15-16 November 2018






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15 – 16 NOVEMBER15-16 November 2018 2018 IMAGINING










SPEAKERS PROFILES 56 NOTES 76 CONCEPT NOTE this populationwill68percent tion oftheworld.In thenexttwenty years Cities constituteover halfofthepopula BACKGROUND ANDCONTEXT April 2017 internal-migration-in-india-a-very-moving-story/ economictimes.indiatimes.com/et-commentary/ in India: moving Avery story’ 2 revision 1 centration ofpeopleincitieshasledto affordable land andhousing, and thecon paced growth, thelimitedavailability of socio-cultural exchange leadingtofast foreconomicand immense opportunities humanitarian impacts. While citiesoffer tivity withsignificantenvironmental and come meltingpotsofdiverse humanac tenure. Slums andcitiesatlargehave be informal settlements with no security of off by start residing inpoorlyserviced New entrants to the city however, often year’lion migratingevery 139 million,anaverage ofabout14mil million in2011,showing anadditionof million in 2001. The figure rose to 453.6 place oflastresidence inIndia was314.5 In India too,‘ the fragileandrestricted livelihoods. rural and arespitenomic opportunities from pects ofwell-being through diverse eco eas tofastgrowing cities,that offerpros ar linked tointernalmigrationfrom rural ofthis increasesignificant portion canbe are thusmoving week. A intocitiesevery this phenomenon. Over a million people and Africawillbemajorcontributorsto eas by 2050.It isalsoprojected thatAsia addition of 2.5 billion people in urban ar projections effectively translateintoan 2018world urbanization prospects: 2018 Kundu A,Mohanan PC,“ The numberofmigrants by Internal migration https://blogs. 2 . 1 . These ------3 andsocialinter ployment, basicservices ects have ignored issuesofmobility, em and infrastructure where housingproj seen inisolationofothercityfunctions has beenthathousingneedshave been The commonthread inallsuchprograms identity, lossoflives andcriminalization. break down insocialnetworks, lossof direct implicationsonpeople’s health, housing have haddevastating results with and poorly planned and executed services evictions, housing with no accessto basic of relocations, forced and uninformed ing conditionsinacity. Past experiences ecological footprintsandimproving liv tions/work places,are criticalinreducing respect toproximity toothercityfunc tion andlocationofhousingprojects with ical infrastructure, especiallysafesanita The linkagesbetween housingandphys and vulnerablecommunities. of living…” with afocusonlow income nent of the right to an adequate standard to adequate housing forallasacompo theprogressiveport realization oftheright tional and local housing policies that sup commits to“promoting national,subna and naturalresources, amongothers.It tion, health, education, decent jobs, safety terms ofhousing,infrastructure, sanita trend anditssustainabilitychallengesin The city. ofthe parts sections livinginunderserved forthepoorestlife. Thisisespeciallytrue forabetterqualityof their opportunities tants vulnerabletodisastersandlimiting andamenitiesmakinginhabi sic services ments, includingslums,withminimalba the extensive formationofinformalsettle New Urban Agenda,2017 re New Urban Agenda re 3 recognizes this I CITIES INCLUSIVE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 15-16 November 2018 PLANNING PLANNING MAGINING ------infrastructure functions and of othercity in isolation been seen needs have that housing has been programs all such thread in The common . LAND LAND

5 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018

. HOUSING . INFRASTRUCTURE SPEAKER PROFILES and housing. development urban land for accessible serviced and to well of access challenges forefront the bring tothe will also symposium The would bringinglobalknowledge andexpe the Symposium istoprovide aplatform that International Symposium. ment of , inorganizingatwo-day & Urban Development Govern Department, ies’ withtheHousing (SUD-SC),ispartnering `Sustainable Urban Development- Smart Cit Against thisbackdrop, GIZ,undertheproject ITS THEMES AND THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM developers’ costofborrowing forsuchprojects. which hasthepotentialtoreduce real estate enabling easieraccesstoinstitutionalcredit, ed infrastructure statustoaffordable housing, (NURHP). The Government hasalsogrant draft National Urban Rental Housing Policy Habitat Policy forUrban Areas, andanew template forpreparation ofState Housing and Habitat Policy (NUHHP)2007,preparing a revision oftheNational Urban Housing and reforms have alsobeenintroduced, including formation, andPMAY-U. Important policy Mission forRejuvenation andUrban Trans jiv Awas Yojana, Smart CitiesMission, Atal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, Ra to address thisdeficit,suchasthe Jawaharlal years, various programs have beenlaunched with accesstobasicservices. provide adequatehousingfortheurbanpoor vening through policiesandprograms to The National Government hasbeeninter conducted by theState Governments. 10 millionunitsbasedondemandsurveys hasbeenrevisedextent ofshortage toabout (PMAY-U) `Housing forAll’ Mission, the of thePradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban 12 percent toobsoleteness. ed (congested)livingconditions,andanother of thetotaldeficitisattributedto overcrowd in theurbanpoorsegments.About 80percent (2012). More than95percent ofthedeficitis areas wasestimatedtonearly18.7millionunits India’s last accounted housing deficit in urban zens. imagining animproved qualityoflifeforciti waysof infrastructure willpossiblyleadtonew housing designandintegrating effective financemechanisms,contextualizing actions. Addressing housingforallthrough Theobjective of With thelaunch Over the past ------bai-dharavi slum-loaded-term-homegrown-neighbourhoods-mum https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2014/nov/28/ they are homegrown neighbourhoods ,November 2014 4 ing unaffordable forthemasses. development, thehighlandvalue makeshous when suchlandparcels are madeavailable for and economicpolicieslanddisputes.Even its are oftenlockedawayasaresult ofurban At othertimes,plotsoflandwithincitylim employment withinreach. opportunities into povertyfurther with limited access to new able butoften pushes vulnerable communities which notonlymakehousingprojects unvi often pushedtowards theperipheralcitylimits tial urbanprojects withinthecity, thepoorare informal settlementsare cleared upforpoten occupy 6%ofthecity’s land that In thecaseofMumbai inIndia itisestimated able andaccessiblelandforurbandevelopment. ing. Globally citiesfacethechallengeofafford cessible landforurbandevelopment andhous andac the challengesofaccesstowell serviced The symposiumwillalsobringtotheforefront Land andUrban Development to rental housing. planning andexpandingaccess ogies forsmart technol ing, urbanandhousingfinance,new ing landandinfrastructure foraffordable hous good practicesandlessonslearntonaugment Latin America,Africa,andEurope, topresent from theregionsexperts ofSouth-East Asia, ernments. It willalsobringininternational promote cross-learning amongtheState Gov in India, andwillprovide to anopportunity and initiatives implementedby various States case innovative housingpolicies,programmes, sharing across citiesandStates. It willshow topromote knowledgeinternational experts The event willbringtogethernationaland ing astwocriticalinstruments. availability fortheaffordable and rental hous tourbanlandandits on theissuespertaining housing andland. strengthen theexistingpoliciesrelated to riences tofacilitatetheongoingdialogue Srivastava RandEchanove M,Slums isaloaded word, 60% ofitsresidents live in“slums”, which Deliberations willbeheld 4 . As slumsand ------14....pdf High%20Res%20wo%20press%20marks%20-%2005- the%20Low-Income%20Housing%20Market%20-%20 http://ficci.in/spdocument/22983/State%20of%20 Income housingfinancemarket 2018, May 2018. 6 14....pdf High%20Res%20wo%20press%20marks%20-%2005- the%20Low-Income%20Housing%20Market%20-%20 http://ficci.in/spdocument/22983/State%20of%20 Income housingfinancemarket 2018, May 2018. 5 providing loansfor low incomehouseholds. subsidies are stillnotviableeven forcompanies cracks assmallloanamountsandcredit linked weaker section (EWS) still falls through the low-income communities, the economically for housing.However, ofthe thebottomrung to low incomefamilieswantingtoaccessloans also beenabletoprovide amenuofoptions housing. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana has have been tappingthemarket oflow income several affordable housingfinancecompanies ing. However, years inthepastfew India, meansofmicroa few financeorgroup lend built by using upown savings andthrough tal building. Traditionally these houseswere medium towns withpossibilitiesofincremen ofsmalland are oftenlocatedattheperiphery self-constructed In India, nearlysixtytwopercent ofhousingis sector lack tential homeowners employed intheinformal order toprovide housingloans,somethingpo ers require formal documentation of income in middle andhighincomeformalsectorcustom ing financecompaniesgeared toward servicing housing finance. Banks andtraditionalhous andwithnoaccesstoconventional struction night compromising qualityandsafetyincon ments. Housing isbuiltquickly, almostover build orrent housingindenseillegalsettle Latin America.Low incomecommunitiesbuy, holds inmostcountries of Asia,Africa and is nearlyunaffordable forlow incomehouse Ownership oflegalandgoodqualityhousing Urban andHousing Finance adaptive reuse andin-situdevelopment. and re-densification through landpooling, forinfrastructure developmentinstruments urban renewal anddevelopment through new The symposium willexplore of opportunities Das C,KaramchandaniA,Thuard J, State ofLow Das C,KaramchandaniA,Thuard J, State ofLow

5 .

6 . Theseare standalonehouses ------technologies are goingthrough a transforma context. Also,ubanplanning andbuilding efficient designsthatcan beappliedinthis vations inbuildingtechnologiesandenergy leading architects andplannerstoshare inno The symposiumwill bring together a poolof tural andeconomiclinkageswithin. come communities that have strong social, cul lack a‘sense ofspace’ orappealforthelow-in are isolatedfrom city-centres andtheirdesigns toensureeffort occupancy inthesesitesasthey government bodies have to putinconsiderable Inconcrete manycases andcommonservices. projects is alsolimitedtotheuseofpre-cast ning ofgovernment masshousing supported Innovations andplan indesign,construction industry.of theconstruction labor ataffordable costsisarampantproblem Poor and lackofskilled qualityofconstruction housing. commonly seeninselfconstructed promise safety are on parameters of structural but heavily com cost and time of construction and pre-fabricated materialsthathelpreduce of cities.Adoption of‘lowered specifications’ forrelocationespecially true sitesattheedges nity level water andsanitationfacilities.Thisis costs provisions were madeonlyforcommu the capacity. However, to inan effort reduce dom tobuildasandwhencommunitieshad plotsthatgave thefree and semi-serviced ernments have alsobeenproviding unserved tlements thatare organicandcongested.Gov onplotsoflandwithininformalset structed housing seenintheselandscapesisself-con In thecontextofIndia, inthepast,bulkof Buildings New Technologies forSmart Planning and nerable sectionofsociety. ing outreach forthepoorest andthemostvul and PMAY andwillexplore meansofincreas bring togethercasestudiesofhousingfinance poorest sectionofsociety. Thesymposiumwill grading existinghousingmayhelpaddress the framework by theGovernmentlatory forup Provision by arobust ofloanssupported regu settlements andrationalizationoflandtenure. ization, provision of infrastructure ininformal existing housingstockthrough landregular role toplayinimprovingan important the en by theprivate sector, governments alsohave Although muchofthehousingmarket isdriv


7 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 SPEAKER PROFILES erate onhow thesenations, includingIndia, are from different countrieswillbeshared to delib able housing,andinfrastructure. sues inthesectorsofplanning,land,afford The firstdaywillfocusontheemerging is THE TWO-DAYPROGRAM ing typologies. result inunsafe,low density, single-usebuild structure, andinefficientbuildingcodesthat difficulties inattainingthe‘lastmile’ ofinfra expensive development control regulations, land and associated high prices, complex and segments includenon-availability ofserviced monly citedbarrierstoreach thelower-income ciently intensedevelopment. Some ofthecom to basicinfrastructure, andapproved forsuffi to acquire landthatiswell-located, connected constraintswhentrying opers faceimportant ply ofaffordable housing. the housingvalue chainthathinderthe sup There are several majorbottlenecks across ofhousestoallincomegroups. for delivery more asafacilitatorby catalyzingthemarket provider, theGovernment isdiversifying toact a Model Tenancy Act. Instead ofbeingonlya in the process of finalizing theNURHP and of Housing andUrban Affairs(MoHUA) is ognizing thesignificanceofthis, Ministry both flexibility and options for mobility. Rec rental accommodation, which provide them persons (Census2011)inurbanIndia stayin housing gap. At three present, one in every levels, of India’s and potentially alleviate part the overall housingstockatdifferent income has alargebutunrealized potentialtoincrease in thelongrun. ther beaffordable norviableatalargescale or subsidizingownership housingmaynei towards ownership. grammes inIndia have beenmostlyinclined Traditionally, housing policies and pro Rental Housing gies. efficiencies throughnew technolo harnessing whohave beenworkingperts onenhancing have discussionsledby globalandIndian ex projecting possibilities.Thesesessionswillalso ing astronger role inperceiving optionsand informationtechnologiesplay tion, withnew The rental housingmarket However, incentivizing Real estatedevel Experiences ------the technicalcontentofthis event. CPR hasbeenretained by GIZtohelp support information is available at tion andtheState andUrbanization. national relations and security, Lawregula Environmental lawandgovernance, Inter works across thethemesofEconomic Policy, dia’s premier independentthinktanksand The Centre for Policy Research isoneof In The Centre for Policy Research (CPR) approaches. implementing conceptsofintegratedplanning of Bhubaneswar, andKochi in It thethree alsosupports selectSmart Cities ning framework,andmonitoringofSDG11. plan lation onhousingforall,basicservices, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala in the policy formu andStateMinistry Governments ofOdisha, eration. the lineofIndo-German Technical Coop ment- Smart Cities (SUD-SC)project in menting the Sustainable Urban Develop MoHUA andGIZIndia are jointlyimple GIZ-Supported Project SUD-SC THE ORGANIZERS managers, etc.)andacademia. firms, investors, property ers, construction tions, theprivate sector(developers, promot of research institutions,civilsocietyorganiza symposium will alsobenefitfrom participation ing andurbanland-related programs. The state andlocalgovernments taskedwithhous leaders andpolicymakersfrom thecentral, audienceofthesymposiumare The primary EXPECTED PARTICIPANTS housing finance. explored inadditiontothevarious optionsof self-ownership and rental options,willalsobe ous waysofpossessingadwelling unit,suchas lated, managed,andleveraged upon. rental housing,andhow thesecanberegu include takingurbanlandasakey inputfor On thesecondday, discussionpointswill planning tofulfilltheirglobalcommitments. The project supports the Theproject supports National www.cprindia.org. Further Vari


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LAND LAND 9 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 . HOUSING . INFRASTRUCTURE AGENDA

DAY 1 | 15 NOVEMBER Slum ClearanceBoard, GoTN, India Mr. M.S.Shanmugam, IAS,Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Vote ofThanks Hon’ble Deputy ChiefMinister, Tamil Nadu, India O. Thiru Panneerselvam Presidential Address (MoHUA), Government ofIndia (GoI) Representation from ofHousing theMinistry &Urban Affairs on facilitatingaccesstourbanpoor Setting theContext:Addressing Housing asasectorwithfocus Dr. Julie Reviere, Director, Country GIZIndia Development Opening remarks: toIndia GIZsupport onSustainable Urban (GoTN), India (H&UDD) Department Principal Secretary, Housing andUrban Development Mr. IAS S.Krishnan, WELCOME ADDRESS INAUGURAL PLENARY SESSION 10:00 -10:05 09:00 -10:00 Lighting ofLamp Registration re re I CITIES INCLUSIVE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 15-16 November 2018 PLANNING PLANNING MAGINING 10:05 -11:15 . LAND LAND

11 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018

. HOUSING . INFRASTRUCTURE Development policiesinIndia. provide ofthecontextforHousing anoverview andUrban ic, socialandenvironmental perspectives. Thissessionaimsto urban development andadequatehousingfrom theeconom while bringinginlessonsandfuture prospects andchallengesto geographies,China,LatinAmerica,Europecertain andIndia, es ofurbanandhousingpolicy. Speakers willbothdwell on global perspective onthepastevolution andfuture challeng This opening technical sessionaims to present atemporal and AGENDA 11:30 -13:15 Institute ofHuman Development (IHD),New Delhi CO-CHAIR: CHAIR: HOUSING POLICY- INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE TECHNICAL PLENARY SESSION: Q&A, Open Discussion andconcludingremarks Industrial Development (SUID),India Ms. Tanja Feldmann, Director, GIZ Sustainable Urban and Research (CPR),New Delhi, India and Mr. Shubhagato Dasgupta, Senior Fellow, Centre forPolicy “Evolution ofHousing Policies inIndia “ Observatory, LondonSchoolofEconomics, UK Prof. Ruth Kattumuri,Founder andCo-Director, India Italy ofEconomics andStatistics,partment University of Turin, Prof. Giorgio Brosio “Sustainable urbantransition forinclusive growth” Pennsylvania, USA Prof. Eduardo Rojas, Lecturer, PennDesign, University of Latin American housingpolicies” “It isaboutbuildingcities,notjusthouses:Lessonsfrom Cities, University ofNorth Carolina, USA Dr. Yan Song, Professor, Director ofProgram onChinese global perspective” “Urban governance strategies towards sustainability:A Representation from Prof. AmitabhKundu, DAY 1 | DAY , Professor ofPublic Economics, De MoHUA, GoI

Visiting Professor, 15 NOVEMBER - - - land fordevelopment. modelsforsecuring grading andequityconcernsalongwithnew India. It willdebateboththebroader contextofhousingandup ing and urban development from South Africa, Thailand and This sessionwilldwell oncasesofinnovations inlandforhous one ofthekeycomponentshousingandurbandevelopment. This parallelsession,Landforurbandevelopment, willdiscuss 14:15 -16:00 New Delhi Former Director, SchoolofPlanning andArchitecture, Managing Director, TNSCB, GoTN CO-CHAIRS: CHAIR: PARALLEL SESSIONS “City-Wide upgrading andHousing Development asways Witwatersand, South Africa Dr. Tanya Zack, Senior Researcher, University of and practical conundrum”, “Housing thepoorinJohannesburg’s innercity-apolicy Open Discussion andQ&A Livelihoods, TATA Trust,Mumbai Ms. Shikha Srivastava, Lead-Urban Poverty Alleviation& “Technology andcommunityprocess forlivable habitat” Policy Research Ms. AninditaMukherjee, Senior Researcher, Centre for Ms. Aparna Das, Senior Advisor, GIZSUD-SC “Demystifying urbanlandtenure issuesinIndia” Coalition forHousing Rights,Thailand Ms Somsook Boonyabancha,Secretary General, Asian SDGs” to buildstrong peopleandurban communitiestoachieve LAND AND INFRASTRUCTURE FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT PARALLELSESSION 1A Mr. M.S.Shanmugam, IAS Prof. Chetan Vaidya

- - market for thepoorinIndia. thedevelopment ofahousingfinance eral agenciesinsupporting ing the fiscal health at the local level and the experiences of bilat framework. It willalsodwell onexperiencesinIndia onimprov and theimpactofimproved urbangovernance inacomparative urban development financeinanintergovernmental framework will bring together a setof presentations which will look atlocal Urban governance andfinanceare closelylinked.Thissession Centre forPolicy Research, New Delhi Governmentof Telangana Director, Municipal Administration, CO-CHAIR: CHAIR: FINANCING URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE PARALLELSESSION 2A Open Discussion andQ&A zenship andDemocracy, Bengaluru Mr. Vivek Nair, Head- Reforms, Janaagraha Centre for Citi life” “Governance andqualityof and impactsonurbanservices forInternationalDepartment Development (DFID) Mr. Sumesh Girhotra, Private Sector Development Adviser, Beyond” “DFID’s Role inHousing Finance inIndia -Present and Finance, Urban Management Centre, Ahmedabad Mr. RavikantJoshi, Advisor, Urban Management andUrban India” “Experiences inimproving fiscalhealthoflocalbodies in German University ofAdministrative Sciences,Speyer Prof. Dr. Gisela Färber, ChairofEconomic Political Science, Globalernments: examples” “Fiscal Instruments forfinancial robustness ofLocal Gov Dr. T. K.Sreedevi, IAS Mr. Shubhagato Dasgupta

- - - - east. inboththe west andthe will discusssomeexamplesofsuchefforts sounder optionsandgreater inplanning.Thissession participation nologies andtheiruseinplanningisalsoincreasing environmentally costs andimproving newtech efficiencies.Thissessionfocusedon change. Technologies are alsocreating forreducing opportunities in urbanplanningandhousingdevelopment are witnessingrapid andpossibilities technologiestheopportunities and construction With the increased technologies in spatial planning use of new Professor Emeritus, Sharda University, Noida Metropolitan Development Authority, GoTN Principal Secretary/Member-Secretary, CO-CHAIR: CHAIR: “The future forpre-fab andautomationfor housingin India” ban monitoring,managementandplanning “Quantified Cities Movement: ecosystemsforur Participatory Hamburg University, Germany Prof. Dr. Jorg RainerNoennig, Professor forDigital CityScience, “Knowledge Cities” IHS Erasmus University, theNetherlands Prof. AlexanderJachnow, Head ofUrban Strategies andPlanning, Technologies forCities“ “The New Planning: Smart Nature-Based Solutions and New Prefab Limited,GoI Mr. RajeshGoel, ChairmanandManaging Director, Hindustan Open Discussion andQ&A ment Studies andActivities, Pune Mr. Siddhartha Benninger, Project Planner, Centre forDevelop NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART PLANNING PARALLELSESSION 3A Mr. Lakhoni,IAS Rajesh Prof. Shovan Kumar Saha

