Worcestershire. Stone

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Worcestershire. Stone DIRECTORY.] WORCESTERSHIRE. STONE. 219 STOKE PRIOR is an extensive parish and village on tbe different methods adopted for evaporating the brine. the Birmingham. and Worcester canal, with IStations on yield various dilscriptions of salt, the chief of which are the Midland and Great Western railway!J, 2 miles south block salt, for domestic use, and for bakers and curing from Bromsgrove, 4 north-east-by-north from Droitwich, purposes; broad or common salt for the land and for Ioi north-east from Worcester, 15 south-west from Bir- bacon curing &c. and fishery salt and dairy salt for butter mingham; 29 from Cheltenham and 129 from London, in making: attached to the works are extensive wagon works the Mid division of the county, Middle Oswaldslow for building and repairing the vans and trucks employed bundred, Halesowen petty sessional division, Bromsgrove in carrying salt and coal; there are nearly 200 cottages union and county court district, rural deanery of Droit- for the workmen, from 500 to 600 in number, and a. wich and archdeaconry and diocese of Worcester. The dispensary, all provided by the Company. There are flour river Salwarpe, which rises in the Lickey hills, flows mills and a stone quarry in the village. The Ecclesias­ through this parish, and after passing Droitwich and tical Commissioners are lords of the manor. John Salwarpe falls into the Severn at Hawford. The church Corbett esq. of Impney, is the principal landowner. The of St. Michael is an ancient building- of stone in the soil is clay and light loam; subsoil, clay, marl and graveL Norman, Early English and later styles, consisting of The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area chancel, nave, aisles, north and south chapels, south porch, is 3,622 acres; rateable value, including- Fin.stall, £23,°42 ; and B south-eastern tower of the Early English period, the population in 1891 was 2,797 in the civil and 1,410 in with an octagonal broach <shingled spire and containing the ecclesiastical parish. 6 bells: the stained east window was inserted by sub- Finstall, formerly a district of this parish, was formed scription in the year 1860, in commemoration of the into a separate ecclesiastical parish Dec. II, 1868. abolition of female labour at the salt works, in this parish, Sexton, Edwin Perry. by John Oorbett esq. the proprietor; all the other Post Office, Stoke Prior.-Mrs. Mary Ro-wkins, snb­ windows are also stained: in the church are monumental postmistres-s. Letters through Bromsgrove by foot post. 160 D.- brasses to . Robert Smith. esq.(D')citizen of London,S()9,'arrIve at 7. 10 a.m.; d"lspa"teheli at 6.20 p.m. "" 9.40 a.m. and his WIves, Thomaslll edicote and usan Pipe. on sundays. Postal orders ar3 i~'med here, bnt not daughter of Sir Richard Pipe knt. and Lord Mayor of paid. The nearest money order office is at Stoke WorkS! London, 1578 ; and to Henry Smith, citizen of London, &; telegraph office is at Stoke Works 8tat:011 who died Nov. nth 1606, and gave the proceeds of £100 Post & M. O. 0 .• S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offic-e. for educational purposes, and 40s. yearly for six sermons Stoke Works.. Joseph Hope. SUb-postmaster. Letters to be preached by ..strangers: an organ was erected in irom Bromsgrove arrive lit 8 l:.lll.; dIspatched at 5.5 0 1870: the church was thoroughly restored, and a new p.m. & 9. IQ a.m. sundays. The tdl'g-raph dn .e III ut vestry added in 1895, at a cost of £4,500, entirilly defrayed th(; railway station by John Oorbett esq. : there are 400 sittings. The register Wall Letter Boxes. Stoke Heath, cleared at 6.50 p.m. ; dates from the year 1539· .The living is a vicarage,1 sun. la.la a.m.; St0 k~e Pon,dIdc eare at 6.50 p.m.; Det yearly value £243, including- 143 acres of g ebe and Sharpway gate, 6.30 p.m 1!I0me funded property, with I'esidence, in the gift of the Dean and_Chapter of Worcester, and held since 1,888 by the SchooI5. Rev. Charles Stockdale B.A. of Trinity College, Cam- A School Board of 7 members was form~,l June 2, 1880, bridge. The school house and school. erected in 1871 for the united district of Stoke Prior & Dodderhill; F. by John Corbett esq. at a cost of about £3,000, is also Holyoake, Droitwich, clerk to the hoard; Jamc3 2'\"!'