r£l¥goahd thça§fŸ


223 M©L MŒÎ 2012 -13 Annual Review

br‹id¥ bgUef® FoÚ® tH§fš k‰W« fêÎ Úuf‰W thça«


The Metropolitan Water Supply br‹id¥ bgUef® gFÂfë‹ FoÚ® and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB), constituted in k‰W« fêÎÚuf‰W nritfë‹ Â£lä£l ts®¢Áia nk‰bfhŸSjš k‰W« cW 1978, is vested with the responsibility of promoting brŒjš, njit¥gL« f£lik¥òfis and securing the planned development of water cUth¡Fjš, Ïa¡Fjš k‰W« guhkç¤jš k‰W« br‹id¥ bgUefu¥ gFÂfë‹ supply and sewerage services, creation, operation j‰nghija k‰W« v®fhy¤ njitfis and maintenance of the needed infrastructure and ãiwÎ brŒtj‰fhd £l§fis¢ implementation of perspective plans to meet both brayh¡Fjš F¿¤j bghW¥òfŸ 1978 M« M©oš ãWt¥g£l br‹id¥ bgUef® FoÚ® current and future requirements in the areas falling tH§fš k‰W« fêÎÚuf‰W thça¤Â‹ tr« under Chennai Metropolitan limit. x¥gil¡f¥g£LŸsd.

Desalination Plants flš Úiu e‹Üuh¡F« ãiya§fŸ In order to bridge the demand-supply gap FoÚ® njit k‰W« tH§F« mséYŸs Ïilbtëæid rk‹ and as a drought proofing measure, a 100 MLD brŒtj‰F«, tw£Á ãthuz Ka‰ÁahfΫ, capacity Desalination Plant at on Design, totik¤J, ãWé, brhªjkh¡», Ïa¡» k‰W« ÂU¥Ã¤ jU« mo¥gilæš 25 M©L x¥gªj Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (DBOOT) basis fhy¤Â‰F, ehbsh‹W¡F 100 äšèa‹ è£l® with an agreement period of 25 years was bfhŸÂw‹ bfh©l flšÚiu e‹Üuh¡F« commissioned. ãiya«, ÛŠNçš mik¡f¥g£L Ïa§» tU»wJ.  In addition to the 100 MLD capacity Sea  ÛŠNçš mik¡f¥g£l 100 äšèa‹ Water Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant è£l® Âw‹ bfh©l flšÚiu¡ FoÚuh¡F« ãiya« k£L« mšyhJ at Minjur, in order to cater to the needs of bj‹ br‹id gFÂæ‹ njit¡fhf, the Southern part of Chennai city, another k¤Âa muÁ‹ khåa¤Âš, ehbsh‹W¡F 100 äšèa‹ è£l® Sea Water Reverse Osmosis Desalination bfhŸssÎ bfh©l v®kiw r›ñL Plant at Nemmeli of 100 MLD capacity has gutš Kiwæš flšÚiu e‹Üuh¡F« been taken up with financial grant from k‰bwhU ãiya¤Âid be«nkèæš mik¡F« gâ nk‰bfhŸs¥g£L Government of and the works are j‰nghJ eilbg‰W tU»wJ. Ϫj under progress. The plant is expected to be ãiya« éiuéš brašgh£o‰F tU«.

commissioned soon.

225 M©L MŒÎ 2012 -13 Annual Review

Ongoing Sewerage Schemes j‰nghJ brayh¡f¤Âš cŸs fêÎÚ® £l§fŸ The sewerage schemes for , , , , Thirumazhisai, Mto, m«g¤Jh®, jh«gu«, kJuthaš, ÂUkêir, bgU§Fo, ngh%®, cŸsfu«- , , Ullagaram- and òGÂth¡f« k‰W« gŸë¡fuiz M»a Pallikkaranai have been taken up under JnNURM gFÂfëš fêÎÚ® mf‰W« £l§fis funds and all the schemes are in progress. #tA®yhš neU njÁa ef®¥òu òduik¥ò £l¤Â‹ Ñœ thça« nk‰bfh©L tU»wJ. Ï¥gâfë‹ j‰nghija ãiy ËtUkhW

Under Ground Sewerage scheme works taken up jäœehL ef®¥òu ts®¢Á¤ £l«-III (TNUDP- under TNUDP-III III) ‹ Ñœ eilbg‰W tU« ghjhs rh¡fil¤ 1. Thiruvottiyur Under Ground Sewerage Scheme £l¥gâfŸ 1. ÂUbth‰¿ô® ghjhs rh¡fil¤ £l« 2. Under Ground Sewerage Scheme 2. khjtu« ghjhs rh¡fil¤ £l« 3. Ambattur Sewerage Scheme Phase –I 3. m«g¤ö® ghjhs rh¡fil¤ £l« - Kj‰ f£l«

Chennai Mega City Development Mission br‹id¥ bgU ef® ts®¢Á¤ £l« br‹id khefu« k‰W« mjDl‹ The Government of in 2011-12 have òÂjhf Ïiz¡f¥g£LŸs gFÂfëš launched the Chennai Mega City Development mo¥gil trÂfŸ k‰W« cŸf£lik¥ig cyf Mission so as to improve the infrastructure and ju¤Â‰F nk«gL¤j br‹id bgU efu basic amenities in Chennai City and the newly ts®¢Á £l¤ij 2011-12 M« M©L Kjš added areas of Chennai Corporation. muR brašgL¤Â tU»wJ.

Newly Added areas òÂjhf nr®¡f¥g£LŸs gFÂfŸ br‹id khefuh£Áæ‹ rÛg¤Âa Consequent on the recent expansion of éçth¡f¤Â‹ éisthf, br‹id¡ FoÚ® Chennai Corporation, the area of operation of thça¤Â‹ brayh¡f gu¥gsÎ 174 rJu CMWSSB has increased from 174 sq.km to 426 »nyhÛ£lçš ÏUªJ 426 rJu »nyhÛ£l® sq.km. Engineering staff and Tax collection staff gu¥gsΡF mÂfç¤JŸsJ. V‰fdnt cŸs have been posted in the newly added areas for f£lik¥ò trÂfis Ïa¡Fjš k‰W« operation and maintenance of the available guhkç¡f bgh¿æaš gâahs®fisÍ«, infrastructure facilities and services. Steps are being taken to upgrade the infrastructure and services at tçtNè¡F« gâahs®fisÍ« òÂjhf the earliest. nr®¡f¥g£LŸs gFÂfëš thça« ãaä¤JŸsJ. éçth¡f¥g£l gFÂfëš, thça¤Â‹ f£lik¥ò k‰W« nritfis nk«gL¤j elto¡iffŸ nk‰bfhŸs¥g£L tU»‹wd.

226 M©L MŒÎ 2012 -13 Annual Review

Projects for Local bodies around Chennai city br‹id¡F mUfhikæYŸs cŸsh£Á which are in progress mik¥òfS¡F¡ eilbg‰W tU« FoÚ® Water supply schemes tH§fš k‰W« fêÎÚuf‰W« £l§fŸ. Amount FoÚ® tH§fš £l§fŸ Municipalities ( ` in cr ) %ghŒ efuh£ÁfŸ Improvement works to water 322.00 (nfhoæš) supply system in Chennai city br‹id khefç‹ FoÚ® 322.00 Maduravoyal 23.30 f£lik¥ò nk«gh£L¥ gâfŸ Ullagaram-Puzhuthivakkam 24.24 kJuthaš 23.30 cŸsfu«-òGÂth¡f« 24.24 Thiruvottiyur 85.11 ÂUbth‰¿ô® 85.11 64.39 MyªJh® 64.39 Ambattur 267.08 m«g¤Jh® 267.08 19.17 be‰F‹w« 19.17 Other Local Bodies Ïju cŸsh£Á mik¥òfŸ Avadi Municipality 103.84 Mto efuh£Á 103.84 Total 909.13 bkh¤j« 909.13

Sewerage Schemes fêÎÚuf‰W« £l§fŸ Amount %ghŒ Municipalities efuh£ÁfŸ (` in cr.) nfhoæš Providing water supply and 41.77 ÏuhÉ› fhªÂ jftš bjhêš E£g 41.77 sewerage facilities along Rajiv rhiy têahf FoÚ® k‰W« fêÎ Gandhi Salai (IT Corridor) Úuf‰W trÂfŸ mik¡F« gâfŸ Additional 60 MLD Sewage 31.48 bgU§Foæš ehbsh‹W¡F 60 31.48 Treatment Plant at Perungudi äšèa‹ è£l® Âw‹ bfh©l Additional 54 MLD Sewage 54.57 TLjš fêÎÚ® R¤Âfç¥ò ãiya« Treatment Plant at ber¥gh¡f¤Âš ehbsh‹W¡F 54 54.57 Ullagaram-Puzhuthivakkam 28.08 äšèa‹ è£l® Âw‹ bfh©l TLjš fêÎÚ® R¤Âfç¥ò ãiya« Ambattur 130.91 cŸsfu«-òGÂth¡f« 28.08 Maduravoyal 57.45 m«g¤Jh® 130.91 Porur 38.29 kJuthaš 57.45 Perungudi 20.19 ngh%® 38.29 58.61 bgU§Fo 20.19 Other Local Bodies gŸë¡fuiz 58.61 Avadi Municipality 158.05 Ïju cŸsh£Á mik¥òfŸ Mto efuh£Á 158.05 Tambaram Municipality 160.97 jh«gu« efuh£Á 160.97 Thirumazhisai Town Panchayat 20.47 ÂUkêir ng%uh£Á 20.47 Total 800.84 800.84 bkh¤j«

31.03.2013-M« ehëš 3573 Employees as on 31.3.2013 3573 gâahs®fë‹ v©â¡if

227 M©L MŒÎ 2012 -13 Annual Review

2013 M« M©L kh®¢ §fŸ 31« njÂa j‰fhèfkhd ÏU¥ò ãiy¡ F¿¥ò


(`. in lakhs) ( %ghŒ Ïy£r¤Âš )

LIABILITIES bghW¥òfŸ 2011-12 2012-13

Contribution and Funds g§fë¥ò k‰W« ã 123177.46 142371.92

muR khåa« Grants From Govt. 148562.26 193942.18

Ú©l fhy fl‹fŸ Long Term Borrowings 137031.54 131029.68

ãW¤Â it¡f¥g£l Deferred Credits and tuÎfS« it¥ò¤ 86116.93 81207.56 Deposits bjhiffS« el¥ò¥ bghW¥òfŸ Current Liabilities 84004.01 90042.64

Total bkh¤j« 578892.20 638593.98


ãiyahd brh¤JfŸ Fixed Assets 448087.38 485610.23

el¥ò brh¤JfŸ, fl‹fŸ, Current Assets, Loans K‹gz« k‰W« it¥ò¤ 91625.98 95436.55 Advances & Deposits bjhif Accumulated deficit Âu©L tªJŸs g‰wh¡Fiw 39178.84 57547.20

Total bkh¤j« 578892.20 638593.98

228 M©L MŒÎ 2012 -13 Annual Review

2012-13 M« M©o‰fhd j‰fhèfkhd tuÎ bryÎ fz¡F étu« INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR 2012-13(TENTATIVE)

(`. in lakhs) (%ghŒ Ïy£r¤Âš) INCOME tuÎ Ïd§fŸ 2011-12 2012-13 Sale of Water FoÚ® é‰gid 23768.35 25968.63 Grants and Subsides muR khåa« 11748.38 16054.28 Water & Sew. Tax FoÚ® k‰W« fêÎ Úuf‰W tç 10369.23 10741.00 Other Income Ïju tUkhd« 6984.83 6432.87 Prior Period Adjustment Kªija fhy rç¡f£lš 0.00 0.00 Provision for Doubtful debts: Ia¥ghLŸs fl‹fŸ FoÚ® 0.00 0.00 Water Charges –Metered f£lz« - msé bghU¤j¥g£lJ Water Charges – FoÚ® f£lz« - msé 26.54 0.00 Un metered bghU¤j¥glhjJ Taxes tçfŸ 117.89 0.00 Excess of Expenditure over tuit él mÂf bryÎ 18172.03 18368.35 Income Total bkh¤j« 71187.25 77565.13 EXPENDITURE bryéd§fŸ Operating and Maintenance Ïa¡Fjš k‰W« guhkç¥ò¢ 26326.65 32729.77 Expenditure bryÎfŸ Payments & Provision to gâahs®fS¡F CÂa«, Tè 15866.20 15470.17 Employees k‰W« xJ¡ÑLfŸ

Office Administrative mYtyf« k‰W« ã®thf¢ 635.14 673.00 Expenses bryÎfŸ Prior period adjustments Kªija M©L rçf£lšfŸ 3264.58 2416.57

Water Lorry Hire Charges FoÚ® C®Â thlif¡ 1947.96 2520.34 f£lz§fŸ Drought Expenditure tw£Á¥ g⢠bryÎfŸ 0.00 0.00

Depreciation njŒkhd« 13014.95 13843.37 Debt Service Charges fl‹ Ûjhd bryÎfŸ 9398.78 9604.56

