Minutes of the Committee Meeting held via Zoom at 19:00 on Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Present: Stewart Dick (SD) – Chair Eleanor Grady (EMG) – B VR (until 20:00) Lynette Davies (LD) – Secretary Keith Creswell (KC) – WB VR Andy Grimshaw (AG) – Pyrford Village Representative & Chair Pyrford NF (until 20:00) Penny Hoskyn (PH) – WB Forum Isabelle David (ID) – Membership Secretary Wade Pollard (WP) – WB Forum Robert Munford (RM) – Editor Cllr Gary Elson (Cllr GE) – Councillor Cllr Graham Chrystie (Cllr GC) - Councillor

Quorum: 8 members - the meeting was quorate.

Reports circulated and to be appended to minutes: Planning, Treasurer, Membership, Website, West Byfleet VR, Pyrford VR, Byfleet VR, Pyrford Forum

1. Welcome & Apologies for absence SD welcomed everyone to this eighth virtual meeting. Apologies had been received from Dharma Sivarajasingham, Cllrs Bond and Bridgeman and Marion Malcher.

2. Minutes of the Meeting on 20 January 2021 The minutes were reviewed and amended as follows: Item 4 – Qaro. Change ‘..planning officers to take legal advice as to ….’ to ‘….planning officers to take further advice which may include legal advice as to ….’ With this amendment the minutes were agreed as a true record to be signed by the Chair at some point in the future.

3. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting With regard to Qaro (above) Cllr CG stated that the legal position with regard to permissions for an additional storey was not clear and the Planning Committee was seeking further advice. Once this advice had been received and the legal position clarified this would be circulated to local associations. Cllr GC wished remind the Committee that staff were being redirected to Covid activities ie surge testing at very short notice and this was affecting council business. Every attempt was made to give councillors time to study planning documents and Cllr GC had arranged online sessions for councillors.

4. (a) Planning Report SD had prepared a report and additional comment were made as follows: • Emerald House, Byfleet – Cllr GC explained that the application for conversion from offices to flats had not been acceptable due to the substandard flats proposed. It had not been considered appropriate to approve such poor quality accommodation. AG thought the application may have been withdrawn. • Pyrford Place, Pyrford Road – another application had been made for the boat house. As it was not very different from previous applications Pyrford NF had already objected. RA would do the same.

19:18 – Cllr GE joined • The Old House, Pyrford – an application for a boat house had been submitted. AG had looked at it and considered it acceptable. However, WP was concerned that if utilities were being supplied it would be a habitable building on green belt. He was concerned about light pollution from electric lighting. AG noted that it could be considered as outdoor recreational and therefore allowed on green belt. Cllr GC would be looking at the application as would SD to see what the RA response should be.

Minutes ^0 Reports 17 02 21 for website 1

(b) West Byfleet Village Centre Redevelopment Liaison Group - update WP reported on the meeting which had taken place on Monday 15th February. It was possible that demolition could start in April with engineers to go on site for preliminary works. The balconies and the green ratings of the new buildings were currently under scrutiny with residents being asked via social media for their opinions. WP noted that there was a danger that major objections to proposals could delay the project. Some other issues had been deferred to the next Liaison Group meeting.

(c) Joint Study on Infrastructure Requirements of the East of WP reported that representatives of the Neighbourhood Forums and the RA had met to discuss how to approach the study. The work had been divided up as follows: Fiona (BRNF) – flooding Stewart & Penny (RA) – health Andy (PNF) – transport Wade WBNF)– education Cllr CE, as portfolio holder, confirmed that there was a commitment to involve communities and seek feedback. However, he was still to meet with Ernest Amoako to work out a roadmap for the study which would identify at which points consultation would take place. As soon as this was available it would be communicated to stakeholders. Action Cllr. GE The aim was to be ready with questions on the various aspects of the study as soon as consultation was possible. Our role is to interrogate constructively and not provide solutions. It was noted that the IDP was a lengthy document with out of date methodology, having been first published in 2016 and updated in 2018. Some assumptions were now no longer valid and would need to be challenged ie A245 already at 200% capacity. The importance of looking not only to the future but also to consider the present situation and how it differed from 2018 was noted. ID wondered whether this approach would adequately reflect residents’ views. However, the general feeling was that the NFs and RA were close enough to the local community to know how they felt about these issues. RM noted that the objections to building on the green belt could be referenced. Cllr GC noted the expertise in transport matters which had been built by the Pyrford NF team. There was a lot of data to draw on but it was very fragmented and somewhat historic. This study would have no impact on the SADPD but would gain in importance if and when any planning application for the West Hall site was submitted. Feedback on any of the four areas or offers of help were welcomed.

5. Health and Wellbeing in the Three Villages – update On the advice of Cllr GE this initiative is currently on hold in view of the disruption being caused to WBC officials and Councillors by COVID-19 and in view of 4(c) above.

6. Home Learning Fund Raising Following the successful fund raising initiative by a Byfleet, resident supported by BUC and reported at the last meeting, SD had written to Neighbourhood Forums, Village Representatives, Councillors and BUC suggesting working together to raise funds to support home learning. Local schools had been contacted with mixed success. Those that had responded had generally suggested they did not need help for home learning provision and had given other areas of need ie books, residential trips, fencing. BUC had been contacted about the use of gift aid but AG noted that as they did not do personal fundraising they were not registered. However, BUC were willing to look into this although setting it up would take some time. KC thought that this would be a good idea and useful for future initiatives. There was a question over which schools should be included – Bishop David Brown and Fullbrook were not in area but many children in the villages went there. Maybury might also be considered.

