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Adorno, Theodor W. 28, 60, 207, 215, 243–4, BaileyShea, Matthew 181 273, 277 Baker, James 103 on Alban Berg 184, 203, 211 Bakhtin, Mikhail 124 on commodity art 248 Balakirev, Mily 80, 229 on dissolution 204 Ba´lasz, Be´la 35, 36, 115, 123, 124 on kitsch 243–4 Balmont, Konstantin 56, 58, 110 on lateness 227 Banks, Paul 154 on Mahler 198, 199 bar form 180–1, 189–90 on mannerism 203, 263 Abgesang 198, 199, 202, 211–12, 241 on miniaturism 203 Barone, Anthony 25, 29 on mourning 116 Barre`s, Maurice, 175 on pessimism 203 Amori et dolori sacrum: La Mort de Venise 3 on phantasmagoria 217 Bartels, Adolf on Rachmaninov 99, 106 ‘Dekadenz’ 51 on Schoenberg 261, 263, 264, 266–7, 272, Barto´k, Be´la 59, 65, 66, 113, 320 276, 277 Ady songs Op.16 66, 120, 125 on Schreker 215 Bagatelle Op.8 No.14 125 on Schumann 184 Elegy Op.8b No.1 59, 66, 117 on Strauss 253 Five Songs Op.15 125 on Wagner 23, 25, 180, 315 The Miraculous Mandarin Op.21 59, 66, 123 Ady, Endre 49, 115, 120 String Quartet No.1 Op.7 59, 66, 118, 124, 125 Agawu, Kofi 182 Barzun, Jacques 3 Albright, Daniel 246, 247 Baudelaire, Charles 3, 12, 25, 33, 34, 36, 42, 45, Andersen, Hans Christian 64 54, 97, 124, 235, 280 artifice/artificial 3, 25, 32, 34, 36, 49, 60, 72, and l’art pour l’art 66 215–16, 223, 249, 251, 269, 322 on the dandy 65, 71–2 in Huysmans 213–14 Les Fleurs du mal 36, 37, 213 and mannerism 224, 238 and Giraud 277 in Nordau 279 inspiration on Oswald Spengler 26 and the Russian ‘Silver Age’ 229 and mannerism 237 in Schreker’s music 216, 219, 223 and modernity 251 in Strauss’s music 26–8, 242 and morbid states 213 in Wagner’s music 19, 20 The Painter of Modern Life 71 art nouveau 7, 125, 224, 238 and pessimism 70–2 avant-garde 22, 31–2, 57, 60, 97, 228, 245 on Wagner 15 and Wagner 266 Beardsley, Aubrey 124, 125, 278 Bechert, Paul 243, 245 Babylon 44, 266 Beethoven, Ludwig van 77, 79, 82, 185, 194, Bach, Johann Sebastian 196 242, 245, 285–6, 298, 323 Bahr, Hermann 48, 50, 174, 238 Piano Sonata Op.2 No.1 208 Die gute Schule 48 Piano Sonata Op.13 Pathe´tique 78, 82 Nervenkunst 50, 277 Piano Sonata Op.81a Les Adieux 78 Studien zur Kritik der Moderne 48, 239 Piano Sonata Op.106 Hammerklavier 323 361

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Beethoven, Ludwig van (cont.) Calinescu, Matei 32, 244 String Quartet Op.131 119–20 Catholicism 36, 316 Symphony No.3 Op.55 Eroica 177 Cherlin, Michael 267 Symphony No.5 Op.67 176, 177 Chopin, Fre´de´ric 61, 298, 314, 315, 320–6 Symphony No.7 Op.92 176 ‘Chopinesque’ 60, 226–36 Bekker, Paul 222 Nocturne Op.9 No.2 231, 315 Bely, Andrie 56 Nocturne Op.55 No.1 231 Benedyktowicz, Ludomir Preludes Op.28 231, 233 Genealogy of the Secession in Painting and Chybin´ ski, Adolf 86, 95 Sculpture: Its Flowers and Fruits on our convalescence 19, 42–3, 45, 55, 61, 195, Soil 53 281, 282 Berg, Alban 184, 203–13, 260, 269, 315 intoxication of convalescence 195, 281, 296 Piano Sonata Op.1 60, 186, 203 in Mahler’s music 197 Berger, Karol 175, 330 Nietzsche and Schumann 285 Berlioz, Hector 253 in Szymanowski’s music 315, 326, 328, 330 Symphonie fantastique 81 in Wagner’s music 301, 307, 312 Bernheimer, Charles 40 in Wolf ’s music 305 Bethge, Hans 317, 319 see also intoxication Bie, Oscar 256 corruption 139, 178 Bierbaum, Otto Julius 239 Couture, Thomas Binni, Walter Les Romans de la de´cadence 5 La poetica del decadentismo 97 cubism 269 blaue Reiter, Der 