Provision for Doubtful debts Ia¥gh£LŸs fl‹bjhif 0.00 0.00 Taxes xJ¡ÑL - tçfŸ Water charges metered FoÚ® f£lz«-msé 732.99 176.80 bghU¤j¥g£lJ Water charges FoÚ® f£lz«- msé 0.00 21.26 Un metered bghU¤j¥glhjJ Taxes tçfŸ 0.00 109.29 Total bkh¤j« 71187.25 77565.13

229 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review jäœehL flšrh® thça« TAMIL NADU MARITIME BOARD

The Tamil Nadu Maritime Board is jäœehL flšrh® thça«, jäœeh£oYŸs administering, controlling, regulating and mid¤J ÁW JiwKf§fisÍ« ã®t»¤J, managing the minor ports in Tamil Nadu. f£L¥gL¤Â, Kiw¥gL¤Â, nkyh©ik brŒJ tU»wJ. There are 23 minor ports situated in Tamil jäœeh£oš bkh¤j« 23 ÁW JiwKf§fŸ Nadu coast. They are :- mikªJŸsd. Mit

1. Cuddalore. 1. flÿ®. 2. . 2. ehf¥g£od«. 3. Pamban. 3. gh«g‹. 4. Rameswaram. 4. Ïuhnk°tu«. 5. Valinokkam. 5. thèneh¡f«. 6. Kanyakumari. 6. f‹åahFkç. 7. Colachel. 7. Fs¢rš. 8. . 8. fh£L¥gŸë. 9. . 9. v©û®. 10. Mugaiyur. 10. Kifô®. 11. Thiruchopuram. 11. ÂU¢nrhòu«. 12. Silambimangalam Shipyard. 12. Áy«Ãk§fy« f¥gš f£L« js«. 13. Parangipettai. 13. gu§»¥ng£il. 14. PY-3 Oil Field. 14. Ã.xŒ 03 v©bzŒ ts¥gFÂ. 15. Kaveri. 15. fhntç. 16. Vanagiri. 16. thd»ç. 17. Thirukkadaiyur. 17. ÂU¡filô®. 18. Thirukkuvalai. 18. ÂU¡Ftis. 19. Punnakkayal. 19. ò‹d¡fhaš. 20. Udangudi. 20. cl‹Fo. 21. Manappad. 21. kz¥ghL. 22. Kudankulam. 22. Tl§Fs«. 23. Chettinad Port 23. br£oehL ju§f«gho

The aim of the Board is to develop the ports jåah® g§nf‰Ã‹ _y« JiwKf§fis through private sector participation. nk«gL¤JtJ Ï›thça¤Â‹ F¿¡nfhshF«.

To provide for the development of Minor jäœeh£oYŸs ÁW JiwKf§fë‹ ports, the Government of Tamil Nadu has ts®¢Á¡fhd KjÄ£L thŒ¥òfis formulated and is implementing a Minor Port cUth¡Ftj‰fhf Mf°£ 2007 Kjš ÁW Development Policy since August 2007. JiwKf§fŸ nk«gh£L¡ bfhŸifæid Based on the above, Tamil Nadu Maritime muR tF¤J brašgL¤Â tU»wJ. Board is taking steps to develop the ports into mjdo¥gilæš JiwKf§fis mÃéU¤Â an all weather ports. brŒJ mid¤J gUt fhy§fëY« f¥gš mizÍ« JiwKf§fshf nk«gL¤jΫ thça« fUÂÍŸsJ.

31.03.2013- M« ehëš Staff Strength as on 31.03.2013 : 114 gâahs®fë‹ v©â¡if: 114

231 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review



31.03.2013-« M©o‰fhd Ïyhg e£l fz¡F

(`.in lakhs) (%. Ïy£r§fëš) I Income tUthŒ 2011-12 2012-13

Revenue from Operations Ïa¡f tUthŒ 1747.63 1219.43

Other Income Vida tUthΠ377.65 406.14

Total Income bkh¤j« 2125.28 1625.57

II Expenses bryéd§fŸ

(1) Employee Benefit gâahs® bryÎ 1140.54 818.94 Expenses

(2) Administrative Expenditure ã®thf¢ bryÎfŸ 141.24 156.68

(3) Finance Cost t£o 42.62 42.62

(4) Depreciation and njŒkhd« 497.54 439.56 amortization of assets

Total Expenses bkh¤j« 1821.94 1457.80

Profit Before prior period Kªija M©o‰fhd III items, Exceptional item, rçf£lš Kd 303.34 167.77 Extraordinary Mjha«

Add: Prior period Item Kªija M©o‰fhd 0.83 16.94 rçf£lš tUkhd tç¡F K‹ Profit Before Tax 304.17 184.71 Mjha«

IV Less : Tax Expense

(i) Current Income Tax el¥ò tUkhd tç 94.00 57.08

el¥ò M©o‰fhd V Profit for the period 210.17 127.63 Ïyhg«

232 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review


BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH 2013 2013M« M©L kh®¢ §fŸ 31M« njÂa ÏU¥ò ãiy¡ F¿¥ò

(`. in Lakhs) (%ghŒ Ïy£r¤Âš) 2011-12 2012-13 I SOURCES OF FUNDS ã Mjhu§fŸ Port Development Funds JiwKf nk«gh£L ã 267.76 277.88 Loan / Grant fl‹/ khåa« 6361.45 6361.45 Profit and Loss Account Ïyhg e£l fz¡F 906.42 1034.05 TOTAL bkh¤j« 7535.63 7673.38 APPLICATION OF II ã ga‹ghLfŸ FUNDS Fixed Assets ãiyahd brh¤JfŸ Gross Block bgU bkh¤j« 6456.37 6455.82

LESS: Depreciation fê¡f: njŒkhd« 2444.53 2882.04 Net Block ãfu bkh¤j« 4011.84 3573.78 ADD: Capital work in T£Lf: elªnj¿tU« 419.08 577.03 progress _yjd gâfŸ TOTAL bkh¤j« 4430.92 4150.81 Current Assets, Loans and el¥ò brh¤JfŸ fl‹fŸ

Advances (k) K‹gz« buh¡f« k‰W« t§» Cash and Bank Balances 4548.82 4307.33 ifæU¥ò Receivables bgw¥gl nt©oait 247.14 222.62 Loans and advances fl‹fŸ (k) K‹gz« 584.40 701.65 TOTAL bkh¤j« 5380.36 5231.60 Other Current Assets Ïju el¥ò brh¤JfŸ 398.64 215.78 TOTAL bkh¤j« 5779.00 5447.38 : Less : Current Liabilities fê¡f el¥ò¥ bghW¥òfŸ (k) and Provisions xJ¡ÑLfŸ Current Liabilities el¥ò¥ bghW¥òfŸ 2674.29 1924.80 Net Current Assets ãfu el¥ò brh¤JfŸ 3104.71 3522.57 TOTAL bkh¤j« 7535.63 7673.38

233 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

jäœehL khR f£L¥ghL thça«


The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board jäœehL khR f£L¥ghL thça« 27.02.1982-M« has been functioning from 27.02.1982. The ehëèUªJ brašg£L tU»wJ. Ïj‹ K¡»a main functions of the Board are to control gâfŸ khãy¤Âš cŸs ÚnuhilfŸ, pollution of stream, wells, land and the »zWfŸ, ãy« k‰W« R‰W¡ NHš khR atmosphere in the State, promote cleanliness gLtij jL¥gJ«, khãy¤Âš J¥òuéid and maintain or restore the wholesomeness C¡Fé¤J, fh‰W, Úiu x£Lbkh¤jkhf of air and water in the State. In discharging khRglhkš guhkç¥gJ mšyJ JhŒikia the duties entrusted to it, the Board has to ãiyeh£LtjhF«. Ï›thça«, mjål« investigate, collect and disseminate data x¥gil¡f¥g£l gâfis ãiwnt‰w j©Ù® relating to water and air pollution, lay down k‰W« fh‰W khRgLtJ bjhl®ghd standards for trade, sewage effluent and Ãu¢Áidfis¥ òydhŒÎ brŒJ égu§fis¢ emission discharge. Tamilnadu Pollution nrfç¤J ghFgL¤JtJl‹ bjhê‰rhiy, Control Board also monitors effluent tofhš fêÎÚ® k‰W« thÍ¡ fêÎfis treatment plants and air pollution control btëna‰Wtj‰fhd ju¤ij ã®za« measures. brŒ»wJ. jäœehL khR f£L¥ghL thça« fêÎ Ú® R¤Âfç¥ò ãiya§fisÍ«, fh‰W khR jL¥ò¢ rhjd§fisÍ« f©fhâ¡F« gâæid nk‰bfh©LŸsJ.


The TNPCB has established its thça¤Â‹ ãWtd mik¥ò ÏUãiy organizational structure with a two-tier ÃçÎfshf br‹idæš jiyik mYtyf« k‰W« kht£l mYtyf§fis cŸsl¡» system consisting of head-office at Chennai brašg£L tU»wJ. thça¤Âš fs mik¥Ãš and district offices. There are 32 district 32 kht£l mYtyf§fŸ cŸsd. mt‰¿š 29 offices, of which 29 District Offices are kht£l mYtyf§fŸ kht£l R‰W¢ NHš headed by District Environmental Engineers bgh¿ahs®fŸ jiyikæY« k‰W« 3 kht£l and 3 District Offices under the control of mYtyf§fŸ cjé R‰W¢NHš bgh¿ahs®fŸ Assistant Environmental Engineers. jiyikæY« Ïa§F»‹wd.


Number of employees as on 31.03.2013 was 31.03.2013 m‹iwa ãiyæš gâæš ÏUªj 732. gâahs®fë‹ v©â¡if 732.

235 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

jäœehL khR f£L¥ghL thça« TAMIL NADU POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD (%ghŒ Ïy£r¤Âš) (` IN LAKHS) INCOME AND EXPENDITURE tUthŒ - bryéd¡ fz¡F 2011-12 2012-13 I. REVENUE ACCOUNT tUthŒ¡ fz¡F 1. Grants received from Govt. Of jäHf muÁläUªJ bg‰w khåa« Tamilnadu 0.00 0.00 2. Operating Income brašgh£L tUkhd« 12701.89 15137.70 Total bkh¤j« 12701.89 15137.70 II. REVENUE EXPENDITURE tUthŒ bryéd« 1. Salaries and wages r«gsK« CÂaK« 5089.38 6294.13 2. Repairs and maintenance gGJ gh®¤jY« guhkç¥ò« 51.72 76.36 3. Other expenditure Ïju bryÎfŸ 2408.41 2013.25 4. Depreciation njŒkhd« 133.98 142.03 Total bkh¤j« 7683.49 8525.77 Surplus cgç 5018.40 6611.93 BALANCE SHEET Iªbjhif¡ fz¡F LIABILITIES fl‹ bghW¥òfŸ A. Capital Fund: _yjd¡ fz¡F a. Grants khåa« 545.27 545.27 b. Excess of Income over Exp. bryΡF äŠÁa tuÎ 35796.05 42265.95 B. Ear Marked Funds a. Pension Fund xŒñÂa ã 12102.45 14678.69 b. Depreciation Fund njŒkhd ã 3890.20 4265.65 c. Earned Leave Encashment Fund <£oa éL¥ò x¥gil¥ò ã 1331.26 1505.39 d. CETP Development Fund bgh.f.Ú.R. K‹nd‰w ts®¢Á ã 33.63 33.63 C. Other Deposits Ïju it¥òfŸ 783.69 840.49 D. Cess Payable & Other dues brY¤j nt©oa Ú®nkš tç & Ïju 48076.92 53708.85 ãYit E. Environmental Impact Study R‰W¥òw¢NHš ghÂ¥ò MuhŒÁ 2.65 2.64 F. Income recd. In advance K‹ T£ona bg‰w tUthŒ 3636.89 4625.48 G. Subsidies for CETP bgh.f.Ú.R.ãiya khåa« 214.99 214.98 H. Environmental Education Fund R‰W¥òw¢NHš fšé ã 11.90 11.89 I. Emergency response Centre mtru¡fhybghW¥ò ika« 5.00 5.00 J. CPCB Green Belt gRik¤ £l« 6.92 6.92 K. Schemes £l§fŸ 19.30 19.30 L. Sponsorship for Schemes £l§fŸ Kftiu¥òfŸ _y« 9.24 9.24 M. Ways & Means Advance Payable brY¤j nt©oa têtif K‹gz« 7500.00 0.00 Total bkh¤j« 113966.36 122739.37 ASSETS brh¤JfŸ A. Fixed Assets ãiyahd brh¤JfŸ 641.60 761.60 B. Other Assets Ïju brh¤JfŸ a. As per Form XV got« XV‹go 576.88 770.54 b. Stock in hand ifæU¥ò 32.83 35.85 C. Sundry Debtors g‰gy fldhëfŸ a. Cess Receivable tunt©oa Ú® nkš tç 47880.10 53270.29 b. Others Ïju tif 75.04 71.33 c. Ways & Means Advance bgwnt©oa têtif K‹gz« 7500.00 2409.06 Receivable D. Advances and Deposits K‹gz« k‰W« it¥ÕLfŸ 4386.72 4974.88 E. Investments KjÄLfŸ 51108.74 54709.98 F. Cash and Bank t§» k‰W« buh¡fÏU¥òfŸ 1764.45 5735.84 Total bkh¤j« 113966.36 122739.37

