Astrid E. J. Ogilvie

Fellow Institute of and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, CO 80303 PHONE: (USA: Office +1 303 492 6072, Mobile +1 303 618 7155) EMAIL: [email protected]

Associated Faculty Environmental Studies Program University of Colorado

Senior Scientist Stefansson Arctic Institute Borgir, Nordursloð, IS-600, Akureyri, PHONE: (Office +354 460 8980; Mobile +354 846 4145) EMAIL: [email protected]


1973 B.A. Hons. School of European History and Modern Languages, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. (One year of this four-year honours degree was spent at the University of Bergen, .) 1982 Ph.D. dissertation and Society in Iceland from the Medieval Period to the Late Eighteenth Century. Supervisor: H. H. Lamb. School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. 1984-85 University of Iceland. Icelandic language.


English: Native speaker; Norwegian: Mother tongue; Icelandic: Near Fluent; French: Good; German: Basic; Swedish: Excellent reading and comprehension skills; Danish: Excellent reading and comprehension skills.

Academic Positions

1974-78 Research Associate, Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia. 1978-1995 Senior Research Associate, Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia. 1994. Visiting Scientist, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado. 1995-1998 Research Associate II, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado. 1996-1998 Associate Director, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado.

1 1998-Present Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado. 2000- 2013 Senior Affiliate Scientist, Stefansson Arctic Institute, Akureyri, Iceland. 2004-Present Professor Adjunct, Department of Anthropology, Hunter College, City University of New York. 2009-Present Associated Faculty, Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado. 2011-2013 Senior Research Fellow, CICERO, Norway. 2013-Present Senior Scientist, Stefansson Arctic Institute, Akureyri, Iceland. 2014 Visiting Nansen Professor of Arctic Studies, University of Akureyri, Iceland. 2014-Present Adjunct Professor, Royal Roads University, . 2015 Visiting Professor, Mid Sweden University, Sweden. 2019-Present Visiting Professor, University of the Highlands and Islands.


Primary Focus: Building bridges between the humanities and the natural sciences in a wide variety of research projects in order to foster interdisciplinary cross-fertilization, break down disciplinary boundaries, and to encourage fruitful and inspiring communication between colleagues in different disciplines.

Research Interests: Arctic Studies; Climate change and climate-change impacts; Community adaptation to climate change in northern regions; Human ecology of Arctic and Subarctic regions; Environmental history of countries bordering the North Atlantic regions, in particular Norway, Iceland, , and /Newfoundland; Historical climatology of northern Europe, in particular, Iceland; Sea- systems and the reconstruction of variations in the incidence of off the coasts of Iceland, Newfoundland/Labrador, the Greenland Sea and the Barents Sea; Human dimensions studies; Northern region ecodynamics; Syntheses of proxy climate records; North Atlantic fisheries history; Ethnographic studies in Iceland, Norway and Labrador/Nunatsiavut; studies; Analysis of primary historical texts (in English, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish); as well as many interdisciplinary research projects with numerous colleagues in a wide variety of fields.

Professional Memberships

• Fellow Royal Meteorological Society (UK) • NABO (The North Atlantic Biocultural Organisation). Chair of “Climate Working Group”. (Founder Member). • GHEA (Global Human Ecodynamics Alliance) • International Society for Historical Climatology (ISHC) (Vice President) • European Society for Environmental History • Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies. • The Viking Society for Northern Research • International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA) • Society of Historians of • John Rae Society • Scottish Society for Northern Studies • Svalbard Social Science Initiative (SSSI) • Icelandic Confederation of University Graduates/Bandalags háskólamanna (BHM)

2 Teaching Activities Selected Previous Supervisory Activities

• External Thesis Supervisor for Ingibjörg Jónsdottir, Ph.D. Candidate, Cambridge University, England. • Member of Dissertation Committee for Ragnar Edvardsson, Ph.D. Candidate in Archaeology, Hunter College, City University of New York. • Member of Dissertation Committee for Jennifer Brown, Ph.D. Candidate in Environmental Sciences, University of Stirling, Scotland. • Member of Dissertation Committee for Maxine von Eye, Ph.D. Candidate at the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, England. • Advisor to undergraduate recipient of Icelandic Research Council award, Hjördís Guðmundsdóttir.

Current (2020-21) Supervisory Activities

• Member of Dissertation Committee for Brenda Prehal, Ph.D. Candidate in Archaeology, Hunter College, City University of New York. • Joint Supervisor (with Professor Leslie King) for Walter Lepore, Post-Doctoral Researcher at Royal Roads University, Canada.


Course held in relation to NordForsk-funded project Adaptation in the Nordic Countries – Multilevel governance and regional development. Nordic Network for Climate Change, Adaptation, and Multilevel Governance (NORCAM). Lectures given:

-The Climate System and Anthropogenic Climate Change. -Sea-Ice Systems: Iceland, Labrador, Greenland. -The Climatic Context: Reconstructing Long Climate Records. -The Case of Labrador/Nunatsiavut: History, Climate, Adaptation. -Social impacts of market-based fisheries governance in Icelandic coastal communities: - Adaptation, externalities and interplay (with Níels Einarsson).


Senior lecturer on this interdisciplinary course in the Environmental Humanities and Social Sciences with a special focus on Risk and Vulnerabilitity in Iron Age and Medieval Iceland. A two- week course (10 ECTs) in Iceland for students in Masters and Doctoral Level studies (http://scn, Lectures given:

-Weather and Witchcraft in the Sagas of Icelanders. -"The Icelandic Dried Cod is Much Esteemed" ... Reflections on Icelandic Fisheries History. -Sagas and Science: Documentary Data of Climate, Sea Ice and Society from the Settlement Period to the Present.



Senior Lecturer on this interdisciplinary course in the Environmental Humanities and Social Sciences with a special focus on transformations in Iceland from the Viking era through the late medieval period in Iceland. A two-week summer course (10 ECTS) in Iceland for students in Masters' and Doctoral level studies. ( Lectures given:

-Climate, History and Culture in Medieval and Early Modern Iceland. -Weather and Witchcraft in the Sagas of Icelanders -Investigations of the Long-Term Sustainability of Human Ecodynamic Systems in Northern Iceland.


Senior Lecturer on this interdisciplinary course is offered in the Environmental Humanities and Social Sciences, located at Bárðardalur, northern Iceland, connecting local communities and issues with global developments, studying the Lake Mývatn area and the Bárðardalur valley on the banks of the glacial Skjálfandafljót river with its magnificent waterfalls. The course encompasses a unique blend of lectures and experiences of cultural histories embedded in landscapes. Lectures given:

-Climate History of Iceland and the Lake Mývatn Area -Examples of Climate Impacts: Case Studies from Iceland in General and Mývatn in Particular.

SCHOOL FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAINING (SIT) GRADUATE STUDENT GROUP ON CLIMATE CHANGE 15-17 March 2017, 9 October 2017, 12 October 2018, 7 October 2019, Akureyri, Iceland

Lecturer on this course for graduate students on Iceland and Greenland: Climate Change and the Arctic. Lectures given:

Sagas and Science: Reconstructing the Past Climate of Iceland Using Documentary Sources Cross-Disciplinary Investigations of the Long-Term Sustainability of Human Ecodynamic Systems in Northeastern Iceland The ARCPATH project and Changes in the Arctic Reconstructing the Past Climate of Iceland Using Documentary Sources. Climate History of Iceland: Documentary Evidence

4 Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH) SUMMER SCHOOL: Climate Teleconnections and Predictions: Past, Present and Future 30 June-6 July 6, 2018, Norheimsund, Norway

Lecturer on this course for graduate students. Lectures given:

Studying Past : a Focus on Documentary Evidence Examples of Climate Impacts: Case Studies from Iceland

University of Iceland Course on Society and Environment in Mývatnssveit (Samfélag og umhverfi við Mývatn) 1700-1950 Based on MYCHANGE and MYSEAC projects* University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 31 August-23 November 2018

Lecturer on this course for senior Archaeology students at the University of Iceland. Lectures given:

-General Climate History of Iceland: Documentary Evidence ca. 1600-2018 - Climate Impacts ca. 1700-1950: Examples from Iceland in General and Mývatnssveit in Particular

Undergraduate Teaching

Invited by the Anthropology Department, University of Colorado, to design and teach a new undergraduate course which I called: “North Atlantic Peoples and Cultures”. The focus was on the history, literature, anthropology, and environment of Iceland, Greenland, and Labrador (Nunatsiavut).

Current Collaborators

Professor Brynhildur Daviðsdóttir, Environment and Natural Resources, University of Iceland, ÍS 101, Reykjavík, Iceland; Dr G.R. Demarée, Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Ringlaan 3, B-1180, Brussels, Belgium; Dr Andrew Dugmore, Institute of Geography, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH8 9XP, Scotland; Drs Níels Einarsson and Jón Haukur Ingimundarson, Stofnun Vilhjálms Stefánssonar, Borgir, Norðurslóð, IS-600 Akureyri, Iceland; Dr Árni Einarsson, Mývatn Research Station, Skútustaðir, IS-660 Mývatn, Iceland; Dr Yongqi Gao, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, Thormøhlens Gate 47, 5006 Bergen, Norway; Professor Steven Hartman, School of Education, Culture and Communication, Mälardalen University, Box 883, 721 23 Västerås, Sweden; Megan T. Hicks, Bioarchaeological Laboratory, Department of Anthropology, Hunter College, CUNY, New York, NY 10021, USA; Dr Brian T. Hill, Natural Research Council, Institute for Ocean Technology, P.O Box 12093, Stn. ‘A’/A1B3TS, St. Johns, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada; Dr Viðar Hreinsson, The Reykjavik Academy, Hringbraut 121, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland; Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir, Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Science, University of Iceland, ÍS 101, Reykjavík, Iceland; Drs Trausti Jónsson and Þór Jakobsson, Veðurstofa Íslands, Bústaðavegi 9, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland; Dr Árni Daníel Júlíusson, The Reykjavík Academy, Hringbraut 121, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland and National Museum of Iceland, Suðurgata 41, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland; Dr Noel Keenlyside, Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, P.O 7800, NO-5020 Bergen, Norway; Dr Torben Koenigk, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, (SMHI), SE- 601 76 Norrköping, Sweden; Dr Kerry Koepping, Arctic Arts Project, INSTAAR, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80303, USA; Professor Leslie King, Professor, School of Environment and

5 Sustainability, Director, Canadian Centre for Environmental Education, Royal Roads University, 2005 Sooke Road, Victoria BC Canada V9B 5Y2; Dr Martin Miles, INSTAAR, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80303, USA; Dr T.H. McGovern, Bioarchaeological Laboratory, Department of Anthropology, Hunter College, CUNY, New York, NY 10021, USA; Dr Øyvind Nordli, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Box 43, Blindern N-0303, Oslo, Norway; Embla Eir Oddsdóttir, Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network, Borgir, Norðurslóð, IS-600 Akureyri, Iceland; Elizabeth Ogilvie, Lateral Lab, Kinghorn, Fife, Scotland; Dr William Patterson, Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory, Geological Sciences, 114 Science Place, SK S7N 5E2, Saskatchewan, Canada; Dr Marianne Rasmussen, The University of Iceland´s Research Centre in Húsavík, Hafnarstétt 3, 640 Húsavík, Iceland; Dr Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir, The Reykjavík Academy, Hringbraut 121, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland; Professor I.A. Simpson, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, FK9 4LA.

Synergistic Activities

I have worked with colleagues from different disciplines in the promotion of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and international cooperation all my professional life. I began my academic career by studying Scandinavian literature and languages and intellectual history – the history of ideas. My interests in the natural world and human ecology led me to focus on the history of the climate and the environment. This in turn has led to the bringing of a “human dimensions” element to natural science research projects and ultimately to a focus on Arctic studies in general. The wealth of my synergistic activities is attested to by my list of collaborative colleagues above.

Service and Administrative Activities

I was on the steering committee of the US National Science Foundation Human Dimensions (HARC) initiative and contributed to writing the publication People and the Arctic: A Prospectus for Research on the Human Dimensions of the Arctic System. I was also the “Human Dimensions” representative on the NSF OAII (Ocean-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions) steering committee and have contributed to their science plan: A Prospectus for the Arctic System Science Ocean-Atmosphere- Ice Interactions Component. In April 2002 I was elected to the Board of Directors of ARCUS (the Arctic Research Consortium of the In 2005 I was elected to a second term. I stepped down in 2008 in order to have more time for my research projects. I served on the scientific committee of the European Science Foundation BOREAS programme from 2007- 2010. I have served on the editorial board of five international journals and review numerous articles and proposals annually. At INSTAAR I served as Associate Director for nearly 3 years, thus gaining much administrative experience. I have served on several INSTAAR committees including a number of years on the Executive Committee. On the board of the Inscribing Environmental Memory in the Icelandic Sagas project ( On the advisory board of the Human Ecodynamics Research Center (HERC) at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center. HERC coordinates the efforts of scholars in a formal research collaborative addressing crucial issues of sustainability, resilience, and the future of humans on . I am the Chairperson of the Advisory Board for the Nicolaus Copernicus University (Torún, Poland) Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR In addition to these I regularly organize meetings and conference panels and sessions.

Editorial Boards

Archaeologica Islandicus Climatic Change (1993-2015) Environmental History (for several years to 2008)

6 Journal of Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research (for several years to 2008) The Journal of the North Atlantic (Senior Boardmember) Ecocene: Cappadocia Journal of the Environmental Humanities

Edited Books

Jones, P.D., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Davies, T.D. and Briffa, K.B. (eds) 2001. History and Climate: Memories of the Future? Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Jónsson, Trausti. (eds) 2001. The Iceberg in the Mist: Northern Research in Pursuit of a “Little Ice Age”. (Reprinted from Climatic Change 48) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.


