An information resource for the voters of East Portland.

April 22, 2020


Responses from Candidates for Mayor ….………………..………………………………………………………………… 1 Responses from Candidates for City Commissioner, Position 1 …………………………………………………… 11 Responses from Candidates for City Commissioner, Position 2 (unexpired term) ……………………….. 19 Responses from Candidates for City Commissioner, Position 4 …………………………………………………. 44

About this Questionnaire ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 51


Adams, Sam …... did not respond Joy, Sharon …... did not respond Autry, Cullis (James) …... did not respond Kerfoot, Jack …... 37 Avalos, Candace …... 16 LaBar, Floyd …... did not respond Banks, Willie …... did not respond Lang, Jeff …... did not respond Bepristis, Jarred …... did not respond MacKay, Robert …... did not respond Black, Margot …... 21 Mapps, Mingus …... 44 Broussard, Bruce …... did not respond Maurseth, Alicea …... did not respond Burleson, Michael …... did not respond McCarthy, Alicia …... did not respond Cash Blanco, Carter …... did not respond McKay, Kevin …... did not respond Castro, Cynthia …... 42 McNair, Beryl …... did not respond Catalani, Ronault (Polo) …... did not respond Montas, Aquiles …... did not respond Chase, Sam …... 40 O'Callaghan, Michael …... 6 Davis, James …... 35 Parker, Terry …... 28 DeGraw, Julia …... 32 Patel, Corinne …... 14 Dixon, Rachelle …... did not respond Raiford, Teressa …... 1 DuBois, Timothy …... 15 Rapaport, Randy …... did not respond Eudaly, Chloe …... 48 Rubio, Carmen …... 11 Fancher, Aaron …... did not respond Ryan, Dan …... 19 Farmer, Ryan …... did not respond Schwab, Mary Ann …... did not respond Gonzáles, Ozzie …... 6 Smith, Loretta …... did not respond Gutman, Diana …... 31 Wesley, Walter …... 26 Harris, Isham …... did not respond Wheeler, Ted …... did not respond Hoffman, Daniel …... 2 White, Mark …... 3 Humble, Lew …... did not respond Wilson, Keith …... 46 Hurst, Tera …... 24 Wolfe, Philip …... did not respond Iannarone, Sarah …... 8 Woolley, Seth …... did not respond Jenkins, Michael …... did not respond

Resources for Voters

Dates to Know:

Tuesday, April 28 - deadline for new voter registrations, or to change party

Tuesday, May 19 - Election Day, deadline to return ballots

• You no longer need a stamp to mail your ballot in Oregon.

• Check your registration and make updates online at: oregonvotes.gov/myvote

• Multnomah County offers free, nonpartisan assistance to voters with barriers to registering or

casting a ballot, including language translation and assistance for people with disabilities.

Contact them at 503-988-3720 for more information.


wages for all city workers to at least $18/hr, expand opportunities for city jobs into East Candidates for Mayor Portland, and increases taxes on any private • • (Four-year term) businesses that use tax payer money and don't pay a living wage of at least $18 per hour. We also need to expand public transportation in East Portland to help create more jobs in that part of our city. RANDY RAPAPORT 3. Portland is experiencing a severe Did not respond. housing crisis, and East Portland residents • are particularly vulnerable to displacement. What tools will you implement to prevent involuntary TERESSA RAIFORD displacement of low-income people from East Portland? 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s population, yet has historically been Portland's housing crisis is massive and is not allocated a smaller share of city resources new. Our current Mayor and city council have than other areas of town. How will you passed some important and helpful measures, but support equity for East Portland in city have not gone nearly far enough to provide relief investments in transportation, parks, and protection to renters and other vulnerable housing and economic development? communities. We need a Housing First policy that gets houseless people in our city into stable We need to invest more heavily in infrastructure housing and we need to do a better job of and social services in East Portland. We need to providing services to those who are experiencing expand service and increase transportation houselessness, especially in East Portland. We efficiency from East Portland into the City Center. need to look at and model the work being done in We need to improve and expand our community places like Seattle where they just passed a law centers and affordable housing opportunities for prevent evictions during winter months when lower-income families in East Portland. We need freezing cold weather makes houseless people to invest in black, latinx, LGBTQ, and immigrant particularly vulnerable. And we need to do owned businesses and work to improve our everything we can to end the restrictions that are communities in ways that don't result in placed on us at the state level so we can gentrification and continuing to push the implement local rent control measures and other vulnerable people out of our communities. policies to ensure that everyone has access to safe 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the and affordable housing in our city. city in personal incomes and job 4. What is your strategy to bring East opportunities. What will you do to increase Portland’s street infrastructure up to the the number of family-wage jobs in East standard of the rest of the city? Portland? We have to prioritize investment in East Portland We need to invest in black, latinx, and LGBTQ including investment in public transportation and owned businesses and work to improve our roads including better and covered bus stops and communities in ways that don't result in platforms. We have to investment in local gentrification and continuing to push vulnerable businesses in East Portland, especially those that people to the periphery of our community. We are owned by people from marginalized need to repeal the law that prevents cities and communities and that treat employees with counties in Oregon from raising their own dignity and respect, that pay a living wage and minimum wage so we can increase local wages provide good benefits. We need to our healthcare directly through a citywide minimum wage of at system and ensure that everyone in our city and least $18/hr. In the mean time, we need to raise especially the most vulnerable communities have

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access to quality healthcare that doesn't cause a JARRED BEPRISTIS financial burden. We need to make sure that Did not respond. development is done responsibly and with the respect to the people who live in affected areas. • And we need to increase taxes on big corporations and the wealthy to make sure that we have the funding needed to seriously and adequately invest WILLIE BANKS in East Portland Did not respond. 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of • East Portland a decade from now? What is your strategy to get us there? I see an East Portland where all residents, DANIEL HOFFMAN businesses, and the community live and thrive 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s together. Where people feel safe and empowered population, yet has historically been to engage, participate, and improve their allocated a smaller share of city resources neighborhoods and community. I see an East than other areas of town. How will you Portland where everyone is welcome and support equity for East Portland in city supported and valued regardless of where they investments in transportation, parks, come from or what challenges they face. I envision housing and economic development? an East Portland that is adequately represented in the halls of local government and power, and I see If you'll pardon my diversion from your format, I a system of participatory democracy where the believe I can address all of those concerns at people of East Portland have the tools and once. resources they need to be a large and vital part of First, as a homeless rights activist, nothing has that democracy. been made more evident to me by my many To get there, I will champion changes to the way visits,, participation and testimony here in our city is governed to ensure that equal Portland and throughout the State of Oregon at representation for East Portland in our city the "Housing First" meetings, conversations and government. I also believe that City Hall should be legislative hearings, that the developers and a community organizing space where people can property management companies have no real or come to engage and participate in our democracy measurable intention to curve housing and rent and be leaders in spearheading organizing and prices. Nor have I seen any legislation that policy initiatives to create a better and more just adequately protects the rights of tenants within and equitable city. this "housing" or hold accountability to builders, managers or providers within this system. Thus • being so, my proposal as City Mayor is to continue every good and faithful effort to lower prices to a real affordable level while simultaneously BRUCE BROUSSARD increasing the living wages of every citizen by Did not respond. inspiring them and providing the resources to pursue individual life plans. We would do this • through micro loan programs that first offer citizens a chance to mentor with experts in whatever business or genre they are pursuing, MICHAEL BURLESON provide educational forums on business Did not respond. management, technology, and entrepreneurism as well as art and humanities. I truly believe • Portland is primed for a renaissance, furthermore I believe, that if we start investing in "people first"

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while at the same time unraveling our city MICHAEL JENKINS government from this behemoth of a monster that Did not respond. was created by developers to create profit off of the poor class and essentially steal the money and • good intentions of the tax-payers, then and only them will our city really start to thrive and energize. 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the Did not respond. city in personal incomes and job • opportunities. What will you do to increase the number of family-wage jobs in East Portland? MARK WHITE 3. Portland is experiencing a severe 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s housing crisis, and East Portland residents population, yet has historically been are particularly vulnerable to allocated a smaller share of city resources displacement. What tools will you than other areas of town. How will you implement to prevent involuntary support equity for East Portland in city displacement of low-income people from investments in transportation, parks, East Portland? housing and economic development? 4. What is your strategy to bring East First, East Portland needs to significantly increase Portland’s street infrastructure up to the voter registration and vote in large numbers. I standard of the rest of the city? heard a number of years ago that East Portland 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of had the lowest voter turnout in the City. If this is East Portland a decade from now? What is still the case, we must completely flip this in order your strategy to get us there? to make our collective voice heard loud and clear. • Second, we must demand direct representation on City Council thru the addition of district-elected representatives. I have an example of what this LEW HUMBLE might look like on my campaign site. It can be viewed via this link: Did not respond. http://www.southofholgate.com/?page_id=165. • Third, we must actively participate in the upcoming Charter Commission and demand that equitable distribution of infrastructure and BERYL MCNAIR services is mandated in our City Charter. More Did not respond. information on the Charter Commission can be viewed via this link — • http://www.southofholgate.com/?page_id=157.

Over the last two to three decades, the City has SHARON JOY segregated huge numbers of vulnerable and marginalized individuals and families to East Did not respond. Portland without ensuring needed services and • infrastructure are in place. The time to step up and make things right has long passed and this must be dealt with immediately. This will be much easier with a Mayor from East Portland. The addition of district-elected

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representatives will allow that advocacy to of veterans into the community as part of an effort continue for decades to come. to facilitate a successful transition into civilian life. This community-owned effort capitalizes on Additional revenue will be required to increase the incredible diversity we enjoy in East Portland services and infrastructure. To assist in this, I will and provides community members the ability to keep all Bureaus and Offices under the Mayor’s invest in the effort thru financial contribution, office, but have the entire City Council work sweat equity, or a combination of both, and together as a team overseeing each Bureau and subsequently benefit financially from its Office. Oversight efforts will be conducted in success. It includes retail options on the ground Council Chambers, will be open to the public and floor, an International Marketplace and other provide opportunities for the public to testify, and small community member businesses on one or recorded for public access. I believe this high more floors, and veteran housing on the top level of transparency will lead to much greater floor. For information on the veteran component accountability as well as saving large sums of tax of the effort, please use this link — revenue by eliminating pet projects, a sense of http://www.southofholgate.com/?page_id=224. personal ownership by individual Council members, and by eliminating frequent I also have another program model for a large restructuring of Bureaus and Offices. The ability Family Entertainment Center, which I plan to for the public to see the process as it happens and locate in East Portland. For more information on make their voices heard on what they think is this, go to the last segment of the Revenue helpful as well as what is wasteful and Generation paper on the campaign site via this unnecessary, will ensure City Council members link — are held accountable as planning and http://www.southofholgate.com/?page_id=162. development decisions are being made. My vision for this particular effort would be to increase revenue generation by utilizing Portland 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the Youth Corps participants, but there will still be city in personal incomes and job numerous economic opportunities for the general opportunities. What will you do to increase public. For information on the Portland Youth the number of family-wage jobs in East Corps, my program model for a tuition-free two Portland? year online college degree in exchange for I have a paper on my campaign site that discusses community service, please use this link — my plans to greatly expand the City’s food http://www.southofholgate.com/?page_id=151. industry. This effort has multiple areas of impact 3. Portland is experiencing a severe that includes public health and emergency housing crisis, and East Portland residents preparedness in addition to the primary goals of are particularly vulnerable to economic development and addressing food displacement. What tools will you insecurity. Out of this effort, I hope to facilitate implement to prevent involuntary the construction of several small-scale food displacement of low-income people from manufacturing facilities. There are numerous East Portland? locations in East Portland where these facilities can be individually sited or clustered and I hope I will immediately pursue restructuring our to ensure as many as possible are constructed in business tax code to provide incentives in the East Portland. For more information, please use form of business tax credits to those who provide this link — affordable housing and significant business tax http://www.southofholgate.com/?page_id=146. penalties for those who do not. Making rents as affordable as possible is the quickest and most The above effort has a direct tie-in to an economic effective way to stabilize rents, prevent development program I created several years ago displacement, and ensure the economic stability for my neighborhood here in East Portland. The of Portlanders. concept has a couple of additional goals besides creating economic prosperity, including reducing In addition to the community-owned economic or eliminating gentrification and the integration development model described in the previous

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question, East Portland can play a major role in transportation-related options where needed. providing affordable housing and subsequently 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of contribute to eliminating gentrification. East East Portland a decade from now? What is Portland has numerous properties that are much your strategy to get us there? larger than most residential properties in inner Portland. Tax incentives can be provided to single Below are a number of goals and family residential properties to encourage the accomplishments I would like to see for East construction and installation of mobile tiny Portland by 2030. The strategy to get there homes, which will allow us to significantly includes: a Mayor from East Portland to get the increase affordable housing while still allowing for ball rolling, East Portland elected district us to have these properties available for denser representatives on City Council, an authentic housing many decades down the line when we will effort of government to direct effort and resources need them even more than now. In addition, I to areas most in need, and the elimination of fiscal will aggressively incentivize multi-story affordable waste that allows for more revenue to be available housing projects along major roadways with a for historically neglected areas of the City. focus on 82nd Avenue, which has the potential to • David Douglas and Parkrose School Districts add thousands of new housing units and is already receiving revenue from property taxes for at least well connected to public transportation and retail six years made possible thru the dismantling of businesses. More thoughts on affordable housing urban renewal areas that currently keep that and addressing homelessness are available on the money. campaign site. • Designating 122nd Avenue as ‘Portland’s 4. What is your strategy to bring East International Avenue’. No name change, just Portland’s street infrastructure up to the street sign tops that identify it as ‘Portland’s standard of the rest of the city? International Avenue’ and using that designation My intention is to focus on installing basic in marketing East Portland as a cultural infrastructure in areas most in need, which will destination within the City. place East Portland at or toward the top of several • Installation of at least 50 miles of sidewalks and lists. In support of this effort, I have a program curbs as well as curb cuts thru implementation of model to help install sidewalks at a significantly a sidewalk installation model — reduced cost, which is inspired by the nonprofit http://www.southofholgate.com/?page_id=171. Friends of Trees. This model can be expanded to include other needs such as the paving of gravel • At least two district-elected City Council roads and the repair of existing sidewalks, all members representing East Portland residents being done at a significantly lower cost than what • Thriving business communities throughout East it currently costs to install them. You can view Portland, including a Family Entertainment this paper on the campaign site via this link — Center and at least one community-owned mixed- http://www.southofholgate.com/?page_id=171. use development Currently, potholes are filled when a member of • Gentrification effectively eliminated. the public notifies the City of the problem. I intend to have the City take a more proactive • Construction begun or completed for a west side approach to road maintenance by creating an campus of Mt. Hood Community College that ongoing roadway repair program. Systematic might also include a multicultural center, library, filling and patching of potholes and fissures on all and/or community center. major roadways on a continuous basis will extend • Four to five years of East Portland youth the life of our roadways for as long as possible graduated from the Portland Youth Corps. before repaving is necessary. This should also provide savings of transportation funds that can • At least 50 crosswalks installed. then be applied toward underfunded • Sewer discount available for at least eight years transportation needs or the expansion of —

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http://www.southofholgate.com/?page_id=174. you really want the answers to. See the website and compare values. • Thriving communities supported by fully funded neighborhood associations. If you search Mike O’C’s bio and accomplishments, there is no doubt he works for • All graffiti removed within 48 hours. the people! • Integration of residents from at least 20 adult I can play the personality, which I am, and answer residential care facilities into community your questions but my desire is to message your volunteer efforts such as graffiti abatement and members so they can participate in Mayor Mike can and bottle drives — O’C’s poll. http://www.southofholgate.com/?page_id=162. 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the • At least one major cultural event conducted in city in personal incomes and job East Portland for four or more years. opportunities. What will you do to increase • All food deserts eliminated. the number of family-wage jobs in East Portland? • Free or reduced lunch rates at all school districts down to at least 50%. 3. Portland is experiencing a severe housing crisis, and East Portland residents • Most dangerous intersections and roadways in are particularly vulnerable to East Portland down by at least 60%. displacement. What tools will you • At least two new food manufacturing companies implement to prevent involuntary based in East Portland. displacement of low-income people from • At least 1,000 new trees planted in East Portland East Portland? neighborhoods with an emphasis on Douglas firs. 4. What is your strategy to bring East • Portland’s street infrastructure up to the standard of the rest of the city?

