SOLUTIONS FOR WATER SIDEL'S SHORTER NECKS LEAD TO SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS FOR POLISH WATER BOTTLER Żywiec Zdrój recently turned to Sidel for support in switching production to bottles with shorter necks

With nearly 22% volume Producer of several world- Right choice for bottles share of the market, famous brands of water with a shorter neck Żywiec Zdrój is the leading brand of bottled Żywiec Zdrój is a subsidiary of Short necks on bottles make it water in Poland, a Groupe , the French possible to reduce the use of raw subsidiary of Groupe multinational corporation based in materials in preform, bottles and Danone Paris, one of the world’s largest and caps. This then makes it possible to most successful food companies. make significant economic savings The Group claims to be the world and reductions in post-consumer leader in bottled water, in which it waste. In its attempt to maintain its owns several internationally famous edge in a highly competitive market, brands. These include such well- boost efficiency, achieve savings known names as Danone, as well as and reduce its carbon footprint, , Aqua, , Bledina, Żywiec Zdrój closely analysed the Dumex, , and others. offer of several contractors. The In Asia, the Group has acquired Yili, company duly decided that Sidel, as Aqua (Indonesia) and Robust (92%) an organisation, would best suit and has a 51% holding in China's needs for quality, reactivity and the Wahaha Joint Venture Company. support needed. Only four days of stoppage to install HIGHLIGHTS each of two bottling lines Żywiec Zdrój collects its spring water high in the  Modifications to two water-bottling lines, mountains and operates three bottling factories, selling approximately 1.2 billion litres of water including blow-moulder, filler and capper every year. The company originally became interested in the  Economic savings and reductions in post- potential savings possible through conversion, consumer waste when it learned that switching production to bottles with shorter necks had yielded significant  Only four days of stoppage for each line benefits to other producers. The order - for two lines at the northern plant in throughout the changeover Miroslawiec - was placed with Sidel, with the  In-house training for technicians supplier promising close collaboration and only four days of stoppage for each line throughout the changeover.

Improved design for achieving substantial growth Conversion of the two lines meant changing the 1810 closure on the 21mm high necks being produced to a 1881 closure on a 17mm lightweight neck and preform. Various technical modifications to the existing equipment were required. One such change was the equipping of the blow-moulder not only with transfer grippers and an arm-head kit, but also an upper guide and change-spindle noses. The filler is now equipped with a new centring, neck-rubber. The capper also benefits from a new cap-feeding device, caps chute profile and chucks shape, along with several other minor adaptations. The changes in operation of the two lines covered the possible production of bottles of various sizes for both sparkling and still water, including 0.5, 1.5 and 1.75 litre formats. Modification of the equipment was followed by in-house training for the company’s technicians. After only a few months, Żywiec Zdrój expressed its satisfaction to Sidel, along with its appreciation of the supplier’s expertise in coordination and support. The company also reported a noticeable decrease in annual PET consumption. This, of course, translates into worthwhile economic savings and a reduction in carbon emissions.

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