 38 cluding the BNE [44]. Another example is based on 38 veloping quality-control pipelines [40]. ShEx is also 39 Europeana; it describes an approach for capturing mul- 39 used to facilitate the creation of RDF resources that are 40 tilinguality as part of data quality dimensions, includ- 40 validated upon creation [41]. Another approach pro- 41 ing completeness, consistency and accessibility [45]. 41 poses a set of mappings that can be used to convert 42 A new method and the validation results of several 42 from XML Schema to ShEx [42]. 43 catalogues using MARC as a metadata format identi- 43 While ShEx and SHACL behave similarly with 44 fies the structural features of the records and most fre- 44 simple examples, ShEx is more grammar-oriented 45 quent issues [46]. Moreover, an extensible quality as- 45 46 sessment framework which supports multiple metadata 46 47 3 schemas describes the requirements that must be con- 47 4 48 sidered during the design of such software [47]. A pre- 48 5 49 49 6 vious computational analysis is based on art historical 50 shex-webapp/doc/shex-simple.html linked data to assess the authoritativeness of secondary 50 51 7 sources recording artwork attributions [48]. 51 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries. 5

1 A recent methodology provides the dimensions and 3. Methodology 1 2 data quality criteria to assess the LOD published by li- 2 3 braries (see Table 2) [14]. In particular, the dimension This section introduces the methodology to assess 3 4 category includes the criterion Consistency of state- the data quality of LOD published by libraries using 4 5 ments with respect to relation constraints. Let g be the ShEx. The procedure is described in Figure 1 and is 5 6 dataset to assess and prop the list of properties, this based on 3 steps, which are detailed in the following 6 7 criterion measures the extent to which the instance data subsections: (i) identification of resources; (ii) defini- 7 8 is consistent by averaging the scores obtained from the tion of ShEx schema; and (iii) validation. The valida- 8 9 9 single metrics mconRelat,i: tion step’s output is a report describing the results of 10 the evaluation. 10 11 Prior works to assess LOD are based on query- 11 12 n 12 1 X based methodologies that can be complex to repro- 13 m = m (g) (1) 13 conRelatRp n conRelatRp,i duce for non-expert users. We used ShEx in this ap- 14 i=1 proach because: i) it provides a grammar-based lan- 14 15 guage –similar to regular expressions– to define the 15 16 16 Let Rp be the set of all property constraints defined rules with which to assess the data; ii) ShEx schemas 17 in prop, can be reused to reproduce the results; and iii) ShEx 17 18 schemas can be used as a starting point to be extended 18 19 with additional classes and properties. In addition, the 19 20 use of ShEx does not require installing software to use 20 21 Rp = (p, d) | p  prop | (p, d)  g ∧ isDatatype(d) it. 21 22 22 (2) Although LOD repository publications have re- 23 23 cently been on the rise, in some cases and for a num- 24 24 ber of reasons, the URL is no longer available, making 25 25 its reuse difficult. In this sense, their exploitation and 26 Then we can define the metrics mconRelatRp(g) as fol- 26 analysis requires specific knowledge about Semantic 27 lows: 27 Web technologies. Nevertheless, promoting them by 28 28 way of prototypes and reuse examples may help to 29 29 lower the barriers to entry. 30 30 mconRelatRp(g) = In addition to the publication of the LOD repository, 31 31 metadata can be enriched using external repositories. 32 |{(s, p, o)  g | ∃ (p, d)  Rp : datatype(o) = d|} 32 This information can also be assessed in order to iden- 33 |{(s, p, o)  g | ∃ (p, d)  Rp}| 33 tify duplicates as well as to validate the number of ex- 34 (3) 34 35 ternal links. 35 36 36 37 3.1. Identification of resources 37 In the case of an empty set of relation constraints 38 38 (R ), the respective metric should evaluate to 1. 39 p The identification of resources is a crucial step when 39 40 However, in these previous works this criterion is analysing the elements and properties to be assessed 40 41 used to assess only the properties rdfs:range and by means of ShEx. 41 42 owl:FunctionalProperty. A more complete Publication workflows in libraries are becoming 42 43 and detailed assessment based on the properties could ever more complicated as metadata maintenance is a 43 44 be beneficial for potential institutions willing to pub- dynamic and evolving process [49]. In this sense, bibli- 44 45 lish and validate their LOD data. ographic information is stored as metadata using com- 45 46 These efforts provide an extensive demonstration of mon entities (e.g. author, work, date). Metadata comes 46 47 how LOD can be assessed, specifying how each crite- in an increasing number of options, including FRBR, 47 48 rion can be evaluated. Nevertheless, to the best of our BIBFRAME, RDA, (DC),, 48 49 knowledge, no evaluation has been conducted regard- Europeana Data Model (EDM) and FRBRoo. In addi- 49 50 ing the consistency of statements with regard to LOD tion, the vocabulary used to describe the contents can 50 51 relation constraints published by libraries using ShEx. be complex, as in the particular case of FRBR based 51 6 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries.