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13 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 faced. that theyhave created alongwiththelimitationsthattheyhave in thecontextwhichtheyhave beenpracticedandthesolutions housing andurbandevelopment. Thesemodelswillbediscussedas will debateavariety for oflandandinfrastructure instruments from Indiaexamples ofinstruments andtheglobe.Thespeakers cuss oneofthekeycomponentsurbandevelopment andpresent This parallelsession, Infrastructure forurbandevelopment, willdis AGENDA 16:15 -18:00 New Delhi Former Director, SchoolofPlanning andArchitecture, Metropolitan Development Authority, GoTN Principal Secretary/Member-Secretary, Chennai CO-CHAIR: CHAIR: PARALLEL SESSIONS Open Discussion andQ&A Government ofKerala Mr. Binu Francis, Director –Urban Housing, Kudumbashree, Initiatives” “Urban Infrastructure through Services Community Led 100ResilientCities Mr. AmitProthi, Head ofIndia National Strategy, “Risk Sensitive LandandInfrastructure Planning” Australia Architecture, Building &Planning, University ofMelbourne, Dr. DTVRaghuRamaSwamy, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of by cities” “Global bestpractices onland/infrastructure modelsadopted of Economics, Singapore Management University Dr. Phang Sock Yong, Vice Provost &CeliaMoh ChairProfessor Finance” “Singapore’s Innovations inUrban andAffordable Housing INFRASTRUCTURE FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT PARALLELSESSION 1B Mr. Lakhoni,IAS Rajesh Prof. Chetan Vaidya DAY 1 | DAY

15 NOVEMBER - policy andpracticeacross different geographiesandcontexts. The sessionwillhelpcreate ofcross learningfrom opportunities the poorandinformalsectorinIndia willalsobediscussed. Presentations ontheIndian housingmarket forsmallloansand housing financeinAfrica,EastAsia, Singapore andthe world. housing andforthepoorest. Speakers willdwell onthe This sessionfocusesonhousingfinancemodelsforaffordable Centre forPolicy Research, New Delhi Principal Secretary, H&UDD,GoTN CO-CHAIR: CHAIR: MOBILIZING FINANCE FOR HOUSING PARALLELSESSION 2B Open Discussion andQ&A National Institute ofUrban Affairs, New Delhi Mr. AnandIyer, ChiefProject Manager Permits Process inDelhi andMumbai” to from theEfforts “Learnings Improve the Construction Humanity, Kochi Ms. RanjaniKolasseril, Financial Habitat Expert, for “Access toFinance fortheEWSsegment” Boston, USA Ms. Vidhee Garg, Principal, Affordable Housing Institute, “Models forHousing Finance Subsidies across geographies” Affordable Housing Finance, South Africa Ms. Kecia Rust, Executive Director &Founder, Centre for new instruments” “Housing Finance Markets inAfrica:Current trends and Mr. IAS S.Krishnan, Mr. Shubhagato Dasgupta

discussed todiscussionsatthescaleofneighborhoodsandbuildings. facilitate more sustainablesolutionsatthesub-citylevel andwillbe ing efficiencies.Thissessionwillfocuson newtechnologiescan how nologies are alsocreating forreducing opportunities costs andimprov planning andhousingdevelopment are witnessingrapidchange. Tech andpossibilitiesinurban technologiestheopportunities construction With theincreased technologiesinspatialplanningand useofnew Professor Emeritus, Sharda University, Noida & Water Supply GoTN Department, Principal Secretary, Municipal Administration CO-CHAIR: CHAIR: Open Discussion andQ&A Urbanization Building andEnvironment, IITMadras Dr. AshwinMahalingam, AssociateProfessor, Centerfor “Digital Technologies forHousing” Mr. Markus Ewald, Urban Planner, Urbanista, Germany neighbourhoods andcitiesthrough co-creative urbanplanning” “Sustainable, economicallyandsociallyfunctioning Municipalities, GIZNepal Mr. Sanjeev Pokharel, Project Manager, CapacityDevelopment of territorial reform” “Local government spatialplanningafterNepal’s recent Mr. AshokB.Lall,Principal, AshokB.LallArchitects, New Delhi Carbon buildings &LandUtilisation” “Policy Framework foroptimizingResource Efficiency, Low NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART BUILDINGS PARALLELSESSION 3B Mr. Harmander Singh, IAS Prof. Shovan Kumar Saha

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15 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 9:45 -11:30 will alsobediscussed. beingexperimentedwithin andinstruments India efforts new rental housing especially for the poor. International cases and of workpolicy action to support to discuss the importance sector withinthehousingsector. It willprovide abroad frame tocreateof theneedforefforts amore robust rental housing sessionaimstoprovideThis plenary acomprehensive overview AGENDA Visiting Professor, IHD,New Delhi for CleanGanga, GoI Director General, National Mission Director, SUIDCluster, GIZ Ms. TanjaFeldmann CO-CHAIR: CHAIR: WELCOME ADDRESS LAND AND FINANCE FOR RENTAL HOUSING IN INDIA PLENARY SESSION: Q&A Tamil Nadu Housing Board, GoTN Mr. AnandRao Vishnu Patil, IAS,Managing Director, “Tamil Nadu Rental LawandTNHBexperience” H&UDD, GoO Mr. Mathi Vathanan, IAS,Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Odisha” “New Model fordelivering urbanlandtothepoorin Mr. Claude Taffin, Housing Economist, France “How todevelop asustainablerental housingsector” Sustainable Development, India, World Bank Ms. Sumila Gulyani, ic development ofnations” “Rental Housing asanessentialelementofsocio-econom Mr. Mishra, Ranjan Rajiv IAS Prof. AmitabhKundu DAY 2 | DAY

Program Leader, Infrastructure and 16 NOVEMBER

- - and urbandevelopment policyingeneral. frameworks tocreate spaceforrental housingwithin intermsoflegalandinstitutional for more publicintervention in the informal and the formal sector. It will debate the need andconstraintstheyfaceboth the institutionalopportunities in South AfricaandIndia ofrental housingforthepoorand for vibrant cities. It will present learnings from various cases rental housingwilldiscusstheessentialrole ofrental housing This parallelsessionfocusingoninstitutionalframeworks for 11:45 -13:30 Director, SUIDCluster, GIZ for CleanGanga, GoI Director General, National Mission CO-CHAIR: CHAIR: PARALLEL SESSIONS challenges to scaleup: experiences fromchallenges toscaleup:experiences South Africa” “Rental and housingmodels,urbanizationcomplexities Mr. Robert M.Buckley, Urban Institute, Washington, USA “Role ofRental Housing inInclusive Cities” Open Discussion andQ&A ciates, Chennai Mr. Jayaprakash Padmanaban, Partner, Fox Mandal &Asso “Impact ofnewtenancylaw–stakeholderperspective” Research Ms. AninditaMukherjee, Senior Researcher, Centre forPolicy Ms. Aparna Das, Senior Advisor, GIZSUD-SC Cases from Odisha andTamil Nadu” “Prevailing rental housingpractices amongurbanpoor: sury, Government ofSouth Africa Mr. Seth Maqetuka, Coordinator, CitiesProgramme, Trea FOR RENTAL HOUSING LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS PARALLELSESSION 4 Mr. Mishra, Ranjan Rajiv IAS Ms. Tanja Feldmann

- - vate affordable housingin India. while alsocovering theapproach beingadoptedtopromote pri by theprivate sectorinIndia, thepolicychallengestheyface will alsobringtogetherexperiencesandmodelsbeingdeveloped housing andmodelsbeingdeveloped inEurope and theUK.It This sessionisfocusedontheimperative foraffordable rental Development Council,New Delhi Joint Vice President- North, National Real Estate Joint Secretary (PMAY), MoHUA, GoI CO-CHAIR: CHAIR: ` RENTAL HOUSING: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES PRIVATE SECTOR PARTICIPATION IN AFFORDABLE/ PARALLELSESSION 5 Open Discussion andQ&A and Fellow, HSMI,HUDCO,GoI Dr. AkshayaKumar Sen, Joint General Manager (Economics) Poor inIndia” “Exploring Affordable Rental Housing Optionsfor Urban Mr. John Alex,Equitas Holdings Limited,Chennai “Birds Nest: theEquitas ecosystemmodelforinclusion” abad Mr. Satyanarayana Vejella, Founder, Homes, Aarusha Hyder ing” “Private Enterprise andPolicy Challengesforrental hous sity ofReading Dr. Michael Ball, Professor Henley Business School,Univer “Models foraffordable rental housingintheUK” Institute Ms. Vera search Institute, Dr. Economies of private rental“Overview housing József , Budapest Mr. AmritAbhijat, IAS Horváth, Senior Researcher,

Hegedüs, Managing Director, Metropolitan Re ”

Mr. Gaurav Jain Budapest

in Transition Metropolitan Research - - - - - tions from theSymposium by theChair. sessionasmainrecommendawill bepresented inthevaledictory of this session the interconnectedness of the themes. The summary technical sessionwillalsoprovide toreflect totheparticipants on across the five mainthemesdiscussedattheconference. Thisfinal the main issues and learning sessions will present top the plenary tations intheparallelsessions.TheCo-Chairsoffive parallel sessionwillbringtogetherthediscussionsandpresen This plenary 14:30 -16:00 Development, India, World Bank Program Leader, Infrastructure andSustainable Senior Fellow, ISS,New Delhi CO-CHAIR: CHAIR: Open Discussion andQ&A Mr. Gaurav Jain Session 5:Private sectoraffordable rental housing Ms. TanjaFeldmann housing Session 4:Legalframeworks and State Institutions for rental Prof Shovan Kumar Saha Session 3:New planningandbuildings technologiesforsmart Mr. Shubhagato Dasgupta Session 2:Urban andHousing Finance Prof.Chetan Vaidya Session 1:LandandInfrastructure forurbandevelopment WAY FORWARD CLOSING PLENARY SESSION Prof. Om Prakash Mathur Dr. Sumila Gulyani

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17 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 AGENDA 16:15 –17:30 their own perspectives. takeaways from theSymposium from andstateawayforward in government thekey toarticulate anddevelopment partners willallow fortheleaders anopportunity This Closingplenary AREAS FOR ACTION MOVING FORWARD ON RECOMMENDATIONS AND CLOSING PLENARY: Director, GIZSUID Ms. TanjaFeldmann Vote ofThanks Principal Secretary, H&UDD,GoTN Mr. S.Krishnan,IAS Response from GoTN Secretary, MoHUA, GoI Mr. Durga Shanker Mishra, IAS Response from GOI Director,Country World Bank India ment, India, World Bank onbehalfofMr. Junaid Ahmed, Program Leader, Infrastructure andSustainable Develop Dr. Sumila Gulyani Senior Fellow, ISS,New Delhi Prof. Om Prakash Mathur suggestions and Way Forward Summary oftheconference discussions, DAY 2 | DAY



19 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 SPEAKER PROFILES OVERVIEW 1 Transformation, andPMAY-U. Important Atal Mission forRejuvenation andUrban Rajiv Awas Yojana, Smart CitiesMission, Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, to address thisdeficit,such asthe Jawaharlal years, various programs have beenlaunched Over thepast with accesstobasicservices. provide adequate housingfortheurbanpoor through policiesandprogramsintervening to The National Government hasbeen conducted by theState Governments. 10 millionunitsbasedondemandsurveys has been revisedextent ofshortage toabout (PMAY-U) `Housing forAll’ Mission, the of thePradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban 12 percent toobsoleteness. With thelaunch (congested) livingconditions,andanother of thetotaldeficitisattributedto overcrowded in theurbanpoorsegments.About 80percent (2012). More than95percent ofthedeficitis areas wasestimatedtonearly18.7millionunits India’s last accounted housing deficit in urban ofthecity. parts living inunderserved for thepoorestThis isespeciallytrue sections forabetterqualityoflife. their opportunities inhabitants vulnerabletodisastersandlimiting andamenitiesmaking minimal basicservices informal settlements,includingslums,with cities hasledtotheextensive formationof housing, andtheconcentrationofpeoplein the limited availability of affordable land and cultural exchange leading tofastpacedgrowth, foreconomicandsocio- immense opportunities and humanitarian impacts. While cities offer human activitywithsignificantenvironmental at largehave becomemeltingpotsofdiverse with nosecurityoftenure. Slums andcities informalsettlements residing inpoorlyserviced New off by entrantstocities,oftenstart major contributorstothisphenomenon. is alsoprojected thatAsiaandAfricawillbe of 2.5billionpeopleinurbanareas by 2050.It projections effectively translateintoanaddition population willbecome68percent of theworld.In the nexttwenty years this Cities constituteover halfofthepopulation 2018 worldurbanizationprospects: 2018revision 1 . These re planning andarchitecture. andstudentsof practitioners, housing experts engineers, internationalandnationalurban Andhra Pradesh, Kerala andOdisha, architects, officials from thestatesof Tamil Nadu, Telanga, includingstategovernment175 participants The two-dayevent wasattended by over housing. planningandexpandingaccesstorentalsmart technologiesfor and housingfinance,new infrastructure foraffordable housing, urban and lessonslearntonaugmentingland Africa, and Europe, to present good practices the regions ofSouth-East Asia,LatinAmerica, It also broughtfrom in international experts cross-learning amongtheState Governments. initiatives, provided topromote anopportunity innovative housing policies, programmes, and sharing across citiesandStates. It showcased to promote knowledgeinternational experts The event brought togethernationaland housing astwocriticalinstruments. its availability fortheaffordable and rental tourbanlandand on theissuespertaining and Infrastructure. Deliberations willbeheld the existingpoliciesrelated tohousing,land facilitate theongoingdialoguetostrengthen in globalknowledge andexperiencesto was to provide a platform that would bring Inclusive Cities. International Symposium onReimagining of Tamil Nadu, is organizing a two-day Development Government Department, partnered withtheHousing &Urban Development- Smart Cities’ (SUD-SC), GIZ, under the project `Sustainable Urban for suchprojects. reduce real estatedevelopers’ costofborrowing institutional credit, whichhasthepotentialto affordable housing,enablingeasieraccessto has alsograntedinfrastructure statusto Housing Policy (NURHP).The Government Areas, draftNational andanew Urban Rental State Housing and Habitat Policy for Urban 2007, preparing atemplateforpreparation of Housing andHabitat Policy (NUHHP) including revision ofthe National Urban policy reforms have alsobeenintroduced, re Theobjective ofthe Symposium I CITIES INCLUSIVE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 15-16 November 2018 PLANNING PLANNING MAGINING . LAND LAND

21 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018


The next twodays. andproductive andhopedfor afruitful discussionoverparticipants the Incitizens and experts. theendshethankedallresource personsand these issuesandtherefore a lotofemphasisisputondialoguewith summed upherpresentation by statingthatIndia recognises manyof government accesstoloansforthepoor. structure cansupport She lendings andloansare notviableforprivate players andonlyarobust the economicallyweaker sectionsstillfallthrough thecracks.Small several institutions and private agencies are providing housing finance, of poorsectionhasaccesstohousingfinance. Even though,today smallpercentagemostly from theurbanpoorsegments.Avery of20millionintheIndianAn estimatedshortage housingsectoris domain thebenefitsofurbanschemesare yet to reach theurbanpoor. Even though Indian cities are in the international gaining importance by 2031nearly600milliondollarswillbegeneratedinIndian cities. India, highlightedthat India wasthesecondlargesturbansystemand In her institutions aswell asacademiciansforthestateof Tamil Nadu. andotherstatesthatwillbeusefultogovernmentinternational experts symposium provides tolearnfrom theexperiencesof anopportunity agriculture constitutesonly10-11%oftheshare. Co-hostingthis for thestateof Tamil Nadu, citiesdrive theeconomyofstateand and policylevel discussionshave beenpossiblewiththem.Particularly from their methods. GIZ has provided technical and knowledge inputs of GIZandotherGerman institutionsandthatthere wasmuchtolearn methods andtheemphasisondetailprecision intheoperatingstyle housing policyforthestate.Mr. Krishnanappreciated theplanning of land utilization in the state, on the Smart city program and on that GIZhasextendedtothestateof Tamil Nadu onimproving scope government officialstothesymposium. Hehighlightedthesupport Mr. welcomed SKrishnan has brought togetherseveral resource personsfrom across the globe. to learningfromlooked forward thefindingsofthissymposium that and Sebi regulated housingfinancetomeetthechallengeand housing. He highlightedtheneedforplanning inclusive housing has alsofacilitatedonlinesubmissionofapplicationsfor planningand Rights andresponsibilities oflandlords andtenantsact.In addition,it the challengesinrental housingmarket thestatehasalsoenacted recently announced the increase in FSI from 1.5to2.In order toaddress segment. It schemes andhas hasalsoinitiated several sites and services areas. Thestateof Tamil Nadu isproviding free housinginthe EWS 25 lakhhousingunitsoutwhich14are required inurban 48.5% of its population in urban areas. The state hasa requirement of housing inthestate. Tamil Nadu isthemosturbanisedstatewith highlighted the Government’s in meeting the challenge of efforts Paneerselvam Hon’ble Deputy ChiefMinister of Tamil Nadu, opening remarks Dr. Julie Reviere, delivered the re re presidential address. all theinternationaldelegatesand Country Director Country GIZ I CITIES INCLUSIVE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 15-16 November 2018 PLANNING PLANNING TheChief Minister MAGINING


23 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018

. HOUSING . INFRASTRUCTURE DAY 1 TECHNICAL PLENARY poverty areas. inrural Lessthan15 years back people migratedtourbanareas duetoextreme to urban fromareas. rural In 2010, 150 million urbanisation duetomigrationofpopulation In thelastdecadeChinahasexperiencedrapid cities andtheirgrowth over thepastfifteen years. Dr. Song presented her research on Chinese A globalperspective”. governance strategiestowards sustainability: North Carolina, USAtopresent on of Program onChineseCities,University of first speaker poor. he invited Withthe these observations play, especially in the case of housing for urban to address theculturalfactorsthatmaybeat inorderled initiatives isofprimeimportance facilities, hepointedoutthattheneedforstate lowvery percentage ofhouseholdswith toilet of Tamil Nadu where NSShasrecorded a role ofthe stateiscritical. Taking theexample across states. Housing isastatesubjectandthe under PMAY, varies drastically itsperformance onhousingthrough massivethe thrust funding even though theCentralgovernment hadput evident inthesymposium.He pointedoutthat the State Government of Tamil Nadu aswas congratulated GIZforactively engaging with in meeting the housing demands and role ofStatethe important governments Prof. Kundu initiated the session by highlighting perspectives. from the economic, socialandenvironmental to urbandevelopment andadequatehousing in lessonsandfuture prospects andchallenges America, Europe andIndia, while bringing geographies,China, Latin cases from certain urban andhousingpolicy. Speakers presented the pastevolution andfuture challengesof presented temporalandglobalperspective on Institute ofHuman Development, New Delhi Prof AmitabhKundu, Visiting Professor, The openingtechnicalsessionchaired by HOUSING POLICY INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE Dr. YanSong,

Professor, Director “Urban re programs. provide valuable insightsforurbanpoliciesand of urban form and growth patterns of cities can In theendDr. Song concludedthatthestudy found tohave low levels ofenergyconsumption. form. High densityhousingprojects were also compared tocities that have apancake like centralised cities have lower pollution levels urban formandconcludedthatcompact direct linksbetween airquality, pollutionand Dr. Song shared herstudyfindingsonthe infrastructure. transport to urban sprawl putting more pressure on Beijing hasapancakelikeformleading with transit-orienteddevelopment whereas corridors developed along its transportation they are accesseddifferently. Copenhagen has she explainedthatcitiesfunctiondifferently as Siting theexamplesofCopenhagenandBeijing and pedestrianmovements alsoimpactthecity. atthelevel ofthestreetsdesign interventions micro growth patternscreated through urban the residents ofthesecities.She addedthat have adirect impactonthequalityoflife city. She explainedhow thesethree patterns infrastructure andconnectivity to themain the outlyingareas ofthecitydemandingnew frogging leads todevelopmentareas ofnew at like formleadingtourbansprawl.Leap development edgeexpansionleadstoapancake development provides ofin-situ opportunity edge expansion and leap frogging’. While infill into three macro patternstermedas‘infill, the growth ofsuchcitiesand categorisedthem from such cities.Dr. Song analysed further and housingpricespushedthepooraway infrastructure. However, theincrease inland multi-storeyed buildings and state of the art many oftheseareas intomoderncitieswith hazards. TheChinesegovernment redeveloped narrow lanes; andat high risk of fire and other densely builtupwithpoorinfrastructure and Chinese citieswere more likeurbanvillages, re I CITIES INCLUSIVE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 15-16 November 2018 PLANNING PLANNING MAGINING Dr. Yan Song of pollution” higher level growth has form ofcity pancake like leading toa expansion of continuous “Higher level . LAND LAND