236 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review


(A) The erstwhile Tamil Nadu (m) Kªija jäœehL ä‹ thçakhdJ 1948 M« Electricity Board is a statutory body M©L ä‹ (tH§fš) r£l¤Â‹ Ñœ r£l¥go formed under the Electricity (supply) Act mika¥bg‰w xU ãWtd«. Ϫj thçakhdJ 1948. The Board was established on 1st 1.7.1957 M« ehs‹W jäœehL muÁ‹ ä‹ July 1957 as a successor to the Electricity Jiw¡F¥ gÂyhf cUth¡f¥g£lJ. Department of the Government of Madras. khãy¤ÂYŸs ä‹ Ef®nthç‹ njitfis¥ The major responsibility of the Board is to ó®¤Â brŒÍ« bghU£L ä‹rhu¤ij c‰g¤Â generate, transmit and distribute electricity brŒtJ, mD¥òtJ, mjid éãnah»¥gJ required to meet the needs of the M»ad Ï›thça¤Â‹ K¡»akhd consumers in the State. The Board bghW¥òfshF«. Ï›thçakhdJ khãy¤Âš cŸs generates power through effective gšntW òdš, mdšä‹ k‰W« thÍ RHè utilisation of the installed capacity of its £l§fë‹ ãWΤ Âwid¢ br›tnd various Hydel, Thermal and Gas power ga‹gL¤Â ä‹rhu¤ij c‰g¤Â brŒ»wJ. projects in the State. The Board purchases Ï›thçakhdJ beŒntè gG¥ò ãy¡fç fHf«, energy from Neyveli Lignite Corporation njÁa mdš ä‹ fHf«, mQ ä‹ ãiya«, Raä‹ Limited, National Thermal Power c‰g¤Âahs®fŸ M»at®fëläUªJ ä‹ Corporation Limited, Nuclear Power r¡Âia bfhŸ Kjš brŒ»wJ. nkY« Corporation Limited and Independent Ï›thçakhdJ m©il khãy§fS¡F ä‹rhu« Power Producers etc. It has also supplied njit¥gL« bghGJ mt‰¿‰F ä‹rhu« electricity to the neighboring States at më¡»wJ. times of necessity.

(B) As per sections 131 & 132 of the (M) ä‹rhu r£l« 2003 ÃçÎ 131 k‰W« 132-‹ go, Electricity Act-2003, the erstwhile Tamil Kªija jäœehL ä‹rhu thçakhdJ _‹W Nadu Electricity Board was restructured jå¤jå ãWtd§fshf Ãç¡f¥g£lJ. into 3 separate companies viz., TNEB jäœehL ä‹rhu thça ãWtd« (clik ãWtd«) limited (holding company) and two MfΫ, k‰w ÏU Jiz ãWtd§fS« Kiwna subsidiary companies viz, TANGEDCO & jäœ ehL ä‹ c‰g¤Â k‰W« éãnahf¡ fHf«, TANTRANSCO. The Generation and jäœ ehL ä‹ bjhl®fHf ãWtd« v‹w bgaçY« Distribution (33 KV and below) activities brašgL»wJ. Kªija jäœehL ä‹rhu of erstwhile TNEB are undertaken by thça¤Âš c‰g¤Â k‰W« éãnahf« rh®ªj TANGEDCO and Transmission (66 KV brašghLfŸ (33 KV ¡F Ñœ cŸs Jiz ä‹ and above) are undertaken by ãiya§fŸ c£gl) jäœehL ä‹ c‰g¤Â k‰W« TANTRANSCO. The Government vide éãnahf¡ fHf¤jhY«, 66 KV k‰W« mj‰F nkš G.O. Ms. No. 100 dated 19.10.2010, and Âw‹ bfh©l Jiz ä‹ ãiya§fë‹ G.O. Ms. No. 2 dated 2.1.2012 transferred brašghLfŸ jäœehL ä‹bjhl® fHf¤jhY« the assets of erstwhile TNEB, to 3 ã®t»¡f¥gL»wJ. jäHf muR murhiz v©: successor companies. The installed 100, ehŸ 19.10.2010‹go k‰W« murhiz v© 2 capacity of TANGEDCO as on 31.3.2013 ehŸ 2.1.2012 Kªija jäœehL ä‹rhu thça¤Â‹ is furnished below: mirÍ« k‰W« mirah brh¤J¡fis 3 òÂa ãWtd§fS¡F kh‰¿ÍŸsJ. 31.3.2013 m‹W jäœehL ä‹ c‰g¤Â k‰W« éãnahf¡ fHf¤Â‹ ãWÎ Âw‹ ÑnH bfhL¡f¥g£LŸsJ.

237 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

Installed Capacity Power Generation Plant Load Factor (M.W.) (MU) Achieved (%)

2012-13 2011-12 2012-13 2011-12 2012-13 2011-12

Thermal 2970 2970 20663 20324 79.2 77.9

Hydel 2237.40 2223.25 2905 5354 14.78 27.41

Gas Turbine 516 516 1720 2253

Wind Mill 17 17 13 12

Total owned 5740.40 5726.25 25301 27943 capacity (A) Share in Central Generating stations 3520 2956 power purchase (B) Independent Power 1154.16 1180 Purchase(C) Others/Wind Mills 8116.925 8311 (Private)(D)

Total(A+B+C+D) 18531.49 18173

Auxiliary 2202 2449 consumption Power available for sale after 23099 25494 deducting auxiliary consumption Power purchase 44109 43836

Total 67208 69330

Less: T & D loss 14080 14992

Power Sold 53128 54338

238 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

Physical Performance £l rhjid 2012-13 MŒth©oš fHf¤Â‹ ãWΤ Âw‹ During the year 2012-13 the number of units mséš 25301 ä.ôå£ c‰g¤Â brŒJŸsJ. ÏJ generated of Company’s installed capacity is 25301 2011-12 M« M©oY« 27943 ä. ôå£lhf ÏUªjJ. MU while it was 27943 MU in the previous year. el¥gh©oš (2012-13) 61662 ä.ôå£ ä‹rhu« The Board sold 61662 MU of power during 2012-13 ä‹thça¤jhš é‰f¥g£LŸsJ. ÏJ Ïj‰F compared to 61387 MU during the previous year. Kªija M©oš 61387 ä.ô. Mf ÏUªjJ. bkh¤j Out of the total consumption of power industrial ä‹Ef®Î mséš bjhêš Jiwæ‹ Ef®Î msÎ sector constituted about 33.99 %, commercial Rkh® 33.99 rjé»jkhfΫ tâf ga‹ Ef®Î msÎ 10.41 %, domestic 28.92 %, agricultural services 10.41 rjé»jkhfΫ Å£L¥ga‹ Ef®Î 28.92 18.25% and others 8.43%. rjé»jkhfΫ étrha ga‹ Ef®Î 18.25 rjé»jkhfΫ Vidaitæ‹ Ef®Î 8.43 rjé»jkhfΫ ÏUªjJ.

Some of the major achievements of the Company 2012-13 M« M©oš fHf¤Â‹ Áy K¡»a during 2012-13 are set out below:- rhjidfŸ g‰¿a égu« tUkhW

1) 21 new EHT & HT sub stations were 1. 21 òÂjhf äf ca® mG¤j k‰W« ca® mG¤j commissioned and 0.04 CKT Kms of EHT and HT Jiz ä‹ ãiya§fŸ bjhl§f¥g£ld. 0.04 ».Û. lines and 0.11 CKT kms of LT lines were added äf ca® ä‹ mG¤j k‰W« ca® ä‹ mG¤j 0.11 ».Û. bringing the total EHT and HT lines to 1.84 lakh bjhiyé‰fhd Fiwªj ä‹ mG¤j fl¤J CKT Kms. and LT lines to 5.78 lakh CKT Kms as ghijfS« ãWt¥g£L bkh¤j« 31.3.2013 m‹iwa on 31.3.2013. njÂæš 1.84 Ïy£r« ».Û/äf ca®ä‹ mG¤j k‰W« 5.78 Ïy£r« ».Û. Fiwªj mG¤j ä‹ fl¤J ghijfŸ ÏU¥ghf mik¡f¥g£LŸsJ. 2) Total 0.15 Lakhs Agricultural pump sets and 2. bkh¤j 0.15 Ïy£r« étrha éirna‰w§fS¡F« wells were energised bringing the total number to »zWfS¡F« ä‹ Ïiz¥ò bfhL¡f¥g£L 2035647 as on 31.3.2013. 31.3.2013 m‹iwa njÂæš ä‹ Ïiz¥òfë‹ v©â¡if 2035647 Mf ca®ªjJ. 3) The total number of huts electrified is 1420037 as 3. 31.03.2013 m‹iwa njÂæš bkh¤j ä‹ Ïiz¥ò on 31.3.2012. bfhL¡f¥g£l Foirfë‹ v©â¡if 1420037 Mf ÏUªjJ. 4) The total number of consumers as on 31.3.2013 4. 31.3.2013 M« njÂæš cŸs bkh¤j was 248.84 lakhs compared to 234.32 lakh as at the Ef®nth®fë‹ v©â¡if 248.84 Ïy£rkhf end of the previous year. ÏUªjJ. Kªija M©oš mJ 234.32 Ïy£rkhf ÏUªjJ.

Other achievements. Vida rhjidfŸ . 27186 cases of theft of Energy including 27186 ä‹ ÂU£LfS« ifahlšfS« f©L Theft cases detected by enforcement wing and flying Ão¡f¥g£LŸsd. Ïj‹ _y« k¥ãLŸs TLjš squad of malpractices were detected and additional tUthŒ U.134432.77 Ïy£r§fŸ. revenue on account of this was assessed at `.13,432.27 lakhs. Government Guarantee was extended to a muR c¤juthj« sum of `.18303.99 crore as on 31.3.2013 and as 31-3-2013 m‹W ãYitæš cŸs muR Guarantee Commission `. 275.77 crore is due to c¤juthj¤Jl‹ Toa fl‹bjhif %. 18303.99 Government as on 31.3.2013 for both TANGEDCO nfhoahF«. 31.3.2013-š fh¥òW f£lzkhf %. & TANTRANSCO. 275.77 nfho muÁ‰F ãYitæš jäœ ehL c‰g¤Â k‰w« ä‹ g»®khd fHf« k‰W« jäœehL ä‹ bjhl® mik¥ò fHf¤ÂY« cŸsJ.

239 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

(` in Lakhs) (% Ïy£r¤Âš)

BALANCE SHEET ÏU¥ò k‰W« bghW¥ò 2012-13 2011-12

Liabilities fl‹ bghW¥òfŸ a.Equity Share Capital m) _yjd« 604431 455122

Govt.Loan muR¡ fl‹ 340916 145516 Institutional Loan ã ãWtd§fëläUªJ 4031816 2787900 bg‰wfl‹ b.Subventions and Grants M) .cjé ãÂÍ« khåaK« 123119 91993 c.Reserves Ï) bghJ ÏU¥ò 154765 124076 d.Surplus/Deficit <) cgç/g‰wh¡Fiw -3848048 -2680141 e.Current Liabilities c) el¥ò fl‹ bghW¥òfŸ 3466654 2988941 e.Provisions- Depreciation C) njŒkhd xJ¡ÑL 905613 843451 f. Payment due on Capital v) _yjd¥ bghW¥òfŸ Ûjhd Liabilities ãYit¤bjhif 30312 63090

Total bkh¤j« 5809578 4991545

Assets: brh¤J¡fŸ a. Gross Fixed Assets m) bgU bkh¤j ãiyahd 2752921 2508338 brh¤J¡fŸ b. Capital WIP M) elªnj¿tU« _yjd¥ 11777142 1027792 gâfŸ c. Current Assets & Other Ï) el¥ò brh¤J¡fŸ & Ïju Assets brh¤JfŸ 1879515 1455415

5809578 4991545 Total bkh¤j«

240 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

(` in Lakhs) (% Ïy£r¤Âš)

REVENUE ACCOUNT tUthŒ¡ fz¡F 2012-13 2011-12

Income tUkhd«

2701036 2082697 Revenue Receipt tUthŒÏd tuÎ

khãy muÁ‹ 445723 207141 Subsidy from State Govt. khåa¤bjhif

Total bkh¤j« 3146759 2289838

EXPENSES bryÎfŸ 3803718 3201564

Gross Surplus bkh¤j cgç -656959 -911726

Appropriations: ã xJ¡f§fš

i. General Reserve bghJ nrk ã ii. Depreciation njŒkhd« 64707 61600

446241 358808 iii. Interest on Loans fl‹ Ûjhd t£o

510948 420408 Total bkh¤j«

Net Surplus ãfu cgç -1167907 -1332133

Number of Persons gâak®¤jg£LŸs eg®fŸ 83899 82011 employed

tho¡ifahs®fŸ 248.84 234.32 Consumers served (in lakh) (Ïy£r¤Âš) No. of employees sent on eg®fŸ éU¥g XŒéš 96 VRS br‹wt®fŸ