1 Table 2 1 2 The data quality criteria to assess LOD classified by category and dimension. 2 3 Category Dimension Criterion 3 4 Syntactic validity of RDF documents 4 Accuracy Syntactic validity of literals 5 5 Syntactic validity of triples 6 Check of duplicate entities 6 Intrinsic 7 Trustworthiness on KG level 7 category 8 Trustworthiness on statement level 8 Trustworthiness 9 Using unknown and empty values 9 Check of schema restrictions during insertion of new statements 10 10 Consistency Consistency of statements w.r.t. class constraints 11 11 Consistency of statements w.r.t. relation constraints 12 Relevancy Creating a ranking of statements 12 13 Schema completeness 13 14 Completeness Column completeness 14 Contextual Population completeness 15 category 15 Timeliness frequency of the KG 16 16 Timeliness Specification of the validity period of statements 17 17 Specification of the modification date of statements 18 Description of resources 18 19 Ease of understanding Labels in multiple languages 19 20 Understandable RDF serialization 20 21 Representational Self-describing URIs 21 data-quality Avoiding blank nodes and RDF reification 22 22 Interoperability Provisioning of several serialization formats 23 23 Using external vocabulary 24 Interoperability of proprietary vocabulary 24 25 Dereferencing possibility of resources 25 26 Availability of the KG 26 27 Provisioning of public SPARQL endpoint 27 Accessibility Provisioning of an RDF export 28 28 Accessibility Support of content negotiation 29 29 category Linking HTML sites to RDF serializations 30 Provisioning of KG metadata 30 31 License Provisioning machine-readable licensing information 31 Interlinking via owl:sameAs 32 Interlinking 32 33 Validity of external URIs 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 Fig. 1. Methodology for assessing the data quality of LOD repositories published by libraries using ShEx. 51 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries. 7

Table 3 1 } 1 2 Main entities described by LOD vocabularies used by libraries to 2 publish bibliographic information. Listing 2: A SPARQL query to retrieve the different 3 3 classes stored in an RDF repository. 4 Vocabulary Entities 4 5 5 BIBFRAME Work, Person 6 Once we extracted the main resources described 6 BIBO Event, Agent, Book, Newspaper 7 in the repository and identified their type, we ex- 7 FRBRoo Work, Expression, Person, Event, Place 8 tracted the properties of each class using SPARQL 8 Dublin Core BibliographicResource, Agent, Location 9 queries. For instance, Listing 3 shows a SPARQL 9 EDM ProvidedCHO, WebResource, Aggregation, 10 query to retrieve the different properties used by the 10 Agent, Concept 11 class bibo:Book. In some cases, the fact of match- 11 FRBR Work, Expression, Manifestation, Agent 12 ing text against a regular expression pattern by means 12 LRM Work, Expression, Manifestation, Agent 13 of the SPARQL instruction regex can facilitate the 13 RDA Work, Expression, Manifestation, Agent 14 filtering and exclusion of properties that are not nec- 14 CreativeWork, Book, Event, Person, Organi- 15 essary for a particular purpose. For example, libraries 15 zation 16 may host a long list of distinct roles to describe how 16 17 authors contributed to works (e.g. illustrator, tran- 17 18 scriber or writer) though users may not be interested in 18 vocabularies in which entities typed as Work follow a 19 these properties. 19 hierarchical organisation that includes several layers. 20 Table 3 shows an overview of the main entities in 20 21 SELECT distinct ?p WHERE { 21 LOD vocabularies used by libraries to publish their 22 ?s a bibo:Book. 22 catalogues.8 Each entity may include several proper- 23 ?s ?p ?o 23 ties with different levels of granularity depending on 24 } 24 25 the vocabulary. For instance, DC includes the prop- 25 erties dc:author and dc:contributor, while Listing 3: A SPARQL query to retrieve the different 26 properties used by the class bibo:Book. 26 27 RDA provides a much more expressive vocabulary to 27 28 describe the roles with works, expressions and mani- 28 29 festations. 29 30 The resources are identified by means of the SPARQL 3.2. Definition of ShEx 30 31 query in Listing 2 that shows an example of how 31 A collection of RDF triples can be assessed by 32 to retrieve the different classes stored in an RDF 32 means of a ShEx definition to determine whether 33 repository. Several classes can be used to type the 33 the collection meets the requirements defined in the 34 same resource. For instance, a book can be typed as 34 schema. 35 dc-terms:BibliographicResource, as well 35 According to the entities and its properties iden- 36 as bibo:Book and schema:Book. Resources may 36 37 tified in the previous step, ShEx schemas are de- 37 be identified by descriptive URIs providing a readable fined to assess RDF data. ShEx can be represented 38 description of the entity (e.g. person or work) or using 38 39 in JSON structures (ShExJ) –intended for human 39 opaque URIs based on identifiers that are non human- consumption– or a compact syntax (ShExC) –for ma- 40 readable.9 40 41 chine processing– [15]. 41 42 ShEx has several serialization formats [50]: 42 SELECT DISTINCT ?type 43 – a concise, human-readable compact syntax (ShExC); 43 WHERE { 44 – a JSON-LD syntax (ShExJ) which serves as an 44 ?s a ?type. 45 abstract syntax; 45 46 – an RDF representation (ShExR) derived from the 46 47 JSON-LD syntax. 47 8 48 The prefixes used to abbreviate RDF vocabularies can be found 48 in the appendix (Table 11). Following other approaches [16], the ShEx-based 49 49 9For an overview of URI patterns see, https://www.w3. validation workflow for libraries consists of: 50 org/community/bpmlod/wiki/Best_practises_-_previous_notes, re- 50 51 quested on 9 April 2021 1. writing a schema for the data type in question; 51 8 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries.