5. If you are elected, what is your vision of MICHAEL O’CALLAHAN East Portland a decade from now? What is 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s your strategy to get us there? population, yet has historically been • allocated a smaller share of city resources than other areas of town. How will you support equity for East Portland in city OZZIE GONZÁLES investments in transportation, parks, housing and economic development? 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s population, yet has historically been Thank you for your invitation to answer your allocated a smaller share of city resources questionnaire. It is a standard “how do you fit in than other areas of town. How will you our glove” process. As we all know, there is a support equity for East Portland in city change post election. investments in transportation, parks, The mayormikeoc.org campaign is about ideas, housing and economic development? not personalities. Having been a successful My policy platform includes measures that will activist all of my adult life, I know the best way for make it easier for East Portland to participate in ideas to succeed is with massive public support. public forums and to be understood by the agency This is why we are polling Portlanders as to which regardless of their primary language. Not only do of the four housing solutions are liked best. How I speak two languages (Spanish), my language about clean air solutions? access initiative and my updates to public forums Many of your questions are based on action. All of will make it easier for people to attend remotely our actions are based on values. It is our values and get interpretation services across many

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languages. I also have a safe streets initiative that Mayor’s seat. will use community conversations as the driving Just like I have done as a diversity director for force for enhancements to roads, sidewalks, and local construction projects, I will work with the other parts of the neighborhood. My transit- middle and high schools to get East Portland oriented development policy will also bring youth exposed to career tracks that offer living investment to East Portland and provide the wage opportunities in the city. I will build much-needed housing, services, and jobs that will pipelines of apprenticeships and provide summer make East Portland more walkable and provide jobs to the youth of East Portland to work with local options for the community’s daily needs. industry practitioners. By expanding the model of Putting all of these measures together, the result East Portland organizations like NAYA, APANO, will be more investment in East Portland and a PYB, and Constructing Hope there is an community informed process of setting priorities opportunity to establish pipelines of support from for the neighborhoods. the classroom to the career in areas that provide East Portland has a history of neglect from City paid learning opportunities and lead to living budgets and it is time that change. From food wage jobs. There is a real need in Oregon to align deserts and a lack of employment centers to the the educational programs available to young fundamental parts of a community like sidewalks people with the emerging job markets in our and maintained roads, there has been a consistent region. I see East Portland as the best place to disregard over the years for that sector of the city make that happen. and it has left residents neglected and Supporting businesses with technical assistance, underserved. It does not have to be this way! access to capital, and making it attractive to grow Under my leadership, East Portland will have an their business is all part of my plan for East opportunity to have ownership of their destiny Portland as well. The PCEF grants process is a and the support of the entire public agency. The great vehicle to do some of this work—I see it as city needs East Portland to get stronger and I am my job to connect with East Portland 100% behind helping the residents, businesses, organizations and businesses to ensure strong and community organizations of the East Portland applications are coming from East Portland and region lead in the creation of priorities for their benefitting the residents of East Portland. own neighborhoods. With the need for parks, 3. Portland is experiencing a severe playgrounds, pools, fresh produce markets, and housing crisis, and East Portland residents anchor businesses that provide living wage jobs, it are particularly vulnerable to is time for the community of East Portland to be displacement. What tools will you heard as to how the city can better serve it today. implement to prevent involuntary 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the displacement of low-income people from city in personal incomes and job East Portland? opportunities. What will you do to increase Displacement is a real community killer and the the number of family-wage jobs in East pressure to improve and invest in East Portland Portland? will not be a source of displacement under my I will invest in East Portland and incentivize leadership. Whether its through incentives, investments by others through smart policies and support programs, or penalties—preventing partnerships. Lifting up East Portland will require displacement is too important to ignore. a combination of career development for students, My transit-oriented development policy includes support for locally owned businesses, and anti-displacement measures for housing infill investments in the industries of the future such as projects and incorporates a support program for renewable energy power. Programs already in people and businesses at risk of involuntary place such as the Portland Clean Energy Fund displacement. The Residential Infill Project ballot (PCEF) make this the right moment to make these measure will also include anti-displacement investments and my track record of doing this policies and support programs as part of my work will be a valuable background to bring to the

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policy approach. economic development, and inclusion is something Portland has never had in a Mayoral In addition to anti-displacement measures, my candidate and I cannot think of a better challenge approach to housing policy expands the to tackle than getting this done in step with East conversation from “affordable housing” to actually Portland residents. create housing at a rental price people can pay with today’s jobs. My policy will broaden the focus • to include senior housing, workforce housing, intergenerational housing, and co-housing—all options that are currently ignored by the housing FLOYD LABAR policies in place. Did not respond. 4. What is your strategy to bring East • Portland’s street infrastructure up to the standard of the rest of the city? This question should not even have to be asked; CARTER CASH BLANCO and this is why I am running. My purpose as Did not respond. Mayor is to bring a new perspective and an underrepresented voice to the seat, but my job is • to use that voice to address the underserved. The street infrastructure of East Portland is one of the areas where my work will be focused. SARAH IANNARONE The Safe Streets Initiative that I have proposed as 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s part of my comprehensive transportation and population, yet has historically been mobility plan will provide many opportunities to allocated a smaller share of city resources define priority projects for East Portland. With than other areas of town. How will you the highest transit dependent population and the support equity for East Portland in city highest fatality rate for pedestrians all occurring investments in transportation, parks, in East Portland, the conditions are ripe for safety housing and economic development? enhancements throughout East Portland. First off, I want to sincerely thank EPAP and 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of EPNO for their consistent policy, governance, and East Portland a decade from now? What is community leadership in our city. Some of the your strategy to get us there? best thinking and work around sustainable, equitable cities that I’ve seen (and I’ve seen a lot-- My vision for East Portland is clear: a patchwork in Portland and around the world) comes out of quilt of unique, walkable neighborhoods with safe this coalition office and its committees and, as streets and a variety of food, transport, and public mayor, I will be committed to elevating your space options that express the special presence, priorities, and power in City Hall. characteristics and histories of each neighborhood. I see neighborhoods that are proud I need to listen and learn from EPAP to succeed as of who they are, who express themselves in their Portland Mayor and am committed to attending own way, and who form part of a collective city EPAP meetings at least quarterly. I also commit to that believes that livability and sustainability is for following your recommendations and everyone to have. being held accountable on issues that matter not just to you as East Portland but to all Getting us there begins with my getting elected. I Portlanders, because Portland is only as have a comprehensive policy agenda that includes successful as our least served neighborhoods. housing, transportation, climate action, and community empowerment. Even though we are The progress we make together with the full going to do something we have never tried in power of the Portland Mayor’s Office behind Portland, my experience in sustainable design, EPAP’s long-range and strategic priorities will, I

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anticipate, result in good outcomes which can 3. Portland is experiencing a severe then serve as model for truly sustainable housing crisis, and East Portland residents development that will circulate well beyond our are particularly vulnerable to city boundaries. displacement. What tools will you implement to prevent involuntary 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the displacement of low-income people from city in personal incomes and job East Portland? opportunities. What will you do to increase the number of family-wage jobs in East As East Portland develops rapidly by virtue of Portland? policies such as Residential Infill Project, Better Housing by Design, and the re-legalization of I was glad to help knock doors in support of the many forms of affordable housing citywide (e.g. Portland Clean Energy Fund even as the ADUs), we want to ensure 1) that the benefits of incumbent aligned himself with downtown this growth accrue to East Portland residents and business interests in opposition to it. I will work 2) that we are not displacing people. As a resident to ensure that the fund is well-stewarded and that of an outer eastside neighborhood at high risk of the values alignment between EPAP and PCEF is displacement from RIP, I testified at City Council borne out through sizable investments in East in support of the deepest affordability bonuses Portland. possible and will continue to foreground anti- I have proposed significant investments in displacement as a key principle in public policy, community energy and municipal broadband in rather than an afterthought. my Green New Deal for Our Portland plan If the lessons from twenty years of major (sarah2020.com/greennewdeal) which would investments in Lents URA tell us anything, it’s create multiple benefits for East Portland families that we need clear metrics to evaluate success by lowering household utility costs while creating across the duration of redevelopment plans. For family-wage, green collar jobs along with too long, the benefits of Portland’s urban renewal improvements in workforce development and investments have accrued to downtown access to education. developers while leaving East Portlander behind. To many East Portland workers are regressively As mayor, I will keep a close-eye on this issue to SOV-dependent. In addition to working with ensure that our investments are not resulting in TriMet for increased transit service, I will work to unintended consequences and that our policy increase affordable micromobility options, e-bike goals and outcomes align. I plan to keep the urban subsidy programs, protected active transportation development and land use bureaus in my infrastructure, and even jitney service to ensure portfolio-- including Prosper Portland-- to ensure quality transportation options to East Portland’s compliance. workers and families. As a city, we must prioritize housing options By virtue of my working-class background, my across the spectrum of affordability with an eye to geographic ties to the outer eastside, and my quality and energy efficiency. I will maintain a small-donor powered campaign, my economic focus on anti-displacement and strong tenant development mindset is not centered day-to-day protections along with investments in on the interests of the downtown real estate infrastructure such as schools, safe streets, jobs development community but on the vitality and centers that ensure neighborhood prosperity. You resilience of East Portland’s residents, can explore these ideas and others in more detail organizations, and businesses as the locus at sarah2020.com/housing. of economic development opportunity in 4. What is your strategy to bring East Portland. Much of this work will be coordinated Portland’s street infrastructure up to the with continued investments in the Gateway standard of the rest of the city? Education/Economic Development Center as we continue to shape a polycentric city for future I’m probably the only person running for mayor resiliency and prosperity. who’s been a transit-dependent renter in East

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Portland within the last five years. I recently food access, and tree canopy. This would be resided at SE 148th and Powell in the Centennial financed, in part, through closing of URAs where neighborhood (2016-2018). The majority of the they aren’t needed or useful and could be applied past decade, I lived adjacent to 82nd Avenue in linearly (as opposed to by district) for the Mt. Scott-Arleta neighborhood. As a carfree redevelopment of “orphaned highways” such as Portlander, I’ve spent hours on TriMet stuck in Powell Boulevard and 82nd Avenue. traffic, only to end up stranded and calling a Lyft 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of because there are no bikesharing or carsharing East Portland a decade from now? What is options. I’ve waded through puddles and potholes your strategy to get us there? to get to the supermarket, and walked miles to find the nearest coffee shop or library. I can look I sincerely value East Portland not as a problem to EPAP members in the eye and share a frustrated be dealt with but as one of the most diverse and sigh about the state of our transportation system vibrant parts of town, and the neighborhoods with and what it means to our community’s health, the greatest opportunity for leading on climate economic mobility, and quality of life. justice for the next generation of Portlanders.

I’m supportive of the renewal of the gas tax, and East Portland has never had a Mayor who used cautiously supportive of Metro’s transportation her own personal, lived experiences to inform bond if it includes Regional Youth Pass. I will policymaking and investment priorities. I see continue to advocate for budgetary alignment of thriving, intergenerational, ecologically PBOT’s capital project investments, vision zero sustainable communities prospering in East goals, and equity goals as I have done the past Portland with the appropriate reinvestment several years in my time on the city’s coupled with meaningful anti-displacement and transportation bureau and budget advisory community empowerment initiatives. I’m so committee. deeply grateful for organizations including Unite I centered transportation justice as one of my core Oregon, Rosewood Initiative, East County Rising issues in my “Rethinking Public Safety” policy and the East Portland Action Plan who are plan (sarah2020.com/publicsafety). We’ve seen building political power to realize their vision. As traffic fatalities continue to rise despite passing Mayor, I look forward to finding opportunities for the Vision Zero resolution back in 2015. This is a community empowerment to ensure we achieve preventable epidemic that disproportionately this vision. burdens East Portland residents, especially those We have everything we need to begin solving our who are low-income, transit-dependent, people of most pressing problems today by harnessing our color, disabled, young and old. resources and organizing our communities into a I plan to focus on acquisition of ODOT’s orphaned formidable force for change. Despite the scale of highways and in doing so, establish community- the challenges we face, I have the knowledge, led development policy that prevents networks, priorities, values, and vision we need to displacement and promotes environmental justice accomplish a lot very quickly. We need a leader even as we make investments in the high-risk who knows the difference between talking the talk communities along these corridors. These areas— and walking the walk; a leader with the know-how defined by stakeholders and frontline to harness our resources and empower our communities would assess equity in public communities into a formidable force for change. investments (e.g. local tax revenue vs. local tax Together, with our collective skills, we can create expenditures); define community benefits for the change that Portland desperately needs. development in those areas; and inform A key part of my strategy to get there lies in the community-based housing stabilization and sort of campaign I have been able to run. Because development priorities and investment needs of my participation in the Open and Accountable including but not limited to community land Elections program, I have been able to spend my trusts, rent stabilization, co-ops, homeownership campaigning time working closely with programs, and investments to reduce utility costs, community groups, including many in East

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Portland, instead of calling up wealthy, downtown donors for big checks. While my opponent has collected numerous four- and five-figure Candidates for donations, I’ve received over 2000 donations with • Council Position 1 • an average size of $30. This means that, when (Four-year term) elected to office, I won’t be beholden to real estate developers, downtown business interests, or others promoting austerity politics or inequitable housing policies that will disproportionately hurt East Portland’s vulnerable populations. Instead, I CARMEN RUBIO will be beholden to everyday Portlanders, 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s especially those involved with treasured population, yet has historically been community institutions like the East Portland allocated a smaller share of city resources Action Plan, and I will be accountable to providing than other areas of town. How will you the full weight of the mayor’s office towards support equity for East Portland in city finding the resources and bully pulpit necessary to investments in transportation, parks, fully implement EPAP’s vision. housing and economic development? • • • East Portland has long been underserved by the City, with few and inequitable government and infrastructure investments, and yet it is one of the

more affordable areas in Portland. It is also home to many immigrants, people of color, working people, and multigenerational families. Thanks to East Portland advocates and community, there has been a push in recent years to invest city dollars in parks and streets, yet city investments still haven’t brought this part of our community up to parity with the rest of the city. This has begun to take its toll, through encroaching gentrification - forcing to move beyond East Portland to more affordable places in Salem, Gresham, Hillsboro, or Vancouver- and also increased traffic but the evident lack of necessary safety measures and transit and pedestrian- friendly infrastructure, which has led to many traffic fatalities. I will be a strong advocate for East Portland through community-centered engagement, especially when making decisions about new development and zoning to prevent unintended and adverse impacts on East Portlanders. I will advocate for local businesses, for infrastructure needs, preserve housing affordability, accessible and safe transit, and the creation and preservation of parks across the region. Major arterials like SE Stark, SE Division, SE Powell traverse East Portland and I will advocate for increased and improved transit service, transportation infrastructure like sidewalks and bike lanes to support multi-modal, livable 20 minute neighborhoods. I will also be a

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good faith jurisdictional partner to my colleagues people into training and apprenticeship in Gresham, Troutdale, Fairview, Maywood Park, opportunities. Finally, as we begin to plan for our and Wood Village to address our shared goals of economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, I housing affordability, good jobs, and a strong will also ensure East Portland is included economy. I’d also advocate for the Columbia equitably in any economic relief efforts for River industrial area, which has some of the best businesses and the community. jobs in East Portland, but lacks reliable and safe 3. Portland is experiencing a severe public transportation. I will also strengthen the housing crisis, and East Portland residents City’s commitment to having geographic diversity are particularly vulnerable to on Boards and Commissions, with EPAP as a displacement. What tools will you critical partner to ensure equitable implement to prevent involuntary representation. I would also push to utilize data displacement of low-income people from and analyses of past investments when making East Portland? decisions about any current investments to ensure geographic equity - something I also know I am strongly committed to addressing EPAP is responsible for introducing to the City. displacement through policy interventions. While this housing crisis isn’t new, we need to keep 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the these historic injustices in mind when we put city in personal incomes and job forward anti-displacement strategies, and be sure opportunities. What will you do to increase we are addressing the root causes of the number of family-wage jobs in East displacement, and ensure this negative history Portland? doesn’t repeat in places like East Portland. Tenant Communities of color and low-income advocates, affordable housing advocates and city Portlanders know that this city’s prosperity has leaders have made important strides in several often come at the expense of our communities. tenant protection policies, and passing bonds to Displacement and gentrification can lead to support affordable housing, and both the City and adverse impacts on the local small business County invest in numerous homelessness community. Through strategic investments, we prevention strategies such as rent assistance and can create prosperity in East Portland, lifting up foreclosure prevention programs, and I am community-led economic development practices. committed to protecting/expanding these This work has been happening in certain spots, supports and exploring other policy options to but we can scalethis through placemaking to prevent displacement in our communities. The more areas throughout East Portland by vital part of this plan is to ensure that we develop increasing our investments in key local small strategies that reflect and involve the businesses and economic collaborative geographical communities impacted. opportunities that have historically and currently While the City and Prosper Portland have taken sustain the culture and presence of the current important steps to acknowledge our history, we communities (a successful example of this kind of can also use data more regularly to ensure we are partnership is the Jade District’s International making community-centered decisions on Night Market). I will advocate for the doubling development, and keeping an eye on any down on investments in immigrant, indigeneous, emerging issues or areas. For example, Dr. Lisa and people of color businesses, especially Bates with Portland State University has put businesses owned by women of color, and the together a mapping tool that highlights which retention of local East Portland businesses. I am Portland neighborhoods are at risk for also committed to expanding our workforce gentrification, which has led to engagement on development efforts that provide training and strategies to head it off. I will work closely with support to help those living on low incomes get Council to see how we can pilot some of these and retain livable wage jobs and opportunities to recommendations to develop best practices for provide for themselves and their families. Also reducing this risk and preserving affordability for critical is expanding our partnerships with the residents going forward. I’m also very concerned labor community to create pipelines for young

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East Portland residents are particularly Portland’s unpaved streets, incomplete sidewalks, vulnerable to displacement due to the COVID-19 and lack of a complete bike network are in East global pandemic as jobs are lost and it becomes Portland. As your commissioner, I promise, I even more difficult to pay for housing. I will won’t overlook East Portland when it comes to advocate for additional resources to lessen transportation infrastructure investments - it’s a COVID-19’s impact on the community, and work matter of equity and safety. PBOT’s Gravel Street with my colleagues on City Council to lobby for Service is a temporary solution to help improve strong federal and state solutions to assist those the condition of some of East Portland’s worst affected by this unprecedented crisis. unpaved roads - but it is not enough. East Portland deserves equity. I would advocate for 4. What is your strategy to bring East additional resources for road improvement, Portland’s street infrastructure up to the sidewalks and safety infrastructure in budget standard of the rest of the city? discussions and specifically look for how to fund We need to make it safer for people to bike and and implement these improvements when walk, and start by prioritizing areas that are deliberating as part of the City’s budgeting highly transit dependent, under-resourced, and process. with the poorest infrastructure, especially East 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of Portland. Many pedestrians are forced to walk on East Portland a decade from now? What is the shoulder of the road, and many of them are your strategy to get us there? high-crash corridors - where we know that the severity and number of crashes is high. This is My vision is for a city government that works for unacceptable. This is an equity issue and a public all Portlanders, and helps working families, safety issue. I strongly support efforts underway underserved residents, and vulnerable by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) community voices have a meaningful say in to invest in East Portland, including investments making the decisions that affect them. I will in sidewalk, transit, bike lanes, and signalized restore and build the community’s trust in crossings on arterials like SE Division, SE Stark, government through balanced policies and SE 122nd and more. I know plans are in place initiatives that represent East Portland’s needs. with PBOT to expand East Portland My strategies include: neighborhood greenways which I fully support. • Bring urgency and focus to the affordable ODOT received $110m from the state legislature housing shortage and homelessness through to design and construct sidewalks, bike lanes, new prevention and intervention services. I will signalized crosswalks, stormwater treatment, and advocate for housing affordability at all income more along Outer Powell which will make a huge levels, eviction prevention, and rent assistance for improvement in this area. When it comes to East those who need it. Portland street infrastructure, we can and must do better. These improvements I refer to will • Ensure that current and new systems to provide improve safety for all who live, work, or travel in mental health, substance abuse treatment, and the area. other support services for the chronically homeless are effective and in place. I also support renewing Portland’s gas tax - the Fixing Our Streets program - to continue funding • Participate in advocacy at the state and local for transportation projects throughout the city level for investments in homelessness and family and in East Portland. The infrastructure stability programs, and stronger, more strategic improvements needed in East Portland require alignment in partnerships with the business funding. The City’s existing budget, especially in community, philanthropy, and nonprofit sectors response to COVID-19 - faces a significant budget to close these disparities. shortfall. Renewing the gas tax will help, but not • Focus on responsible and balanced public policy completely address, East Portland’s and investments and infrastructure development transportation needs. in areas beyond downtown and the central I’m aware a disproportionate percentage of eastside. Neighborhoods in East Portland that

