05 l N p lan your walk Britain’s best walks from the experts r Distance AVIGATION 553639); The White Horse White Hart Inn ( ✆ 01982 Inn ( ✆ 01982 553920); Wells, such as The Fountain choice of eateries in Builth en route, but there’s a wide Wells). – – as does bus 48 ( also goes via Builth Wells, from Cardiff to Newtown of Builth Wells. The T4 bus is around 3km/2 miles north Builth Road station, which (Heart of Line) go via Shrewsbury to Swansea Landranger 147. quiet road walking at the end. which includes a stretch of well-signed Walk, return leg along the common land (moorland); park, Builth Wells (SO042511). Builth Wells via Banc y Celyn. e Gettin Map t Start/ Circular walk from Where: atin errain: Swansea amblers r l S l : OS Explorer 188; G e Bu ILTH W ELLS G & drinkin & nd: The Groe car nd: Trains from there:

Riverside, fields and l 18km/11miles EVE POW Cardiff l Builth Wells, Wales

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l ▲ l Time EVE l the town and provides the return Wye Valley Walk goes through Welsh Show, held each July. The known as the home of the Royal the name. Today the town is best time that ‘Wells’ was added to development of the railway helped further to ‘take the waters’. The coming became known and visitors came really developed, as its wells Edwardian period that Builth it was during the Victorian and to the growth of the town. But constructed, which contributed south Wales was subsequently a new road linking north and the Wye was built in 1779, and today. The fine stone bridge over except the castle mount remains the 13th century, but nothing spot. It was rebuilt from stone in the crossing of the Wye at this bailey castle was built to control Norman times, when a motte-and- town of Builth Wells dates from Wye and Irfon rivers, the market Situated at the confluence of the PhotograPhy: fiona barltroP 6hrs

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, and it was at this Hill

two stiles. Head down the field maintain your direction, crossing ahead to another gate and through the next gate. Continue the R side of the field, then half-L go through a gate on the L. Follow through the next gate uphill, then another stile by a gate. Bear R Follow the grassy track, crossing the field to another stile and gate. R. Head up to the top-L corner of gate in the hedge slightly to your 2. Cross the road and then a stile/ footpath on the R to Nant yr Arian. on along the road, taking the next Irfon to the A483. Cross and carry along the east side of the River trees in Groe Park and continue through a handsome avenue of route of the Wye Valley Walk – follow the riverside path – the 1. START From the car park, some wonderful views. land to the south and affords takes you up onto high common route of this splendid walk, which

▼ walk magazine spring 2013 spring magazine walk 06 Britain’s best walks from the experts r l N p lan your walk Distance AVIGATION in Kerry ( detour to The Kerry Lamb take a packed lunch or The best bet now is to went with the drovers. plenty of inns, but they once had ( from Ross Cabs in Newtown Alternatively, book a taxi from Cider House Farm. at Dolfor, 3km/2 miles Newtown to stops traveline-cymru.info) from ( 216; Landranger 136 and 137. Powys to Bishop’s Castle walk from Dolfor in long ascents and descents. country roads, with some (SO323884). Dolfor (SO107846). in Shropshire. e G Gettin Where: Map t e Start: ✆ ✆ amblers r atin G nd: errain: errain: Aberaeron 07776 375342). 0871 200 2233, www. GW Bishop’s Castle S : Bangor OS Explorer 214 and l Cider House Farm, G drinkin and Linear ridgetop

y l ✆ there: there:

l 24km/15 miles NEDD Field tracks and EVE 01686 670226, l Kerry Ridgeway, Powys Wales RIDGEWA KERR The T4 bus Shrewsbury POW Liverpool

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l ▲ Time l EVE l PhotograPhy: alamy 6½hrs close to the entrance of park, go through the small gate 1. START From the farm’s car kites riding the thermals. or more. Keep an eye out for red quite spectacular – up to 50 miles the views in all directions are bilberry heaths. Given a clear day, cross sheep-clipped pastures and follow quiet country lanes and way you’ll pass through woods, gently undulating. Along the the legs and never more than all that, the walk is kind on 1,000ft above sea level. But for high, never dropping below the 19th century. It’s relatively droving in the second half of was still regularly used for cattle Bronze Age, this ancient route to have been in use during the for some of its length. Thought line between Wales and England of border country, following the has to offer. It’s an exploration best walks the Welsh Marches The Kerry Ridgeway is one of the

l Type


take the road straight ahead a single house. Cross over to junction of two minor roads by go through a gate to reach to the path on your R, then with a fox weather vane close 3. Look out for a pole topped three gates as you go. direction, passing through Keep heading in a northeasterly along the signed greenway. through a gate and continue a woodland picnic area. Pass Kerry Road and cross it to reach 2. Drop down to the B4368 woodland on the horizon. path towards a block of east on the clearly waymarked viewpoint on the hilltop, head as the Two Tumps. From the Age burial sites and are known The twin mounds are Bronze up onto the summit of Kerry Hill. turn L to follow the fence line opposite fence. At the fence, picnic area and head for the

feature p65 feature SEE

▼ walk magazine spring 2013 spring magazine walk

57-58 walk38 ramblers routes WALES.indd 1 07/02/2013 11:04 Ordnance Survey mapping © Crown copyright. AM34/08 5 6 HILLWALKER II GTX II HILLWALKER Map not to scale. scale. to not Map of Representation Landranger OS 1:50,000 147 MAP www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk is recommended. Thereafter Thereafter recommended. is the cross to down continue you up on carry and river Duhonw lane. a to road access the point trig Garth to detour 6. The well is – viewpoint excellent an – down Continue effort. the worth Bear Wells. Builth towards road the the round go to T-junction the at R A470, the along L castle, the of site before L immediately and R then start. the to back bridge the Barltrop Fiona by devised Route