1 2. transferring that schema into the library model of and the property involved, together with a textual de- 1 2 items, statements, qualifiers and references; scription. Some examples of errors and their interpre- 2 3 3. writing a ShEx manifest for the library-based tation are: 3 4 schema. 4 5 5 A manifest file includes several properties: (i) a la- – mismatched datatype: indicates that the tool can- 6 6 bel for the schema; (ii) a ShEx schema; (iii) a data label not match an input value with the data type it 7 7 describing the dataset; (iv) a data property including a expects for the value. A common problem is 8 8 SPARQL endpoint; (v) the SPARQL query to retrieve related to the class rdf:langString used 9 9 the data; and (vi) a status property with the value con- for language-tagged string values (e.g. "Pain 10 10 formant. Listing 4 shows an example of manifest file d’épice"@fr) that are validated against xsd:string 11 11 providing a mismatched datatype error. 12 to test entities typed as Person in the LOD repository 12 – missing property: a cardinality indicates that a 13 published by the BNE. ShEx manifests can be hosted 13 property requires at least one value for the prop- 14 on GitHub so they can be used by online services. 14 erty. 15 When defining the ShEx schemas to assess a dataset, 15 – exceeds cardinality: a cardinality indicates that a 16 previous examples of ShEx can be reused as a starting 16 property requires a specific number of values for 17 point. For instance, if a dataset is based on FOAF, we 17 the property. 18 could use previous examples based on this vocabulary 18 to define the new ShEx schema. 19 Prototypes and tools as illustrated in the example en- 19 In addition, the definition of ShEx constraints for an 20 able the reproducibility of the results. Researchers may 20 existing dataset and its validation can be performed by 21 thus replicate, reuse and extend findings, and thereby 21 means of graphical tools aimed at novices and experts; 22 drive scientific progress. Nevertheless, there are some 22 23 they enable combination and modification functional- aspects to consider when using a LOD dataset pub- 23 24 ities allowing the building of complex ShEx schema lished by a library for assessment. For instance, in 24 25 [51]. order to use the ShEx2 Simple Online Validator, the 25 26 DL must provide a SPARQL endpoint via the secure 26 27 3.3. Validation results HTTPS protocol. 27 28 28 29 The last step consists of the conformance of the en- 29 30 tity data from the library with the ShEx manifest de- 4. Assessing the quality of LOD published by 30 31 fined in the previous step. libraries 31 10 32 The ShEx2 Simple Online Validator can be used 32 33 to test and experiment with ShEx. The prototype pro- This section introduces the application of the method- 33 34 vides several examples showing how to use ShEx. The ology introduced in Section 3 to three uses cases based 34 35 validator requires a ShEx expression and a SPARQL on relevant libraries. An additional use case is pro- 35 36 endpoint and query to retrieve the entities in order to vided to show how the methodology can be adapted to 36 37 assess them. The results are shown item by item which other contexts. 37 38 allows fixing possible issues in the definition of the After having identified the main classes and proper- 38 39 ShEx rules. ties for each LOD repository, a file including the ShEx 39 40 The ShEx2 Simple Online Validator allows users to schema was manually created for each class (e.g. bnf- 40 41 select a manifest using a button in the left-hand list. manifestation.shex), detailing the prefixes used and in- 41 42 Once a manifest is selected, a query can be chosen us- cluding the constraints. In order to use the schemas, 42 43 ing a button in the right-hand list. The validate button we created manifests, based on each LOD repository, 43 44 then produces a list of results according to the items containing a list of items described as follows: i) the 44 45 retrieved by the query selected in the previous step. SPARQL query as well as the SPARQL endpoint that 45 46 Users are allowed to edit the schema and query inputs gathers the items to be tested; ii) a label describ- 46 47 in order to re-execute the query and the validation. The ing the schema and the data used; and iii) the ShEx 47 48 list of results may include errors detailing the resource schema used to assess the data. The ShEx definitions 48 49 are grouped by library in a manifest file (see Table 5). 49 50 10 Since ShEx2 Simple Online Validator can process a 50 51 shex-webapp/doc/shex-simple.html manifest file by adding the parameter manifestURL 51 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries. 9

