ISSUE 217 DECEMBER 2017 SAILOR ENDEAVOUR CHRISTMAS OF THE YEAR SAYS FAREWELL CHEER TE TAUA MOana – wARRIORS OF THE SEA CONTENTS NAVY TODAY ISSUE 217 2017 DIRECTORY Published to inform, inspire and entertain serving and former members of the RNZN, their families and friends and the wider Navy community. Navy Today is the official magazine of the Royal New Zealand Navy. Published by Defence Public Affairs, Wellington. Navy Today is now in its twenty first year of publication. Views expressed in Navy Today are not necessarily those of the RNZN or the NZDF. 12 Contributions are welcomed, including stories, photographs and letters. Please submit stories and letters by email in Microsoft Word or the body of an email. Articles up to 500 words welcomed, longer if required by the subject. Please consult the editor about long articles. Digital photos submitted by email also welcomed, at least 500kb preferred. COPY DEADLINES FOR NT 5PM AS FOLLOWS: NT 218 February issue 15 January NT 219 March issue 15 February NT 220 April issue 15 March Subject to change. EDITOR: Andrew Bonallack Defence Public Affairs HQ NZ Defence Force 9 22 Private Bag, Wellington, New Zealand E:
[email protected] DESIGN & LAYOUT: Defence Public Affairs 10 SAILOR OF THE YEAR PRINT: As part of a Government multi-agency 12 ENDEAVOUR SAYS FAREWELL initiative the NZDF has changed to a single issue 217 DECEMBER 2017 provider for all of its Print Services. This magazine is now printed by Blue Star. 17 MANAWANUI’S CLOSING DAYS Feedback to
[email protected] on the quality of this publication is welcomed.