269, 271 Cui, Ce´sar 97 Blix, Goran 33 Blok, Alexander 56 Dahlhaus, Carl 7, 29, 206, 207, 228, 236, Bloom, Harold 227 248, 295 bohemianism 51, 54 dandy, the 48, 57, 65, 71–2, 74, 87, 88, 90, 91 Boisson, Maurice 247 D’Annunzio, Gabriele 16, 42, 222, 243, 245 Borchmeyer, Dieter 22 Dante Alighieri Bourget, Paul 39–40, 71, 226, 235 Inferno 107 Essais de psychologie contemporaine 39, 71 Danuser, Hermann 154, 217, 221 Bowlt, John E. 55 Darcy, Warren 127, 136, 185, 197 Brahms, Johannes 28, 184, 209, 212, 245, 258 Darwinian/Darwinism 35, 175, 182, 185, Op.119 No.1 210 207, 279 Sonata for and Piano Op.99 209 Daub, Adrian 215, 223 String Quartet Op.51 No.1 209 Daverio, John 16–17, 286 Brinkmann, Reinhold 269 death 1, 36, 56, 70, 103, 118 Broch, Hermann 242 Baudelaire on 213–14 Brown, Julie 124, 263, 266 in Berg’s music 203 Bruckner, Anton 28, 60, 178, 182 and elegy 73 Symphony No.7 184 and the fragment 116 and Wagner’s death 184 in Karłowicz’s music 65, 73, 92 Bryusov, Valery 55–6 Luka´cs on 114 Buhler, James 198 in Mahler’s music 198 Bu¨low, Hans von 294, 297, 298 in Nietzsche’s music 298 Burckhardt, Jacob 44 Nordau on 280 Der Cicerone: Eine Anleitung zum Genuss der in Schreker’s music 223 Kunstwerke Italiens 224 in Tchaikovsky’s music 80, 81 Byron, (Lord) George 104, 285, 286 in Wagner and Poe 25 Manfred 70, 80, 104, 296 in Wolf ’s music 307 Byronism/Byronic 54, 58, 61, 66, 97, 99–101, Deathridge, John 162, 260, 269, 299–300 104, 105, 106, 110 Debussy, Claude, 229, 320, 324 Byzantium 5, 34, 44, 326 Pelle´as and Me´lisande 7

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decay 1, 7, 25, 26, 28, 29, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 42, and nihilism 247 47, 49, 51, 59, 60, 61, 175 Pater’s portraits 326–30 in Berg’s music 203, 205, 206, 212 in Schoenberg’s music 262 and lateness 227 in Russian art 56 in Mahler’s music 198 and Schumann’s Florestan 283 in Poe 124 in Strauss’s music 158, 161, 171 in Schoenberg’s music 264, 266 and the sublime 199 in Strauss 82, 155, 172, 188 in Szymanowski’s music 313–15, 320 in Wagner 25, 127, 155 in Wagner’s music 82, 153 deformation 1, 17, 32, 39, 185–6, 231, 249 dissolution [Auflo¨sung] 1, 175, 188, 300 in Barto´k’s music 124 in Barto´k’s music 118, 119 in Karłowicz’s music 87 in Berg’s music 203, 204, 211, 212 in Lyadov’s music 231 in Karłowicz’s music 85, 91, 94 in Mahler’s music 195, 198 in Mahler’s music 196, 198, 199, 202 of redemptive model 78 in Schoenberg’s music 266 of sonata form 81 in Schumann’s music 184 in Strauss’s music 83, 194, 252, 254 in Scriabin’s music 106 see also waves, deformations in Strauss’s music 83, 155, 189, degeneration/the degenerate 1, 19, 25, 31, 32, 194, 240 34, 37–9, 40, 42, 43, 46, 53, 56, 57, 59, and the sublime 69 60, 69, 249 in Wagner’s music 133, 299 in Baudelaire 213 Dolar, Mladen 239 in Mahler’s music 196 Donington, Robert 150 in Nordau 279–81 Do¨rmann, Felix 317 in Pater 328 ‘neurotika’ 317 in Schoenberg’s music 266 doubleness 134, 174 in Schreker’s music 214 Drake, Richard 58, 97, 100 in Scriabin’s music 106 Dvorˇa´k, Antonı´n 64 in Strauss’s music 188 in Wagner’s music 74, 82, 126 elegy/elegiac 59, 66, 70, 72–3, 114–25, 184, 204, and wave deformations 175 211, 212 Dehmel, Richard 315 Elgar, Edward 259 Deleuze, Gilles 296–7, 298 end, the/endings 32, 33, 58, 59, 60, 145, Delius, Frederick 259 175, 231 Descartes, Rene´ 115 in Berg’s music 203, 208, 210, 212 De Quincey, Thomas 36 in Brahms’s