Bell, W.T. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1978. Weather compilations as a source of data for the reconstruction of European climate during the medieval period, Climatic Change 1, 331-348. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1980. Two descriptions of sea ice off Iceland from the 1590s, Climate Monitor 9, 5-11. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1981. Climate and economy in eighteenth-century Iceland. (In) Consequences of Climatic Change (Eds C. Delano-Smith and M. L. Parry), University of Nottingham, 54-69. Wigley, T.M.L., Huckstep, N.J., Mortimer, R., Farmer, G., Jones, P.D., Salinger, M.J. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1981. The reconstruction of European climate on decadal and shorter time scales, (In) Extended Abstracts, First Meeting, Reconstruction of Past Climates Contact Group, EEC Directorate-General for Science, Research and Development, Brussels, Belgium, 83–84. Ogilvie, A.E.J., 1982. Climate and Society in Iceland from the Medieval Period to the Late Eighteenth Century. Unpublished PhD thesis. School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1984. The past climate and sea-ice record from Iceland. Part 1: Data to A. D. 1780, Climatic Change 6, 131-152. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1984. The impact of climate on grass growth and hay yield in Iceland: A.D. 1601 to 1780. (In) Climate Changes on a Yearly to Millennial Basis (Eds N.-A. Morner and W. Karlen), Reidel, Dordrecht, 343-352. Jones, P.D., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Wigley, T.M.L. 1984. Riverflow Data for the United Kingdom: Reconstructed Data Back to 1844 and Historical Data to 1556, Climatic Research Unit Research Publication, 8, Norwich, U.K. Wigley, T.M.L., Huckstep, N.J., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Farmer, G., Mortimer, R. and Ingram, M. J. 1985. Historical climate impact assessments.(In) Climate Impact Assessment: Studies of the Interaction of Climate and Society (Eds R.W. Kates, J.H. Ausubel and M. Berberian), SCOPE 27, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 529-563. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1986. The climate of Iceland, 1701-1784, Jökull 36, 57-73. Wigley, T. M. L., Farmer, G. and Ogilvie, A. E. J. 1986: Climate reconstruction using historical sources. (In) Current Issues in Climate Research (Eds A. Ghazi and R. Fantechi), Reidel, Dordrecht, 97-100. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1991. Climatic changes in Iceland A. D. c. 865 to 1598. (In) The Norse of the North Atlantic (Presented by G.F. Bigelow), Acta Archaeologica Vol. 61-1900, Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 233-251. Ogilvie, A. E. J. 1992. Documentary evidence for changes in the climate of Iceland, A.D. 1500 to 1800. (In) Climate Since A. D. 1500 (Eds R.S. Bradley and P.D. Jones), Routledge, London and New York, 92-117.

7 Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1992. The climate of Scandinavia in medieval times. (In) Medieval Scandinavia: An Encyclopedia. Garland Encyclopedias of the Middle Ages (Eds P. Pulsiano and K. Wolf, with P. Acker and D.K. Fry), Garland Publishing, New York and London, 94-96. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1992. 1816 - A year without a summer in Iceland? (In) The Year Without a Summer? World Climate in 1816 (Ed. C.R. Harrington), Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, 331-354. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1994. Documentary records of climate from Iceland during the late Maunder Minimum period A. D. 1675 to 1715 with reference to the isotopic record from Greenland. (In) Climatic Trends and Anomalies in Europe 1675-1715 Paläoklimaforschung 13, (Ed. B. Frenzel). Special Issue: ESF Project “European Palaeoclimate and Man” 8, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, 9- 22. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1995. “The country’s ancient enemy”: Sea-ice variations in Iceland in historical times and their social impact. (In) International Conference on Past, Present and Future Climate (Ed. P. Heikinheimo), Proceedings of the SILMU conference held in Helsinki, Finland, 22-25 August, 1995. Publication of the Academy of Finland 6/95, 176-178. Buckland, P.C., Amorosi, T., Barlow, L.K., Dugmore, A.J., Mayewski, P., McGovern, T.H., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Sadler, J.P. and Skidmore, P. 1996. Bioarchaeological and climatological evidence for the fate of Norse farmers in medieval Greenland, Antiquity 70, 88-96. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1996. Sea-ice conditions off the coasts of Iceland A. D. 1601-1850 with special reference to part of the Maunder Minimum period (1675-1715), in North European climate data in the latter part of the Maunder Minimum Period A.D. 1675-1715 (ed. E.S. Pedersen) AmS-Varia 25, Archaeological Museum of Stavanger, Norway, 9-12. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1996. Lamb, Hubert Horace (In) Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather Vol. 2 (Ed. S.H. Schneider), Oxford University Press, New York, 463-464. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Jonsdóttir, I. 1996. Sea-ice incidence off the coasts of Iceland: Evidence from historical data and early sea-ice maps. (In) 26th International Arctic Workshop, Arctic and Alpine Environments, Past and Present, Program with Abstracts. INSTAAR, Boulder, Colorado, 14-16 March 1996, 109-110. Barlow, L.K., Sadler, J.P., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Buckland, P.C., Amorosi, T., Ingimundarson, J.H., Skidmore, P., Dugmore, A.J. and McGovern, T.H. 1997. Interdisciplinary investigations of the end of the Norse Western Settlement in Greenland, Holocene, 7, 4, 489-499. Jónsdóttir, I. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1997. Sea ice off the coasts of Iceland in historical times. (In) 27th Arctic Workshop, Program and Abstracts (Eds A.G. Lewkowicz and S.V. Kokel). University of Ottawa, Canada, 27 February-2 March 1997,124-125. Jónsson, T. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. (eds) 1997. Climatic and Environmental History of Northern Europe and the North Atlantic Region over the past 1000 years. In honour of Knud Frydendahl and Erik Wishman. Veðurstofa Íslands Report. VÍ-G97018-ÚR14, Reykjavík, August 1977. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1997. What do the documentary sources tell us about a possible “Little Ice Age” in Iceland? (In) Climatic and Environmental History of Northern Europe and the North Atlantic Region over the past 1000 years. In honour of Knud Frydendahl and Erik Wishman (Eds Jónsson, T. And Ogilvie, A.E.J), Veðurstofa Íslands Report. VÍ-G97018-ÚR14, Reykjavík, August 1977, 6. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1997. Fisheries, climate and sea ice in Iceland: an historical perspective. (In) Marine Resources and Human Societies in the North Atlantic Since 1500 (Ed. D. Vickers), Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland. St. Johns, Canada, 69-87 Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1997. The loss of the Norse Western Settlement in Greenland...en sumir fór til Vestribyggdar. (In) Bókahnútur, brugdinn Olöfu Benediktsdóttir, fimmtugri 4. febrúar 1997. Menningar- og minningarsjódur Mette Magnussen, Reykjavik, 61-65. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1997. Historical evidence for past temperature and sea-ice variations: models for social impact in Iceland. (In) Modeling the Arctic System. A Workshop Report on the State of

8 Modeling in the Arctic System Science Program. From the ARCSS Modeling Workshop, 15- 16 January 1996 Boulder, Colorado. Funded by the National Science Foundation Arctic System Science Program, 41-42. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Demarée. G.R. 1997. On some early instrumental meteorological observations in Greenland and Labrador. (In) Climatic and Environmental History of Northern Europe and the North Atlantic Region over the past 1000 years. In honour of Knud Frydendahl and Erik Wishman (Eds Jónsson, T. and Ogilvie, A.E.J), Veðurstofa Íslands Report. VÍ-G97018-ÚR14, Reykjavík, August 1977, 7. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Farmer, G., 1997. Documenting the medieval climate. (In) Climates of the British Isles (Eds M. Hulme and E. Barrow), Routledge, London and New York, 112-133. Demarée. G.R., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and De’er Zhang. 1998. Comment on Stothers, R.B. The great dry fog of 1783 (Climatic Change 32, 1996): Further documentary evidence of Northern Hemispheric coverage of the great dry fog of 1783, Climatic Change, 39,727-730. Ingimundarson, J.H and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1998. Climatic change, socio-economic transformation, and ecological succession in the late twelfth to fourteenth century in Iceland. (In) 28th Arctic Workshop, Arctic and Alpine Environments, Past and Present, Program with Abstracts. INSTAAR, Boulder, Colorado, 12-14 March 1998, 80. Ingimundarson, J.H. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1998. Economic transformations, climatic thresholds, and ecological succession in medieval Iceland. (In) Abstracts, American Anthropological Association, 97th Annual Meeting, 2-6 December 1998, Philadelphia, 241. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1998. Historical accounts of weather events and related matters in Iceland and Greenland, A.D. c. 1250 to 1430. (In) Documentary Climatic Evidence for 1750-1850 and the 14th century. Paläoklimaforschung 23, (Ed. B. Frenzel). Special Issue: ESF Project “European Palaeoclimate and Man” 15. European Science Foundation,Strasbourg, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, 25-43. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1998. An interdisciplinary focus on Norse Greenland: data from multi-proxy records. Invited lecture to North Atlantic Climate Impacts. An International Workshop on Environmental and Climatic Variations and their Impact in the North Atlantic Region, Icelandic Research Council. Reykjavík, 23-26 September 1998, 24. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Jónsdóttir, I. 1998. Sea ice, climate and Icelandic fisheries in historical times. Arctic Seas, Currents of Change: An International Symposium. Conference Program and Abstracts. Sea Research Foundation and Mystic Aquarium, 21-24 October 1998, 22-23. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Barlow, L.K., Jennings, A.E. and Andrews, J.T. 1998. Sea Ice and other North Atlantic climate proxy records. Abstract Volume: Past and Present Variability. A Context for the Future? The Second Climate and History Conference, Climatic Research Unit, Norwich, UK, 7-11 September 1998, 31-32. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1999. Historical sea-ice records from Iceland ca. 1145 to ca. 1850. (In) Proceedings of the Workshop on Sea Ice Charts of the Arctic, World Climate Research Program, ACSYS. Seattle, 5-7 August, 1998. WMO/TD No. 949, IAPO Publications No. 3. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg. 1999. Seascapes of Iceland: Climate change and fisheries history. (In) Arctic Forum 1999. The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS), Fairbanks, AK, 35-36. Luterbacher, J., Rickli, R., Tinguely, C., Xoplaki, E., Schüpbach, E., Dietrich, D., Hüsler, J., Ambhühl, M., Pfister, C., Beeli, P., Dietrich, U., Dannecker, A. Davies, T.D., Jones, P.D., Slonosky, V., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Maheras, P., Kolyva-Machera, F., Marin-Vide, J., Barriendos, M., Alcoforado, M.J., Nunes, M.F., Jónsson, T., Glaser, R., Jacobeit, J., Beck, C., Phillipp, A., Beyer, U., Kaas, E., Schmith, T., Bärring, L., Jönsson, P., Rácz, L., Wanner, H. 2000. Monthly mean pressure reconstruction for the Late Maunder Minimum Period (AD 1675-1715). International Journal of Climatology, 20, 1049-1066.

9 Ogilvie, A.E.J. and McGovern T.H. 2000. Sagas and science: climate and human impacts in the North Atlantic. (In) Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga (Eds W. W. Fitzhugh and E. I. Ward), Smithsonian Instititution Press, Washington, 385-393. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Barlow, L.K., Jennings, A.E., 2000. North Atlantic climate c. A.D. 1000: Millennial reflections on the Viking discoveries of Iceland, Greenland and North America, Weather, 55 (2), 34-45. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg. 2000. Sea ice, climate and Icelandic fisheries in historical times, Arctic 53 (4), 383-394. Demarée, G.R. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2001. Bon baisers d’Islande: climatological, environmental and human dimensions impacts in Europe of the Lakagígar eruption (1783-1784) in Iceland. (In) History and Climate: Memories of the Future? (Eds P.D. Jones, A.E.J. Ogilvie, T.D. Davies and K.R. Briffa), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow, 219-246. Jennings, A.E., Hagen, S., Harðardóttir, J., Stein, R., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Jónsdóttir, I. 2001. Oceanographic change and terrestrial human impacts in a post A.D. 1400 sediment record on the southwest Iceland shelf, Climatic Change 48, 83-100. Jones, P.D., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Davies, T.D. and Briffa, K.B. 2001. Unlocking the doors to the past: recent developments in climate and climate-impact research. (In) History and Climate: Memories of the Future? (Eds P.D. Jones, A.E.J. Ogilvie, T.D. Davies and K.R. Briffa), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow, 1-8. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2001. Climate and farming in northern Iceland, ca. 1700-1850. (In) Aspects of Arctic and Sub-Arctic History (Eds Ingi Sigurðsson and Jón Skaptason.) University of Iceland Press, Reykjavík, 289-299. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Jónsson, Trausti. 2001. ‘“Little Ice Age” research: A perspective from Iceland’. Climatic Change 48, 9-52. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2002. Biocomplexity of marine and terrestrial environments and human populations in Iceland. (In) Arctic Forum 2002. The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS), Fairbanks, AK, 16. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2002. Landscapes and seascapes: Linkages between marine and terrestrial environments and human populations in the North Atlantic (Iceland sector). (In) Program and Abstracts. Connectivity in Northern Waters. , Bering Sea, and Gulf of Interrelationships. 18-21 September 2002, University of Fairbanks, Alaska. Published by AAAS Arctic Division, 170. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Pálsson, Gísli. 2003. Mood, magic and metaphor: Allusions to weather and climate in the Sagas of Icelanders. (In) Weather, Climate, Culture. (Ed. by S. Strauss and B. S. Orlove). Berg Publishers, 251-274. Huntington, H.P., Berman, M., Cooper, L., Hamilton, L.C., Hinzman, L., Kielland, K., Kirk, E., Kruse, J., Lynch, A., McGuire, D., Norton, D. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2003. Human dimensions of the Arctic system: Interdisciplinary approaches to the dynamics of social–environment relationships. Arctic Research of the United States. 17 (Spring/Summer), 59-69. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2003. Suffering and solace: Vulnerability and resilience to environmental changes in northern Iceland c. AD 1700-1900. (In) Arctic Forum 2003. The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS), Fairbanks, AK, 17-18. Deitrich, K.A., Patterson, W.P., Andrews, J.T., Jennings, A.J. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2004. Quantitative reconstructions of near-shore environments over the last 2000 years in Vestfirðir, northern Iceland: Evidence from high resolution stable isotope analyses of molluscs. (In) 34th International Arctic Workshop, Program with Abstracts. INSTAAR, Boulder, Colorado, 10- 13 March 2004, 47-49. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and McGovern, T.H. 2004. Human ecology, local knowledge and interdisciplinary research in Mývatn, northern Iceland. (In) 34th International Arctic Workshop, Program with Abstracts. INSTAAR, Boulder, Colorado, 10-13 March 2004, 129-130.

