A predicative variant of Hyland’s Effective Topos Maria Emilia Maietti and Samuele Maschio Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit`adi Padova, Italy maietti/
[email protected] Abstract Here, we present a subcategory pEff of Hyland’s Effective Topos Eff which can be considered a predicative variant of Eff itself. The construction of pEff is motivated by the desire of providing a “predicative” categorical universe of realizers to model the Minimalist Foundation for constructive mathematics which was ideated by the first author with G. Sambin in 2005 and completed into a two-level formal system by the first author in 2009. pEff is a “predicative” categorical universe because its objects and morphisms can be formalized in Feferman’s predicative weak theory of d inductive definitions ID1. Moreover, it is a predicative variant of the Effective Topos for the following reasons. First, pEff is a list-arithmetic locally cartesian closed pretopos of de- d finable objects in ID1 with a fibred category of small objects over pEff and a (non-small) classifier of small subobjects. Second, it happens to coincide with the exact completion on the lex d category defined as a predicative rendering in ID1 of the subcategory of Eff of recursive functions. As a consequence it validates the Formal Church’s thesis and it embeds in Eff by preserving the list-arithmetic locally cartesian closed pretopos structure. Keywords: Realizability topos, Lawvere’s hyperdoctrines, Type theory AMS classification: 03F50,18D30,18C99, 03D70 arXiv:1806.08519v1 [math.LO] 22 Jun 2018 1 Introduction As reported in [26] Hyland’s paper “The Effective Topos” [7] gave input to a whole new strand of research about realizability and its applications to logic, mathematics and computer science.