25 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018

. HOUSING . INFRASTRUCTURE DAY 1 TECHNICALPLENARY Kattumuri Prof Ruth GDP. 0.24% ofthe 0.16% to between constitutes collected property tax to 37%and was limited efficiency the collection tax where to property with regard challenges severe India faces is notenoughurbandevelopment and housing governments. He stated that producing houses renters, city municipalities and regional housing banks,contractorsanddevelopers, addressing housingthatincludecommunities, to engageandinvolve players new andactorsin Hehousing tosurvive. alsoemphasisedtheneed thatareshared essentialfor alistof19services requiredaddress allservices forhousing.He to significant urbanimpactanditisnecessary He emphasisedthathousingpolicieshave a market wascompletelyforgotten. that wasunder-utilised,andtherental housing significant amountoflandwithinthesecities andhousinginfrastructure. There was services residential use.Thisincludedhousing,housing Nearly 75%ofthelandinurbanareas wasfor andinfrastructure. access toproper services pockets ofhousingwasdeveloped withno extensions orleapfrogging anddisconnected Latin Americancitiesoccurred duetourban the last20years mostoftheurbangrowth in ofthehousingstock. significant proportion In ininformalsettlementssupplya construction incremental andself-helphouse construction facts were completelyforgotten.Informal that whiledesigningtheseprograms a few reach thepoor. Dr. Rojas thensummarised financing,howevermortgage thistoo,doesnot purchase to assist households to access private program for one-offsubsidieshome in vastly deficient urbanareas andthecurrent created neighbourhoods islandsofwell served government introduced in-situupgradingthat government thatlackedscale.In the1980’s the This wasfollowed by subsidisedlending by the continued as itwasfinancially unsustainable. in the 1970’sconstruction that could not be withgovernmentcities starting ledhousing of housingprograms inLatinAmerican conditions. Dr. Rojas explainedthehistory higher percapitaGDPmeantbetterhousing reduction andconcludedthat inshortages increase inincomesandtheirrelationship to presented ananalysisoftheurbanisationand housing butare meantforbuildingcities.He housing policiesare notlimitedtobuilding a more expandeddefinitionofhousingwhere the citizens thatcouldhave beenavoided with 20 years however thishashappenedatacostto Latin Americancitieshadimproved inthepast the onsetProf Rojas statedthathousingin American housing policies - 1960-2015. Pennsylvania, USA shared Prof. Eduardo Rojas The secondspeakerforthetechnicalsession, ofUniversity of Lessons from Latin At At challenges with regard tax whereto property She explainedhow further India facessevere is yet tobeaddressed. jobs. Thebasicissueoflocal revenue generation and connectedcities,thatgeneratessustainable structure thatwouldleadtocleaner, compact been able to address the need of a well-planned matching grantsfrom higherlevels, nonehave Special Purpose Vehicles toraisecapital,with and Smart CitiesMission 2015, alsorelied on delivery,service emphasisonPPPs forfinancing even thoughJNNURMfocusedonslumsand urban development elsewhere. She statedthat for urbaneliteleadingtoun-coordinated cities suchaChandigarhandNavi Mumbai This tendencyismaintained inpost-colonial foroldcityinhabitants. delivery poor service “enclaves” forEuropeans, leadingtosprawland was tofocusonadministrationandresidential then pointedoutthatcolonialdesigntradition delivery.local infrastructure andservice She, funding orthrough tax for property however theywill also require ‘own-source’ funding for expansion for infrastructure mid-sized urbancentres willrequire national must shifttomid-sized urbancentres. These focus hasbeenonmetropolitan areas andthis Prof KattumurihighlightedthatinIndia the taxdesign. climate change and property the Brosio and Prof Ruth Kattumuri focused on urban transitions for inclusive growth. Prof School ofEconomics, UKonSustainable Co-Director, India Observatory, London and and Statistics, University of Turin, Italy Economics, ofEconomics Department Giorgio Brosio, The nextpresentation wasmade by are sohighthatitdoesnotpayavoiding them. costly. The costsofnotsolvingtheseproblems problem whosesolutionisequallycomplexand households. Thisposesacomplexgovernance the provision required ofalltheservices by the Housing policiesshouldfocusonimproving ofhousingpolicy.objectives andinstruments lesson requires changesinthetraditional term liability for thecities. Acting on this policies inLatinAmericahadcreated along- a housingissueandsector-focused notonly the populationisacityundertaking, emphasising improving thequalityoflife Prof. Rojas summeduphispresentation by policies mustbelinked. sustainable investment andgrowth, Prof. Ruth Kattumuri, Professor of Public Founder and Prof. acceptability andenhances accountabilityof thatgeneratespolitical delivery effective service administrators andwillhave linkage with direct contactbetween taxpayers andthetax He explainedthat this willremove further andblockchain. be aidedby satelliteimagery work well withasimpleregistration thatwould avoids theownership complexitiesandwould delivery.footage), useandeffective service This rate (orbands)linkedtooccupancy, size (square that can yield immediate results. A simple flat proposed a simplified model for Property Tax leasehold structures (China, Senegal). He useful incountrieswithcomplexownership/ and is delivery occupancy to costs of service valuation changes by linkingregistration and avoids complexity offullcadastre andcomplex delivery.linked to cost of service This model using flat rate/banddependingonlocation and simple taxbasedonoccupancy, useandsize and changes. Thesecondoptionwasbasedon cadastre andupdatedinformationonvaluation on model). Thismodel dependscrucially pricesvaluationschanges inproperty (US Ownership titleandtimelyinformationon The firstonewasbasedonaUSmodelof taxationintwobroadfor property categories. Prof Brosio thenpresented keydesignoptions different result withmarginal success. values, based onlocationandsize hadledto reforms usingpresumptive approximation of such asPune, Delhi andBangalore where tax gave examples oftaxreforms indifferent cities pace withthechangesinmarket prices.She and thatthevaluation systemhasnotkept are mostlyduetoproblems withthecadastre 0.16% to0.24%oftheGDP. Theselimitations taxcollectedconstitutes betweenand property the collectionefficiencywaslimitedto37% the phaseofliberalisation and more recently productivity. Following thisthe1990’s was the phasealsosawanincrease inagricultural and industrialisation.Thegreen revolution in 1970’s wascharacterisedby modernisation planning process andthelate1960’s andearly that India had been through the five-year and environmental context.He explained withanalysingthesocial,economic started development andhousingpoliciesinIndia economic and environmental planning. Urban attempted to capture the evolution of social, India. Mr. Dasgupta, inhispresentation Urban and Industrial Development (SUID), Cluster Coordinator, GIZSustainable New Delhi, India and Fellow, Centre forPolicy Research (CPR), by Housing Policies inIndia The lastpresentation on mapping butalsoforregistration ofproperties. digital technologyadvancements notonlyfor tolookat ended by adding thatitisimportant pursue thecleaninfrastructure incities.He can generateconsiderablymore revenues to andrelativelydelivery easytoimplement based onoccupancyandlinkedtoservice revenues. tax, Asimpledesignoftheproperty requiresand localservices adequate own-source and locallevels andfinancingforinvestments agendas are largely based on actions at the city concluded thattheSDGsandClimatechange SDGs andtheclimatechangeagenda.He by drawingthelinkbetween Property tax, cities. Prof Brosio concluded his presentation for accessingfinanceinvestment inclean concluded that it can become the foundation tax of a moreproperty than 3% of the GDP and local officials. HecitedtheexampleofUKwith Mr. Shubhagato Dasgupta, Ms. TanjaFeldmann, wasjointlymade Evolution of Senior Dasgupta Shubhagato unaddressed. India remained problem in the poverty therefore time and during this also increased urban poor number of however the increase, saw apositive literacy levels economy and size ofthe the GDP, development), past phasesof (During the

27 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 DAY 1 TECHNICALPLENARY Tanja Feldman development” long-term on sideand of quickwins a goodmix and creating experience international together bringing the ground, occurring on to changes flexibility include development integrated City wide factors for Enabling development… integrated in citywide “the futurelies constitutional amendmentand enablingpolicy cities andfinallythelaststage postthe74th smaller towns inorder todecongest larger urban institutionsaimedtodirect financeto agencies wasfollowed by settingupofnew upgrading by internationaldevelopment programs onlanddevelopment andslum planning establishedin1962andspecific three phases.Theinitialphaseof Master urban development policiesinIndia into Dasgupta summarisedtheanalysisof In thelastsectionofhispresentation Mr. action ontheground. of adevelopment agencytofundreform based and BSUPthegovernment hasplayed therole phase. Through programs suchasJNNURM more economiclinkagesinitsnextandcurrent turn ofthemarket thehousingpolicies saw of social development instrument and with the initial phaseofhousingpolicywasseenasan intotwophaseswhere the policy intervention on housingpolicyby broadly dividingthe of housingfinance. He concluded hisfinding finance and eventually led to easy accessibility which ledtoanincrease inpublicandprivate (set upin1970)andHDFC1977) setting upofinstitutionssuchasHUDCO through the housing financeinterventions Indore and Chennai. The early 1980’s saw schemes,specifically and sitesservices agencies withprograms around slumupgrading inIndiasaw interventions by Development Thenextphase limited public interventions. as therent control actandoverall hadvery public healthincities.It alsosawpoliciessuch clearance asslumswere seenasahindranceto in India covered housing for workers and slum Rojas earlierwhere theinitialphaseofhousing as seenintheglobalscenariopresented by Prof presented that India followed a similar pattern plans tothecontextofhousingMrDasgupta Applying the same framework of the five-year climate changeresilience. tothemore recentconservation framework of environmental policiesfrom justnature board andgraduallythere wasashiftinthe setting upofthecentralpollutioncontrol acts andpoliciescameinmuchlaterwiththe He pointedoutthattheenvironment control India remained unaddressed. this timeand therefore the poverty problem in the number of urban poor also increased during literacy levels sawapositive increase, however phases, theGDP, thesize oftheeconomyand globalisation and privatisation. During these citizens inthefuture ofcities. symposium tobuildawareness andinvolve suchas this andforums citizens and experts spoke aboutengaginginactive dialoguewith future citiesshouldbe.Ms Tanya Feldman communication technology andthatishow less, andthisispossiblewithadvancement in that more andmore peoplewanttotravel can work indifferent cities by pointingout a questionoffuture ofcitiesandhow people dense.Dr.though theyare very Ruth addressed Tokyo andSeoul thatfunctionratherwell even examples ofdensecitiessuchasManhattan, andhousing.Sheon transportation gave the do notspread outleadingtohighpressure wisely functionsare puttogethersothatcities pollution in cities. It to see how is important density aloneisnotthecauseofcongestionand Dr.many participants. Song emphasisedthat densities andpollutioncaughttheinterest of Dr.participants. Song’s research onurbanform, the speakersaddressed thequestionsfrom the presentations ofthetechnicalsessionwhere An interesting discussionfollowed the wins onsideandlong-termdevelopment experience andcreating agoodmixofquick on theground, bringingtogetherinternational that includedflexibilitytochangesoccurring factors forCitywideintegrateddevelopment her presentation by listingouttheEnabling wide integrateddevelopment. She concluded She emphasisedthat the future lies in city citiesmission. common roof ofthesmart where it has provided under the support this alignedwell withtheIndian government land useplanningandspatial priorityareasshifted itsfocustonew around Urban Sanitation Policy. In 2015and2016 and inputs underJNNURM,MSWrules andurbanpoorhelpedprovidebasic services frameworks inIndia. GIZpriorityareas on in mindtheurbanisationtrends andpolicy how GIZhasaligned itsprograms keeping post liberalisationurbanstrategyandpresented Tanja Feldman continuedthediscourseon urbanisation trends inIndia. have takenplaceare criticalinunderstanding time periodinwhichpolicyinterventions trends andhousingpoliciesare linkedandthe the current regime andstatedthaturbanisation the more specificandtargetedprograms under infrastructure programs underJNNURMto with entitlementbasedprograms tolarge post liberalisationurbanstrategythatstarted privatisation. He concluded by presenting the environment thatleadtodecentralisationand

re re


LAND LAND 29 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 . HOUSING . INFRASTRUCTURE DAY 1 | DAY Š Š present theirfindings. With theseremarks heinvitedthespeakersto includinghousing. plants forallcityservices there isahighdependenceondesalination that the city faces a huge water crisis and well. Citing theexampleofChennai,hesaid and requires forittofunction several services onitsownpointed out housing cannotsurvive availability whileplanningforcities.He by highlighting thepressing issueofland of thesessionsettonediscussion chaired by Mr. Chetan Vaidya. TheChair Clearance Board, GoTN, India andco- Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Slum session waschaired by Mr. M.S.Shanmugam, for securinglanddevelopment. This modelsand equityconcernsalongwithnew the broader contextofhousingandupgrading Thailand and India inorder todiscussboth and urbandevelopment from South Africa, cases ofinnovations inlandforhousing development. Thissessionbrought together the keycomponentsofhousingandurban for urbandevelopment, discussedoneof The parallelsessionLandand Infrastructure CONUNDRUM, TANYA ZACK, PHD INNER CITY- A POLICY AND PRACTICAL HOUSING THE POOR IN JOHANNESBURG’S DEVELOPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR URBAN SESSION 1A: LAND AND Š Š 15 NOVEMBER CBD is an entry point and aplaceof CBD isanentry City ofJohannesburg.Johannesburg’s Implementation Plan in2016 forthe of drawinguptheInner CityHousing This presentation shared theexperience municipality commissioned an Inner-City Following directives, court the in inadequatehousing. that nearly 30,000 households are living especially for the poor. Estimates suggest between housingdemandandsupply overcrowding allreflect themismatch informal occupationofbuildings,and poor. Theevidenceofhomelessness, formany,opportunity includingthe PARALLEL SESSIONS

Š Š Š Š THAILAND COALITION FOR HOUSING RIGHTS, SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE ASIAN MS SOMSOOK BOONYABANCHA, ACHIEVE SDGS PEOPLE AND URBAN COMMUNITIES TO DEVELOPMENT AS WAYS TO BUILD STRONG CITY-WIDE UPGRADING AND HOUSING Š Š Š Š and peoplelive ininformalsettlements Formal housingisoutofreach ofpeople development ontheground Planscannot cope with the pace of Traditional CityDevelopment facilitated. balanced urbandevelopment canbe in which supply can occur and in which housing directly butcreate conditions facilitation programmes Accommodation. The five sector rental andSubsidised Ownership rooms, social rental housing,private rental accommodation,subsidisedprivate housing,municipal that includetemporary has a range of supply mechanismsdelivery and Housing Facilitation. Housing programmes, namelyHousing Delivery implementation willguidethehousing ICHIP proposes twopillarsof housing market segments. targetingthefullrangeof of delivery led, butgovernment assisted,programme end. Theplanaimsforaprivate sector actively facilitatingsupplyatthelowest emphasisonthestatewith aparticular supply atalllevels ofthehousingladder driven approach. It promotes significant The ICHIPstrategymotivates forasupply workers, traders,investors andtourists. for allresidents, migrants,commuters, activity; andprovides awelcoming place vibranteconomic supports services; which offershighquality, sustainable sustainable innercityofJohannesburg, governed, transformed,safe,cleanand awell- ICHIP isAplaceofopportunity: in 2016.Thevisionoftheinnercityunder Housing Implementation Plan (ICHIP) donotdeliver housing Š Š Š Š Š “DEMYSTIFYING URBAN LAND TENURE Š Š Š Š Š NEW DELHI MUKHERJEE, SENIOR RESEARCHER, CPR, GIZ SUD-SC, NEW DELHI, MS. ANINDITA MS. APARNA DAS, SENIOR ADVISOR, ISSUES IN INDIA” Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š formal however nooccurrence oflandless semi-formal, quasi-formal andnear- The studyalsofound Reoccurrence of were rejected. absence oflegalpaperstheapplications shouldbean owner andinthebeneficiary the recurring parameter was thatthe of 1100applicationswere rejected and application underBLC where 800out The studyfound High rejection of construction led for allby 2022forbeneficiary Odisha in thecontextofPMAY- housing from the cities of Puri and Behrampur in The presentation presented studyfindings and thefocusisonlegalpaperwork assurance thatthere isnoriskofeviction Secure Tenure iswhenthere isan applied inreality. and understandwhatitmeanswhen It todecodeSecure isimportant Tenure decide thehousingform. but thepeopleare andthey important, The formofhousingisnotimportant, people firsttoprovide solutions. varying The CODImodelisbasedonbringingthe and communitydriven together andgeneratefundsforfastpaced where communityandgovernment come The CODImodelisaCommunity Fund mostly asrecipients oftheprograms People are notseenassolutions but stronger communitieswithincities Housing tobuild gives anopportunity isillegaland everything When peoplelive inillegalsettlements challenge isillegalandit isabigwhere everything of land and infrastructure instruments forof landandinfrastructure instruments and theglobe.Thespeakers debateda variety present from India examplesofinstruments key componentsofurbandevelopment and Chetan Vaidya anddiscussedoneofthe Mr. RakeshLakhaniandco-chaired by Mr. for urbandevelopment wasalsochaired by Parallel session 1BonLandandInfrastructure Š Š Š Š Š TATA TRUST, MUMBAI POVERTY ALLEVIATION & LIVELIHOODS, MS. SHIKHA SRIVASTAVA, LEAD- URBAN TENURE ISSUES” TO RESOLVING CONTENTIOUS LAND TECHNOLOGY AND THE POOR: NEW WAYS FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT SESSION 1B:INFRASTRUCTURE Š Š Š Š Š and heritable. The landrights provided were mortgagable towns in2017. wereland certificates given in5small were carriedoutin109ULBsandfinally community ledinitiatives. Drone surveys as well as mappingslumareas through government inupdatingtheCadastre tenure andthe Trust the supported government showed interest inland the Swachh bharatprogram ,butslowly work here with Supporting and started rate andtherefore Tata Trust choseto highurbanizationOdisha has avery provision oflandtenure. their work withthestateofOdisha for The presentation shared theexperienceof of landregistration needtobereviewed. encroachers andthesystemsofdocuments towns theurbanpoor andnotnecessarily The presentation concluded thatin small andULBs. department different systems followed by the revenue land registration happenandthe the process ofregistration,how does Therefore, there isaneedtounderstand applicants

31 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 DAY 1 PARALLEL SESSIONS Š Š infrastructure. He hasworked inIndia onurban Š Š Š have created andthelimitationstheyfaced. models were discussedforthesolutionsthey housing andurbandevelopment. These INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING. INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES IN UNIVERSITY AUSTRALIA SPOKE ON DR. DTV RAGHU RAO OF MELBOURNE AFFORDABLE HOUSING FINANCE”. INNOVATIONS ON URBAN AND MANAGEMENTUNIVERSITY, “SINGAPORE DR PHANG SOCK YOUNG, SINGAPORE Š Š Š Š Š pronged approach forhousing. group balance. So, Singapore hasamulti- Also, inclusive policyincludesethnic housing speculationandpricevolatility. In addition,there are measures tocurb live inhigh risehousing. tax-82%ofresidentproperty population rental income,development chargeand revenue islandbased-taxontransaction, government revenues. About 50% of total 5years. Thelandalsoprovidesevery development guideplans.It isreviewed looking planwithanintegrationof55 In 1990s,Master planbecameaforward 2007. compensation, basedonmarket pricesfor but forpublicpurposeandisadequate land acquisitionisfrom private sector policies. State owns 90%oflandand ownership andshe explainedtheir for landwhere there ishighhome- She explainedtheSingaporean approach for middleandlower incomehouseholds. Home ownership hasremained affordable private sector. Most areas are notableto areas, itis1:5ratio-one publicandfive to introduce hybrid methods. In some private sources andattemptsbeingmade Internationally, there are publicand national/state support. at publicfundsandcitiesdonotget to bebuilt.Main challengesare lack Raghu said70%ofinfrastructure isstill

gender equity. which are involved incateringtodemandand spoke onthe Dr. Binu Frances ofKudumshree Kerala Š Š Š considerable investment ininfrastructure. Chennai andSurat inIndia. Citiesmake to create resilient strategy, includingPune, This organizationisworking with100cities Š Š Š INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING”. RESILIENCE-RISK SENSITIVE LAND AND CITIES SPOKE ON, “BUILDING URBAN AMIT PROTHI OF 100 RESILIENT Š Š Š Š Š Š in Vietnam, USA,Australia, etc. planning, buildingcode,landsubdivision Amit explainedthrough landuse, to naturalhazards. where peopleandfacegreater exposure investments, rathercreating situations areas, citiescanmaximize thebenefitsof of how hazards interactwithurban Through more nuancedunderstanding become more resilient. better decision-makingandhelpcities planning offersanapproach tosupport Risk sensitive landandinfrastructure options. corporations useacombinationof Yards infrastructure project (New York), finance. For example,inthe Hudson ofcan have onlyonesingleinstrument No important. community very country Partnership between the market and the bonds andgreen bondsare otheroptions. Social impactbonds, development impact then goforsociallyresponsible financing. funding canprovide theseedfundingand community mustgetinvolved. Crowd Raghu strongly recommended thatthe linked toequitymarket inBrazil. funding-one exampleisairrightmodel Land value capture isanothersource of infrastructure. generally notproven successfulinurban Public (PPPs) private partnerships have can accesslocalfunds. 20% of500citiesindeveloping countries access internationalfundingandonly

women construction groups women construction

Š Š Š Š setting up material manufacturing units. setting upmaterialmanufacturingunits. women groups withouttender. Theyare also Now government cangive contracts to skills.construction carried outtrainingofwomenworkers in metro onfacilitymanagement.They The women’s group dowork with Kochi plots onloanat TPS. that State Government isconsideringland application. ChairmanRajeshLakhanisaid regarding limitationofcrowd funding remains amajorissue.Issue wasreduced intensive discussions.Landacquisition Discussions:

As expected,there were very

33 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 DAY 1 PARALLEL SESSIONS Š Š Š Speyer German University of Administrative Sciences, FärberChair of Economic Political Science, Š Governments: Global examples’. Instruments for financial robustness ofLocal by for thepoorinIndia. Thesessionwaschaired the development ofahousingfinancemarket experiences of bilateralagencies in supporting the fiscalhealthatlocallevel andthe also dwell onexperiencesinIndia onimproving governance in a comparative framework. It will framework andtheimpactofimproved urban development financeinanintergovernmental of presentations whichwilllookatlocalurban linked. This session willbring togethera set Urban governance andfinanceare closely INFRASTRUCTURE SESSION 2A: FINANCING URBAN Š Š Š Š general unconditionedgrants. payments should in majoritybe vertical preferably beformulabasedandtransfer robust localfinanceschemes.Theyshould supplement oflocaltaxsystemsand Local fiscalequalizationisacompulsory behaviour inusinglocalinfrastructure. may helptoestablishamore ‘rational’ requirements ofurbanization,butthey User feescannotcover thefinancial local revenues. for autonomous for the ‘roundness’ of governments needsomeminortaxsources users.In addition, locallocal service tax basesto‘cover’ themaingroups of local autonomy, andatleastthree broad systems therefore degree needacertain of and robust localfinance.Localtax Sustainable urbanizationrelies onstable process of continuingurbanization. the maindemandforlocalfinancein the before derived criteria of autonomy – level soon. Thismightbe–togetherwith a longerperiodbutregain theirformer not affectlocal revenues severely orfor revenues meansthateconomicshocksdo Robustness’ or‘resilience’ ofgovernment

Dr. Gisela Š Š Š Š Š Š Š IN INDIA - PRESENT AND BEYOND” ABOUT “DFID’S ROLE IN HOUSING FINANCE MR. SUMESH GIRHOTRA OF DFID SPOKE BODIES IN INDIA” IN IMPROVING FISCAL HEALTH OF LOCAL AHMEDABAD SHARED HIS “EXPERIENCES URBAN MANAGEMENT CENTRE, MANAGEMENT AND URBAN FINANCE, MR. RAVIKANT JOSHI, ADVISOR, URBAN Š Š Š Š Š Š Š improvements fiscalhealthmotivate ULBstoundertake grants andStrong incentive structure to norm forULBstoreceive funding/ Health Reforms asaprequalification It alsoincludesFront LoadingofFiscal based reporting systems. andwebthrough online GOIportals and creation ofaconducive ecosystem of geospatialtechnologyformapping in improving fiscalhealthincludeuse some ofthefactorsthatcancontribute were properties 18000 new mapped Stating theexampleof Telangana where miniscule. data suggeststhatthechangeshave been Fiscal healthisdifficulttoassessmacro reforms. ULBs of Telangana through tax property Patna, Ranchi, Nashik, Ujjainand 72 improving fiscalhealthinthecitiesof There are initiatives several new on suffers from various issues and support necessary due importance, barring someexceptions hasnotreceived Improving fiscalhealthoflocalbodies together. sustainable localfinanceshouldwork andcitizens fightingfor moreexperts common, forwhichallinstitutions, reformsan urgentneedoffurther in these requirements. Therefore, there is donotmeetcountries -unfortunately whether inthemore orthelessdeveloped Most localfinancesystemsoftheworld – towards provision ofhousing DFID hashadatwotiered approach models foraffordable housingandfor This sessionfocusedon housingfinance Š Š Š Š Š Š Š URBAN SERVICES AND QUALITY OF LIFE” ON “GOVERNANCE AND IMPACTS ON NAIR FROM JANAGRAHA WAS FOCUSED THE LAST PRESENTATION BY MR. VIVEK AND FINANCE SESSION 2B: URBAN HOUSING Š Š Š Š Š Š Š participation. complete absenceofsystemiccitizens’ management, powerless mayors anda weak finances,poorhuman resource in governance – poor spatial planning, The ASICShelpedidentify5basicissues surveys. any changeisnoticeableintheprevious in stateofbadstatusquowhere hardly the results show thatourcitiesare stuck and scores themonascaleof0to10and governance in23ofIndia’s largestcities ASICS is a method that assesses efficient citysystems. incitiesdependsupon delivery service good qualityoflifeinourcities.Good City systemsare invisibleandvitalto and otherlow income states. tothestatesofRajasthan,Odishasupport in Odisha andwillcontinuetoprovide It hasinitiateddemonstrationprojects units inRajasthan. has provided fundingfor6000housing than 11000jobsinlow incomestatesand hashelpedcreate moreTheir intervention 500 Cr. financial assistancewithabudgetofRs Bank andhasprovided technicaland It has partnered withNational Housing India. jobs forpoorinLow Income States of units, 10,000homeloansand27,000 families by providing 17,000housing home ownership for the poor bankable Its approach hasbeentoenablefirst-time

Š Bank ofSouthCentenary AfricaandUganda: from the experience of those like Kuyasa and the poor. Some valuable lessons we candraw conclusions oninnovating housingfinancefor companies in the two countries and drew She presented thecaseoftwohousingfinance with astringdemandforaffordable housing. purchase and Uganda, alow incomecountry for affordable housingbothfor rentals and withastrong demand middle incomecountry she focusedonthecontextofSouth Africa a Finance subsidiesacross geographies Ms Vidhee Garg presented Models of housing affordability. duetolowto beslashedafterconstruction from different Africancitieswhere priceshad insufficient scaleandinflow. Shecitedexamples finance market facesduetopoortargeting, focused ontheproblems thatthehousing Market in Africa. ofhousingFinanceand newinstruments Ms Kecia Rust presented thecurrent trends Humanity. and MsRanjiniKolasseri from Habitat for Housing Institute, AnandAyer from NIUA Singapore, Ms Vidhee Garg from Affordable from South Africa,Dr, Phang Sock Yong from The sessionhadpresentations by Ms Kecia Rust and contexts. policy andpracticeacross different geographies create ofcross learningfrom opportunities India were also discussed. The session helped small loansandthepoorinformalsectorin Presentations ontheIndian housingmarket for finance inAfrica,EastAsiaandtheworld. the poorest. Speakers dwelled uponhousing Š loans toaminimum. scoring have helpedkeepnon-performing assessments, incomematrices,andrisk- processes includingaffordability Additionally, robust credit underwriting ensures proper usage of loan proceeds. progressvisits toverify construction loan disbursementsandregular site tenure. For instance, milestone-based of customers’ income,title,and tailored tothevariability andinformality Products andprocesses shouldbe

In herpresentation she where

35 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 DAY 1 PARALLEL SESSIONS Š Š Š Š Š learnings from herpresentation were EWSfor segments presentedMs Ranjini onAccess toFinance Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š A nationallevel reskilling program is orclient. community asabeneficiary builder capacity, capitalfrom banksand finance forthepoorer segments relate to Challenges inpromoting scalablehousing of financialinclusion MFIs have proved tobesuccessfulmodels gets subsumedunderaffordable housing be defined by RBIorNHBin India and Housing microfinance asa term is yet to to theoverall growth ofthesector. housing value chain,thereby contributing ofstakeholders alongtheexpertise helpbring togetherthepartnerships Theseused forhousingconstruction. that affordable, durablematerialsare materials supplierscouldhelpensure Additionally, working withbuilding build aregister transactions. ofproperty verification process, andalsohelps land titling helps speed the collateral local government agenciesinchargeof up thesector. For instance,working with andscalinggood qualityconstruction chain stakeholdersiskeytoensuring Partnerships withotherhousingvalue model improves accessforborrowers. and deploying the ‘feet onthestreet’ branch officesinclients’ neighborhoods relationships. For instance,establishing with borrowers tobuild isimportant Strong fieldpresence and regular contact and legalservices atthecommunity and legalservices Need convergence oftechnical,financial housing andupgrading. required tobuildcapacityforlow cost andsome of the key

Š Š Š Š how someofthesechallenges were overcome. leading tosevere timeandcostoverruns and permits challenges delaysinconstruction Delhi &Mumbai. Mr. Iyer focusedonthe to improve Permits theConstruction processin NIUA presented thelearningsfrom theefforts Mr. AnandIyer, ChiefProject Manager , Š Š Š Š AMRUT cities. and Mumbai are beingreplicated inall responsibilities andthemethodsofDelhi a singlegoal,whilerespecting individual towork togethertowardsfor departments positive change proves thatitispossible In conclusionMrIyer emphasisedthatthis x x x x included thatreforms andkeyinterventions This wasachieved through aseriesof worldwide. indicator forIndia andanyothercountry was an unprecedented rise across any to 52(ariseof129positions!)which indicator itrose from arankof181 Specifically inConstruction Permits rise of23positions) rose from an overall rank of 100 to 77 (a report 2019released 31Oct 2018,India As perthe World Bank Doing Business facilitate growth. models attheDistrict and Taluklevels will SupportService centersasHub andSpoke / HH level. Promotion of Housing x x x x approvals Reminders countersanddeemed Joint siteinspections NOC agenciesandtheirjurisdictions. platform thatbrought alltogether Colour codedzonal mapsonaGIS data eliminatinghumancontact. Online submittal offormswithall

37 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 SPEAKER PROFILES Š Š automation forhousinginIndia” presented on Mr RajeshGoel ofHindustan Prefab Limited of thesessiontoproceed withhispresentation. The Chairpersontheninvitedthefirstspeaker Rajasthan andGujarat. of to harnesssolarenergyfrom thedeserts being madeby theGovernment ofIndia He alsomentionedaboutthe large investments technology forthesamepurpose. dependence on conventional expensive current sq. km.ofanurbanarea atnighttoeliminate orbitthatwouldilluminateabout50 stationary the Chineseproject tolauncha“MOON”on announced inIndia andabroad. He referred to initiativeslisteners tosomeofthenew being The Co-Chairperson drew attention tothe already beingusedinthestateof Tamil Nadu. use of‘drone’ anddigitaltechnologieswere the in thearea ofdatacollection,heobserved of thehighestamongstatesIndia. Especially, level urbanizationof Tamil Nadu, nearly50% of cities of Tamil Nadu. He referred to the state- technologiesforSmartapplying new Planning reminder totheaudienceregarding theneedfor The Chairpersonopenedthesessionwitha Sharda University, Greater Noida. by Government of Tamil Nadu andco-chaired Development Authority (CMDA), Member Secretary, ChennaiMetropolitan Mr. Lakhoni, Rajesh Session 3AonSmart Planning waschaired by FOR SMART PLANNING SESSION 3A: NEW TECHNOLOGIES Š Š Prof. Shovan K.Saha, Pre-fab housinggoesbackto1947the x x will grow as despite thelackofwillpre-fab industry has laggedbehind-inthenext3-4years, over theyears, buttheprefab industry Other sectorshave gainedmomentum long past time ofresettling refugees -evidencinga x x on builderstoraiseestates ofquality Real estateregulation actsputpressure Project timelinesare shrinking “The future forpre-fab and IAS,Principal Secretary/ Professor Emeritus,

Initiative Global LabNetwork presented his Jorg R.Noennig oftheMITCityScience Š Š Š Š Š Š Solutions andNew Technologies for Cities“ “The New Planning: Smart Nature-Based Prof. AlexanderJachnow presented on Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š infrastructure Nature in needstoplayalargerpart own accord -“cities are aprocess” Cities are notbuilt,butcreated oftheir technology or maynotincludeaheavydoseof Smart is adaptive andcreative, butmay and different actorstogether. a Master planastheycanbringregions Urban policiescanbemore powerful than should betobenefititscitizens. city creates andthepurposeofplanning The focusshouldbeontheimpact out solutionsindifferent disciplines. andseek interdisciplinary has tobetruly address the challenges that a city faces one Cities shouldbeseenasaprocess andto using pre-fab technology under PMAY, 8lacbeingconstructed Of the46-45 lacunitstobeconstructed own prefab facilities,and L&T, Shobhana, amongothershave their under NBCandmanydevelopers suchas technology hasalsogainedrecognition reducing costprices.Prefab materialsand to increase inCarpetarea increasing and stakeholders andlargerdevelopers due Acceptance isincreasing amongpublic homebuilders towards newertechnologies scaling up dueto apprehensions of for alongtime,buthasfounddifficulty Industrialised hasexisted construction x x x x for pre-fab pushdemandmaterials willfurther ensuring sustainabilityofbuilding are growing increasingly scarce and Conventional buildingmaterials customers becomingmore informed Benchmark forquality risingdueto and quickly

Š Š Š Š Š learning on Š Š Š Š Š Although thesetoolshave simple city datatocitizens. IPad withcitydatawasusedtopresent model ofthecitywasdeveloped. Large tested intheMITmodelwhere aLego present datainaninteractivemodel as city development canhelpprocess and The useofITtechnologiesforintegrated 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. technologically targetingthrough address theRefugee crisisof2015and Hamburg toreinvent thecityand set up by governmentLaboratory of city data. forhandsoninteractionwithinterface andcreateparticipation atangibleuser urban development, encouragecitizen It canbeusedasaninteractive toolfor development incities. role infacilitatingintegratedimportant Digital technologies canplayan Migration Urban analytics Urban mobility Integrated cityplanning Digital participation “Knowledge Cities” Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š and usageoftheapplication. inthedatacollectionhave participated schools and nearly5000 school children UNICEF fordisasterriskreduction for ofhas beendeveloped withthesupport city ofPune and an applicationinNashik Applications have beendeveloped forthe for inclusive decisionmaking. and alsoconnectsdifferent stakeholders data analysis for decision making purposes It provides evidencethrough maps and digital toolasanapplication. police, traffic regulation etc.,inone providerspublic service suchashospitals, management asitintegratesvarious QCM enablesreal timeurban visioning incities. planning (5-10years) andlong-term and decisionmaking,mediumterm termplanningsuch thatitenablesshort An idealdatadriven citysystemwouldbe planning” urban monitoring,managementand Movement: Participatory ecosystems for presentation wastitled at thecitylevel. and methodsageocodeddatabase do require anunderstandingofsuchtools hardware andsoftware requirements they Siddartha Benninger’s Quantified Cities

39 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 SPEAKER PROFILES Pokharel onSpatial Planning inNepal The secondpresentation by Š Š Š Š Š points & LandUtilisation” Resource Efficiency, Low Carbonbuildings Lall on The first presentation made byMrAshokB as robust alternative toconcrete. of thematerialFerrock whichisagreen aswell He gave theexampleofaccidentaldiscovery in order to cope with the trends of urbanization. innovations inbuildingmaterialsandplanning buildings New planningand technologiesforsmart and speakers for the session on participants The Chair Dr. Shovan Saha welcomed the the scaleofneighbourhoodsandbuildings. sustainable solutions at the sub-city level at on how technologiescanalsoallow new more improving efficiencies.Thissessionfocused creating forreducing opportunities costsand witnessing rapidchange. Technologies are also planning and housing development are andpossibilitiesinurban the opportunities technologies spatial planningandconstruction With theincreased technologiesin useofnew FOR SMART BUILDINGS SESSION 3B: NEW TECHNOLOGIES Š Š Š Š Š energy costsgoup embodied energyrisesandOperational As you go high-risetheimpacton the homes youth will needalotmore spacearound With current demographicschildren and cities urban morphologycanleadtosustainable low withcompact carbonconstruction A combination ofresource efficient and municipal services essential forhousing municipal services systems canreduce theburden on Decentralised affordable infrastructure yieldinhousingproportionate Increase inFSI doesnotyielda “Policy Framework foroptimizing highlighting the importance of highlighting theimportance

highlighted thefollowing Mr Sanjeev

Š Š Š Š Š of localplansforthesmalltownships. providedthe support by GIZinthepreparation followed inthesmallurbantowns ofNepal and focussed on theurbandevelopment process CO-CREATIVE URBAN PLANNING” NEIGHBOURHOODS AND CITIES THROUGH AND SOCIALLY FUNCTIONING ON “SUSTAINABLE,ECONOMICALLY URBANISTA, GERMANY PRESENTED MR. MARKUS EWALD, URBAN PLANNER, Š Š Š Š Š to therequirement and oftransportation night and day spaces in a city and adding of housing,work, recreation creating Cities are organisedintoseparatefunctions x x x x x planning process inNepal’s were Some ofthelessons learntduringthe thematic projects. physical development plan and plans for The plansincluded Municipal profile, on people’s needs. plans andmasterthatwere based constituted of annual plans, local area The integratedurbandevelopment plan bottom updevelopment plan. and with communitiesforaparticipatory thegovernmentsupported inengaging in urbandevelopment process andGIZ Post-earthquake in2015there wasashift x x x x x infrastructure are asServices asimportant to befacilitatedby localgovernments Central programme forhousingneed discussions ofthelocalneeds) need to facilitate(technical experts than more emphasisononeside bottom-up approach ismore efficient A combinationoftop-down and to beowned by electedleadership) Planning is apoliticalquestion(has crucial) of citizens, adequatetime,etc.are content (aclear ToR, involvement Planning is aprocess, asmucha

Mahalingam, Technologies forHousing”by Dr. Ashwin The last Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š and night. spaces thatare active throughout theday walkabledistances andmulyiuseshort a city with less mobility requirements, public spacesinbetween. Thiscreates leads tomixingoffunctionsandcreating be. Theintegratedapproach incities gender themore humaneyour citywill The more you mixfunctionsageand with mixingoffunctions. and thisleadtoamore integratedcity citizens in creating the vision of the city methods were usedtoengageandinvolve cities andneighbourhoods.Different of crowd sourcing ideas for improving Hamburg created onlineandofflinehubs Two parallelprojects inBangaluru and sourced cityvision. where we cocreate citiesthrough Acrowd approach tocityplanningisrequired As aresponse tothisachangeinthe involved planning process astheydonotfeel are separateandPeople often oppose Urban lifelostasfunctionsinUrban areas protest amongstitscitizens. dysfunction causingunrest andastateof Today, citiestherefore are inastateof mobility.

presentation on“Digital focussed onthechallengesof Š Š Š Š Š process. delays intheconstruction effective useoftechnologyto reduce lossesand project managementandthe construction Š Š Š Š Š huge savings in construction costs.huge savingsinconstruction and8 monthsoftimeonconstruction information models.Thistranslatesinto ifprojects usebuildingin construction We canpotentiallysave up to25%oftime process construction designandthese delaysthrough avirtual can faceaheadoftimeandhelpreduce visualise problems andchallengesone building ononeplatform.Thishelps ofainformation fortheconstruction models thatcanintegrateallpiecesof possible tocreate buildinginformation these coordination models. Today itis digital modelsare rarely used toreduce However technologicaladvancements and delivery. errors indrawingsanddelaysmaterials are linked to unavailability of drawings, Often thereasons provided fordelays increased project costs. are plaguedby timeover leadingto runs oftenrarely completedontimeandvery projects areLarge scaleconstruction Acceptance. technology, Energy efficiencyand Social address theissuesofRapidconstruction of housingtobecreated onehasto In order tocopewiththehugenumber