10 Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2005. Eirík the Red. (In) Encyclopedia of the Arctic. (Ed. Mark Nuttall). 3 Vols. Routledge, New York, 550-551. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2005. Local knowledge and travellers’ tales: A selection of climatic observations in Iceland. (In) Iceland - Modern Processes and Past Environments, Developments in Quaternary Science 5. Series Editor Jim Rose. (Eds. C. Caseldine, A. Russell, J. Harðardóttir and O. Knudsen), Elsevier, Amsterdam-Boston-Heidelberg-London, 257-287. Deitrich, K. A., Patterson, W.P., Andrews, J.T., Jennings, A.E. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2005. Quantitative reconstructions of near-shore environments over the last 2000 years in Vestfirdir, NW Iceland: evidence from high-resolution stable isotope analyses of molluscs. (In) 35th International Arctic Workshop, Program with Abstracts. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 9-12 March 2005. Ogilvie, A.E.J., McGovern, T.H. and Jónsson, Trausti. 2005. Global issues, local concerns: syntheses of climate and human-dimensions issues in Mývatnssveit, northern Iceland. (In) Conference Book for the 6th Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community. University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 105. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Jónsson, Trausti. 2006. The last famine in Iceland. (In) 36th International Arctic Workshop, Program with Abstracts. INSTAAR, Boulder, Colorado, 16-18 March 2006, 137. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Palsson, Gísli. 2006. Weather and Witchcraft in the Sagas of Icelanders. In (John McKinnel, David Ashurst, Donata Kick, eds.), The Fantastic in Old Norse/Icelandic Literature: Sagas and the British Isles, Vols. I-II. Papers from The Thirteenth International Saga Conference, Durham and York, 6-12 August 2006. The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies,Durham University, Durham, 731-741. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Pálsson, Gísli. 2006. Reflections on wetlands in Iceland. In (Patrick Huse, ed.), Intimate Absence. Henie Onstad Art Center/Delta Press, Norway, 99-101. Huntington, H.P., Hamilton, L.C., Nicholson, C., Brunner. R., Lynch, A., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Voinov, A. 2007. Towards understanding the human dimensions of the rapidly changing Arctic System: Insights and approaches from five HARC projects. Regional Environmental Change 7(4), 173-186. Nordli, Ø. Lundstad, E, and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2007. A late-winter to early-spring temperature reconstruction for southeastern Norway from 1758 to 2006. Annals of Glaciology 46, 404- 408. Nordli, Ø., Lundstad, E. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2007. Seinvinteren og våren 2007: varmast på Austlandet gjennom 250 år (“The late winter and spring 2007: the warmest in eastern Norway for 50 years”). Paper in Norwegian. In Klima (“Climate”), 5-10. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2007. Bréf sýslumanna til stiftamtmanns og amtmanns: Environmental images of nineteenth-century Iceland from official letters written by district sheriffs.; Expanded web version of paper cited below. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. Bréf sýslumanna til stiftamtmanns og amtmanns: Environmental images of nineteenth-century Iceland from official letters written by district sheriffs. In (Marie Wells, ed.), The Discovery of Nineteenth-Century Scandinavia. Norvik Press, Norwich, 43-56. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. The Little Ice Age. (In S. George Philander, ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, Vol 2, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, 604-606. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. The Climatic Research Unit. (In S. George Philander, ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, 251-252. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. Iceland. (In S. George Philander, ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, Vol. 2, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, 524-525. Demarée, G.R. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. The Moravian missionaries at the Labrador Coast and their centuries-long contribution to instrumental meteorological observations. Climatic Change, 91, 423-450.

11 Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. Movements, Narratives and Environments of Mountain and Wetland Communities in Valdres, Norway: From Transhumance to Tourism. 6th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI). Arctic Social Sciences: Prospects for the International Polar Year 2007-2008 Era and Beyond. Nuuk, 22-26 August 2008. Book of Abstracts, 43-44. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Patterson, W.P., Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg, Einarsson, Níels and Nordli, Øyvind, 2009. NORSAGA – A Project for IPY. Arctic Forum Abstracts 2008. Tipping Points – The Arctic and Global Change. The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS), Fairbanks, AK, 69. Andrews, J.T. Darby, D., Eberle, D., Jennings, A.E., Moros, M. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2009. A robust, multisite Holocene history of drift ice off northern Iceland: implications for North Atlantic climate, The Holocene 19, 1, 71-77. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Woollett, J.M., Smiarowski, K., Arneborg, J., Troelstra, S., Pálsdóttir, A. and McGovern, T.H. 2009. Seals and sea ice in medieval Greenland, Journal of the North Atlantic 2, 60-80. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2010. Historical climatology, Climatic Change, and implications for climate science in the 21st century, Climatic Change 100, 33-47. Demarée, G.R., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Csonka, Y. 2010. The Inuit, the Moravian Brethren and Connections with French-speaking Switzerland. Journal of the North Atlantic 3, 24-30. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2011. History, Climate and Weather, In (Stephen H. Schneider, Terry L. Root and Michael D. Mastrandea) Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press. Updated version of original written by Jehuda Neumann. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2011. Hubert Lamb, In (Stephen H. Schneider, Terry L. Root and Michael D. Mastrandea) Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press. Updated version of original written by Jehuda Neumann. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2011. Warfare and Weather, In (Stephen H. Schneider, Terry L. Root and Michael D. Mastrandea) Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press. Updated version of original written by Jehuda Neumann. Costopoulos, A., Patterson, W.P., Zubrow, E., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Braemon, E., and Marino, E. 2011. People and the Environment in the North: Identities, Cosmologies and Ecologies. In (John P.Ziker and Florian Stammler, eds.), Histories from the North: Environments, Movements, and Narratives: Proceedings of the Final BOREAS Conference, Rovaneimi, Finland, 29-31 October 2009, Boise (ID): Department of Anthropology, Boise State University, 81-106. Demarée, G.R. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2011. Climate Related Information in Labrador/Nunatsiavut: Evidence from Moravian Missionary Journals. Bull. Séanc. Acad. R. Sci. Outre-Mer Meded. Zitt K. Acad. Overzeese Wet (Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, Belgium) 57(2-4), 391- 408. Demarée, G.R., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Csonka, Y. 2011. Connections between the Inuit Peoples of Labrador/Nunatsiavut, the Moravian Brethren, and French-speaking Switzerland. In (John P.Ziker and Florian Stammler, eds.), Histories from the North: Environments, Movements, and Narratives: Proceedings of the Final BOREAS Conference, Rovaneimi, Finland, 29-31 October 2009, Boise (ID): Department of Anthropology, Boise State University, 166-179. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Hill, B.T. and Jónsson, T. 2012. Sea ice as enemy and friend: the case of Iceland and Labrador. In Proceedings of Our Ice Dependent World: The 6th Open Assembly of the Northern Research Forum, Hveragerði, Iceland 3-6 September 2011, world&catid=9:publications&Itemid=118. Miles, M.W., Divine, D.V., Furevik, T., Jansen E., Moros, M. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2014. A signal of persistent Atlantic multidecadal variability in Arctic sea ice. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, doi:10.1002/2013GL058084.

12 Nordli, Ø., Przybylak, R. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Isaksen, K. 2014. Long-Term Temperature Trends and Variability on Spitsbergen: The Prolonged Svalbard Airport Temperature Series 1898- 2012. Polar Research, 33, 21349, Ogilvie, A.E.J., Einarsson, N. and Keenlyside, N. 2014. Impacts of sea-ice and -cover changes on climate, green growth and society, Program and Abstracts, 44th International Arctic Workshop 2014, Boulder, Colorado, 89-91. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2015. An Ancient Enemy Observed: Images of Sea Ice in Selected Narratives of Iceland from the Settlement to the Late Nineteenth Century. In (Martin Gustavsson and Dag Retsö, eds), Långa linjer och många fält: Festskrift till Johan Söderberg, Acta Universitatis Stockholmensis: Stockholm Studies in Economic History 65, Stockholm, 137-155. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Sigurðardóttir, R., Júlíusson, Á.D., Hreinsson, V. and Hicks, M. 2015. Climate, Grass Growth, and Hay Yield in Northeastern Iceland A.D. 1700 to 1950. Program and Abstracts, 45th International Arctic Workshop, Bergen, Norway, 10-13 May 2015, 80-81. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2016. The Norse in Greenland. In A Fortunate Land by William Stewart, Offsetdruckerei Karl Grammlich GmbH, Pliezhausen, Germany, 114-126. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Einarsson, Níels, Gao, Yongqi, Keenlyside, Noel, Rasmusson, Marianne, H. 2016. Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH). 46th International Arctic Workshop, Program and Abstracts 2016. Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado at Boulder, 50-52. Demarée, G.R. and Ogilvie, A. E.J. 2016. L’éruption du Lakagígar en Islande ou ‘Annus mirabilis 1783’. Études et bibliographies d’histoire environnementale. Belgique – Nord de la France – Afrique centrale. Actes des 2e RBel, Namur, décembre 2012. Sous la direction d’Isabelle Parmentier. Presses Universitaires de Namur, 117-157. Hartman, S., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Henning, R. 2016. "Viking" Ecologies: Icelandic Sagas, Local Knowledge, and Environmental Memory. In A Global History of Literature and the Environment, Cambridge University Press, 125-140. Sigurðardóttir, Ragnhildur, Ogilvie, A.E.J., Júlíusson, Árni Daníel, Hreinsson, Viðar, Hicks, Megan T. 2016. Water and Sustainability in the Lake Mývatn Region of Iceland: Historical Perspectives and Current Concerns. In (Shroder, J.F. and Greenwood, G.B., eds), Mountain Ice and Water: Investigations of the Hydrological Cycle in Alpine Environments, 155-192. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2017. A Brief Description of Sea Ice. In: Elizabeth Ogilvie, Out of Ice, Black Dog Publishing, London, 88-90. Demarée, G.R. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2017. L’eruption du Lakagígar en Islande ou ‘Annus Mirabilis 1783’ Chronique d’une année extraordinaire (The eruption of Lakagígar in Iceland or ‘Annus Mirabilis 1783’ – Chronicle of an extraordinary year), Sémata, Ciencias Sociais e Humanidades, 229: 239-260. Hartman, S., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Ingimundarson, J.H., Dugmore, A.J., Hambrecht, George, McGovern, T.H. 2017. Medieval Iceland, Greenland, and the New Human Condition: A case study in integrated environmental humanities, Global and Planetary Change 156, 123-139, Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. The Foundations of Map-Making and Geography in Iceland. 48th International Arctic Workshop, Program and Abstracts 2018, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado at Boulder, 82-85. Sigurðardóttir, R., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Júlíusson, A.D., Hicks, M.T. and Hreinsson, V. 2018. Drivers of Change: Sustainability and Environmental Change in the Lake Mývatn District of Iceland AD 1700-1950. 48th International Arctic Workshop, Program and Abstracts 2018, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado at Boulder, 110-113. Damodaran, V., Allan, R., Ogilvie, A.E.J, Demarée, G.R., Gergis, J., Mikami, T., Mikhail, A., Nicolson, S.E., Norrgård, S. and Hamilton, J. 2018. The 1780s: Global Climate Anomalies, Floods, Droughts, and Famines. In: White S., Pfister C., Mauelshagen F. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Climate History. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 517-550. First Online 18 July

13 2018 DOI eBook ISBN 978-1-137-43020-5; Hardcover ISBN 978-1-137-43019-9. Pfister C., Brázdil R., Luterbacher J., Ogilvie A.E.J., White S. 2018. Early Modern Europe. In: White S., Pfister C., Mauelshagen F. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Climate History. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 265-295. First Online 18 July 2018 DOI eBook ISBN 978-1-137-43020-5; Hardcover ISBN 978-1-137-43019-9. Demarée, G.R. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Kusman, D. 2018. Historical records of earthquaGreenland and Labrador in Moravian Missionary Journals. Journal of Seismology. 10.1007/s10950-018- 9796-z. Online 4 October 2018. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. Sea-ice stories from Iceland and Labrador. Online publication Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2019. Opportunities and Challenges for Nordic Arctic and Subarctic Regions: A Case Study Approach. In: Nilsson, K., Karlsdóttir, A. and Refsgaard, K. (eds.) Nordic Working Papers Opportunities and Challenges for Future Regional Development - notes from an open seminar, with EK-R (Nordic Committee of Senior Officials for Regional Policy) and Nordregio’s Board of Directors at University of Akureyri, Organised by Ministry of Transport and Local Government, Byggðastofnun and Nordregio, 12 September 2019, Nordisk ministerråd, Copenhagen. Sigurðardóttir, Ragnhildur, Newton, A.J., Hicks, M.T., Dugmore, A.J., Hreinsson, Viðar, Ogilvie, A.E.J., Júlíusson, Árni Daníel, Einarsson, Árni, Hartman, S., Simpson, I.A., Vésteinsson, Orri, McGovern, T.H. 2019. Trolls, Water, Time, and Community: Resource Management in the Mývatn District of Northeast Iceland. In: L.R. Lozny and T.H. McGovern (eds) Global Perspectives on Long Term Community Resource Management, Studies in Human Ecology and Adaptation 11, 71-101. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 77. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2020. Famines, Mortality, Livestock Deaths and Scholarship: Environmental Stress in Iceland ca. 1500-1700. (In) Andrea Kiss and Katherine Prybil, eds., The Dance of Death. Environmental stress, mortality and social response in late Medieval and Renaissance Europe, London, Routledge, 9-24, Online 2019 Demarée, G.R., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Mailier, P. 2020. Early meteorological observations in Greenland and Labrador in the 18th century: a contribution of the Moravian Brethren, Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on the Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans 2020, 16-19 February 2020, Mombetsu, Hokkaido, Japan, Okhotsk Sea and Polar Ocean Research Association (OSPORA), C5, 35-38. Demarée, G.R, Tagami, Y., Mailier, P., Ogilvie, A.E.J. Mikami, T. 2020. Arctic Meteorological and Geographical Observations on Dutch Whaling Vessels in 1758, 1759 and 1760. Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research (OSPORA) Vol. 4, Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu City, Hokkaido, Japan, 18-22. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Gao, Y., Einarsson, N., Keenlyside, N., King, L. 2020. The ARCPATH project: Assessing Risky Environments and Rapid Change: Research on Climate, Adaptation and Coastal Communities in the North Atlantic Arctic. In (Douglas C. Nord, editor) Nordic Perspectives on the Responsible Development of the Arctic: Pathways to Action, Springer Nature, Switzerland,, 137-156. King, L.A. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2020. The Challenge of Synthesis: Lessons from Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH). In (Douglas C. Nord, editor) Nordic Perspectives on the Responsible Development of the Arctic: Pathways to Action, Springer Nature, Switzerland,, 393-412. Chambers, C., King, L.A., Cook, D., Malinauskaite, L., Willson, M., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Einarsson, N. 2020. “Small Science”: Community Engagement and Local Research in an Era of Big Science Agendas. In (Douglas Nord, editor) Nordic Perspectives on Responsible Development

14 of the Arctic: Pathways to Action, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 3-030-52324-4, 203-224. Demarée, G.R. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2021. Early Meteorological Observations in Greenland: The Contributions of David Cranz, Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein and Christopher Brasen. In (Felicity Ann Jensz and Christina Petterson, editors) Legacies of David Cranz's "Historie von Grönland" (1765), Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 141-164. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030- 63998-3. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Miles, M., Van der Wal, R. and Löf, A. 2021. Understanding resilience and long- term environmental change in the High Arctic: Narrative-based analyses from Svalbard (SVALUR), 50th International Arctic Workshop, Program and Abstracts 2021. Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR),University of Colorado at Boulder, 92-95, King, L., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Lepore, W. 2021. Northern knowledge for resilience, environmental sustainability and adaptation in coastal communities (NORSEACC), 50th International Arctic Workshop, Program and Abstracts 2021, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado at Boulder, 61-64, Ogilvie, A.E.J., Hill, B.T. and Demarée, G.R. 2021. A Fleet of Silver: Local Knowledge Perceptions of Sea Ice from Iceland and Labrador/Nunatsiavut. In (Eva Panagiotakopulu and Jon P. Sadler, editors) Biogeography in the Sub-Arctic: The Past and Future of North Atlantic Biota, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 273-291. DOI:10.1002/9781118561461.