241 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

jäœ ehL ä‹ bjhl® fHf ãWtd«

Tamilnadu Transmission Corporation Limited

(` in Lakhs) (%ghŒ Ïy£r¤Âš) BALANCE SHEET ÏU¥ò k‰W« bghW¥ò 2012-13 2011-12

Liabilities bghW¥òfŸ a.Equity Share Capital m) _yjd« 284092.04 233401.04

Govt.Loan muR¡ fl‹ 0 0

Institutional Loan ã ãWtd§fëläUªJ 825371.84 1015619.58 bg‰wfl‹ b.Subventions and Grants M) cjé ãÂÍ« khåaK« 4767.67 279.13 c.Reserves Ï) nrk ÏU¥ò 35659.75 31462.79 d.Surplus/Deficit <) cgç/g‰wh¡Fiw -379541.60 -403185.46 e.Current Liabilities c) el¥òfl‹ bghW¥òfŸ 1462261.62 806095.10 f) Provisions- Depreciation C) njŒkhd xJ¡ÑL 410274.34 380325.82 g) Payment due on Capital v) _yjd¥ bghW¥òfŸ 9061.73 6298.17 Liabilities Ûjhd ãYit¤bjhif

Total bkh¤j« 2651947.39 2070296.17

Assets: brh¤J¡fŸ a) Gross Fixed Assets m) bgU bkh¤j ãiyahd 1289524.53 1246301.54 brh¤J¡fŸ b) Capital WIP M)elªnj¿tU« _yjd¥ 341569.69 271230.77 gâfŸ c) Current Assets & Other Ï) el¥ò brh¤J¡fŸ & 1020853.17 552763.86 Assets Ïju brh¤JfŸ Total bkh¤j« 2651947.39 2070296.17

243 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

jäœ ehL ä‹ bjhl® fHf ãWtd«

Tamilnadu Transmission Corporation Limited

(` in Lakhs) (%ghŒ Ïy£r¤Âš)

REVENUE ACCOUNT tUthŒ¡ fz¡F 2012-13 2011-12

Income tUkhd«

Revenue Receipt tUthŒ Ïd tuÎ 241494.74 174485.87

Subsidy from State Govt. khãy muÁ‹ khåa¤bjhif 0 0

Total bkh¤j« 241494.74 174485.87

EXPENSES bryÎfŸ 82101.09 30964.43

Gross Surplus bkh¤j cgç 159393.65 143521.44

Appropriations: ã xJ¡f§fŸ i) General Reserve i) bghJ xJ¡ÑL ii) Depreciation ii) njŒkhd« 29934.09 29023.09 iii) Interest on Loans iii) fl‹ Ûjhd t£o 105815.71 114498.35

Total bkh¤j« 135749.80 143521.44

Net Surplus ãfu cgç 23643.85 0.00

244 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review


jäœehL ä‹rhu thça ãWtd«

(` in Lakhs) (% Ïy£r¤Âš)

2012-13 2011-12 BALANCE SHEET ÏU¥ò k‰W« bghW¥ò Liabilities fl‹ bghW¥òfŸ a.Equity Share Capital (m) _yjd« 891107.23 691107.23

Govt.Loan muR¡ fl‹ 0 0

Institutional Loan ã ãWtd§fëläUªJ 0 0 bg‰wfl‹ b.Subventions and Grants M) cjé ãÂÍ« khåaK« 0 0 c.Reserves Ï) nrk ÏU¥ò 0 0 d.Surplus/Deficit <) cgç/g‰wh¡Fiw -41.62 -25.95 e.Current Liabilities c) el¥òfl‹ bghW¥òfŸ 4892.27 4932.64 e.Provisions- Depreciation C) njŒkhd xJ¡ÑL 288.23 272.56 f. Payment due on Capital v) _yjd¥ bghW¥òfŸ 0 0 Liabilities Ûjhd ãYit¤bjhif Total bkh¤j« 896246.11 696286.48

Assets: brh¤J¡fŸ a. Gross Fixed Assets m) bgU bkh¤j ãiyahd 633.11 633.11 brh¤J¡fŸ b. Capital WIP M)elªnj¿tU« _y jd¥ 0 0 gâfŸ c. Current Assets & Other Ï) el¥ò brh¤J¡fŸ 895613.00 695653.37 Assets k‰W« Ïju brh¤J¡fŸ Total bkh¤j« 896246.11 696286.48

245 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review


jäœehL ä‹rhu thça ãWtd«

(` in Lakhs) (% Ïy£r¤Âš)

REVENUE ACCOUNT tUthŒ¡ fz¡F 2012-13 2011-12

Income tUkhd« 0 0

0 0 Revenue Receipt tUthŒ Ïd tuÎ

khãy muÁ‹ 0 0 Subsidy from State Govt. khåa¤bjhif 0 0 Total bkh¤j«


Gross Surplus bkh¤j cgç 0 0

0 0 Appropriations: ã xJ¡f§Fÿ

0 0 i. General Reserve bghJ nrk Ãâ ii. Depreciation njŒkhd« -15.67 -15.67

0 00 iii. Interest on Loans fl‹ Ûjhd t£o

-15.67 -15.67 Total bkh¤j«

-15.67 -15.67 Net Surplus ãfu cgç

 As per Section 131 & 132 of the Electricity Act 2003, the erstwhile Tamil Nadu Electricity Board was restructured into 3 separate companies viz. TNEB Limited (holding company) and two subsidiary companies viz. TANGEDCO & TANTRANSCO. The financial performances of these companies are shown under the Statutory Boards only at present.

246 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review


CMDA is a statutory body constituted under br‹id¥ bgUef® ts®¢Á¡ FGk« the Tamil Nadu Town & Country Planning 1971-« M©L jäœehL efu k‰W« Cuf Act, 1971. It was initially set up as an adhoc mik¥ò r£l¤Â‹Ñœ mik¡f¥g£l xU body by G.O.Ms.No.2380 RDLA r£l¥goahd mik¥ghF«. muR Miz Department dated 13.11.1972 and it became v©.2380, RDLA ehŸ:13.11.1972 a Statutory Authority on 07.03.1975. Now it is attached to H&UD Department, Mizæ‹go xU jå FGthf Government of Tamil Nadu. CMDA has mik¡f¥g£L 7.3.1975-š r£l¥goahd jurisdiction over the CMA covering total FGkkh»aJ. muÁ‹ Å£Ltr k‰W« extent of 1189 sq.kms. which includes ef®¥òw ts®¢Á¤ Jiwæ‹Ñœ j‰nghJ Chennai City, 16 Municipalities, 20 Town Ïa§» tU»wJ. ÏJ br‹id khefu«, Panchayats, 214 Villages in 10 Panchayat 16 efuh£ÁfŸ, 20 »uhk ng%uh£ÁfŸ, 10 Unions. Cuh£Á x‹¿a§fëš ml§»a 214 »uhk§fŸ M»at‰iw cŸsl¡»a 1189 r.».Û. gu¥gséš mikªj br‹id¥ bgUef®¥ gFÂæ‹ ÛJ mÂfhu tu«Ãid bfh©LŸsJ.

The main objective of the Authority are : Ï¡FGk¤Â‹ K¡»a neh¡f§fŸ ËtUkhW: a) Planning for physical, infrastructural and m) br‹id¥ bgUefç‹ mo¥gil economic development of CMA. trÂfë‹ nk«gh£o‰fhf £lälš.

b) Implementing the Master Plan of CMA M) br‹id¥ bgUef®¥ gF¡fhd and enforcing the development regulations bgUªÂ£l¤ij¢ brašgL¤Jjš framed under the Master Plan. bgUªÂ£l¤Â‹Ñœ Ïa‰w¥g£l ts®¢Á éÂKiwfis¢ brašgL¤Jjš.

c) Formulating, Coordinating and Ï) bgUef® ts®¢Á¡Fça £l§fis Implementing projects for Metropolitan tF¤J xU§»iz¤J brašgL¤Jjš. Development.

No. of Employees as on 31.03.2013 : 916 31.03.201 3-M« ehëš gâahs®fë‹ v©â¡if : 916

247 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review


( ` in lakhs) (%ghŒ Ïy£r§fëš) RECEIPTS & tuÎ k‰W« bryÎfŸ 2011-12 2012-13 PAYMENTS Opening Balance Mu«g ÏU¥ò 1976.18 5425.61 RECEIPTS tuÎfŸ

Receipts - Ordinary tuÎfŸ - rhjhuz« Govt. - Grants muR khåa« 0.00 0.00 Rent - Shops & Bunks thlif - m§fho / bg£o filfŸ 191.94 199.80 Interest on Deposits KjÄ£o‹ Ûjhd t£o 9741.84 12124.28 Others k‰wit 1650.15 1457.03

Total - A bkh¤j« - m 11583.93 13781.11

Receipts - Capital tuÎfŸ - _yjd« Govt. Grants muR khåa« 197.00 0.00 Sale of Land & Buildings ãy« k‰W« f£ol é‰gid 6683.14 6186.25 Investment Realized KjÄLfŸ - ÂU¥g¥g£lit 12190.33 28855.37 mÃéU¤Â f£lz§fŸ, Âwªjbtë Development charges, xJ¡ÑL f£lz§fŸ, Kiw¥gL¤Jjš OSR & Reg. fee f£lz« 1034.98 683.36 Others k‰wit 27849.81 30631.50 Total bkh¤j« 47955.26 66356.48 LESS: Amounts Trfd. to Revenue fêÎ - tUthŒ fz¡»š kh‰¿aJ 5093.05 0.00 Total - B bkh¤j« - M 42862.21 66356.48

Deposits it¥òfŸ 8202.16 14688.16 Advances K‹it¥ò¤ bjhiffŸ 49760.74 60470.27

Total - C bkh¤j« - Ï 57962.90 75158.43

GROSS RECEIPTS bkh¤j tuÎfŸ (m + M + Ï) 112409.04 155296.02 (A+B+C) GROSS RECEIPTS bkh¤j tuéd« Mu«g ÏU¥ò INCLUDING OPENING 114385.22 160721.63 cŸgl BALANCE

248 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review


( ` in lakhs) (%ghŒ Ïy£r§fëš)

PAYMENTS bryÎfŸ 2011-12 2012-13

Payments - Ordinary bryÎfŸ - rhjhuz«

Establishment ã®thf bryÎ 2721.60 2712.16

Contingencies Ïju bryÎfŸ 2287.29 4592.71

Total bkh¤j« 5008.89 7304.87

LESS: Capitalisable items fêÎ - _yjd fz¡»š kh‰¿aJ 0.00 0.00

Total – D bkh¤j« - < 5008.89 7304.87

Payments - Capital bryÎfŸ - _yjd«

Interest Payment t£o brY¤ÂaJ 0.49 0.00

Loan repaid to Govt. muR¡F flid ÂU¥Ã brY¤Jjš 16.25 0.00

Investment made KjÄL brŒjJ 29310.84 45188.09 Works Expenditure & mÃéU¤Â k‰W« f£Lkhd Others gâfS¡fhd bryÎfŸ 16954.57 16650.06 tu‹KiwgL¤Jjš f£lz« muR¡F Reg. fee remitted to Govt. brY¤ÂaJ 0.00 0.00

Others k‰wit 0.00 12202.77

Total bkh¤j« 46282.15 74040.92

ADD: Capitalisable Items T£Lf : _yjd fz¡»š kh‰¿aJ 0.00 0.00

Total – E bkh¤j« - c 46282.15 74040.92

Deposits (Outgoing) it¥òfŸ (btëna‰w«) 12443.82 15563.98

Advances K‹it¥ò¤ bjhiffŸ 45224.75 62326.80

Total – F bkh¤j« - C 57668.57 77890.78 GROSS PAYMENTS (D+E+F) bkh¤j bryÎfŸ (<+c+ C ) 108959.61 159236.57

Closing Balance ÏWÂ ÏU¥ò 5425.61 1485.06

249 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

jäœehL FoÚ® tofhš thça¤Â‹ brašghLfŸ


Tamil Nadu Water Supply and jäœehL FoÚ® tofhš thça« Drainage Board (TWAD Board) was formed khãy muR rh®ò ãWtdkhf 14.04.1971 as a statutory body on 14.04.1971 with the m‹W mik¡f¥g£lJ. Ï›thça« objective of investigating, designing and br‹id bgUef® Ú§fyhf khãy« implementing providing protected water KGtJ« Cuf, efuf FoÚ®¤ £l§fŸ supply to the Rural and Urban population as k‰W« bjçÎ brŒa¥g£l efu§fëš ghjhs well as Under Ground Sewerage Schemes to rh¡fil¤ £l§fis MŒÎ brŒjš, the select urban towns of Tamilnadu State totik¤jš k‰W« brayh¡» ãiwnt‰W« excluding Chennai Corporation. gâfis brŒJ tU»wJ.