Minutes ^0 Reports 17 02 21 for websiteMinutes ^0 Reports 17 02 21 for website 2 It was noted that some of the schools had very strong PTA organisations raising a lot of money for their schools and that this, a one off initiative, should not replace their efforts but complement them. This would be a good way to further raise the profile of the RA, the Forums and BUC in the community. Members would be contacted via email with information and a request for donations. After discussion it was agreed that there should be fundraising activity for the schools who should decide how the money could be best spent. Committee were generally in favour of books and learning materials, not so much trips or fencing. Further discussions with BUC would be organised and the costs of setting up a crowdfunding page explored.

7. Vision Statements – Keith Creswell KC reported that the statement had been discussed by the WBNF which had resulted in some minor adjustments.

8. Treasurer's Report The Statement of Affairs report covering the period 1 January to 16 February 2021 had been circulated before the meeting. Unfortunately, DS was not able to be present to comment further.

9. Membership Secretary’s Report A report had been circulated before the meeting. ID noted that, £1,200 had been received in subs to date mostly as online payments. There were a few new email addresses and new members. The push to get more should continue. KC noted that, in the absence of drop in sessions, he would like to email Street Reps the same information they previously received in hard copy to help in reminding members that subscriptions were due. After discussion it was agreed that this information could be sent out as a .pdf file with an instruction that it be destroyed when no longer needed. The alternative would be to print and deliver the sheets which represented 80 street reps in WB for KC. The issues of Data Protection and confidentiality were debated. The considered conclusion was that in the current circumstance this approach was justified. ID would however prepare a brief Risk Assessment note for the Committee. ACTION ID Street Reps would be prompted to remind members that subscriptions were due but would not be expected to visit anyone or deliver anything. ID noted that there had been12 responses to the members questionnaire and the comments had been noted for future reference. The comments were mostly positive.

10. Editorial The Resident 166 – Spring 2021 RM had circulated a report. All reports and most of the articles had now been received, including one on Sheer House from Keeble Brown. A draft would be circulated shortly for peer review.

Advertising ID noted that she would be discussing this with DS. Three advertisers which had been lost had been replaced by three new ones.

11. Website SD congratulated ID and Anita Flavell on the changes which had been made to the website and thanked them for their hard work in posting new content and getting it up to date.

12. Councillors’ Reports Cllr GE had nothing further to report which had not been covered by KC’s very comprehensive VR article. Cllr GC also had nothing to add to comments made earlier.

13. Right of Way Report – Marion Malcher

Minutes ^0 Reports 17 02 21 for websiteMinutes ^0 Reports 17 02 21 for website 3 There was no report but Marion had emailed the committee about various communications she had received regarding the diversion of Footpath 94 being made permanent and an assessment of the situation. This footpath which runs along the boundary wall of the Manor House, Byfleet, has been closed during the renovations and the proposal is that the diversion be made permanent. Marion had spoken with the Countryside Access Officer, Anne Woods and no immediate action was needed. An informal consultation was currently underway and should a public inquiry be needed this would be 2-3 years away. Details in attached email extract.

14. Village Representative Reports

Byfleet (taken at the start of the meeting) EMG had provided a report and further noted: • As Byfleet Village Hall was the RA’s registered addressed it was possible that some subs might be sent there and EG would ask the Street Representative to check or check herself. • Byfleet Heritage Society had plans to set up a Trust for the Byfleet Fire Station and EG asked for RA support for this. Cllr GC noted that about 6 years ago, one of Geoff Marlow’s initiatives had been to set up a Trust and SCC had been ready to provide a grant. EG would pass on this information. Committee confirmed full support for this initiative. • EMG noted the extensive flooding in the fields alongside the M25 (Dursley’s field) at the beginning of February which had subsequently become an ice rink. RM offered to include a picture in the newsletter. Crowdfunding for help A Byfleet resident crowdfunding initiative for help with home-schooling and been very successful. The funds had been matched by BUC who had helped and advised re the use and distribution of equipment.

West Byfleet – KC’s draft article for the newsletter had been circulated in lieu of a report and he had made additional comments as follows: • Graffiti which had appeared on the sports pavilion had now been cleaned off. • There had been a suggestion that local artist/s might decorate the hoardings around the Sheer House site. KC would follow this up.

Pyrford (taken at the start of the meeting) AG had submitted a report and further noted that the destruction of grass verges by "white vans" was an issue. He had included this in his report for the newsletter.

15. Forum Reports West Byfleet – WP noted that once work started on Sheer House it was likely that on site security would be put in place which would deter graffiti artists and vandalism. WP also noted that there had been rumours that WBC had been approached about the opening of a coffee/snack bar ground floor of the sports pavilion. However, the councillors were not aware of any such initiative.

Pyrford (taken at the start of the meeting) AG had submitted a report and further reported that a number of projects had been put forward to the SCC Project Fund and NF members were being encouraged to comment on them.

Byfleet – no report

16. AOB Drop in dates: no point discussing until lockdown was eased

Meeting closed at 21:07

Minutes ^0 Reports 17 02 21 for websiteMinutes ^0 Reports 17 02 21 for website 4

Date of the next meeting – Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Meetings for 2020-21 – all at 19:00 on the third Wednesday of the month, by Zoom until further notice:


21 April 19 May 16 June 21 July August – no meeting

Minutes ^0 Reports 17 02 21 for websiteMinutes ^0 Reports 17 02 21 for website 5 BYFLEET, WEST BYFLEET AND PYRFORD RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION

PLANNING REPORT - February 2021

This report covers information received up to 16th February 2021


Nothing further to report.