Book Reviews 2009-2017

Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2009. Arctic Spectacles: The Frozen North in Visual Culture 1818-1875. By Russel A. Potter. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, A Samuel and Althea Stroum Book, 2007. 258 pp. Appendix, Notes, Bibliography. Journal of Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 41, 2, 280-281. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2010. Tukiliit: The Stone People Who Live in the Wind. An Introduction to Inuksuit and Other Stone Figures of the North. By Norman Hallendy. Vancouver/Toronto and Fairbanks, Alaska: Douglas and McIntyre and University of Alaska Press, 2009. 127 pp. Brief text in Inuktitut, French, Spanish, German and Japanese. Journal of Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 42, 2, 239-240. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2010. Hofstaðir: Excavations of a Viking Age Feasting Hall in North-Eastern Iceland. By Gavin Lucas. Reykjavík: Institute of Archaeology Monograph Series 1, 2009. 440 pp. Journal of Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 42, 4, 499-503. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2011. People of the Lakes: Stories of Our Van Tat Gwich’in Elders/Googwandak Nakhwach’ànjoo Van Tat Gwich’in. By Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and Shirleen Smith. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: The University of Alberta Press, 2009. lxii + 391 pp. Maps, Color and Black and White Illustrations, Notes, Glossary (Gwich’in English, English Gwich’in), Bibliography, Index. Journal of Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 43 (4), 659-662. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2013. World Health Atlas. Senior Editor T. Kue Young. Associate Editors Rajiv Rawat, Winfried Dallmann, Susan Chatwood and Peter Bjerregaard. Toronto, Buffalo, London. University of Toronto Press, 2012. vii, ix + 190 pp. Journal of Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research. February 2013, Vol. 45, no. 1, 154-156. DOI: Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2014. Norse Greenland: Selected Papers from the Hvalsey Conference 2008. Editors Jette Arneborg, Georg Nyegaard and Orri Vésteinsson. Journal of the North Atlantic: Special Volume 2, 2009, Eagle Hill Publications, Steuben, ME. 197 pp. Maps, Color and Black and White Illustrations and Photographs. Printed edition is exact reproduction of the online version of the papers. ISSN 1935-1984. Journal of Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research.

15 November 2014, Vol. 46, no. 4, 1013-1018. DOI: 46.4.1013. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2015. Yupik Transitions: Change and Survival at , 1900-1960. By Igor Krupnik and Michael Chlenov. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2013. 391 pp. Maps, Black and White Illustrations and Photographs. Epilogue, Appendices, Glossary, References, Index. ISBN 978-1-60223-216-7. Journal of Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 47, no. 4, 817-819. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2017. Idioms of Sami Health and Healing. Edited by Barbara Helen Miller. Series Editor Earle Waugh. Patterns of Northern Traditional Healing Volume 2. Edmonton; Polynya Press. An Imprint of the University of Alberta Press, 2015. 220 pp. Preface, Acknowledgements, Map of Sápmi, Introduction, Contributors. ISSN 1927-9671. Journal of Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 49, no. 2, 331-332. URL:

Papers Submitted 2021

Ogilvie, A.E.J. Stormy Weather: Climate and Sea-Ice Variations in the North Atlantic (Iceland Sector). (In) Natascha Mehler, ed., German voyages to the North Atlantic islands (1400-1700), Northern World series, Brill, Leiden. Ogilvie, A.E.J. Writing on Sea Ice: Icelandic Scholars of the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Century. (In) Klaus Dodds and Sverker Sörlin, eds., Ice Humanities: Materiality, Ontology and Representation Jackson, R., Crumley, C., Linkov, I., McGovern, T.H., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Trump, B. and Hartman, S. Disjunctures of practice and the problems of collapse. (In) Piotr Filipkowski, John Haldon and Adam Izdebski, eds., What sort of the past does the future need? Policy lessons and the historical imagination.

Papers in Preparation

Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2021. Ice and Fire in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Iceland. In Hartman, S., Hreinsson, V., Ingimundarson, J.H., Júlíusson, Á. D. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. (Eds), Reflections of Change: The Natural World in Literary and Historical Sources from Iceland ca. AD 800 to 1800 (ICECHANGE), Routledge. Einarsson, N., Ogilvie, A.E.J. et al. 2021. Climate, Quotas and Community Resilience in an Arctic Island Community. Daviðsdóttir, B., Rasmussen, M., Einarsson, N., Ogilvie, A.E.J. et al., 2021. Climate Change and Coastal Adaptations in a Northern Icelandic Coastal Community: Marine Tourism and Sustainability in Transition. Júlíusson, Á.D., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Ingimundarson, J.H. 2021. A New Look at Climate and Agriculture in Fifteenth-Century Iceland. Proposed chapter for book on the Fifteenth- Century Climate of Europe. Editors: Andrea Kiss, Rudolf Brazdil and Chantal Camenisch. Bigelow, G.F., Jones, M., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Oehler, C. 2021. The Archaeology of Coastal Sand Disasters and the Role of Climate: A Reappraisal of the Scottish Evidence.

Books in Preparation

Ogilvie, A.E.J. Documentary Records of Climate Change: The Historical Context for Global Warming. I.B. Tauris Books.

16 Ogilvie, A.E.J. Bréf sýslumanna og amtmanna: Árferði á Íslandi: 1700-1894. (“Letters from Iceland: Climate and Society in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries”.) Sögufélag Reykjavik.

Presentations (1996-2021)

Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1996. Historical evidence for past temperature and sea-ice variations, and their social impact in Iceland. Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Modeling Workshop. National Snow and Ice Data Center, Boulder, Colorado, 15-16 January 1996. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1996. Historical evidence for past temperature and sea-ice variations in Iceland. Invited lecture to PALE PI working meeting. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, 11-13 February 1996. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Jónsson, T. 1996. Historical climate data for Iceland during the Maunder Minimum and Early Instrumental Period. Meeting of ADVICE project (Annual to Decadal Variability of Climate in Europe). Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K, 24-25 February 1996. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1996. Sea-ice incidence off the coasts of Iceland ca. 1200 to 1850. Poster presented to: Arctic System Science (ARCSS) All-Hands Workshop. Snowbird, Utah, 30 April-3 May 1996. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Barlow, L.K., Jennings, A.E., 1996. Climate impact: new high resolution data. NABO Workshop. Department of Anthropology, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, 6- 7 August 1996. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1996. The North Atlantic region AD 800 to 1400: A multi-proxy climate perspective. The Troms Arctic Archaeology Seminar (TAAS) The North Atlantic and Northwest A.D. 800-1400. Tromsö, Norway, 7-9 September 1996. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1997. Decadal reconstruction of the sea-ice record of Iceland from ca. AD 1600 to 1850. Meeting of ADVICE project (Annual to Decadal Variability in Climate in Europe). University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 10-11 April 1997. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1997. What do the documentary sources tell us about a possible “Little Ice Age” in Iceland? Meeting of NABO and EACH. Department of Anthropology, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, 1-5 August 1997. Demarée, G.R. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1997. Further evidence on the geographical spreading and ecological impact of the “great dry fog” due to the Skaftáreldar, AD 1783 or Bons Baisers d’Islande’. Meeting of NABO and EACH. Department of Anthropology, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, 1-5 August 1997. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1997. Climate changes in the Atlantic Arctic in the past 500 Years. Invited lecture to NABO and the Summit of the Sea Conference. University of St John’s Newfoundland, Canada, 4-8 September 1997. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1997. Climate changes in the Atlantic Arctic AD 700-1000. Invited lecture to NABO and the Summit of the Sea Conference. University of St John’s Newfoundland, Canada, 4-8 September 1997. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1997. Estimates of sea ice off the coasts of Iceland: 1675-1715. Meeting of ADVICE Project (Annual to Decadal Variability in Climate in Europe). Meteorological Office, Copenhagen 15-16 October 1997. Demarée, G.R. and Ogilvie A.E.J. 1998. Early instrumental meteorological observations in Greenland and Labrador. Meeting of ACROSS Project Meteorological Office, Reykjavik, Iceland, 26-28 March 1998. Demarée, G.R. and Ogilvie A.E.J. 1998. Early instrumental meteorological observations in Greenland and Labrador. Meeting of ACROSS Project. Meteorological Office, Reykjavík, Iceland, 26-28 March 1998.

17 Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1998. Climate and farming in northern Iceland, ca. 1700-1850. International Congress on the History of the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region. Reykjavík, 18-21 June 1998. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1998. Historical sea-ice records from Iceland ca. AD 1145 to 1850. International Conference on Sea Ice Charts of the Arctic. Scientific Achievements from the first 400 Years, Seattle, 5-7 August 1998. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Barlow, L.K., Jennings, A.E. and Andrews, J.T. 1998. Sea Ice and other North Atlantic climate proxy records. Past and Present Variability. A Context for the Future? The Second Climate and History Conference, Climatic Research Unit, Norwich, UK, 7-11 September 1998. Jónsdóttir, I. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1999. Historical records of climate, sea ice and fisheries history in Iceland. International Conference on Historical Dimensions of Human Adaptability and Environmental Changes in North Atlantic Regions. Stofnun Vilhjálms Stefanssonar, Akureyri, 16-21 July 1999. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1999. Sea ice, sediments, sagas and skálds: North Atlantic climate in “viking” and “medieval” Times. Invited lecture to International Conference on The Norse Atlantic Saga. Sigurður Nordal Institute. Reykjavík, 9-11 August. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 1999. Human Dimensions of the Arctic. Invited lecture to Arctic System Science Ocean-Atmosphere-Ice-Interactions (OAII). All Hands Meeting and Planning Workshop, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 20-22 October 1999. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2000. Environmental impacts on the viking settlement of Iceland. Invited lecture presented at opening of the exhibition: Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga”, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington, 28 April 2000. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2000. Historical records of sea-ice variability from Iceland. Keynote Address to Sea Ice in the Climate System. The Record of the North Atlantic Arctic. Kirkjubæjarklaustur, 2-6 June 2000. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2000. Sagas and Sea Ice: Landscapes and seascapes of the North Atlantic ca. AD 1000. Viking Millennium conference. Labrador Straits, 23 September 2000. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2000. Icebergs in the mist: Sagas, skalds and climate research. Invited lecture to Vikings: North Atlantic Saga, Brooklyn College, New York, 5 December 2000. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2000. Vikings and climate research. Invited lecture to Vikings: Meet the Experts, American Museum of Natural History, New York, 6 December 2000. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2001. The Vikings on the North Atlantic stage: Sagas and science. Keynote Address to The Legacy of the Vikings. A Symposium. University of Colorado, Boulder, 12 March 2001. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2001. Viking tales: Poetry and prose. Invited lecture to Denver Museum of Nature and Science, IMAX theatre, 7 May 2001. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2001. Ice and bones: Proxy climate records–sources, methods, ecological variables, and human dimensions. Keynote lecture to Workshop on Skeletal Biology, Health and Economic Development in Europe from the Late Paleolithic Era to the Nineteenth Century. University of Ohio, Colombus, 1-3 June 2001. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2002. Sea-ice variations off the coasts of Iceland in historical times. Invited lecture to Workshop on Sea-Ice Extent and the Global Climate System, Meteo-France, Toulouse, 15- 17 April 2002. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2002. Climate change and human impacts in northeast Iceland. Invited lecture to 2nd Nordic Arctic Research Programme Symposium: The Arctic in the Anthropocene: The North Atlantic Arctic in Focus. Stofnun Vilhjálms Stefánssonar, Akureyri, May 23-25 2002. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2003. Sagas, sea ice and sediments: climatic clues from the viking age. Invited lecture to Center for Medieval Studies and Center for Scandinavian Studies, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota., 17 April 2003.