music 210 Diaghilev, Sergei double endings (in Wagner and Strauss) ‘World of Art’ 55 134–5, 161, 171, 174 Dilthey, Wilhelm 294 and lateness 227 D’Indy, Vincent 229 in Mahler’s music 195, 197, 198, Dionysus/Dionysian 58, 59, 60, 61, 101, 284, 312 201, 202 and the dandy 72 in Rachmaninov’s music 97, 106–7, 111 Dionysian forgetting 152, 153, 162 in romantic music 176 Dionysian intoxication 65, 67–8, 69, 199 in Schreker’s music 219 Dionysian pessimism 65, 66–9 in Scriabin’s music 97, 104 Dionysian Poland 44, 313–15 in Szymanowski 331 Dionysian suffering 174 in Wagner 134, 145, 155, 180–1, 217 in Barto´k’s music 120 Engel, Yuli 233 in Karłowicz’s music 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 91, epigonism 28, 97, 210, 226, 228, 92, 93, 94, 95–6 321, 324 in Mahler’s music 196, 197 ethnosymbolism 2 in Nietzsche’s music 287, 288, 291, 294, Euripedes 297, 298 The Bacchae 326

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exhaustion 24, 40, 45, 69, 78 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 25 see also sickness Lectures on the Philosophy of World History 37 expressionism 7, 24, 95, 124, 224, 238, Hegelianism 35, 59, 176 250, 269 Heine, Heinrich 67 Hepokoski, James 78, 185, 252, 253 femme fatale 47, 161, 186 Heraclitus 35, 36, 297 fin de sie`cle 47, 53, 163, 186, 194, 208, 225, 226, Herder, Johann Gottfried 46, 66 227, 228, 239, 246, 278, 279 Hippius, Vladimir 56 Fitelberg, Grzegorz 96 Hirschfeld, Robert 251, 253 Flaubert, Gustave 36 Hocke, Gustav Rene´ 238 Fontane, Theodor 50 Hoffmann, E. T. A. 176 forgetting/forgetfulness 61, 72, 75, 85, 152, 162, Hofmannsthal, Hugo von 239, 243, 245 294, 295 Ho¨lderlin, Friedrich 17, 67 see also Dionysian forgetting, memory Hollinrake, Roger 19, 283 fragmentation 1, 40, 43, 69, 81, 114, 116, Holloway, Robin 28, 242, 278 183, 248 Homer 324 Franklin, Peter 214 Hough, Bonny 271 Freud, Sigmund/Freudian 42, 93, 186, 238, 249, Huneker, James 271, 272 267, 290 Huysmans, Joris-Karl 4, 34, 42, 237 Frisch, Walter 196 A` Rebours 31, 38, 213–14, 226, 282

Garcia, Emanuel E. 98 Ibsen, Henrik 28, 212, 280 Gasparov, Boris 8, 29 When We Dead Awaken 25 Gautier, The´ophile 36–7 impressionism 7, 53, 214 George, Stefan 239, 262 intensification [Steigerung] 58, 59, 60, 84, 175, Gerstl, Richard 262 212, 249, 300 Geyer, Stefi 118, 119, 122 in Berg’s music 203, 212 Gibbons, Edward in Bruckner’s music 184 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 5 Goethe on 176 Gilman, Richard 30, 47 in Karłowicz’s music 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, Gilman, Sander 255, 256, 257 91–2, 96 Giraud, Albert 61 in Mahler’s music 198, 199, 201 Pierrot lunaire 315 in Rachmaninov’s music 107 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 11, 59, 66, 82, Schoenberg on 179, 208 176, 194 in Schoenberg’s music 261 Wilhelm Meister 12 in Schreker’s music 216 Goode, John 249 in Scriabin’s music 236 Go´rski, Arthur, 53, 54 in Strauss’s music 81, 82–3, 188–94, 240, 242, Graf, Max 260 243, 252–3 Greenberg, Clement 245 Wagner on 176 Grey, Thomas 20 in Wagner’s music 24, 60, 82–3, 206, 299 grotesque 32, 59, 124–5 in wave forms 178, 179 Guattari, Fe´lix 296, 298 in Wilde’s ´ 187 intoxication 42, 58, 67–8, 179, 187, 195, 202, Hailey, Christopher 214 298, 326 Haimo, Ethan 207 in Karłowicz’s music 91, 92, 94 Hamann, Johann 67 Wagnerian musical symbols of, 65 Hanslick, Eduard 251 Ivanov, Vyacheslav 56, 236 Hasse, Carl Iwaszkiewicz, Jarosław 326, 330 ‘Naturalismus und De´cadence’ 51 Hauser, Arnold 237, 238, 241, 242, 245 Jachimecki, Zdzisław 323 hedonism/the hedonist 1, 54, 57, 65, 66, 72, 74, Jackson, Timothy 79 75, 95, 239, 247, 314 Janz, Curt Paul 283, 285