The Inspector's report with modifications was published on the 18th September. The eight week consultation period finished on the 6th November but that morning it was extended for a further four weeks so we then had until the 14th December.

As a result of this extension I submitted a slightly revised submission on behalf of the RA. This I have circulated to you.

The Byfleets' Petition was presented to the full Council Meeting on 3rd December. A request had been made to amend the wording of the petition. As expected the Petition was noted but rejected.

However an amendment moved by Councillors Barker and Azad was agreed. This requires an up to date infrastructure (roads, education, health care etc) study to be conducted by WBC, SCC and partners based on current and anticipated future demands in the east of the Borough and of course the Byfleets.

The importance of this amendment should not be under estimated. See (3) below

WBC have still to publish the submissions from the public and are not yet in a position to send them to the Inspector.


The terms of the Joint Study were approved at the WBC Executive meeting on 4th February.

The study will comprise of a comprehensive review of the 2018 IDP with an extract setting out the specific infrastructure requirements to support development proposals in Byfleet and West Byfleet. The Director of Planning will oversee the Study.

The 2018 IDP will provide a robust foundation for the review. The work will be done in-house.

Officers will work in partnership with all the relevant infrastructure providers and neighbouring authorities to carry out the Study. Byfleet and West Byfleet both have Neighbourhood Forums. Officers will ensure that they are consulted at key stages of the Study. The Study will be informed by various technical studies and up to date information provided by the relevant infrastructure providers. The outcome of the Study will be reported to the LDF Working Group, the Joint Committee and Executive.

The Study will be done in two phases. The first phase will focus on updating four key infrastructure areas in the IDP – transport, education, flooding and health. These are the infrastructure areas that received significant number of responses during the consultation of the main modifications to the Site Allocations DPD. It is anticipated that this phase will be completed in April/May 2021. The second phase will cover the rest of the other infrastructure areas in the IDP. This will be completed in August 2021.

The RA and PNF will also be key consultees.

Minutes ^0 Reports 17 02 21 for website 6

The timetable is ambitious and one might wish to challenge the use of the word "robust" in the description of the IDP 2018 fourth draft document.

This Study will have no relevance to the Inspector's report.

Where it may be very influential is in the event of say GB9 being released from Green Belt and a planning application being submitted.

SD and WP will brief the Committee on actions to date. GE as Portfolio Holder will update us as to progress to date.


The liaison group comprising representatives from:

> WBNF > WBBA > RA > COUNCILLORS have been meeting with the developer and Keeble Brown almost on a weekly basis. These discussions have been very helpful and constructive. There have also been a number of Zoom consultation meetings with the community which have been well supported with many questions addressed. The overall feedback from the community and from the posts on Facebook are supportive and the spirit of involvement is appreciated.

Applications to date: a) PLAN/2020/0753 - Approved b) PLAN/2020/0619 and PLAN/2020/0801 - Approved c) PLAN/2021/0059 - Detailed Planning Application. Validated.

It is expected that this Application will come before the Planning Committee on 6th April. There is a possibility of demolition commencing at the end of April though perhaps late spring is more likely.

Protruding balconies are of some concern as aesthetically they are not attractive.


5. PLAN/2021/0056 Address: Pyrford Place Pyrford Road Woking

Erection of two storey boathouse following demolition of existing boathouse, refurbishment of existing footbridge

Objected to previous application. Difficult to see how this application is different. The size of the proposed building and internal amenities contradict the declared purpose.

Pending Consideration Consultation expiry date 11th February

RA to object?

6. Footpath 94 along the outside wall of Manor House, Byfleet. The owners have applied for a permanent diversion of FP94 obliging the public to use FP95 and BW95 thus denying them views of this historic building.

7 Our Rights of Way Officer will support an objection should the RA decide to do so. However she points out that she is not convinced that this is the best way forward. FP94 is challenging if not agile and the proposed new route is much more user friendly. She has had a discussion with Cllr. Bond but I have no idea what the outcome was.

To Discuss

7. PLAN/2021/0154 Address: Avebury 36 Hollies Avenue West Byfleet Surrey KT14 6AL

Erection of a single storey front and single storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing rear extension.

Pending Consideration (delegated) Comments 2nd March

8. PLAN/2021/0146 Address: 16 Boltons Close Pyrford Woking Surrey GU22 8TW

Erection of two storey side extension, single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory. Erection of rear dormer and 3No front rooflights.

Pending Consideration (delegated) Comments 3rd March

9. PLAN/2021/0147 Address: The Old House Pyrford Road Woking Surrey GU22 8UE

Proposed detached oak framed boat house.

Pending Consideration (delegated) Comments 3rd March

10. PLAN /2021/0099 Address: The Old House Pyrford Road Woking Surrey GU22 8UE

Demolition of existing stables/storage building and replacement with detached oak framed garage/storage barn.

Pending Consideration (delegated) Comments 2nd March

11. PLAN/2021/0098 Address: Little Copse Pyrford Road Woking Surrey GU22 8UF

Erection of a detached dwelling on land to the west of Little Copse, Pyrford Road, new vehicular access off Hare Hill Close and associated subdivision of the plot, parking and landscaping.

Pending Consideration (delegated) Comments 3rd March


12. PLAN/2020/0602 Address: 47A Road

Erection of part two storey, part single storey rear extension incorporating 1no. single dormer, side dormer to existing outrigger, 1no. single dormer to rear elevation and 2no. single dormers to fromt elevation to create 2no. studio flats at first floor level and 1no. one bedroom flat within roof space. Provision for 2no. parking spaces to rear and revised bin storage layout.

