ACRL 2015

Roberta Richards Experience Portland Parks, hikes, and day trips

he London magazine Monocal listed Port- Convention Center is , just a Tland, , as one of the top 25 cities few blocks (or two short stops on Max Light where citizens of the world might want to Rail) to the east, a pleasant place to grab a live, the only U.S. city to make the list. Port- breath of fresh air. Some impressive parks on land received this accolade in part because the east side of Portland include Laurelhurst of the residents’ “vigorous lifestyles (one Park (accessible from #14 and #20 TriMet could theoretically ski and surf on the same bus lines), with lovely meadows and a pic- day).” While you won’t often see a surfboard turesque pond with a small island refuge for and skis in local wild- our Subarus life. Over- at the same look Park time, it is (accessible true that from MAX Portland- Yellow Line) ers love to is on a bluff be outside. overlooking Raining or Portland’s not, Or- downtown egon’s ver- and West dant land- Hills areas. scape and Mt. Tabor Mt. Tabor Park, with downtown Portland in the background. Photo dramatic ge- credit: dolanh, Park (ac- ography cre- cessible ate outdoor areas begging to be explored. All from the #15 TriMet bus line) is on the site that moisture has a silver lining: lush gardens of an extinct volcano, the caldera of which is and forests, sparkling streams and rivers, and now an amphitheater for free summer con- the snow-capped Cascade mountains as a certs and plays. With its acres of hiking and backdrop. Visitors to Oregon are invited to biking trails, open-water reservoirs, fabulous bring a raincoat and explore the outdoors. views of downtown Portland at sunset, and eclectic denizens, who make all sorts of cre- Portland parks Parks small and large dot the Portland map (, perhaps Roberta Richards is reference and instruction librarian at Portland Community College Library-Southeast another reason a Londoner might feel at Campus, email: [email protected] home. The closest greenspace to the Oregon © 2015 Roberta Richards

C&RL News January 2015 20 ative uses of the space, Mt. Tabor is regularly Portland hikes voted Portland’s most popular park. Would you like to stretch your legs without Downtown Portland on the west side of getting your feet muddy? The Eastbank the Willamette (pronounced will-AM-it) River Esplanade-Tom McCall Waterfront Park is scattered with parks. Waterfront Park Loop trail (less than three miles, all paved) offers a long stretch of greenspace along runs along both sides of the , the Willamette, with great views of the city’s crossing on the to the north many bridges. Your downtown Portland map and to the south (http:// ( maps-of- park-east- portland/; bank-espla- http://port- nade-loop/). landmap. You can start com/) will the loop at guide you any point, to other ur- although it ban respites, is easier to including navigate Director your way Park, Keller to the river Fountain from the Park, Terry downtown Schrunk , part of a three-mile loop trail. Photo credit: Alan side. In this P. Scott. Plaza, and urban river Chapman and Lownsdale Squares. Mill walk, you’ll encounter the many faces of Port- Ends Park, which made the record books land, including a chic dining and shopping as the world’s smallest park with a diameter area, a small marina, and scores of bicyclists. of about two feet, is a whimsical part of On the west (downtown) side, be sure to downtown Portland that often attracts guerilla enjoy the Fountain, decoration. North and , which varies its intensity based on the time of which run day, and a com- to admire bined 12 the skate- blocks be- boarders tween 8th under the and 9th Burnside Avenues, Bridge. On provide a the east tree-lined side, you entrance to can take . Photo credit: Graham Ballantyne, a number /adsLbM one of of cultural the ramps institutions, including Portland State Univer- down to the boat docks right on the water. sity and the Portland Art Museum. In the Pearl On either side, you may encounter a few District immediately north of downtown, colorful characters straight out of Portlandia. home to the legendary Powells Bookstore, If you don’t mind a little mud, try out the and Tanner Springs Parks multi-modal 4T (Train, Trail, Tram and are splendid public spaces where families and Trolley) hike, a unique way to experience hipsters rub shoulders. the diversity of Portland’s urban and natural