18 *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2003. Sagas and science: scientific evidence of North Atlantic settlements. Invited lecture in Special Lecture Series Vikings for Smithsonian Exhibit: Vikings–The North Atlantic Saga. Science Museum of Minnesota, Minneapolis/St Paul, 17 April 2003. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2003. Landscapes and seascapes: Linkages between marine and terrestrial environments and human populations in the North Atlantic (Iceland sector.) Invited lecture to Human Dimensions of the Arctic (HARC) Integrated Analysis Workshop, Washington, D.C,1- 2 May 2003. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2003. Fire and water: Iceland’s use of geothermal and hydro power. Invited lecture to Johan Jørgen Holst Seminar on Energy and the Environment in World Politics, Department of Scandinavian Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, 24-25 October 2003. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2003. Connections between society and environment. Invited lecture to Human/Environment Interactions Research: Patterns, Connections and Methods Workshop, Seattle, Washington, 25-26 October 2003. Hamilton, L.C., Lynch, A., Nicholson, C., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Voinov, A. 2004. Human dimensions research in the Arctic: Methods and findings from HARC. Paper presented to session “Connections: Local and Global Aspects of Arctic Social Systems.” 5th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS V). Fairbanks, Alaska, 19-23 May 2004. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2004. Letters from Iceland: Historical sources of environmental and social data in Iceland, 1700-1900. Invited lecture to the 94th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, Redondo Beach, California, 15-17 April 2004. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2004. A struggle to survive: Daily life, climate and environment in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Iceland. Invited Public Lecture to Arctic Science Summit Week, Reykjavík, Iceland, 21-28 April 2004. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Kristjánsdóttir, G.B., Deitrich, K.A, Patterson, W.P., Andrews, J.T. and Jennings, A.E. 2004. Dynamics of human and environmental interactions in the Norse North Atlantic. Presentation to NABO and SILA Arctic Center Conference, Dynamics of Northern Societies, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-14 May 2004. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2004. Local knowledge from nineteenth-century Icelandic sýslumenn. Presentation to conference, The Discovery of Nineteenth-Century Scandinavia as Reflected in Travel- Writing, Essays, Letters and Fiction written by Scandinavians and Others. Centre for Nordic Research, Department of Scandinavian Studies, University College, London, 16-19 June 2004. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2005. Independent people: The origins of Icelandic nationalism. Invited lecture to: The Swedish-Norwegian Union and the Emergence of Nordic Nationalism. Scandinavian- American Cultural and Historical Foundation, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, California. 18-19 February 2005. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2005. The fish can sing: cod, climate and currents in Icelandic waters from the settlement to the future. Paper presented at INSTAAR, University of Colorado, 4 April 2005. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2005. Trials by ice and fire: lessons from the history of Iceland. Invited lecture to: Environmental Controls on the Collapse of Civilizations. Lessons for the 21st Century? Quaternary Research Center, University of Seattle, Seattle, Washington. 12-13 May 2005. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. and T.H. McGovern. 2005. Interdisciplinary research in Mývatn, northern Iceland. Invited lecture to: Environmental Controls on the Collapse of Civilizations. Lessons for the 21st Century? Quaternary Research Center, University of Seattle, Seattle, Washington. 12-13 May 2005. Deitrich, K.A., Patterson, W.P., Holmden, C., Andrews, J.T., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Jennings, A.E. 2005. Qualitative reconstructions of near-shore environments over the last 2000 years in Vestfirðir, NW Iceland: Evidence from high-resolution stable isotope analyses of molluscs. Earth System Processes 2, Calgary, Alberta, 8-11 August 2005. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2006. A land of fire and water: technological uses of natural resources in Iceland. Invited lecture to: On the Cutting Edge: Leading Scientific, Technological, Environmental and Cultural Developments in the Nordic Countries. Scandinavian American Cultural and

19 Historical Foundation, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, California, 17-18 February 2006. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Jónsson, T. 2006. The last famine in Iceland. 36th International Arctic Workshop, INSTAAR, Boulder, Colorado, 16-18 March 2006. Nordli, P.Ø. Lundstad, E, and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2006. Late winter-early spring temperature reconstructions for southeastern Norway based on lake ice break-up. International Glaciological Society meeting: The International Symposium on Cryospheric Indicators of Global Climate Change, Cambridge, 21-25 August 2006. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Pálsson, G. 2006. Weather and witchcraft in the Sagas of Icelanders. The Thirteenth International Saga Conference, Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Durham and York, 6-12 August 2006. Ogilvie, A.E.J., McGovern, T.H., Simpson, I.A., Ingimundarson, J.H., Einarsson, Á., Vésteinsson, O. and Brown, J. Human and social dynamics in Mývatnssveit, northern Iceland from the settlement to the present. 2006. Invited presentation to: NSF Human and Social Dynamics Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 14-15 September 2006. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and McGovern, T.H. 2006. Landscapes and seascapes of Iceland: climate impacts on marine and terrestrial environments and human populations. The View from Here: History and Ecology of the North Atlantic Region, Université Laval, Québec City, 20-24 September 2006. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2006. The NORSAGA Project. Invited presentation to: European Science Foundation Standing Committee for the Humanities (SCH). EUROCORES Programme BOREAS Histories from the North: environments, movements, narratives. Launching Conference. Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, 14-17 October 2006. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2006. Adaptation to climate change in Iceland. Invited presentation to: Adaptation to Climate Change in the Nordic Countries. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo, 18-19 December 2006. Einarsson, Níels, Heijnen, A. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2007. Human dimensions of Arctic environments: A multilingual web resource. Cyber-research-infrastructures and data management for science and communities – and ESF BOREAS workshop. Unesco, Paris. 19-20 February 2007. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2007. The NORSAGA and SYNICE projects. Informal presentation to residents of Makkovik, Labrador/Nunatsiavut, Community Hall, 27 March 2007. Ogilve, A.E.J. 2007. The NORSAGA and SYNICE projects. Informal presentation to residents of Goose Bay, Labrador/Nunatsiavut, Labrador Institute, 2 April 2007. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2007. Evidence of changes in the climate, society and environment of Iceland ca. AD 1700-1900 from official letters. 37th Annual Arctic Workshop. Skaftafell, Iceland, 2-5 May 2007. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Nordli, Ø., Pálsson, Gísli, McGovern, T.H., Einarsson, Árni, Vésteinsson, Orri, Jónsson, Trausti, Simpson, I.A. and Brown, J. 2007. Narratives of environmental change from wetland, river and lake communities in Iceland and Norway. ARCUS Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum. Water in the Arctic: International Collaborations and Understanding Environmental Change. Washington, D.C. 23-24 May 2007. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2007. Environmental images of Iceland: north and . Meeting of Iceland and Images of the North. Reykjavík Academy 9-10 June, Reykjavik. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2007. Human and social dynamics in Mývatnssveit, Iceland, from the settlement to the present. Invited presentation to Reykjavík Academy, Summer Workshop, 18-25 June, Kiðagil, Bárðardalur, Iceland. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2007. North Atlantic sea-Ice records based on historical evidence. Analytical Workshop: Instrumental and Documentary Data in the Climate Reconstruction of the Past Millennium in Europe. Institute for Physical Geography, University of Freiburg, 28-31 August 2007.

20 Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2007. Human and social dynamics in Mývatnssveit, Iceland, from the settlement to the present: recent research findings. Presentation to Human and Social Dynamics Grantees Conference, Westin Arlington Gateway, Washington D.C. 1-2 October 2007. Ogilvie, A.E.J, Rogers, J.C. 2007. Syntheses of sea-ice, climate and human systems in the Arctic and Subarctic, Presentation and Poster. ARCSS Synthesis Workshop, Arlington VA, 2-4 October 2007. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2007. Human dimensions aspects in “Northern Narratives: Social and Geographical Accounts from Norway, Iceland and Canada (NORSAGA)”. HARC (Human Dimensions of the Arctic) Synthesis Workshop, Arlington VA, 5 October 2007. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2007. Interdisciplinary explorations in the climate, history and human ecology of Northern Iceland, Stefansson Arctic Institute, Akureyri, Iceland. Invited Annual Memorial Vilhjálmur Stefánsson Lecture. 7 November 2007. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Patterson, W.P., Einarsson, Níels, Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg and Nordli, Øyvind. 2008. Northern Narratives: Social and Geographical Accounts from Norway, Iceland and Canada: A Project for IPY. 38th International Arctic Workshop, INSTAAR, University of Colorado, Boulder, 5-7 March 2008. Miles, M.W., Divine, D., Furevik, T., Jansen, E., Moros, M. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. Imprint of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on the Arctic Sea-Ice Climate System. 38th International Arctic Workshop, INSTAAR, University of Colorado, Boulder, 5-7 March 2008. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. From the Irrational to the Empirical: Environmental Images of Iceland in Local and Foreign Writings, AD 1700-1900. Invited presentation to Iceland and Images of the North Project, University of Akureyri, Akureyri, Iceland, 7-9 March 2008. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. Dwelling Under an Uncivill and Barbarous Climate: Icelandic Climate and Social History. Invited presentation to Icelandic-Canadian Network for Comparative Studies of the Cumulative Impacts of Arctic Climate Change (ICECAP) Workshop (in partnership with NORSAGA), Stefansson Arctic Institute, Akureyri, Iceland, 10-11 March 2008. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. A Brief History of Iceland. Invited Outreach presentation to Boulder “Sons of Norway” group. 28 March 2008. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Patterson, W.P., Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg, Einarsson, Níels and Nordli, Øyvind, 2008. NORSAGA – A Project for IPY. Tipping Points – The Arctic and Global Change. ARCUS Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum. Washington, D.C. 13-15 May 2008. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. Movements, Narratives and Environments of Mountain and Wetland Communities in Valdres, Norway: From Transhumance to Tourism. Invited presentation (and session) to 6th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI). Arctic Social Sciences: Prospects for the International Polar Year 2007-2008 Era and Beyond. Nuuk, 22-26 August 2008. *Demarée, G.R. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. Impacts of Climate and Sea-Ice Changes in Labrador/Nunatsiavut: Evidence from Moravian Missionary Records. Invited presentation to 6th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI). Arctic Social Sciences: Prospects for the International Polar Year 2007-2008 Era and Beyond. Nuuk, 22-26 August 2008. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. Northern Narratives: Social and Geographical Accounts from Norway, Iceland and Canada (NORSAGA). Invited presentation to Man, Culture and Nature in Canada and Iceland. University of Manitoba – University of Iceland 2008 Partnership Conference. 28- 29 August 2008, University of Iceland, Reykjavík. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. The Weather for the Wedding: Variations in Climate in Southern Greenland ca. AD 985-1500. Invited presentation to The Hvalsey Conference. , Greenland, 12- 19 September 2008. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. Environmental and Human Dynamics in Myvatnssveit, Iceland, from the Settlement to the Present. BOREAS Reykholt Workshop “Boreal Histories, Environments,

21 and Narratives: The Making and Uses of Knowledge”, Snorrastofa, Reykholt, Iceland, 21-26 October 2008. Demarée, G.R. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2008. Impacts of Climate and Sea-Ice Changes in Labrador/Nunatsiavut: Evidence from Moravian Missionary Records. BOREAS –ESF Workshop “Boreal Histories, Environments, and Narratives: The Making and Uses of Knowledge”, Snorrastofa, Reykholt, Iceland, 21-26 October 2008. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2009. Norse Greenland Revisited. Invited Outreach presentation to Boulder “Sons of Norway” group. 27 February 2009. Brown, J., Simpson, I., Adderly, P. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2009. Micromorphological evidence of historic home-field formation, Myvatnssveit, Northern Iceland. International soil micromorphology workshop, Poviglio, Italy, May 2009. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2009. Images of Sea Ice in Icelandic Narratives. Invited presentation to Iceland and Images of the North Project, Hólar College, Hólar, Iceland, 28-30 May 2009. Demarée, G.R. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2009. Moravian Missionaries in Labrador. ACRE WG1 Data and Data Visualisation planning meeting, Bologna, Italy, 27-29 May 2009. McGovern, T.H. et al., including A.E.J. Ogilvie. 2009. Vikings in the International Polar Year 2007-09: still bloodthirsty, but also ecodynamic and educational. Invited presentation to 16th Viking Congress, Reykjavík and Reykholt, Iceland 17-23 August 2009. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2009. Narrating the North: Examples of Environmental Impacts on Social Change from Iceland, Norway and Canada. BOREAS – ESF Workshop “Out of the Cold: Scientific Ways of Knowing in Histories of the Circumpolar Arctic”, , , Canada, 4-9 September 2009. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2009. Climate, History and Long-Term Human Ecodynamics. NSF Workshop on Global Long-Term Human Ecodynamics. Eagle Hill, Maine, 15-18 October 2009. Demarée, G.R. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Csonka, Y. 2009. Contacts between the Labrador Inuit, Moravian missionaries, and French-speaking Switzerland in the Nineteenth Century. BOREAS Final Conference, Arctic Centre, University of , Rovaneimi, Finland, 28-31 October 2009. Ogilvie, A.E.J. Patterson, W.P., Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg, Einarsson, Níels, Demarée, G.R. and Nordli, Øyvind, 2009. Northern Narratives: Social and Geographical Accounts from Norway, Iceland and Canada (NORSAGA): A BOREAS Project for IPY. BOREAS Final Conference, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Rovaneimi, Finland, 28-31 October 2009. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2009. NORSAGA: Northern Narratives: Social and Geographical Accounts from Norway, Iceland and Canada – Project Highlights. BOREAS Final Conference, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Rovaneimi, Finland, 28-31 October 2009. Ogilvie, A.E.J., McGovern, T.H. and Einarsson, N. 2009. Seals and Sea Ice in Medieval Greenland. 17th Arctic Conference. INSTAAR, University of Colorado at Boulder, 13-14 November 2009. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2009. Farming and Fishing in Mountain Norway. Invited Outreach presentation to Boulder “Sons of Norway” group. 20 November 2009. Demarée. G.R. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2009. Scientific Results of Moravian Missionary Activity in Labrador. Royal Belgian Academy of Overseas Sciences, Brussels. 10 December 2009. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2010. Útbreiðsla og áhrif hafíss fyrr á öldum (Extent and Impacts of Sea Ice in the Past). Invited presentation to Hafís og Strandmenning (Conference on Sea Ice and Coastal Culture). Hólar College, and Sea-Ice Centre (Hafíssetrið), Blönduós, Iceland, 10 February 2010. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2010. Fires from Beneath and Smoke from Above: Environmental, Climatic, and Social Impacts of the Skaftáreldar Eruption (1783-84) in Iceland and Beyond. Invited lecture presented to the Stefansson Arctic Institute, Iceland, 12 May 2010.