8 Planning Committee.

Pending Consideration

13. PLAN/2019/1013 and PLAN/2020/1160 Address: 9 Old Woking Road

Erection of a part four storey, part three storey building comprising 2x ground floor retail units (A1 use) and 5x dwellings (3x two bed and 2x three bed) and associated parking and bin and cycle storage following demolition of existing building.

The Applicant appealed to the Secretary of State against the non-determination of the planning application. Dismissed but on a rather minor point. New application addresses this point. The proposal is an improvement to what is currently there though my view is that it would be further improved without the attic storey. However the Inspector did not object to this so an objection is I think pointless.

Pending Consideration

14. PLAN/2020/0771 ddress: Little Orchard Aviary Road Pyrford Woking

Proposed replacement of old wooden conservatory with a poly carbonate roof, and new UPVC windows, with a new fibre glass insulated flat roof, with a lantern.


15. PLAN/2020/0926 Address: Spindrift Pyrford Road West Byfleet Surrey KT14 6RE

Erection of single storey rear extension with wrap around two storey side extension. Further two storey front extension which includes moving front entrance with covered porch area. New dormers to the front and rear.

Pending Consideration 16. PLAN/2020/0894

Address: Qaro Pyrford Heath Pyrford Woking Surrey GU22 8SR

Prior notification for enlargement of a dwelling house by construction of an additional storey.

Called in by Cllr Graham Chrystie

Decision deferred pending clarification of design issue by Officers 17. PLAN/2020/0934 Address: 145 Old Woking Road Woking Surrey GU22 8PD

Erection of a single storey rear extension. Proposed glazed enclosure of existing terrace at first floor and extended terrace over orangery.

Pending Consideration

18. PLAN/2020/0907 Address: Woodlands Road West Byfleet Surrey KT14 6AH

Erection of a three storey building including accommodation in the roof space comprising 8x self- contained flats following demolition of existing dwelling and ancillary buildings and provision of associated bin and cycle storage, parking, retaining walls and landscaping

Consultation 18th November 9

This remains problematic with I believe accusations of intimidation.

If the Planning Officer recommends approval the application will go to the Planning Committee for determination. If the Planning Officer recommends refusal this decision will be under delegated authority i.e. will not then go to the Planning Committee

Pending Consideration

The RA has objected.

19. PLAN/2020/0886 Address: Domus Sheerwater Road West Byfleet Surrey KT14 6AA

Erection of a two storey building including accommodation in the roof space comprising 10x self- contained flats following demolition of existing dwelling and provision of associated bin and cycle storage, parking, access and landscaping.

Consultation 2nd December

WBNF objected on the issue of parking - not in accordance with Plan

Pending Consideration

20. PLAN/2020/1044 Address: Heathside 42 Madeira Road West Byfleet Surrey KT14 6DE

Proposed additional three bedroom property to form a terrace of three dwellings.

Pending Consideration Comments by 21st December

21. PLAN/2020/1140 Address: 35 Boltons Close Pyrford Woking Surrey GU22 8TW

Erection of a single storey side extension following demolition of existing garage. Erection of attached garage. Creation of front hardstanding and dropped kerb crossover.

Pending Consideration Comments by 4th January 2021

22. PLAN/2020/1145 Address: 26 Boltons Lane Pyrford Woking Surrey GU22 8TL

Erection of a single storey rear extension and two storey front and side extension to form annex following demolition of existing garage. Erection of 2No rear dormers and 1No rear rooflight.

Pending Consideration Comments by 4th January 2021

23. PLAN/2020/1102 Address: 39 Dartnell Park Road West Byfleet Surrey KT14 6PR

Proposed two storey side and rear extension, single storey front and rear extensions and raised ridge to accommodate habitable accommodation at second floor following demolition of conservatory and detached garage. Erection of 1No rear dormer and 5No side rooflights and 1No rear rooflight.

Pending Consideration Comments by 1st February 2021

24. Units 11 and 12 Wintersells Road. The RA regretted the approval of the application for change of use (SCC/2018/0144). There has been a further application (SCC/2020/0114) which was approved in June. This was a section 73 application 10 (minor amendments) requesting the removal of condition 6 that required a bollard to be erected. The justification was that it would be knocked down!

25. PLAN/2020/1157 Address: Chippings Pyrford Heath Pyrford Woking Surrey GU22 8SR

Erection of a replacement dwelling house with integral garage following the demolition of the existing building. Please refer to previous granted application PLAN/2019/0988

PERMITTED 26. PLAN/2021/0005

Address: 29 The Oaks West Byfleet Surrey KT14 6RN

Erection of a two storey front extension and 2No rear dormers. Proposed 1No front and rear rooflights and 3No to side.

Pending Consideration Comments by 29th January 2021

27. PLAN/2021/0031 Address: 97 Woodlands Avenue West Byfleet Surrey KT14 6AP

Erection of first floor rear extension and side dormers.

Pending Consideration Comments by 2nd February 2021

28. PLAN/2021/0047 Consultation Ward - East And Woodham


Formal consultation from Guildford Borough Council for Hybrid planning application for the redevelopment of part of the allocated site for the Slyfield Area Regeneration Project for a mixed-use development (known as Weyside Urban Village) comprising: A.Outline planning approval for the demolition of existing buildings and infrastructure and outline planning permission for up to 1550 dwellings; local centre comprising up to 1800 sqm of retail (inc. convenience store), healthcare,community, nursery and flexible employment uses (Use Class E); up to 500 sqm of flexible community facilities (Use Classes E/F1/F2); upto 6,600 sqm of flexible employment space (Use Classes E/B2/B8); up to 30,000 sqm for new Council Depot Site (Use Classes E/B8); 6 Gypsy and Traveller pitches (Use Class C3); and associated road infrastructure, landscaping including Sustainable Drainage Systems) and amenity space. B.Full planning permission for the development of primary and secondary site accesses, internal access roads and associated landscaping. C.Full planning permission for engineering operations associated with remediation and infrastructure, including primary and secondary substations; utilities and drainage (including Sustainable Drainage Systems).

