

Present: Mr L Piper – Chairman, Mr T Tuck – Vice Chairman, Mrs A Roylance, Mr A Quick, Mr R Bell In attendance: Mrs L Davis, Cllr. M Lewis, 2 members of public

After a short opportunity for members of the public to address the Council, the Chairman opened the meeting at 8.02 pm.

1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Mr D Northcott and Mr J Tuck


3 APPROVAL OF LAST MONTH’S (7 OCTOBER 2019) MINUTES The minutes of the 7 October meeting were agreed subject to an amendment LD

4 CRIME/NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH There were no reports from the Police.

5 COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLOR SCC - The closing date for secondary school applications was 31 October so places are now being allocated. Mental Health first aid courses are being run in November and December. Stepping Stones Independent Living are in need of more carers. Dillington House will be hosting a Winter Wonderland in the run up to Christmas. The Climate Emergency Strategy framework is being developed and drop in sessions are being held on 23 November at Shape in Shepton Mallet and 30 November at the Gateway in . Rivers Authority have just published their annual report. Two successful prosecutions have been completed relating to un-authorised highway works.

SSDC – nothing to report

6 HIGHWAYS The jetting works at Orchard Close have not yet been completed, it was agreed to chase SCC. A resident at Wolfester Terrace has requested consideration of the closure of one end of Wolfester Terrace. It was agreed to write to the residents and invite them to attend LD the next meeting.

7 PLANNING DECISIONS a) 19/02333/HOU Proposed garden store. Paddock Lodge, Cherry Pie Lane. Application permitted with conditions.


8 PLANNING APPLICATIONS a) 19/02481/S73A S73A application to allow the substitution of approved plans of planning approval 14/05252/FUL to alter the proposed housing types. To substitute existing house types for plots 4-6 for a smaller house type. Land OS 3432 (rear of The Burrows), High Street, Sparkford.

Parish Councillors felt that this proposal was perfectly acceptable in the current climate although noted that the acoustic barrier does not extend the complete length of the Burrows so would like clarification about this. b) 19/02747/LBC The conversion of an existing carport/garage to form an annexe and the erection of a new garage. Little Weston House, Little Weston Road, Sparkford. This application is still being circulated but there were no objections to date. c) 19/02582/FUL The demolition of the existing pavilion and the erection of a new pavilion with alterations to access and parking. Sparkford Cricket Club, Brains Lane, Sparkford. This application is still being circulated but there were no objections to date.

9. MATTERS ARISING NOT INCLUDED IN OTHER SECTIONS a) McDonalds and Hazelgrove Services outstanding issues update Concerns were raised about reduced stock, increased prices and poor customer care at Hazelgrove Services. b) Neighbourhood Development Plan Malcolm Littlewood has been looking for volunteers but has had no success to fate. Mr Walton is keen to help whilst he is available between now and March 2020. If Sparkford continues to expand it will need more services. Mr Walton asked if we should wait until after the election before progressing this further.

TT attended the Annual Town and Parish Council’s meeting. Templecombe PC asked if we would consider a joint arrangement to reduce the work involved and also the cost. It was agreed not to progress this at the moment as there is no capacity.

RB suggested that we try to recruit volunteers to re-instate the Neighbourhood Watch. This may help to build network of volunteers. It was agreed to put a notice on the LD/RB/ minutes and also promote on the website and Facebook page. JT/DN

ML advised that Parish Council employed Jo Withedon from Dorset to work with six volunteers to produce their Neighbourhood Development Plan. c) A303 dualling project There was no update on the project although traffic calming proposals should be expected in the new year. d) CIL payments CIL payments amounting to £5,244 have been received for Longhazel Farm and The Orchard. It was agreed to setup a separate bank account for these payments to be held. e) Grit bins It was agreed to purchase new grit bins at a cost of up to £700 once the LD locations have been approved. f) Community grants Sparkford Village Hall would look into possible opportunities for TT/AR community grants. g) Land at Daisy Wood, Sparkford TT and Justin Crawford have looked at the piece of land. It is a relatively new wood which would be a brilliant community asset. The Copse Trust could act in an advisory/management role or the Parish Council could gift the land to the Copse Trust. It was agreed that it is important to retain the land for community use. It would be ideal for a picnic area and Scout campsite. The fence is secure and there are no major issues, there is a summerhouse sited there that would

2 need to be maintained. There may be some initial costs incurred for tree cutting. There is potential for grant funding from the International Tree Foundation or the Woodlands Trust. When under control the cost to maintain would be around £1,000 per year. Consideration could be given to the Scouts doing some maintenance in return for using the area. It was agreed to reply to the Solicitors and advise that the Parish Council LD would like to progress and have more detailed discussion.

10 FINANCIAL MATTERS a) Payment of £283.94 to Mrs L Davis (Parish Clerk salary) Approved

11 CORRESPONDENCE LP has spoken to Mrs Bray who has agreed to fund the cost of the stump grinding work at the cricket field. LP would inform the cricket club and agree when the work could be LP completed.

A request from Sparkford Parish Church for their annual grant of £150 was approved.

It was agreed to have a Christmas tree recycling area in the car park again this year.

Longhazel Caravan Park have been shortlisted for a Bath and Somerset Tourism award.


Concerns were raised about cars parking on the pavement outside of the village hall. It was agreed to remind users of the hall about the car park arrangements and the cones that are available for use to stop people parking on the pavement.

13 ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDA New Village Hall Traffic calming at Wolfester Terrace

14 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 2 December 2019, Sparkford Parish Hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.32pm



Neighbourhood Development Plan – we are keen to produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for Sparkford but this is not possible without a group of committed volunteers to lead and progress the work involved. If you are interested and would like to get involved with this then please contact the Parish Clerk.

New Village Hall Steering Group – we are looking for volunteers to join a steering group for the new village hall project. If you are interested then please contact the Parish Clerk.

Neighbourhood Watch – we are looking to re-instate the Neighbourhood Watch scheme. If you would like to get involved then please contact the Parish Clerk.