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still lack sidewalks, paved roads, safe arterial ALICIA MCCARTHY crossings, bus shelters, and access to more Did not respond. frequent and accessible transit options. • • Encourage community-centered development on city projects, not solely driven by developers and planners, and prioritize underserved and MARY ANN SCHWAB under-resourced areas and safety hazard areas first. We need a people-based approach to Did not respond. placemaking that supports and encourages • positive development, businesses and neighborhoods, and avoids involuntary displacement and enables community members PHILIP WOLFE to have a real voice in these processes. Did not respond. • Lead as a partner with my colleagues at the state, County, and local level - Gresham, • Troutdale, Fairview, Maywood Park, and Wood Village - to address our shared goals of housing affordability, climate justice, transit, jobs and a CORINNE PATEL strong local economy. 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s • Support and invest in renewable energy, population, yet has historically been climate-resilient infrastructure, and community; allocated a smaller share of city resources implement Portland Clean Energy Community than other areas of town. How will you Benefits Fund (PCEF) and getting funds to support equity for East Portland in city frontline communities for implementation. investments in transportation, parks, housing and economic development? • Create a financially sustainable funding mechanism for the creation, preservation, and I believe in changing at large commissioners to 6- sustainment of parks and recreation facilities 7 district commissioners (N, E, NW, NE, SE, across our region. SW/S). Equity begins with a seat at the table. This would yield roughly 17% representation but at • Advocate for increased public transportation least begins with East Portland being recognized options, such as Youth Pass and fareless TriMet, as its own district within the city. so more cars are off the road, and residents have equitable access to public transportation. 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the city in personal incomes and job • Support Rose lanes and other initiatives that opportunities. What will you do to increase will make TriMet service more reliable for riders the number of family-wage jobs in East who are transit dependent. Portland? • I would begin by reaching out to the residents of East Portland and specifically asking what they want and need. I would then work to collaborate ISHAM HARRIS those needs with needs throughout the city. Did not respond. Bringing new jobs also requires an investment in infrastructure and public transit to better connect • East Portland with the rest of the city. 3. Portland is experiencing a severe housing crisis, and East Portland residents are particularly vulnerable to

displacement. What tools will you

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implement to prevent involuntary TIMOTHY DUBOIS displacement of low-income people from 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s East Portland? population, yet has historically been I believe property ownership is vital to personal allocated a smaller share of city resources investment. I would like to see rent-to-own, First than other areas of town. How will you option to buy, and other investments in support equity for East Portland in city individuals to make ownership feasible, investments in transportation, parks, affordable, and attainable. I support housing and economic development? deconstruction for existing old homes and would While historically disenfranchised, East Portland like to see this method applied to all demo has had a couple of big wins over the last several regardless of age (I prefer renovation but years. Amanda Fritz, when in charge of the Parks sometimes buildings cant be saved). Department, opened three new parks which 4. What is your strategy to bring East allowed access to public green spaces to many Portland’s street infrastructure up to the low-income families who previously had no place standard of the rest of the city? to go. Public transportation on the east side is much more connected and intricate, whereas the Begin by realizing we have under invested in this west side is more sprawling and dispersed. The portion of the city and many residents/politicians addition of the Orange line to Milwaukie also still carry the bias of East Portland being separate opens a much-needed max line in the south-east. I from the rest of the city. The whole city deserves plan to continue these efforts, while also setting the same standard and no area of the city should goals and initiatives for equitable housing and be viewed as lesser. This means we need to invest urban development. Over the past five years, more in East Portland (also some areas of N, SE, high-rise apartments costing $3000 and up per and NE) for a few years to bring it to the same month have been popping up. This is not the kind standard. East Portland is Portland and deserves of construction we need. I intend to reduce red equity with the rest of the city. tape for the construction and to create incentives 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of for investors to fund affordable housing. The East Portland a decade from now? What is dense transit in East Portland makes it a perfect your strategy to get us there? spot for further economic development. It allows for an easy and cheap option to go between home, I view it as a vibrant center of life and commerce similar in many ways to areas like Sellwood and St school, work, and shopping districts, helping to stimulate growth. Johns. Many areas of the city and parts of the populace need someone to scream from the roof 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the tops for them. It starts by listening to what the city in personal incomes and job people of the area need and it continues by opportunities. What will you do to increase someone fighting for those residents. I believe its the number of family-wage jobs in East not about what I want. I believe it is about Portland? representing the people of my city. My strategy The best way to create family-wage jobs is to may not be the same or what is wanted by those expand industry. While industry in the city is residents. I believe in listening closely, not thriving, the smokestack pollution is not regulated superimposing my own wants, and speaking up by human health risks. These are problems we can for those who don’t have the ability. I believe in work to fix while also stimulating job growth. By checking white savior-ism and not leaping to my investing in green industries, such as renewable own conclusions without the input and energy and electric-vehicle infrastructure, we can collaboration of the community I represent. create well-paying jobs from construction workers • to vendors to management.

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3. Portland is experiencing a severe Currently, our infrastructure budget is tied to housing crisis, and East Portland residents property taxes. While a good idea in theory, this are particularly vulnerable to creates and encourages economic disparity. West displacement. What tools will you Portland has significantly higher real-estate implement to prevent involuntary values then the East, producing more tax revenue, displacement of low-income people from and therefore the residents are given more power East Portland? in where it is allocated. This continues a trend of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, Portland’s current solution to the housing crisis is with all of the funding going to west side parks, more taxes and regulations for developers, but, as schools, and neighborhoods while the east side has been seen in San Francisco and New York, I shuts down schools, like Marshall High, and believe this to be the root of the problem. I bring a community centers like the Columbia Pool. We knowledge of real estate finance and the cost of need to bridge this gap and make infrastructure risk to the city government that has been long equal throughout the city by increasing alternative missing. funding options, like sponsored parks and more We will start by eliminating the Inclusionary rentable vendor stalls in public spaces. Zoning requirements and replacing it with a 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of housing voucher (section 8) requirement. A East Portland a decade from now? What is voucher requirement would move the subsidy off your strategy to get us there? the developers books and onto the public, as it is a public problem. It would also move the benefit I strive for a Portland that is clean, safe, and equal away from a specific unit, to the individual or for all. One with minimal smog, pristine rivers, family, where it should be. No one should be and well-maintained public spaces through trapped in an insufficient housing unit, or increased pollution regulation and green conversely having more housing than they need, industries. I want us to move towards smart because it would mean losing necessary support. density, where homes, work, transit, and As an active landlord to a housing voucher entertainment are all easily accessible. I will work recipient, I understand the benefits of the to end our housing crisis, and home as many program and appreciate that my tenant can move citizens in need as possible through a combination as her circumstances change. of developer incentive’s and Section 8 housing vouchers. The next approach is to reduce or eliminate subjective building standards. Subjective • standards open up development to litigation.

These lawsuits are usually brought for the purpose of blocking projects and have the effect of CULLIS (JAMES) AUTRY increasing risk, which increases costs, and reduces Did not respond. growth in supply - thereby worsening the housing problem. The first step would be to get rid of the • regulatory deadwood in the system. The next step would be to consider eliminating the design commission, or more generally, all design CANDACE AVALOS standards and review. To illustrate why - while 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s visiting the field for a real estate class, we population, yet has historically been reviewed the three designs of MLK 5 at the allocated a smaller share of city resources Burnside Bridgehead and all three group than other areas of town. How will you members liked different designs. It is not good use support equity for East Portland in city of public resources to regulate taste. investments in transportation, parks, 4. What is your strategy to bring East housing and economic development? Portland’s street infrastructure up to the This is precisely why I began my campaign on a standard of the rest of the city?

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strong platform to change our form of As we enter a new decade, we are continuing to government and finally bring district see the impact of a changing society and representation to Portlanders. Portland is the last workforce—especially now as we plan for life post US city with over 100,000 residents to still have a COVID-19. It’s important that on the local level commission form of government, where we make decisions that give Portlanders equitable commissioners are not only responsible for access to growth opportunities. This includes overseeing the day-to-day functions of our prioritizing local businesses, creating more bureaus, but are assigned arbitrarily by the apprenticeships for young people to learn trades, Mayor. This archaic system rooted in Jim Crow- and investing in local labor on major city projects. era segregation has created a lack of consistency A more equitable Portland is not possible without and long term strategic planning to address the addressing the urgent need to unionize labor and most pressing problems facing our communities. combat growing wage inequality. We need to In addition, with a population of over 600,000 all continue to fund the capacity of small businesses of our commissioners are elected at-large, which to grow through Venture Portland grants. We means the leaders who most often succeed should be leveraging the actions of Prosper running for office come from wealthy families Portland to include spaces for makers, not just from the west side of town and do not reflect all of more coffee shops. our unique communities. It’s time we bring true Through city planning and programs, Portland representation to all areas of our city. We deserve has made valuable investments in city to elect members of our own unique community infrastructure, but the result is often that understand the lived experiences of our gentrification rather than improvement and neighbors, and can bring new diverse voices to the neighborhoods with marginalized communities table where crucial decisions are being made for continue to be passed over for overdue our future. This will be a crucial next step in infrastructure projects. In addition, the current ensuring East Portland has a voice at the table so programs of small grants to business districts we can advocate for our communities. through Venture Portland and larger investments Since annexation, East Portland has consistently by Prosper Portland must look toward a future given more in tax revenue to the City than they that includes everyone. The vision of the city must have received in services. The broken promises of include spaces for makers, artists, and first time street and safety improvements even as the area business owners. In light of COVID-19 we must becomes more dense cannot go on. Promises learn to diversify our workforce and provide more made must be promises kept, and while we wait direct funding to small businesses through grants for the change of our city charter to hold City and give them the technical support they'll need to Council accountable, I will begin working towards recover and thrive. keeping those promises to East Portland. 3. Portland is experiencing a severe The affordability and livability of our city needs to housing crisis, and East Portland residents be a cornerstone for how we continue to grow. It are particularly vulnerable to is imperative that we keep wages on par with the displacement. What tools will you cost of living. Affordability in housing, implement to prevent involuntary transportation, childcare, and access to various displacement of low-income people from services must be a top priority for the city of East Portland? Portland. We cannot continue to let people be While we must do everything we can to keep priced out of a city where they spend so much of people in their homes, including fully funding their time and money. rental assistance, we must address the root cause 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the of the housing crisis by building affordable city in personal incomes and job housing affordably and at scale. If the private opportunities. What will you do to increase market left to its own devices was going to solve the number of family-wage jobs in East the housing problem it would have by now—which Portland? is why we must incentivize ways to build

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affordable housing affordably at scale. I’d like the being neglected. The City has an obligation to City to create an innovation hub for affordable spend its resources wisely and invest in housing design and manufacturing so we can neighborhoods that need basic infrastructure to diversify the type of housing we build because our improve safety and overall investment in the families have diverse needs. These units would be community. PBOT is moving in the right direction affordable not because of subsidies but because by putting down gravel on unimproved streets, they are able to be built and sold at a market rate and I’d like to see that continue throughout the which is truly affordable. In addition to building city to at least offer some relief for neighborhoods more affordable housing, we must continue to that have been neglected for decades. Still, it’s not build housing for all at every level. nearly good enough and why did it take so long? East Portland has been asking—begging—for We also must invest in more integrated housing, improvements for years. There is so much left to and create neighborhoods with families of mixed do, and adding more sidewalks, safer crossings, income. Your ability to have a thriving community and better lit streets need to be prioritized. The with access to resources and activities should not City needs to develop a comprehensive plan to be determined by the type of home you can afford address a realistic timeline to accomplish these to buy or rent. When we make decisions about much needed improvements, and I’d like to see transportation, parks, and commerce, we need to them do that by doing an audit of all the take into account the needs of those communities neighborhoods and create a list of priorities to and create spaces that are more financially start investing in neglected parts of the City. A welcoming to families of all incomes and this is major part of this problem is that East Portland done by creating spaces where Portlanders have was unincorporated and annexed by the city of immediate access to basic needs like healthcare, Portland in the 1980's and 1990's. The City groceries, education, and transportation promised East Portland improvements, but networks. instead they make them pay more than they get At the core, I believe the most appropriate next back in services. East Portland needs to have step in addressing houselessness is connecting every dollar they invest put back into the care through city facilitated case management community, and I’m interested in starting an systems to provide frontline services and action team specifically to come up with plans to resources to the unhoused community. I’d like to address this infrastructure. see us invest in self-governed spaces that can 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of serve as a transition tool to get people housed, East Portland a decade from now? What is because we don’t have enough housing for your strategy to get us there? everyone overnight so we need interim protections. While we are trying to build the I continue to come back to changing our form of housing that will ultimately lift them out of government, because I believe it is a critical houselessnes, we must meet their immediate change we need to make in order to correct the needs now, where they are while we put energy in many years of disinvestment from resources into making sure no one else ends up in underrepresented communities on City Council. the same circumstances. Additionally, as a I’m also running on a platform of updating our Commissioner I want to build a more robust government to leverage the tools of the 21st rental assistance program to ensure those on the century for engaging our communities. Not only edge of becoming houseless can continue to stay are we severely underrepresented by a city council housed, because in the long run this is the most that doesn’t get elected by districts, but we also efficient way to spend our resources. have seen a lack of consistent efforts on behalf of the City Council to engage people on the 4. What is your strategy to bring East community level. It really is as simple as creating Portland’s street infrastructure up to the a space for conversation, making sure it’s well standard of the rest of the city? advertised and has accommodations, and bringing A quick walk through many of the neighborhoods in the community to talk about what they’re facing in East Portland, it's clear that the streets are and what ideas they have to address it. This

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includes holding official city council sessions throughout the city during varied times, with childcare options, to engage (the majority) of Candidates for Portlanders who cannot attend meetings as Council Position 2 • • currently scheduled. We need to meet people (Special Election, where they’re at and engage the communities unexpired term) impacted by policy decisions. It’s not our job as leaders to have all the answers, but instead to bring together different voices to create the ideas that will lead to them. By increasing our commitment to community engagement, I’d like DAN RYAN to see East Portland at the very minimum have the basic infrastructure I listed in question 4, like 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s more sidewalks, street crossings, and street population, yet has historically been lighting. allocated a smaller share of city resources than other areas of town. How will you • • • support equity for East Portland in city investments in transportation, parks, housing and economic development? Like all Portlanders I expect results. We need to be transparent with neighborhoods and showcase both the success with community investments and where we have fallen short. I recently found out that there are 4 miles of unimproved roads in East Portland--- we should have metrics available for all of Portland—people need to have visibility to what is and isn’t working. As a City Commissioner I would like to mobilize a campaign of transparency so we can all monitor the results of these voter approved investments. Equity means accelerating investments for neighborhoods that have been historically underserved. It is time for the city government to deliver.

In my opinion the two most important outcomes that we should be looking for from transportation are: equitable access to opportunity and environmental benefit.

Parks bring Portlanders joy but we need more equitable access to clean air, trees and community centers.

