
Th~rsday, March 12, 1953 Page Two THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS Thursday, .March 12, 1953 THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS '• Page Three, and among the Indians and the Eskimos of the Far North, Its out­ Rabbi I. Lewin goes· in to bat against confus1Ilg, · because a new generation t humorists, Sunday night, April 26 troops in lho Faluja pocket. Political I, in. the centre auditorium. post hospitals offer medical assistance where medical core would Ben Gurion's ,bowling. Would Mena- LS born? officialdom in Cairo opposed lt, and uJqr llrstrru 3Jrwisq Nrws hum Beigin be soothed on the . . • • • Edmonton's Beth Shalom The first onnunl PurJm celebration To Address the pocket was eventually wiped out. Announcing to. the Jewish .; be otherwise unattainable; but even more they spread the gospel Tho Leading National Weekly Devoted lo Jewish lnteresls cricket · pitch? They could even Louis Rosenberg, research director HADASSAH of the sisterhood, convened by Mrs. But the EgyptJnns then eXprcssed the Member of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency of healthful living and preventive medicine beyond the borders of equalize the dollar shortage by in- of Cnndnian Jewish Congress, has Sadie Meloff, was procla1mcd a huge hope of being "friends without Community ... Published every Thursday by civilization. Fourth, the Junior Red Cross Interests children in health eluding the number of runs of the ascertained that almost· one ·out of Awarded Seminary Charter success. Assisting were Mrs. Mona Sharon Club •barbed wire coming between us." Galper, Zelda Knlensky Celia Ilalt­ and In International thinking. Through Its International connections Winning side in the budget esti- every four Jewish children of School BAZAA'R EDMONTON, (Special)-The National Academy for Adult 1 Now that Nasser is all-power(ul will J EW I S H N EW S LT D. zan and Suni Silverinan. and through Its excellent children's magazine the J..;nlor Red Cro.ss mates. Perhaps the suggestiori. should age in Montreal attends·a Jewish day Jewish Education affiliated with the Jewish Theological Seminary he r~member it? S .. A. BERG, LL.B., President be placed on the agenda for the next school. Th6 increase has.· been from Highlight was a Purim operetta, Fox Foam Rubber & Fabrics of America signally honored Congregation Beth Shalom of Edmonton TOO PRECOCIOUS DAVE CORNE, Advertising Manager .does a magnificent jab of cutting through racial prejudice where Zionist Congress, or would it be re- one per cent in 1930 to 22 per cent MARCH 15 -16 "South Persia," produced by 1\lrs. Editorlal Offices: 306 Time Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. by granting its Institute for Adult Jewish Education and Institute A patriarehical-1ooking Jew, amb­ ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS AT such cutting through is mast effective. Through its young members gardec! ~s the importation of an in 1952. Of course · the . scctnrlnn • charter. Evelyn Goldenberg, with following Telephones 92-6361 - 92-6362 as cast: Dr. Barney Mass, Dave ling along, was accosted by three it, maintains a convalescent fund and a crippled children's fund alien culture by the Canaanites•? form of education . in Quebec has The Beth Sholom Institute for

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