Ref:SJCD/RA/Planning Report/February 2021.

11 Byfleet, West Byfleet and Pyrford Residents Association TREASURER’S REPORT 16 February 2021

The following Statement of Financial Affairs is for the period from 1st of January 2021 to 16th of February 2021.

Update on financials for the current period

Subscription income for the period is £1,273 (2019 £9,266). Advertising invoicing for issues 165 to 167 are delayed due to advertisers continuing to cancel adverts. Isabelle is currently working with the advertisers and will update me in the next few days to finalise the invoicing. Our total cash reserves continue remain healthy at £26,903 (2019 £25,674).

As previously advised, with the current lockdown in 2021, we anticipate to have 20% lower subscription income to that of our 2019 income. The advertisement income will remain sluggish.

Notes and open items.

1 Charitable status and gift aid – progress is slow due to regulation 19, Covid-19 and other urgent matters. We are deferring this until 2022/23. 2 COVID-19: In 2021, subscriptions income to remain 20% lower than 2019 levels. This is caused by the lockdown and paused collection activity during Q1 and Q2 of 2021.

Dharma Sivarajasingham Hon. Treasurer 16/02/2021


Byfleet, West Byfleet & Pyrford Residents Association to 16 February 2021 Year to date INCOME £ £ Subscriptions and member donations: Byfleet 200 West Byfleet 460 Pyrford 85 Subscriptions not allocated 528 2019 paid in 2018 - 2020 paid in 2019 or to be allocated - 1,273 Advertising (includes receipts from 2019 invoices) - Bank Interest 1 Donations - Other - Total Income 1,274

EXPENDITURE The Resident - Committee Expenses - Street Rep Drop Ins - Room Hire not Comm. - AGM - Fetes - Display/Equipment - Donations: - Community Support - Insurance - Postage, Stationery & Printing - Sundries/Losses - Database/Web Expenses 45 Mileage/Parking - Forums - Pyrford - - Byfleet (PMT error to recoverd and pay Pyrford) - - West Byfleet - 0 Total Expenditure 45 Surplus/(Deficit) £1,229

Opening Cash £25,674 Surplus/(Deficit) £1,229 Closing Cash £26,903

Analysis of Cash Current Account 3,464 Un allocated Collections Accounts + 2020 subs not allocated 528

Overnight Deposit 7,748

32Day deposit 15,163 £26,903




* Community Support BELL CORNWELL RE-SADPD 0 Printing Leaflets - walk in Centre 0 0

* Sundries




The total annual membership subscriptions received to date for 2021 is £1268.

Subscriptions Subscriptions Subscriptions 2021 2020 2019 banked and banked but held in cash allocated on not yet by VR Totals year database entered to date

£ £

Byfleet 200 nil 5 205 1725 2,765

West Byfleet 460 38 nil 498 3584 4,812

Pyrford 85 480 nil 565 3972 4,613

TOTAL 1268 9281 12190

Total membership numbers: 2019 2020 2021

Byfleet 576 561 561

West Byfleet 793 781 785

Pyrford 1,089 1039 1041

“Other” 11 18 17

TOTAL 2,469 2399 2404

Please note that we have extended the status of “grace” membership as a result of non-payment of subscriptions from 2 to 3 years, to reflect the difficulties that we have had in collection of subs in 2020.

Email addresses: It continues to be an important focus in 2021 to increase the number of email addresses that we hold on the membership database.

2018 2019 2020 2021

Byfleet 267 262 271 273

West Byfleet 305 429 491 494

Pyrford 421 452 488 490

TOTAL 993 1,143 1,250 1,256

Percentage of Members 35% 46% 52%

15 RA Committee meeting, 17 February 2021

Editor’s Report

Update on Issue 166

Village, Forum, Membership, Planning and Chairman's Reports all received

Most external articles have now been received

Awaiting articles Following articles:

Sheer House Redevelopment from Keeble Brown

Covid-19 Update and Surgery from West Byfleet Medical Centre

Status of Issue 166

Adverts received

Most pages now have copy and layout in place

Total of 24 Pages

Ahead of schedule

Currently carrying out review, final read through and final edits of content and layout