41 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 SPEAKER PROFILES HOUSING IN INDIA LAND AND FINANCE FOR RENTAL DAY 2 TECHNICAL PLENARY housing. She discussedthecaseof further Tamil the populationinUrban India live inrented Census ofIndia showing thatnearly30%of relevance toIndia. She presented datafrom the studies onrental housingfrom Kenya andits nations”.Ms. Guliyani presented herempirical element ofsocio-economicdevelopment of her paperon Gulyani from the World Bank topresent and invitedthefirstspeaker Kundu welcomed Mr. Misra’s opening remarks The co-chair of the session Mr. Amitabh finance. to provide appropriate legislatures forhousing financing policythatcanhelpdifferent states The government isalsodeveloping ahousing reviewing theirrespective rent control acts. act which can be used by different states while India isdeveloping amodelrental housing proximity. Based onthisthegovernment of informal housingaswell ashousing-workplace have animpact onaddressing theproblem of but alsoincludesrental housing.Thiswill ‘housing forall’ isnotjustownership housing of rent recovery etc.He thenstatedthat ownership housing duetoseveral problems rental housingthefocusslowly shiftedto independence thegovernment didfocuson He alsopointedoutthat although post- to urbanisationandmigration. addressing rental housing that is closely linked of clearly understandstheimportance Mr. Misra reiterated thatthegovernment recognised ofrental theimportance housing on housingandthe2007habitatpolicythat examples ofProf. AmitabhKundu’s report housing sectorandrental housing.Sighting Urban Development where hefocussedonthe had extensive of experiencewiththeMinistry Ganga, Government ofIndia. Mr. Misra has Director General, National Mission forClean was chaired by Mr. RajivRanjanMisra(IAS) with inIndia were alsodiscussed.Thesession beingexperimented andinstruments efforts new especially for the poor. International cases and rentalof policyactiontosupport housing framework fordiscussiononthe importance within thehousingsector. It provided abroad to create amore robust rental housingsector comprehensive oftheneedforefforts overview This plenary session was aimedat providingThis plenary “Rental Housing asanessential Ms. Sumila re public services needs tobe improvedpublic services in order and compoundlikehousing. Effective accessto people livinginshared housing, dormitories finance. hastobemadefor effort Particular innovations in public and private housing and has tobemadeavailable andthisrequires housing withbetteraccesstoinfrastructure diamond. Most affordable importantly across theboard toaffectthelivingconditions end. Therefore, are interventions required end atinformallyprovided slumsattheother government provided publichousingatone of housingandinfrastructure with These results reflect that there isaspectrum with limited access to kitchen and toilets. urban Kenya in shared tenements/ housing with shared toiletfacilities.Nearly halfof dormitoriesandcompounds apartments, tenements butthere were alsomulti-storeyed types where mostofthemlived insinglefamily used it.Thehousingunits were offourorfive house, only50%orsosaidthattheyactually outsidetheir access topublictransportation although 90%oftheresponded saidtheyhad settlements. Asanexample,shestatedthat was quitelow andwasmuchlower ininformal and other services electricity transportation of infrastructure the effective access to water, and theydidnotfeelunderthreat. In terms respondents statedthattheirtenure wassafe, high mobilityandinformality62%ofthe but largelyinformal.Even thoughthere was that therental housingmarket wasmassive only 28%hadrental contractsindicating population waslivinginrental housingand was that 86% of the findings of the survey the findingsofstudy. One ofthemajor of life. With this,Ms.Gulyani presented leading toanoverall improvement inquality change inonecanaffecttheotherspositively tenure andneighbourhoodapositive four elementsofhousingunit,infrastructure, conditions diamondwhichcomprisedofthe was basedontheframework oftheliving just thehousingunitthatpeoplelive in.This assessed livingconditionofpeopleandnot that in Kenya wasthesinglelargestsurvey She explainedthatthe15citiessurvey further ownership. and thiswasahealthybalanceoftenancy Nadu where nearly43%live inrented housing re I CITIES INCLUSIVE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 15-16 November 2018 PLANNING PLANNING MAGINING Sumila Gulyani quality oflife improvement in an overall leading to positively the others can affect change inone and apositive neighbourhood tenure and infrastructure, housing unit, elements of of thefour comprised diamond which conditions of theliving The framework Ranjan Misra Mr. Rajiv rental housing also includes housing but ownership all’ isnotjust ‘Housing for . LAND LAND

43 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018

. HOUSING . INFRASTRUCTURE Mr.MathiVathanam state urban poorinthe land rightstothe distribution of facilitating the instrumental in the processwas that enabled land rightsact simplicity ofthe …flexibility and Mr. ClaudeTaffin and landlords rights oftenants create balanced is importantto rental market,it an affordable In ordertocreate DAY 2 TECHNICALPLENARY across thestateanditwillbenefitapopulation habitable. Thisexercise willcover 114ULBs as forrelocated siteswhere landwasnot The landrights were bothforin-situas well non-transferable, heritableandmortgageble. in thefuture. Thelandrightsprovided were this process andanother4000willbetrained dweller federationmemberswere trainedfor Government functionaries, NGOs and slum in order toensure accuracy. Nearly 2000 technologyusingaGISplatform of theart methodsaswell asstate both participatory used committee. Themappingandsurveys but inthiscaseallpowers were given tothis rights are vested withtherevenue department of anypoliticalrepresentative. Usually land district collector. This committeewasdevoid and municipalfunctionariesheadedby the land rightslieswithacommitteeofdistrict and theultimateauthorityofgranting the slumdwellers federationsatthebottom with framework developed attheULBsstarted the urbanpoorin the state. The institutional facilitating the distribution of land rights to in that enabledtheprocess wasinstrumental flexibility andsimplicityofthelandrightsact towards the urban poor. He also stated that the commitment of the Chief Minister of Odisha Minister. Mr. Vathanam and lauded the efforts 25000low-income householdsby theChief recent to distribution of land certificates of theslumsinstateOdisha andthe of identification, mapping and surveying process presented a film on the participatory of landrightstothepoor. Mr. Vathanam ofhisgovernmentefforts onthedistribution shared his experience of the recent successful Government ofOdisha. Urban Development ofthe Department Mathi Vathanam from theHousing and The next presentation was made by stock. into thelooptoupgradecurrent housing land lords tobringthem anditwasimportant was beingdoneby private homeowners and that avast majorityofthehousingprovision to be made more affordable. It also highlighted skewed andownership ofpublichousinghad ratio oftenancyandownership inKenya was The research alsobrought tolightthatthe to improve theoverall quality of lifepeople.

Mr Vathanam

Mr. and quality. Subsidies toinvestors are more however they have limitedimpactonquantity effective (bettertargeted&more flexible), market. Direct subsidiesto tenantsare most Well targetedsubsidiescanalsohelpboostthe system andproviding appropriate lending. to incentivize investors by reviewing thetax toensureimportant adequatefinancial returns rental management.It property isalso tenants andlandlords andprofessionalize tocreateit isimportant balancedrightsof In order tocreate an affordable rental market, term equityinvestors tohelpavoid bubbles. management, economiesofscaleandLong- more efficientand are lookingfor Professional conflicts whilethelargescalelandlords are and needquick–fair-procedures tosolve individual landlords are lookingforsecurity and PPPs. Theyallhave different needswhere cooperatives or Public entities (governments) profit housing associations,foundationsand or specialgroups maybecatered by Non- managementcompanies.Lowproperty income in theirhometoprofessional developers and rentingproperties unitsorrooms oneorafew Landlords canbeowners ofSmall private range of landlords and their different needs. tolookatthediversemarket it was important country. In order to understand the rental not have any relation withthewealth ofthe on longtermcredit andrent control anddoes andculture ofacountry,history itspolicies He statedthatrental housingislinkedto one unitandlive elsewhere. simply do not want to own or prefer to own transitional events intheirlife,andthosewho workers, students,andforthoseexperiencing migrants,(young) income, housestarters, needed forHouseholds withlow orirregular reasons of mobility. Rental were therefore and otherswhoprefer rental housingfor kinds. Those who have issues of affordability in order toaddress theneedsofrenters oftwo sector. How todevelop asustainablerental housing Claude Taffin presented hisanalysisonthe Following Mr Vathanam’s presentation, Foster Foundation outthisexercise. tocarry partnered with Tata Trusts andtheNorman of 1.8million.The Government of Odisha has He outlinedtheneedforrental housing Mr. the participants that the participants Tamil Nadu Rental Laws. made by sessionwas The last presentation forthe plenary must bemadethrough taxationandguarantees. provisionsaccess tolongtermcredit, necessary enforced. In termsoffinance,there shouldbe Most the legal framework must be importantly easy andquickprocedure forconflict resolution. must allow. For somerent increase andhave an legal framework mustbeclearandstable improvements inlegalandfinancialissues.The for improving therent control market through In conclusion Mr Taffin provided a framework themarket foralongperiodoftime. distorts out of themarket, causes lack ofmaintenance, control constraints mobility, locksmanyunits rent control will be re-instated. Therefore, rent ofthepeopleandtheyassumedthat memory still remained frozen asitwasembeddedinthe control after manyyears, thehousingstock where even afterthemarket wasfreed ofrent rent control, Mr Taffin gave theexample Egypt period wasaslow as6months.On theissueof lowest inUKandIreland where theleasetime time periodoftheleasewasunlimitedand Germany, Netherlands and Sweden where the Security oftenure washighincountrieslike the Europeancountries forsecurityoftenure. He compared further therental market in by localauthorities. a goodlawisnotenough:ithastobeenforced this sectionofhispresentation by statingthat conciliation, and arbitration. He summarised solving conflictswhichincludemediation, repossession ofthepremises andprocesses for increase. It mustalsoelaborateonaspectsof agreement andtheinitialrent settingandrent termination of the contract through a written of whichiscovered by thelaw, thedurationand define Main the type of housing unit the rental between tenantsandlandlords. Thelawmust of agoodlawthatwillhelpmaintainbalance Mr. Taffin elaboratedonthecomponents further free ordiscountedland,andguarantees. forms, includingtaxrebates,grants, softloans, Investor’s subsidiesmayalsobegiven inseveral boost economy, buttheyare lesstransparent. and canbeacounter-cyclical to instrument efficient to increase the supply of housing Mr Anand Rao Mr Anand Rao Vishnu Patil on the Tamil Nadu Housing MrPatilinformed demands ofthelandlords. and whetheritfocussedon theneedsand raised questionsonthestudiesdoneinKenya component ofthePMAY. Participants also ledconstruction give impetustothebeneficiary to urbanpoorinthecaseofOdisha canalso interesting debateonwhetherthelandrights opposed to unitrentals. There wasalso an questions onlandrentals incaseofslumsas interesting discussionthatraisedissuesand The presentations were followed by an disadvantage ofrental housing. prolonged disputesandthisisoneofthemajor violation oftherental regulations leadto revenue. However theproblems arisingfrom Board anditfetchedacontinuousregular advantages wasthatthelandremains withthe Tamil Nadu Housing Board. One ofthemajor rental accommodationinthecontextof highlighting someofthepros andconsofthe Mr Patil concludedhispresentation by government rental schemes. developing nearly4000more unitsunderthe rental incomes. TNHB isintheprocess of Patil then provided details of theserentals and commercial andresidential rentals. TheMr other was TNHB board rental thatincluded government staff,journalists,public,andthe one wasGovernmental rentals provided to The rentals by TNHB were oftwokinds, Unauthorised Occupants). act of Tamil Nadu Public Premises(Eviction of governed by the TNHB 1961actandthe1975 ownedproperties by theStatutory Board andis and Tenancy Act ,2017isnotapplicableon of Rightand Responsibilities of LandLords (repealed). The recent Tamil Nadu Regulation 1961and therent control actof Tamil Nadu by the Tamil Nadu Housing Board Act, thedeveloping area. The TNHB isgoverned number of“Satellite Cities” in particularly now TNHB hasplanned to develop more increasing demandsofhousinginurbanareas, Nagar, &Nandanam, etc.Due tothe Besant Nagar, , Ambattur,C.I.T likeAnna Nagar, K.K.Nagar, AshokNagar, role fordevelopment ofChennaiCityareas groups ofthesociety. It hasplayed avital catering totheshelterneedsofvarious income Board is oneofthebiggestinstitutionsinIndia

45 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 Parallel SessionDay 2 DAY 2 | DAY Š Africa. of therentaloverview housingmarket inSouth experiences from South Africa complexities andchallengestoscaleup: on The nextpresentation by Seth Maqetuka, Š Š Š Š Š presented rental a case for supporting housing. titled ‘rental housinginIndia- Bribes andLoos The first presentation by Mr.Robert M Buckley Tanjya Feldman. by Prof. AKMoitra andco-chaired by Ms. and theformalsector. Thesessionwaschaired and constraintstheyfacebothintheinformal the poorandinstitutionalopportunities in South Africaand India ofrental housingfor cities. It presented learningsfrom various cases essential role of rental housing for vibrant frameworks forrental housingdiscussedthe This parallelsessionfocusingoninstitutional FOR RENTAL HOUSING INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS SESSION 4: LEGAL AND Š Š Š Š Š Š 16 NOVEMBER a formofrental housingandcanhelp Shared are also sanitation services(loos) curve. housing atlow coststoflattenthesupply Government canprovide largescale most effective way. way toovercome policyobstaclesinthe government incentives andloosare the Mr. Buckley arguedthat‘bribes’ orlocal urban policiessuchasrent control. home owner mindsetandtherestrictive forIndiais nottrue duetothelongterm constitutes foragreater share however this So ascountriesurbanize rental housing shared services. homes andtallerbuildingshave more urban poorwithoutsavingstopurchase responsive totheneedsformobilityand itismorepays onlyforcurrent services, Rental housingismore affordable asone distant and“dormitory type” settlements, of South Africans,especiallyblacksin Apartheid planning confinedthemajority reduce costs. Rental housingmodels, PARALLEL SESSIONS

urbanization provided an Prevailing rental housingpractices among Aparna Das andAninditaMukherjee onthe The nextpresentation was jointlymade by Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š shift is starting tohappen; shift isstarting this organichousingsupply–acritical beginning toexplore how towork with policyprocesshousing supply;thenew is rental housingdelivery, there isorganic scaleinhousing policythatsupports In theabsenceofresponsive rental suppliers; households themselves, actingashousing housing provision isbeingtakenover by is declining, and that rentaldelivery The role of government inhousing x x x social housingmodelsthatincluded theexisting market throughsupport The attemptofthegovernment wasto by policyframeworksupported was mostlyinformalandinadequately The rental market in South Africa it wasmajorcomponentoftheirincome. were ofthelow-income part group and the private market where even landlords Rental housingwas mostlyprovided by dispensation was created housing tonegotiateanew –Nationalforum Housing Forum, Towards 1994abroad basedstakeholder challenge inSouth Africa. insignificant inaddressing thehousing only 1- 1.5 % of the market and was quite The government program itcontributes opportunities far from work andrecreational x x x condition ofrental housing. to improve qualityand construction the backyarding ininnercityareas Targeting landlords andsupporting low-income households. stable rental accommodation for very Programme aimstoprovide secure, Community Residential Units Private Sector Landlords (PSLs). Housing Institutions (SHIs) or accommodation, heldby Social Rental orco-operative Š Š Š Š Š Š Nadu” urban poor:Cases from Odisha andTamil Š Š Š Š Š Š x x x x Who wasproviding therentals Renters inslumare mostlycasualworkers for andmostlyinvisible Rental housinginslums isnotaccounted Slum rentals highin TN categorized do notgive theactualpicture. Survey was The NSSandthecensuscollectdatabut housing towns increasing thedemandforrental up, work related insmall opportunity Mobility inIndian populationhasgone x x x x solutions forrental housinginorder Promote ICTbasedrental based housing andrental schemes dependence ongovernment led Encourage private rentals andreduce rental policies not featured inourhousingand Privately owned rental housinghas income. space toincrease theirhousehold landlord whoare givinguptheirown are usuallyprovided by subsistence Nadu have revealed that rentals Studies in slums of Orissa and Tamil Š Š Š Š new tenancylaw. stakeholder’sperspective onthe Jayaprakash Padmanabhanpresented a The lastpresentation ofthesession by Š Š Š Š bring inmore stocktotherental market managed residential Assetswhichwill These changeswillenable Professionally of properties. registrationand hasenforced mandatory rentalhelped establishanew authority of thecontractshallprevail. It hasalso contracts willwritten,andtheterms and Tenants Act now mandatesthatall of rightsandresponsibilities oflandlords The changesinthe Tamil Nadu Regulation as asword againstthelandlord designed asashieldtoprotect theirrights often usethetenancyactwhichwas In thecaseof Tamil Nadu thetenants the law. were discouragedduetothisprovision of drawn andtediousprocess andlandlords could beamendedhowever thiswasalong tenant tocontestrental values andthey eviction. Theprevious lawallowed a was toprotect tenantsfrom unreasonable rent control lawsestablishedinthe1960’s The objective ofthe Building leaseand housing to provide informationonrental

“Impact of

47 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 DAY 2 PARALLEL SESSIONS Š Š Š Š Jacknow. India. Thesession was chaired by Prof Alexander adopted topromote private affordable housingin they face while also covering the approach being by theprivate sectorinIndia, thepolicychallenges together experiencesandmodelsbeingdeveloped developed in Europe and the UK. It brought affordable rental housingandmodelsbeing This sessionfocusedontheimperative for Š Š OPTIONS FOR URBAN POOR IN INDIA EXPLORING AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING MR AKSHAYA KUMAR SEN PRESENTED ON AND OPPORTUNITIES RENTAL HOUSING: CHALLENGES PARTICIPATION IN AFFORDABLE SESSION 5: PRIVATE SECTOR Š Š Š Š Š Š housing tohouseholdsandindividuals; individual landlords whoprovide rental include individuallandlords -unorganized The main suppliers of rental housing in India in 1950s. housing sincethefailure oftheexperiments was noprovision ofpublicsocialrental rental housingfortheiremployees, there as stategovernments provided subsidized Although thecentralgovernment aswell 1950s andsubsequentlyhave notsucceeded. existent inIndia presently. Experiments in Public Rental housingisalmostnon- housing % -35%ofurbanresidents live inrental a largerpercentage, inIndia around 28 globally rented accommodationsare having housing onownership basis income groups ofthesociety, can’t afford mainly theweaker sectionsandlower significant percentage ofurbandwellers, Further, a mutual agreement that rent ofahouseshouldbefixed by to promote rental housing on the principle be prepared by theGovernment ofIndia advocates thataModel Rent Control Act on promoting rental housinginIndia. It Policy The institutional landlords National Urban Housing &Habitat (NUHHP)2007whichputemphasis ‘Taskforce onRental Housing’

Š Š Š experience oftherental market forsingles some ofthelessonshehaslearntfrom hisown beds inIndian cities.MrSatyanarayanan shared over onelakhoperatorsproviding 10million accommodation market islargelyinformalwith professionals across 3 cities in India. The hostel accommodation forstudentsandjuniorlevel homesprovidesprofessionals. Aarusha rental where hefocusedonhostelsforstudentsand made apresentation onrental housingforsingles Mr. Satyanarayana Vajella homes from Aarusha Š Š Š on theirfeet. togetthemback training andmedicalsupport were moved withskill intohomesandsupported the Equitas birds nest Mr. John Alex presented his experience with Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š corporates) orGovernment intheformof fromcorporate sector(value additionto Customers need subsidy (10-15%) either number ofemployees tobehoused. where asinglecompanymayhave alarge externalconsiderations suchasrecruitment Market viabilityalsodependson There are repayment risksinthismarket who have acceptedthem. mainstreamed intotheslumcommunity families havefound homesandhave been 1500 homelesspavement dwellers Today through thisproject more than of childrenin schools and Groceries support. unemployed (low profile jobs),enrolment addition to skill training, employment for includingtipsonhealthyliving,in service, period we ensured thattheygetgoodhealth During theinitial 6 monthshandholding to enablethemsustainthemselves. caution deposit and they were taught a skill the costof6months’ rent withaninitial designedaprojectEquitas tomeet trust addressing themassneedsofrental housing. model wasfoundtobemore significantin out ofwhich‘rent toown’ and‘public rental various different modelsfor rental housing A studyby HUDCO/HSMIproposed of India topromote rental housinginIndia (MoHUPA), now MoHUA, Government of Housing &Urban Poverty Alleviation was alsosetupin2012by theMinistry where homelessfamilies Š Š Š the UKhousingmodels He concludedhispresentation withlessonsfrom expensive. London isvery locationascentral needs tolive inaparticular Also, there wasaproblem ofhow todecidewho however qualityofhousingremained aconcern. as housingwasprovided inunaffordable location with socialhousingwhere there wasaclearbenefit reach thepoor. He pointedoutsomeoftheissues Also, thebenefitsofsubsidiesdonotseemto the quality of such rentals remains a concern. fastest growing hosingoption intheUKhowever UK. He highlightedthatprivate renting isthe presented ontheModels ofrental housinginthe Dr. Micheal Ball oftheUniversity ofReading Š Š Š Š market andalsoprovide boost itwithanecessary would helpformalize thissectionoftherental suggestion onthesupplyanddemandsidethat He concluded his presentation by providing Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Policy decisionsshouldnotbe driven by with problems Land value capture works withinlimits and leakage. supply relative todemand,thegreater the financiers, etc.The lower the elasticity of owners,property developers, landowners, It willleadtosubsidyleaksupply-side: supply-side willraisehousingcostsforall. Demand side subsidieswithoutimproving poor. subsidies andvouchers forrentals tothe On thedemandside,provision ofdirect exempt. rental housingbelow 60sqfttobeGST Hostel businessbelow Rs1000perdayand rental inITAct “Affordable Accommodation” toinclude Redefining “Affordable Housing” as Tax exemptions forrental housingproviders incentives Support isalsoneededfortaxandnon-tax rental voucher (forbetterquality ofliving)

housing from postsocialistcountries. presented theirlessonsonprivate rental Prof. Jozsef Hegedus andMs. Vera Horvath of theSRA. ensures costsformaintenanceandfunctioning the landlords through a‘guarantee fund’ that social housingandatthesametimeprotects agency They proposed theconceptofa Social rental Slovenia, Slovakia andPoland respectively. initiatives andthrough socialhousingagenciesin and stateowned housingby NGO’s, through PPP presentation were basedonexamples of municipal Some oftherecommendations madeinthe owners vacant. chose to keeptheirproperties both tenantsandowners atriskandmanyhome is aweak sector with‘loose’ regulations thatput rental andownership. Theprivate rental market poor are Municipal housing,low endprivate and familyevents. Theonlyoptionsleftforthe income group that is sensitive to economic shocks 20-30% poorand60-70%istheweak middle has alsoledtosocialinequalitieswith10%elite, rise in the housing prices following the transition based housingfinancewithsubsidies.Thesteep housing financehasbeen replaced by market- resulting innosocialhousingandthestate has ledtolargescaleprivatization ofhousing ownership model.In theposttransition era this of rental and owned housing to a predominantly decades thehousingsectorhadmoved from amix explainedthat They further over thepasttwo Š Š presentation theyfocusedontwokeymessages. Š Š aware ofallbenefits. economic factorsalone,butoneshouldbe explored. nonmarket based optionsshould be based housing interactions and therefore markets, butalsointhefieldofsocialnorm has limitations–failures mayemergeon “Enabling markets towork” approach and development objectives forces solutionswhich may not fit political Urbanization anddemographicpressure that utilizes vacant for properties