TWAD Board has over the years, built muÁ‹ FoÚ® tH§fš k‰W« ghjhs up its capacity and capability considerably in rh¡fil¤ £l§fis brayh¡» all sectors ensuring effective implementation ãiwnt‰Wtš mid¤J ÃçÎfëY« of the water supply and sewerage brašÂwid nk«gL¤Â £l§fis programmes of the Government. ãiwnt‰¿ tU»wJ.

Apart from this Tamil Nadu Water nkY« 538 T£L¡ FoÚ®¤ Supply and Drainage Board maintains 538 £l§fë‹ guhkç¥ÃidÍ« ftå¤J CWSS covering 6 Coporations, 58 tU»‹wJ. Ïj‹ _y« 6 efuh£ÁfŸ, 58 Municipalities, 288 Town Panchayats, 28156 efuh£ÁfŸ, 288 ng%uh£ÁfŸ, 28156 Cuf¡ Rural Habitations benefitting a population of FoæU¥òfëYŸs 2.82 nfho k¡fŸ 2.82 crore and 406 Industries / Institutions. ga‹bgWtJl‹ 406 bjhê‰rhiyfŸ / ãWtd§fS¡F« FoÚ® tH§» guhkç¥ò gâ nk‰bfhŸs¥g£L tU»wJ.

Underground Sewerage Schemes ghjhs rh¡fil¤ £l§fŸ

Underground Sewerage Schemes to %.22.23 nfho kÂ¥Õ£oš, 53,055 Namakkal Municipality to benefit a k¡fŸ ga‹bgW« tifæš ehk¡fš population of 53,055 at an estimated cost of efuh£Á¡fhd ghjhs rh¡fil¤ £l« `.22.23 Crore has been completed. Ko¡f¥g£LŸsJ.

Underground Sewerage Schemes in %.123.72 nfho kÂ¥Õ£oš, 2,94,744 to Ramanathapuram, Tiruvannamalai, k¡fŸ ga‹bgW« tifæš Ïuhkehjòu«, Dharmapuri and Perambalur Municipalities to ÂUt©zhkiy, jUkòç k‰W« bgu«gÿ® benefit a population of 2,94,744 at an M»a efuh£ÁfS¡fhd ghjhs rh¡fil¤ estimated cost of `.123.72 Crore and £l« Ko¡f¥g£L k¡fŸ ga‹gh£o‰F physically completed and commissioning bfh©L tUtj‰fhd gâfŸ eilbg‰W works are under progress. tU»‹wd.

16 Underground Sewerage Schemes %.704.15 nfho kÂ¥Õ£oš, 14.93 to benefit a population of 14.93 lakh at an Ïy£r« k¡fŸ ga‹bgW« tifæš estimated cost of `.704.15 Crore are under brašgL¤j¥gL« 16 ghjhs rh¡fil¤ various stages of progress. £l§fë‹ gâfŸ gšntW ãiyfëš K‹nd‰w¤Âš cŸsd.

251 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

Hogenakkal Water Supply and Fluorosis xnfd¡fš FoÚ® k‰W« ònshiuL ghÂ¥ò Mitigation Project Fiw¥ò £l«

The Government of Tamil Nadu is jUkòç k‰W« »UZz»ç implementing the Hogenakkal Water Supply kht£l§fëš cŸs k¡fS¡F ghJfh¡f¥g£l and Fluorosis Mitigation Project with JICA k‰W« jukhd FoÚ® tH§Ftj‰fhf funding at a cost of `.1928.80 Crore for xnfd¡fš FoÚ® k‰W« ònshiuL ghÂ¥ò providing protected water supply to 3 Fiw¥ò £l« #¥gh‹ g‹dh£L T£LwÎ Municipalities, 17 Town Panchayats and ãWtd¤Â‹ ã cjéÍl‹ jäœehL murhš 6,755 rural habitations in 18 Panchayat brašgL¤j¥g£L tU»wJ. Ϥ£l¤Âdhš Unions in Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri jUkòç k‰W« »UZz»ç kht£l§fëYŸs 3 Districts in Tamil Nadu. The Project has been efuh£ÁfŸ, 17 ng%uh£ÁfŸ k‰W« 18 Cuh£Á formulated to address the water quality x‹¿a§fëYŸs 6,755 Cuf¡ problem due to presence of excess fluoride FoæU¥òfëYŸs 29.80 Ïy£r« k¡fŸ contents in ground water in the project area. ga‹bgWt®. Ϥ£l¤Â‹ kÂ¥ÕL %.1,928.80 The population to be benefited will be 29.80 nfho MF«. Ϥ£l« éiuéš ãiwntW« Lakh. The works are under progress and the tifæš gâfŸ eilbg‰W tU»‹wd. project is nearing completion.

Major Combined Water Supply Schemes bgça mséyhd T£L¡ FoÚ®¤ £l§fŸ The 8 Major Combined Water Supply 8 bgça mséyhd T£L¡ FoÚ®¤ Schemes have been administratively £l§fS¡F %.3276.62 nfho¡F ã®thf sanctioned for a total cost of `.3276.62 crore x¥òjš tH§f¥g£L 2012-2013 M« M©oš and are under implementation during 2012-13. brayh¡f¤Âš cŸsd.

Physical Performance for 2011-12 and 2011-12 k‰W« 2012-13 M« M©Lfëš 2012-13 ãiwnt‰w¥g£l FoÚ®¤ £l§fë‹ étu§fŸ

Achievement rhjid Programme £l« 2011-12 2012-13 2011-12 2012-13 Coverage of 6000 7000 Cuf FoæU¥òfëš Rural habitations ãiwnt‰w¥g£l FoÚ®¤ 6000 7000 Combined water £l§fŸ 12 4 T£L FoÚ®¤ £l§fŸ supply scheme 12 4 Providing water supply to Urban 13 7 efuf§fëš ãiwnt‰w¥ 13 7 Towns g£l FoÚ®¤ £l§fŸ

No. of employees as on 31.3.2013 : 5371 31.3.2013 š gâahs®fë‹ v©â¡if : 5371

252 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

2012-13 M« M©o‰fhd tuÎ bryÎ fz¡F étu« Income and Expenditure Statement for 2012-13 (` in Lakhs) (%ghŒ Ïy£r¤Âš) EXPENDITURE bryéd§fŸ 2011-12 2012-13 Cost of Personnel gâahs® bryÎ 15,694.33 13,628.95 Terminal Benefits XŒÎ fhy rYif-éL¥ò r«gs« k‰W« gâ¡bfhil 3,331.73 4,046.66 Pension and Commutation XŒñÂa« k‰W« XŒñÂa 9,715.41 11,479.94 x¥gil¥ò Employees Welfare Scheme- gâahs® ey¤Â£l§fëš bryÎ 74.88 88.31 Payments Administrative Expenses ã®thf¢ bryÎfŸ 802.68 889.86 Audit Fees jâ¡if f£lz« 94.82 92.36 Loss on disposal of Assets brh¤J¡fŸ é‰gidæš e£l« 11.99 61.24 Finance Charges (Interest) 㢠bryÎfŸ (t£o) 1,254.60 1,010.57 Repair and Maintenance of Vehicles thfd§fŸ, ÏaªÂu§fŸ, 1,319.26 1,349.37 & Machinery MœJisæL« fUéfis gGJgh®¤jš k‰W« guhkç¤jš Depreciation njŒkhd« 57.60 81.40 Depreciation on Board owned thça¤Â‰F brhªjkhd FoÚ®¤ 0.67 0.63 Water Supply Schemes £l§fë‹ njŒkhd« Storage Charges »l§F¢ bryÎfŸ 0.00 0.00 New Health Insurance Scheme - òÂa kU¤Jt fh¥Õ£L £l¤Âš 29.51 108.89 Payments bryÎ Maintenance of Board owned thça¤Â‰F brhªjkhd FoÚ® 708.89 820.35 Water Supply Schemes £l§fë‹ guhkç¥ò bryÎ Maintenance of Combined Water T£L¡ FoÚ® £l§fë‹ 30,706.22 3,7501.15 Supply Schemes guhkç¥ò¢ bryÎ Laboratory Maintenance Expenses gçnrhjid¡ Tl guhkç¥ò bryÎ 19.48 23.65 Field Testing Kits. fs¥gçnrhjid fUéfŸ 152.71 200.02 Material Quality Control Laboratory jsthl§fŸ ju ã®za nrhjid¡ 10.84 6.33 Expenses Tl guhkç¥ò bryÎ. Total bkh¤j« 63,985.62 71,389.68 Appropriations xJ¡ÑLfŸ Balance brought down from balance flªj M©o‹ bghW¥ò ÏU¥ò 43,003.87 57,413.45 sheet for 2011-12 ãiy F¿¥ò¥ g£oaèš ãYit Excess of Expenditure over Income tuit äŠÁa bryÎ 13,708.03 14,381.06

Payments of previous year recovery flªj M©Lfëš Ão¤j« 11.21 10.98 brŒjš bryÎ Provision for Pension and Gratuity XŒñÂa« k‰W« 1,130.77 970.81 gâ¡bfhil¡fhd xJ¡ÑL Apportionment of Gift gçR¤ bjhif g§ÑL (bryÎ) 105.12 62.59 Appropriation to Assets Reserve brh¤J¡fŸ jå ã¡fhd xJ¡ÑL 0.00 18.53 funds Total bkh¤j« 57959.00 72857.42

253 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

2012-13 M« M©o‰fhd tuÎ bryÎ fz¡F étu«

Income and Expenditure Statement for 2012-13 (` in Lakhs) (%ghŒ Ïy£r¤Âš) INCOME tUkhd« 2011-12 2012-13 Centage Åj tuÎ 15,626.20 22,466.93 Pension & Gratuity Contribution XŒñÂa« k‰W« 2,010.05 1,786.27 including interest on investment gâ¡bfhil¡fhd tuÎ Employees Welfare Scheme- Cêa® ey¤Â£l§fŸ - tuÎ 58.91 50.28 Receipts Miscellaneous Receipts Ïju tuÎ 695.32 730.98 Profit on disposal of assets brh¤J¡fis é‰wš yhg« 1.61 3.17 Recovery of establishment MŒÎ gâ bryéš 4,143.33 520.48 expenditure on Investigation Ûs¥bg‰wJ Interest Received t£o tuÎ 1,627.48 1,637.90 Hire Charges cgnahf¡ f£lz« 1,452.19 1,470.37 New Health Insurance Scheme - òÂa kU¤Jt fh¥Õ£L 16.89 73.36 Contribution £l¤Âš tuÎ Water Charges of Board owned thça¤Â‰F¢ brhªjkhd Water Supply Schemes FoÚ® £l§fë‹ FoÚ® 2,808.93 2,993.98 f£lz tuÎ Water Charges of Combined Water T£L¡ FoÚ®¤ £l§fë‹ 17,182.29 17,977.41 Supply Schemes FoÚ® f£lz« tuÎ Publication Subscription btëp£L¢ rªjh 1.80 1.61 Water Testing Income FoÚ® gçnrhjid tuÎ 201.34 320.23 Field Testing kits. fs¥gçnrhjid tuÎ 109.33 569.47 Material Quality Control Lab jsthl§fŸ juã®za 41.92 80.74 nrhjid¡Tl tuÎ Grant from State Government khãy muR kh‹a« 4,300.00 0.00

Grant from State Govternment for murh§f¤ÂèUªJ bgw¥g£l 0.00 6,018.51 O and M kh‹a« Fuel charges received vçbghUŸ f£lz« tuÎ 0.00 306.93

Excess of Expenditure over income tuit äŠÁa bryÎ 13,708.03 14,381.06 Total bkh¤j« 63,985.62 71,319,68 APPROPRIATIONS xJ¡ÑLfŸ Income related to previous year flªj M©o‰F©lhd tuÎ Water Charges Collection of T£L FoÚ® £l FoÚ® Combined Water Supply Schemes £l§fë‹ j©Ù® f£lz« 111.68 73.71 tNè¤jš Others Ãw Ïd§fŸ 328.03 210.59 Apportionment of Gift gçR¤bjhif g§ÑL tuÎ 105.85 62.59 Excess of expenditure over Income tuit äŠÁa bryÎ 57,413.45 72,510.53 Total bkh¤j« 57,959.01 72,857.42