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Jean Paul 194 Lemco, Gary 283–4 Jew/Jewish 161, 255–6 Le Rider, Jacques 48 see also Semitic Lewin, David 138, 209 Jugendstil 7, 11, 25, 47, 188, 259 Lewis, Christopher 5–6 Lie´bert, Georges 286, 287, 298 Kalbeck, Max 187–8, 253 Liszt, Franz 26, 229, 236, 298 Kant, Immanuel Lockwood, Lewis 245 post-Kantian 60 Lodge, Kirsten 47 Karatı¨gin, Vyacheslav 230–1, 233, Lombroso, Cesare 234–5, 236 Genius and Insanity 36–7, 279 Karłowicz, Mieczysław 9, 57, 62, 65, 73, 81, Lorenz, Alfred 180 83, 315 Loos, Adolf 213 Episodes from a Masquerade Op.14 95 loss 32, 60, 64, 69, 72, 114, 115, 116, 121, Rebirth Symphony Op.7 84 199, 297 Returning Waves Op.9 57, 86, 95, 96 Love, Frederick 282, 298 A Sad Story Op.13 92–5 Luka´cs, Gyo¨rgy 114, 115, 123 Stanisław and Anna Os´wiecimowie Op.12 Lyadov, Anatoliy 60, 228, 229, 230–3, 235, 236, 91–2 237, 321 Ka´rpa´ti, Ja´nos 120, 125 Four Pieces Op.64 233 Keller, Hans 248 Prelude Op.10 No.1 231 Ke˛pin´ ski, Antoni 92 Lyotard, Jean-Franc¸ois 69, 93, 118, 123 Kerman, Joseph 119, 254 Kienzle, Ulrike 216, 222, 238 Mach, Ernst 238 Kinderman, William 18, 29, 299 Maeterlinck, Maurice 48, 243, 269, kitsch 6, 7, 60, 106, 242–5, 259, 272, 276 270, 271 Klimt, Gustav 47 Mahler, Alma 199, 282 Schubert am Klavier 282 Mahler, Gustav 7, 28, 116, 194, 212 Koda´ly, Zolta´n 120 The Song of the Earth 107 Korngold, Erich 259 Symphony No.2 195 Die tote Stadt 277 Symphony No.3 195, 197 Korngold, Julius 252 Symphony No.5 196–7, 202 Korsyn, Kevin 209 Symphony No.6 60, 186, 195, 197–202, Krafft-Ebing, Richard von 186 203, 212 Psychopathia sexualis 37 Symphony No.8 195 Kramer, Lawrence 11–13, 29, 79, 153, 162, Symphony No.9 195, 213 163–4, 204, 264 Mallarme´, Ste´phane 56, 97 Kraus, Karl 213, 255 Manet, Claude 26, 27 Kraussold, Lorenz 26 Maniates, Maria Rika 224, 238 Krejcˇı´, Frantisˇek Va´clav 50 Mann, Thomas, 16, 28, 51–2, 61, 134, 172–3, Kurth, Ernst 60, 178, 255, 299, 300, 305 294, 312 on Wagner 255 Blood of the Wa¨lsungs 51 Kurth, Richard 277 Buddenbrooks 4, 51, 219–22 Kuspit, Donald 249–51, 267, 271 Death in Venice 51, 312 Doctor Faustus 225–6 lateness/late work 25–8, 29, 60, on the grotesque 124 227, 239, 245 on miniaturism 225, 226 and Brahms 209, 258 on pessimism 24, 25, 63, 134 and Lyadov 236 on primitivism 314, 315 and mannerism 225, 238 Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man 51 and Scriabin 236 on Strauss as epigone 172–3 and Wagner 301 Tonio Kro¨ger 51 Lee, Sherry D. 215, 217, 222 Tristan 51, 315 Leichtentritt, Hugo 178, 199 on Wagner 24–5, 172–3

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mannerism/neomannerism 26, 60, 224–6, 228, in Scriabin’s music 234 237–45 in Tchaikovsky’s music 77 in Berg’s music 203 Morel, Bene´dict Augustin, 186 in Karłowicz’s music 90 Traite´ des de´ge´nerescences physiques, in Schoenberg’s music 271 intellectelles et morales de l’espe`ce in Scriabin’s music 228, 235 humaine 37, 279 in Szymanowski’s music 321 Morgan, Robert P. 209 Mannheim, Karl 123 Mo¨rike, Eduard 307 Marsop, Paul 184 Morrison, Simon 8–18, 29 Marston, Nicholas 208 mourning 59, 64, 69, 72, 79, 291, 325 Marx, A. B. 203 Ba´lasz on 115 Marx, Karl 237 and elegy 115–18 Matich, Olga 56 in Karłowicz’s