Scholarships are needed so all children who qualify for free and reduced lunch have access to community centers and swimming lessons. Additionally, equal distribution of trees and investing in tree planting in East Portland. Twenty years of doing things the same way got us here and gentrification and displacement shouldn’t be our Portland story. That means: quit dithering and build the units we’ve already paid

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for in the two housing bonds, provide protections • Charge a fee for any redevelopment of a property and financial support to help the diverse renters in single-dwelling zones that does not include at and homeowners in this neighborhood stay here. least two units Time for action and common sense, it just • Property tax exemption for any regulated requires doing it. affordable units built on-site, for the duration of 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the the affordability restriction. city in personal incomes and job 4. What is your strategy to bring East opportunities. What will you do to increase Portland’s street infrastructure up to the the number of family-wage jobs in East standard of the rest of the city? Portland? This question illustrates the importance of As CEO of All Hands Raised I worked with the electing a commissioner who's able to work Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters collaboratively with other departments, and on creating a best practice program linking youth, reinforces what I have been saying about the schools, administrators and the union together. shortcomings of our antiquated form of city Together we worked to partner with local middle government where each commissioner dwells in and high schools in helping create awareness of his or her fiefdom. PBOT certainly has the right the career opportunities available. Our ideas about design and infrastructure - those are comprehensive approach involved educating two important ingredients for safety, but they're teachers who often have a mental model that does not the only ones. Along with design and not hold such apprenticeships in high regards. infrastructure, we need more education and Through our partnership teachers witnessed enforcement, and for that you have to go beyond firsthand the transformative impact these PBOT and insist that the Police Bureau make experiences had for youth. With the "grey ending traffic deaths and injuries as important a tsunami" approaching we must invest in trades priority to the Police Bureau as it is to the and create more apprenticeship programs and Transportation Bureau. A Portlander killed by a work with communities to bring industry to those gun or a knife or a hammer is quite rightly communities that need economic investment. As a considered a victim of a very serious crime, and a City Commissioner I will replicate this model and Portlander killed by an automobile should be create more funded partnerships that invest in considered to be just as tragic, and frankly even manufacturing and the trades. I will also bring more preventable. I don't know if I will be together more non profits to benefit from this assigned PBOT, and it seems likely that the Mayor program including those with workforce will customarily be responsible for the Police development programs aimed at our youth and Bureau, but I pledge to take an interagency individuals from communities of color. interest in this issue regardless of my portfolio. 3. Portland is experiencing a severe Finally, in terms of resources, the PBOT revenues housing crisis, and East Portland residents under the gas tax that is up for renewal should are particularly vulnerable to continue to be devoted to safety enhancements as displacement. What tools will you a top priority. implement to prevent involuntary I do want to call out “Vision Zero” – the program displacement of low-income people from devoted to reducing traffic deaths to zero. This is East Portland? yet another example of Portland adopting a high- • Grant a “right to stay” to existing tenants blown promise in a policy, but then not acting quickly to actually fulfill it. I support this policy, • Implement a Tenant Opportunity to Purchase but I am not satisfied with the pace of making the policy that gives all current renters, and then the investments in street changes (for example city, the first and second rights of refusal to sidewalks, particularly in east Portland) and purchase a property at fair-market value before it police enforcement to take it seriously. As you all goes on the market. know some of the deadliest streets are in lower- • Earmark Construction Excise Tax (CET). income neighborhoods, and are controlled by the

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state government (ODOT) such as Powell Blvd., our planning, zoning and development systems 82nd Avenue, Columbia Blvd. City gov’t needs to allow for growth and change so that more people hold ODOT to account for its deadly negligence can create the Portland of the future they want. on these arterials. • 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of

East Portland a decade from now? What is your strategy to get us there? MARGOT BLACK If elected I will show that you and I share 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s important values, like making Portland more population, yet has historically been economically accessible to more people by allocated a smaller share of city resources deregulating a wide range of housing types, and than other areas of town. How will you that we are in alignment in a belief that support equity for East Portland in city investments should lead to measurable outcomes investments in transportation, parks, that are more than theoretical. Like I said at the housing and economic development? transportation forum on March 10, Portland city This discrepancy--more city-level power coming government is too often characterized by high- from and focused on areas of relative privilege flown abstract aspirations which are then not rather than on the areas, such as East Portland, supported by the nitty-gritty of actual practice are severely under-resourced -- is a focus of mine. (like the outcomes of the zoning and development The form of city government matters little if the process) or budget (like saying we want to reduce priority of the city council remains dedicated to traffic fatalities in Vision Zero theory but not then the priority of the political establishment. Place making the expenditures that would cause that to matters. When all city business is still happen.) I share an interest in finally matching concentrated in downtown Portland, other parts Portland’s general progressive sentiments with of the city are more easily forgotten. As city day-to-day governing that actualizes those commissioner, I will hold regular, accessible, and sentiments beyond platitudes. At All Hands family friendly office hours in East Portland and Raised, I was all about translating noble but vague will work to open full satellite offices for city intentions about educational achievement into council in East Portland, if not a wholesale move specific steps required to make achievement of city hall to Gateway, the approximate happen. geographic center of the city. I will also advocate Dynamism and change need to be accepted as for opening of satellite offices for important city facts of life in an urban area, at least one that we bureaus (e.g. PBOT and Parks and Recreation) hope is growing and offering new opportunities, and study of potential relocation of certain rather than one that is always going to be as it is bureaus to E Portland. today. Today we don’t have as many livery stables A key part of this process will be to engage or coal stores as we did 100 years ago and we communities of color and low-income don’t have as many video rental shops as we did communities in participatory decision-making 20 years ago. I am skeptical of government efforts processes that avoid top-down presentation of to freeze neighborhoods in amber, particularly in predetermined choices. When considering how to terms of commercial activities. We can’t cater only make deep change, I would follow the lead of to the nostalgia of those of us who have the good those most involved in the charter review process, fortune to have been here a long time. I am a true most notably the Coalition of Communities of Portlander, and I sincerely love some aspects of Color (in partnership with City Club). the Portland I knew in 1971 or 1991 or 2011. But I also know those were incomplete Portlands and Transportation is the second biggest expense after that the city we have today and want to have in housing, especially for people who live in the future will be different as well as somewhat transportation deserts (e.g.,large parts of E the same. I think the best thing we can do for Portland). A central part of my platform is the neighborhood “character” and livability is to have development of a free public transit that is

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competitive with automobile use, so I support issues that involve discrimination. Contracts that expanding on the Rose Lane Project by creating a the city has with vendors should have boilerplate network of bus rapid transit lines that reach into community labor agreements that include strong underserved areas of outer Portland. language around hiring women and people of color, which could be expanded upon request of 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the labor and community groups. city in personal incomes and job opportunities. What will you do to increase Also exacerbating economic injustice are the city’s the number of family-wage jobs in East regressive taxes, such as the gas and arts tax and Portland? the base-fee structure of utilities. There should be a renewed focus on taxing the wealthiest residents Low wages and high rents are critical contributors and big business to fund basic services and on to the economic issues facing BIPOC and working ending regressive taxes and fees that hurt low- class communities. As a community organizer, I income folks. have worked tirelessly to pass a minimum wage increase law (15 now) and to pass legislation that 3. Portland is experiencing a severe would limit rent increases and economic housing crisis, and East Portland residents displacement. For example, Portland passed the are particularly vulnerable to temporary Relocation Assistance Ordinance, displacement. What tools will you which I co-authored. I will continue to fight for implement to prevent involuntary stronger minimum wage legislation with displacement of low-income people from automatic yearly increases indexed to CPI. I will East Portland? also continue to fight for laws that protect Because I was one of the primary architects of the vulnerable people from economic eviction and relocation assistance ordinance, and served on the housing insecurity. Relocation technical advisory committee and The ongoing Pandemic and Climate crisis has Portland’s Rental Services Commission (RSC), I underscored the need to implement a rapid and know the policy, powermap, and legal constraints just transition towards resilient and sustainable inside and out. A summary of some of my top communities. As a strong and committed legislative and regulatory priorities are: supporter of the Portland Clean Energy • Lift the state ban on rent control so we can have Community Benefit Fund (PCEF) and the REAL RENT CONTROL in Portland proposed Oregon Green New Deal, I would take the lead on fighting for large-scale jobs programs • Keep people housed and prevent homelessness that prioritize vulnerable residents in East through increased tenant protections, universal Portland, including BIPOC and low income folk. eviction defense and prevention. At the local level I would work to expand and • House the homeless and create decent, zero- strengthen PCEF while also working with elected barrier permanent supportive housing with robust officials and community orgs to lobby the state wrap around services for the folks who need it. and federal governments to pass “Green New Deal” and “Medicare for All” legislation that • Demand a HOUSING WAGE FOR ALL. addresses the magnitude of the climate crisis and Reforming relocation and lifting the ban on rent public health crisis. control will be top priorities of mine if elected. Too many Portlanders have been forced into the Supporting the right of tenants to collectively gig economy. The city should stop cutting bargain their leases and rent is also a priority. I’ve important services like parks and community researched ways to create policy around this issue, centers and expand them instead, since such based on how labor unions bargain contracts for services remain in high demand and provide wages and benefits and, even more relevantly, living wage jobs. Expanding the Summerworks how HUD has already incorporated these rights jobs program would also alleviate economic pain. affirmatively into their policies for their residents. The city’s Office of Equity could be expanded to I will continue to champion this policy because I have more authority to directly intervene in labor believe it’s essential to enable tenants to have a

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real say over their living conditions and to provide democratic and participatory voice in budgeting them basic housing security. Everyone should and implementation of transportation projects. have a union. Transportation is the second biggest expense after I also support a requirement for tenant legal housing — especially for those living in East representation during eviction proceedings, Portland and other areas that have experienced including a mechanism to provide it. Current data chronic neglect by the City of Portland. That's why with regards to this suggests that 90% of a central part of my platform is the development landlords are legally represented in eviction court, of a free public transit system that serves the and 90% of tenants aren’t. As a tenant organizer needs of workers, families, and people across and advocate who often accompanies tenants to Portland. If Portland is serious about addressing eviction court for moral support, I have seen the transportation inequality and climate change, free devastating impact of our expedited eviction public transit is an important solution already at process on unrepresented tenants who have no work in cities around the world. In addition to option but to believe whatever they are told in being economically accessible, transit must be court, and sign whatever agreement is offered to efficient and easy to use so I very strongly support them, often to their great detriment and when expanding on the Rose Lane Project by creating a they have very valid defenses which could network of bus rapid transit lines that reach into dramatically change the outcomes. It is all of East Portland and connect it with job unconscionable that we do not offer or require centers. And again the funding and legal counsel for tenants in this situation already, implementation of rapid transit lanes must be and our homelessness crisis is one very visible decided by democratic participatory engagement, outcome. Any renter who needs a lawyer should not by a top-down approach with a limited set of have access to one, but I will also prioritize options. creating new structures and institutions within Because it will take time to build a world-class the city’s bureaus that can serve tenants in this mass transit system in East Portland, I also regard without having to go through a court support robust transitional subsidy of less- process. polluting driving options. For example, the city of 4. What is your strategy to bring East Portland should offer subsidies for electric-vehicle Portland’s street infrastructure up to the purchases by lower-income Portlanders and build standard of the rest of the city? a network of subsidized EV car-share hubs in areas underserved by transit or with East Portland has experienced decades of concentrations of housing insecure folk. unacceptable neglect when it comes to upgrading its street infrastructure to basic city standards. 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of Until we have adequately addressed these deep East Portland a decade from now? What is transportation disparities, I support freezing non- your strategy to get us there? essential projects in more developed, My vision for East Portland is of an economically transportation-rich areas in order to refocus our vibrant and healthy community that has been energy and funding towards infrastructure- empowered to democratically decide its future. I starved areas. Existing infrastructure disparities also envisage a community that has safe and must be fixed so that people feel safe walking, livable streets, easy access to needed amenities rolling, or cycling to transit stops or their (e.g. grocery stores, childcare, healthcare), and destinations in all out communities. I would work abundant permanently-affordable housing (e.g. with EPAP and other East Portland community community land trusts and non-profit housing). organizations to ensure that the City of Portland prioritizes completion of the missing sidewalks, I do not believe this goal is readily achievable safe routes to school, signaled crosswalks, and when power is concentrated in downtown high-quality bike lanes identified by the Portland. As city commissioner, I will hold community itself. We cannot have equity if regular, accessible, and family-friendly office historically neglected communities do not have a hours in East Portland and will work to open full

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satellite offices for city council there — if not a initiatives that are most important for outer East wholesale move of city hall to Gateway, the Portland like sidewalks, small business approximate geographic center of the city. In the development, safe routes to school and work, and interim, I would demand that the city regularly I would advocate in the budget for these projects hold city council and commission meetings in E with assigned bureaus. Portland and other outlying neighborhoods. I will We need to actually do what we say we will do, also demand that important city bureaus, such as and invest in East Portland. Longer term, we need PBOT, have satellite offices in East Portland. to change our form of government and have Given that Portland has a long history of failing to elected officials who are accountable to their live up to its pledges of equity in East Portland, I districts, including a few districts in East believe that implementing participatory decision- Portland. We cannot keep ignoring East Portland making and budgeting should be a priority. The in our funding and planning decisions, and that city should follow the lead of Richmond CA and requires representation on City Council. work with East Portland residents and community 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the orgs to create a model for democratic city in personal incomes and job determination of city investments (that could then opportunities. What will you do to increase be applied city-wide). the number of family-wage jobs in East • Portland? We must transition to a clean energy economy – with that comes family- wage jobs that cannot be TERA HURST outsourced and a just transition that puts the 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s power in the hands of workers in East Portland. population, yet has historically been Weatherization, sales, technology, manufacturing, allocated a smaller share of city resources construction, and support jobs are just a few than other areas of town. How will you examples of clean energy jobs that can be located support equity for East Portland in city anywhere--why not make East Portland the green investments in transportation, parks, job center? housing and economic development? When I was Deputy Chief of Staff for Mayor I will listen, learn and partner with East Portland Hales, we invested in the Neighborhood community leaders who are committed to Prosperity Initiatives (NPIs) of East Portland centering the highest needs of the city, specifically including Rosewood Initiative, Jade District, for economic and community development. I’ll Division Midway Alliance and Historic Rosewood. focus on 0pportunities that bring jobs, livability, Through the PDC (Prosper Portland) we and safety to East Portland neighborhoods. With developed a shared goal of ensuring shared that development, I will also ensure that benefits prosperity throughout the city, and worked in go to residents, local small businesses, and I’ll partnership with EPAP to meet the economic collaborate with community-based activists to opportunities and goals set forth in the plan. I make sure it occurs without displacement. We know how crucial these partnerships are to need community benefit agreements that stipulate making sure we adequately prioritize investment jobs for any development stay in the East Portland in East Portland, and I would continue to build on community. It’s critical to lean on solutions them to support economic development. coming from the community, and that means we In Mayor Hales’s office, I advocated and fought also need to build the capacity of nonprofits in the for East Portland every budget session. We area like Hacienda, Latino Network, Rosewood invested in revitalizing the Lents town center, Initiative, and Boys and Girls Club, so they can supported development of the Asian Heath and continue to have the resources they need to Service Center, added affordable housing units, provide essential services to East Portland. invested in Jade District’s night market, and made To start, I would focus on one or two specific the SE Community Center accessible to Youth by

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enabling free entry and youth and culturally Ensuring homes are safe and liveable was a specific programming. We brought the State of priority while I worked in Mayor Hales’ office and the City to East Portland, through the Rosewood will continue to be a priority when I’m City Initiative. I have a proven track record of Commissioner. Having stable, safe housing is advocating for East Portland, and as your City critical for Portlanders to thrive. Commissioner I would continue to push for more 4. What is your strategy to bring East solutions for East Portland. Portland’s street infrastructure up to the 3. Portland is experiencing a severe standard of the rest of the city? housing crisis, and East Portland residents I am fully committed to investing in East Portland are particularly vulnerable to so that street infrastructure is at parity with the displacement. What tools will you rest of the city. East Portland has been disinvested implement to prevent involuntary in for too long. I support the East Portland Action displacement of low-income people from Plan that prioritizes projects focused on East Portland? pedestrian and bike safety, especially when With the current COVID crisis, we need to make crossing major roadways, connecting residents to sure families don’t end up pushed out of their transit and neighborhood schools. Every child homes due to their inability to pay rent or their should have a safe route to school, whether it’s a mortgage. I will continue to fight to extend the sidewalk to walk down or a protected bike lane. moratorium on evictions and foreclosures through Not only does it help reduce traffic congestion and 2020 and make sure there is a fund to help people pollution, but it helps physical and mental health keep a roof over their head. I know firsthand that as well. Once we have accomplished these goals, once the rent or mortgage payments back up only then should we go back to prioritizing many families will never be able to pay that off. projects across the city. We need to ensure that We need to reduce barriers to build units faster, the transportation dollars that flow into the city too, to make sure we are increasing our affordable from HB2017, the State’s transportation package, and permanent housing stock. are prioritized for safe routes to school and the multiple greenways projects planned for East Strengthening our anti-displacement policies is Portland. another critical thing we must do to address our housing crisis, and ensure that families aren’t Here’s how I will get it done: I’ll work with EPAP pushed out of the City. We know that to review their list of infrastructure needs, identify displacement disproportionately impacts the top projects, connect with bureaus on where communities of color, and we need to do they are in the queue, if at all, and with that everything we can as a City government to make information, I will better understand the fiscal sure people can stay in their homes, and stay needs and whether we can indeed get them done housed. This includes, certainly, pathways to in the next few years. I know the COVID-19 crisis home ownership, particularly for communities of will really tighten the City budget for any color, which is an important way to build peripheral projects other than housing, jobs, and generational wealth in communities that have small businesses, but I will advocate for EPAP’s experienced redlining and systemic racism. priorities with what funding there is still available. There are also many poorly maintained 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of apartments that need to be weatherized to avoid East Portland a decade from now? What is exorbitant utility bills, updated and ensure they your strategy to get us there? meet safety and health standards. A few years ago, My 10-year vision for East Portland is that every I had to move my own family from our rental neighborhood is a 20-minute walkable because of lead exposure, so I understand how neighborhood, that every child has a safe and expensive and scary this can be. We need to healthy way to get to school, transit is free for address the problem of zombie homes in East youth and there are more frequent bus routes that Portland, too. actually connect every quadrant of our city to East

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Portland. I want to see abundant affordable allocated a smaller share of city resources housing options, small businesses thriving, and than other areas of town. How will you new clean and innovative jobs in East Portland support equity for East Portland in city thanks to smart development. In 10 years, I’m investments in transportation, parks, certain we’ll continue to see the rich diversity and housing and economic development? cultural aspects of East Portland shine through Start with identification of the Municipal and influence the entire city. partnerships needed for implementation; followed I am firmly committed and have a proven track by the Strategic Priority and Action Plan strategies record fighting for resources to benefit East or item(s) to which it relates; Portland. With the upcoming process to change Set goals that East Portland attains the promised our City Government, I will fight to change our investments made during annexation to reach City Government to one that is more parity with other parts of the city in public representative of the needs of all Portlanders, facilities and capital spending; encourage particularly those in East County. East County prioritization of projects in East Portland. deserves an elected official who will represent the needs of their community on City Council, and Institutionalize geographic mapping of City that means that person needs to live in East spending. County and be someone who residents can contact Develop a Quadrant Plan equivalent for East directly to advocate for their community’s needs. Portland. Planning and Sustainability • Commission Representative and Operations Committee.