Expect to issue out for Peer Review next week sometime

Robert Munford



Taken from email from Marion Malcher, Footpath Officer

17 February 2021

Dear all,

I have received various communications regarding the diversion of Footpath 94 being made permanent. I have spoken with the Countryside Access Officer, Anne Woods. The process: - There is an INFORMAL consultation due to end on 22nd February. - As objections have already been made, a Site Meeting will be held to allow the applicants to meet the objectors for discussion. - Recommendations will be made by SCC and these will go to the Woking Joint Committee. - Following a Woking JC decision, Site Notices will be published and there will be a further 28 days for objections to be heard. - If there are objections at that stage, then a Public Inquiry will be held and a Govt. Inspector will make the final decision. The waiting time for a Public Inquiry will be two - three years. So, there is no need to be making hasty decisions. There are various points to be considered and I doubt that all voices have yet been heard. 1. "In principle" objections are not generally considered relevant and comments should relate to the merits of the proposal" 2. Following the definitive map route requires crossing four stiles very close together, these were previously often avoided by walkers who used the paved footway. It would be advisable if those objecting had walked the route recently, or at least shortly prior to the first covid lockdown. This would provide more objectivity than recollections from past decades. 3. The proposed diversion would be more accessible and I have received a request from a RA Member to support the diversion being made permanant with that in mind. 4.There are associated concerns with nearby kissing gates which are not wheelchair friendly. 4. I would argue that there is a case to keep the original footpath crossing in front of the Manor Gates, but require it to be made accessible to all. ie remove the stiles, pave the path and install gates. Manor Farm overall provides good paved wheelchair/scooter/pushchair accessibility, this should be extended to include the historic manor and access to the river. This would be a huge benefit to those less able in our communities. No doubt this would be costly and like other expensive projects (eg the completely missing Pigeon House Bridge), impossible without political will.

Hope this helps. Marion Malcher

17 The Resident 165 February 2021

West Byfleet Village Representative Report

Despite the quiet of the Village during the pandemic, a lot has been happening since the last edition.

Volunteer Groups We continue to be grateful for the efforts of the Volunteer Groups who support their neighbours and especially note the help of Byfleet Care and also Emma Osborne’s group in offering both transport and shopping support. Although quite a few of us have had vaccines, it is important to remember that some isolation is still essential and we can all offer some support to the local volunteer groups so they can focus on the needy.

Christmas We did not see, of course, the cheerful gathering and carols of most years but we did have a splendid lights’ display thanks to the WB Business Association, particularly James Lowe the butcher, and sponsor.

Sheer House Redevelopment This is now moving at pace, with hoardings erected, whilst preserving noticeboards and post box. Plans have been submitted to the Council and lots of meetings have been held by the developer RVG, both public and the Liaison Group (see WB Forum report) to understand public concerns and to mitigate the inevitable disturbance and disruption. We appreciate RVG’s efforts in engaging with the local community. Demolition will start later this year. There is a more detailed article on Sheer House re-development elsewhere in this Newsletter.

Broadoaks Park This is also preceding rapidly with the first houses now occupied and the Care Home advertising for staff. Although we miss the mature trees along the Parvis Road that were cut down, the developer, Octagon, are planting many replacement trees and promise a greater volume of trees than before, we are fortunate in having an enlightened developer on this site too.

Parvis Road Shared Path The petition calling for a shared path on the south side of the Parvis Road, signed by 280, went to the Joint Committee of Surrey County Council and Woking Borough. It was agreed to a study being made into its feasibility by Surrey Roads. Cllr Amanda Boote has volunteered to use some of her County Council allowance towards funding it. It is noticeable that its requirement is a lot more visible in various Council documentation than previously. Hopefully, we will have more positive news in the next Newsletter Unfortunately, as an example of non-joined up thinking, our nice new “Welcome to West Byfleet” sign, to match the impressive “Welcome to Byfleet” sign on the other side of the bridge, has been placed right across the muddy path that is already there and the sign will have to be moved if and when the path is properly constructed!

Green Belt and Infrastructure Despite the 2761 signatures, Woking Borough Council (WBC) felt unable to change the current version of their Site Allocation Planning Document to withdraw the loss of Green Belt land in Byfleet and West Byfleet. The Council considered that the SADPD withdrawal and resubmission at this stage will cause significant delay to its preparation with significant adverse implications for managing development across the Borough and could lead to speculative development. Whilst the concerns of residents were noted, Council resolved not to withdraw the SADPD and that the review by the Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State should run its course.

We hope the Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State takes a more enlightened attitude to preserving our green spaces and recognises the need to protect green space for our future generations and the environment. He has been provided details of the petition.

However, as a result of the debate on the petition, WBC will be conducting an Infrastructure Study to see if the east of Woking Borough would be able to absorb the current and potential future large increase of population. This is reported on further in this Newsletter.

18 Community Gardening Group Unfortunately some of the planned activity of the Group has been curtailed by the pandemic lockdown but it has achieved having WB Station adopted by the Community and plans are drawn up for planting on and around the station. Our appreciation goes not only to the Group but also to South Western Railways and Network Rail for this.

West Byfleet Live Following advice from WBC, this summer’s event has been cancelled but the Committee are determined to stage an even better event in 2022.

Community Hall Plans are being developed within the WB Neighbourhood Forum to provide a much-needed Community Hall, further news in the Neighbourhood Forum report

Recreation Ground The Neighbourhood Forum also have plans to enhance the Rec to make it more useable by the wider community and to refurbish the Pavilion.

Solar Farm A group of residents have got together to try to promote a photovoltaic farm on the existing Camphill Tip site that is mostly owned by Byfleet United Charities and the remainder by WBC. This large wedge-shaped piece of land between Rive Ditch and the railway is “zoned” for light industrial use and was subject to a diesel- powered backup generator proposal a few years back that was defeated. We share the view that the extra traffic along Claremont Road, Station Road and Woodlands Avenue would not be sustainable if the Industrial site is expanded. So, the concept of a productive green use of the site seems sensible and has gained support from our local councillors.

Businesses Uunfortunately due to Covid there is very little or no activity in West Byfleet Village Centre, the Estate Agents are operating almost as normal and many of the restaurants / cafes and food outlets are providing a take away service only.

Street Representatives We still need to identify street reps for the top of Coldharbour Road, Claremont Road, Rivey Close and Madeira Road and related side roads. We also need better street rep coverage for blocks of apartments such as Globe, Magna West, Wentworth, Tattenhall and Rosemount. Anyone who is interested in giving a few hours back to the Community, should contact me (see contact details on last page)

Finally, on a personal note, I will be retiring at the next AGM, if anyone would like to shadow me for a few months and see what the role entails, please contact me.