music 92, 93, 94 McClary, Susan 102, 163 Mozart, Wolfang Amadeus 324 McCreless, Patrick 300 Murphy, Michael 93 melancholy 3 Musil, Robert 48–9 memory 135, 153, 155, 158 Musset, Alfred de 33 Merezhkovsky, Dmitri 56, 61, 321, 326 Meyer, Leonard B. 180 narcissism 48, 61, 96, 237, 250, 286, 290, Michaelis 79, 80 297, 328 Micin´ ski, Tadeusz, 315, 320 and the dandy 72 Bazylissa Teofanu 314 and Karłowicz’s music 90 Micznik, Vera 195, 197 national identity 2–3 Miłosz, Czesław 52, 53 naturalism 24, 30, 32, 37, 48, 312 miniaturism 17, 19, 27, 43, 60, 226–37, 272, 321 Niemann, Walter 214 in Wagner 19, 23, 69, 221, 251, 254 Nietzsche, Friedrich/Nietzschean 11, 17, 28, 31, Mitchell, Donald 98–9 33, 34, 40–3, 44, 45, 47, 50, 55, 57, 58, Młoda Polska see Young Poland 61, 65, 82, 97, 99, 104, 152–3, 174–5, Moffit, John F. 238 199, 202, 213, 249, 252, 277, 280, Molna´r, Anton 125 281–99, 320, 326, 330, 331 Mombert, Alfred 315 amor fati 95, 122 moment, the 26, 34–6, 38, 40, 48, 161, Anti-Christ 97 181, 248, 251 Beyond Good and Evil 61, 284, 294 in Austro-German music history 175 The Birth of Tragedy 61, 68, 69, 198, 286, 312 and the avant-garde 250 and Byron 80 in Barto´k’s music 117, 119 The Case of Wagner 1, 19, 39, 40, 42, 71, and consolation 70 174, 226 and the Dionysian 69, 296 and Chopin 314 and elegy 114–15 on death 116 and hedonism 72 on decay 281 in Mahler’s music 196 Ecce homo 43, 285, 296, 331 and Pater 231 Eine Sylvesternacht: Musikalische Dichtung and the sensual 249 287, 288 in Strauss’s music 242 Human, All Too Human 284 Moniuszko, Stanisław 323 on hysteria 24 morbid/morbidity 41, 43, 49, 55, 224, 280, 281 influence 4–5, 54, 66, 84, 87, 93, 104, 120, in Baudelaire 213 195–7, 252, 254, 276 and Chopin 315, 321, 322 on intoxication 70, 174, 175 in Karłowicz’s music 96 The Joyful Wisdom 42, 67, 174, 195, 202, 284, and mannerism 224, 238 294, 296 morbid pessimism 97 on knowledge 152–3 in Poe 124 on loss 116 morbid romanticism 97 Manfred-Meditation 61, 285–99

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Nachklang einer Sylvesternacht 287, Simmel on 123 288, 297 in Wagner’s music 24, 25 Nietzsche contra Wagner 41 in Young Poland 54 on nihilism 66–73, 93 see also romantic pessimism; Dionysian ‘On the Uses and Disadvantages of History pessimism for Life’ 295 phantasmagoria 215–16, 217, 219, 225 on pessimism 65, 281 Pick, Daniel 37 and Polishness 313 Pierrot, Jean 36 on redemption 116 Plato 32 ‘Richard Wagner in Bayreuth’ 40 The Republic 37 on romanticism 174–5 Symposium 219 Twilight of the Idols 31, 39 Poe, Edgar Allan 25, 36, 54, 56 on Wagner 5, 7, 17, 18–19, 22, 23, 40–2, 70, The Fall of the House of Usher 124 152–3, 176, 179, 251, 253, 299, 300 Poggioli, Renato 31, 246 The Will to Power 42, 66, 210 Polin´ ski, Aleksander 87 nihilism 51, 57, 65, 66, 69, 70, 100, Polony, Leszek 65, 83, 86, 87, 92–4 247, 248 primitivism 2, 7, 57, 124, 312–13, 315, 316, in Berg’s music 206 317, 328 in Karłowicz, 87, 88, 95 Procha´zka, Arnosˇt 49, 50, 54 in Mahler 195 Prokofiev, Grigori 99, 235 and pessimism 247 Prokop, Jan 314 Nordau, Max 42, 214, 279–81 Przybyszewski, Stanisław 50, 52, 54, 174, Degeneration 34 314, 317 Noskowski, Zygmunt 62, 321, 322, 323 Zur Psychologie des Individuums 314 Nova´k, Arne 64 Pynsent, Robert 36, 37, 47, 48, 49 Nova´k, Vı´te˘zlav Eternal Longing Op.33 64 Rabelais, Franc¸ois 124 Novalis 67 race 51, 114 Rachmaninov, Sergei 9, 58, 65, 97–113, 259 Orientalism 44, 46 The Bells