Engage ethnic communities in neighborhood AQUILES MONTAS activities; provide overhead funding for Did not respond. translation/language services to remove barriers and improve messaging and invitations. • Increase funding and technical assistance for

organizations that desire to establish (two new ALICEA MAURSETH ethnicity/languages every two years) or to strengthen existing ethnically-based Community Did not respond. Health Worker programs. • Establish racially and ethnically representative community oversight of Community Health LORETTA SMITH Worker programming. Did not respond. Educate first- time homeowners to require environmental hazard assessments on property to • be purchased. Expand community non-profit home repair and RYAN FARMER rehabilitation assistance programs to cover a greater number of households. Did not respond. Fund and implement a housing rehabilitation • program for East Portland to improve the safety, appearance, and affordability of existing housing stock. Involve the East Portland Action Plan WALTER WESLEY Housing Subcommittee in the development of the 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s program. population, yet has historically been Perform an Anti-Displacement Impact Analysis

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when considering multi-family and commercial development efforts to bring living wage jobs to developments. to provide a pre-build assessment East Portland. of the effect such development will have on Connect East Portland residents to family-wage displacement in the area (usually a one-mile employment outside of the area by identifying and radius). removing barriers, such as limited transportation Funding for East Portland to support the options.add new and frequent routes. acquisition of developable land and existing 3. Portland is experiencing a severe market-rate housing currently serving low-income housing crisis, and East Portland residents families and communities of color by are particularly vulnerable to organizations actively working to prevent displacement. What tools will you residential displacement and build healthy, implement to prevent involuntary inclusive neighborhoods within East Portland. displacement of low-income people from Educate first- time homeowners to require East Portland? environmental hazard assessments on property to Educate first- time homeowners to require be purchased. environmental hazard assessments on property to Expand community non-profit home repair and be purchased. rehabilitation assistance programs to cover a Expand community non-profit home repair and greater number of households. rehabilitation assistance programs to cover a Fund and implement a housing rehabilitation greater number of households. program for East Portland to improve the safety, Fund and implement a housing rehabilitation appearance, and affordability of existing housing program for East Portland to improve the safety, stock. Involve the East Portland Action Plan appearance, and affordability of existing housing Housing Subcommittee in the development of the stock. Involve the East Portland Action Plan program. Housing Subcommittee in the development of the Perform an Anti-Displacement Impact Analysis program. when considering multi-family and commercial Perform an Anti-Displacement Impact Analysis developments. to provide a pre-build assessment when considering multi-family and commercial of the effect such development will have on developments. to provide a pre-build assessment displacement in the area (usually a one-mile of the effect such development will have on radius). displacement in the area (usually a one-mile Funding for East Portland to support the radius). acquisition of developable land and existing Funding for East Portland to support the market-rate housing currently serving low-income acquisition of developable land and existing families and communities of color by market-rate housing currently serving low-income organizations actively working to families and communities of color by 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the organizations actively working to prevent city in personal incomes and job residential displacement and build healthy, opportunities. What will you do to increase inclusive neighborhoods within East Portland. the number of family-wage jobs in East 4. What is your strategy to bring East Portland? Portland’s street infrastructure up to the All Municipalities: Maximize East Portland’s standard of the rest of the city? economic benefits from public projects through Educate first- time homeowners to require local and diverse hiring provisions and environmental hazard assessments on property to community benefits. be purchased. Partner with the Neighborhood Prosperity Expand community non-profit home repair and Initiatives and other urban renewal and economic rehabilitation assistance programs to cover a

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greater number of households. along corridors. Also allowed are duplexes on the majority of properties in single family home zoned Fund and implement a housing rehabilitation neighborhoods. ADUs are allowed on all single program for East Portland to improve the safety, family home properties. appearance, and affordability of existing housing stock. Involve the East Portland Action Plan Before higher densities proposed in the Housing Subcommittee in the development of the Residential Infill Project (RIP) are allowed city program. wide, pilot projects need to take place to identify affordability and impacts. With larger blocks and Perform an Anti-Displacement Impact Analysis many homes having flag lots and/or yards that are when considering multi-family and commercial much larger than close-in residential developments. to provide a pre-build assessment neighborhoods, increasing density in East of the effect such development will have on Portland, if and where wanted, can be displacement in the area (usually a one-mile accomplished without some of the negative radius). impacts such as demolishing the most affordable Funding for East Portland to support the housing stock. acquisition of developable land and existing In speculation, if lucrative pilot project market-rate housing currently serving low-income opportunity zones for new housing could be families and communities of color by created in East Portland as opposed to an organizations actively working to prevent opportunity zone in downtown Portland, East residential displacement and build healthy, Portland could be the host for far more inclusive neighborhoods within East Portland. development than now exists. As part of an 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of opportunity zone overlay, system development East Portland a decade from now? What is charges and impact fees could be required to be your strategy to get us there? retained within East Portland to help pay for sidewalks and parks. Opportunity zone My most serious concern is elements of 5G the requirements could also include stronger Microwave High Band ( 20 to 100 gigahertz) is inclusionary zoning requirements for known to penetrate animal and plant bodies this affordability, and design standards whereby large causes harmonic sympathetic frequencies to upset multifamily complexes would be required to have cells, this is a fact. As these Microwave emitters center space outdoor court yards that include are planned at 100M meters there would be no place to hide from the effects i.e. DNA mutations, amenities for families of all ages. cancer, immune failure , headaches nausea and As per the 2016 Auditor's Report, Portland's death, It’s My Vision to prevent the spread of world renowned framework of geographic High Band 5G. neighborhood associations needs to be strengthened and expanded. This includes giving • formal recognition to other community and identity groups that abide by the same standards TERRY PARKER of non-discriminatory practices, accessible open meetings and maintaining transparent minutes. 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s With the Civic Life budget increased to cover the population, yet has historically been expansion, instead of fighting each other, allocated a smaller share of city resources geographic neighborhood associations and than other areas of town. How will you coalitions working together with local community support equity for East Portland in city and identity groups could make a good case and investments in transportation, parks, be a combined force of advocates to promote housing and economic development? investing in East Portland. In accordance with Oregon House Bill 2001 and 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the the Portland Comprehensive Plan, higher city in personal incomes and job densities are now allowed in town centers and opportunities. What will you do to increase

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the number of family-wage jobs in East and big trees. Portland? 3. Portland is experiencing a severe With new and increased housing opportunities housing crisis, and East Portland residents created by housing opportunity zones, there will are particularly vulnerable to be pressure to add more commercial displacement. What tools will you development. History shows commercial implement to prevent involuntary development follows residential development. displacement of low-income people from Similarly in speculation, commercial opportunity East Portland? overlay zones could be created in East Portland. Stringent eviction rules for rental housing are Per Portland's Comprehensive Plan; Gateway - already in place. Renter relocation assistance is which includes the City’s second largest transit mandated within the City of Portland - paid by the hub outside of downtown and good freeway access landlord - for no-cause evictions, a qualified to regional destinations including PDX - has been landlord reason for termination of a lease, a rent identified as a regional center. The landmass is increase of 10 percent or higher over a 12-month second in size only to Downtown. With this period, a substantial change in terms of a lease, designation as East Portland's hub, the Gateway and/or if a renter receives no option to renew area has been targeted to provide commercial, their lease. Tenants must receive a written notice transportation and community services. for any of these events at least 90 days prior to the effective date, including a description of their Five to twelve story buildings are allowed in some rights and obligations, and the amount of areas of Gateway. relocation assistance they are eligible to receive. Midway and Lents are identified as town centers This applies to rental units within Portland city which are typically anchored by employment limits, whether they are are managed by an centers or institutions, and feature a wide range of owner, a sublessor, or property management commercial and community services, and have a company, and have either month-to-month rental wide range of housing options. agreements or fixed-term tenancies, such as 6- month or 1-year leases. There are some exceptions 122nd/Hazelwood, Rosewood/Glenfair, to the mandate such as but not limited to rental 162nd/Division and Parkrose are all identified as agreements for week-to-week tenancies, tenants neighborhood centers where medium to high that occupy the same dwelling unit as the landlord density commercial and residential buildings are characteristically focused on corridor streets. and tenants that occupy one dwelling unit in a duplex where the landlord's principal residence is The objective of the East Portland town and the second dwelling unit in the same duplex. neighborhood center designations is to attract Additionally, the City Council is currently investments that will reduce infrastructure considering the implementation of a sufficiently disparities, enhance and improve the livability of funded and adequately staffed anti-displacement neighborhoods, increase affordability and accommodate growth. Investments could include program. improving streets, adding or improving sidewalks 4. What is your strategy to bring East and pedestrian amenities, and creating new parks. Portland’s street infrastructure up to the Economic development programs could support standard of the rest of the city? existing and new businesses, and improve The city needs to stop removing and narrowing neighborhood prosperity and vitality. full service travel lanes on major streets thereby I support these policies as long as they don't creating more congestion and increasing both fuel shatter the American Dream of investing in and consumption and emissions. Enhanced street owning even a starter home. There must be a line lighting and better crosswalks with rapid flash in the sand that prevents demolishing and beacons must be a safety priority. PBOT advisory destroying the ambiance of single family home committees must become inclusive of taxpaying residential neighborhoods that have green yards motorist representation. Adequate off-street

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parking with connectivity for charging electric East Portland a decade from now? What is cars overnight needs to be required with all new your strategy to get us there? residential developments so streets don't become My vision is for an entire city that is inclusive of full-time car storage lots. East Portland - not just a vision for East Portland To make transit work better, entire streets need to separately. This vision is a vibrant city where flow better. This includes requiring bus zones in everybody respects our differences including the parking lane or bus turnouts, and removing respect for law enforcement, and where freedom curb extensions that allow buses stop in travel of choice reigns supreme including our individual lanes and obstruct other traffic when boarding choice of transportation mode. It's a city where passengers. The latter only compounds congestion everybody contributes their equitable share for along an entire street which in turn negatively the good of the people and where the politics of impacts transit travel times. Increased congestion the day doesn't attempt to socialistically dictate on corridor streets also creates more cut through individual lifestyles. Leaders don't use their bully traffic in residential neighborhoods. pulpit to drive a wedge between geographical organizations and identity groups. Instead of spending huge amounts of taxpayer dollars to fund transit mega-projects; providing My vision is also a city of aesthetics where the express buses from East of I-205 to and from ambiance and character of 100 year old and mid- downtown and other employment centers can be century single family home neighborhoods are just as effective, cost less and have less negative retained and maintained. Viable and affordable impacts to other road users. One example of this homes are not being demolished to add density. type of service could utilize Powel Boulevard. No Historical structures and landmarks are well changes to the street infrastructure West of I-205 preserved. Housing is available without the need would be needed. Express buses would have three for subsidies for people with all levels of income. pickup and drop off location stops between Parks and open spaces inclusive of the City's downtown and I-205; somewhere on the inner public golf courses are easily accessed from every eastside such as SE Water Avenue if the express neighborhood. Big mature trees, green yards and buses utilized the Tilikum Crossing, SE Cesar open spaces thrive throughout the city. Absent Chavez (39th) and SE 82nd Avenue. This would and rightly so from my vision is an image of allow transfer connections so riders from East of Portland that has an abundance of tents and I-205 could access locations on the central and trash. inner eastside where frequent North-South transit My strategy to get there starts with the schools by service exists. Stops East of I-205 would be every allowing students to think for themselves and not few blocks as they currently exist. 60-foot just teach a one-sided indoctrination of issues. articulated busses that carry more passengers Life skills such as preparing a household budget could possibly make the concept even more and credit/debt management also needs to be efficient. In Northeast Portland, MAX already taught. That must be followed up with city supplies an express type service from downtown government inclusive of both geographical and the Lloyd District to Gateway where representation and equal representation from all passengers can transfer to and from buses serving sides of issues and differing opinions seeking to East county. find compromise where needed. City council Another example of improving the efficiency of geographical representation with quadrants based transit without spending mega amounts of on the distance from the downtown and the taxpayer dollars would be to have express bus central city need to be carefully looked at as service between employment and town centers another way to possibly provide better such as Lents with local and regular bus service representation for all residents city-wide. Equity feeding into those centers for connections. for all is important. Eastside/westside service would bypass As a strategy to address homelessness, my downtown and not duplicate MAX lines. philosophy is to provide a hand up towards self- 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of sufficiency instead of everlasting handouts, and

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utilize existing infrastructure such as Wapato for place in our city I believe that it is crucial to bring helping hand programs that can demonstrate awareness to the community so that those who are results. Additionally compassionate and maybe looking for work or ways to get involved will have tough love enforcement is needed. The status quo first priority. Transportation impacts the livability of allowing Portland's notoriety to become a city of our city and the comfort and security of those of tents and trash will only stymie development, using our city streets. Portland’s transportation including investments in East Portland. Negative system has the potential to enhance quality of life impacts will also be felt on jobs and throughout for all Portlanders. I believe that expanding the local tourist industry. Portland's transportation is vital for our city because we as Portlanders are always on the go. • By working with community partners, city developers, and our grassroot communities we can work towards a city that is inclusive and DIANA GUTMAN sustainable. 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s 3. Portland is experiencing a severe population, yet has historically been housing crisis, and East Portland residents allocated a smaller share of city resources are particularly vulnerable to than other areas of town. How will you support equity for East Portland in city displacement. What tools will you implement to prevent involuntary investments in transportation, parks, displacement of low-income people from housing and economic development? East Portland? Because of the coronavirus pandemic we have I will always push for more inclusive housing learned that the standards we have lived under options in our City. Everyone should have access were unnecessary and made living in society more brittle and unequal. This is an unprecedented to affordable housing and property owners have a unique opportunity to help our community to opportunity to not just hit the pause button and address this problem. We are in a housing crisis temporarily ease the pain, but to permanently and action is needed now. One of the proposals change the standard so that people aren’t so that has been offered to the to City is The vulnerable to begin with. This event is global Residential Infill project. This project will re- evidence that a functioning government is crucial legalize duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes in for a healthy society. As we set up provisions and policies to help our communities it’s crucial to single family zones. As of now 40% of Portland’s land area is currently zoned for single family think of the long term impacts of these policies housing and is expected to absorb twenty percent that we set in place. We are learning that rigid of Portland’s population growth. I have given standards that we have set for ourselves as a city public testimony in front of the Council on can be changed, amended, or completely replaced; 1/15/2020 (Agenda Item 50) to express my creating a city that is more inclusive to everyone. This is a good thing. As city Commissioner I will support in this project. More housing units in our city need to be designated for specific transitional use my voice and continue to push for inclusive needs. Whether you're from the homeless policies and advocate for our city and these community or a Survivor of abuse trying to flee an changes at a state level. abusive situation. Safe housing is a human right! I 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the believe that if we were to come up with programs city in personal incomes and job to further help our community partners and opportunities. What will you do to increase landlords we could bridge that gap and identify the number of family-wage jobs in East ways that we can actually protect those in need Portland? and serve our community. I will always support I believe that working with our community the community and programs that will help partners and neighborhood associations is a key. Portlanders have access to affordable housing. By With each new development project that takes making housing policies inclusive we can ensure that housing is accessible to everyone that calls

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Portland home. last city with a population greater than 100,000 to use this format and has not changed it since it was 4. What is your strategy to bring East first approved by voters in May of 1913, the same Portland’s street infrastructure up to the year the Natives Land Act was passed. It's no standard of the rest of the city? secret that Portland was built off of colonial This is more than a “one-note” answer, I believe violence and racism. I believe that it is time for the that the first step in addressing this issue would City of Portland to have a government overhaul be working directly with the East Portland and address our racist history. In order to heal neighborhood association. It’s important that our from trauma and move forward, we must first neighborhood associations have equal say when it acknowledge our City's failings and take action in comes to changes, developments, safety and our government to heal our community. As an improvements for our communities. Our city is indigenous woman and your prospective growing at a rapid rate and as a result we are Commissioner I will push to amend outdated facing a housing crisis that needs immediate racist policies and implement new inclusive attention. Ever since I started attending the policies that will enrich our communities and Portland City Council meetings in 2018 I have allow our city to thrive. witnessed different neighborhood associations • show up to the Council meetings and advocate for the needs of our neighborhoods. We as a city need strong voices with compassionate hearts that have JEFF LANG equal say when it comes to issues that require immediate attention. I am a human rights activist Did not respond. and a victims advocate and I care about the • concerns and needs that our communities face. If elected I will work with the neighborhood associations to advocate for the community and to JULIA DEGRAW push for more inclusive services that are accessible to everyone. 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s population, yet has historically been 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of allocated a smaller share of city resources East Portland a decade from now? What is than other areas of town. How will you your strategy to get us there? support equity for East Portland in city I support the changes that will help Portland be investments in transportation, parks, more inclusive to all Portlanders and to those who housing and economic development? come to our City to make it their home. My I ran for Portland City Council Position 2 in 2018 ancestors originally inhabited and took care of on a system change platform, and I’m doing so these lands before the City of Portland had its again now. I live in the Montavilla neighborhood name, the host peoples of these lands are the east of 82nd Avenue–the same neighborhood my Chinook, the Kalapuya, the Clackamas and the grandparents lived in in the 80’s, when they Tlatskanai. The City of Portland, Oregon was would babysit my brother and I every summer issued a territorial charter in 1851, incorporating weekday while my parents were at work. I’ve seen 2.1 square miles of land. In 1913 The Natives Land firsthand the lack of investment and services in Act was the first major piece of segregation East Portland throughout my life. The streets that legislation passed by the Union Parliament. (It had no sidewalks or street lights when I was a kid was replaced in 1991.) The act decreed that whites still lack them, and the unpaved roads are also were not allowed to buy land from natives and largely unchanged. I firmly believe that if East vice versa. While the commission system Portland had had adequate representation on the flourished in United States cities during the City Council since being forced to annex into the progressive reforms of the early 20th century, it City in the 70’s and 80’s we would have seen far has been replaced in most major cities for more more investments in and better outcomes for East favorable systems of government. Portland is the

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Portland communities. is that every time the City invests in a development project with public funding, it That is why I’m a champion of system change in commits to hiring locally from historically Portland. We need to create City Council districts disadvantaged communities and requiring that so City Council members will be elected from the project hire women and BIPOC contractors every part of Portland. Not only will this increase and apprentices to work on these publicly-funded geographic representation it will also make it projects. These opportunities provide real easier for women and people of color to run for pathways out of poverty and strong family wage office. Our current at-large elections have led to a jobs with benefits to people who participate in majority of elected leaders originating from the these programs. west side of town, and only three black people and nine women have ever served on Portland City The City also must do better at hiring locally for Council–that’s not equitable or just its entire workforce. Whether it’s temporary representation. construction work (even if it's contracted out), seasonal employees, or middle to upper Once we elect Councilors by district, they would management, the City should prioritize hiring then focus their time on legislating, planning, and local people who know and love this city. constituency services, rather than on running City Additionally, the City itself must set a higher bureaus assigned to them by the Mayor. I truly standard of what it means to be a responsible believe that structural change is ultimately needed employer: we need to ensure that all jobs paid for to get the transportation, housing, and parks through the City, even contract workers, are paid funding East Portland desperately needs and a living wage with good benefits. This may seem deserves. Representation matters–once we have a like a small thing, but hiring for good public sector system where a majority of elected officials jobs with benefits should prioritize East represent the east side, which has the largest and Portlanders and other local residents over out-of- fastest growing and most diverse population in state applicants. the city, I know that we will get better investment in East Portland. Because East Portland has been so historically underserved, it also means there are so many Heading into a once-a-decade Charter Review opportunities for improvement, and to create year in 2021, I’m the right leader for this historic great family wage jobs while we’re at it. I’m a moment. I am deeply committed to ensuring that leader on municipal broadband in the Portland the Charter Review process is fully funded and metro area, and once the feasibility study is relies on robust community engagement to completed to assess the opportunities and determine how to best change Portland’s form of challenges of bringing a publicly-owned internet government and how we vote to ensure system utility to everyone in Multnomah County. I am change that’s by and for the people of this city– committed to ensuring that residents currently leading to better representation and outcomes for underserved in East Portland and East County are all Portlanders. the first to benefit from this service, which 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the includes providing workforce training for East city in personal incomes and job Portland residents on how to build and operate opportunities. What will you do to increase the network. This is just one of dozens of the number of family-wage jobs in East examples of publicly-funded projects that can Portland? both improve and create jobs in East Portland. In addition to the system change proposal Likewise, the Residential Infill Project will create outlined in my first answer, I am deeply countless opportunities for creative affordable committed to strong community benefits housing development. I will work together with agreements and strengthening the connection EPAP, Unite Oregon, NAYA, APANO and other between our K-12 and public college systems to groups to support projects that create good family union apprenticeship programs. The way strong wage jobs in and for East Portlanders. enforceable community benefits agreements work

