Newsletter Ramat International Training Center for Advanced Agriculture

Campus life Every time going to school is the happy time for our students, not only to get new knowledge but also to meet friends, share the stories of the whole week and have lunch together. The green grass play grounds inside school’s campus is a perfect place for them to spend the restful moments with their beloved companion under the beautiful sunshine. We will dedicate this newsletter to some of their stories

Content editor: Thuy Hang

Our training program in this year is coming to an end, therefore we’d like to ask some of the students to share their thoughts and feelings during the time they spend to study and work here in

A word from our students

My name is Nguyen Thi Huyen, I’m from Viet Nam and now in group 9 of the training program. I am student of Viet Nam national university of agriculture so I expect to learn more about the modern agriculture and practice in Israel. I learned about this program thanks to former students and I found out that this program is what I need to fulfill my career in agriculture.

Now I am working a in the Ein-Habesor with passion This is a good place to briefly, but effectively, fruits, pineapples and tomatoes from planting to harvesting. describe your product or services. although its not luxurious, the living conditions in our farm are comfortable. The daily routine is joyful and happy. I like school very much, all courses are full of useful and practical information. Our lecturers are enthusiastic in explaining and answering our questions . In addition, we also have many other activities during the year on our holidays, such as the new year party, Tet holiday and the trip to Jerusalem, the Dead sea and the Red sea which help us to learn about Israel’s life and history. When finishing this program I will apply to another agricultural project in the USA and will use all the knowledge I acquired to help my family build our farm

Ramat Negev International Training Center for Advanced Agriculture School address: Kmehin, Negev desert, Israel Website: Find us on Facebook: The Ramat Negev International Center for Agricultural Training I am Shain Htet Naing. I come from Myanmar and I’m 24 years old. I am Veterinarian, I graduated from the University of Veterinary Science in 2014. I learned about this training project of the Ramat Negev center from my friends and I see it’s very good and useful for us. Now I work in Ziman farm with cherry tomatoes from planting to harvesting. Working style is generally similar in all farms, it’s a difficult working routine but after work, we have plenty of time to share happy moments-with all of friends together. I at- tended 16 subjects in this project and all courses are very good but study time is quite short. My name is Sarita lamichhane, a student of Ramat The lessons are very interesting but part of them are just in Negev training program and now working in theoretic knowledge so I expect to have more practical Shorashim nursery farm. I completed Bsc in the experience. There were a lot of activities during the time of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Nepal. studying here, and I and my friends enjoyed it a lot. I come from an agricultural family and it is our main oc- Especially, we enjoyed the trips to Eilat and Jerusalem—the cupation. I learned about this project through our coop- most famous cities in Israel. After finishing the program, eratives in my village and I saw the potential in it, and I have a plan to build my own poultry farm by using the applied. My main work in the farm is grafting of tomato, knowledge I got from this project and hope it can succeed as cucumber, watermelon with pumpkin, and cutting of dif- people can do here. ferent medicinal plant. Overall, the life here in our farm is good and convenient except some inconveniences such as sharing one bathroom and kitchen with a few other students. Until now we attended around 10 courses and all courses are very interesting, however, part of them I already learned in my Bsc. I acquired a lot of knowledge and experience which I need and would like to send a big thanks to the lecturers. I enjoyed the to trips, they were memorable to me, though I visited few main cities of Israel, I felt Like I visited the whole country. After finishing this program I will continue my Msc studies at the reputed Ramat Negev International Training Center for Advanced Agriculture School address: Moshav Kmehin, Negev desert, Israel Ben Gurion University of Israel. Website: Find us on Facebook: The Ramat Negev Interna-