  Sharyn Blaustein Volume 23 Principal Issue 28  April 28, 2017 2 Iyar, 5777 Rabbi Yamin Levy LIHA Rabbi THE VOICE OF OUR CHILDREN  A WEEKLY PUBLICATION  Please visit our website www.lihagn.org for the FULL newsletter in color!

Message from Rabbi Yamin Levy LIHA, Rabbi

Yom Ha’atzmaut

This coming week we will celebrate wonder how the Jewish people were Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence able to fulfill such a cherished dream. Day). The children at LIHA have This is an achievement that can decorated the school halls with Israeli convert the most cynical of men into flags and are preparing themselves for passionate believers. many celebratory programs next week. But Israel is much more than the Israel celebrates its 69th birthday since realization of a dream. The state of its establishment in 1948. On some Israel ranks as one of the most level the rebirth of the state of Israel creative and innovative nations in the has meant the rebirth of our faith and world. There is more investment in Emunah. Who would have dared Israel per-capita than anywhere else believe possible what we have across the globe. Israel is positioned to witnessed with our own eyes over the become one of the most successful last 69 years? Lets us not forget that and wealthy countries over the next 20 we were a people divorced from our years. For me this is a miracle of land for almost 2000 years, exposed to incredible dimensions. the cruelty and brutality of human We salute our brothers and sisters on hatred and bias. We were once a this anniversary of the greatest country people whose very existence was in the world. We say thank you for called into question. Famous historian making us proud and for restoring our referred to the Jewish people as fossils pride. We pray that Hashem watch of history. over our soldiers who protect our At a moment of utter despair, in the borders and our people throughout the throws of the Holocaust, it is truly a world.

Parashat Tazria - Metzora Shabbat Candle Lighting time is at 7:34 p.m. Havdalah time is at 8:40 p.m.

The Dentist Visits LIHA

Mazal Tov!

Morah Lauren

Had a

Baby Girl!

May 2nd - May 4th Grades 3 thru 5 Math State Test May 2nd – Yom Ha-atzma-ut

Let’s celebrate and wear a white shirt and blue skirt/pants

Last Chance to Order your Plants

Mr. & Mrs. Take A Look At LIHA The following Marc Dorwitt parents have for Noach’s donated a book birthday Toddler to the LIHA Mr. & Mrs. Library in honor Ashir Pirouzian This week we started our book, “The Very of their for Yael’s Hungry Caterpillar”. Also, we learned about the children’s birthday birth of Israel. Shabbat Shalom birthday… Mr. David Soleimani & Ms. Shula Ograd for Jordana’s Nursery birthday Welcome back! It was so nice to see all the children after our long Pesach vacation. Its spring time in our class and our beautiful artwork reflects the new season. The children painted blooming flowers, green grass, blue water, colorful ducks, frogs, turtles and butterflies. The class is also preparing for Yom Ha- atzmaut (Israel’s Birthday) by making flags and hats and learning special songs. Some of our books of the week were “Israel”, “Five Little Duck”, “The Hungry Caterpillar”, “Dear Zoo” and “Fun Letters”. Our Shabbat Ima & Abba were Ayala & Gabriel.

Pre K

This week we learned all about the upper case letter U and the lower case letter u. Additionally the Hebrew letter pay was taught to the students. We learned about the value of the magical number 7. There are 7 days in a week. The 7th day is Shabbat which is the holiest day of the week. We learned that we count 7 weeks from the last chag we just celebrated which was Pesach. The next chag we celebrate is the chag of Shavuot. Students learned about how Moshe went up to Har Sinai to the 10 commandments to teach the to the Jewish people. They learned about how we eat cheesecake on Shavuot. This week we decorated our classroom bulletin board with a big mt. Sinai, flowers and the students participated by using their hands as the flowers on the base of Har Sinai. We learned about Yom Hatzmaout, the students made Israeli flags, we learned about Rosh Chodesh Iyar, planted seeds in honor of spring and the students decorated their own plant potters. The dentist also came and taught us how important it is to brush and floss our teeth. It was also Benny and Malka's 5th birthday!!!! Happy Birthday Benny and Malka!!!!