22 *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2010. Climate, History and Society in Iceland. Invited presentation to NATO conference (introduced by the President of Iceland, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson). Climate Change: Global Change and Local Adaptation, Hotel Rangá, Hella, Iceland, 6-9 June 2010. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Demarée, G.R., Patterson, W. Hill, B., Rogers, J.C. 2010. Human Dimensions of Changing Seasonality in the Arctic: A Focus on Labrador/Nunatsiavut. International Polar Year Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, 8-12 June 2010. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Níels Einarsson. 2010. Regional Development and Dynamic Processes on Coastal Communities in Iceland and Greenland: An Introduction to the AEGIR project. Adaptation in the Nordic Countries – Multilevel governance and regional development. Meeting of Nordic Network for Climate Change, Adaptation, and Multilevel Governance (NORCAM). Oslo, 5 October 2010. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2010. Sagas and Sea Ice: Variations in the Climate of Iceland from the Settlement to the Present. Invited Royal Meteorological Society Annual Gordon Manley Memorial Lecture for 2010, Department of Geography, University of Durham, 18 November 2010. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Crate, S.A. 2010. Understanding Climate-Driven Phenological Change - Observations, Adaptations and Cultural Implications in Northeastern and Labrador/Nunatsiavut (PHENARC). Meeting of Climate Researchers in Labrador/Nunatsiavut. Ottawa, 13 December 2010. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2011. A Land of Fire and Smoke: Social and Environmental Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions in Iceland. Invited Outreach presentation to Boulder “Sons of Norway” group. 25 March 2011. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2011. Past and Present Environmental and Social Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions in Iceland. INSTAAR Noon Seminar. 28 March 2011. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2011. “And so they named the country Greenland: Historical Documentary Records of Climate and Sea Ice for Greenland”. Invited presentation to First Meeting of “Green Greenland” Project. Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Gif sur Yvette, France, 29 March-1 April 2011. Demarée, G.R., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Rollmann, Hans, 2011. From London to Labrador, via Stromness: Crossing the Atlantic with the Moravian missionaries, The Inaugural St Magnus Conference, Orkney, 14-15 April 2011. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2011. Comparing Changing Patterns of Seasonality in Sea-Ice Records from the Labrador/Nunatsiavut and Iceland Sectors. The Seventh International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences. Circumpolar Perspectives in Global Dialogue: Social Sciences beyond the International Polar Year. Akureyri, Iceland, 22-26 June 2011. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2011. Sea Ice as Enemy and Friend: The case of Iceland and Labrador. Our Ice Dependent World: The 6th Open Assembly of the Northern Research Forum, Hverargerði, Iceland, 3-6 September 2011. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Níels Einarsson. 2011. Coastal Communities in Transition. The Case of Iceland – From Vikings to Business Vikings. Invited lecture to Nordkappfilmfestival, Honningsvåg, Norway, 14-18 September 2011. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2012. Land-Use Change in a Changing Climate: Farming Practices, Nature-Based Tourism and Outdoor Recreation – Local Issues, Global Concerns. Workshop on Land-Use Change in a Changing Climate. Framsenteret, Tromsø, 1 February 2012. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Amundsen, H. and Hovelsrud, G.K. 2012. Climatic Adaptation in Landscapes and Seascapes of Northern Norway: Challenges and Opportunities. 42nd INSTAAR International Arctic Workshop, Winter Park, Colorado 7-9 March 2012. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2012. The Bond Between Norway, Shetland and the Orkney Islands. Invited Outreach presentation to Boulder “Sons of Norway” group. 23 March 2012. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2012. Letters from Iceland c. A.D. 1700-1894: Climate, Sea Ice and Politics. IPY 2012: From Knowledge to Action, 22-27 April, Montreal, Canada.

23 *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2012. Changing Arctic Ecosystems: How Northern Cultures Respond and Adapt. Invited Lecture to AGU Science Policy Conference 2012. Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington D.C., 30 April-2 May 2012. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2012. Using Water Wisely: The Thousand-Year Settlement Around Lake Mývatn, Iceland. GAPS IPY, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2012. Climate Data from Official Letters from Iceland c. AD 1700-1894. XVth International Conference of Historical Geographers, 6-10 August 2012. Prague, Chechia. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2012. A Brief History of Climate in Iceland. Nansen Seminar: In Northern Mists: Understanding the Past, Predicting the Future. University of Akureyri, 13 November 2012. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2013. Land Management and Sustainability: The Thousand-Year Settlement around Lake Mývatn, Iceland. UTMARK workshop, Sommarøy, Norway, 14-16 January 2013. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2013. Seeking the Iceberg in the Mist: Reconstructing the Past Climate of Iceland Using Documentary Evidence. Invited lecture to Institute of Advanced Study, University of Minnesota, 12 February 2013. Organized by Geraldine Heng, Winton Chair. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2013. Climates of the Past: With Special Emphasis on the Middle Ages. Invited lecture to Winton Graduate Seminar. Institute of Advanced Study, University of Minnesota, 13 February 2013. Organized by Geraldine Heng, Winton Chair. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2013. Reconstructing the Past Climate of Iceland Using Documentary Evidence. Inscribing Environmental Memory in the Icelandic Sagas Meeting. Reykjavik Academy, Reykjavík, 26 April 2013. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2013. Sagas and Science: Reconstructing the Past Climate of Iceland Using Documentary Sources. Centre for Nordic Studies, University of the Highlands and Islands, Kirkwall, Orkney, 4 June 2013. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2013. Sea Ice Off the Coasts of Iceland and Labrador: Past and Present. NABO General Meeting, Stefansson Arctic Institute, Akureyri, 12-13 July 2013. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2013. Sagas and Science: Reconstructing the Past Climate of Iceland Using Documentary Sources. Orkney College, University of the Highlands and Islands, Kirkwall, Orkney, 2 September 2013. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2013. Documentary Historical Evidence for the Climate of Northern Europe in the Medieval Period. Hubert Lamb Centenary Meeting, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 7 September 2013. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2013. Reflections on Traditional Ecological Knowledge. Panel Presentation for The Science of Ice: Global Research Cooperation, The , Reykjavík, Iceland, 12-14 October 2013. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2013. Using Documentary Sources to Reconstruct the Past Climate of Iceland. IASC Workshop on Arctic Data Rescue, Citizen-Science and Collaborative Research, Icelandic Meteorological Office, Reykjavík, Iceland, 11-12 November 2013. Jónsdóttir, I. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2013. Drift Ice Around Iceland. IASC Workshop on Arctic Data Rescue, Citizen-Science and Collaborative Research, Icelandic Meteorological Office, Reykjavík, Iceland, 11-12 November 2013. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2014. Navigating the Northern Mists: Explorations in Climates and Societies. Inaugural Lecture as Nansen Professor in Arctic Studies, Why the Arctic Matters, Prospects of Development, Nansen Seminar, Nordic House, Reykjavík, Iceland, 14 January 2014. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Einarsson, N. 2014. Implications of Changes in Sea Ice, Climate and Resource Governance for the Sustainability of Northern Communities: Challenges for Adaptation and Green Growth. Initial Meeting of GREENICE project, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, Bergen, Norway, 13 February 2014. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Einarsson, N. and Keenlyside, N. 2014. Impacts of Sea-Ice and Snow-Cover Changes on Climate, Green Growth and Society, 44th INSTAAR International Arctic Workshop, Boulder, Colorado 15-16 March 2014.

24 Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2014. “The Iceland dried cod is much esteemed ...”: Reflections on Icelandic Fisheries History. The Northern Isles and the Sea, 2nd St Magnus Conference, University of the Highlands and Islands, Lerwick, Shetland, 9-12 April 2014. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2014. An Ancient Enemy Observed: Images of Sea Ice in Selected Narratives of Iceland. Session: Humanities in the Circumpolar World, International Congress of Arctic Social Scientists (ICASS) VIII, Northern Sustainabilities, University of Northern British Colombia, Prince George, Canada, 22-26 May 2014. King, L. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2014. Northern Knowledge for Sustainable Coastal Communities, International Congress of Arctic Social Scientists (ICASS) VIII, Northern Sustainabilities, University of Northern British Colombia, Prince George, Canada, 22-26 May 2014. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2014. Weather and Witchcraft in the Sagas of Icelanders. Presentation to Svartárkot course: Environmental Memory and Change in Medieval Iceland, Kiðagil, Iceland, 5 August 2014. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2014. “The Icelandic Dried Cod is Much Esteemed”… Reflections on Icelandic Fisheries History, Svartárkot course seminar: Environmental Memory and Change in Medieval Iceland, Stóri Tjarnaskóli, Iceland, 10 August 2014. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2014. Sagas and Science: Documentary Data of Climate, Sea Ice and Society from the Settlement Period to the Present. Presentation to Svartárkot course: Environmental Memory and Change in Medieval Iceland, Kiðagil, Iceland, 12 August 2014. Nordli, Øyvind, Isaksen, Ketil, Przybylak, Rajmund, Ogilvie, Astrid, E.J. 2014. Long-term temperature trends and variability on Spitsbergen from the start of the 20th century to the present. International Geographical Union Regional Conference: Changes, Challenges, Responsibilities, Kraków, Poland, 18-22 August 2014. (Presented by Øyvind Nordli). Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2014. Reflections on Sagas, Sea Ice and Science. Seminar on Mývatn and Beyond: Interdisciplinary Investigations of Changes in Climate and Human Ecodynamic Systems, University of Akureyri/Stefansson Arctic Institute, 2 September 2014. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2014. Fisheries, Environmental History, and Coastal Narratives of Iceland, North Atlantic Fisheries History Association (NAFHA) Meeting, UIT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, 24-27 September 2014. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2014. Changes in the Arctic: Old and New Debates. Norway Seminar 2014: Norway and the Arctic, University of Seattle, Washington, 16-18 October 2014. Invited keynote public lecture. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2014. Variations in Climate, Sea Ice and Fisheries in Iceland ca. AD 1600 to 1900, Invited lecture to Quaternary Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle, 15 October 2014. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2015. Reconstructing the Past Climate of Iceland: Old and New Debates, Invited lecture to University of Akureyri (Hringtorg), 25 February 2015. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Jónsson, Trausti. 2015. Veðurfar frá því um siðaskipti í ljósi ritaðra heimilda og beinna mælinga ("Climate of the last 1000 years reconstructed from historical records and early instrumental observations"). Invited lecture to Reykholt Cultural Centre, 5 May 2015. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2015. Climate, Grass Growth, and Hay Yield in Northeastern Iceland A.D. 1700 to 1950. 45th INSTAAR International Arctic Workshop, Bergen, Norway, 10-13 March 2015. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2015. Climate, History and Culture in Medieval and Early Modern Iceland. Presentation to Svartárkot course: Understanding the Human Dimensions of Long-term Environmental Change: Transformations of Iceland from the Viking Era through the late Medieval Period, Kiðagil, Iceland, 8 June 2015. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2015. Weather and Witchcraft in the Sagas of Icelanders. Presentation to Svartárkot course: Understanding the Human Dimensions of Long-term Environmental Change: Transformations of Iceland from the Viking Era through the late Medieval Period, Kiðagil, Iceland, 8 June 2015.

25 Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2015. Investigations of the Long-Term Sustainability of Human Ecodynamic Systems in Northern Iceland. Presentation to Svartárkot course: Understanding the Human Dimensions of Long-term Environmental Change: Transformations of Iceland from the Viking Era through the late Medieval Period, Kiðagil, Iceland, 9 June 2015. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2015. Documentary Evidence of Changes in Climate and Sea-Ice Incidence in Iceland During the Last Millennium. Invited keynote lecture to Polar Climate and Environmental Change in the Last Millennium, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torún, Poland, 24-27 August 2015. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2015. Sagas, Sea Ice and Skalds: Images of Climate and the Environment from Icelandic Literary and Historical Records. Invited public lecture to the Launch of the Mistra- Formas Environmental Humanities Collaboratory. See, Linkjöping University, 18 September 2015. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2015. Sagas and Science: Reconstructing the Past Climate of Iceland Using Documentary Sources. Invited lecture to Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, 22 September 2015. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2015. Mountain Farming in Northeast Iceland. Presentation to Perth III: Mountains of our Future Earth Conference, The Centre for Mountain Studies, Perth, Scotland, 4-8 October, 2015. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2015. Reflections on Icelandic Fisheries History. Invited keynote lecture to Workshop on Travelling to Shetland, Faroe, and Iceland during the 15th to 17th centuries, Workshop at the Deutsches Schiffahrtsmusem, Bremerhaven, 2-4 November 2015. Presented virtually. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2015. Sagas and Sea Ice: Documentary Sources of Climate and Environment in Iceland and the Surrounding Seas ca. AD 1300 to 1700. Invited lecture to Workshop on Travelling to Shetland, Faroe, and Iceland during the 15th to 17th centuries, Workshop at the Deutsches Schiffahrtsmusem, Bremerhaven, 2-4 November 2015. Presented by Ragnar Edvardsson. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2016. Living in Northern Coastal Communities: The Case of Tromsø. Invited Outreach presentation to Boulder “Sons of Norway” group. 22 January 2016. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2016. Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH). 46th International Arctic Workshop: The Arctic’s new normal: Shifting environmental baselines over decades to millennia and comparisons with the Antarctic, INSTAAR, Boulder, Colorado, 3 April 2016. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2016. An Introduction to ARCPATH: Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies. ARCPATH First Meeting, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, Bergen, Norway, 11-12 April 2016. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2016. Arctic Linkages: Climate, Environmental Change, and Human Eco- Dynamics. ARCPATH First Meeting, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, Bergen, Norway, 11-12 April 2016. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2016. A Fleet of Silver: Literary and Historical Icescapes of Iceland. Third International St Magnus Conference: Visualising the North, The Centre for Nordic Studies (CNS) University of the Highlands and Islands, Kirkwall, Orkney, 15 April 2016. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Koepping, Kerry, and Einarsson, Níels. 2016. Visualising the Arctic: Change and the New Normal. Third International St Magnus Conference: Visualising the North, The Centre for Nordic Studies (CNS) University of the Highlands and Islands, Kirkwall, Orkney, 16 April 2016. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2016. Weather and Witchcraft in the Sagas of Icelanders. Invited public lecture to University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 19 April 2016. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2016. The Summer of 1816 in Iceland. 1816: The Year Without A Summer. Royal Meteorological Society National Meeting, Whitby Museum, Whitby, North Yorkshire, 21 May 2016.