1 1 2 { 2 3 "schemaLabel": "BNE person entities", 3 4 "schemaURL": "https ://raw. githubusercontent .com/hibernator11/ 4 5 ShEx−DLs/ master /bne−person .shex" , 5 6 "dataLabel": "Get 20 items typed as person from" , 6 7 "data": "Endpoint: http ://", 7 8 "queryMap": "SPARQL ’’’select ?item where 8 9 {\r\n ?item rdf:type ns2:C1005\r\n}\r\n limit 20’’’@START", 9 10 "status": "conformant" 10 11 } 11 12 Listing 4: An example of manifest file to test entities typed as Person – that corresponds to the class ns2:C10005– 12 13 in the LOD repository published by the BNE. 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 to the URL to load a schema, execute a query against has focused on four LOD repositories published by li- 17 18 a SPARQL endpoint and validate the nodes retrieved braries –BVMC, BnF, BNB and BNE– that serve as 18 19 by the query, the examples provided in this study are a benchmark and has discussed the methodology em- 19 20 working examples that can be tested and reproduced ployed to evaluate linked data in libraries [14]. Other 20 21 online.11 The project is available on GitHub12 and has approaches provide a list of potential LOD datasets for 21 22 been made citable via Zenodo.13 reuse such as the LOD Cloud14 and the list of SPARQL 22 23 When creating the ShEx schemas, preliminary tests endpoints provided by Wikidata.15 23 24 were performed to pass the validation and after several There are many aspects to consider when using a 24 25 iterations, we succeeded in addressing all the issues. LOD repository. For instance, open licenses and clear 25 26 For some classes that included a large number of re- terms of use and conditions are key when reusing 26 27 sources, the properties were extracted manually, since datasets. Depending on the requirements, a SPARQL 27 28 the SPARQL endpoint produced some errors due to the endpoint may be necessary in order to assess the infor- 28 29 complexity and time of the query. For instance, when mation provided by the repository. Table 4 shows an 29 30 using many properties in a ShEx definition, we may overview of LOD repositories published by libraries 30 31 receive a 414 HTTP error (URI Too Long). and the vocabulary used. 31 32 In some cases, organisations provide a dump file 32 33 33 4.1. Selecting datasets instead of having a public SPARQL endpoint avail- 34 34 able. The Library of Congress, for example, suggests 35 35 The selection of a LOD repository is a critical fac- to download the bulk metadata and use a SPARQL en- 36 36 tor as well as a complicated task since many institu- gine to create custom queries such as RDF4J.16 37 tions are publishing their metadata as LOD. Choosing 37 38 The ShEx Online Validator requires a public SPARQL 38 the right subject ensures the possibility of replicating endpoint that uses HTTPS to test the entities. How- 39 existing results as well as presenting new challenges to 39 40 ever, some organisations do not provide this proto- 40 researchers. col in their services such as the BNE and BVMC. To 41 In this sense, benchmarks provide an experimental 41 42 showcase the re-usability of our methodology to as- 42 basis for evaluating and comparing the performance of sess LOD, we identified datasets in Wikidata and the 43 computer systems [52, 53] as well as the possibility 43 44 current LOD Cloud whose description contains terms 44 of replicating existing results [54]. Previous research 45 such as library, or are included in Sections 2-3, pro- 45 46 viding a SPARQL endpoint via the secure HTTPS pro- 46 47 11See, for instance, 47 48 packages/shex-webapp/doc/shex-simple.html?manifestURL=https: 48 // 14 49 49 manifest.json 15 50 12 endpoints 50 51 13 16 51 10 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries.