Keith Creswell

Village Rep, West Byfleet

19 PYRFORD VR REPORT - 20 January 2021 (as of 13 January2021) A) PYRFORD STREET REPS Total monies received from members via Street Reps in 2020 was £3,972 which represents 87% of the total collected during 2019. Well done to all Pyrford Street Reps and thank you to those members who paid directly to the RA Pyrford bank account. So far in 2021, £70 has been received directly and there is £10 received via post to bank. There are a few streets in Pyrford without a Street Rep, such as: Dean Close, Pine Tree Hill, Belmore Avenue, Old Woking Road, Pyrian Way, Rowley Close and Orchard Lea.

B) MARSHAL PARADE DEVELOPMENT SAGA Building continues. The roof timbers are now up. A planning application has been made to change the “planning use” to possibly accommodate a dentist.

C) VERGES AROUND PYRFORD One Pyrford member has raised with Woking Borough Council the state of the grass verges left after building works have been completed. This seems to be becoming an issue across the village. The VR will monitor. In comparison, Affinity Water, after backfilling the hole outside the shops, levelled the ground and scattered grass seed.

D) TWISTED STONE GOLF COURSE It has been brought to my attention that a long part of the new fence is now on the ground. The result is a much wider footpath.

E) PLANNING APPLICATIONS These are covered in more detail both the Pyrford Neighbourhood Forum report and the RA Planning Report. The significant ones are :- a requested new bungalow in Lock Lane turned down. a request for an additional storey on a bungalow in Pyrford Heath was deferred at a recent Planning Committee.

Andy Grimshaw Pyrford Village Rep

20 Issue 166 VRB report version 1.0 09.02.2021

Village Events Our seasonal village events were necessarily limited this autumn and winter. Residents missed gathering together at the War Memorial for the annual Remembrance Sunday service. A lockdown exception was requested and secured for a very limited, socially-distanced wreath-laying. A wreath was laid by the RA on behalf of all village members and residents. We enjoyed the Christmas lights and decorations which adorned the village approach, Village Hall and Plough Green. On behalf of members and residents, the RA would like to thank the Byfleet Amenities Group for repairing and setting up the displays in ghastly weather. The Tree of Positivity, so named by some of our village young people, on Plough Green allowed messages of hope and gratitude to be pinned up. Sadly, the journey around the village which Father Christmas planned to take in his pony and trap had to be cancelled at the last minute due to government guideline changes – luckily, we only had to wait until the night of 24th December for his return! We are grateful to the shops who had dressed their windows so beautifully for Christmas even through trading was curtailed.

Village Heritage This is a notable year for our Byfleet Heritage Society which celebrates its 25th Anniversary. The BHS benefits from a rich archive of historical artefacts relevant to Byfleet. In the normal course of events, its many members, enjoy monthly heritage talks, visits and events. Do consider joining! The BHS Heritage Room is on our Community Library and is a valuable resource. The BHS celebrates its 25th Anniversary with a special edition calendar which can be purchased from the library when open again or can be requested via [email protected] mark the Armistice year, a fully revised second edition of Jim Allen’s book ‘Byfleet and The Great War’ has been published and is available to purchase via the BHS website. Please see the BHS article in this Issue for more detail. The Old Fire Station, Byfleet: The Old Fire Station is a Grade II listed building established in 1885. It has been looked after for many years by a group of local volunteers, passionate about its history and place in the community’s heritage. This group is now working on setting up a Byfleet Fire Station Trust and registering an interest in a ‘Your Fund Surrey’ grant. We hope to have a detailed article on this initiative in our next The Resident. In the meantime, to learn more about our old Fire Station building, please see the BHS website and the Historic website (List entry 1392421). St Mary’s Church archaeological excavations have made interesting progress since we last reported on this. A detailed update on this work is included in this Issue.