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3. Portland is experiencing a severe again, but they will also be able to keep their housing crisis, and East Portland residents employees on the payroll in the meantime, which are particularly vulnerable to will help keep people in their homes and able to displacement. What tools will you pay their bills. implement to prevent involuntary The response from the Federal government has displacement of low-income people from been too little too late. The local governments East Portland? have limited resources, but we must dig deep to This issue has only been exacerbated by the try to support people living on the margins and COVID-19 pandemic. There’s a lot of uncertainty small businesses so we can ensure a speedier about exactly how to prevent involuntary recovery and not leave a vacuum for big corporate displacement in the new reality of shelter-in-place interests to fill in the wake of this disaster. orders that may not end until June, or possibly 4. What is your strategy to bring East even July. These orders are 100% the right thing Portland’s street infrastructure up to the to do for public safety, but this means the Federal standard of the rest of the city? government, State, and local governments must step up efforts to keep small businesses afloat and Not to sound like a broken record, but with people in their homes. system change and increased representation from East Portland, I guarantee that we will finally be My pre-COVID-19 answer would have outlined able to bring sidewalks and safer streets to East strong anti-displacement policies that would keep Portland. The amount of money needed to create people in their neighborhoods even as new sidewalks (without forcing working-class and low- development improves East Portland income households to pay for them out-of-pocket) neighborhoods. This would mean building deeply is not an insurmountable amount of funding to affordable housing by exploring land banking, come up with for the sake of creating safe routes land trusts, and collective housing (where kitchen to schools in every single East Portland and bathrooms may be shared among many neighborhood–the lack of political will has been smaller units or houses), housing cooperative the issue. models, and increasing renter protections, including limiting the rates at which landlords can When City leaders are in the midst of creating a raise the rent before relocation kicks in, etc. It budget, and as the Transportation Commissioner would also include fully funding and improving looks at the citywide priorities, they should always the implementation of rental assistance to do a think twice about investing close in Southeast or better job of keeping people in their homes in the Downtown for sidewalk or roundabout repairs first place. when they know that there are miles of unpaved roads and streets without sidewalks all over outer Additionally, I support the “Portland: All Southeast Portland. The City must apply an Neighbors Welcome” recommendations for anti- economic justice lens to how it invests its displacement strategies and policies. I stand by all infrastructure dollars. Until East Portland and of this, but it’s going to be awhile before we return other disadvantaged areas are brought up to par to the kind of growth and expansion phase we’d with the rest of the city, funding needs to be been expecting to head into prior to the global disproportionately allocated to the parts of the pandemic. city that need it most. I‘ll work with other Since we will be living through this pandemic for Commissioners and across bureaus to ensure quite some time, we must seek out as much better street infrastructure in East Portland emergency funding as we can get from the Feds regardless of which bureaus are assigned to me. and the State, and use that, as best we can, to keep While it goes without saying, I will reiterate that people in their homes. Since Portland is a small my push for system change is largely predicated business town, finding emergency funds to keep on the fact that East Portland streets are in such local businesses afloat is also crucial. With bad shape: it is the number one indicator of how adequate funding, not only will these businesses incredibly underserved and underrepresented be able to restart once we’re able to “open” up

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East Portland has been. No one else running for in all four directions. This kind of grid system is this seat is as committed as I am to ensure better very achievable in East Portland, and we outcomes for East Portland, and improving our desperately need more North-South routes and streets is an especially big priority for me. That is increased frequency. I see a stronger local why I would like to end by saying that I workforce in East Portland that helped improve wholeheartedly support the Fix Our Streets Ballot their neighborhoods rather than being displaced Measure 26-209, on the ballot this May! The extra by the new development. I also see adequate 10-cents per gallon at the pump will lead to $75 housing, including supportive housing for million to fill potholes, build sidewalks, safe everyone, with no one living on the streets any routes to schools, better traffic lights, and better more. bike lanes–all things we need in East Portland. In Overall, I see East Portland becoming a more short, the Fixing Our Streets ballot measure will beautiful, green, walkable, bikeable, transit- help provide the desperately needed funding for friendly place with cleaner air and adequate exactly the kinds of street improvement projects housing stock at every income level. I want East East Portland needs the most. Please vote yes of Portland to be the place where we slow or stop Fix Our Streets as well as voting for me for gentrification by actually succeeding with our Portland City Council. anti-displacement efforts. I see a more liveable, 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of safe, vibrant East Portland a decade from now East Portland a decade from now? What is with more political representation and democratic your strategy to get us there? engagement. Lastly, I see East Portland better represented and empowered on the City Council My vision includes a far more functional and to create the policies and implement the projects representative city government that has long-term that improve all east Portland communities. As an plans driven by sound data and predictions, which EPAP member I hope to achieve these are revisited and adjusted over time as we see improvements to east Portland together! what works and what doesn’t. I see a city where community members are regularly and directly • involved in governmental decision-making processes, offering real direction to publicly- funded projects and programs where they live. I RACHELLE DIXON see safer streets in walkable neighborhoods with Did not respond. more affordable housing, greenspaces, and parks in every part of East Portland. If we’re not there • yet, there will be plans with funded benchmarks that show us how we’ll get there within the next five to ten years. JAMES DAVIS I hope to see participatory budgeting where 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s community members actively chose how to spend population, yet has historically been real public money on community projects, such as allocated a smaller share of city resources parks, which are a huge priority in East Portland. than other areas of town. How will you I hope to be piloting a participatory budgeting support equity for East Portland in city process for parks in East Portland by the end of investments in transportation, parks, my first term serving on Portland City Council. housing and economic development? Hopefully, 10 years from now we will be well into My consistent position on this matter has been the re-jurisdiction and improvement of 82nd that the best way to make sure East Portland Avenue to make it into a real neighborhood street receives an equitable share of city resources is to that’s multimodal and safe for pedestrians and elect council members by district and ensure that cyclists, and that also has more transit service on the 25% of Portlanders who live in the 6 it. I want to see a doubling of transit service in easternmost zipcodes along I-205 and east have East Portland, with more hubs with busses going their own representatives on the council. This

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would assure that 25% of council members are Bank for Portland with a mission to support from East Portland. This is one of my top lower-cost loans for homebuyers, small businesses priorities for this city. I also support expanding and startups, all of which would benefit East the council to allow for a greater diversity of Portland. A public bank could be charged with a representatives and electing council members mission to support housing affordability. It could, using STAR Voting (Score Then Automatic for example, only provide loans for owner- Runoff) to ensure East Portland representatives occupied homes or low-income housing, and for on the city council are actually supported by the programs designed to help people who are facing majority of East Portlanders. I am also in favor of potential displacement to stay in their homes. taking a restorative approach to budgeting in 4. What is your strategy to bring East which East Portland receives a disproportionately Portland’s street infrastructure up to the larger share of resources for some time to standard of the rest of the city? compensate for the history of neglect. The only “strategy” that can accomplish this is 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the prioritizing more money for East Portland than city in personal incomes and job goes to other parts of the city until street and opportunities. What will you do to increase infrastructure standards in East Portland match the number of family-wage jobs in East those being met in other parts of the city. I am in Portland? favor of taking a restorative approach to As a small business owner for the past 30 years, I budgeting in which East Portland receives a know what it takes to start and sustain a business. disproportionately larger share of resources for I support assistance for small businesses to get some time (likely decades) to compensate for the through this crisis so we are not losing as many history of neglect. There are also tools like tax businesses in East Portland. And I support loan increment financing, however those should only funds supporting small businesses, startups, and be employed at the request and direction of East cooperatives for East Portland. In particular, I Portlanders and not be an imposed solution from support chartering a Public Bank for Portland outside, and a portion of funds generated by with a mission to support lower-cost loans for creating an urban renewal district should be small businesses and startups that tout family devoted to helping residents stay in their homes. wage jobs, all of which would benefit East 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of Portland. A Public Bank could operate with a East Portland a decade from now? What is policy to prioritize a certain percentage of its loan your strategy to get us there? pool for owner-occupied homes, business, startups and projects in East Portland. My vision for East Portland is of several thriving hubs that are pedestrian and bike friendly where 3. Portland is experiencing a severe all Portlanders enjoy congregating, shopping, and housing crisis, and East Portland residents spending time. My vision for East Portland is of are particularly vulnerable to neighborhoods that feel cohesive where current displacement. What tools will you neighbors live closer to jobs and opportunities for implement to prevent involuntary entertainment, shopping, and access to displacement of low-income people from community centers. Getting there will take city East Portland? resources combined with local community During this crisis, there must be assistance to help involvement in planning processes. Ultimately, people stay in their homes, and coming out of this my vision for East Portland is of many vibrant crisis we need better programs in place to East Portland communities engaged and working continue supporting that mission. Moreover, we together to envision and guide the ongoing should implement policies designed to reduce the infrastructure and community development of incentive to treat homes as commodities and East Portland to be what East Portlanders want it reduce speculation in housing in order to reduce to be. the tremendous upward pressure on housing • prices and rents. I also support chartering a Public

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JACK KERFOOT improvements in road infrastructure and the quality of TriMet bus service in East Portland. I 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s will oppose TriMet’s trillion-dollar bond to extend population, yet has historically been the Max Light Rail beyond Portland, as it will allocated a smaller share of city resources dramatically increase property taxes for East than other areas of town. How will you Portland home owners. support equity for East Portland in city investments in transportation, parks, c. Housing – I support the city’s “Residential Infill housing and economic development? and Better Housing By Design with Portland.” However, the city’s new construction fees and I believe Portland must develop an urban processes are driving up prices for new buildings. development plan for each major sector of the I support streamlining the process and reducing city. Each sector of our city has unique fees for new construction and renovation. transportation, economic, housing, parks, etc. characteristics. Significant improvements in East d. Parks –Portland’s Parks Board has long been Portland can only be achieved with a coordinated aware that parks and recreation services are plan, which requires our bureaus to communicate unequally distributed around Portland. However, and collaborate. Portland Parks & Recreation estimate that funding will need to double over the next five An East Portland urban development plan will years just to maintain existing park facilities. I assess the current population, housing density, have written about ways our city can provide schools, roadways, environmental issues, etc. and adequate funding for our parks and community then formulate a roadmap for the area’s centers development for the next 5 and 10 years, based (https://www.jackkerfoot2020.com/portland- on intensive collaboration with residents and parks-are-the-soul-of-our-city). businesses. 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the East Portland’s roadmap could include city in personal incomes and job establishing an economic development zones to opportunities. What will you do to increase attract new business, like Apple Inc. The urban the number of family-wage jobs in East development roadmap would seek to achieve a Portland? balance of high density, low-density and single- family homes with businesses, green spaces and As Commissioner, I will actively promote the mass transit routes to mitigate traffic congestion development of new business opportunities in our and improve quality of life for all residents. city, making underdeveloped areas like East Portland a high priority. Our city’s climate, As Commissioner, I intend to champion lifestyle and cost of living are major selling points establishing an urban development plans for each for businesses that want an operation on the west sector of the city. It is essential that clear, coast. Unfortunately, Portland City Council has measurable milestones for each bureau are shown at best an ambivalence and at worst a established to ensure the urban development plan hostility to the private sector. is being implanted, as agreed between the city and the community. It is also essential that the city Apple Inc. has long been rumored to be interested provide regular updates on to the community. in establishing an operation in East Portland. In February, my campaign manager meet with I would support the following East Portland Mayra Bautista, Business Specialist at Apple in initiatives: Cupertino, California. The objective of the a. Economic Development – Establish an meeting was to discuss Apple’s interest in economic development zone, which would establishing an operation in Portland. Apple sees encourage new businesses to move to East Portland as an excellent location for an operation, Portland. This concept has been used to re- because our city’s attributes are selling points to invigorate cities around the world. recruit highly sought-after engineers. b. Transportation – I will actively support Apple’s only concern about Portland is the city

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government’s disdain toward the private sector. intentioned projects, funded by multi-million- My campaign manager was told that I am the only dollar bond proposals can have devastating candidate or government official that has ever consequences. Every new bond measure causes reached out to them about establishing an property tax to increase, which may force people operation in Portland. to sell their homes, rents to escalate, business closure and/or layoffs, which all contribute to An Apple operations center in East Portland housing instability. would provide hundreds of high paying jobs, plus hundreds more good paying support jobs. Apple is I believe the following policies could be a corporation that will be actively involved in the implemented to mitigate the risk of involuntary community, including support for our schools and displacement of low-income people in East parks. Portland: Another opportunity is for our city to work with a. Nonprofit Coordination – Portland has businesses and unions to develop apprenticeship hundreds of nonprofits working independently to programs. There are critical skills shortages for serve people who are unhoused and at-risk. long-term health care workers and renewable Nonprofits like Gung-Ho Ministries provide energy technicians. The demand for long-term financial assistance to unhoused or at-risk health care workers is forecast to increase by 38% veterans. The city can and should take the lead over the next ten years. and coordinate nonprofits and faith-based organizations working to assist the unhoused and There is already a shortage of technicians to work at-risk people in Portland. on existing wind, solar and hydropower projects in America. Oregon’s goal of achieving 100% b. Capping Property Tax Rates – I met one senior renewable energy by 2050 will not be achieved citizen who retired but had to return to work to without trained technicians. I have met with pay for the continued increase in property taxes in numerous medical professionals that also support her modest home in Lents. The city could freeze establishing a career development program for property taxes for people on fixed income or long-term care healthcare professionals. seniors over 65 years of age. I have met with several unions and they all c. Equitable Rent Control Policies – Portland’s strongly support the concept of developing an new rent control policies are adding significant apprentice program and training centers for the costs to landlords, which are actually causing long-term healthcare and renewable energy rental prices to escalate at a faster rate than prior professions, similar to the Pacific Northwest to the new policies being implemented. Rent Carpenters Institute in northeast Portland. control policies should be equitable for both renter and landlord. The city could establish a I have 40 years of experience turning around review board to oversee any dispute. The tenant under performing companies around the world by could not be given notice until after the review working effectively with governments, unions and board decides. corporations. I have the communication, collaboration and business expertise to d. Apartment Tax Incentives – Provide property successfully promote East Portland as an ideal tax reductions to landlords of apartments, if they location to establish major operations. reduce the rents of their units for a portion of low- income people. I have seen this type of policy 3. Portland is experiencing a severe work very effectively in Europe. housing crisis, and East Portland residents are particularly vulnerable to e. Reduce Building Costs – Construction costs to displacement. What tools will you build modest homes have dramatically increased implement to prevent involuntary in 2020. Portland bureaus (Development displacement of low-income people from Services, PBOT and Parks and Recreation) East Portland? assessed $300,000 in fees to build two small, infill-homes in Southeast Portland. These fees and Portland City Council must recognize that well- the slow approval time added more than

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$150,000 to the price of each home, turning two bureaucratic and inefficient and unresponsive to affordable homes into high-priced homes. what our city needs. No business could stay in business if it operated that way—our city’s 4. What is your strategy to bring East bureaus should take a more business-like Portland’s street infrastructure up to the approach, and constantly seek to improve our standard of the rest of the city? performance for our customer, the residents of Our city must first secure funding for street Portland—including East Portland. infrastructure. In 2016, Portland voters approved 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of a four-year, ten cents per gallon fuel tax to fund East Portland a decade from now? What is street repairs, maintenance and safety your strategy to get us there? improvements. The four-year tax raised $76 million but will end on December 31, 2020. My vision is a city with safe, clean streets that is welcoming to everyone. It is a city with a Measure 26-209, which will be on the May 2020 government that effectively represents the ballot will renew the ten cents per gallon fuel tax citizens, works to create jobs, affordable housing for another four-year period of time. If passed, the and is environmentally responsible. My strategy measure is forecast to raise approximately $75 includes: million from 2021 through 2024. a. Homeless – Portland has hundreds of I have formerly endorsed Measure 26-209, as city nonprofits working independently to help our streets, especially in East Portland, are in dire homeless. Coordination and collaboration need of repairs. I believe the four-year, ten-cent between these different groups can and will gasoline tax is essential to provide adequate dramatically improve the aid we give our funding for street repairs, maintenance and safety homeless. Portland city government should take a improvements. lead role in coordinating the various organizations However, “Vision Zero” the Portland Bureau of to more effectively help our homeless. Transportation (PBOT) plan to reduce fatalities is Our city must develop an integrated, cost-effective failing miserably. Since Vision Zero was plan to more effectively help our homeless. We implemented, traffic related fatalities have must analyze programs in other cities like San continued to increase. In 2019, 49 people died Antonio, Texas where public-private partnerships from traffic related fatalities, the most since 1997. have developed facilities and processes that have Over the past four years, PBOT’s has committed proven to be highly effective for over a decade. We significant financial resources on “street calming” can then bring in the private sector, nonprofits measures. PBOT has no plans to change their and faith-based groups to implement a viable, approach to road improvements, even though the sustainable program that will truly help our openly admit Vision Zero is not reducing traffic homeless. fatalities and our streets are in a state of disrepair. b. Safe Streets – Achieving safe streets means As Commissioner, I will request the mayor to reducing skyrocketing traffic fatalities, providing assign me PBOT. My priority will be to ensure that emergency response teams for people with mental East Portland’s streets are up to the standards of health issues and maintaining homeless camp the rest of the city. I will also ensure that PBOT cleanups. works with the communities in East Portland and Portland’s Vision Zero program to reduce traffic the to establish a ranked fatalities is failing miserably. Our city must list of road and improvements. implement safety measures that have proven to As Commissioner, I will also ensure that PBOT reduce traffic fatalities in other major cities in evaluates other major metropolitan cities in Europe and America. America, Canada and Europe to determine what Eugene has used emergency response teams of a are the most effective techniques and technology mental health professional and an EMT to help that can be used to maintain reliable roads and to the homeless with mental health issues. Homeless reduce traffic fatalities. Our city bureaus are too

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camp cleanup is essential for the health of the champion a major system change to one with a homeless and other residents in the area. centralized city manager, where commissioners are elected by district, and aren’t in charge of c. City Government – Portland’s City Council type bureaus directly. I’ll bring my deep experience of government isn’t effectively representing our with different government forms to ensure we city’s increasingly diverse and growing understand all the benefits and challenges of population. I support modernizing our city potential new systems. government, with the executive authority with the mayor, creating a paid position of city manager, I have worked closely with the city of Portland’s and electing unpaid city commissioners from commission form of government, as Nick Fish’s districts, not from the city at-large. Until the city chief of staff, as Gretchen Kafoury’s Housing has a new form of government, I pledge to hold Policy Advisor, and as an affordable housing town hall meetings on a regular basis advocate winning policy change at Prosper across our entire city, especially in East Portland and within the city bureaus. I will be able Portland. to act quickly to address inequities in support of East Portland and culturally specific communities. d. Environment – Climate change is a global I’ll bring my record of winning resources and problem, which must be addressed at the city, support for underserved communities to rebuild state and federal level. Oregon has significant our economy and small business opportunities, undeveloped renewable energy resources (wind, affordable housing, transportation infrastructure, solar, etc.) to provide 100% clean, green energy to community centers, pools, and parks. power our entire state. Our city can work with our major utilities, TriMet and other businesses to 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the achieve the city’s zero carbon emission before city in personal incomes and job 2050. opportunities. What will you do to increase the number of family-wage jobs in East • Portland?