26 Einarsson, Níels and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2016. Sea ice, Climate, and Resource Governance in a Northern Community: The Case of Grímsey Island, Iceland. Conference on Anthropology, Weather and Climate, British Museum, London, 28 May 2016. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Sigurðardóttir, R., Júlíusson, Á.D., and Hreinsson, V. 2016. Cross-Disciplinary Investigations of the Long-Term Sustainability of Human Ecodynamic Systems in Northeastern Iceland. Conference on Anthropology, Weather and Climate, British Museum, London, 29 May 2016. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Einarsson, Níels. 2016. Impacts of Climate and Socioeconomic Changes in Northern Communities. GREENICE-EPOCASA-PARADIGM Workshop on Climate Prediction in the Arctic-Atlantic Sector, University of Bergen, 13-15 June 2016. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2016. The ARCPATH project. Sigtuna HfE Workshop, Sponsored by Sigtunastiftelsen and NIES, Sigtuna, Sweden, 9-11 September 2016. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2016. Seeing Things Differently in Arctic Research. Panel on The Educating of Mid- Latitudinal Countries on Climate Change through Art and Science: “To See Things Differently” organized by Kerry Koepping, Arctic Arts Project. Arctic Circle Conference, Harpa, Reykjavík, Iceland, 7-9 October 2016. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2016. WP 1: Arctic Linkages: Climate, Environmental Change, and Human Eco- Dynamics. ARCPATH Annual Meeting, Meteorological Office, Copenhagen, 27-28 October 2016. Presented by Noel Keenlyside. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2017. North Atlantic Exploration and Climate. 2 Invited Outreach presentation to Denver Museum of Nature and Science re. exhibit Vikings: Beyond the Legend. 21 February 2017. Lecture given twice. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2017. Sagas and Science: Documentary Evidence of Changes in Climate and Sea- Ice Incidence in Iceland from the Settlement to the Late 1800s. Invited lecture to the University of Iceland Centre for Medieval Studies (Miðaldastofa), Reykjavík, 9 March 2017. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2017. Sagas and Science: Reconstructing the Past Climate of Iceland Using Documentary Sources. Invited lecture to School for International Training (SIT) Graduate Student Group on: Iceland and Greenland: Climate Change and the Arctic, Akureyri, 15 March 2017. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2017. Cross-Disciplinary Investigations of the Long-Term Sustainability of Human Ecodynamic Systems in Northeastern Iceland. Invited lecture to School for International Training (SIT) Graduate Student Group on: Iceland and Greenland: Climate Change and the Arctic, Akureyri, 16 March 2017. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2017. The ARCPATH Project and Changes in the Arctic. Invited lecture to School for International Training (SIT) Graduate Student Group on: Iceland and Greenland: Climate Change and the Arctic, Akureyri, 17 March 2017. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2017. Documentary Records of Climate Change, ARCPATH/GREENICE writing workshop, Bergen, 8-11 May 2017. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Sigurðardóttir, Ragnhildur, Júlíusson, Árni Daníel, Hreinsson, Viðar and Hicks, Megan. 2017. Climate, Environment and Adaptation in Northeastern Iceland A.D. 1750 to the Present. Session 5.3. Evaluation and Planning for Uncertain Times in a Rapidly Changing Environment, ICASS IX, Umeå, Sweden, 9 June 2017. King, L., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Einarsson, Níels. 2017. Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH), ICASS IX, Umeå, Sweden, 10 June 2017. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Gao, Yongqi. 2017. Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH), Nordforsk Joint Nordic Initiative on Arctic Research Annual Conference, Umeå, Sweden, 13-14 June 2017. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Einarsson, Níels and Virginia, Ross, A. 2017. The Spotted Sun: John Rae, Vilhjálmur Stefansson and the Friendly Arctic, University of the Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute Archaeology Conference: Our Islands, Our Past, Kirkwall, Orkney, 14-17 September 2017.

27 King, L., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Einarsson, Níels. 2017. Pathways to Resilient and Sustainable Northern Societies: Looking to the Past and the Future, University of the Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute Archaeology Conference: Our Islands, Our Past, Kirkwall, Orkney, 14-17 September 2017. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2017. Reconstructing the Past Climate of Iceland Using Documentary Sources. Invited lecture to School for International Training (SIT) Graduate Student Group on: Iceland and Greenland: Climate Change and the Arctic, Akureyri, 9 October 2017. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2017. Introduction to the ARCPATH and GREENICE Projects: Arctic Climate and Environmental Change and Human Eco-Dynamics, Panel on Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH) Arctic Circle Assembly, Harpa, Reykjavík, Iceland, 14 October 2017. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2017. Why Study Past Climates? The Historical Sea-Ice Record from Iceland, ARCPATH annual meeting, Nordic House, Reykjavík, Iceland, 16 October, 2017. Níels Einarsson and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2017. Sea Ice, Climate, and Resource Governance in a Northern Community: The Case of Grímsey Island, Iceland, GREENICE final meeting, Háskólatorg, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, 17 October 2017. *Ogilvie, A.E.J., with Einarson, Níels and Virginia, Ross. 2018. Arctic Explorers: Stefansson’s “Friendly Arctic” and lessons learned from John Rae, early adopter of Inuit traditional knowledge, Invited lecture to Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, 27 February 2018. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. The Foundations of Map-Making and Geography in Iceland, 48th International Arctic Workshop, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado at Boulder, 4-6 April 2018. Sigurðardóttir, R., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Júlíusson, A.D., Hicks, M.T. and Hreinsson, V. 2018. Drivers of Change: Sustainability and Environmental Change in the Lake Mývatn District of Iceland AD 1700-1950, 48th International Arctic Workshop, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado at Boulder, 4-6 April 2018. King, L., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Ingimundarson, J.H., Hreinsson, V., Hartman, S. 2018. From Narratives to Numbers: Blending the Humanities and Natural Science in Northern Research, 4th International St Magnus Conference Alternative Fact and Actual Fiction: Constructing the Social Narrative, Orkney Islands, Scotland, 16-18 April 2018. Sigurðardóttir, R., Júlíusson, Á.D., Hreinsson, V., Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. Narratives of Catastrophe and Survival in Northeast Iceland, 4th International St Magnus Conference Alternative Fact and Actual Fiction: Constructing the Social Narrative, Orkney Islands, Scotland, 16-18 April 2018. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. Reflections on Weather and Climate by Travellers to the North, Climate Existence Conference, Sigtunastiftelsen, Sigtuna, Sweden, 7-9 May 2018. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. Climate, Sea Ice and Human Ecodynamic Systems in Northeastern Iceland: Lessons from the Past and Perspectives from the Future, Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences International Conference. Climate and Cultures: Perspectives for the Future, Palais des Académies, Brussels, Belgium. Invited Keynote Lecture, 23-24 May 2018. Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Yongqi Gao (with contributions from ARCPATH members). 2018. Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH), NordForsk Annual Meeting, University of Helsinki, Finland 28-31 May 2018. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. Climate, Sea Ice and Human Ecodynamic Systems in Northeastern Iceland, Hay and Wetland Management Workshop, Hannesarholt, Reykjavik, Iceland, 14-17 June 2018. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. Studying Past Climates: A Focus on Documentary Evidence, ARCPATH Summer Course, Climate Teleconnections and Predictions: Past, Present and Future, Norheimsund, Norway, 4 July 2018.

28 Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. Examples of Climate Impacts: Case Studies from Iceland, ARCPATH Summer Course, Climate Teleconnections and Predictions: Past, Present and Future, Norheimsund, Norway, 5 July 2018. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. Climate History of Iceland and the Lake Mývatn Area, Svartárkot Culture- Nature Project, Human ecology and culture at Lake Mývatn 1700-2000: Dimensions of Environmental and Cultural Change, Bárðardalur, northern Iceland, 24 August 2018. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. Examples of Climate Impacts: Case Studies from Iceland in General and Mývatn in Particular, Svartárkot Culture-Nature Project, Human ecology and culture at Lake Mývatn 1700-2000: Dimensions of Environmental and Cultural Change, Bárðardalur, northern Iceland, 24 August 2018. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. Back to Basics: Historical Climate Research, ARCPATH Annual Meeting, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, Bergen, Norway, 6 September 2018. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. Introduction to Elizabeth Ogilvie´s Book and Film Launch Out of Ice, Arctic Circle Assembly, Harpa, Reykjavík, Iceland, 19 October 2018. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. General Climate History of Iceland: Documentary Evidence ca. 1600-2018, University of Iceland Course on Society and Environment in Mývatnssveit (Samfélag og umhverfi við Mývatn) 1700-1950. Based on MYCHANGE and MYSEAC projects, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 9 November 2018 Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. Climate Impacts ca. 1700-1950: Examples from Iceland in General and Mývatnssveit in Particular, University of Iceland Course on Society and Environment in Mývatnssveit (Samfélag og umhverfi við Mývatn) 1700-1950. Based on MYCHANGE and MYSEAC projects, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 16 November 2018. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2018. Introduction to Professor Leslie King´s Vilhjálmur Stefansson Memorial Lecture, Learning from Northern Peoples, University of Washington, Seattle, 5 December 2018. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2019. Outreach presentation on The Viking Age and the European Settlement of the North Atlantic World to Frazier Meadows retirement community, Boulder, Colorado, 20 February 2019. Gao, Y. and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2019. Nordic Centre of Excellence: Arctic Climate Predictions - Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH), European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2019. (Presented by Yongqi Gao.) Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2019. Arctic Climate Predictions - Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH) and Historical Sea-Ice Records from Iceland, Panel on Out of Ice by Elizabeth Ogilvie and Rob Page, Ca'Dolfin: Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Venice, Italy, 7 May 2019. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2019. Arctic Climate Predictions - Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH), Presentation to DIS Travel Abroad Expedition to Ilulissat and Queqertarsuaq, Ilulissat, 27 May 2019. Hreinsson, Viðar and Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2019. New Knowledge Regarding Early Modern Maps of Iceland, SCIENTIAE Early Modern Knowledge, Queen’s University, Belfast 12-15 June 2019. Presented by Viðar Hreinsson on 12 June. Júlíusson, A.D., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Demarée, G.R. 2019. Local Impacts of the 1783-84 Lakagígar Eruption in Iceland. INQUA 2019, 25-31 July 2019, Dublin, Ireland. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2019. Opportunities and Challenges for the Nordic Arctic Region, Opportunities and challenges for future regional development, Open seminar with EK-R (Nordic Committee of Senior Officials for Regional Policy) and Nordregio’s Board of Directors at University of Akureyri, Organised by Ministry of Transport and Local Government (Byggðastofnun) and Nordregio, Invited lecture, 12 September 2019. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2019. Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH): Some "fishy" aspects. Re-visiting Fisheries History - Re-visiting Iceland,

29 Invited lecture to North Atlantic Fisheries Historical Association (NAFHA) Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, 17-18 October 2019. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2019. Outreach presentation on Arctic Climate Predictions - Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH) to Boulder Valley Rotary Club. 19 November 2019. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2019. Outreach presentation on The "Frozen North": Key Arctic Explorers and the Search for the to Sons of Norway, Boulder, Colorado, 22 November 2019. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2020. Arctic Climate Predictions - Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH), Internal presentation to INSTAAR "Data Blitz", 15 January 2020. Demarée, G.R., Tagami, Y., Mailier, P., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Mikami, T. 2020. Arctic Meteorological and Geographical Observations on Dutch whaling Vessels in the Early 1760s. Presentation for the 35th International Symposium on the Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans 2020, Mombetsu, Hokkaido, Japan, 16-21 February 2020. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2020. Reflections of Change: The Natural World in Literary and Historical Sources for Iceland ca. AD 800-1800, Invited lecture to University of the Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute Research Seminar, Kirkwall, Orkney, Scotland, virtually on 25 September 2020. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2020. Weather as Magic and Metaphor in the Sagas of Icelanders, Invited Hermann Pálsson Memorial Lecture at the Annual Conference of the Scottish Society for Northern Studies, virtually on 21 November 2020. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2021. Weather Magic in the Sagas of Icelanders, Outreach talk to Boulder Sons of Norway, 26 February 2021. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2021. Historical and Early Instrumental Climate Data for England, Iceland, Labrador and Greenland, Human Ecodynamics Research Centre (HERC) Workshop, 19- 20 March. King, L., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Lepore, W. 2021. NORSEACC: Northern Knowledge for Resilience, Sustainable Environments and Adaptation in Coastal Communities, 50th International Arctic Workshop, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado at Boulder, 15-17 April 2021. Ogilvie, A.E.J., Miles, M., Van der Wal, R. and Löf, A. 2021. Understanding Resilience and Long- Term Environmental Change in the High Arctic: Narrative Based Analyses from Svalbard (SVALUR), 50th International Arctic Workshop, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado at Boulder, 15-17 April 2021. Ogilvie, A.E.J. 2021. Panel member on "Corporate Social and Environmental Innovation" at Inaugural Conference on Innovations to Tackle Global Sustainability Challenges, 20-21 May 2021, Virtually to Centres for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the George Washington University, Indiana University, and Georgia Institute of Technology. King, L., Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Lepore, W. 2021. Resilient Northern Communities: Northern Knowledge for Resilience, Sustainable Environments and Adaptation in Coastal Communities (NORSEACC), Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021Environmental Studies Association of Canada, 2 June 2021.


Ogilvie, A.E.J. and Ingimundarson, J.H. Climate, Society, Economy and Scholarship: Environmental Writings in Iceland ca. 1400-1700. Leeds International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, 5-9 July 2021. *Ogilvie, A.E.J. Invited Keynote Lecture. Of Ice and Men: From Polar Explorers to Polar Research, Invited Keynote lecture to: Chryosphere 2020, International Symposium on Ice, Snow and Water in a Warming World, Reykjavik, Harpa Conference Centre, Reykjavík, Iceland, 21-24 September, 2020. Postponed to 2021.

30 Ogilvie, A.E.J. Of Ice and Bears: Unwelcome Visitors to Iceland ca. 1600-1800, "Visits", Akureyri Art Gallery, 28 September 2021.

Conferences and Sessions Organized 2008-2019

• 2008. Session at 6th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI). Arctic Social Sciences: Prospects for the International Polar Year 2007-2008 Era and Beyond. Nuuk, 22-26 August 2008 entitled: Northern Narratives of Climate Change: Impacts from Ocean and Lake Communities: A Synthesis Approach. 12 papers presented. Funded by the European Science Foundation. • 2008. Conference funded by the European Science Foundation EUROCOREAS BOREAS programme on Boreal Histories, Environments, and Narratives: The Making and Uses of Knowledge, Snorrastofa, Reykholt, Iceland, 21-26 October 2008. 50 delegates took part in this very successful conference. ESF award (see below). • 2009. Conference funded by the National Science Foundation on Long-Term Global Human Ecodynamics. Eagle Hill, Maine, 15-18 October 2009. NSF award (see below). • 2009. Panel Session at Boreas Final Conference, A Many-Faceted Tale: Narrating the North, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Rovaneimi, Finland, 28-31 October 2009. • 2011. Session on Circumpolar Perspectives on Changing Seasonality in the Arctic at the “Seventh International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences Circumpolar Perspectives in Global Dialogue: Social Sciences beyond the International Polar Year” Akureyri, Iceland, 22-26 June 2011. • 2012. Workshop on Land-Use Change in a Changing Climate: Farming Practices, Nature- Based Tourism and Outdoor Recreation – Local Issues, Global Concerns. Framsenteret, Tromsø, 1 February 2012. • 2012. Nansen Seminar for cooperation between Iceland and Norway. On behalf of the Norwegian and Icelandic Foreign Ministries. Together with Níels Einarsson, Director, Stefansson Arctic Institute: In Northern Mists: Understanding the Past, Predicting the Future – Icelandic and Norwegian Contributions to Arctic Research. University of Akureyri, 12-13 November 2012. • 2014. Workshop on Mývatn and Beyond: Interdisciplinary Investigations of Changes in Climate and Human Ecodynamic Systems. Funded by Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís) Science Cooperation Fund and the Nansen Professor Fund. University of Akureyri, Iceland, 2-3 September 2014. • 2017. Panel Session at Arctic Circle Assembly Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH). Harpa, Reykjavík, Iceland, 14 October 2017. • 2017. Final meeting of GREENICE project and Annual meeting of ARCPATH project. Nordic House and Háskólatorg, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, 15-17 October 2017. • 2017. Annual Meeting of Reflections of Change: The Natural World in Literary and Historical Sources from Iceland ca. AD 800 to 1800 (ICECHANGE), Stefansson Arctic Institute, Akureyri, Iceland. • 2018. Annual Meeting of Reflections of Change: The Natural World in Literary and Historical Sources from Iceland ca. AD 800 to 1800 (ICECHANGE), Hannesarholt, Reykjavik, Iceland, 1 September 2018. • 2018. Annual Meeting of Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH), Bergen, Norway, 6-7 September 2018. • 2018. Panel Session at Arctic Circle Assembly, Elizabeth Ogilvie´s Book and Film Launch Out of Ice, Harpa, Reykjavík, Iceland, 19 October 2018.