1 Table 4 1 2 Overview of LOD repositories published by libraries. 2 3 Institution Vocabulary URL 3 4 4 Biblioteca Nacional de España FRBR 5 5 Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes RDA 6 Bibliothèque nationale de France FRBR 6 7 BNB Linked Data Platform BIBO 7 8 Europeana EDM 8 9 Library of Congress BIBFRAME 9 10 National Library of Finland Schema, 10 11 BIBFRAME 11 National Library of Netherlands LRM 12 12 13 13 14 tocol. As a result, we chose the following datasets for The dataset is accessible through different inter- 14 15 evaluation: faces: (i) a SPARQL online editor; (ii) a SPARQL end- 15 16 point for remote access; and (iii) a web interfaces pro- 16 – BNB Linked Data platform 17 viding a search box to enter a plain text term. 17 – BnF 18 The BNB dataset has been modelled and repre- 18 – National Library of Finland (NLF) 19 sented in RDF using a number of standard schemas in- 19 20 20 In order to show how our methodology can be cluding the British Library Terms, BIBO, the uncon- 20 21 adapted to other domains, we selected an additional strained version of the RDA element sets, 21 22 dataset from LOD Cloud, the Linked Open Vocabular- and DC, amongst others. In addition, the BNB dataset 22 23 ies (LOV).17 has been enriched by means of the creation of links 23 24 The SPARQL endpoints publicly available are used to several external datasets such as Wikidata, GeoN- 24 25 to assess the LOD datasets. The main difference be- ames and VIAF. The Book Data model provides an 25 26 tween the repositories is the vocabulary used to de- overview of the main classes and properties involved 26 21 27 scribe the information, in particular the entities and in the data model. Figure 2 shows a summary of the 27 28 properties. main classes used in the BNB repository. 28 29 BnF and BNB are linked to Wikidata by means of A ShEx definition was created for each class to per- 29 30 specific properties. In this way, and in addition to the form the assessment. As an example, the definition 30 31 ShEx definitions created according to the vocabularies corresponding to bibo:Book can be found in List- 31 32 used by the libraries, we have created a ShEx schema ing 5. All the definitions were included in a manifest 32 33 per library to assess whether the resources linked to file that can be consumed by the ShEx validation tool 33 22 34 Wikidata were typed as human (wd:Q5) via the public [55]. 34 35 Wikidata SPARQL endpoint provided by the Wikidata In addition, we created a further ShEx schema to 35 36 infrastructure. assess the resources linked to the BNB Linked Data 36 37 platform of Wikidata by means of the property BNB 37 38 4.2. The BNB Linked Data Platform person ID (P5361) were typed as human (wd:Q5). 38 39 39 4.3. Bibliothèque nationale de France as LOD: 40 The BNB Linked Data Platform provides access to 40 41 the British National Bibliography18 published as LOD 41 42 and made available through a SPARQL endpoint. The 42 The project endeavours to make the data 43 Linked Open BNB is a subset of the full BNB in- 43 produced by Bibliothèque nationale de France more 44 cluding published books, serial publications and new 44 useful on the Web using Semantic Web technologies. 45 and forthcoming books, representing approximately 45 46 4.4 million records. It is available under a Creative 46 47 19 20 47 Commons CC0 licence. 21 48 48 22See, for instance, 49 49 17 packages/shex-webapp/doc/shex-simple.html?manifestURL=https: 50 18 // 50 51 19 manifest.json 51 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries. 11

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 Fig. 2. Main classes retrieved from BNB LOD platform based on BIBO, SKOS and FOAF controlled vocabularies, and how they interact to 20 21 create meaning. 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 Fig. 3. The ShEx validator interface that uses the manifest file provided for the BNB Linked Data platform to assess each of the ShEx definitions 40 41 showing the results. Online access to run the examples is available at 41 42 42 23 43 The dataset integrates several including Congress and VIAF. The dataset can be used via a 43 24 44 public SPARQL endpoint or as a dump file. 44 45 the BnF main catalogue, BnF archives and manuscripts, An overview of the main classes stored in the LOD 45 46 repository has been extracted and is shown in Figure 4. 46 47 and Gallica. The data model is based on FRBR, FOAF A new vocabulary has been defined to describe roles in 47 48 48 49 and SKOS as main vocabularies and provides links to 49 50 23 50 51 external repositories such as GeoNames, Library of 24 51 12 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries.