Op.35 [Poe–Balmont] 58, 112–13 ornamentation 1 Francesca da Rimini Op.25 107 ‘A Passing Breeze’ Op.34 No.4 [Balmont] Paddison, Max 204 110–12 Palmer, Christopher 258 Piano Concerto No.2 Op.18 98 Pater, Walter 61, 231, 251, 320, 326–8 Piano Sonata No.1 Op.28 101, 107–8, 110 The Renaissance 34–5 Piano Sonata No.2 Op.31 101, 108–10 pathetic, the 79–80, 82, 84, 86 Prelude Op.3 No.2 106 Pe´ladan, Jose´phin 16 Symphony No.1 Op.13 97, 98–9 pessimism/pessimistic 1, 4, 36, 37, 51, 53, 57, Ravel, Maurice, 320, 324 58, 62, 63, 97, 101, 102, 103, 320, 330 La Valse 124 in Barto´k’s music 114, 122, 123, 124 realism 38 in Berg’s music 206, 212 redemption 41, 43, 61, 176, 246, of Goethe’s Werther 285 297, 300 in Karłowicz’s music 86, 87, 88, 94, 96 in Barto´k’s music 114, 120 in Mahler’s music 195, 202 in Beethoven 177 in Nordau 280 in Bruckner’s music 184 in Rachmaninov’s music 99, 110 in Karłowicz’s music 86, 89, 95, 96 in Schoenberg’s music 276 in Mahler’s music 194, 195, 197, 199 Schopenhauerian pessimism 55, 65, 66–9, and nihilism 247 71, 73, 212, 314, 320, 330 in Rachmaninov’s music 107–8, 109 in Schumann’s music 284 romantic 87, 176 in Scriabin’s music 105, 110 in Schumann’s works 184, 286, 294, 297 and ‘sexual science’ 186 in Scriabin’s music 110

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redemption (cont.) Saar, Ferdinand van 179 in Strauss’s music 82–3, 86, 253 Sabaneyeff, Leonid 98, 106 in Tchaikovsky’s music 79 Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von in Wagner’s works 74, 78, 145, 162, 174, Venus in Firs 16 217, 299 Said, Edward 227, 324 Re´e, Paul 70 Sakhnovsky, Yuri 235 regeneration 29, 41, 59, 61, 62, 249, 271 Schachter, Carl 103 and Bach’s music 196 Schegel, Friedrich 67 and Barto´k’s music 114, 117 Schiller, Friedrich 172 and Szymanowski’s music 315, 326 Schloezer, Boris de 104, 176 Reger, Max 28, 196 Schmalfeldt, Janet 204 Tra¨ume am Kamin Op.143 No.12 227 Schmidgall, Gary 188 Renaissance 237 Schmitz, Eugen 256 revitalization 319 Schoenberg, Arnold 9, 28, 60, 118, 206, 208, Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai 229, 230, 235 250, 251, 258, 315 Pan Voyevoda 229 The Book of the Hanging Gardens Op.15 Ro¨ckel, August 126 [George] 263, 264–6, 269 rococo/neo-rococo, 238–9, 244 and Brahms 210, 212 Rodenbach, Georges as dialectical composer 249 Bruges-la-morte 276 ‘Erwartung’ Op.2 No.1 [Dehmel] 10–11 Rohde, Erwin Erwartung Op.17 [Pappenhem] 254, 255, Psyche 312 264, 271, 272, 330 Rolland, Romain 187, 188, 256 Gurrelieder 259–60, 263, 271 romantic/romanticism 38, 53, 58, 59, 60, Harmonielehre 254–5 70, 101, 122, 175, 176, 212, 216 Herzgewa¨chse Op.20 [Maeterlinck] 186, and art nouveau 224 269–71 communion with nature 120 ‘Ich darf nicht dankend’ Op.14 No.2 decadent romanticism 97, 106 [George] 206–8 romantic doubleness 134 and Jugendstil 7 romantic form 84, 197 Pelleas und Melisande Op.4 270 romantic harmony 93, 102 Pierrot lunaire Op.21 271–8 romantic inwardness 286 String Quartet No.2 Op. 10 261–2 romantic love 66 Three Piano Pieces Op.11 263, 266–9 romantic metaphysics 252 Transfigured Night Op.4 261, 275 romantic mythology 67 Schopenhauer, Arthur 36, 55, 57, 61, 82, 97, romantic neuroticism 69 174, 195, 199, 277, 285 romantic optimism 70, 71 influence 54, 65, 67, 70, 85, 94, 100, 120, romantic pessimism 57, 61, 195, 202, 286, 212, 252 294, 299 The World as Will and Representation 68, romantic sublime 122–4 74, 198 romantic suffering 174, 285 