Content As of September 12, 2020. the Informa on Provided Herein

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Content As of September 12, 2020. the Informa on Provided Herein Content as of September 12, 2020. The informaon provided herein serves as a non-exhausve list of qualifying candidates and/or races in the Mariea-Roswell Alumnae Chapter service area (Cobb County, Cherokee County, and porons of North Fulton County, Georgia). For addional or updated informaon, please visit the candidate’s website, the Elecons Division of the Georgia Secretary of State, etc. This document is for informaonal purposes only. This document is nonparsan without party affiliaon, bias, or designaon and does not constute endorsement, recommendaon, or favoring, of any kind, by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, Mariea-Roswell Alumnae Chapter, or otherwise. This page intenonally le blank Table of Contents About Mariea-Roswell Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 2 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Federal Legislave Priories 2 2020 Democrac Plaorm 4 2016 Republican Plaorm with 2020 Resoluon 5 Presidenal and Vice Presidenal Candidates 6 U.S. Senate 9 U.S. House of Representaves 10 Georgia Senate 11 Georgia House of Representaves 13 Cobb County – Local and Municipal 16 Fulton County – Local and Municipal 19 Cherokee County – Local and Municipal 21 2020 Elecons and Voter Registraon Calendar 23 My Voter Page and other Resources 24 About Mariea-Roswell Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. The Mariea-Roswell Alumnae Chapter (MRAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was chartered February 22, 1986. MRAC is a service organizaon with programming addressing the diverse needs of the communies we serve, including, but not limited to, college scholarship programs for young women; educaonal programs for girls ages 9-18; an economic summit and health fair; and programs focused on social acon and polical awareness and involvement. With a membership of more than 800 college-educated women, we strive to embody the core principles of Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service by planning and execung programs and events that make an impact in Cobb, North Fulton, and Cherokee Counes. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Federal Legislave Priories Comprehensive Enact comprehensive immigraon reform that treats immigrants fairly and preserves families Immigraon Reform Enact federal policy that recognizes the extensive contribuons that immigrants make to the American culture and economy Criminal Jusce Reform sentencing to eliminate racial and ethnic disparies Reform Enact comprehensive reintegraon strategies to interrupt the costly cycle of recidivism Enact incenves to promote fair policing and end excessive use of force De-criminalize possession of cannabis Economic Jusce Expand Medicaid and resist efforts to use block grants to strip health care from disabled and/or low-income children, elderly and disabled Americans. By capping spending on Medicaid and enabling states to weaken the reach of the program, the block grant plan will jeopardize medical access for millions, including those who gained coverage in states that chose Medicaid expansion. The Administraon’s block grant program puts countless families at risk and also contradicts Congressional intent for Medicaid. Protect the powers of the Consumer Finance Protecon Bureau Raise the Federal minimum wage to $15/hour Encourage innovaon by bringing high-speed Internet to every corner of America Support gender pay equity and require federal contractors to eliminate gender disparies in compensaon; assure a minimum level of paid family leave, without pre-empng state/local protecons Health Care Resist aacks on reproducve rights Bring down the cost of prescripon drugs Eliminate health disparies Sensible Gun Appropriate funding to study the causes and cures of gun violence, including economic deprivaon, suicide, gun Violence Prevenon safety educaon and entertainment that glorifies gratuitous violence Measures Raise the age of gun purchase to twenty-one Content as of October 2, 2020. The informaon provided herein serves as a non-exhausve list of qualifying candidates and/or races in the Mariea-Roswell Alumnae Chapter service area (Cobb County, Cherokee County, and porons of North Fulton County, Georgia). For addional or updated informaon, please visit the candidate’s website, the Elecons Division of the Georgia Secretary of State, etc. This document is for informaonal purposes only. This document is nonparsan without party affiliaon, bias, or designaon and does not constute endorsement, recommendaon, or favoring, of any kind, by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, Mariea-Roswell Alumnae Chapter, or otherwise. 