In their

49 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 CLOSING PLENARY AND WAY FORWARD Š Š Š Shubhagato Dasgupta. infrastructure were summarized by Mr. The sessionsonfinancingforhousingand Š Š Š Š Š Š Š issues raisedinthesesessionswere summarized by Mr. Chetan Vaidya. The key The sessionsonLandandinfrastructure was were raisedduringthesessions. summarize and highlight the key issues that chairs andofalltheparallelsessionsto O PMathur andit brought togethertheco- waspresided The closingplenary over by Mr. Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š to beabarrierimproving service Human resource management continues finance. funding maycripplethelocalsources of financing optionsandgreater central Need tocreate aneco-systemforlocal wider impactoncityeconomies Management oflocaltaxes canhave a industry.of womenintheconstruction Achieving genderequitythrough training effective land useplanning Creating disaster resilience though as green bondstobeexpanded of funds.Use ofinnovative modelssuch of financingincitiesforaneffective flow infrastructure andtohave multiplemodels cities toaccessbondsfinancepublic Importance ofbuildingcapacities rights to16000beneficiaries. seen intheOdisha dispensationofland solutions forestablishinglandrightsas Shifting towards technology-oriented urban poor are not necessarily encroachers India’s slumsandsmallertowns where the definitions of ownership inthecontext the revenue andreview department of Tenure andtheneedtoreimagine A deeperunderstandingofsecurity Thailand’s CODImodel slum upgradingprograms asshown in Involvement ofpoorincitywide Indian context context however relevant alsovery inthe demand sideaspresented intheAfrican Need toaddress housingstockfrom the re Š by Ms.Aparna Das. frameworks forrental housing wasconcluded sessiononlegalandinstitutional The fourth Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š up by Prof. Shovan Saha. of thepresenters anddiscussantswere summed planningandbuildingtheviews for smart The third technologies setofsessionsonnew Š re Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š taking the example of shared sanitation and there isaneedforinnovative solutions help fillingthegapsin rental markets Standard and rigid policy reforms cannot delays inbuildingconstruction. visualization can helpreduce losses and Adoption technologiesforbuilding ofnew shared collective visionforthecity community groups inacitycanleadto Crowd fundingofideasfrom different poor. economical solutionforhousingthe maybethemost decentralized services Low rise high density solutions with solutions. does notnecessarilyresult insustainable interrelated, andhigh-riseconstruction Affordability andsustainability are strata ofsociety. application canensure ofall participation and theuseofawell-designed technology decision makingonurbandevelopment Participation ofcitizens iscriticalin policies andprograms forcities making inorder todevelop appropriate decision andfor expert participation Technology canbeusedasatoolforcitizen should beused nature andinthatprocess, technology Cities mustbebuiltinalignmentwith two dimensionalplans. and policieswere more than important their own internal vitalityandstrength Cities are notproducts butare driven by market. role inthehousing financeimportant Microfinance institutionscanplayan incities delivery I CITIES INCLUSIVE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 15-16 November 2018 PLANNING PLANNING


51 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018

. HOUSING . INFRASTRUCTURE CLOSING PLENARY AND WAY FORWARD Š Š Š Š Alexander Jacknow. rental housingwere presented by Prof. in session onprivate sectorparticipation findings of the fifth parallel The summary Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š Š subsidies linkedtoit. reform buthastohave regulations and cannot onlywork through policy ownership market. The rental market it isfairlysmallincomparisontothe Cities have largerental markets, yet applications andothersimilarmeans. methods ofdatacapture thoughmobile demands canusemore innovative Data collection onrental market of rental housing need tobebrought intothedialogue sharing accommodationandtheyalso students andyoung professional are based butthere are othermodelswhere Rental housingisnotonlyfamily market. market andvacant housinginthe will give impetustounlocktherental tenancyactinThe new Tamil Nadu backing at theinformallevel withnoformal the urbanpoorlevels are happening ownership models. Rental housingat for urbanpoorcontinuetofocuson the caseofUrban Poor whereas policies Rental housingismore pronounced in social housingprojects upgrade innercity. Rentals andsupport landlords to whoneedtobesupported government by private small-scale South Africa’s rental markets are largely the Indian context. asameansofrental housinginservices developed by thegovernment under The new Models of rental housing by thepolicyframework poor islargelyignored andunaddressed The Indian hostelmarket fortheurban be ineffective. markets onlyonthedemandsidecan task aseven regulated andsubsidized Fine tuningrental housingisacomplex Š Š Š discussion intothree criticalpoints He summarized theconference thenfurther countries. Thailand and Singapore andmanyother international casesfrom South Africa, and ithashelpedbringtogether relevant this conference hasbeensetinthiscontext not beingproduced. He pointedoutthat demanded andwhatisbeing stock. What isbeingproduced isnot deficit even thoughthere isenoughhousing the discussionismore around thehousing place withoutproblems andhurdles. Today market in India where notransactiontook and therough operationsofthehousing be definedasaprivate goodorasocial major factors;first,whetherhousingwasto housing inthe80swasrestricted totwo be complex problem and the discourse on by saying that Urban housing continues to to Housingcomments pertaining in India conference general discussionmadeafew Mr. OPMathur, before concludingthe from theirown perspectives. the Symposium and stateawayforward thekeytakeawaysfrom toarticulate partners the leadersingovernment anddevelopment for gave anopportunity The Closingplenary AREAS OF ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS AND MOVING FORWARD ON CLOSING PLENARY: Š Š Š Need andamount ofregulations, also beunderstoodas The nature problems can ofstructural market needtobeaddressed. problems inthehousingstructural through policyreform orwhether bedirect orindirectinterventions Shouldof theseinterventions. the be andwhatshouldthenature Where shouldthepublicinterventions show results inthemarket. the National Housing Policy are yet to Š Š Š Š Š Š components thatwillbeatplay. set andwillalwayshave shadesofother housing doesnotformahomogenous and itneedstoberecognized thatrental address thehousingneedsofcountry housing needstobeexpandedinorder to There wasageneralagreement that rental government. housing that is almostready by the Indian years ago and there isadraftonrental discussionwhichdidnotexist20new The discussionon rental housingis a markets. that destroy thehousing and rental controls are more likecarpetbombing There wasageneralconsensusthat rent housing market inIndia. thesubsidies and incentives to support neighbourhoods. for development ofhealthyandaffordable featuressome oftheimportant thatare required years ago still holdgoodandtheschemehad that were proposed by the World Bank several schemes the exampleofsitesandservices of time and the city grows around it. Sighting neighbourhood asaunitthatisplannedahead reiterated tolookata thatitwasimportant in theformofunplannedurbansprawland problems of cities that spread themselves out next billionpopulation.She highlightedthe today andthemammothtaskofhousing issueoftheinequalitiesinourcities important Ms Sumila Guliyani onceagainraisedthe Š Š more attention. that thedemandsideofhousingrequires in the discussions of all parallel sessions is Another point that repeatedly came out

53 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 Mishra Durga Shankar the year2022” ten million housesby “The targetistobuild platform.” Master PlansonanIT data forpreparing helping citiesuseGIS a submissionis Urban Transformation, Rejuvenation and Atal missionfor simpler. Underthe making things technology isnow today’s citiesand is notenoughfor of problemsolving “…Traditional methods sprawl….” populations and due totheirlarge an unhealthystate cities havereached diseased. Manyofour overweight and sometimes become and expand take birth,grow organic beingsthat “Cities arelike populations andsprawl.Sharing his unhealthy stateduetotheirlarge many of our cities have reached an and diseased.Similarly, hesaid, and sometimesbecomeoverweight growthat takebirth, andexpand compared cities to organic beings then landandfinallyplanning. He to lookatinfrastructure first,and of inclusive cities,itisimportant address. He saidthatwhenwe talk that thegovernment to istrying andthemanychallenges country development andhousinginthe the Government ofIndia onurban Affairs presented theresponsefrom ofHousingMinistry andUrban Shankar Mishra(IAS), Secretary, The Guest of Honour, Mr Durga carried outcitizen’s consultationfor the datafrom thesatellitemapand for thecity. The Master Plan used the development oftheMaster Plan by which led groundto truthing, the cityusingsatellitedatafollowed developing anaccuratebasemapfor Kanpur locatedwithinthecityfor esteemed academicinstitutionofIIT by engagingtherenowned and Master Plan oftheCityKanpur the experienceofdeveloping the future planning. Mr Mishra shared our citiesandusethesemapsfor face todayistoscientificallymap one ofthemainchallengesthatwe do nothave aMaster Plan and Most ofthecitiesincountry to thissituation. unplanned growth incities has led full potential.Thehaphazard and adequate facilitiestorealise their in citiesdoesnotprovide themwith life however, theliving conditions people cometocitiesforabetter reasons ofeducation,hestatedthat village inBihar toabiggertown for own exampleofmoving from asmall GOVERNMENT RESPONSE FROM THE building permits has been digitalized Mumbai. Theentire process of online forthecitiesofDelhi and an ITbasedsystemcompletely permitsby developingconstruction the ministry’s instreamlining efforts In this regard he also spoke about platform. preparing Master Plans onanIT is helpingcitiesuseGISdatafor Urban Transformation, asubmission Atal missionforRejuvenation and making thingssimpler. Under the today’s citiesandtechnologyisnow not enoughtosolve theproblems of said thattraditionalmethodswere problems thatcitiesfacetoday. He of technologytosolve someofthe and mapping. He stressed on the use the timeandeffort required insurveys technology, theywere abletoreduce the formulationofpolicies. With 1.2 millionhave beenhandedover Independence. Out ofthisnearly of thediamondJubilee ofIndia’s by the year 2022 on the occasion target istobuildtenmillionhouses Mission andHousing forall.The and Transformation, Smart Cities Atal Mission forRejuvenation with theSwachh Bharat Mission, challenge ofexpandingcitiesstarting formulated inorder toaddress the that theGovernment of India has He listedoutthevarious schemes cities oftoday. and congestionthatischokingthe functions togethertoreduce traffic planning systemcanhelpbringall and distancesincitiesamixed has ledtoincreased travel time segregation offunctionswhich traditional planningmethodsof planning approach’ unlikethe He alsolaidstress ona‘mixed which hasbeenunprecedented. 129 positions up (from 181 to 52) of business’ where India has jumped in the World Bank ranking of ‘ease and theresults ofthisare reflected Governments in the area efforts of housing schedule andprovide valuable insightsonthe of India fortakingtimeoutfrom hisbusy Durga Shankar Mishra from theGovernment She extendedaspecialvote ofthankstoMr. proceedings throughout. Mr SKrishnanforguidingtheconference the discussionsofconference andto of dignitaries on the dais for the summary with a Vote withthe ofthanksstarting Ms. Tanja Feldman concludedtheconference the various statesandinthisregard, hestated housing. Thesemodelactscanbeadapted by policy thatwillpromote investments inrental preparation of a model tenancy act and a rental the Government ofIndia isintheprocess of in therental market. Asaresponse tothisissue the tenants,however thishasonlyledtoafreeze mostly inclinedtowards securingtherightsof the needtoreview theexistinglawsthatwere In thecontextofrental housinghereiterated sustainable. and thefocusisnow onmakingthemmore to beneficiaries and6.3millionhave beenbuilt VOTE OF THANKS countries from across the world. countries from across the world. brought theirexperiencesfrom different citiesand andallthespeakerswhohad content partner also thanked the Centre for Policy research, their projects thathave beencarriedoutby GIZ.She not onlyforthisconference butalsointheseveral toGIZ thathave beenapartner and departments With this she thanked all the government officials the conference. at sharing valuable experiencewithparticipants Mr Mathi Vathanam for taking out time and She also thanked Mr Rajiv Ranjan Mishra and and urbandevelopment, attheconference. ofthestate. municipal andstatedepartments attended by manyofficials from the various conference useful and have have been been very and discussionsheldduring the course of the made by the Government of Tamil Nadu the changesinhousingsectorhave tobe this symposium.He reiterated thatmanyof toco-host thanked GIZfortheopportunity remarks on the conference and once again Mr S Krishnan presented his concluding valuable.this conference willbevery that thediscussionsandexperiencesshared in

55 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 SPEAKER PROFILES INAUGURAL PLENARY velopment Authority. Control, Town Planning, Urban Development, and Housing, Housing Development, Slum Clearance Board and Accommodation AIADMK politicalparty. HealsoholdsportfoliosofFinance,Housing,Rural from 6December2016to16February2017.HeisaSeniorLeaderofthe He servedasthe 7thChiefMinisterof Tamil Nadu in2001-02,2014-15,and of O. Panneerselvam istheDeputyChiefMinisterof Tamil NaduandCoordinator Deputy ChiefMinister, Tamil Nadu, India Thiru O.Panneerselvam All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) since August 2017. re re I CITIES INCLUSIVE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 15-16 November 2018 PLANNING PLANNING MAGINING Chennai Metropolitan De . LAND LAND -

57 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018



Mr. S. Krishnan, IAS 15-16 November 2018 Principal Secretary SPEAKERS Housing and Urban Development Department Government of Tamil Nadu, India Dr. Akshaya Kumar Sen S. Krishnan is presently the Principal Secretary, Housing and Urban Development De- Joint General Manager (Economics) and Fellow partment, Government of Tamil Nadu. He also holds the additional charge as the Man- aging Director of New Tirupur Area Development Corporation, and Chief Executive Of- Human Settlement Management Institute, HUDCO, Govt. of India ficer of the Tamil Nadu Infrastructure Development Board. He was the Senior Advisor in Dr. Akshaya Kumar Sen is an urban economist with more than 25 years of experience in the the Office of the Executive Director for India, International Monetary Fund, Washington field of housing and urban development. He is currently working as the Joint General Manager DC, from 2007 till 2010, where he had a ring side view of the multilateral response to the (Economics) and Fellow at Human Settlement Management Institute (HSMI), the Research Global Financial Crisis of 2008. He was the Government of India’s representative in G20 & Training Institute of Housing & Urban Development Corporation Ltd. (HUDCO), New Delhi. Expert Groups on International Financial Architecture and Global Financial Safety Nets. He has been assisting the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA), GoI in its research & During 2004-07, he was the Private Secretary to the Finance Minister, Government of policy related works such as preparation of India Habitat III National Report, New Urban Agen- India. da of Habitat III, National Urban Housing & Habitat Policy and Draft National Urban Rental Housing Policy. Dr. Sen has a Ph.D degree from IIT Delhi in Urban Transport Economics and a M.Sc. in Advanced Economics from Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium Dr. Julie Reviere Dr. Alexander Jachnow Country Director, India Head of Urban Strategies and Planning Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH IHS Erasmus University, the Netherlands New Delhi Dr. Alexander Jachnow is an urban development specialist with more than 19 years of Dr Julie Reviere is the Country Director of GIZ India. Prior to this, she was the Country working experience as a researcher and consultant in the fields of urban capacity devel- Director of GIZ Pakistan, where she had initially served as the Education Sector Coordi- opment. At IHS, Dr. Jachnow is responsible for leading a specialization within the Masters’ nator and Education Program Director. Programme on strategic urban planning and development, including policy frameworks She holds an overall experience of 37 years, of which 22 years have been associated and National Urban Policies. He is engaged in advisory and research assignments and with the German Development Cooperation in various capacities. She started her pro- frequently works with organizations and DC agencies such as DFID, European Commis- fessional career specializing in the domain of education, after which she also worked as sion, GIZ, KfW, OECD, UN Habitat, UNESCO, local and national governments and NGOs a Project Team Leader and Advisor to the Ministry of Education of Cape Verde, Africa, worldwide. Dr. Jachnow has also worked extensively in Latin America He was engaged and a Sector Coordinator for German Development Cooperation, Head of Education in housing programmes in Mexico and in Favela upgrading in Fortaleza, and wrote his Program, and an Advisor to the Ministry of Education, Mozambique, Africa. PhD thesis on the influence of Civil Society on urban development with case studies from Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.

