Bled Days, 21 – 23 July 2017 Jezerska Promenada, Zdraviliški Park Blakeside Promenade, Spa Park

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Bled Days, 21 – 23 July 2017 Jezerska Promenada, Zdraviliški Park Blakeside Promenade, Spa Park Masters Regatta OVERALL PROGRAMME - COURSE OPENING TIMES MONDAY 4th September 08:00 – 18:00 hrs Offi cial training TUESDAY 5th September 08:00 – 18:00 hrs Offi cial training WEDNESDAY 6th September 08:00 – 10:00 hrs Offi cial training 12:00 – 18:00 hrs Racing 19:00 hrs Opening ceremony THURSDAY 7th September 08:00 – 18:00 hrs Racing FRIDAY 8th September 08:00 – 18:00 hrs Racing SATURDAY 9th September 08:00 – 18:00 hrs Racing SUNDAY 10th September 08:00 – 13:00 hrs Racing – mixed crews ADDITIONAL PROGRAMME - LAKESIDE PROMENADE EVERY DAY Wednesday - Friday, 12:00 - 24:00 Taste Bled on the Lakeside promenade Saturday, 10:00 - 24:00 Sunday, 10:00 - 20:00 WEDNESDAY 6th September 19.00 Opening ceremony after opening ceremony Live music programme: 23:00 Oberkrainer Ensemble Veseli Begunjčani THURSDAY 7th September 19:00 - 23:00 Live music programme: Help! - A Beatles Tribute FRIDAY 8th September 19:00 - 23:00 Live music programme: Eurosong hits with Osminka Music Studio SATURDAY 9th September 19:00 - 23:00 Live music programme: CoverLover SUNDAY 10th September 15:00 - 19:00 Live music programme: Ensemble Gregorji BAR & RESTAURANT ŠPICA - Offi cial meeting point of World Rowing Masters regatta Its interior resembles a small “museum” dedicated to Olympic Games as it contains Olympic medals that Slovenia won over the years. What is more, ŠPICA off ers a wide range of food, includinga number of Slovenian dishes. HAVE AN INCREDIBLE ROWING EXPERIENCE ON ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL COURSES. Bled is waiting for you. oglas 148 x 210.indd 1 28/06/17 15:52 S Sejem domače in umetnostne obrti Arts and crafts fair Zdraviliški park, od maja do septembra, vsak petek, soboto in nedeljo, med 10. in 21. uro. V času od 21. julija do 6. avgusta vsak dan. / Spa Park, from May to September, every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 until S21.00. Between 21 July and 6 August every day. Okusi Bleda na Jezerski promenadi Taste Bled on the Lakeside promenade Okusi Bleda na Jezerski promenadi Taste Bled on the Lakeside promenade Kulinarična ponudba / Culinary delights Delavniki / Workdays 12:00 – 21:00 (julij / July, avgust / August do / till 23:00) Sobote, nedelje in prazniki / Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 10:00 – 21:00 (julij / July, avgust / August do / till 23:00) Spremljevalni program / Supporting programme 19. – 21. 5. Otvoritev poletne sezone in 5. srečanje harmonikark in harmonikarjev ob Blejskem jezeru / Summer season opening and 5th Meeting of accordionists by Lake Bled 23. – 25. 6. Letni kino / Open Air Cinema 21. – 23. 7. Blejski dnevi / Bled Days 25. 7. - 6. 8. 27. Okarina Festival & Swinging Bled / 27th Okarina Festival & Swinging Bled 11. – 15. 8. Glasbeni program: Slovenska popevka, »Ko boš prišla na Bled« / Music programme: Slovenian pop songs 25. – 27. 8. Letni kino / Open Air Cinema 6. – 10. 9. Zabavni program ob svetovnem veteranskem prvenstvu v veslanju / Supporting programme of 2017 World Rowing Masters Regatta 22. – 24. 