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2013 MAY.Indd The Oklahoma Publisher Official Publication of the Oklahoma Press Association www.OkPress.com Vol. 84, No. 5 www.Facebook.com/okpress 20 Pages • May 2013 BH Media executive to speak at OPA Convention INSIDE All newspaper superheroes For entertainment Thurs- are invited to converge June day evening, Steven Gragert, OKLAHOMA PRESS ASSOCIATION OPA/OPS BOARD 13-15, 2013, at the Reed Center director of the Will Rogers MEETING: Read what in Midwest City for the annual Memorial Museum in Clare- CONVENTION SPEAKERS was accomplished at the Oklahoma Press Association more, will present an enter- recent board meetings at Convention. taining look at Will Rogers’ TERRY J. KROEGER, the 2013 OPA/OPS Board This year, OPA President history with newspapers. Chief Executive Officer of Retreat. Jeff Shultz made newspaper Sleep in Friday morning or Warren Buffett’s BH Media Group PAGE 6 heroes his theme. Shultz hails enjoy your morning cup of cof- from Pauls Valley, Okla., which fee while checking out some and Publisher of SCHOLARSHIPS: OSU, just happens to be home of the of the best newspapers from The Omaha World-Herald OU and UCO award award world’s only toy museum dedi- surrounding states. thousands of scholarship cated to action figures. News Flash returns at 9 11:00 AM Friday, June 14 dollars to journalism Shultz has found many shin- a.m. Now in its third year, this Why Newspapers Matter students . ing examples of newspaper fast-paced session covers a PAGE 12 heroes this year so it seemed range of topics presented by fitting that the theme contin- several OPA members. It’s a DONATE TO ONF to ued for the convention. great place to pick up some receive this Will Rogers The keynote speaker at the new ideas that could work at print. Details at convention is Terry J. Kroeger, your own newspaper. chief executive officer of War- Friday afternoon consists ren Buffett’s BH Media Group. of concurrent roundtables Kroeger, who is also publisher and educational sessions from of The Omaha World-Herald, notable speakers including will dispel the myth that news- David McCollum, Michael D. papers are dying and focus on Evans, Terry M. Clark and Rol- why newspapers matter at 11 lie Hyde. Your account repre- CHRIS STEVE DAVID a.m. Friday. sentatives, editors and report- TRUTCHLEY GRAGERT McCOLLUM “Running a newspaper ers will benefit from the many 4:00 PM Thurs., June 13 7:00 PM Thurs., June 13 3 & 4 PM Fri., June 14 matters. It’s a lot of fun and sessions. There’s even a ses- we can make money at it,” sion for college students that Kroeger said during the News- provides tips on how to launch paper Association of America’s their newspaper careers. recent Media Xchange Con- The Friday evening ban- vention in Orlando, Fla. quet includes presentation of BH Media Group owns the Milt Phillips Award, ONF 28 daily and 42 weekly com- Beachy Musselman Award, munity newspapers across Half Century Club induction, eight states. The company Quarter Century Club induc- purchased the Tulsa World in tion – and winners of the Bet- MIKE TERRY ROLLIE March. ter Newspaper Contest. EVANS CLARK HYDE The three-day event begins Saturday morning begins at 3:00 PM Fri., June 14 4:00 PM Fri., June 14 5:00 PM Fri., June 14 Thursday afternoon with a ses- 9:00 with a session titled “Best sion led by Chris Trutchley & Worst Ideas.” Have some OPA members at 10 a.m. This can register online or down- of Doerner, Sanders, Daniel fun and pick up a few ideas. is your opportunity to hear load the registration form and and Anderson. Trutchley will The Best Idea and Worst Idea from the congressmen and ask program. discuss how to manage your winners will each receive a questions. To guarantee the OPA room employees’ performance and prize. For complete convention rate, reserve your room at the behavior while staying out of Oklahoma’s congressio- details, go to www.okpress. Sheraton by calling 1-800-325- legal trouble. nal delegation will speak to com/convention where you 3535 by May 27. 2 The Oklahoma Publisher // May 2013 wanted their new community to have a voice. OPA CALENDAR UP, UP AND That was in 1903 – two years after the town was founded. For 110 years OF EVENTS a Schnoebelen has been the pub- Complete Listing of Events AWAY! lisher of The Mooreland Leader. 