Student ID: 50549501

Exam: 186055RR - Power Cutting

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Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.

1. Which of the following is a true statement about welding a band ? A. Grinding can be done only after the annealing process. B. Annealing hardens the weld. C. The joint needs to be scored before removing the clamps. D. Annealing softens the weld.

2. Skip type is considered a A. type of cut with the cutoff saw. B. form of band saw blade teeth. C. type of cut with the . D. form of blade teeth.

3. The primary factor that limits the ability of a band saw to cut along a small radius is the A. blade's sfm rate. B. quality of the blade's weld joint. C. width of the blade. D. depth of the secondary cuts.

4. Which of the following stationary works best for cutting tight-radius curved sections from the 1 center of a /2-inch-thick wooden surface? A. Cutoff saw B. Contour saw C. D. Band saw

5. Which one of the following helps remove chips from the cut when cutting a section of I beam? A. B. Width C. Gullet D. Turning speed

6. Cutting on the backstroke refers to cutting when the blade A. moves towards the workpiece. B. cuts in either direction. C. runs continuously through the workpiece. D. moves towards the operator.

7. Which of the following produces the smoothest cut when ripping and crosscutting? A. tooth B. Master combination C. Metal cutting D.

8. Which of the following can help make the straightest cut when rip cutting? A. Blade guard B. Rip guide C. D. T-slot

9. Which of the following is not a consideration that affects band saw blade choice when cutting a brass workpiece? A. Type of blade material B. Type of cutting fluid being used C. Depth of cut D. Thickness of the material at the cutting point

10. Which of the following describes the throat distance? A. The distance from the guard to the column B. The distance from the column to the blade of a band saw C. The distance from the table to the column of a D. The size of the hole for the blade in a

11. Which of the following saws is best suited for making several straight cuts from a wooden workpiece at a remote worksite? A. Jigsaw B. Band saw C. Circular saw D. Power hacksaw

12. Improper blade tension of a power hack saw blade would most likely cause A. a blade to bind. B. uneven chip flow. C. rough cuts. D. the blade to wander.

13. Which of the following does not need to be checked when mounting a band saw blade? A. Shoe position B. Correct blade tension C. Correct blade tooth direction D. Blade guards in place

14. A curved hole must be cut in the center of a workpiece's 1-inch-thick surface. The workpiece, which is made of , is permanently mounted on a shop floor. If it's important that the actual hole closely follow the cutting line, this task would be best performed by A. using a portable band saw. B. using a to make several pilot holes, then connecting these with a . C. using a drill to make a pilot hole, then cutting along the cutting line with a jigsaw. D. plunge cutting, then following the line with a small-diameter circular saw.

15. Which of the following procedures helps to eliminate splintering on the cutting line of a wooden workpiece when using a jigsaw? A. Using a lower cutting speed B. Cutting the workpiece with the good side up C. Using a knife to score the cutting line before cutting begins D. Placing a piece of sheet metal against the bottom

16. Which of the following saws works well for cutting hardened metal? A. Cutoff saw B. Radial arm saw C. Circular saw D. Reciprocating band saw

17. Which of the following parts of a portable circular saw is adjusted to make a beveled cut? A. Shoe B. Blade C. Handle D. Column

18. An arc is cut along the edge of a steel plate with a band saw. To smooth the finish of the cut surface, you should use a A. band . B. circular saw. C. band saw blade with no set. D. jigsaw with a finish blade.

19. If chips build up in a straight cut and a band saw blade binds, one likely cause is that the A. pitch is too coarse. B. material is clamped wrong. C. pitch is too fine. D. width of the blade is too thin.

20. Plunge cuts are made by A. working the blade up and down in the cut. B. using a band saw only. C. holding the work against the blade before starting the saw. D. lowering the moving blade into the workpiece.

End of exam