, Cranbourne & North Ascot Neighbourhood Action Group 15 July 2010 10.00 - 11.01 am Carnation Hall

Present: Wendy French, Forest Council Adrian Hoare, Association Jacquie Lovell, Chavey Down Association NSO Lucy McDonnell, Thames Valley Police Cllr David Parkin, Winkfield Parish Council PCSO Debbie Rimmer, Thames Valley Police NO Lorna Rivett, Thames Valley Police Cllr Stuart Tarrant, Chairman and Winkfield Parish Council

In attendance: Ian Boswell, Council Emma Silverton, Bracknell Forest Council

Apologies: Cllr Mrs Mary Ballin, Bracknell Forest Council Cllr Alan Kendall, Bracknell Forest Council

Action Points

Minute Item

23 Notes of Previous Meeting

The notes of the Winkfield, Cranbourne & North Ascot Neighbourhood Action Group meeting on 4 February 2010 were agreed as a correct record.

24 Neighbourhood Priority action updates



It was reported that whilst the ascetics of the gateway leading into Brockhill had received positive comments, several residents had reported that the gateway had not reduced the speeding problem. The NAG agreed that this was an important issue for the Bracknell Forest highways strategy and should be fed back to the highways department. (Action: Ian Boswell)

Archer strips had been put down in Brockhill in the week commencing 5 July 2010, however due to a burst water main the data would not be a true reflection of speed along the road. There was uncertainty about whether the Archer strips would be reset. It was agreed that this would be investigated.

(Action: Lucy McDonnell)

Negotiations regarding the acquisition of land at the crossroads for traffic lights were ongoing and not likely to be resolved in the near future. The NAG Chair had received an email from the Chair of the Maidens Green Society requesting that the highways department improved the crossroads by cheaper alternative methods as the junction looked neglected and was still very dangerous. The NAG agreed in the short term a solution was urgently needed. A proposal from Adrian Hoare had been sent to the highways department for consideration on a number of occasions; however no response had been received. It was agreed that this would be followed up with the department and a response on the feasibility of an interim proposal sought. (Action: Ian Boswell)

Winkfield Row outside of Lambrook School

TVP had spoken to parents in the car park of St Mary’s School to raise awareness of speeding on Winkfield Row. It was reported that the Safer Roads Partnership had a new van site along the stretch of road, however the space was accessible to members of the public which meant that speed enforcement could only take place if residents were not parked on the site. It was reported that PC Bob Wade was investigating the possibility of making the area a police bay. The NAG expressed their thanks to the speed enforcement team for monitoring the road.

The NAG Chair had written to BFC with a suggestion for traffic calming measures outside Lambrook School, however no response had yet been received.

Results of Archer strip data from May 2008 (TVP) and a more recent Archer strip survey undertaken by BFC had shown that there was a significant speeding problem along the stretch of Winkfield Row outside Lambrook School. The average speed of cars travelling in the 30mph limit was 40-50mph. It was agreed that the large 40mph sign outside the tennis courts should be removed. BFC had agreed that Archer strip data had shown that there was a speeding problem and it was agreed that the community should be consulted by the highways department on their plans for road calming as another gateway would not be a satisfactory solution.

Fernbank Road

No recent problems in regard to speeding had been reported back from residents of Fernbank Road, however it was noted that Fernbank Road was now a TVP speed enforcement site.

It was noted that Ascot Heath School had a travel plan committee which included representatives from the highways department at BFC to try and resolve parking and traffic flow issues.

It was reported that Chavey Down Road had been recommended as a speed enforcement van site. PC Bob Wade was waiting for the results of traffic management data before confirming the location of the site. (Action: Lucy McDonnell)

It was agreed that speeding was a big issue for the neighbourhood and across all the Northern Parishes. 1 in 2 respondents to the Neighbourhood Survey 2009 indicated that speeding in the area was their greatest concern and had got worse.

