Noted Lawyer, Author Speaks Christians from William Paterson
I The Beacon ,(? MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 2000 William Paterson University f Volume 66 No. 19 . FREE Noted Lawyer, Christians from William Paterson I Author Speaks rally against slavery in Sudan Discusses O.J. Simpson Case, civil By Felicia Pettiford Staff Writer liberties, guilt vs. innocence Well over a hundred years has By Susan Daubar Mike Tyson and Michael Miliken. passed since Abraham Lincoln Staff Writer He has been described by TIME signed the Emancipation magazine as "The Top Lawyer of Proclamation, the document that "Most of my clients have been the Last Resort". As Dershowitz freed . African-American slaves guilty," Alan Dershowitz stated explained, by the time a client from bondage,, yet the African-*' •to nonchalantly at William Paterson reaches his office, he/she is facing- American community is still cop- University in his Friday, jan 28 lec- serious criminal charges and is in ing with the psychological,' emo- ture. "That is the great thing about dire need of his defense. He often tional, and spiritual effects of this the United States legal system. provides counsel to people facing dark time in American history. Most Americans charged with a murder convictions. : Incredible as it may seem, today, i crime are in fact found guilty." "I have to assume my clients are in 2000, nearly 27 million people Alan Dershowitz touched upon guilty," Dershowitz conceded, "If I remain in the bondage of slavery, many issues at his lecture entitled, assumed a client was innocent, I subjected to brutalistic treatment "The Constitution and Our would tell them to go talk to the and torture, and,in many cases Modern Justice System" in Shea police, let them find the bloody death.
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