RIVERIA.FI , EU  Population 5,5 million  Capital: Helsinki 550 000 inhabitants  Languages: Finnish, Swedish  Independence: December 6, 1917  Area: 338 000 km2  Currency: EURO  Member of European Union  The happiest nation in the world (United Nations)  One of the best education system in the world

Joensuu // // // // Outokumpu // // RIVERIA.FI Global mega trends

Digitalisation Climate change • The change • Prevention methods applies to all • Need for innovation and sectors energy-efficient solutions

Globalisation Urbanisation

• Global competition for • Still an important driver of the locations of economic growth companies’ operations

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI North , FINLAND

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI , FINLAND

 Population 161.200 (2019)  12 municipalities, of which 5 towns  Regional centre Joensuu  Distance to Helsinki 450 km, one hour flight  Distance to St Petersburg 407 km by train  89 % of land area covered by forest  GDP: 31 063 € per capita (2017)  Value of export 955 M€ (2018)  Number of jobs 59 885 (2017)  Number of enterprises 11 358 (2017)

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Smart specialisation in North Karelia

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI High-quality R&D and business

 Abloy  Autotalo Laakkonen  Broman Group – Varaosamaailma  Endomines  John Deere Forestry  Mantsinen Group  Medisize  Arbonaut  Ouneva Group

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI High-quality R&D and business

 Nanocomp  NunnaUuni  StoraEnso  PunaMusta/Karjalainen  Thermo Fisher Scientific  Tulikivi  UPM-Kymmene Wood  Kesla  Outotec  Valamis

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Profession barometer 11/2019 Regional Council of North Karelia (2019/II)

TOP 15 DEFICIT TOP 15 SURPLUS • Registered nurse and public health nurse • General secretaries • Social work specialists • Graphic and multimedia designers • Psychologists • Advertising and marketing specialists • Sales representatives • Social and culture researchers • GPs • Reporters • Medical superintendents and medical specialists • Visual artists • Dentists • Musicians, singers and composers • Hearing specialists and speech therapists • Directors and producers • X-ray nurses • Executive secretaries and department secretaries • Practical nurses • Other art and culture specialists • Nursery teachers • Application support persons • Special teachers • Transmission and AV technicians • Pharmacists • Tailors, dressmakers, furriers, hat makers • Welders and gas cutters • Gardeners, greenhouse farmers and employees • Application designers • Assisting kitchen workers

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Educational institutions

UEF University of Eastern Finland Karelia University of Applied Sciences Riveria Vocational Education & Training

 Over 20.000 fulltime students in the region

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Joensuu – city of students near the border

The share of students in selected cities in 2019 Source: Statistics Finland









0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 30,0

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN FINLAND

RIVERIA.FI Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Vocational education and Training in Finland 2018 -

Ennen 100 %

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI VET reform 2018 – reform of decades

> One law for Vocational education and Training > Remove the boundaries between the professional training for young people and adults > Create a personal skill development plan for each student, which will be updated during the studies > The training provider is responsible for acknowledging previous competence > One demonstration-based way to get a degree primarily at workplaces > Degrees are becoming more comprehensive and fewer (from 351 to 164/pt 43, at 65, eat 56) > Ongoing all-year application for study places > On-the-job learning will increase in the form of apprenticeships or study agreements > Common degrees are for each person completing a basic degree The teachers’ competence, > Enabling the export of education business contacts and role with regard to workplace > Half of the funding is based on performance and effectiveness and half student amount learning are decisive in terms > One organisation licence to cover the professional, apprenticeship or labour training leading to a of how successfully the goals degree that includes an operational area of responsibility of the professional training reform are met.

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI VET reform 2018 - finance

Ennen 100 % The financial system will 50% 35% be completely reformed. PERFORMANCE FUNDING BASIC FUNDING – degrees and parts thereof – student years Creates Guides and encourages – the preconditions for making training – to allocate training and degrees in available for all industries and students accordance with the competence – a predictable foundation for providing requirements degrees and training – to make the learning processes more efficient – to complete degrees and parts thereof according to the set targets 15% EFFICIENCY FUNDING – employment, further studies, feedback

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Long-term competence requirements

1. Generic skills = the cognitive skills, meta skills and characteristics needed at work, in hobbies and everyday life that form the basis of learning and know-how.

1. General working life skills = cross-sector competences needed in working life which may be either soft or hard knowledge and skills.

1. Industry-specific skills = specific, hard knowledge or skills applicable to the industry as well as the generic and general working life skills required by the industry.

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI RIVERIA

VET in North Karelia, FINLAND

- more than 70 years -

RIVERIA.FI Owners 12 Municipalities Students 16.000/year

Staff 740 VET Units 6 Quality Award in VET 2004, 2008, 2012 ja 2016

Operating income 60 mill.€

Different field qualifications 160 Learning workplaces 11.600 Finland’s most skilled students 2017, 2018, 2019 Student accommodation 600

Foreign students 400/year

Investments 10 mill.€ /year Student and worklife feedback 4,2 Facilities 133.000 m2 Computers 3.150 Vehicles and machinery 300 Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Values SUCCESS FACTORS Customer oriented > Skilled, welldoing and motivated staff Effectiveness > We offer diverse programmes fo the needs Responsibility of the worklife in the region > Customer oriented flexible mode of operation Basic task > Functional worklife partnerships We train experts for the future in > Financial management cooperation with our partners. > Participating, welldoing and motivated students > Diverse and state of the art learning VISION environments We are Finland’s most impressive > Up to date communication channels and platforms diverse Vocational Education and Training provider in 2025.