9. Zaključek sezone poletnih prireditev / Summer Events Season Finale 3 P Program prireditev julij 2017 Event calendar July 2017 Datum / Date Ura / Time Prireditev / Event Kraj / Location Vsak dan / Every day Poletni program v Sava hotelih Bled / Summer programme at Sava Hotels & Resorts, Bled ( stran / page 14) Torki / Tuesdays 17:00 Renesančna predstava / Renaissance show Zgornja terasa Blejskega gradu / ( stran / page 6) Bled Castle, upper courtyard Srede / Wednesdays 17:00 Dežela ljudskih pravljic (obvezna predhodna najava) / Pod smučiščem Straža / At the Land of Slovenian folk tales (advance bookings required) foot of the Straža ski slope ČetrtkiP / Thursdays 17:00 Srednjeveška predstava / Medieval show Zgornja terasa Blejskega gradu / ( stran / page 6) Bled Castle, upper courtyard 17:00 Degustacija slovenskih vin / Tasting of Slovenian wines Vinska klet v Hotelu Triglav Bled / Wine cellar of Hotel Triglav Bled 19:00 Slovenski večer s harmoniko in slovenskim menijem ter Restavracija Lovec / degustacijo pijač / Slovenian evening with accordion music and Lovec Restaurant authentic Slovenian tasting menu and drinks ( stran / page 15) 21:00 Odkrivaj Triglavski narodni park: Zgodbe ob ognju / Prodišče ob Savi v Kampu Šobec / Discover Triglav National Park: Telling stories by the campfire Shingle beach by the Sava River at Camping Šobec Nedelje/ Sundays 10:00 Dežela ljudskih pravljic (obvezna predhodna najava) / Pod smučiščem Straža / At the Land of Slovenian folk tales (advance bookings required) foot of the Straža ski slope Sobota / Saturday, 1. 7. 10:00 Srečanje aktivov kmečkih žena Slovenije / Prireditveni prostor Frate, Selo Meeting of the Farmers' Wives Associations of Slovenia pri Bledu / Frate event venue, Selo pri Bledu 17:00 – BLED V BELEM – WHITE NIGHT 03:00 ( stran / page 2) 20:00 Večer na vasi, folklorno-zabavna prireditev / Prireditveni prostor Frate, Selo Evening in the village: entertaining folk dance show pri Bledu / Frate event venue, Selo pri Bledu 4 . Datum / Date Ura / Time Prireditev / Event Kraj / Location Nedelja / Sunday, 2. 7. 7:00 19. Riklijev pohod / Zborno mesto: pred hotelom Golf / 19th Rikli's Walk Meeting point: in front of Hotel Golf 14:00 Gasilska veselica PGD Selo pri Bledu ob praznovanju Prireditveni prostor Frate, Selo 110-letnice društva / Village feast celebrating 110 years of pri Bledu / Frate event venue, PGD Selo Firefighters' Association Selo pri Bledu Ponedeljek/ Monday, 3. 7. – 22. MEDNARODNI GLASBENI FESTIVAL BLED / petek / Friday, 14. 7. 22nd INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL BLED ( stran / page 7) Sobota / Saturday, 8. 7. 17:00 11. Nočna 10ka – tek okoli Blejskega jezera / Veslaški center Bled, Mala Zaka / 11th 10K Night Run around Lake Bled Bled Rowing Centre, Mala Zaka Nedelja / Sunday, 9. 7. 11:00 Glasbena matineja: JM Jazz World Orchestra 2017 / Jezerska promenada / Music matinee: JM Jazz World Orchestra 2017 Lakeside promenade Torek / Tuesday, 11. 7. 20:00 Nastop folklorne skupine Nageljčki iz Kanade / Performance Pred Vilo Prešeren / by the »Nageljčki« (Carnations) folk dance group from Canada In front of Vila Prešeren Sobota / Saturday, 15. 7. 19:30 Poletni koncert ženskega seniorskega zbora, komornega zbora Cerkev sv. Martina / ter koncertnega ansambla šole St. Catherine's iz Bramleya v St. Martin's Church Angliji / Summer concert of senior women's choir, chamber choir and concert ensemble of St. Catherine's, Bramley, UK Nedelja / Sunday, 16. 7. Marjetin sejem na Bohinjski Beli / St. Margaret's fair in Bohnjska Bela: Bohinjska Bela 8:30 Sveta maša v cerkvi sv. Marjete / Mass in St. Margaret's Church 18:00 Sejem domače obrti in kulturno-zabavni večer / Arts and crafts fair and a cultural and entertaining evening Sreda / Wednesday, 19. 7. 