ChablisBox Wine Tourism Escapade

Chablis !

World Capital of dry white wine and golden door of . The Daniel-Etienne Defaix wine-estate welcomes you from Wednesday to Sunday noon for a visit for 2 persons in the heart of its vineyards and wine tourism structure .

Your Visit

Welcome to the Hotel "Aux Lys de Chablis" Once installed in a room at the winemaker's Hotel ***, you can start with a discovery of the old city of Chablis.

Dinner Party at the Restaurant La Cuisine au Vin

Guests are welcomed in the restaurant in one of the seven millennium cellars with comfortable furniture made by great designers. Chef will suggest its diner prepared exclusively with fresh products, a "minute" cooking and tasty honouring the regional products.

Enjoy fruits and vegetables from our gardener who cultivates the restaurant three acres of gardens and orchards "natural", no fertilizer, no herbicide and pesticide free!

This magic moment will be for sure a sweet reminder of childhood memories and for others the emotional discovery of healthy vegetables and freshly picked heirloom.

Our maître d’hotel will recommend the historical Chablis from vineyards of winemaker to succeed in better matching food and wine to your meal. You will enjoy the art of French living!

Visit the vineyard and tasting After a night in the Hotel and a breakfast room, terrace or inside ...

... Now is the time to go visit the vineyards of Chablis.

In the late morning, our sommelier will be waiting for you at Le Monde du Vin, the cellarshop of Daniel-Etienne Vigneron Defaix for a commented tasting. You will fall in love for the land, the wines, vintages, styles of winemaking and wine pairings. As a true winelover, you will travel between glass and glass tasting crus and vintages.

Discover one of the most beautiful regions of with: ▲ The Cistercian Abbey of 12 km, ▲the splendid castles of 24 km, from Ancy-le-Franc 34 km, from Saint-Fargeau 64 km, ▲ The eternal hill 49 km from Vezelay, a place on the road to Compostelle, ▲ the authentic medieval village of Noyers-sur- 24 km, ▲ at 18 km, with its old neighbourhood ▲Tonnerre, 16 km with his pit Dionne, ▲ The old Avalon and its ramparts at 40 km ...

How Come ?

Our maisons

Cave Daniel-Etienne Defaix Restaurant La Cuisine Au Vin Hôtel Aux Lys de Chablis 14 Rue Auxerroise 16 Rue Auxerroise 38 Route d’Auxerre Tél : 03 86 42 14 44 Tél : 03 86 18 98 52 Tél : 03 86 42 49 20

The complete offering ChablisBox 2014

Offer ChablisBox 2013: 114 € per person , On basis of 2 persons sharing the same bedroom, = 228 € for two persons

The offer is by reservation only, from Wednesday to Sunday noon and provides: ‘ A gastronomic meal for two persons " Menu Grand Cru" (free choice in the main-list with starters, main plate, cheese and dessert) at La Cuisine au Vin including a small bottle of Chablis Premier Cru Les Lys, a bottle of water and coffees. ‘ One night in double room at the Hotel*** Aux Lys de Chablis ‘ Breakfast (in room on request) ‘ A program getaway nearby and the vineyard ‘ A tasting in the cellar with explanation, introduction to tasting and presentation of terroirs and winemaking methods.

To organize your trip, it is imperative to contact us for our availability so we can accommodate you as best and as you leave the best memories of our beautiful region and our home. To contact us: 03 86 42 49 20. Hotel Aux Lys de Chablis will take your details and will handle reservations for your account and will confirm them to you. Conditions of validity: settlement at the booking to the Hotel Aux Lys de Chablis.

Domaine Daniel-Etienne Defaix has been identified as a key step by

ChablisBox Escapade Oenotouristique

Agrément préfectorale habilitation de tourisme n° HA 089 09 0001