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Pohjois-Karjalan koulutuskuntayhtymä

Consortium Council (55) Audit Commission (5) Consortium Board (11)

Consortium Director, Principal Esa Karvinen

Technology College Services Communication, marketing and sales Services and Well-being Line Director Administrative Director Line Director Pedagogical Director Manager

Managers (12) Managers (4) Managers (14) . . Nature and environment . Transport Finance and management . HR . . . . Well-being and health Business and . Construction . Industry MIS Student Services . Catering Services . Pedagogical Services . Education and culture administration . Regional teams (9) . Facility Services Services Regional teams (9) Regional teams (8)

Staff (750) Students (about 15.000/year)

Member municipalities 12

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Network think tank North Karelia, approx. 1,200 respondents The most important thing in the future VET will be to meet the needs of working life.

Importance Quantity Meeting the needs of business life

Quality in learning and teaching On-the-job

learning Effectiveness and looking after students Flexible and personal education


Internal and external

cooperation Regeneration

and pioneering 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

Comprehensive supply in each area

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Network think tank North Karelia, approx. 1,200 respondents

Happier work and business life representatives.

25,62% 58,51% 13,39% 1,49% 0,99%

More than 80% see the importance of Vocational Education and Training in North Karelia in the future as either very important or important.

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI RIVERIA BSC – indicators and assessment

EFFECTIVENESS OF OPERATIONS Employment % (Stat) Further studies at a high level % (Stat) Student years (365 days) Completed degrees

OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY CUSTOMER SERVICE QUALITY AND COST-EFFECTIVENESS Student feedback VISION Drop-outs % Demonstrations performed at work % Work life feedback STRATEGY Work life partnerships Facility booking level % International student exchange Financial performance • operational turnover • annual margin EMPLOYEES’ COMPETENCE AND WELL-BEING Personnel’s competence development percentage of HR expenses % Teachers working life periods Employee well-being atmosphere survey results

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Master of Quality

Quality Award Of Vocational Education by Ministry of Education and Culture.

2004 2008 2012 2016

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI National and World Skills Competitions

• Riveria is an active member of Skills Finland • Our students compete in the National Skills, EuroSkills and the WorldSkills • Riveria has hosted and organised the Finnish National Skills in 2007, 2013 and 2019 • Riveria been recognised for their excellent achievements and performance during the competitions • In 2017, 2018 and 2019 Riveria was awarded for the best National Skills results

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Finnish National Skills Competition in Joensuu 2019

President Sauli Niinistö visit Riveria was awarded the best VET provider in Finland by Education Minister Li Andersson

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI I choose the direction of my future

Education must change with changing society and working life.

Reduced financing changes the traditional teaching group-based school model.

Teachers and their work must be managed at this time of

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Teachers´ coaching approach

BY WORKING TOGETHER BY BEING THERE Working together creates a sense By being there, we will gain of participation, increasing the the trust of our students. students’ activity and awareness of their own responsibilities. SUPPORT DOING



BY SUPPORTING RESPONSIBLE CHOICES BY WORKING DIVERSELY Responsible choices create Diverse and engaging teaching and results in the student life, working teaching methods enable meaningful life and life in general. learning.

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Our pedagogical solutions to degree students include…

> Learning time for students is 8 am.– 8 pm. > On-the-job learning is 40 – 70%, the others are at college or e-learning > The student’s working week is at least 35 hours long, but can varied individual pathway > Education is organized during the year (all 4 seasons) > Teachers’ annual working time is 1,500 h > The quantity of our own facilities will be nearly halved from previous amount

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI eRiveria – a special unit for e-learning

> eRiveria offers • More than 100 credits of studies online • All the common subjects of Finnish Vocational Education • Development of e-learning in Riveria and with nationwide networks

> Six customer Colleges in Finland

All online courses are produced through a structured process. Quality criteria for the courses.

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI Comprehensively solve the partner’s competence requirements


Systematic and target- oriented cooperation

Offer all degree, education and development Field work is performed services to companies by the fulltime corporate Provide added value for the agents of Riveria. customer Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI How are partnerships managed?

> A partner receives special treatment > The partnership is maintained and managed by a corporate agent > The corporate agent makes sure that an agreement is realised > The corporate agent makes sure there is a sufficient number of partners from different sectors and areas > The partnership agreements are kept always up to date > Each party has a dedicated contact person > Come up with ideas for and implement joint events > Measure quantities, quality and finances > Both internal and external communication in the mutually agreed way > Show logos (marketing) > Success stories out to the world

Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu //RIVERIA.FI Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTS (EXCAMPLES)

Invalidiliiton JKP Talohuolto- Asumispalvelut Oy / palvelut Oy Validia asuminen

John Deere Forestry


Joensuu // Kitee // Lieksa // Nurmes // Outokumpu // Valtimo // RIVERIA.FI RIVERIA.FI Lets´ do it together.