Mr. M.S. Shanmugam, IAS Mr. Amrit Abhijat, IAS Joint Secretary and Mission Director, Housing for All (Urban) Managing Director Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India

Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board Mr. Amrit Abhijat is currently serving as the Joint Secretary and Mission Director of Hous- Government of Tamil Nadu ing for All Mission (Urban) in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of Mr. M S Shanmugam is the Managing Director of the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance India. Under the Mission, he has initiated number of policy interventions to promote af- Board, which is engaged in providing affordable housing for urban poor living in slum fordable housing as well as ease the implementation of the HFA (U) Mission in States/ areas in Tamil Nadu. He has earlier worked as the Special Secretary to Government, UTs. He served as a Sub Divisional Magistrate, Development Officer, Chief Development Industries Department, Government of Tamil Nadu. He managed the Tamil Nadu Officer and District Magistrate in some of the major cities of India such as Allahabad, Kan- Health Systems Project as its Project Director during 2013-14, and held other admin- pur, Agra, Muzaffarnagar. He was instrumental in organising one of the largest religious istrative posts over the past 26 years. He has a Masters degree in Economics and congregations on earth, the Kumbh Mela of Allahabad. He was also instrumental in the currently pursuing Ph.D in Health Economics from the University of Madras. successful land acquisition to construct the Yamuna Expressway. Mr. Abhijat has an M.A. in Developmental Studies from the University of Sussex, UK . SPEAKER PROFILES the Rockefeller Foundation. He and currently heading the India National Strategy at 100 Resilient Cities, a programof Amit Prothiisanurbanplanner, educatedattheMassachusettsInstituteof Technology, under SustainableUrbanDevelopment. topics different in aspects legislation & policy through investigates he which design; search interestslieintheSocial,Political&Ideological perspectivesthatsurround Management, Organizationgrowth&structuringand Research Development.Hisre Program in works he where India), of Govt. Urban Affairs, & Housing of of Ministry the think-tank policy (an autonomous Delhi New Affairs, Urban of Institute National the at Manager, Project Chief presently is Anand firms. architectural to addition in & Planning)and Academia (Academic Coordination,Design Teaching & Research) he hasworkedwithGovernmentagencies(onPolicy),PrivateSectorStrategy years, 20 last the Over qualification. by theorist critical & architect an is Iyer Anand TN e-Governance Agency. HehasaMastersdegreeinHistoryatPuneUniversity. Officer, Executive Chief and e-Governance of Commissioner the as worked earlier tional Award for e-Governance Initiative for a project called “e-Biz” project. He has RDDBI Act in2016.Underhisleadership Tamil Nadue-Governance Agency gotNa Bank. Hewasinstrumentalinamendingrecoveryacts,namelySARFAESI Act and past 20years.HeworkedontheBoardofStateBankHyderabadand Andhra of Tamil Nadu Housing Board. He has served in many administrative posts over the Director Managing the as serving presently officer, IAS an is Patil V.Mr. Anandrao housing, andcommunitydevelopment. use planning, natural resource management, flood management, disaster risk reduction, he hasworkedonthematicareasincludingenvironmentalplanning,urbanpolicy, land ernment, andnumerousmunicipalitiesprivatesectorclients.Fornearly20years, Africa fortheWorld Bank, Asian DevelopmentBank,RockefellerFoundation,USGov are supported through 100ResilientCities. ience StrategiesinChennai,aswellSeoul,Singapore,HuangshiandDeyangthat National Institute ofUrban Affairs, New Delhi Chief Project Manager Mr. AnandIyer Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Housing Board, Government of Tamil Nadu Mr. AnandraoVishnuPatil, IAS 100 RESILIENT CITIES Associate Director, AsiaPacific City& Practice Management Mr. AmitProthi

manages the preparation and implementation of Resil Amit has practiced in North America, Asia and - - - - competition jurypanelsinIndiaandInternationally. member atvariousprestigiousarchitecturalschools. Mr. Lallhasbeenamemberof is focusedonevolvinginnovativesolutions in Indiancontext.Heisavisitingfaculty and India in architecture efficient energy and sustainable in pioneers as reputation a established has firm widely.His published been has work its and awards of number on based the principlesofenvironmentalsustainabilityandsocial responsibility. Ithaswona practice architectural an to committed is 1981) in (established firm tural Fine Arts andobtainedthe Architectural Association Diplomain1970.Hisarchitec Architect Ashok Lal graduated from the University of Cambridge, UK, in Architecture is focusingonthecontestationsoverlandinurbanareasandequityconcernscities. Internationally she has worked in Cairo, Egypt and Bangladesh. In the recent years, she other multiandbilateralagenciessuchas The World Bank,UNICEF, UNDP, DFIDIndia. reer, she has worked with different sector partners; national and international NGOs and housing andurbandevelopmentprogrammes.Spanningalmosttwentyyearsofherca istries of Government of India at the central, state and local level to implement various Urban Development- Smart Cities (SUD-SC) at GIZ. She is working with the line min lege London. At present, she is working as a Senior Advisor as part of the Sustainable gree inUrbanDevelopmentPlanningfromUnit,UniversityCol Ms. Aparna DasgottrainedasanarchitectandlaterreceivedaMasterofSciencede tion inStatisticsandEconometrics. agencies suchasDFIDIndia. Anindita is an economistbytrainingandhasaspecializa bilateral other and organisations society civil Kolkata, in body local urban and Affairs urban and Housing of Ministry the e.g. agencies Government partners; sector different with worked has she career her of years fifteen almost Spanning GIZ. and ban Affairs Partnership Programme (ICPP);jointlyimplemented by the Ministry of HousingandUr sanitation. She has also worked with (GIZ) GmbH, India in the project “Inclusive Cities of India’s urbansanitationprogrammesandinvestments,throughresearchin on informingandsupportingtheformulationimplementationofGovernment in the project “Scaling City Institutions for India (SCI-FI): Sanitation”. Her role focuses Anindita MukherjeeisaSeniorResearcherattheCentreforPolicyResearchworking Ashok B.LalArchitects, New Delhi, India Principal Mr. AshokB.Lall GIZ Sustainable Urban Development- Smart Cities,India Senior Advisor Ms. AparnaDas Centre forPolicy Research, New Delhi Senior Researcher Ms. AninditaMukherjee ------

61 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 SPEAKER PROFILES received his B.Tech in Civil engineering from IIT-Madras and then proceeded to Stanford Management divisionoftheCivilengineeringdepartmentatIIT-Madras in2006. Ashwin Dr. Ashwin Mahalingam joined the faculty in the Building Technology and Construction Bank. International ExperienceandPoliciesforEmergingMarkets” publishedbytheWorld articles andpublicationsonhousing,heco-authored“Rental Housing–Lessonsfrom before joiningtheWorld Bank asSeniorHousingFinanceSpecialist. Among many ciale pourl’Habitat,theassociationofsociallandlords, andtheNotariesHighCouncil, entities involvedinhousingFrance:CreditFoncier -amortgagebank,l’UnionSo housing attheFrenchInstituteofStatistics(Insee)and atthetimeworkedforseveral inthe housing sector and co-founder of the website “politiquedulogement.com”. He was in charge of ofexperience years 35 over with aconsultant is Taffin Claude Mr. during 2008-12. (NIUA) Urban Affairs of Institute National the of Director the was SPAhe joining Delhi, Urban Development,Governmentof India, aswellmanyStateGovernments.Priorto Committees/Expert Groups set up by the Ministries of Human Resources Development, awarded Distinguished Alumnus Award 2015byIIT Kharagpur. Hehasbeenonseveral He was nominated to the Chief Minister Advisory Council of Madhya Pradesh. He was sity ofMelbournehadnominatedhimastheMelbourne-AsiaVisiting Fellowfor2014-15. Director oftheSchoolPlanningand Architecture, Delhi,during 2012-17. The Univer Prof. ChetanVaidya isan Architect-Planner withover30yearsexperience.Hewasthe co-founder ofOkapi Advisory ServicesPvt.LtdandservesasaDirectorontheBoard. al strengtheningandpost-awardgovernanceofPPP projectsinIndia. Ashwin isalsoa of digitaltechnologiesinconstruction. Ashwin’s currentresearchfocusesoninstitution frastructure, the management and governance of large engineering projects and the use Ashwin’s research interests are in the areas of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in In Stanford UniversitytopursueaPhDintheareaofInfrastructureProjectManagement. asset managementservicesforconstructioncompanies.Followingthishereturnedto start up an internet based company in the USA called All Star Fleet, aimed at providing University for a Masters in Construction Engineering and Management. He then helped Housing Economist, France Mr. ClaudeTaffin School ofPlanning andArchitecture, New Delhi Ex. Director Prof. ChetanVaidya Center forUrbanization Building andEnvironment, IITMadras Associate Professor Dr. AshwinMahalingam - - - - of Portugal. University intheUSA andaDoctorateinUrbanism from theUniversidadeLusófona MBAa UK, Edinburgh, of University the from HopkinsPlanning Johns Regional from degree in Architecture fromtheCatholicUniversityofChile,an M.Phil.inUrbanand urban heritage preservation and integrated urban development. Dr. Rojas holds a the urbansectorincludinghousingreformand lowincomehousingprograms, and strategiesfortheBankdidgoodpractices researchanddisseminationin Housing attheInter American DevelopmentBank.Healsoformulated sectorpolicies the Wold BankInstitute.HeisaformerPrincipalSpecialistinUrbanDevelopmentand ment (OECD),theLincolnInstituteofLandPolicy Cambridge,UnitedStates,and larly withtheWorld Bank,theOrganizationforEconomicCooperationandDevelop tion attheSchoolofDesignUniversityPennsylvania, USA.Heworksregu Prof. Rojasisaconsultantonurbandevelopmentand alectureronhistoricpreserva also beenavisitingfacultyintheUniversityofGuelph,Canada. administration anddevelopmentinnational/internationalfora.Hehas governance andhaspublishedvariouspapersonsubjectsrelatedtogovernance,public from theInstituteofSocialStudies, The Hague.Hehaskeeninterestinpromoting good University ofWestern Sydney, Australia, andPostGraduateDiplomainPublicPolicy gineering fromIIT Kanpur, MrMishra hasdoneMBA (InternationalBusiness)fromthe to theChiefMinisterofUttarPradeshforovertwoyears. A graduateinElectricalEn ical andHealth,MiningUrbanDevelopment.HehasbeenthePrincipalSecretary State Governments coveringsectorssuchasRevenue Administration, Taxation, Med and Union the in offices various held has He cadre. Pradesh Uttar from (IAS) Service ernment ofIndia,Mr. D.S.Mishrabelongstothe1984batchof the Indian Administrative Gov Urban Affairs, and Housing of Ministry the in Secretary the as working Currently and Bachelorof Technology inMechanicalEngineering. IDFC andHDFC. HeholdsaPhDinBuiltEnvironment,MBA inMarketingandFinance opment Corporation(Karnataka)Limited,ajointventureofGovernmentKarnataka, MBA programinInfrastructureManagement.HewastheCEOofDevel School ofBuiltEnvironment,hesetuptheInfrastructureanddesigned and managingtransformationofcities.Previously, astheProfessorand DirectoratRICS finance, property finance, project partnerships, private public development, structure and PlanningattheUniversityofMelbourne.Dr. Raghu’s researchfocussesoninfra Dr. DTVRaghuRamaSwamyisaSeniorLecturerintheFacultyof Architecture, Building Lecturer, PennDesign, University ofPennsylvania, USA Prof. EduardoRojas ofHousingMinistry andUrban Affairs, Government of India Secretary Mr. DurgaShankerMishra,IAS Melbourne SchoolofDesign, Australia Senior Lecturer, Faculty ofArchitecture, Building &Planning Dr. DTVRaghuRamaSwamy ------

63 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 SPEAKER PROFILES Italiana diEconomiaPubblica(ItalianPublicEconomics Association) from2009to2012 the Universities of Torino, Bari and Geneva. He has served as President of the Società Giorgio BrosioisProfessorEmeritus,Universityof Torino, Italy. Hehasbeenprofessorat Industries and Commerce, and as Principal Secretary in Handloom, Handicrafts, Tex ed asCommissionerinSericulture Department,asCommissionerandDirector of Municipal Corporationand Thiruchirapalli MunicipalCorporation.Hefurthergotpost digul districtsfrom1998to2001.Healsoworkedas the Commissionerof Tirunelveli of CoimbatoreandErode.HeworkedasDistrictMagistrate ofPudukottaiandDin He hasworkedasSub-DistrictMagistrate,Dharapuram, Additional DistrictMagistrate tive DevelopmentLeadershipatWDMC,Denver, USA. Execu on course certificate a completed has and Netherlands, the Hague, the from University. Heholds aPGDiplomainDemocratisation,PublicPolicyandGovernance vices, andallottedtothe Tamil NaduCadre.HehasdoneM.Sc.(Botany)fromDelhi Mr. HarmanderSinghbelongs tothe1989batchofIndian Administrative Ser Russia, Turkey, Indonesia,ChinaandfortheEuropeanCourtof Audit. federal, stateandlocalgovernmentsparliamentsnotonlyinGermanybutalso was memberofmanyadvisorycommissions.Shehasbeenworkingasconsultantfor She finance. local on and federalism fiscal of practice and theory on particularly enues, She has been working for many years on various topics of public expenditures and rev Public Administration Speyerandco-directorofthe“ResearchCenteronCivilService”. Administrative SciencesSpeyer, aSeniorFellowoftheGerman ResearchInstitutefor Prof. Dr. Gisela Färber, is a professor and chair of public finance, Germany University of books andarticlesonacademicjournals. opment, taxation and natural resources. He has a long record of publications, including reform anddevelopment,withemphasison decentralization,local and regional devel Bank, IADB, ADFB andtheEU),forItalianothergovernmentsonpublicsector ics. He has worked extensively as a consultant for international institutions (IMF, World His research interests focus on public choice, fiscal federalism, and public sector econom Board oftheItalian Association ofRegionalEconomics(AISRE). and asPresidentoftheEuropeanPublicChoiceSociety(1992-l993)member Government of Tamil Nadu Municipal Administration & Water Supply Department Principal Secretary Mr. HarmanderSingh,IAS Germany University ofAdministrative Sciences,Speyer Chair ofPublic Finance Prof. Dr.GiselaFärber University of Turin, Italy Professor ofPublic Economics Prof. GiorgioBrosio

------in Indiawhilesheservedas aSeniorMicrofinanceSpecialist. Ranjani also, inter alia, helped establish MicroSave, an international consultancy firm India. in microfinance mainstream to helped which program microfinance pioneering position with SIDBI, where she served as a core team member in creating SIDBI’s investments fortheMFIsectorinIndia.Earlier, Ranjaniheldaseniormanagement portunity International, Ranjani focused on making responsive and sustainable social Previously, as Managing Director of Dia Vikas Capital Pvt. Ltd., a subsidiary of Op households. income low the for Housing’ for Finance to ‘Access improve to framework financial and legal existing the in modifications incremental on currently is India, Humanity, Program) withHabitatforHumanityIndia. The focusofherworkwithHabitatfor is currentlyservingasaConsultant-SubjectMatterExpert(EconomicDevelopment perience intheMSME(Micro,SmallandMediumEnterprises)sectorIndia.Ranjani KC Ranjani is a financial services and development specialist with over 25 years’ ex has publishedseveralbooksandmorethan100scientificpapersessays. He was a visiting professor at the Universit degli Studi dell l’Aquila and ISEN Toulon. He and Italy,Angola. Switzerland China, USA, Japan, in universities various at taught has He ). (2009-2015 Knowledge Architecture of Professor Junior appointed was he where Arata Isozaki & Associates. In 2001, he was a research associate at the TU Dresden, tect in Tokyo, includingatIshiyamaExperimental Underground Architecture Factoryand the TU Dresden. Between 1998 and 2001, he practiced as a freelance and hired archi of theHafenCityUniversityHamburgandHeadKNOWLEDGE ARCHITECTURE at Prof. Dr. Jörg Rainer Noennig is a Professor for Digital City Science at the CityScienceLab Alex istheGroupHead-SocialInitiatives. service. Government Nadu in Tamil officer gazetted as service of years four includes Bank fromwherehetookhisvoluntaryretirementasChiefManager. Hisexperiencealso Agricultural University. Priortothis,heworkedforabout25yearswithIndian Overseas in 2008. He holds a Bachelors degree in Science (Agriculture) from Andhra Pradesh Mr.John Alex group AEquitas the joined He ESFBL. at EVPBanking the Inclusive is of Habitat for Humanity, India Consultant- Economic Development Program Ms. K.C.Ranjani Hamburg University, Germany Professor forDigital CityScience Prof. Dr.JorgRainerNoennig Equitas Small Finance Bank Limited,Chennai,India EVP- Inclusive Banking Mr. JohnAlex - - -

65 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 SPEAKER PROFILES and private sector practitioners in promoting access to affordable housing and housing housing and housing affordable to access promoting in practitioners sector private and nance in Africa (CAHF). She is a housing policy specialist and has worked with both public for Centre Fi the Housing of Affordable founder and Director Executive the is Rust Kecia pact ofinstitutionalchange onhousingprovision. specialised housingforthe elderly;historicalpatternsofurbanchange;andthe im mies andinfrastructureprovision;theprivaterented sector;theLondoneconomy; markets; housingsupply, planningandthehousebuildingindustry;regionalecono In recent years, Michael’s research has focused upon international & UK housing developing countries. and has a long-term interest in housing and urban policies in emerging markets and ban, housing and planning policies. He has research extensively on housing matters London. Hehaspublishedwidelyandbeenasenior advisortogovernmentsonur School, UniversityofReadinghavingpreviouslyworked atseveraluniversitiesin Michael BallisProfessorofUrbanandPropertyEconomics inHenleyBusiness one oftheinitiatorsNextbengaluru,aco-creativecitizenslabinBengaluru,India. planning processes to a broader spectrum of stakeholders. From 2013 to 2015, he was trends with the specific characteristics of a location while exploring new ways of opening partner ofNexthamburg.Withhiswork,heaimstolinkcurrentandfuturedevelopment working as a core team member of the planning office Urbanista and was also a founding interface ofurbandevelopmentandcommunicationdesign.Since2007hehasbeen Markus Ewald is an urban planner with several years of professional experience at the Masters ofManagementfromtheUniversityWitwatersrand,South Africa. gree with Distinction from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, U.S.A., and a De School’s InternationalHousingFinanceProgramme,U.S.A.SheholdsaBachelor’s of sustainablehumansettlements,amongotherissues.KeciaparticipatedintheWharton dential property assets and property markets, rental and social housing, and the creation resi finance, housing affordable in research career,undertaken and consulted has Kecia FinMark Trust from2003-2014,whereCAHFwasestablished.Overthespanofher the at Coordinator Finance Housing the was She years. 20 past the for in Africa finance University ofReading, United Kingdom Professor, Henley Business School Dr. MichaelBall Urbanista, Germany City Planner Mr. MarkusEwald Centre forAffordable Housing Finance, South Africa Executive Director &Founder Ms. KeciaRust ------tained herPh.D.inEconomics fromHarvardUniversityin1989. on housing, transport, economic regulation and public-private-partnerships. She ob Failures andGovernment(2013).Shehasalso extensivelypublishedpapers Market Systems: Finance Housing and (2018) Singapore in Housing Affordable for the SingaporeManagementUniversity. HerrecentbooksincludePolicyInnovations Dr. PhangSock Yong isVice ProvostandCeliaMohChairProfessor ofEconomicsat (CDIA) andtheCityIndicatorsProgramme,hostedatUniversityof Toronto. rently, heisamemberoftheGIZ-ADBSponsoredCityDevelopmentInitiativefor Asia and the Advisory Group of Experts on Decentralization (AGRED) of UN-Habitat. Cur the HighPoweredExpertCommitteeonUrbanInfrastructureInvestmentRequirements TechnicalJNNURM Group, the Advisory (JNNURM), Mission Renewal Urban National member of the former Prime Minister’s National Review Committee on Jawaharlal Nehru a was He Japan, Nagoya Development, Regional for Centre Nations United the omist, Project Team Leader, Decentralisation Project, Government of Iran; and Senior Econ cy; Director, Multi-levelPlanningUnit,theCommissionofIndia,UnitedNations the IDFCChairinUrbanEconomicsatNationalInstituteofPublicFinanceandPoli hi. He was previously the Director, National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi and held Prof. Om Prakash Mathur is a Senior Fellow attheInstituteof Social Sciences,NewDel the overalleffectivenessandtransparencyofbeneficiaryidentificationprocess. quadcopter drones to create high resolution maps of 2500 slums, which contributed to the world. The Odisha slum land rights initiative is the first program of its kind to employ population coverage of 1.2 million, this could well be the largest slum titling program in a With Odisha. of Councils Area Notified and Municipalities 109 the in slums 2500 in tat Mission – JAAGA, which aims to grant in-situ land rights to 2.5 lakh households living Since last year, he is also at the helm of the implementation of the Odisha Livable Habi persons daily. cities andtownsacrossOdisha.Currently, 117 AAHAR centresprovidefoodto70000 aimed atprovidingcookedfoodhighlysubsidisedratestothepoorandneedyin75 and supervised the planning and implementation of AAHAR – an urban feeding program tary, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Government of Odisha. He led Odisha spanning more than two decades. Presently, he is Commissioner-cum-Secre Shri G.MathiVathanan hasvariedandextensiveexperiencewiththeGovernment of Singapore Management University, Singapore Vice Provost &Celia Moh ChairProfessor ofEconomics Dr. PhangSockYong Institute ofSocial Sciences,Delhi Senior Fellow Prof. OmPrakashMathur Housing &Urban Development Government Department, of Odisha Commissioner-cum-Secretary Mr. G.MathiVathanan, IAS ------

67 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 SPEAKER PROFILES Gurgaon. He has rich experience of over 30 years in the habitat sector covering project Gurgaon. Hehasrichexperienceofover30yearsinthehabitatsectorcoveringproject Delhi andhealsohasaPGDM(Finance)fromManagementDevelopmentInstitute(MDI), Shri RajeshGoelisaCivilEngineeringgraduatefromIndianInstituteof Technology (IIT), ture andenergysectors. tive Servicesin1992,and has heldvariouspositionswithmajorfocusoninfrastruc degree fromtheIndianInstituteof Technology, Delhi.HejoinedtheIndian Administra He is an alumnusof the National Institute of Technology, and holds a Post Graduate ernment of Tamil Nadu. previously served as a Principal Secretary to Government, Energy Department, Gov ropolitan Development Authority, whichplans fortheChennaiMetropolitanarea.He Mr. RajeshLakhoniisthe PrincipalSecretary/Member-SecretaryoftheChennaiMet Planning andSchoolofHabitatManagement–CEPT University, Ahmedabad. ning ProgramofMSUniversity–BarodaandforUrbanPublicFinancetoSchool Plan Regional and Urban of Master to subjects finance public urban management, project ministration –Bangalore.Currentlyheisvisitingfacultyforurbangovernance/management, and institutions international and national Business of College Joseph Saint in Management Urban for Professor Chair as served Ad several at faculty guest a been has Joshi Dr. eral researchpapersandwrittenbookspertainingtourbanissues. level organisationsonurbanissues.Hehascarriedoutresearchstudiesandpublishedsev & SanitationProgram, ADB, USAID,DFID,UNHabitat,CLGF and forvariousnational/state bai. Hehasworkedasashort-termconsultant(STC)formultilateralslikeWorld Bank, Water vikant Joshi has been an Advisor – Urban to CRISIL Risk and Infrastructure Solutions, Mum System ReformsandtheircomputerizationinVadodara MunicipalCorporation.Dr. Ra isation, designingandimplementationofMunicipalFinancial,Budgetary Accounting tion withmorethan35yearsofexperience.Hehasbeenresponsiblefortheconceptual ofofficer accounts chief former Corpora a Municipal is Vadodara He abroad. and India Dr.Joshi Ravikant (HUDCO) asanExecutiveDirector. 2014 priortowhichhewasworkingwithHousing&UrbanDevelopmentCorporationLtd. June, in Affairs Urban and Housing of Ministry under Enterprise India of Government a He hastakenoverasChairman&ManagingDirectorofHindustanPrefabLimited(HPL), Ltd. (HUDCO)besidesashorttenureatIIT Delhi. struction CorporationLimited(NBCC)andHousing&UrbanDevelopment He hasworkedwithleadingorganizationsin the sector including NationalBuildingsCon etc. formulation, policy development, Estate Real finance, project construction, planning, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority, Government of Tamil Nadu Principal Secretary/Member-Secretary Mr. RajeshLakhoni,IAS Urban Management Centre, Ahmedabad,India Senior Expert-Urban Management andUrban Finance Dr. RavikantJoshi Hindustan Prefab Limited,Government ofIndia Chairman andManaging Director Mr. RajeshGoel is an Urban Finance and Management specialist and has worked in worked has and specialist Management and Finance Urban an is