254 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

2012-13M« M©o‰fhd ÏU¥ò k‰W« bghW¥ò étu« Assets and Liabilities Statement for the year 2012-13 (` in lakhs) (%ghŒ Ïy£r¤Âš) LIABILITY bghW¥ò¡fŸ 31.03.2012 31.3.2013 I.CAPITAL 1. _yjd« Capital _yjd« 8,119.40 8,538.45 II. RESERVE AND SURPLUS 2. xJ¡ÑL k‰W« cgç Depreciation Reserve Fund njŒkhd xJ¡ÑL ã 86.34 263.62 III.UNSECURED LOANS 3. c¤juthjk‰w fl‹fŸ Unsecured Loans c¤juthjk‰w fl‹fŸ 11,192.30 8,544.34 Deposits received for execution of £l¥gâfis ãiwnt‰w 108,942.14 101,573.58 scheme (Balance) bgw¥g£l it¥ò¤ bjhifæš ÏU¥ò IV. CURRENT LIABILITIES 4.el¥ò bghW¥òfŸ k‰W« AND PROVISIONS xJ¡ÑLfŸ A.CURRENT LIABILITIES m. el¥ò bghW¥òfŸ Sundry Creditors Ášyiu¡ flܪnjh® 41,567.56 64,567.15 Outstanding Liabilities ãYitæš cŸs bghW¥òfŸ 1. Board owned Water Supply thça¤Â‰F¢ brhªjkhd 23.24 46.57 Schemes FoÚ® £l§fŸ 2. Combined Water Supply T£L¡ FoÚ® £l« 633.23 457.05 Schemes B. PROVISIONS M.xJ¡ÑLfŸ Provident Fund (Regular)contribution gâahs®fë‹ nrkey ã 10,307.17 10,519.39 by staff rªjh bjhif Provident Fund (Impounded ) bghJ nrkey ã 1,827.33 1,785.65 contribution by staff (ãiy¥gL¤j¥g£lJ) Special P.F. Cum Gratuity Fund by thça Cêa®fë‹ Áw¥ò 51.59 0.00 staff tU§fhy it¥ò ã Provision for Pension and Gratuity XŒñÂa« k‰W« 13,032.09 13,844.15 gâ¡bfhil¡fhd xJ¡ÑL Interest on funds - Spl PF cum thça Cêa®fë‹ Áw¥ò 502.88 613.70 Gratuity tU§fhy it¥ò k‰W« gâ¡bfhil ã Ûjhd t£o General Provident Fund Interest nrkey ã t£o 3,984.22 4,423.61 World Bank Loan Recovery from cyf t§» flid cŸsh£Á 0.00 5.94 Local Bodies mik¥òfëèUªJ ÂU«g bg‰w tifæš Transfer from Head Office Receipt jiyik mYtyf¤ÂèUªJ 1,630.00 1,913.45 Adjusted tuÎ kh‰W

Transfer from Head Office payment jiyik mYtyf¤ÂèUªJ 23.32 23.32 bryÎ kh‰W brY¤ÂaJ

Transfer Proforma Credit Account kh‰W x¥gil¥ò fz¡F tuÎ 91.79 51.31

Total bkh¤j« 202,014.60 217,171.28

255 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

2012-13M« M©o‰fhd ÏU¥ò k‰W« bghW¥ò étu« Assets and Liabilities Statement for the year 2012-13 (` in lakhs) (%ghŒ Ïy£r¤Âš) ASSET brh¤JfŸ 31.03.2012 31.3.2013 I.FIXED ASSETS 1. ãiyahd brh¤J¡fŸ Fixed Assets at cost less ãiyahd brh¤J¡fŸ 1,815.73 2,172.27 Depreciation (njŒkhd¤Â‰F Ë ) Capital Cost of Board owned 5 thça¤Â‰F brhªjkhd 5 FoÚ® 103.67 103.04 Water Supply Schemes £l§fë‹ _yjd bjhif II. INVESTMENT 2. KjÄLfŸ Investment in Government muR ãWtd§fŸ/ fHf§fëš 24,359.21 26,825.76 Corporations KjÄL III.CURENT ASSETS, LOANS 3. el¥ò brh¤J¡fŸ, fl‹fŸ AND ADVANCES. k‰W« K‹gz§fŸ A.Current Assets m. el¥ò brh¤J¡fŸ Water Charges due from cgnah»¥ghs®fëläUªJ tu beneficiaries nt©oa j©Ù® f£lz« 1.Board owned Water Supply 1. thça¤Â‰F brhªjkhd 3,532.52 4,520.22 Schemes FoÚ® £l§fŸ 2.Combined Water Supply Scheme 2. T£L¡ FoÚ® £l§fŸ 19,188.03 18,865.64 Stock ÏU¥òfŸ 23.62 21.32 Mech.Material account balance ÏaªÂuéaš jsthl¡fz¡F 106.62 106.62 Maint.Material account balance guhkç¥ò jsthl¡ fz¡F 163.47 187.61 Work-in-progress Old Veeranam giHa Åuhz £l ãiwÎ 6,043.85 6,043.95 Project bgwhj gâfŸ Work-in-progress Workshop ãiwÎ bgwhj gâkidgâfŸ 38.43 38.43 Sundry Debtors g‰gy fldhëfŸ 10,720.88 10,707.41 Investigation Expenditure MŒÎ¡fhd bryÎ 6,180.74 6,327.33 Cash balance on hand gz« ifæU¥ò 50.92 52.88 Bank Balance t§» ÏU¥ò 55,489.32 54,372.56 Interest receivable tunt©oa t£o bjhif 3,665.95 3,545.67 LOANS AND ADVANCES fl‹fŸ k‰W« K‹gz§fŸ Loan to Local Bodies (LIC) cŸsh£Ák‹w fl‹fŸ (MÍŸ 3,328.77 2,890.19 fh¥Õ£L fHf«) Loan to Local Bodies (HUDCO) cŸsh£Á k‹w fl‹fŸ 0.01 0.01 (A£nfh) Loan to Local Bodies (TUFIDCO) cŸsh£Á k‹w fl‹fŸ 7,825.12 5,614.16 (L~ãnfh) Advances Recoverable from Staff Cêa®fëläUªJ« 968.34 749.96 and others k‰wt®fël äUªJ« bgw¥gl nt©oa K‹gz« IV.MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 4. Ïju Ïd§fŸ A. Suspense m. mdhk¤J Ïd§fŸ Inter Divisional Account nfh£l§fS¡F Ïilnaahd 353.88 683.73 fz¡F Transfer Proforma Debit account kh‰W x¥gil¥ò fz¡F g‰W 642.07 831.98 B. Income & Expenditure M.tuÎ bryÎ xJ¡ÑL 57,413.45 72,510.53 Appropriaton Account Balance fz¡»š ãYit Total bkh¤j« 2,02,014.60 2,17,171.27

256 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

jäœehL fj® »uhk¤ bjhêš thça«


The Tamilnadu Khadi and Village Industries Cuf ts®¢Á¥ gâæš

KHADI (PRODUCTION) fj® (c‰g¤Â) The Board is operating with the following Ï›thça« ËtU« ika§fis units Ïa¡» tU»wJ

Units Total No myFfŸ v©â¡if

Rural Textile Centres 107 »uhäa ü‰ò ãiya§fŸ 107 Khadi Production Centres 50 fj® c‰g¤Â ika§fŸ 50 Silk Production Centres 18 g£L c‰g¤Â ika§fŸ 18 Khadi Krafts and Selling Units 106 fj® m§fhofŸ 106 District Godowns 17 kht£l fj® »l§FfŸ 17

Production Details (` lakhs) c‰g¤Â étu§fŸ (%. Ïy£r¤Âš) Products 2011-12 2012-13 bghUŸfŸ 2011-12 2012-13 Khadi Cotton 240.95 233.28 fj® gU¤Â 240.95 233.28 Silk 251.81 311.11 g£L 251.81 311.11 Polyster 100.99 85.45 ghèa°l® 100.99 85.45 Total 593.75 629.84 bkh¤j« 593.75 629.84

Khadi (Sales) (` lakhs) fj® (é‰gid) (%. Ïy£r¤Âš) Products 2011-12 2012-13 bghUŸfŸ 2011-12 2012-13 Khadi Cotton 756.25 736.62 fj® gU¤Â 756.25 736.62 Silk 618.55 739.38 g£L 618.55 739.38 Polyster 285.28 247.66 ghèa°l® 285.28 247.66 Total 1660.08 1723.66 bkh¤j« 1660.08 1723.66

257 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

VILLAGE INDUSTRIES »uhk¤ bjhêšfŸ (DEPARTMENTAL UNITS) (thça brhªj myFfŸ) In the Village Industries Sector, the »uhk¤ bjhêšfŸ my»id total number of Departmental Units are 48 as bghW¤jtiuæš 31.03.2013-njÂa on 31.03.2013. These units are engaged in ãytu¥go bkh¤j« 48 Jiw rh®ªj the production of Soap, Non-Edible Oil, bjhêš ÃçÎfŸ Ïa§» tU»‹wd. Leather Products and Hand Made Paper. Ϥbjhêš ÃçÎfŸ, nrh¥ò, rikaY¡F ga‹gL¤j Ïayhj

v©bzŒ tiffŸ, njhš bghUŸ

k‰W« ifædhš jahç¡f¥gL«

fh»j« M»at‰iw c‰g¤Â brŒJ tU»‹wd.

They are also engaged in trades like Bee- nkY« Ϥbjhêš ÃçÎfŸ njÜ keeping, Carpentry and Black smithy, so as ts®¥ò, j¢R¤ bjhêš, g£liw¤ to provide employment to rural artisans and bjhêš M»a bjhêšfis to other unemployed persons in rural areas. nk‰bfh©L Cuf iféidP® fS¡F« Ïju ntiythŒ¥g‰wt® fS¡F« ntiy thŒ¥Ãid tH§» tU»‹wd. The production and sales achieved by 2012-2013 -« M©oš Ϥbjhêš these units were of the order of `. 1814.57 ÃçÎfëš %.1814.57 Ïy£r« kÂ¥òŸs lakhs and `.2221.69 lakhs respectively in bghU£fis c‰g¤Â brŒJ %.2221.69 2012-2013. In addition to these departmental Ïy£r« kÂ¥òŸs bghU£fis units, the Board is running 888 Industrial Co- é‰gid brŒjJ. ϤJiw rh®ªj operative Societies in this State to provide bjhêš ÃçÎfSl‹ Cuf ViH employment to rural poor. These Industrial vënahU¡F« ntiy thŒ¥ò Co-operative Soceties are engaged in the më¡F« tiffëš Ï›thça« trades like Palmgur making, Oil processing, Carpentry and Black smithy, Bee-keeping, Ï«khãy¤Âš 888 bjhê‰ T£Lw΢ processing of cereals and pulses, r§f§fis el¤Â tU»‹wJ. manufacture of leather goods etc., The Khadi Ϥbjhêš T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ and Village Industries Commission provides gidbtšy jahç¥ò, v©bzŒ financial assistance to these Societies in the gj¥gL¤Jjš, j¢R¤ bjhêš, form of Share Capital. g£liw¤ bjhêš, njÜ ts®¥ò, jhåa§fŸ k‰W« gaW tiffŸ gj¥gL¤Jjš, njhš bghU£fŸ jahç¤jš ngh‹w bjhêšfëš

258 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

The Khadi and Village Industries fj® k‰W« »uhk¤ bjhêš Miza« Commission provides Capital Expenditure _yjd¢ bryÎ k‰W« eilKiw and Working Capital loans. Besides, the _yjd fl‹ M»a tiffëš Commission also provides financial Ï¢r§f§fS¡F ãÂcjé assistance to 26,554 individual artisans in më¡»‹wJ. nkY«, nk‰go villages, who are engaged in the above bjhêšfëš

Industrial Co-operatives have produced bjhê‰ T£LwÎ r§f§fŸ goods worth of `.2311.27 lakhs and effected %.2311.27 Ïy£r« kÂ¥òŸs sales to the tune of `.2418.23 lakhs bghU£fis c‰g¤Â brŒJ mt‰iw, %.2418.23 Ïy£r¤Â‰F é‰gid brŒjd. EMPLOYMENT ntiy thŒ¥ò The Board by its various activities has Ï›thça« 2012-2013-« M©oš provided employment opportunities to 1,52,533 eg®fS¡F ntiy thŒ¥ò 1,52,533 persons during 2012-2013 as më¤JŸsJ. (2011-2012-š 1,43,750 against 1,43,750 persons during the year eg®fŸ). 2012-2013 ntiy 2011-12. Out of 1,52,533 persons, 38,133 thŒ¥gë¡f¥g£l 1,52,533 eg®fëš persons belong to SC/ST community and 38,133 eg®fŸ M Âuhél® / gH§Fo 62,538 were women. Ïd¤ij nr®ªjt®fŸ Mt®. 62,538 eg®fŸ bg©fŸ Mt®. Khadi Rebate fj® jŸSgo During the year 2012-2013 a sum of 2012-13-« ã M©oš `.10.00 crore has been released to Certified m§»fç¡f¥g£l r®nthja Institutions towards Rebate Grant. r§f§fS¡F fj® jŸSgo kh‹a bjhifahf %.10.00 nfho tH§f¥g£lJ. Board’s Own Units 329 thça¤Â‹ brhªj myFfŸ 329

Industrial Co-operative Societies thça¤jhš gÂÎ brŒa¥g£l registered by Board 888 bjhê‰ T£LwÎ r§f§fŸ 888