FINISH START START 3 4 2 To download this route and hundreds of others, of others, hundreds and route this download To www.ramblers.org.uk/routes visit Map not to scale. scale. to not Map of Representation Landranger OS 1:50,000 90 MAP www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk IN ASSOCIATION IN WITH then bear away and carry on across across on carry and away bear then road. minor a to moorland when ahead keep and L 4. Turn continuing R, bears road the junction the to bridleway a along Views Walk. Valley Wye the with and Beacons Brecon the to stretch Mountains. Black the follow now you , L 5. Turning back way the all Walk Valley Wye downhill. mostly Wells, Builth to Bedw-fach after shortcut road The Follow the lane signed for for signed lane the Follow SLEEPING: In Builth Wells: VISITOR INFORMATION: GUIDEBOOKS: The Wye Valley LOCAL RAMBLERS GROUP: ( ✆ 01982 553171); Drovers Rooms ( ✆ 01982 552056); Tea and Fontana Café & Restaurant ( ✆ 01982 551700). The Greyhound Hotel ( ✆ 01982 553255, www. thegreyhoundhotel.co.uk); Lion Hotel ( ✆ 01982 553311, www.lionhotelbuilthwells. com); Caer Beris Manor ( ✆ 01982 552601, www. caerberis.com); as well as a choice of B&Bs and self-catering options (visit www.builth-wells.co.uk/ accom.php for details). TIC, Hall The Old Town ( ✆ 01597 822600, www.visitmidwales.co.uk). Walk by the Wye Valley Walk Partnership (Cicerone, £12.95, ISBN 978 1852846251); Walks Around Llandrindod Wells ths (Kittiwake, by Jane Griffi £4.95, ISBN 978 1902302959). Ramblers ( ✆ 01597 Four Wells www.fourwells.powys 860519, ramblers.org.uk). Continued... to the L-hand corner, cross a cross corner, L-hand the to to hedge the follow and stream junction. road and gate a reach 3. Cross B4520. the to Wells Builth lane, a down continue road, the up head and bridge the over on Carry farm. Wern-wyn past steadily, climbs which track, the up becoming you behind views the step. every with extensive more an through go you Eventually gate. boundary land access grassy smooth the on Continue moorland the up leads that track see can you back Looking slopes. conical small the and Wells Builth climbed be will which Garth, hill, Llyn y Pant reach you When later. round, shore the follow pool,

Ordnance Survey mapping © Crown copyright. AM34/08 6

5 FINISH FELLMASTER GTX FELLMASTER crossroads, go straight over to maintain your west-to- east course. Moat, four lanes 5. At Bishop’s meet at a junction with grassy area at its centre, and here you’ll nd a Kerry Ridgeway signpost fi marking the way ahead. Follow that waymark eastwards, passing the farm on your L. 6. Where the lane forks, take the road on R (Kerry Lane), which is signposted for Lydbury North. This lane descends steadily down to journey’s end: the lovely parish church Castle. at Bishop’s Route devised by Julian Rollins Map not to scale. scale. to not Map of Representation Landranger OS 1:50,000 137 and 136 MAP www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk 4 To download this route and hundreds of others, hundreds and route this download To www.ramblers.org.uk/routes visit IN ASSOCIATION IN WITH and continue for about 2km/ 1 mile to a small crossroads. Go straight over. 4. Keep L and follow the lane to a staggered crossroads at Pantglas. There, keep R. Roughly midway between Pantglas and the next crossroads, lane Dyke – look out crosses Offa’s worth for the signpost, as it’s taking a moment to detour the R of ridgeway to see the Dyke to south. When you reach the Dog & Duck crossroads, look out for the cottage a little to the left of lane, which was a drovers’ pub until it closed for business in At the the late 19th century. 3 Ring BC The Old Vicarage Vicarage Old The 01588 638467, www. 638467, 01588 2

✆ START START 01952 462855, www. 462855, 01952 01686 629051, www. 629051, 01686 ✆ ✆ LOCAL RAMBLERS GROUP: SLEEPING: GUIDEBOOK: VISITOR INFORMATION: describes a series of fi ve fi of series a describes the and Powys in walks go that Hills Shropshire a complete to together of circuit 100km/62-mile Published Castle. Bishop’s costs £5 it walkers, local by from www.bcring.co.uk. Ramblers Shropshire ( www.kerrylamb.co.uk). shropshireramblers.org.uk). is an award-winning guest guest award-winning an is about is and Dolfor at house ies fl crow the as miles 3km/2 point starting walk’s the from ( visitsouthshropshire.co.uk). theoldvicaragedolfor.co.uk). Old at point Information Bishop’s Street, High Time, ( Castle 1 Continued...

57-58 walk38 ramblers routes WALES_rev1.indd 2 11/02/2013 12:49