Schorske, Carl 264 romantic transformation of Dionysus 67 Schreker, Franz 7 romantic utopianism 63, 74, Der ferne Klang 60, 186, 214, 238 87, 184 Die Gezeichneten 214 transition to modernism 24, 114 Schubert, Franz 11–13 Rosen, Charles 6, 183, 240 Schumann, Robert 61, 182–4, 281–2, 283 Rosenfeld, Paul 272 Carnival Op.9 288, 294 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Fantasie Op.17 183 The Discourse on the Origin of Inequality 37 Manfred Op.115 61, 285–7, 288, 297, 298 Rowse, A. L. 29 influence on Strauss 183 Ro´z˙ycki, Ludomir 321 influence on Wagner 183 Rubinstein, Anton 228 Scott, Clive 34, 35 Ru¨ckert, Friedrich 194 Scott, Jacqueline 281

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Scriabin, Alexander 56, 58, 60, 65, 66, Stoker, Bram 97–110, 228, 229, 231, 233, 320, 321, Dracula 46 323, 324 Straus, Joseph 185 Piano Sonata No.3 Op.23 101, 104, 236 Strauss, Richard, 11, 28, 57, 58, 59, 60, 65, 154, Piano Sonata No.4 Op.30 101, 105, 106, 161, 239, 249, 251, 315 110, 236 Death and Transfiguration 83, 86, 92, 93 Piano Sonata No.5 Op.53 99, 101, 82, 251 105, 110 Elektra 59, 134, 163–72, 330 Piano Sonata No.7 Op.64 235–6 ‘Fru¨hlingsfeier’, Op.56 No.5 [Heine] 188 Piano Sonata No.9 Op.68 236 influence 65, 81–4, 212, 315, 320, 321 Poem of Ecstasy, The Op.54 236 Kythere 239 Prelude Op.39 No.3 233 and pessimism 65 on Wagner 25 ‘Reˆverie’, Stimmungsbilder, Op.9 No.4 9 on wave forms 176 and Rimsky-Korsakov 229 Scriabin, Tatyana 104 60, 239–45 Scruton, Roger 330 Salome 5, 7, 59, 60, 134, 186, 243, 249, 252, Semitic 161 253, 254–8, 330 see also Jew/Jewish Salome’s monologue 154–63 sentimental/sentimentality 79, 98, 243, 245 288, 324 Thus Spake Zarathustra 19, 91, 251–2, 253 sickness/disease 40, 42, 45, 46, 53, 54, 61, Till Eulenspiegel 252–3 161, 254 and Wagner 154, 167, 172, 249 and Byron’s Manfred 80 Stravinsky, Igor 277, 320 and Chopin 228 sublime 60, 84, 86, 88, 118, 177, 199 and Jewish modernism 256 and the artificial 214 and Karłowicz’s music 91 and the beautiful 122–4 and mannerism 237 Beethovenian sublime 78, 184 and Nietzsche 281 in Byron’s Manfred 80 in Nordau 279, 280 and the comic 196 in Poe 124 and incoherence 152–3 and Rachmaninov’s music 97 and melancholy 184 and Schumann’s music 184, 282, 294 and mourning 115 and Strauss’s music 83 Nietzsche on 69 and Szymanowski’s music 317–19, 320 and the pathetic 79, 80, 84, 86 and Turgenev 70 post-Wagnerian sublime 82 and Wagner’s music 19, 300, 301 Suk, Josef see also exhaustion Asrael Symphony Op.27 64 ‘Silver Age’ 229 Ripening Op.34 64 Simmel, Georg 123 surrealism 238 Simms, Bryan 262, 264, 267 Swinburne, Algernon Charles 54 Słowacki, Juliusz 314 symbolism 7, 8, 30, 32, 34, 35, 47, 49, 56, 110 Solvik, Morten 195 Symons, Arthur 125, 251 Sova, Antonı´n 64 Szczepanowski, Stanisław 53 Spackman, Barbara 42 Szczepan´ ski, Ludwik 55 Specht, Richard 215 Szymanowski, Karol 44, 61, 259, 314–31 Spengler, Oswald, 28, 29, 30 on Chopin and Wagner 325 The Decline of the West 26–8 ‘Die einzige Arzenei’ Op.24 No.2 [Hafiz] on Wagner’s Tristan 26, 27 317–19 Spinoza, Baruch 115 , Op.25 317, 330 Sponheuer, Bernd 201 King Roger Op.46 62, 314, 315, 317, 326–31 Stasov, Vladimir 55 Love Songs of Hafiz Op.26 319 Steinberg, Michael 136 Me´topes Op.29 324 Stendhal 33, 44 Preludes Op.1 321

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370 Index