2 Student Loan Student loan debt has reached astronomical levels in the U.S., with 44.2 million Americans carrying an esmated Debt Crisis $1.48 trillion in educaon debt. The average class of 2017 graduates le school with $39,400 in student loans. The financial burden of student loan debt falls heaviest on women and people of color. According to an analysis by the American Associaon of University Women (AAUW), women own nearly two-thirds of student loan debt in the U.S., totaling almost $900 billion. According to the Naonal Center for Educaon Stascs, 86.8 percent of black students borrow federal loans to pay for aendance at four-year colleges and are more likely to graduate with higher levels of debt than white students, and they're also more likely to default on their loans. Vong Rights Incenvize nonparsan redistricng Enforce laws against racial gerrymandering and other pracces and procedures that inhibit the right to vote Restore and expand the protecons of the Vong Rights Act Federal Legislave Priories as idenfied during Delta Days in the Naon’s Capital (February 22-25, 2020). Content as of October 2, 2020. The informaon provided herein serves as a non-exhausve list of qualifying candidates and/or races in the Mariea-Roswell Alumnae Chapter service area (Cobb County, Cherokee County, and porons of North Fulton County, Georgia). For addional or updated informaon, please visit the candidate’s website, the Elecons Division of the Georgia Secretary of State, etc. This document is for informaonal purposes only. This document is nonparsan without party affiliaon, bias, or designaon and does not constute endorsement, recommendaon, or favoring, of any kind, by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, Mariea-Roswell Alumnae Chapter, or otherwise. 3 2020 Democrac Plaorm - See excerpts from Preamble below. Read the complete 2020 Plaorm and Preamble at hps:// PREAMBLE America is an idea—one that has endured and evolved through war and depression, prevailed over fascism and communism, and radiated hope to far distant corners of the earth. Americans believe that diversity is our greatest strength. That protest is among the highest forms of patriosm. That our fates and fortunes are bound to rise and fall together. That even when we fall short of our highest ideals, we never stop trying to build a more perfect union. When the American people go to the polls this fall, we will be choosing more than a candidate. Character is on the ballot in this elecon. The character of our President, yes, but more than that: the character of our democracy, our society, and our leadership in the world. The challenges before us—the worst public health crisis in a century, the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, the worst period of global upheaval in a generaon, the urgent global crisis posed by climate change, the intolerable racial injusce that sll stains the fabric of our naon—will test America’s character like never before. The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare deep-seated problems in our society—the fragility of our economy and social safety net, the risks posed by growing inequality, the impacts of racial and economic disparies on health and well-being, and the profound consequences of deepening polarizaon and polical paralysis. The bill has come due on the Trump Administraon’s hollowing out of our public instuons: the sidelining of experts, the rejecon of science, the underinvestment in research, and the gross corrupon and abuses of power. President Trump’s derelicon of duty has caused the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans, the loss of tens of millions of American jobs, and lasng harm to our children’s educaon and future. And it has revealed, at tragic economic and human cost, the empness of the Republican Party’s “America First” foreign policy. Under President Trump, America stands alone. Friends and foes alike neither admire nor fear President Trump’s leadership—they dismiss and ridicule it. The Republican Party under President Trump has made America small—when we are a people called to do the greatest things. Democrats will fight to repair the soul of this naon. To unite and to heal our country. To turn this crisis into a crucible, from which we will forge a stronger, brighter, and more equitable future. Content as of October 2, 2020. The informaon provided herein serves as a non-exhausve list of qualifying candidates and/or races in the Mariea-Roswell Alumnae Chapter service area (Cobb County, Cherokee County, and porons of North Fulton County, Georgia). For addional or updated informaon, please visit the candidate’s website, the Elecons Division of the Georgia Secretary of State, etc. This document is for informaonal purposes only. This document is nonparsan without party affiliaon, bias, or designaon and does not constute endorsement, recommendaon, or favoring, of any kind, by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, Mariea-Roswell Alumnae Chapter, or otherwise. 4 2016 Republican Plaorm with updated 2020 Resoluon - See the 2020 Resoluon below. Read the 2016 Republican Plaorm at hps:// Presidenal & Vice Presiden al Candidates Content as of October 2, 2020. The informaon provided herein serves as a non-exhausve list of qualifying candidates and/or races in the Mariea-Roswell Alumnae Chapter service area (Cobb County, Cherokee County, and porons of North Fulton County, Georgia). For addional or updated informaon, please visit the candidate’s website, the Elecons Division of the Georgia Secretary of State, etc.
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