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[email protected] www.johnspainassociates.com Senior Executive Officer, Planning and Strategic Infrastructure Department, Fingal County Council, County Hall, Swords, Co. Dublin K67 X8Y2. Date: 29th April 2016 Dear Sir / Madam, RE: SUBMISSION ON THE FINGAL DRAFT DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2017-2023 IN RELATION TO LANDS AT KINSEALY CO. DUBLIN 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 On behalf of our clients, Alhans Limited (in receivership) over which Declan McDonald and William O' Riordan of PWC, One Spencer Dock, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1 were appointed (on 25 April 2012) as joint receivers of the assets, we wish to make a submission on the Draft Fingal County Development Plan 2017 – 2023, which is currently inviting submissions until 29th April 2016. This submission relates to a significant development parcel located in the core of Kinsealy Village, 4.09 ha of which are zoned RV Rural Village and 2.42 ha of which are unzoned. This submission seeks the zoning of the entire parcel of lands for RV purposes and the extension of the settlement boundary of the village in the interests of consolidation and to promote the orderly development of the village. 1.2 The RV Rural Village zoning seeks to: “Protect and promote the character of the Rural Village and promote a vibrant community in accordance with an approved Local Area Plan, and the availability of physical and community infrastructure.” Managing Director: John P. Spain BBS MRUP MRICS ASCS MRTPI MIPI Executive Director: Erika Casey BA (MOD) MRUP MIPI John Spain Associates Ltd.