January 2015 21 C&RL News landscape ( in the background is unparalleled. On any From downtown or the Convention Center, sort of day, Hoyt provides 187 your first T is the Train—take Max Light Rail ridge-top acres of well-maintained hiking to Washington Park Station. After exploring trails and more than 1,400 species of trees in a the subterranean station, take the elevator setting of serene beauty. (A tip for spring hik- 260 feet to ground level and then pick up ing in Portland: be prepared for muddy trails the well-marked Trail. You have your choice and a persistent misty drizzle, but the lush for- of a 3.5 est canopy mile urban keeps out trail or a 4.1 much of the mile forest rain.) trail, both of For a which climb wilder hik- to Council ing experi- Crest Park, ence, visit Portland’s Forest Park highest (accessible point with from the fabulous #15 Mont- vistas. Both . Photo credit: Alan P. Scott. gomery Park trails next TriMet bus lead you to “Pill Hill” on the campus of Or- line), the largest urban forest in the United egon Health & Science University for your States ( next T, the iconic Portland Aerial Tram, which /forest-park/). This so-called urban wil- will whisk you 3,300 linear feet downhill in 3 derness allows you to experience old- minutes, with panoramic growth trees and rigorous views of the city and the northwest forest hiking Cascade mountains. From without leaving the city the bottom of the hill limits. Forest Park spans pick up your final T, the more than eight miles Portland Trolley, back to of hillside overlooking the heart of downtown. Northwest Portland and You can also skip all the Willamette River, and the T’s and just walk includes more than 80 around Washington miles of soft-surface trails Park, the crown jewel of and forest roads for heart- Portland parks (http:// thumping exercise in a washingtonparkpdx. deep forest setting. org/). This 410-acre park You can access these is home to the Oregon trails at multiple loca- Zoo, the Japanese Gar- tions, including the den, the International Audubon Society’s beau- Rose Test Garden, Port- tiful Nature Sanctuary. land Children’s Museum, Oregon trails. Photo credit Alan P. Scott One of the access points , Oregon Holocaust to Forest Park, Macleay Park, is just beyond Memorial, , one of Portland’s downtown Portland’s tony Pearl District, so best playgrounds, and miles of lovely hiking you can enjoy some genuine forest hiking trails. On clear days, the view from the Rose and some world-class cuisine in the same Garden of downtown Portland with Mt. Hood outing.

C&RL News January 2015 22 Day trips from Portland the 146-mile Columbia River Highway-Mt. To get a more complete taste of Oregon’s Hood loop (www.columbiariverhighway. beauty, stick around a couple of days for com/Mt_Hood_Loop.pdf). Start your travels some unforgettable day trips. The Columbia by picking up the historic Columbia River River Gorge, just 20 miles Gorge Highway at exit 17 east of Portland on I-84, is off I-84. As you drive east awesome in every sense you will enjoy breathtaking of the word. Created by vistas, scores of waterfalls, the cataclysmic Missoula quaint towns, WPA-era floods 15,000 years ago, structures, Bonneville Dam, the Columbia River Gorge and more. At the scenic is now home to dramatic town of Hood River—home landscapes, panoramic vis- to world-renowned fruit tas, and the tallest waterfalls orchards, windsurfers, and anywhere in the United Full Sail Brewery—head States outside of Yosemite south along Route 35 to (www.historicthedalles. drive along the eastern org/columbia_gorge_wa- flank of the 11,235-foot terfalls.htm). Many of the Mt. Hood, Oregon’s high- waterfalls are visible right est peak. Be sure to stop from the parking lots, and a at the historic Timberline bit of hiking will reveal new Lodge, where spring skiing perspectives and some hid- Multhomah Falls. Photo credit Julius (depending on weather) den gems. There are hikes Reque, may be in full gear. Leave in the Gorge for all levels of yourself time to take plenty adventurers, including some intense climbs of pictures and sustain yourself with huckle- that will literally and figuratively take your berry pie and other local treats for the drive breath away. Keep an eye on the ground back to Portland. also, as you Got an- will see ba- other day nana slugs in Oregon? the size of a Head to the child’s foot coast. Most on the hiking Oregonians trails. don’t say they If giant are going to slugs and the “beach,” strenuous which would hikes don’t imply sun- thrill you, skip bathing or the trails and playing in the enjoy some warm surf the ice cream or way they do a cappuccino Cannon Beach. Photo credit: John Fowler, in southern along with California. magnificent views at the historic Multnomah Oregonians go to the “coast” to enjoy views Falls Lodge. In springtime the falling water of the rugged coastline, walks along misty is thunderous. If you enjoy scenic drives, beaches, colorful tidepools, thriving artists’ make your visit to part of colonies, and friendly coffee houses, restau-

