South Sudan Infrastructure Action Plan

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South Sudan Infrastructure Action Plan South Sudan: An Infrastructure Action Plan A Program for Sustained Strong Economic Growth South Sudan: An Infrastructure Action Plan A Program for Sustained Strong Economic Growth Foreword We are privileged to present the Infrastructure Action Plan (IAP) for South Sudan. Th is fl agship report is the outcome of an exemplary intensive and rich dialogue with the Government of the Republic of South Sudan (GRSS), Development Partners and other key Stakeholders, including the private sector. South Sudan became offi cially independent on 9 July 2011. It is the newest African country faced with not only unique challenges, but also opportunities. Th e economic base is currently narrow, with a heavy dependence on the oil sector. Th e country has undergone decades of war, underdevelopment and other calamities that contributed to the fragility of its institutional, economic and social structures. Th e country has one of the lowest social development indicators in Africa. At the same time, South Sudan is endowed with abundant natural resources, including a large amount of mineral resources, aquatic and forest resources as well as fertile rain-fed agricultural land that is potentially irrigable to allow all-year cropping. Th e most pressing challenge of South Sudan is the urgent need for State building in a context of persistent internal and external threats to peace and security. We share the view that the country will need to diversify its economy and promote inclusive growth, by improving the management of oil resources, building the requisite institutional capacity and continuously working towards creating the conditions for internal cohesion and regional stability. In this regard, rehabilitating and developing the dilapidated infrastructure off er great opportunities. In this context, the IAP should be seen as part of the broader Bank’s contribution to peace and state building eff orts in South Sudan and the region. Th is fl agship report is also part of a series of analytical work designed to strengthen the Bank’s knowledge base in order to eff ectively assist Regional Member Countries (RMCs), particularly those in fragile situations. Th e IAP represents a key instrument for planning and programming, resource mobilization, policy dialogue and aid coordination for infrastructure development. It is our hope that the IAP will go a long way in serving these overarching objectives, as it has already been used as a key guiding tool in the preparation of the South Sudan Development Initiative (SSDI), the successor to the South Sudan National Development Plan (SSDP). © 2013 African Development Bank (AfDB) Group Temporary Relocation Agency (TRA) Angle de l’Avenue du Ghana et des rues Pierre de Coubertin et Hédi Nouira B.P. 323-1002 Tunis-Belvedere, Tunisia Zondo Sakala Tel: (216) 7110-2876 Vice President, Country and Regional Programs and Policy Fax: (216) 7183-5705 African Development Bank Group Email: Website: South Sudan: An Infrastructure Action Plan - A Program for Sustained Strong Economic Growth Th is document has been prepared by the staff of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group. Th e views expressed therein do not necessarily refl ect those of the Board of Directors or the countries they represent. Designations employed in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of the Bank concerning the legal status of any country, or the limitation of its frontier. While eff orts have been made to present reliable information, the AfDB accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequences of its use. Rights and Permissions All rights reserved. Th e text and data in this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted as long as the source is cited. Reproduction for commercial purposes is forbidden. South Sudan: An Infrastructure Action Plan 3 Preface Acknowledgments At the request of the Government of the Republic of South Sudan (GRSS), the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Th e Infrastructure Action Plan (IAP) Flagship Report for South Sudan was prepared by a team of staff and consultants from has provided assistance in preparing this fl agship Infrastructure Action Plan (IAP) aimed at putting in place an eff ective the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) led by Solomane Kone, Lead Economist in the Regional Department East 2 instrument for all stakeholders in the collective eff ort to provide the necessary full-fl edged support to address the country’s (OREB). Th e AfDB staff in the dedicated core team was comprised of: Mr. Abdul Kamara, Resident Representative (SDFO), development challenges. Mr. Suwareh Darbo, Principal Economist (OREB), Mr. Andoh Mensah, Principal Country Program Offi cer (SDFO), Mr. Girma