Total Number of Staff 31.3.2013-š bkh¤j as on 31.3.2013 962 gâahs®fŸ v©â¡if 962

259 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review



(%..Ïy£r¤Âš) (` in Lakhs)

2011-12 2012-13

I. REVENUE ACCOUNT I. tUthŒ fz¡F A) 1.Revenue Income m) 1. tUthŒ fz¡»š tuÎ 3135.43 3021.28 2. Other Income 2.Vida fz¡»š tuÎ 424.37 670.68 TOTAL bkh¤j« 3559.80 3691.96 B) Revenue Expenditure M) tUthŒ fz¡»š bryÎ 1) Purchase of Raw materials 1) _y bghU£fŸ (k) c‰g¤Â 2111.26 2297.81 & finished goods brŒa¥g£l bghU£fŸ bfhŸKjš 2) Salaries & Wages 2) r«gs« k‰W« Tè 403.12 460.75 3) Office & admn.Expenses 3) mYtyf« (k) ã®thf¢bryÎfŸ 165.77 163.69 4) Other items 4) Ïju Ïd§fŸ 424.60 198.57 TOTAL bkh¤j« 3104.75 3120.82 SURPLUS / DEFICIT (A) Cgç / g‰wh¡Fiw (m) 455.05 571.14

II.CAPITAL ACCOUNT II. _yjd¡ fz¡F 1) Capital Receipts 1) _yjd¡ fz¡»š tuÎ a) Sale of Assets m) brh¤J¡fŸ é‰gid 0.00 0.00 b) Grants M) khåa§fŸ 7356.40 9549.89 c) Investment realized Ï ) K®¢Áailªj KjÄLfŸ 32.89 138.06 d) Loan from Banks <) t§»fëläUªJ bg‰w fl‹ 0.00 0.00 e) Loan from State Government c) khãy muÁläUªJ bg‰w fl‹ 0.00 1000.00 Total bkh¤j« 7389.29 10687.95 2) Capital Expenditure 2) _yjd¢ bryÎ a) Expr. on capital works m) _yjd¥ gâfŸ Ûjhd bryÎ 24.60 46.65 b) Grant M) khåa« 7566.99 8157.29 c) Non Trading Expenditure Ï) tâf ß mšyhj bryÎfŸ 535.48 310.15 d) Refund of Govt. Grants <) khãy muR¡F ÂU«gbrY¤Âa 76.15 25.18 khåa« e) Loan refunded to State Govt. c) khãy muR¡F ÂU«g brY¤Âa fl‹ 0.00 134.98 f)Loan refunded to Banks/ C) ÂU«g brY¤Âa Lãbfh / t§» TUFIDCO fl‹fŸ 221.80 240.67 g) Loan refunded on CBC v) ÂU«g brY¤Âa ÁÃÁ fl‹ 0.00 0.00 h) Investment Made V) KjÄLfŸ 32.89 14.30 TOTAL bkh¤j« 8457.91 8929.22 SURPLUS / DEFICIT (B) Cgç/ g‰wh¡Fiw (M) (-)1068.62 1758.73

260 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

(%.Ïy£r¤Âš) (` in Lakhs) III.DEPOSITS & ADVANCES III. it¥òfS« K‹gz§fS« 2011-12 2012-13 DEPOSITS it¥òfŸ a) Deposits & Advances m) it¥òfS« K‹gz§fS« 127.92 265.14 b) Loans & Advances M) fl‹fS« K‹gz§fS« 101.90 90.79 c) Un-funded debt Ï) ã cjé bgwh fl‹ 543.52 555.66 TOTAL bkh¤j« 773.34 911.59 PAYMENTS g£Lthlh a) Deposits & Advances m) it¥òfS« K‹gz§fS« 178.87 186.35 b) Loans & Advances M) fl‹fS« K‹gz§fS« 86.54 86.81 c) Un-funded debt Ï) ã cjé bgwh fl‹ 710.54 926.40 TOTAL bkh¤j« 975.95 1199.56 Surplus / deficit (C) g‰wh¡Fiw / cgç (Ï) (-)202.61 (-)287.97 IV. Net surplus / deficit IV. ãfu cgç / g‰wh¡Fiw (-)816.18 2041.90 ( A + B + C ) (m+M+Ï) V. Opening Cash Balance V.Mu«g buh¡f ÏU¥ò 2722.64 1906.46 VI. Closing Cash Balance VI. ÏW buh¡f ÏU¥ò 1906.46 3948.36

Industries bjhêšfŸ (% Ïy£r¤Âš) (` in Lakhs) 2011-12 2012-13 A. Profit making units m. Ïyhg« <£oa bjhêš ÃçÎfŸ 1.Khadi Fund 1. fj® ã 394.41 75.91 2. Village Industries Fund 2. »uhk¤ bjhêšfŸ ã a) Soap Industry (m) nrh¥ò¤ bjhêš 88. 97 123.86 b) Carpentry & Black smithy (M) j¢R¤ bjhêš k‰W« g£liw¤ bjhêš 58.15 40.51 c) Leather Industry (Ï) njhš bjhêš 32.82 98.84 d) Sales thro' Khadi Kraft & (<) fh »uh¥£ k‰W« »uhnkh¤ah 60.31 34.58 Gramodhaya sales depot. é‰gidãiya§fë‹ _y« MF« é‰gid e) Pottery and other c) k£gh©l k‰W« Ïju 42.48 32.20 Industries bjhêšfŸ f) Other receipts (C) Ïju tuÎfŸ 295.84 351.77 TOTAL PROFIT bkh¤j Mjha« 972.98 757.67 B. Loss Making units M. ÏH¥Ãš Ïa§F« bjhêš ÃçÎfŸ 1) Khadi Fund 1) fj® ã - - 2) Village Industry Fund 2) »uhk¤ bjhêšfŸ ã - - a) Soap Industry m) nrh¥ò¤ bjhêš - - b) Handmade Paper M) ifædhš jahç¡f¥gL« fh»jtif 49.29 29.78 c) Pottery and other Industries Ï) k£gh©l« k‰W« Ïju bjhêšfŸ - - d)Carpentry & Black smithy <) j¢R¤ bjhêš - - e) Leather Industry c) njhš bjhêš - - f) Interest, depreciation C) t£o, njŒkhd« k‰W« Ïju 446.85 283.90 & other expenses bryÎfŸ TOTAL LOSS bkh¤j ÏH¥ò (-)496.14 (-)313.68 C. Net profit/loss (Trading) bkh¤j Mjha« / ÏH¥ò (tâf«) (+)476.84 (+)443.99 261 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

jäœehL fj® »uhk¤ bjhêš thça« 31.03.2013 š cŸsgo xU§»izªj ÏU¥ò ãiy¡F¿¥ò CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31.03.2013 Head of account fz¡F¤ jiy¥ò 31.03.2012 31.03.2013 LIABILITIES bghW¥òfŸ (` In Lakhs) (%..Ïy£r¤Âš) Capital _yjd« 2384.41 2409.03 Loan from KVIC fj® »uhk¤ bjhêš Miza¤Âl« bg‰w fl‹ 8099.17 8102.02 CBC loan from KVIC fj® »uhk¤ bjhêš Miza¤ÂläUªJ 3049.65 3049.65 bg‰w xU§»izªj t§»¡ fl‹ Unfunded Debts ãÂMjhuäšyhj fl‹fŸ 3491.68 3321.57 Sundry Creditors gštif fl‹jhu®fŸ 1646.95 974.25

Outstanding Expenses ãYit¢ bryéd§fŸ 228.41 228.89 General Reserve bghJ xJ¡ÑL 2019.27 2007.96 Interest on CBC from KVIC xU§»izªj t§»¡ fl‹ Ûjhd t£o 969.43 1074.23 ϪÂa‹ Xt®ì° t§»æläUªJ bg‰w Loan from IOB fl‹ -2.48 -2.48 Loan availed from TUFIDCO Lãnfh ãWtd¤ÂläUªJ bg‰w fl‹ 1014.79 774.13 Loan from Coop Union T£LwÎ x‹¿a¤ÂläUªJ bg‰w fl‹ 0.75 0.75 Rebate payable to Certified rh‹wë¡f¥g£l jåah® ãWtd§fS¡F Institutions tH§f nt©oa jŸSgo khåa« -8.11 371.72 Other Grants- KVIC fj® Miza¤ÂläUªJ bgW« Ïju khåa§fŸ 91.83 85.27 Deposit & Advances it¥òfS« K‹gz§fS« - 66.55 Other Grants- State.Govt. muÁl« bgW« Ïju khåa§fŸ 763.59 828.58 Provision on Guarantee muR c¤juthj¤Â‰F brY¤j nt©oa 111.89 117.08 Commission juΤ bjhif Un-reconciled in G.M. bghJ nkyhs® mYtyf¤Âš ne® 23.41 23.41 office brŒa¥glnt©oa fz¡F Loan from State Govt. muR fl‹ 1209.89 2074.91 Interest due to State Govt. muR fl‹ ÛJ brY¤j nt©oa t£o 111.62 111.62 Subsidy for Match Industry Ô¥bg£o k‰W« and Crafts iféid¥bghU£fS¡fhd khåa« 50.39 50.39 Suspense account mdhk¤J fz¡F 7.39 7.39 Funds transferred from buh¡f ÏU¥ÃèUªJ kh‰w« brŒa¥g£l Cash balance ã 2277.14 720.16 Profit & Loss account/ Excess of income over Ïyhg e£l¡ fz¡F / bryéd¤Â‰F Expenditure äifahd tuéd« 0.00 0.00 Funds provided for GPF bghJnrkeyã ÏW bjhif¡fhd final settlement xJ¡ÑL 35.14 35.14 Funds shown under _jÄLfS¡fhf bjhif xJ¡ÑL brŒjJ 1018.33 1747.18 investment Total bkh¤j« 28594.54 28179.40

262 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

jäœehL fj® »uhk¤ bjhêš thça« 31.03.2013 cŸsgo xU§»izªj ÏU¥ò ãiy¡F¿¥ò CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31.03.2013 Head of account fz¡F¤ jiy¥ò 31.03.2012 31.03.2013 ASSETS brh¤J¡fŸ (` In Lakhs) (%..Ïy£r¤Âš) Land & Buildings ãy« k‰W« f£ol§fŸ 586.43 577.26 Machineries & Tools ÏaªÂu§fŸ k‰W« fUéfŸ 303.58 294.41 Furnitures miwfy‹fŸ 22.51 20.97 Motor vehicles thfd§fŸ 7.87 6.88 Audit fees jâ¡if f£lz« 127.44 127.44 Grant from State Govt.- Receivable muÁläUªJ bgw¥gl nt©oa khåa« 0.00 0.00 Sundry Debtors gštif¡ fldhëfŸ 3693.19 4104.83 Loans & Advances fl‹fŸ k‰W« K‹ gz§fŸ 3267.59 3315.76 Deposit & Advances it¥òfS« K‹gz§fS« 12.24 0.00 Receipt from Kuralagam Bldg. Fwsf¡f£ol tuÎfŸ 687.76 731.19 Investments KjÄLfŸ 1115.51 1720.60 Revenue recovery tUthŒ tNš 1080.05 650.71 Rebate from State Govt. muÁläUªJ bgW« jŸSgo khåa« 258.07 256.52 Rebate from KVIC fj® Miza¤Âl« bgW« jŸSgo 391.59 331.13 khåa« Profit & Loss account Ïyhg e£l¡ fz¡F 8260.99 6909.14 Due from insurance fh¥Õ£L ãWtd¤ÂläUªJ bgw company nt©oaJ 2.54 2.54 Interest receivable from jå eg® k‰W« gÂÎ brŒa¥gl Registered Institutions ãWtd§fëläUªJ bgw nt©oa 1006.73 1083.52 and Individuals t£o Funds transferred from buh¡f ÏU¥ÃèUªJ kh‰w« brŒa¥g£l Cash balance ã 1556.97 0.00 bghJ nkyhs® mYtyf¤Âš Unauthorized Stock fê¡f¥g£l m§Ñfç¡f¥glhj ru¡F 419.10 419.10 deductions at GM office kÂ¥ò Ways & Means tê tif K‹gz¤Âš g£Lthl 1130.29 1198.70 Advance disbursed brŒa¥g£l bjhif Closing Stock of all mid¤J Ïd§fë‹ ÏW ru¡F varieties ÏU¥ò 2757.63 2480.34 Closing Cash Balance ÏW buh¡f ÏU¥ò 1906.46 3948.36 Total bkh¤j« 28594.54 28179.40

263 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review


Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board ef®òw Foir¥ gFÂfis mf‰wΫ (TNSCB) was set up during the year 1970 k‰W« nk«gL¤J« neh¡Fl‹ jäœehL for the clearance and improvement of the Foir gF kh‰W thça« 1970 M« urban slum areas. The activities of TNSCB M©L ãWt¥g£lJ. Ï›thça¤Â‹ which were confined to Chennai city gâfŸ Kjèš br‹idia ika¥gL¤Â initialy were extended to other towns ÏUªjnghÂY«, Ëd® jäœeh£o‹ Ïju subsequently in Tamil Nadu. TNSCB has efu§fS¡F« éçÎgL¤j¥ g£lJ. been implementing various programmes jäœehL Foir¥gF kh‰W thça«, adopting the strategies detailed below: ef®¥òw Foir¥ gFÂfëš ÑnH Tw¥g£LŸs £l¥gâfis brašgL¤Â tU»‹wJ:

a) Tenemental schemes m) mL¡Fkho FoæU¥òfŸ mik¤jš The slums located in unobjectionable ef®¥gFÂfëš M£nrgfuk‰w Ïl§fëš areas are cleared and tenemental schemes cŸs Foirfis mf‰¿ m¥gFÂfëš put up. mL¡F kho FoæU¥òfŸ mik¡f¥gL»‹wd.

b) Rehabilitation and Resettlement M) kWFoak®Î £l¥gâfŸ scheme kWFoak®Î £l¤Â‹ Ñœ mL¡Fkho¡ Wherever tenemental development is not FoæU¥òfŸ mik¡f Ïayhj feasible, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Ïl§fS¡F mUfhikæš cŸs in tenements in nearby locations with kh‰¿l§fëš mL¡F kho¡ FoæU¥òfŸ necessary infrastructure is taken up. njitahd mo¥gil trÂfSl‹ mik¡f¥gL»‹wd.