The Green Environment

It was agreed that the NAG needed to know the BFC strategy for litter picking in the area so that community litter picking and litter picking undertaken by Winkfield Parish Council could be co-ordinated. It was agreed that the street care department would be contacted in regard to this. (Action: Ian Boswell)

Winkfield Parish Council undertook litter picking twice a year across the area including the majority of the length of all 4 specifically mentioned roads in the NAG’s priorities; Forest Road, Brazier’s Lane, Part of Bracknell Road and Longhill Road. It was noted that Brazier’s Lane was a particular littering hotspot but that the 60mph speed limit meant it was not safe to litter pick along some sections of the road’s verge.

It was agreed that fly tipping in the area was being effectively dealt with by the Borough Council. An incident of dumped rubbish could be reported to BFC on 01344 352000 or by email, [email protected], who would send out a team to collect the dumped rubbish. CADIS data showed that the number of reported incidents of fly tipping and dumped rubbish was down significantly.

It was reported that the Community Payback scheme was being used to clear the ditches around the Winkfield Triangle and they were litter picking as they went. The Payback Team would be clearing ditches across the neighbourhood throughout the summer.

It was noted that Probation had been contacted by TVP about using a Community Payback Team to undertake Speed Watch events in the area. The NAG encouraged follow up of this possible development. (Action: Lucy McDonnell)

The NAG noted that it would not be a good use of TVP time to follow up individual instances of littering but that a penalty could be issued if an officer witnessed an act of littering.

Anti-social behaviour - Barkers Meadow

An overt camera had been installed at Barkers Meadow by TVP. The camera would now be able to be effectively used during periods when anti-social behaviour was expected.

It was reported that there had been an issue with 10-11 year olds being boisterous at Goaters Road, TVP would monitor the situation.

The NAG praised TVP for good progress made on anti-social behaviour issues.

The NAG agreed that filling out the priority action plan would be unnecessary work for members of the NAG as actions were already recorded in the minutes of the meeting. It was agreed that actions could be taken from the minutes and entered in the action plan. (Action: Wendy French)

25 Neighbourhood Police Team Update

It was noted that TVP updates had been given during the item on priority actions.

In addition it was noted that TVP had been holding street surgeries on Fernbank Road which were proving to be successful. Operation Lion Cub continued to run and had been coordinated from Goaters Road recently.

The number of anti-social behaviour incidents reported to TVP had decreased however there had been an increase in burglary. Operation Ladybird was ongoing to address the burglary increase.

26 Accelerated Neighbourhood Fund Spend

It had been previously agreed that the Neighbourhood Accelerated Fund would be used to create an email database of households in the area so that email alerts could be sent out to keep the community informed about the work of the NAG and other community issues. It was thought that there were around 2,000 households in NAGs catchment.

Initially it was hoped that other NAGs would join with Winkfield, Cranbourne & North Ascot NAG to jointly run an email communication system, however neighbouring NAGs had agreed to spend their allocated funding on other projects.

It was suggested that the NAG join Winkfield Parish Council as they were also investigating a communication system, however this had not yet moved forward. It was agreed that the matter would need consideration as duplication would not be a good use of resources. It was agreed that the matter would be investigated further and the NAG would be kept informed of progress. (Action: David Parkin)

It was suggested that a space should be requested in the WPC quarterly newsletter for NAG News.

TVP suggested that the NAG should contact Margret Weber about the TVP community messaging system. It was reported that the school had a email alert system and may be able to offer advice. (Action: David Parkin)

27 Neighbourhood Forum - Autumn 2010

The Winkfield, Cranbourne & North Ascot Neighbourhood Action Forum would be held on 11 November 2010 at Ascot Baptist Church, New Road.

The NAG noted that residents should be able to raise any issue that was important to them. Allowing residents to raise any local issue would mean that they would become more engaged and involved in the work of the NAG.

28 Any Other Business

St Mary’s Primary School

It was reported that the St Mary’s Primary School’s Governors supported an application for the reduction of the speed limit outside the school from 30mph to 20mph.

Tree Preservation Orders

Further trees had been designated with Tree Protection Orders along Long Hill Road. 2 cases relating to the unlawful felling of trees with TPOs were due to be heard in court, it was expected that the cases would be referred to the County Court.

29 Dates of Future Meetings

The next meeting of the Winkfield, Cranbourne & North Ascot Neighbourhood Action Group would be held on Thursday 21 October, 10am at The Trax in North Ascot.