B. Bezabeh, Principal Transport Engineer (OITC.2), Mr. Boniface Aleobua, Principal Sanitation Engineer (OWAS.2), As early as in late 2010, the AfDB initiated work to assist the Government in preparing detailed needs assessments in Mr. Engedasew Negash, Division Manager (ONEC.2), Mr. Lawal Umar, Principal Livestock Expert (OSAN.1) and Mr. agriculture and infrastructure sub-sectors (energy, transport, water and sanitation, and ICT). Th e validation workshop of Enock Yonazi, Principal ICT Expert (ICT4D). Mr. Abdul Kamara and Mr. Andoh Mensah are particularly acknowledged the draft reports took place in Juba in September 2011. Th e Bank was further requested to build on the work done to fast- for the coordination work accomplished on the ground before the offi cial full establishment of the South Sudan Field track the preparation of an Infrastructure Action Plan (IAP) for South Sudan for the decade ahead. Th e fi rst draft of the Offi ce (SSFO). Upon taking up their respective duties in the newly-established SSFO, Mr. Jeremiah Mutonga (Resident IAP was completed in February 2012, and validated in July 2012 in Juba at a national stakeholders’ workshop attended by Representative), Mr. Dejene Demissie (Principal Country Program Offi cer), and Mr. Joseph Muvawala (Chief Country several participants from the GRSS, relevant sectors, civil society and other development partners. Economist) have been instrumental in critical steps towards fi nalising the IAP, including the stakeholder validation Th e new Republic of South Sudan (RSS) is classifi ed as a post-confl ict country. South Sudan is characterized by a very high workshop. Other members of the wider South Sudan Task Force also provided valuable comments and assistance in the degree of socio-economic fragility, with weak institutional and human capacities and one of the lowest social development process, namely Ms. Senait Assefa, Principal Resource Mobilization Offi cer (ORMU), Mr. James Wahome, Lead Economist indicators in Africa. Th e political, security, economic and social situations have remained fragile. Th e country has also a (OSFU), Ms. Faith Kamau, Legal Expert (GECL.1) and Ms. Nana-Efua Spio-Garbrah, Young Professional (ORVP), Mr. narrow economic base, with a heavy dependence on the oil sector. In this context, the dilapidated infrastructure, mainly Nyende Magidu (Senior Economist). Mr. Daniel Ugwoke, Team Assistant (OREB) provided excellent administrative as a result of decades of war, has been identifi ed as the most binding constraint for economic diversifi cation and inclusive support, including during the validation workshop of the infrastructure subsector needs assessments. private sector-led growth and productive employment. Infrastructure development can also help address the most pressing challenge of South Sudan, namely the urgent need for peace and state building, including accommodating the high Th e team was assisted by consultants, namely Mr. Russell Cheetham, Lead Consultant, main coordinator and author to expectations of the population for peace dividend through job creation and improved livelihood. several chapters of the IAP, Mr. Felix Ndukwe (Agriculture), Mr. Andrian Rakotobe (Transport), Mr. Bizuneh Fikru (Power), Mesfi n Abebe (Water and Sanitation), and Ms. Dorothy Okello (ICT). Mr. Timothy Wasswa edited the fi nal manuscript Peace and stability remain key prerequisites to addressing vigorously the infrastructure bottlenecks. Th e IAP, however, does and coordinated the fi nal production of the report. Th e consulting fi rm, MK Mazrui and Associates was assigned the task not dwell on the volatility of the political and security landscape in South Sudan. It takes the position that infrastructure of preparing provisional income statements for public entities that currently have responsibilities for infrastructure assets development in South Sudan will primarily require sustained and concerted eff orts in addressing medium to long term structural, human and institutional factors, including devising appropriate fi nancing arrangements. As long as these factors and or provision of infrastructure services in South Sudan, referred to as quasi State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). are not adequately dealt with, they will remain valid and persist over time. Th e IAP Report benefi tted from the general direction provided by Mr. Steve Kayizzi-Mugerwa, former Director of OREB. Th e IAP proposes a major program for the development of basic infrastructure in the decade ahead that, in conjunction Th e IAP Report and the South Sudan Task Force also benefi tted from the leadership and guidance provided by Mr. Aloysius with a range of other initiatives aimed at building human capacities and labor force skills and strengthening institutions, U. Ordu, former Vice-President Country
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