- licensed for divine worship. The Stoke farm reformatory worthy, Droitwich, attendance ,)ffic~l' for boys, at Ryefields, established by the late Mr. Joseph Reformatory for Boys, Ryefields, .ionn McGilcbrist, snpt Sturge, is managed by a committee under Government Board, Stoke Works (mixed), built in 1871 by J. Corbett, inspection, and contains on an average about 80 inmates, esq. at a cost of about £3,000, for 250 children; average thilir principal occupationlli being gardening, tailoring, attendance, 16o; &; 250 infants, average attendance, 90 ; shoe making, carpentry and general work on the adjacent Thomas Cooper Williams, master; Miss Helen M. farm of 76 acres. This place is exclusively devoted to Lambie, mistress the manufacture of salt; the Stoke Prior Salt works, National (mixed & infants), built in I840; transferred to built by Mr. Corhatt and now belonging to the Salt the School Board & enlarged in 1884, for 188 boys & Union, cover an nrea of 30 acres, and are perhaps the most girl,s & 72 infants; average attendance, 145 boys & complete and compact salt works in the world: the great girls & 70 infants; David Hemingway, master; Mrs. chimney, 312 feet high, se-rves as a landmark for the Hemingway, infants' mistress county, and the brine is pumped from a greater depth Midland Railway & Great 'Western Station, Thoma~ below the surface than the summit of the chimney above; WBJne, station master DaViies John Richard, Mount Pleasant Gibbs John, farmer, Intaill fie.lds Shirley Edwardi, toll collector & hay, Dickinson HQwar<4 The Cottage Gittus AlIen:, sawing mills straw & coal dealer, Stoke wharf Dick.in.soIll Percy, The Cottage Green Albert, farmer, Vicarage farm SprostoIll Jsph. boor ret.Sharpway gte Faulk.ner Mrs. The Priory Groon John Goorge, farmr. The Pools Stanworth Isaac, blacksmith Gardnler John, Meadow banik. GoodyeI'el In..Alfd.Boat inn,Sroke wks Swke 1F3II"Ill Reformatory fol" Boys Grafron Martin William, The Elms Harrell Samuel, tailOO" (John McGilchrist., supt.), Ryefields Hobrough Wm. Fros. C.E.Stoke wharf Hams .Albrt. Edwd.beer ret.Stoke hth Stoke Works Dispensary(Percy Anstin Matthilws Charr-Ies, Little IIIJtall fields HO'brough William Fmncis, cival eon- Roden M.B., C.M. Droitwich, medi- Price Charles F. Field view giIl~, Stoke wharf cal a.ttendant for Salt Union ern- Steer ChaTles, The Grange Hope J&ph. grocer & dT'aper, Post off ployees); dispeIlJSing days, tuesday 8tockdale Rev. Charles B.A. Vicarage Jone.s John, farmer, The Tan house &; frid'ay iIlJ each week, from 2.30 COMMERCIAL. Lacey ThoonBs,beer n:'Jtailer,Woodgate to 4.30 p.m Abbott Mary (Mrs.), farmr.P,iper's hI Lakin Thomas, farmer", Stoke hffith Suffield John., farm ·bailiff at the Re- flate AlfredJ Chas. Ewe & Lamb P.H. McGilchrist .John, superiIlJtendenrt of formatory Stoke heath Stoke FarIIL reformatory for boys Thompson Hy. shopkpr. St~il pound Bate In. boor r9t.& blksmth.Stokepnd Mortl>n John, wheelwright, Stoke hth Wall George, farmer, Woodglriie Beddoes Thmnas, Tho Gate F.R Moss Charles, shoe maker,Stoke heath WaJ.l W. H. (exom. of), miller (water) Bishop WiJ1iam, shopkeeper Pe!l.l'Ce Charles, shopkeeper, Stoke hth & farmer, Stoke Prior mills Bray REmTy, fa.rmer, The Elms PetrOlI'd Thomas, farmer,Sha:rpway gte 'Weaver Thomas, wheelwright CoUey Sarah (M1r$.), dress maker, Pebford Williarrn, farmer, Bees1ey Westan William, blacksmith Hanbury road PoUer Seil.ina (Miss), grocer & beer re- Wild Thomas, shopkeeper Davies John, farmeT tailer, Stok~ wharf Wormington Wm. farmer, Woodgate Gibbins Ge<>rge, saw mills Pratt Edwin., farmer, Sharpway gate Wright Thomas, :KavigatiQIl. P.R Gibbs Edward Georg~ miller (water) Reynolds Wm.'shopk,pr.Sharpway gate Zealley Amos, miller (water) & baker, & farmer, Sugar brook, Salt UniQn Lim. Stoke Prior Salt wrks Stoke Church mill STONE is a parish, on the road rrom Kidderminster to tablet to John Peel D.D. dean of Worcester and formerly lJromsgrove. 2 miles south-east from Kidderminster sta­ vicar of this parish, d. 20 Feb. 1875: there are 200 sit­ tion and north from Hartlebury station on the Great tings, 50 being free. The register dates from the year Western railway, in the Mid division of the county, 1601. Thil living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge Lower Halfshire hundred, union. petty sessional division £523, net yearly value £560, including 93 acres of glebe, and county court district of Kidderminster, rural deanery with residence, in the gi:t of the Lord Chancellor, and of Kidderminster and archdeaconry and diocese of 'Wor­ held since 1875 by the Rev. William Frederic Bickmore cester. The church of St. Mary is a building- of stone, T.A.K.C.L. Here are charities of about £300 yearly erected in 1831 on the site of an older church, and con­ value, left for the purpose of repairing- the church, the sists of chancel, nave and B western tower, with spire relief of the poor and for education, which are now appor­ and pinnacles, containing 6 bells: in the nave is a mural sch~me tioned under a of the Charity• Commissioners. as.
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