‘The of the Lost Coin’ – :8-10 – Connect Bible Study

Have you lost something precious before, and then later found it? What were you feeling when it was lost? What were you feeling when it was found?

…The parable for today taps into the strong psyche of lost and found… the concern for something lost - and the rejoicing when something that is lost is finally found!

Read the parable Luke 15:8-10.

Context for the Parable of the Lost Coin

Which come before and after this parable? What is the common theme that runs through these 3 parables?

From Luke 15:1-2, who is addressing in this parable? What is their gripe?

1. Parable of the Lost Coin – ‘People are very precious to God’

Fill in the gaps; Jesus is emphasising in this parable that ______(represented by the coins in the parable) are precious to ______(represented by the woman in the story)… hence the effort to spare nothing in the search for the lost!

The Bible clearly establishes the preciousness of humanity right in the beginning – read Genesis 1:27.

Find 3 Bible verses that speak of the preciousness of humanity?

Why then do we have a tendency to degrade certain people and demographics – abandon certain people groups – turn a blind eye to the institutionalised?

Comment on this quote; ‘Every single human being, no matter how much the image of God is marred by sin, or illness, or weakness, or age, or any other disability, still has the status of being in God’s image - and therefore must be treated with the dignity and respect and preciousness - that is due to God’s image-bearer.’

Personal questions; Like God, do we view all humanity as precious image-bearers of God? Do we comprehend that we displease God when we wrongly assume that His love is prejudicial?

So, what? – What can we practically do to view every human being as precious to God (no prejudice)?

Mike McKinley in ‘Luke For You’ asks some more probing questions?... How does God feel about unfaithful husbands, or mothers that abuse their children, or alcoholics, or drug users, or the disabled, or cheaters, or the lazy?... Answer?? Do the same!

2. Parable of the Lost Coin – People who are lost are a real concern to God

Read v8b …In the parable, how much would a silver coin have been worth?

The woman in this parable is seemingly exhaustive in her search for the lost coin, she sweeps the whole house (using a lamp to help her find the lost coin) … Why did the women have to sweep, and use a lamp?

In v8b, what is the key theme Jesus is emphasising?

Read Luke 19:10 Matthew 18:11. Summarise Jesus mission from these 2 verses. And of course, this concern for the lost is highlighted in the (Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15) …what did Jesus will his disciples to do?

Personal Questions - Like God, do we have a genuine heartfelt concern for the lost? Are we actively trying to find the lost, and share God’s love and concern with them?

So, what? -

Comment on this quote; ‘It’s disturbing to realize that the Church (generally speaking) has often either forgotten or simply chosen to ignore this primary mandate. Why? Maybe because its consumed with aligning itself with the 9 saved coins (…or the 99 saved sheep), preoccupied with its own goodness.’

Church action - As a church our primary vision is our primary mission – is to ‘keep the (and its declaration) the main thing.’

Individual action - Choose 1-2 individuals that are lost (family/friends) and pursue them pursue them with the love and concern of Jesus.

3. Parable of the Lost Coin – People that are found are a joy to God

Read v9-10

Realising that this parable is pointed at the Pharisees, what do you think they perceived brought God joy?

Read Luke 15:7, Luke 15:10 and Luke 15:25. What is the common response of God, and what motivates the response?

But it’s not just God that is rejoicing – the angels are too…Specifically, what causes the angels to rejoice?

Personal Questions – How does it make us feel, that, when we first repented and came to Jesus, heaven resounded in joy? …What would it look like for our joy to be aligned with Gods joy? (rejoicing when a lost person is found)

So, what? – We typically go to great lengths to celebrate birthdays well – and to celebrate anniversaries well … but surely coming to faith is more significant than a birthday or an anniversary – but we typically don’t celebrate the lost being found well…

• let’s make a habit of having a party when someone comes to faith! • let’s make a habit joyfully thanking God for his character (…His love for the lost that is not subject to the ‘goodness test’)!

Conclusion – ‘Parable of the Lost Coin’ - Lost or Found?

Spiritually speaking, we are all lost, and we can only be found by accepting that ‘Jesus is the divine rescue mission, Jesus is the heavenly search party.’ Finally, what response is expected from the lost person when they are found?

Close and pray.