1 1 2 2 3 start = @ 3 4 { 4 5 rdfs:label xsd:string ; 5 6 dct:title xsd:string ; 6 7 blterms:bnb xsd:string ; 7 8 dct:language IRI+ ; 8 9 dct:subject IRI * ; 9 10 dct:alternative xsd:string * ; 10 11 dct:description rdf:langString * ; 11 12 dct:abstract rdf:langString * ; 12 13 dct:spatial IRI * ; 13 14 bibo:isbn13 xsd:string * ; 14 15 bibo:isbn10 xsd:string * ; 15 16 schema:isbn xsd:string * ; 16 17 schema:identifier IRI ; 17 18 schema:datePublished xsd:string ; 18 19 schema:name xsd:string ; 19 20 schema:author IRI * ; 20 21 schema:contributor IRI * ; 21 22 blterms:projectedPublication IRI? ; 22 23 blterms:publication IRI? ; 23 24 owl:sameAs IRI * ; 24 25 isbd:P1053 rdf:langString * ; 25 26 isbd:P1042 rdf:langString * ; 26 27 isbd:P1073 rdf:langString * ; 27 28 rdau:P60048 IRI? ; 28 29 rdau:P60049 IRI * ; 29 30 rdau:P60050 IRI? ; 30 31 } 31 32 Listing 5: A ShEx Shape to validate the resources typed as bibo:Book at BNB Linked Data platform. Each line 32 33 corresponds to a property based on a particular vocabulary used to describe the resources. 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 which resources are linked to the Library of Congress ?s a frbr−rda:Work . 37 25 38 subject headings (LCSH). ? s ?p ?o 38 39 Once we extracted the main resources described FILTER (!regex(?p, "roles")) . 39 40 in the repository and identified their type, we ex- FILTER (!regex(?p, "relators")) . 40 41 tracted the properties for each class using SPARQL } 41 42 queries. For instance, Listing 6 shows a SPARQL 42 43 query to retrieve the different properties used by the Listing 6: A SPARQL query to retrieve the different 43 44 class frbr-rda:Work. In this case, 394 unique properties used by the class frbr-rda:Work. The 44 45 properties where identified to define the ShEx schema FILTER instructions exclude the roles and relators 45 46 including a long list of roles. properties. 46 47 47 48 SELECT DISTINCT ?p 48 49 WHERE { A ShEx schema was defined for each class to per- 49 50 form the validation as is shown in Listing 7. As in the 50 51 25 previous use case, all the ShEx schemas were included 51 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries. 13

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 Fig. 4. Overview of the main classes based on FRBR, FOAF and SKOS retrieved from and how they interact to create meaning. 18 19 19 20 in a manifest file that is used by the validation tool as Data environment [56]. The vocabulary collection is 20 21 an input. maintained by the LOV team of curators and is con- 21 22 Moreover, we created an additional ShEx schema stantly growing (749 as of April 2021). 22 23 to check whether the resources linked from Wikidata The data model is based on specifications to de- 23 24 to by means of the property Bibliothèque scribe vocabularies including Vocabulary of a Friend 24 25 nationale de France ID (P268) were typed as human (VOAF) and VANN –a vocabulary for annotating vo- 25 26 wd:Q5 26 ( ). cabulary descriptions–, and additional vocabularies 27 such as FOAF, and DC. 27 28 4.4. National Library of Finland as LOD 28 A ShEx schema for the most relevant classes is pro- 29 29 The Finnish National Bibliography was published vided such as voaf:Vocabulary, foaf:Person, 30 30 as LOD in 2017. The dataset containing about 40 foaf:Organization and lexvo:Language. 31 31 million of RDF triples and based on 32 Since some of the main classes used in LOV such 32 and BIBFRAME, was extracted from MARC biblio- 33 as foaf:Person and foaf:Organization are 33 graphic records. The dataset contains a wide range of 34 used in the rest of use cases of this work, ShEx 34 materials, including books, maps, journals and digi- 35 schemas were reused. In addition, a manifest file was 35 tized documents. 36 created that includes all the ShEx schemas to be as- 36 A ShEx schema was defined for each class based on 37 sessed. 37 (e.g. CreativeWork, Periodical, Person and 38 38 Place) to perform the validation. Properties are mainly 39 39 based on as well as additional vocabular- 4.6. Results and discussion 40 40 ies such as the agent and the unconstrained version of 41 41 the RDA element sets. Groups of related items such In order to assess the datasets, the main resources 42 42 as Periodicals and CreativeWorkSeries were assessed were identified and validated using a random sample 43 43 by means of the properties schema:isPartOf and 44 of 1000 items retrieved per entity and library from 44 schema:has_part (e.g. nlf-periodical.shex). The 45 their SPARQL endpoints. A total of 37 ShEx defini- 45 collection of ShEx schemas were collected in a mani- 46 tions were created to validate the LOD published by 46 fest file that is used by the validation tool as an input. 47 libraries. Table 5 shows the description of the classes, 47 48 4.5. Linked Open Vocabularies ShEx and manifest files used to assess the BNB and 48 49 the BnF. Figure 3 shows the ShEx validation interface 49 50 The purpose of LOV is to promote and facilitate consuming the manifest file and presenting the evalua- 50 51 the use of well documented vocabularies in the Linked tion results for the BNB Linked Data platform. 51 14 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries.