Jobs provide the long-term solution we need to SAM CHASE truly address poverty. As a life-long champion for affordable housing, healthcare, and homeless 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s services, I recognize that these critical tools only population, yet has historically been act as a safety-net for people who are unable to allocated a smaller share of city resources than other areas of town. How will you access living wages or are unable to work. I will bring my success winning major living wage jobs support equity for East Portland in city at Metro and in the nonprofit sector to the city. investments in transportation, parks, Prior to the current pandemic, our economy was housing and economic development? thriving and quality of life was exceptional--for The city must lead a transparent and inclusive many in our city. Yet for many others, jobs, process that supports and empowers services, and amenities like parks and more have neighborhoods and culturally specific been out of reach. We must support small communities, and involves business and business and living wage jobs to get our economy community leaders east of 82nd Avenue. When back on track as quickly as possible--that will we support communities where disparities are support our tax-base and ability to pay for city greatest, our entire economy and community services. I will expand Portland programs and benefits. I’m proud to have the endorsement of identify state and federal resources for displaced APANO in recognition of my support for culturally service industry workers and others impacted by specific communities and communities east of the pandemic. 82nd. Even when we re-build, many jobs in the health Our current form of government has greatly sector and construction will remain unfilled, our contributed to the inequitable distribution of opportunity is significant. Building the supply of resources in Portland. I support and will workers for health and construction helps

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everyone. Investing in culturally specific areas where impacts to existing neighborhoods communities and services to create jobs, train will be modest. apprentices, and secure contracts is one • Homeless services--I will champion component that I’ll advance. I’ve been a champion investments in services such as case management, for the Career Construction Pathways Project, and mental health support, addiction treatment, and will work toward its success at the city. I job training. championed the Convention Center Hotel which will pay its full share of property taxes that fund • Safe camping --like Dignity Village and R2D2 human services in schools. Now in place, it will that create safe, self-regulated environments. help bring back our tourism and convention 4. What is your strategy to bring East economy more quickly. Portland’s street infrastructure up to the 3. Portland is experiencing a severe standard of the rest of the city? housing crisis, and East Portland residents I have been endorsed by APANO much in part for are particularly vulnerable to my work with culturally specific communities displacement. What tools will you around transportation. Together, we planned the implement to prevent involuntary Division Transit Project, and approached regional displacement of low-income people from efforts to fund transportation by leading with East Portland? race. My plan to address this issue will match the scale I championed and won an initiative to secure of our crisis with comprehensive, big solutions, discounts for low-income transit riders. I’ll make and structural change that will apply free youth pass a priority, so that all children-- accountability and research to invest in solutions regardless of their school--are able to access that work. I will implement my Fair Share transit. Housing and Homlessness Plan, which will require the region's cities and counties to build Additionally, I will continue to be a champion for shelter and affordable housing in EVERY safe routes to school, rapid bus lanes, safer community throughout our region. I’ll let streets, sidewalks and bike lanes. Portland is culturally specific communities take the lead-- failing at Vision Zero because our infrastructure communities of color are disproportionately does not support our efforts. We need to add affected by homlessness. I will set aside resources miles of new sidewalks and improved bikeways, to invest in service providers to identify and we need to add hundreds of marked pedestrian implement programs that specifically lead with crossings and thousands of new street lights, race as a determining factor on how to deliver particularly in East Portland. We must also create services. more bus lanes and transit-priority signals to keep pedestrians and commuters safe. Additionally my plan will: 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of • Create 2,000 Permanent Supportive East Portland a decade from now? What is Housing Units. your strategy to get us there? • Add 5,000 shelter beds. Smaller shelters As a city commissioner, I’ll make sure East throughout Portland that include services to Portland is empowered as part of our long-term ensure residents are successful in transitioning to decision-making, that it will have representation long-term housing. in a new council form of government, and that it • Prioritize Access for those with the provides the highest quality of life for Portland greatest need. residents including parks facilities, safe and available transportation, affordable housing and • Increase the supply of affordable housing. living wage jobs. I will champion well-planned housing along transportation corridors and in commercial areas • where infrastructure already exists, and other

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RONAULT (POLO) CATALANI getting access to City resources. Did not respond. • Prioritizing our most vulnerable populations in the post-COVID recovery efforts. East Portland • neighbors and small businesses will need help. I will ensure centering of racial justice with the City’s recovery. CYNTHIA CASTRO • I support universal basic income. We need to 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s bring back our safety nets to protect our population, yet has historically been communities before crisis hits. allocated a smaller share of city resources than other areas of town. How will you Finally, I will continue what I have already done support equity for East Portland in city with my six years at the City; partnering directly investments in transportation, parks, with the community to ensure their voices are housing and economic development? heard. Unfortunately, the coronavirus crisis has 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the highlighted the racial and socio-economic city in personal incomes and job disparities in this country. We are seeing worse opportunities. What will you do to increase Latinx employment outcomes, more severe health the number of family-wage jobs in East impacts on Black and Native communities, Portland? immigrants and refugees facing language barriers, The economic crisis created through the and people with disabilities being denied services. international pandemic is exacerbating the As a City, we must with greater intentionality and already difficult economic position of our urgency address the systems and structures that marginalized and under supported communities. have perpetuated these disparities. This is a I would work with organizations connected to priority for me. EPAP, Hacienda CDC and their Latinx Small and Micro Businesses program, and other I have seen the incredible advocacy work of the organizations on the front line to increase funding East Portland Action Plan advocates in City Hall, and strengthen relationships. I would work with when I was with the Portland Parks Bureau, and the Mayor to ensure Prosper Portland is throughout the City. The East Portland Action continuing to support East Portland with Plan was adopted over a decade ago. It is because workforce development opportunities especially of this advocacy that significant changes have been made to policies and programs at the City. during capital projects. Finally, there are many barriers East Portland I will continue this incredible work by: community members face with income and job opportunities. I would work to reduce those • Supporting charter change and making sure East barriers by continuing my advocacy that started Portland community members are represented on six years ago to hire and PAY higher wages to the charter review committee. Geographic districts would ensure East Portland’s presence multilingual speakers at the City of Portland. I would also work with the Portland Bureau of and leadership on Council. Transportation and TriMet to continue to • Finding a sustainable funding model for advocate for better more reliable transportation Portland Parks & Recreation. This means services and safer streets to East Portland, prioritizing vulnerable communities like those in because transportation and safety are significant East Portland to ensure the benefits of the system barriers. are enjoyed equitably. 3. Portland is experiencing a severe • Supporting grants to small businesses and local housing crisis, and East Portland residents organizations like mutual-aid associations, small are particularly vulnerable to non-profits, etc to ensure ALL Portlanders are displacement. What tools will you

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implement to prevent involuntary It is important that the City work with the private displacement of low-income people from industries benefiting from Portland’s growth to East Portland? ensure that growth does not displace current community members, but that it also benefits I would make sure the City uses the data we their livelihood and livability of their community. already have to protect current East Portland community members from being displaced. New 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of housing projects, construction, or business East Portland a decade from now? What is development should have impact analysis done to your strategy to get us there? understand and prevent displacement, much like My vision for Portland and all of the community environmental impact statements. members is that there is geographic The City should work with County and regional representation on the City Council, ensuring that partners to support programs that support home East Portland and outer East Portland voices are ownership for families who lack intergenerational heard in City Hall. I would envision more street wealth. These programs should focus on lights, crosswalks, paved roads and sidewalks. It immigrants and refugees as well as low-income would be where East Portland residents all live individuals and our community elders. close to a Park or natural area they can enjoy with their families. It would be easily accessible via I coached an immigrant and refugee girls soccer public transportation. There would be more team in East Portland. I know that language is a affordable housing. barrier for them and their families. This is why I have been committed to meaningful language My plan to get us there is centering racial and access and Title VI work within the City of social justice in all the work that I do, in every Portland. Any actions need to include connecting vote I take or policy I draft. I would continue to with community members in the languages they work in partnership with the East Portland can understand. community like EPAP members to listen to and amplify their calls to action. I would make sure I am proud that the City of Portland passed a $15 whatever bureaus I control have staff working per hour minimum wage a few years ago, but our directly with and in the community so they have wages need to keep up with inflation. I support an on-the-ground understanding of the challenges exploring Universal Basic Income for Portland, so and can bring back community driven solutions. our communities have a greater safety net that Finally, I would continue to be collaborative and will allow them to afford rent and housing transparent in my work. increases. • • • 4. What is your strategy to bring East Portland’s street infrastructure up to the standard of the rest of the city?

As mentioned above in question two, East Portland community members face many barriers to ensure economic prosperity. One of those barriers is the lack of infrastructure and overall safety of streets in East Portland. I’ve seen photos of potholes that turn into lakes when it is raining on many of the unpaved streets in East Portland. I would work with the Commissioner-in-Charge of the Portland Bureau of Transportation to continue to prioritize East Portland in sidewalk safety, street paving, and especially lighting. I would also want to address any past Council decisions that have exempt builders from putting in sidewalks.

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of economic opportunity for too long. On City Council, I will fight to build an economy that Candidates for works for all Portlanders. I will pursue at least • Council Position 4 • four strategies to bring more family wage jobs to (Four-year term) East Portland. • Build new public infrastructure in East Portland

• Adopt pro-labor policies

• Make it easier for East Portlander to commute to KEVIN MCKAY and from work Did not respond. • Use NPIs and Prosper Portland to promote • equitable economic development. First, on City Council, I’ll work to bring family wage jobs to East Portland by voting to fund MINGUS MAPPS infrastructure projects in East Portland. I will 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s prioritize projects that pay workers a fair wage, population, yet has historically been while also sparking new economic development in allocated a smaller share of city resources East Portland. than other areas of town. How will you Second, let’s make the jobs that are in East support equity for East Portland in city Portland better. East Portland is already an investments in transportation, parks, important employment hub. Thousands of housing and economic development? people who live east of 82nd work in occupations One of the reasons I am running for office is to such as food preparation, building maintenance, bring equity to East Portland. The City has personal care, or agriculture. The problem is too neglected those communities for far too long. The many of these jobs pay poorly. That is one of the neighborhoods east of 82nd Avenue were annexed reasons I support unions. Unions help workers by the City in the 1980s. But they have never fully negotiate for better pay, better benefits, and better been incorporated. East Portland is still waiting conditions on worksites. When I am on City for crosswalks, parks, paved roads and adequate Council, I would support Project Labor police protection. It is time the City fulfill the Agreements, Community Benefits agreements, promises we made to East Portlanders nearly two and Labor Peace agreements for projects receiving generations ago. Here’s how we can get there: city funds. Also, I will push for policies that promote family-wage work, like paying prevailing • Make equity a priority for East Portland a wage rates for city funded projects and union priority in the budget process. apprenticeship programs. • Elect members of City Council through Third, one of the barriers to employment is East neighborhood-based electoral districts. East Portland is the lack of public transportation Portland deserves to have its own representative options, which connect residents to employment on Council. hubs. That’s why, when I’m on City Council, I will • Focus on customer service. Recognize that East work to make it easier for East Portland residents Portland residents have unique needs. to take public transportation to work. East Portlanders deserve better bus service, especially 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the along 122nd, 148th, and 162nd. city in personal incomes and job opportunities. What will you do to increase Finally, as the former Executive Director of the the number of family-wage jobs in East Historic Parkrose Neighborhood Partnership Portland? Initiative, I am excited by the opportunities NPIs and Prosper Portland can play in bringing family People who live east of 82nd have been locked out wage jobs to Portlanders who live east of 82nd.

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3. Portland is experiencing a severe infrastructure improvements. I spent years trying housing crisis, and East Portland residents to get ODOT and PBOT to build a crosswalk on are particularly vulnerable to Sandy Boulevard near 118th. I have written displacement. What tools will you scathing letters to City and School authorities implement to prevent involuntary because too many of the “safe routes to schools” in displacement of low-income people from East Portland are not safe. I believe Portland will East Portland? never be a complete city until we finish building basic infrastructure in East Portland. That is why, Every neighborhood East of 82nd is at high risk when I am on City Council, I’ll follow through on for displacement. That is one of the reasons I the infrastructure projects promised East oppose the Residential Infill Project. While City Portlanders. Hall has failed to come up with anti-displacement plan for East Portland, I have a vision for how City 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of Council can promote development without East Portland a decade from now? What is displacement. These are some of the anti- your strategy to get us there? displacement policies I support: I believe that getting East Portland right is the key • Require advance 90-day written notice to a to making Portland the best city it can be. The tenant if the owner plans to sell, demolish, or City has never devoted enough resources or redevelop their home. ambition in East Portland. If City Hall did invest in East Portland, we would have a more equitable • Earmark Construction Excise Tax (CET) revenue and robust city. That is why, when I am on City from construction in single-dwelling zones as a Council I will focus on bringing equity to East source of subsidy for affordable units in single- Portland. dwelling zones. Within the next 10 years, I hope to erase the • Property tax exemption for any regulated inequality in service delivery and infrastructure affordable units built on-site, for the duration of between East Portland and the rest of the city. the affordability restriction Ten years from now, East Portland should be a • Preserve affordable housing in neighborhoods great place to raise kids. That means building undergoing rapid economic development. complete, walkable neighborhoods and more parks and greenways. East Portland should be • Build enough affordable housing to stabilize health, connected, civically engaged. Also, I want housing costs in neighborhoods undergoing rapid economic development. to erase the wealth gap between East Portland and the rest of the city. That is why I will work to • Pay attention to the quality of life issues that promote home ownership in East Portland, deter Portlanders from spending time and money increase high school graduation rates, and reduce in distressed business districts. unemployment, while also fighting gentrification. • Expand community non-profit home repair and • rehabilitation assistance programs to cover a greater number of households. ROBERT MACKAY 4. What is your strategy to bring East Portland’s street infrastructure up to the Did not respond. standard of the rest of the city? • When I am on City Council, I will make funding street improvements in East Portland a top priority. I am well aware of the inadequacy of AARON FANCHER East Portland’s infrastructure. As Executive Did not respond. Director of Historic Parkrose Neighborhood Partnership Initiative, I lobbied the state and city • to provide Portlanders with basic street

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SETH WOOLLEY a proper allocation of city resources with regard to housing and our city is suffering from an Did not respond. affordable housing crisis. I will use everything in • the city’s portfolio to help Portland and East Portland to catch up. Economic Development: East Portland sits at the KEITH WILSON intersection of a major transportation corridor. 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s Along with MAX, the new Division Transit Project population, yet has historically been and, hopefully, Metro’s Get Moving 2020 Metro allocated a smaller share of city resources Bond, that is weighted heavily on improving than other areas of town. How will you transit and connectivity throughout East Portland, support equity for East Portland in city these projects will put the rapid back in rapid investments in transportation, parks, transit for East Portland. With these huge housing and economic development? investments in mobility, I will work closely with The East Portland Action Plan is a comprehensive the EPAP to make sure the livability investments, and well-developed boilerplate document to services and jobs are developed and further follow. I will use this plan to help guide me in my concentrate on building a vibrant and sustainable decisions and respect those who have come before East Portland. me and the efforts and hard work they put into 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the this vision. I look forward to using the EPAP as city in personal incomes and job my guide and offer these insights: opportunities. What will you do to increase Equity: Based on EPA’s Environmental Justice the number of family-wage jobs in East mapping tool, the entire East Portland area has Portland? the highest concentrations of diesel particulate Continue to focus on investment. We have to go matter in Portland, I will advocate that TriMet bigger and taller. East Portland has unrivaled prioritizes placement of not less than 50% of all potential versus any other part of our city. new electric buses for operation in this area. This Gateway is positioned as a perfect location for a will have an immediate impact with improving air central business district to compliment downtown quality to match that of the rest of Portland. Portland. These two book ends could be an Transportation: A case in point to economic engine to vitalize East Portland. MAX underinvestment in East Portland compared to would connect and shuttle people between these the rest of our city is the single bicycle two mega-regions in Portland bringing new Neighborhood Greenway completed to date while investment and high wage jobs to East Portland the other quadrants of our city have significant and close the pay equity gap. networks already in place. Our citywide goal that a With an East Portland central business district to majority of our trips are walking, biking or riding rival downtown, recruiting new and current cannot be achieved, like many of our goals, without the full inclusion of East Portlanders in employers to settle in East Portland, with its lower cost of land, large, diverse and growing talent pool every conversation. would make solid economic sense. Parks: Commissioner Fritz has been a strong Transit oriented design coupled with TriMet’s advocate of East Portland and expanding access to MAX terminal and their focus on growing parks has been one of her most admirable ridership by building large affordable housing accomplishments. We have added more new structures on and over their property with built in parks in East Portland versus any other part of our city and this should continue as East Portland and nearby services to focus on livability and mobility are a perfect fit for Gateway. East continues to add more homes than any part of our city. Parks are key to a livable, healthy society. Portland is perfectly set to be one our cities most important central areas. The EPAP’s work Housing: No portion of our city has truly enjoyed completed prior to now has set the stage for