Kindergarten English

We learned about different forms of transportation people use to do their job. Our amazing words this week pertained to trucks. They were truckers, headlights, cabs, trailers, haul and steering wheels. We continued to work on the short sound of "u", some prepositions, question marks, upper case letters, poems, drawing conclusions and signs! In math we completed unit 8 and will begin working on two dimensional shapes this Monday. In social studies we talked about transportation that moves people and things. Rocks and their different sizes, shapes, colors and textures were discussed in science. A pediatric dentist visited our school. I hope your children are all brushing twice a day for about two minutes using toothpaste no bigger than the size of a pea. Shabbat Shalom and have a great weekend!

Kindergarten Hebrew

As usual at the start of the week, we revised all the Alef- bet letters up to tzadik and we learned the letter "Tzadik and Tzadik Sofid (final Tzadi). The words were; , .(ציפור and Tzipor ( bird צדקה( Tzedaka(charity In addition, we spoke about counting the Omer and every day we make a bracha and count together. For Yom HaShoah (Remembrance Day), we lit a candle on Monday and we talked about it a little bit. The two Parashot of this week; "Tazria & Metzora" teach us about " Lashon Hara" guarding our mouth, as well as some other Mitzvot like " Brit Mila " and the " .were Taylor & Aviad שבת אמא ואבא Our ."

1st Grade English  This week the first grade took the chapter 8 math test. They all did very well. In Chapter 9 we are learning about measurement. The students are also really enjoying our poetry unit. We wrote our first poem about spring. We have also been listening to poems from Shel Silverstein. We had a wonderful week! 1st Grade Hebrew started this week. Next week we celebrate a חודש אייר A new month birthday of Israel). We learned about the state of Israel) יום העצמאות special day the declaration and how they start building the country. The kids learned what is the emblem of Israel, menorah, two olive branches, the flag and the anthem. We also reviewed the portion of this . תפילה Every day we count the Omer after !!Shabbat Shalom .תזריע מצורע week

2nd Grade English

The second grade had a fantastic week coming back to school. We finished chapter 8 in math and are having a test next week. We learned all about length and measurement. The students learned to measure things with different tools like a ruler, yard stick, tiles and even paper clips. We did a spring adjective project that the students really enjoyed. They had to describe themselves using different adjectives. Shabbat Shalom!

2nd Grade Hebrew I am proud to announce that the children are ready to learn Chumash. The children have been working on Lehavin Velchashlein, the book that prepares us to have a better approach of it. We have been talking about Ha’Shoa. We read stories about it through Hamikraa Sheli. We are still counting the day of the Omer and we finished the week learning about 2 Parashyot, Tezria and Metzora.

3rd Grade English

This week the third grade has been working very hard preparing for the New York State Math test. I feel very confident that they will all do their best. The test begins on Tuesday May 2 and ends on Thursday May 4. We will resume all regular assignments and activities after theses tests are over.

3rd Grade Hebrew I hope you all had an amazing and meaningful . We started learning the Past tense in Hebrew and we are working to see the difference between present tense and past tense. This week we remembered the people that lost their lives in the Holocaust and the children saw a video how in Israel everybody stands a moment of silence in their memory. Wishing you all Shabbat shalom.

4th Grade English

This week the 4th grade has been working very hard preparing for the CC math test that will be given next week. They are doing a great job.

4th Grade Hebrew We talked about “Yom Hashoa”. The children were very sensitive about it. We also read stories about “Yom Haatzmout”. We reviewed the “Makor” and the present and past tense. We finished the week learning Parashyot Tazria and Metzora.

th 5 Grade English This week the 5th grade has been working extremely hard preparing for the CC math assessment test. They are going to do amazing.

5th Grade Hebrew What a great first week back for 5th grade! We commemorated Yom Hashoah and have been learning about Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haazmaut. We had a visit from an Israeli soldier. Additionally in commemoration of Arbor Day we planted a tree on a trip with Mayor Celender. We also finished Parashat Shemot and will be having a siyum in the near future. Shabbat Shalom