19:30 Nastop folklorne skupine Mladi glas iz Toronta / Blejski grad / Bled Castle Performance by the Toronto Young Voices folk dance group 20:00 4. Blejski zlati mikrofon: Uradna otvoritev s predstavitvenim Plato pred vhodom v Festivalno koncertom / 4th Bled Golden Microphone: Opening ceremony dvorano Bled / Patio in front of the and concert entrance to the Bled Festival hall Četrtek / Thursday, 20. 7. 16:00, 4. Blejski zlati mikrofon: 1. krog tekmovalnih nastopov / Festivalna dvorana Bled / 20:00 4th Bled Golden Microphone: 1st round of competitions Bled Festival Hall Petek / Friday, 21. – BLEJSKI DNEVI Z OKUSI BLEDA / BLED DAYS AND TASTE BLED Jezerska promenada / nedelja / Sunday, 23. 7. ( stran / page 8–9) Lakeside promenade Petek / Friday, 21. 7. 16:00, 4. Blejski zlati mikrofon: 2. krog tekmovalnih nastopov / Festivalna dvorana Bled / 20:00 4th Bled Golden Microphone: 2nd round of competitions Bled Festival Hall Sobota / Saturday, 22. 7. 15:00 4. Blejski zlati mikrofon: Svečana razglasitev rezultatov Festivalna dvorana Bled / in podelitev nagrad / 4th Bled Golden Microphone: Bled Festival Hall Announcement of winners and prize award ceremony Torek / Tuesday, 25. 7. 18:00 19. glasbena delavnica flavte Pikolo 2017: predstavitveni Blejski grad / Bled Castle koncert udeleženk / 19th Pikolo 2017 Flute Music Workshop: The organizer reserves the right to change the program due to unforeseen circumstances. Changes and additional information will be posted on the website on the website will be posted and additional information Changes circumstances. unforeseen due to change the program to the right reserves organizer The Presentation concert Organizator si, zaradi nepredvidenih okoliščin, pridržuje pravico do spremembe programa. Spremembe in dodatne informacije bodo objavljene na spletni strani na spletni strani bodo objavljene informacije in dodatne Spremembe programa. do spremembe pridržuje pravico okoliščin, nepredvidenih si, zaradi Organizator Torek / Tuesday, 25. 7. – OKUSI BLEDA NA JEZERSKI PROMENADI / taste bled ON THE Jezerska promenada / nedelja / Sunday, 6. 8. LAKESIDE PROMENADE ( stran / page 3) Lakeside promenade Četrtek / Thursday, 27. 7. – 20:30 27. OKARINA FESTIVAL BLED 2017 / nedelja / Sunday, 6. 8. 27th OKARINA FESTIVAL BLED ( stran / page 12) Petek / Friday, 28. 7. 18:00 19. glasbena delavnica flavte Pikolo 2017: zaključni koncert Hotel Golf udeleženk / 19th Pikolo 2017 Flute Music Workshop: Closing concert Petek / Friday, 28. 7. – 21:00 Swinging Bled: predstavitev plesalcev / Jezerska promenada / sobota / Saturday, 29. 7. Swinging Bled, presentation of dancers Lakeside promenade 5 BLEJSKI GRAD BLED CASTLE POLETJE 2017 SUMMER 2017 20.6. - 14.9.2017 Torek 17: 00 Tuesday Renesančna predstava – Rennaissance Show – VITEŠKI TURNIR ZA ROKO PRINCESE KNIGHTS' TOURNAMENT FOR THE Grofica in grof z Blejskega gradu PRINCESS'S HAND IN MARRIAGE organizirata viteški turnir in nanj The Lord and Lady of Bled Castle decide to hold povabita viteze iz sosednjih pokrajin. a knights tournament and invite all the knights Vitezi se dokazujejo v različnih veščinah: from the neighbouring countries. The knights lokostrelstvu, metanju sulic in fight in a series of contests: archery, spear mečevanju. Nagrada za zmagovalca je throwing, and sword fight. The prize to be mikavna. Grofica in grof mu ponudita awarded to the winner is tempting. The champion will win the Lord and Lady of the nekaj, kar jima največ pomeni - roko Castle's greatest treasure: their daughter's hand njune princeske.
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