January 2015 23 C&RL News rants and brewpubs to warm their spirits on a of the Willamette Valley ( drizzly day. The northernmost Oregon coastal Oregon’s pinots are as impressive as the town is Astoria (, lovely vineyards where the grapes are grown. which fans of The Goonies (filmed there in the Or head north into the state of Washington and 1980s) will recognize. Visitors to Astoria can visit the Mount St. Helens Volcanic Monu- revel in local history ment (www.fs.usda. (including Ft. Clatsop, gov/mountsthelens), where the Lewis and where you can see Clark expedition spent a firsthand the aftermath soggy winter, and many of the 1980 eruption, well-preserved relics of along with the eco- the area’s maritime and system’s recovery. Not military history), shop all roads to the crater and dine in the charm- of this active volcano ing downtown area, are open in spring, but enjoy local color at Fort visitor centers provide George Brewery, and a fun and informative marvel at the expanse of introduction to this dra- rolling water where the matic landscape. Other Columbia River meets outdoor attractions in the Pacific Ocean. southwest Washington Every Portlander include the Gifford has a favorite place Pinchot National For- on the Oregon coast, est and the superb hik- and there are plenty ing on the Washington of gems within 100 side of the Columbia miles or so of Portland. River Gorge. The fastest way to the Summer visitors to Mt. Hood from Washington Park’s Rose ocean from Portland the Pacific Northwest Garden. Photo credit: jpellgen, is to drive about 80 can be fairly confident /f2NyRa. miles along Highway that their snapshots 26 to a little town called Seaside, the clos- will come out like postcards, with clear blue est thing Oregon has to a honkytonk beach skies and sparkling water. Spring visitors may town, with taffy stands and bumper cars. have the good fortune to be in town on one of Head south another nine miles to Cannon the glorious first sunny days of the year, when Beach, a picturesque haven for artists and locals revel with giddy delight in the return of nature lovers, and the location of the pho- the sun. More often, spring visitors will experi- togenic Haystack Rock. Other treasures on ence light showers, occasionally real rain but the northern Oregon coast include the towns more likely a steady drizzle, usually punctu- of Manzanita and Rockaway Beach, the Til- ated by heartening sunbreaks. For springtime lamook Cheese Factory, and the panoramic off-road explorers in Oregon, muddy shoes Three Capes (Lookout, Meares, and Kiwanda) are a small price to pay for the opportunity to Drive. If you’re looking for more than just fill your lungs with fresh, sweet forest air and a stroll along the beach, the northern coast experience lush, thriving natural areas. Visitors also offers many wonderful trails for hikers to Oregon in every season are invited to pack of all levels (www.portlandhikersfieldguide. sensible shoes to explore the outdoor areas of org/wiki/Oregon_Coast_Hikes). the Pacific Northwest. Portland’s coffee shops Got a few more days? Head south a bit and brewpubs are waiting to welcome you to the rolling hills and picturesque vineyards after your hike.

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