AGENDA: March 10, 2021

Our Mission: To proclaim the , serve others and praise as we grow in faith, knowledge, values and respect.

1. Call to Order at 6:30 PM. Present: Anne Weise, Gary Held, Angie Bell, Weber, Aaryn Faust, Tim Heinen, Ally Chesak, Robert Glisch and guests: Renee Altendorf (K5) and Maureen Anhalt (Junior high). Absent: Father Howard Haase. Opening prayer and mission statement recited by all present.

2. Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Tim 1st and Aaryn 2nd to approve the meeting minutes from the February session. All in favor, no oppositions. Motion carried.

3. Old Business:

+ Budget – Tuition: The school budget presented by Peter Winkler at February HASC meeting was approved by Finance Council. No changes were required and budget is set for 2021-2022 school year.

4. New Business:

+ School Update: Per Anne most of the staff has either scheduled or received their first dose of the vaccine. She recently met with Father Howard to discuss planning 8th grade graduation. She expects to receive feedback from junior high teachers and finalize plans during the next several weeks. 8th grade graduation is scheduled for Wednesday, June 2nd. Anne received the Distinguished Graduate award certificate from NCEA. Father has given Anne several mass dates to schedule award presentation. Per Anne, rather than rush choosing the new reading curriculum, she and committee will continue to review options but will begin purchasing books and novels to be used to shift to a readers/writers workshop model.

+ Fry: The school will hold a drive-thru fish fry on Friday, April 16th from 4:00 – 7:00 PM. There will be a single dinner option (3 piece fried cod, French fries, coleslaw, rye bread and cookie for $12 each. Rachel will create separate sign-up genius sites for volunteers to work at event and prepare night before and for donating baked goods/desserts. Per Rachel, she and Anne have discussed an estimate of 800 dinners. Robert suggested checking with the Stillery (which holds a drive-thru fish fry every Friday) to verify if estimate is realistic. Tim asked about checking with West bend police department regarding street traffic if the line of cars extends past 8th Ave. and south church parking lot. Rachel asked the committee to think about and send additional feedback and questions to her directly.

+ Gifts from the Heart Update: Per Anne, the Gifts from the Heart raffle proposal was reviewed by Father Howard and Barb VanderWielen. The donation drive is running behind schedule as the committee hoped to already have running by this week. She expects that the classroom projects will be put on a Facebook silent auction. It is illegal to do an online raffle. The GFTH committee has contacted all of the donors of items received last year and received approval to hold items until next year. Anne should receive an update during the week of March 15th.

+ EANS funding for private schools: Anne mentioned that the school will be receiving approximately $130,000 from EANS (Emergency Aid for Non-Public Schools). The funds can be used to pay for any COVID-19 related-spending (ex. technology/Chromebooks, cleaning supplies, PPE, etc.). The funds can also be used to purchase new curriculum, materials, professional development and training, etc.). The school filed the necessary application with DPI (WI Department of Public Instruction) on March 5th. Per Anne, this will help to offset money not received by canceled fundraising events.

+ Nominations for next year’s school committee: HASC members with terms ending this school year include Gary Held (3rd term), Angie Bell (2nd ), Robert Glisch and Ally Chesak (1st). Gary is not eligible to run for an additional term. Gary asked if the other members intend to run again. Angie said that she will not run again because her daughter is graduating from 8th grade and she will no longer have a child at HAS. Robert and Ally were not certain. Anne will include call for nominations for next year in Friday’s bulletin with deadline of March 22nd.

5. Committee Reports:

+ Athletic Committee: Per Robert, the athletic committee is meeting on April 13th. Archdiocese recently announced that outdoor spring sports can proceed. Per Anne, this included soccer which isn’t offered at HAS. She also mentioned that she will check with Mr. Draxler because it might be possible to have intramural softball for 7th and 8th grade. Robert is also waiting for

+ Development Committee: Per Anne, no meeting has been scheduled or taken place. She asked Ally about PAC. PAC has decided to cancel Trivia Night until next year.

6. Financial Report: The committee briefly reviewed financial report documents. Anne mentioned that more tuition money has been received recently. Gary asked if the $275 instructional fee is tax-deductible. He will ask Peter Winkler.

7. Open to All: Aaryn mentioned that registration for the West Bend School district’s summer school classes for K4 – 7th grade will be open on Monday, March 15th. Registration for high school classes began on March 8th. There are enrichment classes and standard classes available. Ally asked if the school had a policy regarding travel/quarantine for families that might be traveling over spring break. The school does not have a policy but depending on where people may be traveling individual states require quarantine, etc.

8. Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 14th at 6:30 PM Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM

Meeting minutes respectfully submitted by Angie Bell on March 15, 2021.