Village-related Initiatives Generosity of spirit There have been many generous initiatives by residents and local organisations in these restricted times - the following are just some of them. Many organisations contributed funding towards 250 parcels of provisions which were delivered to residents, most of whom had been in touch with voluntary groups during 2020. A team of volunteers organised by the Byfleet COVID-19 Volunteers and the St Mary’s Church team worked together to deliver the parcels before Christmas. The Woking Foodbank Team at the Methodist Church continue their sterling work, often collecting donations from doorsteps and delivering parcels to clients, when the centre cannot open. Byfleet Care have been working hard through Tier 4 and the second lockdown and have included taking clients to their COVID-19 vaccinations in their list of services. Our schools have been supported by our local Estate Agents who offered to print off any home-learning material for parents who did not have access to a printer at home. Started up by a local resident, a scheme was set up for residents to contribute towards devices and equipment needed by some of our school pupils for their home- learning. Byfleet Unity Charity kindly offered their knowledge to help get the funding to the schools which needed it. 21 Byfleet Book Swap was instigated by a resident in Gaveston Close allowing residents to swap books in a COVID secure way while libraries are closed and shopping more restricted. Any donations received are for St Luke’s Cancer Centre in Guildford. ‘Pretty and Preloved’ based at the Village Hall opened between lockdowns and raises money for The Matthew Hackney Foundation. Perhaps you would like to call in post lockdown? Other initiatives: Rugby Union – Byfleet has long been the home to the Woking Rugby Union Club with WRFC playing at the Byfleet Recreation Ground and training there two nights a week. The changing facilities at the club house have been far from ideal for many years and the club would like to upgrade their facilities and the pitch lighting to enable them to welcome visiting teams and make the club more inclusive by developing youth and women’s teams. You can support WRFC’s expression of interest in funding from the ‘Your Fund Surrey’ grant scheme via the link on the WRFC website. Byfleet Amenities Group have produced some unique gifts showing scenes of Byfleet as part of their fundraising. Attractive cotton tea towels and bags are available with scenes of historic Byfleet buildings. These can be purchased by emailing [email protected]. Recycling: Full marks to our local Co-op who have introduced recycling stations for what they call ‘scrunchable plastic’ which cannot be put in our fortnightly bin collections. This includes wrappers such as biscuit and crisp packets, bread bags, cling-film and baby and pet food pouches. More fun to be had cleaning and scrunching plastic in these lean times! The RA Garden Seed Share Scheme pilot will start in Byfleet in March 2021. See the article in this Issue for details. Our Greenbelt and footpaths Please read about the latest on the SADPD on our Planning Officer’s report. As I write, one of the two fields in Byfleet identified in Woking Borough Councils’ plan as potential land to be taken out of greenbelt for housing development (GB4 - on the right as you come into Byfleet just before the Queen’s Head ), resembles an ice- rink having been partially under-water for a week before temperatures dropped in February. Footpath along Byfleet Manor House: A permanent ‘diversion’ of Footpath FP94, which runs along the front of the Manor House, has been applied for to succeed the Surrey County Council Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order which is due to expire by 11.06.2021. The temporary prohibition, which closed the footpath to walkers, was intended for public safety due to drainage works being carried out to the adjacent wall and piers as part of an extensive redevelopment. Residents are extremely concerned by the threat to their use of this footpath which has been used by Byfleet residents for centuries. There is no update from SCC at this point on the commitment towards the development of the remainder of the off-road footpath and cycle-path along Parvis Road between Byfleet and Broadoaks.

In other news It was with great sadness that the community learnt of the death of Susan Robinson on 18th October 2020. Susan trained at the Royal Ballet Upper School and opened the Susan Robinson School of Ballet in Byfleet in 1975. Susan, her team and the ballet school have been part of the fabric of Byfleet life since then. We send our deepest condolences to her family, friends and colleagues.

RA Subscriptions and Street Representatives 2021 subscriptions are now due. We regret that Street Reps remain unable to collect your subscription at your door. Please see the Membership Officer’s report for guidance on how to pay your 2021 subscription. Our Street Reps really look forward to the time when they can deliver a paper-copy newsletter and knock to see you in person again! When this time comes, we would love to welcome additional Street Reps to the team. Could you spare an hour or two three times a year to join us? Thank you all for your support and interest in Byfleet. Eleanor Grady and Jean-Pierre Frossard RA Village Representatives for Byfleet

22 PNF Report FEBRUARY 2021 (as at 13/02/2021) PYRFORD FORUM AREA NCIL

The Woking Joint Committee approved in November 2020, the use of up to £14,000 of NCIL funds to assist in repairing the Pyrford Cricket Club Clubhouse.

Work is started on Monday 18th January 2021.

Ideas submitted by Pyrford Residents have been collated and PNF will review and group and prioritise the use of the remaining NCIL. ideas estimated to cost over £10,000 have been loaded on the Surrey Project Fund Map.


The outcome of the process is awaited.

The petition to Woking Borough Council to withdraw the SADPD was noted but felt “it was inappropriate to take the action sought by the petitioners”. The Council called “for a joint study with other authorities and partners on the future infrastructure requirements of the east of Woking, based on both current demand and future demand“. This review is estimated to report back by August 2021 and thanks to Cllr Gary Elson Portfolio holder & Pyrford councillor Pyrford Forum will now be consulted.


Work continues on the assessment. A small sub committee has considered what should be changed from the status quo in the 2000 WBC Heritage Report.

Fundraising for the £13,000 cost has generated c£11,500 so there is a shortfall of £1,500. So far £300 has been raised by selling copies of the Heritage Video.


Two significant application have been decided since the January report:-.

Marshall Parade Coldharbour Road

Removal or variation of condition 9 of PLAN/2019/0500 - to allow a change in planning use to allow for a possible occupation by dentist.


The Old House Pyrford Road

Conversion of existing store into habitable use. Proposed 1No front dormer window and 2No side rooflights


The following significant applications are still under consideration:-

Not Greenbelt or Conservation Area:-

Qaro Pyrford Heath

Prior notification for enlargement of a dwelling house by construction of an additional storey, with proposed ridge height of 8.2m (amended description to include height)

Deferred at January 21 Planning Committee

23 In Green Belt:-

Twisted Stone Golf Club Pyrford Road

Temporary consent is sought for a period of 12 months for use of part of existing car park as a greenkeepers maintenance compound and siting of storage containers (retrospective)

Wisley Golf Club Lane

Engineering operations to The Garden Course to include replacement drainage and irrigation system, relocation of 5th and 8th tee boxes and re-profiling of section of the bank at the along with works to the bunkers to improve drainage and playability.

Pyrford Place

Erection of two storey boathouse following demolition of existing boathouse, refurbishment of existing footbridge (Second application; first refused)

The Old House Pyrford Road

1) Proposed detached oak framed boat house 2) Demolition of existing stables/storage building and replacement with detached oak framed garage/storage Barn.

In conservation area

Church Farm House Church Hill

Listed Building Consent to replace existing 15 casement & 2 bay single glazed windows and doors with slimline double glazed windows and doors using existing openings.

Andy Grimshaw

PNF Chair