1 1 2 start = @ 2 3 { 3 4 rdfs:label xsd:string ; 4 5 owl:sameAs IRI * ; 5 6 dct:title rdf:langString ; 6 7 dct:subject IRI * ; 7 8 dct:creator IRI+ ; 8 9 dct:contributor IRI * ; 9 10 dct:language IRI+ ; 10 11 dct:description rdf:langString * ; 11 12 dct:created xsd:string * ; 12 13 dct:publisher xsd:string? ; 13 14 dct:frequency xsd:string * ; 14 15 bnf−onto:subject IRI * ; 15 16 bnf−onto:translation IRI * ; 16 17 bnf−onto:electronicEdition IRI * ; 17 18 bibo:issn xsd:string * ; 18 19 rdam:P30135 IRI? ; 19 20 rdam:P30086 IRI? ; 20 21 rdam:P30016 IRI? ; 21 22 rdam:P30088 IRI? ; 22 23 rdam:P30176 IRI? ; 23 24 wemi:workManifested IRI? ; 24 25 wemi:expressionOfWork IRI+ ; 25 26 wemi:electronicReproduction IRI * ; 26 27 } 27 28 Listing 7: A ShEx to validate the resources typed as rda-frbr:Work at Each line corresponds to a 28 29 property used to describe the resources. 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 Table 6 provides an overview of the data quality property score for the BnF can be attributed to the fact 33 34 evaluation. All the assessed repositories obtained a that the property is used to link all types of content 34 35 high score, notably the BNB, the NLF and the BnF. such as countries, persons and organisations. 35 36 The BNB reached the highest score. We applied Regarding the NLF dataset, we identified properties 36 37 constraints to it based on several properties including such as rdaa:P50025 for variant names of corpo- 37 38 dct:title, dct:language or schema:author. rate body entities that provide a list of literals typed 38 39 However, in some cases, the work’s author is miss- as rdf:langString and xsd:string, produc- 39 40 ing and we recommend setting them as anonymous.26 ing a data type mismatch error.27 The node constraint 40 41 The 414 resources typed as foaf:Person and can be updated (e.g., Literal*) to solve this is- 41 42 foaf:Organization fail due to the lack of the sue in order to obtain a better performance. There are 42 43 property schema:name. a number of errors due to the lack of the property 43 44 The BNF obtains a high score, even though that schema:inLanguage, since the ShEx schema re- 44 45 some constraints are violated. For instance, resources quires at least one value for the property. In addition, 45 46 typed as frbr-rda:Expression should provide a more expressive vocabulary such as FRBR or RDA 46 47 a language and there are 12 cases in which the prop- could be used to describe the relationships between ag- 47 48 erty dcterms:language is missing. The Wikidata gregated works in order to differentiate the items in- 48 49 49 50 50 51 26See, for example, 27See, for example, 51 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries. 15

1 Table 5 1 2 Description of the classes, ShEx definitions and manifest files used to assess the BNB and the BnF provided in the GitHub project. 2 3 Library Manifest file Class ShEx file 3 4 4 5 BNB bnb.manifest.json foaf:Agent bnb-agent.shex 5 6 bibo:Book bnb-book.shex 6 7 skos:Concept bnb-concept.shex 7 8 blterms:PublicationEvent bnb-publication.shex 8 9 blterms:ProjectPublicationEvent bnb-publication.shex 9 10 wd:Q5 bnb-wikidata.shex 10 11 BnF bnf.manifest.json foaf:Agent bnf-agent.shex 11 12 frbr:Work bnf-work1.shex 12 13 frbr-rda:Work bnf-work2.shex 13 14 frbr-rda:Expression bnf-expression.shex 14 15 frbr-rda:Manifestation bnf-manifestation.shex 15 16 skos:Concept bnf-concept.shex 16 17 foaf:Organization bnf-organization.shex 17 18 foaf:Person bnf-person.shex 18 19 geo:SpatialThing bnf-place.shex 19 20 wd:Q5 bnf-wikidata.shex 20 21 21 22 volved (e.g. article, work and periodical publications) the BIBO vocabulary. Tables 7, 8, 9 and 10 illustrate 22 23 instead of using the relationships schema:hasPart the total errors per dataset aggregated by class. 23 24 and schema:isPartOf. The results of the assessment are useful for librari- 24 25 The lower score for LOV can be attributed to the ans in several ways since they provide valuable infor- 25 26 lack of values for several properties. Among the LOV mation with which to refine and improve their LOD 26 27 dataset errors are the following: catalogues. It is thus possible to identify potential 27 28 28 – 422 resources typed as voaf:Vocabulary properties that are not properly used to describe the 29 29 without the properties dct:language and bibliographic information. In the same way, they can 30 30 dct:creator. measure the extent to which entities are described by 31 31 – 162 persons without a property foaf:name. means of a sufficient number of properties. For exam- 32 32 – 162 organisations without a foaf:name. ple, a librarian could be interested in assessing if the 33 33 authors contain at least a name, a date of birth and an 34 In general, the ShEx schemas could be improved 34 identifier matching a specific pattern. 35 by setting the constraint owl:sameAs to a more re- 35 The ShEx schemas provided in this study can be 36 stricted cardinality (e.g. 1 or more) in order to identify 36 used as a starting point for other institutions willing to 37 resources that are not linked to external repositories. In 37 assess their LOD. In this way, the schemas could be 38 some cases, the number of resources to test were be- 38 further refined with additional node constraints as well 39 low 1000 given the random selection, such as the case 39 as the incorporation of new vocabularies to assess fur- 40 of the class voaf:Vocabulary from LOV. 40 41 Moreover, some resources may not include suffi- ther datasets. The adoption and use of this methodol- 41 42 cient information to be assessed. For instance, the re- ogy in other contexts is also feasible as is shown in the 42 43 sources typed as skos:Concept only includes a variety of datasets and vocabularies used to assess the 43 44 rdfs:label in the BNB Linked Data platform. In methodology. 44 45 some cases, the same schema can be used for different With regard to the methodology, this approach is 45 46 classes such as blterms:PublicationEvent limited to one data quality dimension. In order to im- 46 47 and blterms:ProjectedPublicationEvent prove the methodology, additional data quality dimen- 47 48 because they are based on the same properties and vo- sions and criteria could be used such as license, com- 48 49 cabularies. The ShEx definitions defined for the BnF pleteness and trustworthiness (see Table 2). In addi- 49 50 are more detailed since the FRBR model provides ad- tion, the ShEx schemas are based on the most relevant 50 51 ditional classes to describe the resources compared to classes in each dataset. 51 16 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries.