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exciting opportunities. Improving East Portland’s street infrastructure is a priority. This part of our city has the highest There a few parts of our city that hold as much number of unimproved roads and a promise and space for a creative urban disproportionately higher number of traffic investment. I am excited to help East Portland be fatalities. 39% of all traffic fatalities last year were one of our city’s most vibrant and livable areas. recorded in East Portland, many of these while 3. Portland is experiencing a severe walking. housing crisis, and East Portland residents Portland spent $100 million this past five years on are particularly vulnerable to road quieting and speed reductions to address our displacement. What tools will you Vision Zero goal with many more millions implement to prevent involuntary budgeted for future projects. I own a regional displacement of low-income people from trucking company that uses artificial intelligence East Portland? that has resulted in zero accidents since I We need to add more housing and more low-cost installed. The root cause of escalating traffic housing choices to ensure displacement never fatalities are distracted drivers. As a Vision Zero occurs in East Portland. The average cost of a expert, I will immediately focus on gaining council studio in Portland is now $1168. We need to add support of this technology. Once received, East back a missing rung in the economic ladder of Portland’s high crash corridors will be the first to housing. One of my goals for East Portland and receive. This technology is much lower cost and Portland as a whole is to fight for DEEPLY immediately more effective. Every East Portlander Affordable Housing. A recent high school will arrive home safe and these funds will be graduate or an adult with income from social redirected to improving East Portland’s streets. security or disability payments should be able Since 2004, gas tax revenue has decreased 22% as work and/or live in East Portland. The solution is cars have become more efficient; however, road Single Room Occupancy (SRO) cohousing or construction costs during that time frame have micro units. Over the past 40 years we have increased 44%. Our roads continue to fall further allowed thousands of these units to disappear, into disrepair and we lack the funds to make many through gentrification. These units are needed investment to a green transportation small single room apartments that may share a network. This funding gap is no more apparent bathroom and kitchen with several other renter’s than the historically lack of investment on East or have a small bathroom and kitchen in the Portland roads and bike lanes. By the end of this room. There are many variations and price points decade, our city will have embarked on a complete that enable this type of housing to be deeply change in road use charging that is beginning to affordable. Let’s modernize this solid, tried and sweep through the world. Vehicle miles travelled true approach in order to add much needed will become more common and our infrastructure inventory to our market quickly and cost funding will become more stable again. However, effectively. Using the SRO / micro unit model, we today, the need for bringing East Portland roads can deliver truly affordable housing at HALF the up to the standard of the rest of the city should $1168 average cost of a studio apartment in East focus on all proposed bike lanes and Portland. This type of housing can get within Neighborhood Greenways that are planned and swinging distance of breaking even WITHOUT involve an unimproved road. We can accelerate subsidized rent and remain affordable to someone both initiatives by budgeting as one project. earning minimum wage. SRO’s and micro units are part of the solution to providing housing for Our Build Portland Infrastructure Investment all communities and stations of life. No person program will be well served focusing on East should be priced out of East Portland or housing, Portland at the minimum of their population for that matter. makeup in Portland. I look forward to advocating on East Portland’s behalf. 4. What is your strategy to bring East Portland’s street infrastructure up to the standard of the rest of the city?

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5. If you are elected, what is your vision of Transit oriented development will have been done East Portland a decade from now? What is right in East Portland. your strategy to get us there? I am going to run Portland like it is my business. The on-coming recession has changed everything. East Portland tax payors are my customers. At 10 years is important but 10 months from now is 25% of our population, I am going to focus on critical. While my term will begin in January and serving and listening to this large and very my focus will be on recovery. My goal will be to important group of customers as much if not get East Portland working as soon as possible. I more than others. I need to know much more will ensure that all capital projects in East about East Portland, but you will have an ally in Portland that have funding in place are fast city council in me. tracked and not bogged down in permitting or • delays. Many of our infrastructure projects are focused on East Portland. There is no time for delay. CHLOE EUDALY The future: 1. East Portland is home to 25% of the city’s With only one Portland city councilperson in population, yet has historically been decades from East Portland. In ten years and with allocated a smaller share of city resources me as an advocate, I am hopeful we will have than other areas of town. How will you changed our form of government and East support equity for East Portland in city Portland will have one or more permanent investments in transportation, parks, district-based councilpersons, never to be housing and economic development? underrepresented again. We must change from As we all know, we can’t achieve equity by simply our current Commissioner form of government allocating the same resources per capita, when with at-large elections to a Council / Manager some areas have suffered from historic form with council seats representing districts. Our underinvestment. That is why the City has current voting process leads to a lack of diversity, significantly ramped up investments in East equity and opportunity and East Portland has Portland--in particular PBOT and Parks. East exemplified this disparity more than any other Portland is a priority for me with PBOT, many of part of Portland. East Portland needs and our high crash corridors run through East deserves a daily champion for the East Portland Portland and pedestrians in East Portland are Action Plan. twice as likely to be killed than in the rest of the Our county will have passed this November’s city. This is unacceptable. PBOT is currently Universal Preschool measure to ensure East “overinvesting” relative to anticipated growth to Portland children have the same opportunity as make up for this historic underinvestment. I also any child in Portland. East Portland is one of the led Civic Life in reallocating Neighborhood lowest income areas in our city with the least Coalition funding to be more equitable to East number of children enrolled in preschool. Portland, a difficult conversation that had been Attending preschool creates so many future kicked down the road for many years. We have yet benefits and East Portland children should have to achieve true equity across the city with our the same starting point as any other child in investments, but it is a priority for me--one that I Portland. have demonstrated through my work on Council and I will continue to champion. Everyone will have a place sleep and shelter, at all price points. Deeply affordable housing options 2. East Portland lags behind the rest of the will be added back into our housing inventory. We city in personal incomes and job will have used SDC exemptions, tax increment opportunities. What will you do to increase financing investments, development code the number of family-wage jobs in East updates, including incentive zoning for height and Portland? density bonuses, and for parking reductions. Bringing family-wage jobs to East Portland begins

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with productive strategic partnerships with implement to prevent involuntary organizations and individuals who are willing and displacement of low-income people from able to make significant and equitable East Portland? investments in the area. Past City Councils Housing is a basic need and a human right. Our focused on downtown development and runaway failure to recognize that is at the root of our gentrification at the expense of communities and ongoing housing crisis. This is one of the issues I areas -- like East Portland -- that seemed am most passionate about, and although I do not unimportant. Some candidates in the mid-2000s oversee the housing bureau, I have worked on even ran explicitly on platforms of deregulating housing issues almost constantly throughout my the development process. This needs to change. time on City Council. Stemming the tide of cost- First, we need to bring community voices back to burdening and displacement across our city was a the table so that the effects on these areas are top priority for me coming into office and an issue acknowledged and weighed in our decision- I’ve made considerable progress on. making processes. We need to ensure that the Tenant protections are an essential but long execution of our Comprehensive Plan aligns with neglected component of solving our housing and our Goal 10 objectives of providing a fair homelessness crisis. The Relocation Ordinance I distribution of affordability and livability passed in my first thirty days in office throughout our entire city. dramatically reduced no-cause evictions and Second, we need to strengthen partnerships with protected tenants from exorbitant rent increases. entities like Prosper Portland and ensure that My Fair Access in Renting policies reduced their project focus is equitably distributed. Project barriers to housing including security deposit and models like transit corridors and “community screening criteria reform. Last year I developed, center” plans have shown a lot of promise for advanced and successfully funded an anti- attracting robust economic activity. displacement directive to develop meaningful anti-displacement policies to protect Portland Third, we need to have a focus on building wealth residents from development driven displacement- in these areas alongside building bricks and -we cannot continue to treat this issue as an mortar. One of the projects that I’ll be working on afterthought. in my next term is a Tenant Opportunity to Purchase program, to ensure that the wealth in I’ve fought hard in conversations from the these communities isn’t simply siphoned off to Residential Infill Project to the Metro Regional landlords or owners who live elsewhere. In Transportation Funding Task Force for the addition, I would like to be cognizant of the inclusion of strong anti-displacement measures. opportunities for including project labor My office works closely with Anti-Displacement agreements into these projects, to ensure that PDX who identified a Tenant Opportunity to work is supplied locally (as locally as possible) and Purchase program as their next most important that these projects double as vocational training priority. I fully support this concept and am and apprenticeship opportunities as warranted. working on developing this policy now, including identifying financial resources. East Portland is There is no immediate “silver bullet,” that will home to thousands of units of naturally occurring transform East Portland overnight, but by affordable housing. I’m committed to working changing our city’s mindset as to how to approach with community partners to assemble a strategy these kinds of economic stimuli and projects, we to protect and preserve this housing while have opportunities to build wealth in these creating family wage jobs for women and minority neighborhoods, focus our infrastructure priorities contractors. where they’re needed the most, and attract jobs. 4. What is your strategy to bring East 3. Portland is experiencing a severe Portland’s street infrastructure up to the housing crisis, and East Portland residents standard of the rest of the city? are particularly vulnerable to displacement. What tools will you Because of the way that East Portland was

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developed prior to annexation by the City of purchase their own homes as well as bringing Portland, and an underinvestment by the city in increased investments into the area. As I noted in East Portland until recent years, there are serious question 1, I am ramping up investment in East transportation infrastructure deficits in East Portland infrastructure -- over the next decade, Portland. I am working to improve that through this should be coupled with bold investments in historic investments through Fixing Our Streets, transit expansion opportunities as well as stop gap measures like Grade and Gravel, and improvements to existing transit options, such as looking at the way the city designates my Rose Lane efforts making transit a more responsibility for sidewalks and street trees-- equitable and attractive option. currently the responsibility of the adjacent Ultimately, my vision for East Portland ten years property owner-through an equity lens. from now is that it’s a safe, affordable, and vibrant When I was assigned PBOT, one of the first things place to live, where educational and economic I did was pour through the annexation documents opportunities abound. But this transformation is to gain an understanding of what the city agreed not just a 10-year look forward; it requires to deliver to East Portland. Unfortunately, ongoing attention and vigilance from residents, sidewalks were not included in the array of city City Hall, advocates, and other stakeholders-- services and amenities enumerated in those building a community is an ongoing process, and documents. While we have been filling in gaps in as your City Commissioner I am honored to assist pedestrian infrastructure on major streets, with and support you. Thank you. an approximate $1 billion in deferred • maintenance, PBOT does not have the resources to deliver sidewalks everywhere where they are currently lacking (primarily East and SW SAM ADAMS Portland). However, I am looking at other possible revenue streams that would allow us to Did not respond. start building more sidewalks as well as take over • • • the responsibility for maintaining sidewalks and street trees. 5. If you are elected, what is your vision of East Portland a decade from now? What is your strategy to get us there? My vision of East Portland is that of a vibrant, connected, mixed-use community that celebrates its diversity. In ten years, we need to have meaningfully addressed the inequities and disparate impacts from income to transit to infrastructure to public health and safety. And with the area being located between Mt. Hood Community College and PCC Southeast, we should take note of the high-tech investment Clackamas Community College made over the past decade which yielded positive economic activity from Milwaukie to Oregon City and is a great attraction for employers, and pursue similar coordinated investment in the MHCC District. This transformation is not going to be an easy task, but it is eminently doable. As I noted in my answer to question 2, we need to begin building wealth -- from both empowering tenants to

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ABOUT THIS QUESTIONNAIRE In January, 2020, the participating members of EPAP approved five questions to send to all candidates running for Mayor and City Council in the May, 2020, primary election. It was agreed that all candidates for Mayor and City Council would be invited to answer questions about East Portland issues and that their answers would be made available to all community members and allies prior to the election. The candidates were asked to address several issues of concern to East Portland residents, including jobs, housing, and safe streets, and were given the opportunity to share their vision of East Portland's future.

A total of 56 candidates filed for Mayor or one of the three available Council seats, including three who subsequently withdrew and one who withdrew and re-filed for a different seat.

All were sent the questionnaire, beginning on Feb 5 (for candidates who had filed by that time) or upon filing their candidacy. The last of these was sent on Mar 13. All were also sent a second copy, which included a reminder of the April 17 due date. These went out between March 20 - 22. To contact the candidates, we used the email address included in the official candidate filing form to the City of Portland. The nine candidates who did not submit an email address were contacted by US Mail.

Attachment A: Letter with questionnaire instructions to candidates Attachment B: Notes of candidate contact dates and responses

Twenty-four candidates submitted responses by the deadline. This election will reshape our City government for years to come. We hope that this information will help East Portland community members and our allies throughout Portland to cast an informed vote in this important election.

This questionnaire questions, responses and supporting materials are available online at: eastportlandactionplan.org/candidatequestionnaire. Visitors to that site may use the automated translation module to read the responses in one of 55 non- English languages.

EPAP is committed to inclusiveness and will work to ensure that these materials are available to all community members, regardless of physical abilities or language barriers. Contact us for more information: East Portland Action Plan (503) 823 8027 [email protected] 1017 NE 117th Avenue, Portland OR 97220

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February 5, 2020

Re: EPAP Candidate Questionnaire

Dear Candidates for Mayor and City Council Positions 1, 2 and 4,

The East Portland Action Plan (EPAP) was created in 2008 to provide leadership and guidance to public agencies and other entities on how to address community-identified issues in East Portland, to allocate resources to improve our livability, and to prevent displacement of the vulnerable people who live and work here.

EPAP is the City of Portland’s designated forum for the East Portland community. As such, we believe it is essential that candidates for Mayor and City Council articulate their vision for our region of the City, including strategies to prevent displacement of low-income people and businesses, encourage equitable economic development, improve our local infrastructure, and address the history of underinvestment here.

In order to help our community members to understand your perspective on the issues East Portlanders care most about, we hope that you will participate in the attached survey.

The deadline for your responses is 5:00 pm on April 17, 2020. This will allow us to distribute all responses at our EPAP General Membership Meeting on April 22, 2020. Please send your responses via email to [email protected].

Other things to know: • All candidates who file with the City Auditor for Mayor and Council Positions 1, 2 and 4 will be invited to submit responses. • All candidate responses will be distributed to EPAP members and posted on our website verbatim, as received. • We will not edit/proofread/spellcheck responses, but will enforce a limit of 400 words for each response. If an answer is submitted that exceeds this word limit, we will distribute only the first 400 words. • Any reasonable method for communicating your answers is acceptable: typing them into this document is fine, or creating a new document or email with your numbered answers, or submitting a hard copy to the East Portland Community Office during regular office hours. It is the candidate’s sole responsibility to get responses to us by the deadline.

Best Wishes,

The Participating Members of the East Portland Action Plan

ATTACHMENT A response 1st letter sent reminder sent received Candidates for Mayor Iannarone Sarah Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 Raiford Teressa Feb 5 via email Feb 12 O'Callaghan Michael Feb 5 via email Feb 20 Broussard Bruce Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Burleson Michael Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Cash Blanco Carter Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Wheeler Ted Feb 5 via USPS Mar 22 via USPS Gonzáles Ozzie Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 Banks Willie Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Humble Lew Feb 5 via USPS Mar 22 via USPS LaBar Floyd Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email

ATTACHMENT B White Mark Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 Jenkins Michael Feb 10 via email Mar 20 via email McNair Beryl Feb 10 via USPS Mar 22 via USPS Crowell Piper Feb 17 via email Mar 20 via email withdrew, 3/25 Joy Sharon Mar 11 via email Mar 20 via email Bepristis Jarred Mar 11 via email Mar 20 via email Hoffman Daniel Mar 11 via email Mar 12 Rapaport Randy Mar 13 via USPS Mar 22 via USPS email bounced, Mar 11; resent via USPS

Candidates for Council Position 1 Rubio Carmen Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Wolfe Philip Feb 5 via USPS Mar 22 via USPS DuBois Timothy Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 Avalos Candace Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 Harris Isham Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Autry Cullis (James) Feb 29 via email Mar 20 via email McCarthy Alicia Mar 11 via email Mar 20 via email Patel Corinne Mar 11 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 Schwab Mary Ann Mar 11 via email Mar 20 via email Candidates for Council Position 2 Kerfoot Jack Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 6 Maurseth Alicea Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Wesley Walter Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 Gutman Diana Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 16 Smith Loretta Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Black Margot Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 Parker Terry Feb 10 via email Feb 26 DeGraw Julia Feb 14 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 Castro Cynthia Feb 14 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 Ryan Dan Feb 17 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 Hurst Tera Feb 17 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17

ATTACHMENT B Chase Sam Feb 26 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 Catalani Ronault (Polo) Feb 26 via email Mar 20 via email Dixon Rachelle Feb 29 via email Mar 20 via email Lang Jeff Mar 5 via email Mar 20 via email Montas Aquiles Mar 13 via USPS Mar 22 via USPS Davis James Mar 11 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 Farmer Ryan Mar 11 via email Mar 20 via email Castro Robin Mar 11 via email withdrew, Mar 13

Candidates for Council Position 4 Mapps Mingus Feb 5 via USPS Mar 22 via USPS Apr 17 Vinsonhaler Alyssa Feb 5 via email withdrew, Feb 22 MacKay Robert Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Wilson Keith Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Apr 17 McKay Kevin Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Eudaly Chloe Feb 5 via USPS Mar 22 via USPS Apr 17 Woolley Seth Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Fancher Aaron Feb 5 via email Mar 20 via email Adams Sam Feb 17 via USPS Mar 22 via USPS Schwab Mary Ann Mar 5 via email withdrew and refiled for pos. 1, Mar 10