To ensure holistic development and ViHk¡fë‹ xU§»izªj nk«ghL k‰W« bghUshjhu nk«gh£oid cW economic upliftment of the poor, TNSCB brŒÍ«bghU£L, F¿¥ghf bg©fŸ k‰W« has spear-headed community development ÏisP®fë‹ nk«g£l thœ¡if activities in the slums, under which it ju¤Âid, ca®éid cW brŒa imparts vocational training and livelihood Ï›thça« rKjha ts®¢Á¥ gâfis support, specially for the youth and Foir¥gFÂæš nk‰bfh©L mj‹ Ñœ women, Socio Economic activities in ntiythŒ¥ò gæ‰ÁfŸ thœthjhu¥ Resettlement schemes etc. gâfŸ k‰W« kWFoak®Î £l§fëš r_f bghUshjhu nk«gh£L gâfis nk‰bfh©L tU»‹wJ.

Employees on roll as on 31.3.2013 : 883 31.03.2013-M« ehëš gâahs®fë‹ v©â¡if : 883

265 M©L MŒÎ 2012-13 Annual Review

jäœehL Foir¥gF kh‰W thça« TAMIL NADU SLUM CLEARNCE BOARD FINANCIAL DATA ã ãiy étu« (` in lakhs) (`. Ïy£r¤Âš) Sl. Revenue Account tUthŒ fz¡F 2011-12 2012-13 No 1. RECEIPTS tuéd§fŸ Operating Receipts Ïa¡f tuÎfŸ 159.48 140.01 Other Income Ïju tUkhd« 4438.28 7673.88 Total bkh¤j« 4597.76 7813.89 2. EXPENSES bryéd§fŸ Office and Admin. Exp. mYtyf (k) ã®thf 3668.70 4849.12 bryÎfŸ Other expenses Ïju bryÎfŸ -0.66 5.98 Repairs and Maintenance gGJ gh®¤jY« guhkç¥ò« 972.36 1205.63 Interest t£o 57.58 35.70 Total bkh¤j« 4697.98 6096.43 Surplus / Deficit cgç / g‰wh¡Fiw (-) 100.22 1717.46 Opening Balance Mu«g ÏU¥ò (-)8684.14 (-)8784.36 Closing Balance ÏW ÏU¥ò (-)8784.36 (-)7066.90 3 DEPOSIT&ADVANCE it¥ÕLfŸ (k) K‹ ACCOUNT gzfz¡F Receipt tuÎfŸ 35419.48 52594.67 Payment bryÎfŸ 35740.91 54360.71 Surplus / Deficit cgç / g‰wh¡Fiw (-)321.43 (-)1766.04 Opening Balance bjhl¡f ÏU¥ò (-) 171.09 (-) 492.52 Closing Balance ÏW buh¡f ÏU¥ò (-)492.52 (-)2258.56 4 CAPITAL ACCOUNT _yjd¡fz¡F Receipts tuéd§fŸ Grants from Government muÁläUªJ bg‰w 36864.41 21334.78 khåa§fŸ Other Capital receipts Ïju _yjd tuéd§fŸ 1928.15 2022.74 Total bkh¤j« 38792.56 23357.52 Expenses bryéd§fŸ Expr on capital works _yjd¥ gâfŸ Ûjhd 23988.99 36383.76 bryÎfŸ Repayment of loans ÂU¥ÃbrY¤j¥g£l 332.20 184.33 fl‹fŸ Other capital expenses Ïju _yjd¢ bryÎfŸ (-) 621.20 (-)80.40 Total bkh¤j« 23699.99 36487.69 Surplus / Deficit cgç / g‰wh¡Fiw 15092.57 (-)13130.17 Opening Balance Mu«g ÏU¥ò 42223.68 57316.25 Closing Balance ÏW ÏU¥ò 57316.25 44186.08

266 M©L MŒÎ 2012 – 13 Annual Review

jäœehL Å£L tr thça« TAMIL NADU HOUSING BOARD Tamil Nadu Housing Board was established in bgUefu, ef®òw ika§fëš tÁ¡F« 1961 with the objective of providing shelter for rKjha¤Â‹ mid¤J ÃçédU¡F« mjhtJ all the sections of society viz, economically bghUshjhu¤Âš eèΉw Ãçéd®, Fiwªj weaker section low income group, middle and tUthŒ Ãçéd®, eL¤ju k‰W« ca® tUthŒ high income groups in Metropolitan and Urban Ãçéd® M»a midtU¡F« ÏU¥Ãl Centers in Tamil Nadu. The Board had so far trÂæid brŒJ bfhL¡F« neh¡f¤Jl‹ 1961- completed 4,02,231 shelters at a cost of M« M©oš jäœehL Å£L tr thça« ` 3920.09 Crores. V‰gL¤j¥g£lJ. Ï› thça« ÏJtiu ` 3920.09 nfho bryéš 4,02,231 FoæU¥òfis f£oÍŸsJ.

Income from sale of plots / flats / commercial Å£L kid, mL¡Fkho ÅLfŸ k‰W« t®¤jf complexes during 2012-2013 was `.16173.27 tshf§fŸ é‰gid _y« 2012-2013M« M©oš Lakhs as against ` 10454.15 lakhs in 2011-2012. `16173.27 Ïy£r« tUthŒ <£o cŸsJ. ÏJ 2011-2012 M©oš ` 10454.15 Ïy£rkhf ÏUªjJ. Number of Employees Cêa®fë‹ v©â¡if (a) On Roll as on 31.3.2013 : 1509 m) 31.3.2013 m‹W Cêa®fŸ : 1509 (b) Number of Employees sent on VRS : 20 M) 2012-13 M©oš j‹ éU¥g XŒéš : 20 during the year 2012-13 br‹wt®fŸ

PHYSICAL AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE YEAR 2012-13 (` in Lakhs) ( %. Ïy£r¤Âš) FINANCIAL Sl. CATEGORY £l« ACHIEVEMENT No. 2011-12 2012-13 1 LAND AQUISITION ãy M®íj« 10104.04 9276.20 2 LAND DEVELOPMENT ãy mÃéU¤Â £l« 879.71 1395.74 3 EWS / LIG / MIG bghUshjhu¤Âš eèΉnwh® ÃçÎ / Fiwªj 0.22 727.75 tUthŒ ÃçÎ / k¤Âa tUthŒÃçÎ 5 HIG ca® tUthŒ ÃçÎ 0.00 271.41 6 SLUM Foir kh‰W FoæU¥òfŸ 768.36 358.02 8 Ancillary FoæU¥ò mšyhj £l« 21.84 204.78 9 S.F.S. Raã £l« 12914.62 16384.44 10 Joint Venture T£L Ka‰Á £l« 15.57 0.00 11 TNGRHS – Capital works muR Cêa® thlif FoæU¥ò £l« 204.60 211.28 12 Deposit works it¥ò ã £l« 819.60 667.55 13 Maintenance guhkç¥ò gâ TNGRHS-maintenance muR FoæU¥òfŸ-guhkç¥ò gâ 999.01 864.63 Water tax - TNGRHS j©Ù® tç- (muR FoæU¥òfŸ) 42.69 49.47 Property tax - TNGRHS brh¤J tç - (muR FoæU¥òfŸ) 346.97 351.55 14 Maintenance of M.L.A r£lk‹w cW¥Ãd® éL guhkç¥ò gâ Hostel a) Regular maintenance m) thyha guhkç¥ò 490.45 277.72 b) Board Maintenance M) thça guhkç¥ò gâ 609.90 704.18 15 Special Repairs Áw¥ò gGJ gh®¡F« gâfŸ Govt –TNGRHS muR- muR Cêa® thlif FoæU¥ò 2191.13 808.13 Board Buildings & Slum thça §fë‹ f£ol§fŸ 223.84 202.92 Buildings TOTAL bkh¤j« 30632.55 32755.77 267 M©L MŒÎ 2012 – 13 Annual Review


2012-13 M« M©o‰fhd tuÎ bryÎ étu«

(` in Lakhs) (%.Ïy£r¤Âš) INCOME tUkhd« 2011-12 2012-13 Income from Sales é‰gidæ‹ _y« tUkhd« 10454.15 16173.27

Income from Interest t£oæ‹ _y« tUkhd« 13098.00 11941.03 Ïju Ïd§fë‹ _y« Other Operating Income 2562.13 3147.58 tUkhd« gštif Ïd§fë‹ _y« Miscellaneous Income 660.86 534.09 tUkhd« Excess of Expenditure over tUkhd¤ij él TLjš 157.88 200.74 Income bryéd« TOTAL bkh¤j« 26933.02 31996.71 EXPENDITURE bryéd§fŸ Cost of constructions f£Lkhd¢ bryÎ 8932.26 14549.08

Repair and Maintenance br¥gålY« k‰W« guhkç¥ò« 635.34 646.17 Employee Emoluments & Cêa® r«gs« k‰W« ey« 16701.96 15986.00 Welfare Special staff cost - Land jå gâahs® bryÎ-ãy« 40.71 0.00 Acquisition ifaf¥gL¤Jjš Administrative Cost ã®thf¢ bryÎ 479.71 746.79

Finance charges 㢠bryΠ58.05 5.03

Depreciation njŒkhd« 84.99 63.64

TOTAL bkh¤j« 26933.02 31996.71

268 M©L MŒÎ 2012 – 13 Annual Review


31.3.2013 m‹W ÏU¥ò ãiy étu«

( ` in Lakhs) (%. Ïy£r¤Âš) LIABILITIES bghW¥òfŸ 2011-12 2012-13 Loans and Bonds fl‹ k‰W« g¤Âu§fŸ 433.53 433.53 Deposit work TNGRHS muR Cêa®FoæU¥ò £l it¥ò¤ 1619.37 1563.64 Receipts bjhif-tuÎ Deposits & Retention it¥ò¤ bjhif k‰w« ãW¤Â 9196.75 12366.42 Money it¡f¥g£l bjhif Recoveries Ão¤j§fŸ 203.64 204.61 Bills Payable and brY¤j¤j¡f g£oaš k‰W« tê 14659.01 19760.33 provisions tiffŸ. Allottees Deposits xJ¡ÑLjhu®fë‹ it¥ò¤ bjhif 140059.75 137026.23 Inter Division Control A/C c£nfh£l f£L¥gh£L¡ fz¡F 9223.67 9895.08 Head Office Control A/C jiyik mYtyf¡ f£L¥gh£L¡ 34780.39 39096.80 Allottee Interest fz¡F xJ¡ÑLjhu®fŸ t£o. Capital Fund KjÄ£L ã 12566.30 55984.76 TOTAL bkh¤j« 222742.41 276331.40 ASSETS brh¤JfŸ Fixed Assets ãiyahd brh¤J¡fŸ 4460.98 4666.25 Accumulated Depreciation Âu©Ltªj njŒkhd« -2743.13 -2790.34 Long Term Assets Ú©lfhy brh¤J¡fŸ 8980.14 8833.50 Investments KjÄLfŸ 121839.21 147933.52 Currents Dues el¥ò gh¡»fŸ 7161.33 8849.51 Inventory ÏU¥òfŸ 76.43 74.55 Cash and Bank gz« k‰W« t§» ÏU¥ò 8552.24 25188.02 Deposit & Advances it¥ò¤ bjhif (k) K‹ gz« 2621.93 2463.16 Recoverable Ão¤j« brŒa¥glnt©oait Scheme Completed Not xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©oa Koªj Allotted & Work in 71746.33 80955.69 £l§fŸ / elªnj¿ tU« gâfŸ Progress it¥ò¤ bjhif gâfŸ Ïju Deposit Work Other Depts. 46.95 157.54 JiwfŸ TOTAL bkh¤j« 222742.41 276331.40