1 Table 6 1 2 Evaluation overview for the four datasets. For each dataset we display the total number of triples, the number of classes and properties assessed, 2 the total number of evaluated items, how many tests passed, failed and did time out (TO). The last column shows the result for the data quality 3 3 criterion Consistency of statements with regard to relation constraints. 4 4 5 Dataset Triples Classes Properties Tests Pass Fail TO mconRelat 5

6 BNB 151,779,391 5 20 6872 6377 495 0 0,93 6 7 7 BnF 334,457,101 10 20 8982 8164 818 0 0,91 8 8 LOV 998,333 8 20 4945 4243 702 79 0,86 9 9 NLF 40,000,000 10 20 8977 8161 816 24 0,91 10 10 11 11 Table 7 Table 10 12 12 Evaluation results aggregated by class for the BNB dataset. Evaluation results aggregated by class for the LOV dataset. 13 13 14 Classes Pass Fail TO Classes Pass Fail TO 14 15 15 bibo:Book 1000 0 0 foaf:Person 838 162 0 16 16 foaf:Person 960 40 0 voaf:Vocabulary 361 367 55 17 17 foaf:Organization 626 374 0 foaf:Organization 164 16 0 18 18 skos:Concept 902 6 0 lexvo:Language 186 0 0 19 19 blterms:PublicationEvent 937 63 0 rev:Review 100 0 0 20 20 blterms:ProjectPublicationevent 998 2 0 voaf:DatasetOccurrences 1000 0 0 21 21 wd:Q5 954 10 0 dcat:Distribution 843 157 0 22 22 dcat:CatalogRecord 750 0 0 23 Table 8 23 dcat:Catalog 1 0 0 24 Evaluation results aggregated by class for the BNF dataset. 24 25 25 Classes Pass Fail TO 26 5. Conclusions 26 27 frbr-rda:Work (part 1) 998 2 0 27 28 frbr-rda:Work (part 2) 995 5 0 Libraries are using Semantic Web technologies to 28 29 29 frbr-rda:Expression 988 12 0 publish and enrich their catalogues. While LOD repos- 30 30 frbr-rda:Manifestation 995 5 0 itories can be reused in innovative and creative ways, 31 31 foaf:Person 944 56 0 data quality has become a crucial factor for identifying 32 32 foaf:Organization 1000 0 0 a dataset for reuse. 33 33 skos:Concept 898 102 0 Based on previous research, we defined a method- 34 34 geo:SpatialThings 1000 0 0 ology described in Section 3 to assess the quality of 35 35 wd:Q5 346 636 0 36 LOD repositories published by libraries that uses ShEx 36 37 as a main component. The methodology was applied 37 Table 9 to four use cases, resulting in a collection of ShEx 38 Evaluation results aggregated by class for the NLF dataset. 38 39 schemas that can be tested online and reused by other 39 40 Classes Pass Fail TO institutions as a starting point to evaluate their LOD 40 repositories. Our evaluation showed that ShEx can be 41 schema:Person 997 3 0 41 useful to assess LOD data published by libraries. In 42 schema:PublicationEvent 1000 0 0 42 addition, ShEx can be used as documentation since it 43 schema:Organization 1000 0 0 43 44 provides a human-readable representation that helps li- 44 schema:CreativeWork 991 2 7 45 brarians and researchers to understand the data model. 45 loc:Work 959 28 13 46 Future work to be explored includes the improve- 46 schema:Place 1000 0 0 47 ment of the ShEx definitions and the inclusion of addi- 47 schema:CreativeWorkSeries 585 415 0 48 tional use cases. Moreover, the extension of the ShEx 48 schema:Book 996 4 0 49 validation tool in terms of libraries requirements such 49 schema:Periodical 632 364 4 50 as common classes and properties used by libraries 50 schema:Collection 1 0 0 51 will be analysed. 51 G. Candela et al. / A ShEx approach for assessing the quality of LOD in Libraries. 17

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