Szymanowski, Karol (cont.) and 74 Symphony No.3 Op.27 319 Parsifal 5, 15, 17–25, 61, 261, 299–301, 307, ‘Tantris the Fool’, Masques, Op.34 320 310, 318, 319, 320 Three Fragments Op.5 [Kasprowicz] and pessimism 65 315–17, 329 The Rhinegold 126–33, 135, 136, 137, 145, 146, 177, 222, 259 Taruskin, Richard 9–11, 17, 29, 78, 79, 103, 191, Siegfried 92, 143, 146–9, 150, 152, 280 229, 230, 263 and the sublime 177 taste 6, 240, 243, 245 Tannha¨user 12, 15, 85, 180, 217 Baudelaire on bad taste 6 Tristan and Isolde 3, 6, 12, 16, 18, 25, 175, Tchaikovsky, Modest 107 178–9, 222–3, 272 Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Illyich 57, 65, 77–81, 97, 100 as decadent work 16–17 Francesca da Rimini Op.32 107 influence 5, 11, 15, 80, 81, 91, 93, 97, 118, influence on Karłowicz 65, 77, 78, 84, 94 204, 205, 206, 210, 217, 218–19, 252, influence on Rachmaninov 65, 77 258, 263–4, 269–70, 298, 308, 309, 318, Manfred Symphony Op.58 80–1, 86, 93 320, 330, 331 The Queen of Spades Op.68 8–9 and redemption 18 Symphony No.6 Pathe´tique 58, 77, 78–80, Prelude to Act 1 26, 102 81, 88, 93 Prelude to Act 3 181 Tetmajer, Kazimierz 92, 315 resistance to 260–1, 267 Na Skalnym Podhalu 313 Tristan chord 6 Tolstoy, Leo 280 Twilight of the Gods 12, 15, 33, 59, 73–7, 81, What is Art? 280 92, 93, 95, 127, 134–6, 143–6, 147, Trakl, Georg 28 149–54, 155, 331 Turgenev, Ivan 57, 65, 66, 70–1, 77, 80, 81, 87, 100 The Valkyrie 52, 138–42, 146, 150 An Unhappy Girl 86 and wave metaphors 177–9, 182 Enough! An Extract from the Memoirs of a Walsh, Stephen 98 Deceased Man 70, 92 Watteau, Antoine Three Meetings 95 L’Embarquement pour Cythe`re 239 waves/wave forms 42, 58, 74, 83, 86, 88, 89, ugly/ugliness 38–9, 43 175–223 uncanny [Unheimliche] 157, 267 deformations 59–60, 175, 180, 194, 195, 199 degenerations 183 Venice 45, 222, 326 endings 177 Verlaine, Paul 54, 280 in Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde 178–9 Feˆtes galantes 239 Weber, Max 237 ‘Langueur’ 228 Webern, Anton 269 Wedekind, Frank Wagner, Cosima 287 Kitsch 244 Wagner, Richard 3, 11, 33, 48, 57, 59, 60, 61, 69, Weininger, Otto, 258 102, 126–7, 142, 153, 162, 174–5, 184, On Last Things 23 228, 272, 280 Sex and Character 163 The Art-Work of the Future 176 Weir, David 30 and Beethoven 82 Wesendonck, Mathilde 17 The Flying Dutchman 78, 96, 217 Wightman, Alistair 85, 88, 92, 94 ‘Im Treibhaus’ [Wesendonck] 181, 269 Wilde, Oscar 10, 31, 34, 38–9, 161, 227, 243, influence 5, 14, 28, 65, 73–7, 82, 84, 100, 194, 244, 255 212, 215, 223, 233, 263, 268, 275, 298, and Lyadov’s music 230, 231 315, 320, 321 The Picture of Dorian Gray 142 ‘intensive alteration style’ 299–301 Salome´ 186, 187, 188, 189, 194 as magician 153 Winkelmann, Johann Joachim 25–6, 29, 44 The Mastersingers 217 Winthrop, Henry 2 on Nietzsche 282 Wintle, Christopher 134–5, 145, 164, 179, 268

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Index 371

Witkiewicz, Stanisław 313 Yakovlev, V. V. 99, 100–1 Witkiewicz, Stanisław Ignacy (Witkacy) 320 Youens, Susan 306 Insatiability 320 Young Poland 53, 57 Wolf, Hugo 11–14, 28, 61, 301–12 ‘An den Schlaf’ [Mo¨rike] 61, 307, 309 Zajaczkowski, Henry 77 ‘Schon streckt’ ich aus im Bett die mu¨den Zeiger, Melissa 73 Glieder’ [Italian Songbook] 61, 309 Z˙ elen´ ski, Władysław 62, 321–2, 323 ‘Seufzer’ [Mo¨rike] 61, 301 Zemlinsky, Alexander 7, 259 ‘Wer sich der Einsamkeit’ [Goethe] 12 Lyric Symphony Op.18 259 wonder 153 Zˇ izˇek, Slavoj 239 Wyspian´ ski, Stanisław 54 Zola, E´ mile 37, 280

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