Development 126, 2461-2473 (1999) 2461 Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 1999 DEV4144 Reconstitution of the organizer is both sufficient and required to re-establish a fully patterned body plan in avian embryos Shipeng Yuan and Gary C. Schoenwolf* Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, 50 North Medical Drive, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132, USA *Author for correspondence (e-mail:
[email protected]) Accepted 18 March; published on WWW 4 May 1999 SUMMARY Lateral blastoderm isolates (LBIs) at the late gastrula/early and reconstitution of the body plan fail to occur. Thus, the neurula stage (i.e., stage 3d/4) that lack Hensen’s node reconstitution of the organizer is not only sufficient to re- (organizer) and primitive streak can reconstitute a establish a fully patterned body plan, it is also required. functional organizer and primitive streak within 10-12 Finally, our results show that formation and patterning of hours in culture. We used LBIs to study the initiation and the heart is under the control of the organizer, and that regionalization of the body plan. A complete body plan such control is exerted during the early to mid-gastrula forms in each LBI by 36 hours in culture, and normal stages (i.e., stages 2-3a), prior to formation of the fully craniocaudal, dorsoventral, and mediolateral axes are re- elongated primitive streak. established. Thus, reconstitution of the organizer is sufficient to re-establish a fully patterned body plan. LBIs can be modified so that reconstitution of the organizer does Key words: Cardiac mesoderm, Chick embryos, Gastrulation, Gene not occur.