------and innovation;naturalresource managementandgovernance. development andequalopportunities; sustainableurbandevelopment;technology growth, inclusionanddevelopment.Hercurrentresearch focuseson-humancapital disciplinary research,policyengagementandadvisory pertainstoglobalsustainable knowledge exchange,capacitybuildingandhuman capital development.Hertrans and StatisticsinChennai.Ruthhaspioneeredseveral internationalprogrammesfor monwealth Fellow. Prior to joining the LSE, she was Professor in Computer Science my ofSocialSciences,UK.RuthhasaPhDfromLSE andisalsoaCambridgeCom the IGPatelChairatLondonSchoolofEconomics. SheisaFellowofthe Acade Ruth KattumuriisFounderandCo-DirectoroftheIndia ObservatoryandFounderof Ford, RockefellerandNationalScienceFoundations. He wasaFulbrightScholar, andhasbeensupportedbytheMarshall Fund,theGates, Pennsylvania. of University the and NYU, Hopkins, Johns Syracuse, at taught also has Economics andStatistics,Nature,EconomicDevelopmentCulturalChange.He and The Washington Post,andinacademicjournalssuchas The OxfordBulletinof opment issuesinthepopularpresssuchas The Financial Times, The New York Times in morethan50countriesandhaswrittenwidelyonurbanization,housing,devel on issuesrelatingtohousingandurbanizationindevelopingcountries.Hehasworked dation, andLeadEconomist Advisor attheWorld Bank.Hehasfocusedlargely Foun Rockefeller the at Director Managing School, New the at Fellow Studley Julien Bob Buckley is associatedwith the Urban Institutein Washington. He was previouslythe vard KennedySchool,Cambridge,USA. from University of California, Berkeley and ‘Leaders in Development’ program from Har ty, USA; Public Budgeting from Georgia State University, Atlanta; Project Management in Advanced StudiesinPublic Administration fromMaxwellSchool,SyracuseUniversi IITof Department Mechanical the of Kanpur.alumnus an is He Certificates has also He regulatory positionsatfieldlevel. vestments, asSecretary/PrincipalSecretary, andearlierworkedindevelopment and as Irrigation,Municipal Administration andUrbanDevelopment,InfrastructureIn Prefab Limited. He has in the past looked after various departments at State level, such nominee Director on the boards of HUDCO, NationalHousing Bank, and Hindustan the Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016. He was also the government of enactment the in role pivotal a played He India. of Government Affairs, Urban and Ganga. Previously, he served as the Additional Secretary (Housing), Ministry of Housing Mr. RajivRanjanMishraisthecurrentDirectorGeneralofNationalMissionforClean London SchoolofEconomics, United Kingdom Founder andCo-Director andFounder oftheIndia Observatory oftheIGPatel Chair Dr. RuthKattumuri Urban Institute, Washington, USA Mr. RobertM.Buckley National Mission forCleanGanga, Government ofIndia Director General Mr. RajivRanjanMishra,IAS ------

69 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 SPEAKER PROFILES finance. Prior to NIUA, he worked at the Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Na the and Accountants Chartered of Institute the at worked he NIUA, to Prior finance. Jawaharlal Nehru University and has over two decades of experience in the field of urban from (Economics) a Ph.D is He NIUA. at Officer Research Senior is Dr.Thakur Sandeep Urban DevelopmentFramework (IUDF). development oftheUrban LandReformPaperundertheumbrellaofIntegrated EThekwini Metro in Durban and Tshwane in Pretoria. He has also been leading the Housing Plans which has been piloted in Nelson Mandela Metro in Port Elizabeth, Planning Tool andModel, whichhelpscitiestodevelopanevidenceanddatabased politan municipalities. He has also coordinated the development of Housing Strategy project hasbeenpilotedinEThekwini(Durban),Cape Town andMangaungmetro spatially goodlocationandtocontributeradicallyinclusive growth. To thisend, in housing Affordable of promotion and provision drive significantly to markets” erty oped andmanagedistosupportmetroswiththe“Understanding ofResidentialprop city-wide andprogrammaticupgradingplans. The otherprojectsthathehasdevel Settlements Upgrading Toolkit foreightmetrostoequipthem withcapacitytodevelop Metro. InthisrolehehassuccessfullycoordinatedthedevelopmentofInformal as theHumanSettlementsSpecialist,wellaCSP CoordinatorforEkurhuleni Seth ispresentlyaConsultanttotheNational Treasury CitiesSupportProgramme include democracy, localgovernance,socialmovements,andpoliticalecology. the Tribbuvan UniversityinNepalandofBergenNorway. Hisareaofinterest degreein ening ofninemunicipalities.PokharelhasdonehisMaster’s Anthropology from heads the local government capacity development project which supports capacity strength Mr. SanjeevPokharelhasbeenworkingastheChief Technical Advisor inGIZNepal.He mission (13th)SupportCellatNIUA. JNNURM. under agenda reform lations etc.Hehasundertaken appraisalofCityDevelopmentPlansandtrackingurban systems of ULBs as well as in public policies related to urban areas and municipal legis budgeting and finance municipal in is specialization His 12th). and (11th Commissions which weremainlyfundedbyUNDP, CIDA,World Bank,MOUD,MoFandCentralFinance tional Institute of Public Finance and Policy. He has contributed to many research studies, National Treasury ofSouth Africa–CitiesSupport Programme Coordinator Mr. SethMaqetuka Local Government CapacityDevelopment Project, GIZNepal Chief TechnicalAdvisor Mr. SanjeevPokharel Senior Research Officer, National Instituteof UrbanAffairs Dr. SandeepThakur Currently he is the coordinator of Central Finance Com Finance Central of coordinator the is he Currently ------taking aPhDattheCentrefor UrbanStudiesattheUniversityof Amsterdam. Development PlanningUnit oftheUniversityCollegeLondon.Heisalsocurrentlyunder nology in Ahmedabad and holds an MSc in housing and development planning from the Dasgupta wastrainedasanarchitectattheCentreforEnvironmental Planningand Tech ban Development Corporation (HUDCO) and The Action Research Unit. Shubhagato World Bank, InfrastructureDevelopmentFinanceCompany(IDFC),theHousingandUr of otherpublic,private,multilateral,andnongovernmental organisations,includingthe across 15states.Hehasalsoworkedonissuesofurban developmentwithawiderange of HousingandUrbanPoverty Alleviation todeveloppro-poorurbanpoliciesin20 cities between theUK’s DepartmentforInternationalDevelopment(DFID) andIndia’s Ministry led the Support to National Policies for Urban Poverty Reduction project, a collaboration ment programsandservicedeliverychallengesinsmaller cities.Priortothis,hehas govern flagship to reference particular with world, the and India in sanitation and water stitutions for India (Sci-Fi) Sanitation initiative. His current research focuses on drinking Mr. ShubhagatoDasguptaisaseniorfellowatCPRanddirectoroftheScalingCityIn graduate degreeinLawanddiplomajournalism. ram College for Women, MA from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, in addition to a Grant Programmes’ regionalcommittee.SheholdsaBA (Hons)degreefromLadyShri housing. ShehasbeenpartofGovernmentadvisorygroupsandtheUNDP-GEF, Small affordable and energy renewable governance, urban sanitation, and water include work joining the Trusts, shewasleadingtheIndiaoperationsofaUKbasedNGO.Herareas being CAPART, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, UNICEF and UNDP. Prior to worked withvariousgovernmentandnon-governmentagencies,prominentamongthese cades. SheheadstheMigrationandUrbanHabitatportfolioat Tata Trusts. Shehas Shikha Srivastavahasbeenassociatedwiththedevelopmentsectorfornearlytwode Ahmedabad. HeisalsoamemberofGovernmentIndia Task ForceonRentalHousing. Satya isaCivilEngineerandholdsMastersDegreeinHousingfromCEPT University, finance. and development infrastructure urban and upgrading slum on focused activities pansion (FIRE)Project. At FIREProject,Satya providedtechnicalassistanceandtraining Infrastructure Finance Advisor attheIndo-USAIDFinancialInstitutionsReformandEx slum and urban upgrading activities. Prior to UN-HABITAT, Satya worked as a Senior developing countries in Asia and Africa attract domestic and commercial capital to finance (UN-HABITAT) SlumUpgradingFacility(SUF).BasedinNairobi,Kenya,Satyahelped as aProjectFinance Advisor totheUnitedNationsHumanSettlementsProgramme Homes since founding the social enterprise in 2007. From 2004 to 2007, Satya served infrastructure projects across India, Asia, and Africa, Satya has served as CEO of Aarusha An urbansectorprofessionalwith25yearsofexperiencestructuringhousingand Centre forPolicy Research, India Senior Fellow Mr. ShubhagatoDasgupta TATA Trust,Mumbai Lead- Urban Poverty Alleviation&Livelihoods Ms. ShikhaSrivastava Homes,Aarusha Hyderabad Founder Mr. SatyanarayanaVejella ------

71 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 SPEAKER PROFILES ning having carried out projects across India. He is the creator of the Quantified Cities Cities Quantified the of creator the is He India. across projects out carried having ning Activities, Pune.Hehasmorethanthirteenyearsexperienceinregionalandurbanplan Mr. LawrenceSiddharthaBenningerworksattheCentreforDevelopmentStudiesand Noida. (2012-2018), Schoolof Architecture andPlanning(SAP),ShardaUniversity, Greater rector ofSPA Vijayawada from August 2009toOctober2012 andtheFounderDean ecosystems invariousnationalandinternationaljournals. Hewasthe FounderDi presented andpublishedpapersoncityplanning,environmental planningandurban he hasworkedonvariousprestigiousprofessionalprojects inIndiaandabroad Institute ofEngineering,Kathmandu.Whileholdingacademic andresearchpositions, NTNU, Trondheim,Norway, Visiting in Professor University,Gakuin Aichi andJapan, Dr.obtained also been has He Japan. (1992) University Kyoto from Engg. toAdvisor Nations CentreforRegionaldevelopment(UNCRD), Nagoya(1988-90,1992)and 1980 intheDepartmentofUrbanPlanning.Heworked asResearchFellowinUnited in faculty as SPA Delhi joined New He firms. Architects/ reputed various for worked ning (1976)fromSchoolofPlanningand Architecture (SPA), NewDelhi,Dr. Saha After Graduation in Architecture (1970) and Post-graduation in Town & Country Plan MDG’s on housing, Advisory committeeofCities Alliance, ESCAPs,etc. with othervariousUNadvisorycommitteessuchasHabitatEvictioncommittee, 215 Asian citiesin19countriesbytheendof2014.Shealsohas experienceworking development in Asian cities. The programachievedcity-widedevelopmentchangein Asian CoalitionforCommunity Action tosupportcity-widecommunity-ledupgradingand land andhousingdevelopment.Shehas been managing ACHR’s regionalprogram on scale changeprocessinurbancommunityhousing,welfare,rural expertise anddevelopmentoncommunitydriven,ledinwide in Thailand andincountries Asia inthepast40years(since1977). Herparticular has beenworking extensively on urban poor housingdevelopmentand slum upgrading former theDirectorofCommunityOrganizationsDevelopmentInstitutein Thailand. She coalition oforganisationsworkingonurbanpoorhousingdevelopmentin Asia. Shewas Somsook BoonyabanchaistheChairpersonof Asian CoalitionforHousingRights,a cal areamonitoring,managementandplanning. Movement ecosystemwhich enables participatory, decentralized and evidence basedlo Sharda University, Greater Noida Professor Emeritus Prof. Dr.ShovanKSaha Asian CoalitionforHousing Rights,Bangkok, Thailand Secretary General Ms. SomsookBoonyabancha Centre forDevelopment Studies andActivities, Pune Project Planner Mr. SiddharthaBenninger - - - - ment, economicdevelopment,infrastructureaswell environment. change processesinawidevarietyofareas,including governance,urbandevelop development. With capacity development as a key service GIZ facilitates learning and sustainable for cooperation international of field the in worldwide services providing ing Agencies. GIZ is a non-benefit company, owned by the German Government and she spent some years as engineer working in architecture offices and in City Market pia andGhanaaswellinGIZ-headquartersGermany. BeforejoiningGIZin2003 has workedinandwithGIZ-supportedurbanprojects inIndonesia,Romania,Ethio from international to national and city level. Before coming to India mid of 2015 she advisor, cooperatingwithpublic,private,civilandacademia developmentpartners Urban Planning.Besidesworkinginmanagerialpositionsshehasbeenatechnical her professional experience lies with Urban Development, Urban Governance and Basin Management,MobilityandSpatialPlanning.Beinganarchitectbyeducation projects focussingonHumanSettlement,Sanitation,IndustrialDevelopment,River opment” sectorofGIZIndia. This unitisoneoffourinGIZIndiaandcomprises six Tanja FeldmannworksastheHeadof“SustainableUrbanandIndustrialDevel from MassachusettsInstituteof Technology, USA. a PhD in Economic Development and Urban Planning, and a Masters in City Planning holds She housing. and poverty,finance, infrastructure, urban of areas the in research developing countries.Shehasdesignedandimplementedinvestmentprojectsled She hasmorethan20yearsofexperienceinUrbanDevelopmentandInfrastructure Dr. SumilaGulyaniistheProgramLeader(SustainableDevelopment)atWorld Bank. across sectorssuchas Telecom, manufacturing,retailandlogistics. Ltd. Markets Capital SBI in financing Infrastructure/non-Infrastructure in Banking ment and Affordable housing sectors. Prior to this he has had extensive experience of Invest Adviser. HeismanaginginvestmentprogrammeofDFID,UKinIndiaInfrastructure Mr SumeshGirhotraispresentlyworkingwithDFIDasaPrivateSectorDevelopment GIZ Sustainable Urban &Industrial Development (SUID)cluster, India Director Ms. Tanja Feldmann World Bank Program Leader, India (Sustainable Development) Dr. SumilaGulyani forInternationalDepartment Development (DFID) Private Sector Development Adviser Mr. SumeshGirhotra - - - - -

73 Reimagining Inclusive Cities 15-16 November 2018 SPEAKER PROFILES a PhD from University of Witwatersrand for her work on Critical Pragmatism in Planning. a PhDfromUniversityofWitwatersrandforherworkonCriticalPragmatisminPlanning. straddles the worlds of planning practice, policy, who academia and creative writing. She holds practitioner reflective and writer planner, urban African South a is Zack TanyaDr. Affairs, HabitatforHumanityHungary, HfHEMEA). projects fundedbyinternationaldonors(e.g.EUFP7, EUDGEmploymentandSocial tion, rental systems, and refurbishment and retrofit. She has contributed to numerous regenera urban sensitive socially and development urban affordability, housing on research ofresidentialareas; but she hasalsobeenparticipatingin projects focusing of Budapest.Inherworksheisprimarilyinvolvedin housing policyandsociological DegreeinInternationalrelationsattheCorvinusUniversity She obtainedherMaster’s Vera Horvath has been a staff member of Metropolitan Research Institute since 2012. sation oftheVision of“BANGARU TELANGANA” . nurture theUrbanLocalBodiestobecomeGrowthEnginesfordevelopmentandreali in Municipal Areas (MEPMA), she has a mandate to bring efficiency in Governance and Commissioner andDirectorMissionforEradicationofPoverty exposure toworkwithvariousUNOrganizationsandInternationalNGOs.Presently, as Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). She has a wide range of Pradesh RuralLivelihoodsProgramme(APRLP)andasSeniorScientistatInternational International Development(DFID),UKas Additional Programme Coordinator, Andhra ment, Taxation andMunicipal Administration. ShehasworkedwiththeDepartmentfor ipatory ResearchandDevelopment,DisasterMitigation,RehabilitationResettle Finance DevelopmentCorporation,EnvironmentandWatershed Programme, Partic rich experienceinPublic Administration includingLand Administration, Weaker Section Dr. T.K. SreedeviisservingasDirector, Municipal Administration in Telangana. Shehas In additionsheistheauthorofseriestenphotobooks‘Wake Up This isJoburg’. development of an inner city policy for transformation and a host of housing related work. community participation processes, the informal economy, migrant entrepreneurialism, the ry andactivistplanninginascopeofworkthatincludesinformalsettlementupgrading, and research,policythedevelopmentofframeworksplansaswellparticipato writing academic included has Johannesburg in years 25 over experience planning Her Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary Senior Researcher Ms. Vera Horváth Municipal Administration, Government of Telangana Director Dr. T.K.Sreedevi,IAS University ofthe Witwatersrand, South Africa Senior Researcher Dr. Tanya Zack - - - - - Urban Development,andLincoln InstituteofLandPolicy. Foundation, U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, U.S.DepartmentofHousingand able. Dr. Song’s researchprojectshavebeensupportedbythe U.S.NationalScience make this process more equitable, transparent, and socially and ecologically sustain of rapidurbangrowthonChina’s builtandnaturalenvironments andexploreswaysto Hill. PCCconductsresearchandtrainingaimedatbetter understandingtheimpacts the CenterforUrban&RegionalStudiesatUniversity ofNorthCarolinaatChapel Song directs the Program on Chinese Cities (PCC), a new initiative within DCRP and tems, suchasGIS,bigdataanalyticsandothercomputer-aided planningtools.Dr. sys supporting planning using by fields above the in research accommodate to how urban spatialstructureandform,landuse transportationintegration,and velopment, planevaluation,landusedevelopmentand regulations,spatialanalysisof Dr. Yan Song’s researchinterestsincludelowcarbonandgreencities,smartcityde (MRP) fromCornellUniversity. degreeinRegionalPlanning chitecture (B.Arch.)fromMumbaiUniversityandaMaster’s in itsbranch in degree Ar Bachelor’s a has Vidhee efforts. raising capital and expansion, openings, inDelhi, headquartered (HFC) company finance housing a (SGR), Rin capacity, sheprovidesongoingtechnicalassistanceandadvisorysupporttoSEWA Grih neurial entities(MEEs)that AHI canassistwithtechnicalsupportandcapital.Inthis social impact investment fund, Vidhee seeks and evaluates global mission entrepre PPP pilot transaction in Timor-Leste for the IFC. As co-lead for AHI’s Aarohi Fund, a nance company in South Africa, microfi and designing a viable option for an affordable housing ahousing advising Africa, in Sub-Saharan project microfinance housing ity’s Her recent project management portfolio includes an evaluation of Habitat for Human rience in housing policy and finance, affordable housing development, and architecture. Vidhee’s work exemplifies AHI’s fusion of research and consulting, combining her expe partnerships, crucialtoscalingurbangovernancereformsinitiatives. governance, entitled the Annual Survey of India’s City-Systems (ASICS) and institutional urban on reports flagship India’s of one of creation and development the both leads he where Janaagraha, at Partnerships & ASICS – Head currently is He Evaluation. and understand, theentiresocialandconsumerresearchlife-cycle,includingMonitoring ing andBanking,Vivek’s careerhashelpedhimplayacentralrolein,andtherefore policy making. An engineering graduatewithanMBA fromIBS,HyderabadinMarket and consumerbehaviourisapassionateadvocatefordata-driven,evidence-based advocacy research, development of fields the across worked has Nair VivekAnandan University ofNorth Carolina, USA Professor, Director ofProgram onChineseCities Dr. Yan Song Affordable Housing Institute, Boston,USA Principal Ms. VidheeGarg Janaagraha Centre forCitizenship andDemocracy, Bengaluru Head- Reforms, Mr. VivekNair ------

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