23$35(6,'(17·6&2/801 at www.OkPress.com &HOHEUDWLQJ1HZVSDSHU+HURHV3DVW 3UHVHQW In 1946 Omer F.’s son, Omer N., By Jeff Shultz, Garvin County News Star took over The Leader and, like his JUNE 13-15 father, worked hard in championing OPA ANNUAL CONVENTION Last month I had the privilege of tage in 1932 when he founded the the many improvements Mooreland The OPA annual convention will be held at attending my first ever Oklahoma Jour- Sequoyah County Times. enjoys to this day. the Sheraton and Reed Center in Midwest nalism Hall of Fame ceremony. City. His bio on the Hall of Fame’s website • DAVE STORY (2002). No one could The ceremony was inspiring as nine (okjournalism.uco.edu) said Wheel- probably accurately guess how exceptional journalists were inducted er “is the epitome of the fighting many people were inspired to seek THURS., JULY 18 into the Hall of Fame, which is housed country editor.” a career in journalism because of ONF WORKSHOP on the University of Central Oklahoma Dave Story. GET SMART campus in Edmond. • H. MILT PHILLIPS (1977). When a ABOUT AD SALES The 2013 inductees included: major award is named after you, Story always liked recalling some of Local newspaper publishers Mark Millsap •James Coburn, reporter for The then you’ve made a mammoth con- his more notable protégés when he and Karan Ediger have both been ad ac- Edmond Sun; tribution to your profession. Such is and I would visit at corporate and count managers and advertising trainers. •Joe Hancock, publisher of The the case with H. Milt Phillips. OPA meetings. This training will help new advertising staff Hobart Democrat-Chief; One such story involved a young Phillips was the publisher of The members and seasoned account man- •Joe Hight, editor of the Colorado high school girl who wanted to come Seminole Producer for over 50 years agers get smart with practical sales and Springs Gazette; to work for him as a part-time report- and was a champion for civic proj- design tips that Ediger and Millsap have •John Klein, sports columnist for er. ects in his community while fighting learned in their careers. Registration $35. the Tulsa World; for honesty in government in his “She really had a knack for writing For more information or to register, go to •Mike McCarville of The McCar- editorials. and I could tell she one day would be www.OkPress.com/events-calendar. ville Report: “Honored by many, regarded by a good reporter,” he told me. •Mary Mélon, president and pub- others, feared and disliked by the He encouraged her to pursue a jour- lisher of The Journal Record; THURS., AUG. 1 crafty and corrupt,” is the way ‘Clut- nalism degree and years later she •Tom Muchmore, publisher of The ONF WORKSHOP tered Corner’ Phillips was described was the foreign correspondent for Ponca City News; by those who founded the award. the Chicago Sun. FOCUS ON •The late Jerry Laizure, photogra- My favorite story from Dave was PHOTOSHOP TRAINING pher at The Norman Transcript; and • RAY J. DYER (1979). Another long- OPA computer consultant Wilma Melot will •Oliver C. Murray, photojournalist when I was named the publisher of time name associated with quality the Guymon Daily Herald. cover the latest edition of Photoshop. Class for WKY/KFOR-TV. journalism in our state is Dyer. Ray size is limited to 20 so register early. Learn Dave called me on the phone to con- The Hall of Fame was created in J. Dyer worked on newspapers in photo editing techniques and shortcuts you gratulate me. “When I was publisher 1971 to honor Oklahoma men and Kansas and Missouri, but started can use at your publication immediately. there, you know what we called women who have had at least 10 years making his mark on Oklahoma jour- Hands-on training in an up-to-date journal- Woodward? Southeast Oklahoma.” of journalism under their belts and who nalism in 1925 as makeup editor for ism computer lab on the OSU campus in have made major contributions to the the Oklahoma City Times. Take time to visit the Hall of Fame’s Stillwater. Registration $35. For more infor- field of journalism in Oklahoma. Today the Dyer family is as synony- website and read up on some of the mation or to register, go to www.OkPress. Some of the honorees (and those mous with the El Reno Tribune as inductees. com/events-calendar. that have inspired me) that have been El Reno is with giant hamburgers. My only suggestion is to differenti- inducted into the Hall of Fame include: (Note: Dyer’s grandson, Ray Dyer, ate between newspaper and broadcast THURS., SEPT. 26 • MILTON W. REYNOLDS (one of the has been nominated to serve on the honorees. ONF WORKSHOP charter inductees in 1971). Reynolds OPA Board of Directors at the begin- Maybe have an “N” and a “B” in CIRCULATION CONFERENCE was instrumental in getting Okla- ning of the next fiscal year.) parenthesis next to their names. Nothing against broadcast journal- Pryor Times and Claremore Daily Progress homa opened to settlement. He had publisher Bailey Dabney will discuss how to a 20-year crusade in his own newspa- • OMER F.
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