31 • 2019. Annual Meeting of Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH), Reykjavík, Iceland, 14-15 October 2019.

Research Grants Awarded 2000-2021

2000. National Science Foundation (USA). Award OPP-0002651: Landscapes and Seascapes: Linkages between Marine and Terrestrial Environments and Human Populations in the North Atlantic.PIs: A.E.J. Ogilvie, J.R. McGoodwin, G. Pálsson, J.H. Ingimundarsson, T. Jónsson and H. Vilhjálmsson. $366,945. Ended 2005. 2002. Leverhulme Trust (UK). Landscapes circum-Landnam: Viking Settlement in the North Atlantic and its Human and Ecological consequences. PIs: K.J. Edwards, T.H. McGovern, A.J. Dugmore. I was a consultant on this project awarded to the Department of Geography and Environment, University of Aberdeen. Ended 2006. 2003. RANNÍS (The Icelandic Centre for Research). Climate Changes and Climate Impacts: Evidence from Sheriffs´Letters. PIs: A.E.J. Ogilvie, Trausti Jónsson and Sigurgeir Steingrímsson. $60,000. Ended 2006. 2003. National Science Foundation (USA). Award OPP 0326776: Warm Times, Cold Times:- Quantitative Reconstructions of Near-Shore Environments Over the Last 2000 Years in Vestfirðir, NW Iceland: Natural Changes and Human Responses. PIs: J.T. Andrews, B. Patterson, A.E. Jennings and A.E.J. Ogilvie. $394,457. Ended 2006. 2006. National Science Foundation (USA). Award BCS 0527732. AOC: Human and Social Dynamics in Myvatnssveit, Northern Iceland, from the Settlement to the Present. PIs: A.E.J. Ogilvie; T.H. McGovern; J.H. Ingimundarson; I.A. Simpson. $549, 109. 03/15/2006-08/31/2009. 2006. National Science Foundation (USA) in collaboration with the European Science Foundation (ESF). Award 0638897: Northern Narratives: Social and Geographical Accounts from Norway, Iceland and Canada (NORSAGA). Project Leader: A.E.J. Ogilvie. PIs: Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir; Níels Einarsson; W.P. Patterson. Associated Partners: P. Wadhams, B. T. Hill; G.R. Demarée. $592,890. 11/15/2006-10/31/2009. 2006. National Science Foundation (USA). Award 0629500. Collaborative Research: Syntheses of Sea Ice, Climate and Human Systems in the Arctic and Subarctic (SYNICE). PIs: Astrid E.J. Ogilvie; J.C. Rogers; Peter Wadhams. $565,897. 09/15/2006-8/31/2009. 2007. RANNÍS (The Icelandic Centre for Research). Author award (Launasjóður fræðiritahöfunda) to write book on Ástandið á Íslandi: Bréf sýslumanna og amtmanna 1700-1894. 2007. RANNÍS (The Icelandic Centre for Research). Iceland and Images of the North. Co-PI. Led by Sumarliði Ísleifsson and Daniel Chartier. 06/01/2007-05/31/2010. 2008. European Science Foundation EUROCORES programme BOREAS. Grant to hold workshop entitled Boreal Histories, Environments, and Narratives: The Making and Uses of Knowledge. Snorrastofa, Reykholt, Iceland, 21-26 October 2008. 50 delegates took part. 49,000 Euros. 2009. National Science Foundation (USA). Award 0902134. Collaborative Proposal: Understanding Climate-Driven Phenological Change - Observations, Adaptations and Cultural Implications in Northeastern Siberia and Labrador/Nunatsiavut (PHENARC). PIs A.E.J. Ogilvie and S.A. Crate. $566,517. 2009. National Science Foundation (USA). Award 0947862. Conference on Long-Term Human Ecodynamics. PIs: T. H. McGovern, A.E.J. Ogilvie, S. Perdikaris. $49,900. 2009. NordForsk. Adaptation in the Nordic Countries – Multilevel governance and regional development. Nordic Network for Climate Change, Adaptation, and Multilevel Governance (NORCAM). PIs: G.K. Hovelsrud, H. Dannevig, C. Keskitalo, A.E.J. Ogilvie, M. Tenneberg. NOK 300,000.

32 2011. Norwegian Research Council. Local Land-Use Change in a Changing Climate: Farming Practices, Nature-Based Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation (LUCC). PI: A.E.J. Ogilvie. NOK 1.500,000. 2012. Framsenteret (Norway). Traditional Indigenous Knowledge in the 21st Century: Expressions of Relevance, Resilience, Adaptability and Vulnerability for the Past and the Future. PIs: A.E.J. Ogilvie, M. Myrvoll, T.A. Olsen and C. Brattland. NOK. 307,000. 2013. Framsenteret (Norway). Local Communities in Transition: Adapting to Seasonal Changes in High-Latitude Landscapes. PIs: A.E.J. Ogilvie, C. Brattland, E. Eythórsson, S. Barlindhaug, H. Tømmervik, J-Å. Riseth. NOK 133, 000. 2013. Nordforsk Top Level Research Initiative. Award 61841. Impacts of Future Sea-Ice and Snow-Cover Changes on Climate, Green Growth and Society (GREENICE). PIs: N. Keenlyside, A.E.J. Ogilvie, Níels Einarsson et al., NOK 16,000,000 ($2,733,580). 2013. Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís) Science Cooperation Fund. Climate, Sea Ice, and Society: Perspectives from Norway and Iceland (NORICE). PI: A.E.J. Ogilvie. €16,960 ($21,736). 2014. National Science Foundation (USA). Award 1446308. Investigations of the Long- Term Sustainability of Human Ecodynamic Systems in Northern Iceland (MYCHANGE). PI: A.E.J. Ogilvie. Co-PIs: Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir, Árni Daníel Júlíusson, Viðar Hreinsson, Megan Hicks. $224,998. 8/1/2014-7/31/2016. 2014. Nordforsk. Pre-proposal award. Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH). PI: Yongqi Gao. Co-PIs: A.E.J. Ogilvie, Níels Einarsson, Noel Keenlyside, et al., NOK 90,300. ($15,089) 2016. NordForsk. Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH). Award 76654. PIs: Yongqi Gao, A.E.J. Ogilvie. Co-PIs: Níels Einarsson, Noel Keenlyside, et al., NOK 28,000,000. ($3,176,000). 1/1/2016-12/31/2020. 2016. RANNÍS. Award. 163133-051 (The Icelandic Centre for Research.) The Mývatn District of Iceland: Sustainability, Environment and Change ca. AD 1700 to 1950 (MYSEAC)*. PI: Árni Daníel Júlíusson. Co-PIs: Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir; Viðar Hreinsson; Megan Hicks and A.E.J. Ogilvie. $562,000. 6/1/2016-5/31/2019. 2016. Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. Award P16-06051. Reflections of Change: The Natural World in Literary and Historical Sources from Iceland ca. AD 800 to 1800 (ICECHANGE). PI: A.E.J. Ogilvie. Co-PIs: Steven Hartman, Jón Haukur Ingimundarson, Árni Daníel Júlíusson, Viðar Hreinsson. $620,526. 11/1/2017-11/30/2020. 2017. Rannsóknarsjóður Sigrúnar Á. Sigurðardóttur og Haralds Sigurðssonar Styrknúmer. RANNÍS (The Icelandic Centre for Research). Award 170191-4001. Upphaf kortagerðar og saga íslenskrar landfræði ("The Foundations of Map-Making and Geography in Iceland". ÍSK 800,000. 2018. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Award 435-2018-0194. Northern Knowledge for Resilience, Sustainable Environments and Adaptation in Coastal Communities (NORSEACC). $177,147. PI: Leslie King. Co-PI: A.E.J. Ogilvie.3/18/2018- 3/31/2023. 2020. Nordforsk. Pre-proposal award. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Convergent Challenges in the Arctic (INTERARC). PI/Lead: A.E.J. Ogilvie. Co-PIs: Steven Hartman, Níels Einarsson, Marianne Rasmussen, Brynhildur Daviðsdóttir, Noel Keenlyside, Yongqi Gao, Torben Königk, Bo Christiansen, et al. No funding attached to this. Main proposal submitted 28 May 2020. 2020. Belmont Forum and National Science Foundation for Arctic II call. Understanding Resilience and Long-Term Ecosystem Change in the High Arctic: Narrative Based Analyses from Svalbard (SVALUR). PI René van der Wal. Co-PIs at INSTAAR: A.E.J. Ogilvie, Martin Miles. Entire project €994,000 ($1,079,220). NSF portion $292,000. 03/01/2020-02/28/2023. 2020. National Science Foundation Navigating the New Arctic Call. Collaborative Research: NNA Track 1: Navigating Impacts of the Arctic Tourism Industry on Nature, Commerce, and Culture in Northern Communities (ACT). Award 2022529. PI: Robert Orttung. Co-PIs: A.E.J. Ogilvie, Martin

33 Miles, Sheryl Elliott, Seleni Matus, James Powell. Entire Project $1,986,312. INSTAAR portion $413, 066. 2021. National Science Centre of Poland. PI: Przybylak, R. Co-PIs: A.E.J. Ogilvie, G.R. Demarée. Reconstructions of Climatic and Bioclimatic Conditions in Greenland and Labrador/Nunatsiavut ca. 1770 to 1939 from Moravian Missionary Observations (MORCLIM).

Recent Proposals Submitted

2021. Riksbankens Jubileumsfond For the Advancement of the Humanities and Social Sciences. PI Steven Hartman. Illuminating Social-Ecological Change, Adaptation and Resilience in North Atlantic Island Societies 1300-1950 (ILLUMINAS). Submitted 27 January 2021. 2021. National Science Foundation. PI: Martin Miles. Synthesizing historical sea-ice records to constrain and understand Great Sea-Ice Anomalies. $272, 225. Submitted 12 March 2021. 2021. Vetenskapsrådet/Swedish Research Council. PI: Steven Hartman. Unlocking Icelandic Manuscript Culture and Local Environmental Consciousness: 1550-1950. Submitted 17 March 2021.

Other Awards and Honours

2000. Invited to become Senior Affiliate Scientist, Stefansson Arctic Institute, Akureyri, Iceland. 2004. Invited to become Professor Adjunct, Department of Anthropology, Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY). 2007. RANNÍS (The Icelandic Centre for Research). Author award (Launasjóður fræðiritahöfunda) to write book on Icelandic Historical Sources. 2007. Invited to present Annual Memorial Vilhjálmur Stefánsson Lecture for 2007, Interdisciplinary explorations in the climate, history and human ecology of Northern Iceland, Stefansson Arctic Institute, Akureyri, Iceland, 7 November 2007. 2009. Invited to become Associated Faculty, Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado. 2009. Dorothy Parker Faculty Fellowship from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Awarded for “being a creative force in my field”. 2010. Fulbright Scholarship (USA). Award number 9267. Climate, Sea Ice and Historical Narratives. This involved a 5-month stay in Iceland in 2010 (May through September) primarily at the Stefansson Arctic Institute, Akureyri, and at Reykholt, Cultural Centre, Borgarfjörður. 2010. Invited to present Royal Meteorological Society Annual Gordon Manley Memorial Lecture for 2010, Sagas and Sea Ice: Variations in the Climate of Iceland from the Settlement to the Present. Department of Geography, University of Durham, 18 November 2010. 2013. Elected Fellow, Royal Meteorological Society, UK. 2014. Nansen Professorship in Arctic Studies, University of Akureyri, Iceland. 2014. Invited to become Adjunct Professor, Royal Roads University, Canada. 2014. Invited to present keynote public lecture to Norway Seminar 2014, Norway and the Arctic. Changes in the Arctic: Old and New Debates. University of Washington, Seattle, 16-18 Oct. 2014. 2015. Visiting Professor, Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden. 2018. Invited to present keynote lecture to the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences international conference: Climates and Cultures: Perspectives for the Future. Climate, Sea Ice and Human Ecodynamic Systems in Northeastern Iceland: Lessons from the Past and Perspectives for the Future. Palais des Académies, Brussels, Belgium, 23-24 May 2018. 2019. Recipient of 2019 St Andrews Article Prize in European Environmental History from the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) for: Hartman, S., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Ingimundarson, J.H., Dugmore, A.J., Hambrecht, George, McGovern, T.H. 2017. Medieval Iceland, Greenland, and the New Human Condition: A case study in integrated environmental

34 humanities, Global and Planetary Change 156, 123-139, 2019. Invited to become Visiting Professor, University of the Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute, Kirkwall, Orkney. 2020. Invited to present Hermann Pálsson Annual Memorial Lecture to the Annual General Meeting of the Scottish Society for Northern Studies. 2020. Invited to be on the Advisory Board for the City University of New York Human Ecodynamics Research Center (HERC). 2020. Invited to be Chairperson of the Advisory Board for the Nicolaus Copernicus University (Torún, Poland) Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR).

Selected Media Interviews and Publications

Polar Field story: Grass, environmental change, farming, and human ecodynamics.

2017: Featured in the Nature Careers Feature "Hidden in the Past," on the use of historical data for climate reconstruction. Nature, 549: 419-421. doi 10.1038/nj7672-419

* Invited Lectures

Curriculum Vitae A.E.J. Ogilvie, Updated 7 June 2021